Adaptations -

Biological Sciences
Year 10
Biological sciences: The theory of evolution by natural selection explains the diversity of living things and is
supported by a range of scientific evidence (ACSSU185)
Science as Human Endeavour
Scientific models, theories, processes, applications (ACSHE157). Technological advances through science (ACSHE158)
Use of science in improving people’s lives, generating new careers, and meeting societal needs. (ACSHE161)
Use science to evaluate claims or predictions (ACSHE160)
Values of society influence research (ACSHE228)
Scientific Inquiry Processes
Formulate questions or hypotheses to investigate. (ACSIS164)
Plan, select and use appropriate investigation methods e.g. field and laboratory work. (ACSIS165)
Select and use appropriate equipment, to systematically collect and record data (ACSIS166)
Analyse patterns and trends in processing data e.g. relationships between variables (ACSIS169)
Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence (ACSIS170)
Evaluate conclusions, including possible alternative explanations. (ACSIS171)
Critically analyse the validity of information in secondary sources and evaluate the approaches used to solve problems (ACSIS172)
 Communicate scientific ideas and information, including using appropriate scientific language. (ACSIS174)
Knowledge and Understandings
Physical and Behavioural Adaptations
Adaptations to harsh and human-affected
Much of Australia is desert. This is a very
inhospitable environment yet animals and
plants have evolved to survive there.
Plants have developed features to prevent
water loss and to avoid being eaten.
Animals show behavioural adaptations (e.g.
nocturnal behaviour) to avoid the heat and
have overcome plant defences.
The actions of humans have changed the
environments and so affected the populations
living there e.g. removal of trees has allowed
salty water table to rise to the surface.
Introduction of pest species has lead to the
need for use of biological control.
The destruction of habitats by humans or the
introduction of pesticides has changed natural
communities and the population numbers.
Animal Behaviour
The main goals of life and life forms are to
survive and reproduce. As a result organisms
have developed methods or reproduction, life
functions and behaviours that help them
achieve these goals.
To survive in their habitats, organisms have
Learning Program
Physical and Behavioural Adaptations
Purpose: Students understand that organisms can improve
their likelihood of survival through physical and behavioural
Inform – Motivation: Adaptations
Students explore the meaning of adaptation (physical and
behavioural) and investigate how animals migrate. Further
information: Who’s Fit to Survive?
Research: Research a plant or animal that lives in the desert
and produce a fact sheet explaining what physical and
behavioural adaptations the animal has developed in order to
improve its survival.
Desert Habitats
Information about desert habitats and how plants & animals
must adapt to survive.
Deserts in Australia
Informative factsheets about Australian Deserts, including lots
of pictures and diagrams.
Why do animals migrate? What are the factors that determine
when this migration starts? Research an animal and present
your findings to the group as an oral or written package.
Experiment: Observe how fly larvae (maggots) react to stimuli
such as light/chemicals. Use a choice chamber to find out
which conditions small invertebrates prefer –
damp/dry/light/dark. Relate your findings to the conditions they
would be found in – what are the survival implications? (e.g.
prefer dark = likely to be protected/sheltered if in the dark).
How do ants behave in different weather conditions?
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special characteristics that help them to
obtain food & water, protect themselves, build
homes and reproduce.
Many factors (abiotic) may shape and change
the environment. They include
temperature/wet or dry/wind/air quality/water
purity/soil type.
Short term changes are part of the life cycle of
organisms e.g. plants open and close their
flowers in response to day and night cycles.
Some animals are only active in the day –
diurnal or night – nocturnal.
Bushfires and floods are examples of sudden
changes which can be catastrophic but as
regular events, animals and plants have learnt
to adapt to them e.g. Banksia need to be
exposed to fire in order to release their seeds.
Desert animals stay in a burrow during the
day to avoid the heat of the day.
Animals migrate to obtain food/water/breeding
grounds – often triggered by a change in
temperature/day length.
Evaluate – Generalise: Fire or flood? Choose animals or
plants that survive in areas where this is a regular event. Work
in a group and choose a habitat – each of you researches a
different organism. Compile your work as a display.
Pets: Oh Behave
Activity: Students develop an understanding of how an
animal’s environment determines its behaviour.
L1435 The Circle: biology
Learning Object Education Services Australia The Le@rning
Explore how Antarctic plants and animals are adapted to life in
a polar environment. Look at species descriptions of animals
such as penguins, whales and krill. Examine specific
adaptations to the environment such as the dense feathers and
layers of body fat of the emperor penguin. Compare feeding
pathways within a food web. This learning object is one in a
series of eight learning objects. *
Produce a fact sheet on a plant or animal that lives in the desert.
Create a presentation on migratory animals indicating the reason for migration and how it helps the survival
of the species.
Investigate how fly larvae respond to different stimuli.
Teacher Resources IWB T
Galapagos Rift Lesson Plans Menu of useful lesson plans about the animals that inhabit the deep-sea
hydrothermal vents
Build An Animal By picking a real biome and environment, the "animal" that the students create needs to match all
of its life systems to a particular area.
Designer Animal Lesson: knowledge on, the concept of adaptation in animals.
Desert Adaptations - Water desert plants and animals.
Living Things In Their Environment ecosystems, habitats, niches, interactions
Galapagos Rift Lesson Plans Menu of useful lesson plans about animals that inhabit the deep-sea hydrothermal
Body By Design: Form and Function Useful activities, study questions, vocabulary, extensions, links.
You Talkin’ to Me?: Investigations in Animal Behaviour: Lesson plan, worksheets and activities involving animal
Student Resources IWB S
Coral Reef Connections relationships among living things that survive and reproduce in the Great Barrier Reef.
Designer Animal introduces/extends students’ knowledge on, the concept of adaptation in animals.
How Organisms Live Successfully in Their Environments design an animal who adapts using camouflage to a
made-up environment.
Australia's Flora and Fauna and Charles Darwin: Article about Darwin and his observations in Australia.
How Evolution Works: Informative website about the basic process of evolution, asexual reproduction, the speed
of mutation and more.
How stuff Works: Evolution
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* © Education Services Australia
Lesson Planner
Teacher Notes
Student Activities
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* © Education Services Australia