SOCIOLOGY AND POLITICS OF URBAN LIFE USP 617 Spring 2010 Wed 4:00-6:30 URBN 311 Charles Heying, Ph.D. Associate Professor USP URBN 370G Hours: Fri 9-12 503-725-8416 In this seminar, we examine the city as field of social interaction and as an epiphenomenon of political and economic forces. Two themes recur throughout our examination. The first considers the extent to which cities enhance or inhibit human interaction and human need for community. The second considers the extent to which urban development and its consequences are the result of inevitable economic forces or are the result of the continual and purposeful adaptations by human agents. METHOD OF INSTRUCTION This is a survey course with an impossibly vast number of topics to be covered. One option for managing this is to utilize textbooks and readers such as those listed below. A second option, the one we will be using in this course, is to engage the research skills of students to synthesize the material and share their work with other students. For a graduate level seminar this is the preferred option because it encourages students to develop their research, analytical, and writing skills and to share their work with their peers. These are the skills that will be required of you whether you work in a policy or administrative role or whether you become an academic with teaching and research responsibilities. Each week I will provide you with a list of references with some recommended readings to get you started on your research. You will be required to supplement these with material found in other books and scholarly journals. Even though we will be creating our own synthesis of the material, I urge you to buy an urban sociology and an urban politics text such as those that are available at the bookstore. These texts are reasonably good, have been reissued for many editions, and would be good reference texts. I would also urge you to buy one of the readers that are listed below. Each of the readers on the list has its particular strengths and you should choose one that covers material you are most interested in. For your convenience the latest edition of two of these readers are available at the bookstore. As an alternative to buying the books at the bookstore, you may want to consider buying the previous edition of the textbooks and readers either at a local bookstore or online. Previous editions can be purchased, sometimes for 10% of the cost of the new edition, and they cover nearly the same material. ASSIGNMENTS Your weekly responsibilities will vary. They are outlined in the attached schedule. All assignments should be saved with .doc or .rtf extensions (no .docx) and sent as file attachments to my email address - - by noon of the day the seminar meets. The subject header of your email should have the title Urban Journal and nothing else. This will allow me to filter all your emails into a class-specific folder. For seven of the ten weeks, you will write a journal covering the assigned topics. The journal should include (a) a brief abstract of each of the readings, (b) a section of comments suggested by the readings. You should expect to read about 100 pages total drawn from a minimum of 3 sources, no more than one from a textbook and one from a reader. The journal should be single spaced, paginated, and a minimum of 1200 words.You are allowed to miss one journal during the term. Please list your name, date, weekly topic, and the works reviewed at the beginning of the journal. I will read and return your journal entries each week.. For two of the ten weeks you will write a review paper drawn from a minimum of 7 sources, no more than one from textbook and one from reader. The paper should be single spaced, paginated and a minimum of 3500 words. Please list your name, date, weekly topic at the beginning, and use a format similar to APA style for in-text citations, references, and headers. Those writing review papers are expected to be lead discussants for the class. 1 For the final week of the term, you will read one of the urban ethnographies and write a 1200 word essay that provides an abstract of the ethnography and connects it to some of the larger themes of the course. Their will be no final exam or final paper. Finally, I will be creating an email distribution list that I will use to send notices to class members as need arise. Please regularly check your email for these notices. EVALUATION Attendance is required and is included in the evaluation of seminar participation. You will be evaluated based on your participation, journals and review papers. Timeliness: In a class such as this where there is a high degree of interdependence, there is one aspect of evaluation which I weight heavily - timeliness. Your will be marked down if your work is not submitted on time, or you are late or unprepared for your presentation. As with the old maxim “ninety percent of getting a job done is just showing up on time.” TEXTS * available at the bookstore TEXTBOOKS * Urban Sociology:Images and Structure 5th ed., - William Flanagan (2010) * Urban Politics:Power in Metropolitan America, 7th ed., Bernard Ross and Myron Levine, (2005) The New Urban Sociology (3rd ed.) - Mark Gottdiener and Ray Hutchison, eds. (2006) (on reserve) URBAN SOCIOLOGY READERS The City Reader (3rd Edition) - Richard T. LeGates and Frederic Stout, eds. (2003) The Global Cities Reader - Neil Brenner and Roger Keil, eds. (2006) * The Urban Sociology Reader - Jan Lin and Christopher Mele, eds. (2005) Metropolis: Center and Symbol of our Times - Philip Kasinitz, ed. (1995) (on reserve) Cities and Society - Nancy Kleniewski, ed. (2005) URBAN POLITICS READERS * The Urban Politics Reader - Elizabeth A. Strom and John H. Mollenkopf, eds. (2007) American Urban Politics in a Global Age: The Reader (5th Edition) - Paul P. Kantor and Dennis R. Judd (2007) COMMUNITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT READERS The Community Development Reader - James DeFilippis and Susan Saegert, eds, (2008) The Sustainable Urban Development Reader, Stephen Wheeler (2004) ON RESERVE Please check library reserves for access to books listed in this syllabus JOURNAL REFERENCES Journal of Urban Affairs Urban Affairs Review Urban Studies City and Community Journal of Urban History Journal of Urban Geography Journal of the American Planning Ass. Urban Anthropology Cities Environment and Planning: A, B, C, D Environment and Behavior Urban Education Urban History Review Housing Studies Housing Policy Debate Urban Review Journal of Urban Planning and Devel. Journal of Planning Ed. and Research Urban Land Journal of Planning Literature Journal of Urban Economics International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Journal of Contemporary Ethnography (formerly Urban Life) 2 LIBRARY ACCESS Urban Studies special collection with access to online journals, urban encyclopedias and handbooks and local resources. ONLINE RESOURCES U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Government Accountabiity Office (GAO) Demographic Trends in the 20th Century: Census 2000 Special Reports U.S. Department of Commerce (2002) Frank Hobbs and Nicole Stoops State of the Nations Housing State of Workin America Economic Policy Institute Urban Institute - Full texts for many journals listed above are accessible online for free. Access them through the journal website or through a search such as google scholar SEMINAR SCHEDULE MARCH 31 Introduction APRIL 7 Urban development o Walking cities to Industrial cities o Deindustrialization, urban decline, suburban/exurban growth o World cities and the postmetropolis Political change o Machine and reform politics o National urban policy o Suburbs, schools, taxes, housing, spatial segregation o Metropolitan governance APRIL 14 Sociological theories of urbanism and community APRIL 21 Urban political economy - power elites, growth coalitions, regime politics APRIL 28 Urban social movements – grassroots activism Housing, neighborhood change, community development, political pariticipation MAY 5 Suburbia – dreams, landscapes, consumption, politics Urban renewal and downtown revitalization MAY 12 Race, poverty and place – housing, education, health, opportunity Identity and the social construction of race and ethnicity MAY 19 From deindustrialization to city of flows Culture, amenities, tourism, and urban regeneration 3 MAY 26 Global cities – economies, hierarchies, systems, flows Immigration, migration, and community –enclaves, cultures, and economies JUNE 2 Built environment – public space, design and behavior New urbanism, livable cities, sustainable cities JUNE 9 (3:30-5:20) Urban Ethnographies Choose one of the texts in the list and write a 1200 word essay that provides an abstract of the ethnography and connects it to some of the larger themes of the course. For example, the ethnography Streetwise could be connected to themes of neighborhood transformation, perceptions of blackness and whiteness, behavior in public spaces, poverty and place, community in urban society, changing structure of economic opportunity and other themes as well. Please conclude your essay with a discussion of the value of ethnography for understanding urban phenomenon and the methodological issues (for an example, see the appendix of Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier). Include a list of works cited in your essay. REFERENCES * readings are recommended APRIL 7 Urban development * Urban Politics:Power in Metropolitan America, 6 th (chapter 2) or 7th ed. (chapters 3,4), Bernard Ross and Myron Levine, (2001, 2005) * Urban American in the Modern Age: 1920 to the Present - Carl Abbott ( 2007) The Metropolitan Revolution: The Rise of Post-Urban America - Jon C. Teaford (2006) * The New Urban Sociology (3rd ed) - Mark Gottdiener and Ray Hutchison, eds. (2006) (chapters 5, 6) Urban Sociology, Capitalism, and Modernity (2nd Edition) - Mike Savage, Alan Warde, and Kevin Ward (2003) Urban Sociology - Janet Michello (2005) Contemporary Urban Sociology - William G. Flanagan (1993) Urban Sociology:Images and Structure 4th or 5th ed., - William Flanagan (2002, 2010) The City Reader (3rd Edition) - Richard T. LeGates and Frederic Stout, eds. (2003) The Urban Sociology Reader - Jan Lin and Christopher Mele, eds. (2005) Metropolis: Center and Symbol of our Times - Philip Kasinitz, ed. (1995) Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States Kenneth Jackson (1987) * Postmetropolis - Edward Soja (2000) (chapters 6-7-8) Political change * Urban Politics:Power in Metropolitan America, 6 th (chapters 5,6,10,11,12,14 ) or 7th ed. (6,7,11,12,13,14), Bernard Ross and Myron Levine, (2001, 2005) City Politics: The Political Economy of Urban America (6th Edition) - Dennis R. Judd and Todd Swanstrom (2007) Innovation in Urban Politics - Jonathan Davies (2007) * The Politics of Urban America: A Reader - Dennis R. Judd and Paul P. Kantor (2002) The Urban Politics Reader - Elizabeth A. Strom and John H. Mollenkopf, eds. (2007) American Urban Politics in a Global Age: The Reader (5th Edition) - Paul P. Kantor and Dennis R. Judd (2007) * Metropolitics: A Regional Agenda for Community and Stability, Myron Orfield (1997) Place Matters: Metropoltics for the 21st Century, Dreier, Mollenkopf, and Swanstrom (2001) APRIL 14 Sociological theories of urbanism and community The Sociology of Community Connections - John G. Bruhn (2005) The Community In Urban Society - Larry Lyon (1987) * The Sociological Tradition. Robert A. Nisbet, (1966) Chap. 3, pp. 47-55 and 71-106. “The Folk Society.” Robert Redfield, American Journal of Sociology 52 (1947): pp. 293-308. 4 * “Networks, Neighborhoods, & Communities: Approaches to the Study of the Community Question.” Barry Wellman and William Leighton,. Urban Affairs Quarterly, 14, No. 3, March (1979): pp. 363-390. The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian Americans – Herbert Gans (1962) The Social Construction of the Community, Gerald D Suttles, ed (1972) Urban Sociology:Images and Structure 4th or 5th ed., - William Flanagan (2002, 2010) To Dwell Among Friends, Claude Fischer (1982) “Sources of Personal Neighborhood Networks: Social Integration, Need or Time.” Karen E.Cambell and Barrett A. Lee. Social Forces 70 (1992): pp. 1077-1100. “Neighboring and Urbanism: Commonality Versus Friendship,” Carol J. Silverman, Urban Affairs Quarterly, 22, No. 2, December (1986): pp. 312-328. * Networks in the Global Village: Life in Contemporary Communities. Wellman, Barry, ed. (1999) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community – Robert Putnam (2000) * "Brown Kids in White Suburbs: Housing Mobility and the Many Faces of Social Capital - Xavier de Souza Briggs, Housing Policy Debate, 9 (1998): pp. 177-221. Social Capital – Nan Lin (2008) Villa Victoria: The Transformation of Social Capital in a Boston Barrio - Mario Luis Small (2004) * “Racial Differences in Networks: Do Neighborhood Conditions Matter?”, Mario Luis Small, Social Science Quarterly, Volume 88, Number 2, June 2007 Unanticipated Gains: Origins of Network Inequaltiy in Everyday Life - Mario Luis Small (2009) APRIL 21 Urban political theories – political economy, power elites, growth coalitions, regime politics * New Urban Sociology 3rd edition – Mark Gottdiener and Ray Hutchinson (2006) (chapter 4) Social justice and the city – David Harvey (1973) Production of Space – Henri Lefebvre (1991) Writings on Cities – Henri Lefebvre (1995) “The right to the city” David Harvey – International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2003) 27:4 The Condition of Postmodernity – David Harvey (1989) Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development, David Harvey (2006) Community Power Structure – Floyd Hunter (1953) Who Governs – Robert Dahl (1961) Movers and Shakers: The Study of Community Power – Philip Trounstine and Terry Christensen (1982) * Civic Elites, Civic Institutions and the Urban Growth Dynamic – Charles Heying (1995) (on reserve) City Limits -Paul Peterson (1981) * Urban Fortunes and the political economy of place – Logan and Molotch 1987 City and Regime in the American Republic, Stephen Elkin (1987) The Contested City, Mollenkopf (1983) * Regime Politics: Governing Atlanta 1946-1988. Clarence Stone (1989) Left Coast City, Richard DeLeon (1992) Challenging the Growth Machine: Neighborhood Politics in Chicago and Pittsburgh Barbara Ferman (1996) Urban Growth Machine: Critical Perspectives Two Decades Later, Andrew Jonas and David Wilson eds. (1999) APRIL 28 Urban social movements – grassroots activism “From urban social movements to urban movements: A review and introduction to a symposium on urban movements,” Charles Pickvance (2003) International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 27:2 * “Glocalizing protest: urban conflicts and the global social movements” Bettina Köhler andMarkus Wissen (2003 International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Volume 27 Issue 4, Pages 942 - 951 Urban Movements in a Globalizing World, Hamel, Lustiger-Thaler, Mayer, eds (2000) The city and the grassroots: A cross cultural theory of urban social movements , Manuel Castells (1985) * “The Right to the City”, David Harvey. New Left Review 53 sept oct 2008 5 * “Urban democracy and the local trap”, Mark Purcell (2006) Urban Studies, 43: 11, 1921 — 1941 The right to the city: Social justice and the fight for public space – D. Mitchel (2003) Out of the Shadows: Political Action and Informal Economy in Latin America, Patricia Fernández-Kelly and Jon Shefner, eds .(2006) Housing, neighborhood change, community development, political pariticipation * The Impact of Housing on Community:A Review of Scholarly Theories and Empirical Research, Alexander von Hoffman, Eric S. Belsky, and Kwan Lee (2006) “The Construction of the Ghetto”, Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton in American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass (1993) Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton * “Displacement or Succession? Residential Mobility in Genrfying Neighborhoods”, Lance Freeman (2005) Urban Affairs Review 40:4. “Post-recession gentrification in New York City” Jason Hackworth (2002) Urban Affairs Review 37:6. The Rebirth of Urban Democracy, Jeffrey Berry, Kent E. Portney, and Ken Thompson (1993) Streets of Hope: The Fall and Rise of an Urban Neighborhood, Peter Medoff and Holly Sklar (1994) Challenging the Growth Machine: Neighborhood Politics in Chicago and Pittsburgh Barbara Ferman (1996) Community Builders: A Tale of Neighborhood Mobilization in Two Cities, Gordana Rabrenovic (1996) * Rebuilding Urban Neighborhoods: Achievments, Opportunities, and Limits, W. Dennis Keating and Norman Krumholz eds. (1999) MAY 5 Suburbia – dreams, landscapes, consumption, politics * The American Suburb: The Basics, Jon Teaford (2007) Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States, Kenneth Jackson (1987) Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900, Sam Bass Warner Jr. (1972) * Levittown: Documents of an Ideal American Suburb Peter Bacon Hales (2008) The Suburb Reader, Becky Nicolaides, Andrew Wiese, eds (2006) Bourgeois Utopias: The Rise and Fall of Suburbs, Robert Fishman (1989) Cities without Suburbs: A Census 2000 Update, David Rusk (2003) Edge City: Life on the New Frontier, Joel Garreau (1992) * "Tupperware: Suburbia, Sociality and Mass Consumption," Alison J. Clark in Roger Silverston, ed., Visions of Surburbia (1997 (google Visions of Suburbia, chapter available online) A Consumers' Republic: The Politics of Mass Consumption in Postwar America, Lizabeth Cohen (2003) Consumer Culture and Modernity, Don Slater (1997) The Silent Majority: Suburban Politics in the Sunbelt South, Matthew D. Lassiter (2007) Landscapes of Privilege: The Politics of the Aesthetic in an American Suburb, Nancy Duncan (2003) Place Matters: Metropolitics for the Twenty-First Century. 2nd ed, Dreier, Peter., Mollenkopf, John and Swanstrom, Todd . (2004). Democracy in Suburbia, Eric Oliver, Eric. (2001) Westchester: The American Suburb, Roger Panetta, (2006) The Competitive City: The Political Economy of Suburbia, Mark Schneider (1989) Urban renewal and downtown revitalization Urban America in the Modern Age: 1920 to the Present - Carl Abbott ( 2007) Urban Renewal: The Record and the Controversy – James Q. Wilson (1966) Seeing Like a State (Chps 3-4) – James C. Scott (1998) “The return of urban renewal: Dan Doctoroff's grand plans for New York City” Susan S. Fainstein in Urban Planning Today: A Harvard Design Magazine Reader, William S. Saunders, ed. (2006) Asset Building & Community Development (Chapter 2) 2nd ed., Gary Paul Green and Anna Haines (2008) * Downtown Inc: How America Rebuilds Cities – Bernard J. Friedan and Lynne B Sagalyn (1997) Cities Back from the Edge: New Life for Downtown, Roberta Brandes Gratz and Norman Mintz (2000) * America's New Downtowns: Revitalization or Reinvention? Larry R. Ford (2003) 6 MAY 12 Race, poverty and place – housing, education, health, opportunity American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass, Douglas Massey and Nancy Denton (1993) The truly disadvantaged: The inner city, the underclass and public policy, William Julius Wilson (1987) When Work Disappears : The World of the New Urban Poor, William Julius Wilson (1997) * Poverty and Place: Ghettos, barrios and the American City, Paul A Jargowsky (1997) * “The “underclass’ revisited: a social problem in decline” Paul Jargowsky and Rebecca Yang The impact of housing on community: a review of scholarly theories and empirical research. Working Paper W06-1. Cambridge: Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University. (March 2006) Alexander von Hoffman, Eric S Belsky, and Kwan Lee The dynamics of racial residential segregation Camille Zubrinsky Charles (2003) Annu. Rev. Sociol. 29:167–207 * Race, Class, and Segregation Patterns in U.S. Immigrant Gateway Cities (2004) William A. V. Clark, Urban Affairs Review, Vol. 39, No. 6, 667-688 * The Geography Of Opportunity: Race And Housing Choice In Metropolitan America Xavier N. De Souza Briggs and William Julius Wilson, eds (2005) Unhealthy Places: The ecology of risk in the urban landscape, Kevin Fitzpatrick and Mark LaGory (2000) The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America, Jonathan Kozol (2006) Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools, Jonathan Kozol (1991) Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing Demonstration : Interim Impacts Evaluation (September 2003) Identity and the social construction of race and ethnicity How the Irish Became White, N. Ignatiev (1995) Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race, M. F. Jacobson (1998) The Invention of the White Race Vol.1 (1994) Vol. 2 (1997) T. W Allen * Race and Race Theory in the Annual Review of Sociology 26, H. Winant (2000) Race in North America: Origin and Evolution of a Worldview, A. Smedley (1999) MAY 19 Deindustrialization and the new world of work * Postmetropolis - Edward Soja (2000) (chapters 6-7-8) The Great U-Turn: Corporate Restructuring and the Polarizing of America Bennett Harrison and Barry Bluestone (1990) * Rethinking Post-Fordism: The Meaning of Workplace Flexibility, Steven P. Vallas Sociological Theory, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Mar., 1999), pp. 68-101 Crossing the Great Divide: Worker Risk and Opportunity in the New Economy, Vicki Smith (2002) Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, Barbara Ehrenreich (2001) Class Matters,The New York Times (2005) * The Next Industrial Revolution: Atoms are the New Bits Chris Anderson Wired Magazine January 25, 2010 Making Sweatshops: The Globalization of the U.S. Apparel Industry, Ellen Israel Rosen (2002) * “Building wealth takes more than bootstraps: Martin Luther king Jr.: 40 years later”, (Memphis Times, Sunday, March 30, 2008) Wendi C. Thomas “Wealth Gap Widens For Blacks, Hispanics: Significant Ground Lost After Recession”(Washington Post Monday, October 18, 2004; Page A11) Griff Witte and Nell Henderson Art, culture, amenities, tourism, and urban regeneration The Culture of Cities – Sharon Zukin (1996) Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change, Sharon Zukin (1989) Point of purchase : How shopping changed American culture, Sharon Zukin (2004) * Brew to Bikes: Portland’s Artisan Economy, Charles Heying (manuscript on reserve, see chapters 1, 2, 6, 18, 19) 7 Tourism, Culture and Regeneration – Melanie K. Smith ed.(2007) * Creative Cities: Conceptual Issues and Policy Questions, Allen J. Scott, Journal of Urban Affairts 28:1, 1-17 * Bourdieu Off-Broadway: Managing Distinction on a Shopping Block in the East Village, Sharon Zukin and Ervin Kosta. 2004 City and Community, 3:2 The City as Entertainment Machine, Nicholas Clark ed. (2004) The Politics of Bread and Circuses: Building the City for the Visitor Class, Peter Eisinger, Urban Affairs Review (200) 35:3 The Rise of the Creative Class: And How its Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life – Richard Florida (2002) * From brew town to cool town: Neoliberalism and the creative city development strategy in Milwaukee Jeffrey Zimmerman, Cities 25 (2008) 230–242. Cultural Industries and the Production of Culture – Dominic Power and Allen J. Scott (2004) The Tourist City, Dennis Judd and Susan Fainstein (1999) Consumer City, Edward L. Glaeser, Jed Kolko and Albert Saiz (HIER working paper, 2000) The Warhol Economy: How Fashion, Art and Music Drive New York City – Elizabeth Currid (2007) Neo-Bohemia: Art and Commerce in the Postindustrial City - Richard Lloyd ( 2005) * The Neighborhood in Cultural Production: Material and Symbolic Resources in the New Bohemia Richard Lloyd, (2004) City and Community, Volume 3, Issue 4 (p 343-372) Authentic New Orleans: Tourism, Culture, and Race in the Big Easy - Kevin Gotham ( 2007) Special Issue on Culture Led Regeneration, Urban Studies, Vol. 42, May 2005 MAY 26 Global cities – economies, hierarchies, systems, flows Cities in the World Economy, Saskia Sassen (1994) Globalization and Its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money. Saskia Sassen (1999) Modernity at Large, A. Appadurai (1997) The Rise of the Network Society, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. I. Manuel Castels (1996) End of Millennium, The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Vol. III. Manuel Castels (1998) The Global Cities Reader - Neil Brenner and Roger Keil, eds. (2006) * “Global and world cities: a view from off the map”, Jennifer Robinson. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Volume 26 Issue 3, Pages 531 - 554 Mollie's Job: A Story of Life and Work on the Global Assembly Line, William M. Adler (2001) New York, Chicago, Los Angeles: America's Global Cities, Janet L. Abu-Lughod (2000) Spaces of Global Capitalism: A Theory of Uneven Geographical Development, David Harvey (2006) Cities of the World:World Regional Urban Development, Stanley D. Brunn and Jack F. Williams (2003) * Making Globalization Work, J. Stiglitz (2006) * Planet of Slums, Mike Davis (2007) Shadow Cities: A Billion Squatters, A Urban New World, Robert Neuwirth (2006) Dispossessed: Life in Our World's Urban Slums, Mark Kramer (2006) Immigration, migration, and community –enclaves, cultures, and economies The Urban Villagers: Group and Class in the Life of Italian Americans – Herbert Gans (1962) Magical urbanism: Latinos reinvent the U.S. City, Mike Davis (2001) Reconstructing Chinatown: Ethnic Enclave, Global Change, Jan Lin (1998) Ethnic Los Angeles, Waldinger and Mehdi Bozorgmehr, eds. (1996) * “Not the Promised City: Los Angeles and Its Immigrants” (1999) R Waldinger - The Pacific Historical Review The Southern Diaspora: How the Great Migrations of Black and White Southerners Transformed America, James N. Gregory (2007) * “Immigrant Enclaves and Ethnic Communities in New York and Los Angeles”, John R. Logan, Wenquan Zhang and Richard D. Alba, American Sociological Review, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Apr., 2002), pp. 299-322 8 How the Other Half Works: Immigration and the Social Organization of Labor, R Waldinger with Michael Lichter (2003) Strangers at the Gates: New Immigrants in Urban America, Berkeley, R Waldinger (2001) Still the Promised City? New Immigrants and African-Americans in Post-Industrial, R Waldinger (1996) The Global Assembly Line in the New Millennium June (2006) CMD Working Paper #06-05 Patricia Fernández-Kelly Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Migration in an Era of Economic Integration, Douglas S. Massey (2003) * Immigrant America: A Portrait. 3rd eds, Alejandro Portes and Rubén G. Rumbaut (2006) Immigrant Voices: New Lives in America, 1773-1986, Thomas Dublin, ed(1993) Coming to America (2nd ed): A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life, Roger Daniels (1992) Ethnicities: Children of Immigrants in America, Rubén G. Rumbaut and Alejandro Portes, eds. (2001) Center for Migration and Development Urban Exodus: Why the Jews left Boston and the Catholics Stayed by Gerald Gamm (2001) JUNE 2 Built environment – public space, design and behavior Gendered spaces, Daphane Spain (1992) City of Strangers,Lyn Lofland (1986) * The public realm, Lyn Lofland (1998) * City: Rediscovering the Center. William H. Whyte (1988) Social life of small urban spaces, William H. Whyte (1983) A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Christopher Alexander (1977) * Good City Form, Kevin Lynch (1984) * The Death and Life of a great American City Jane Jacobs (1992) Design with Nature Ian McCarg (1995) Behavior in Public Spaces, Erving Goffman (1963) *Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community, Elijah Anderson People Places: Design Guidelines for urban open space, C. C Marcus and Francis C. (1998) Project for Public Spaces The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community, Ray Oldenburg (1999) New urbanism, livable cities, sustainable cities The Geography of Nowhere – the rise and decline of America’s man-made landscape James Howard Kunstler (1994) Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream, Andres Duany (2001) Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses, P. A. Jargowsky, ed. (2002) * “Testing the Claims of New Urbanism: Local Access, Pedestrian Travel, and Neighboring Behaviors,” Hollie Lund, Journal of the American Planning Association, Volume 69, Issue 4 December 2003 , pages 414 – 429 “Sense of Community and Neighbourhood Form: An Assessment of the Social Doctrine of New Urbanism”, Emily Talen * Urban Studies, Volume 36, Issue 8 July 1999 , pages 1361 – 1379 Place Making, Charles C. Bohl (2002) * "New urbanism" (Chapter 11) by Edward Robbins in Edward Robbins and Rodolphe El-Khoury, ed. Shaping the City: Studies in History, Theory and Urban Design (2004). "The new urbanism and the communitarian trap" David Harvey in Harvard Design Magazine Winter/Spring 1: 1-3 (1997) EcoCities: Rebuilding Cities in Balance with Nature, Richard Register (2006) The Sustainable Urban Development Reader, Stephen Wheeler (2004) * Taking Sustainable Cities Seriously, Kent E. Portney (2003) Skinny Streets and Green Neighborhoods: Design for Environment and Com.m, Cynthia Girling and Ronald Kellett (2005) Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age, Micheal Shuman (2000) JUNE 9 (3:30-5:20) Urban Ethnographies A Place on the Corner by Elijah Anderson All our kin : strategies for survival in a black community by Carol B. Stack An Italian Lady Goes to the Bronx by Marianella Sclavi Asylums by Erving Goffman 9 Black Corona by Steven Gregory Black metropolis; a study of Negro life in a northern city by St. Clair Drake and Horace Cayton Black Picket Fences: Privilege and peril among the black middle class by Mary Pattillo-McCoy Blue Chicago: The Search for Authenticity in Urban Blues Clubs by David Grazian City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in Sao Paulo by Teresa Caldeira Crafting Selves: Power, Gender, and Discourses of Identity in a Japanese Workplace by Dorinne Kondo Drag Queens at the 801 Cabaret by Leila J. Rupp, Verta Taylor Engineering Culture: Control and Commitment in a High-Tech Corporation by Gideon Kunda Gender Play: Girls and Boys in School by Barrie Thorne Idle Haven: Community Building Among the Working-Class Retired by Sheila K. Johnson In search of respect : selling crack in El Barrio by Philippe Bourgois India Abroad: Diasporic Cultures of Postwar America and England by Shukla Sandhya Kitchens: The Culture of Restaurant Work by Gary Alan Fine Latino Crossings: Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and the Politics of Race by Nicholas De Genova and Ana Y. Ramos-Zayas Market Day in Provence by Michele de La Pradelle New Jersey Dreaming: Capital, Culture, and the Class of ’58 by Sherry Ortner No shame in my game : the working poor in the inner city by Katherine S. Newman Patterns of Time in Hospital Life: A Sociological Perspective by Eviatar Zerubavel Racial Situations: Class Predicaments of Whiteness in Detroit by John Hartigan, Jr. Sidewalk by Mitchell Duneier Slim's Table: Race, Respectability, and Masculinity by Mitchell Duneier Street Corner Society: The Social Structure of an Italian Slum by William Foote Whyte Streetwise: Race, Class, and Change in an Urban Community by Elijah Anderson Sugar's Life in the Hood: The Story of a Former Welfare… by Sugar Turner Tally's Corner by Elliot Liebow The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling by Arlie Russell Hochschild The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City by Matthew Gutmann The Philadelphia Negro; a social study by W. E. B. Du Bois Urban Exodus: Why the Jews left Boston and the Catholics Stayed by Gerald Gamm When a Jew Dies: The Ethnography of a Bereaved Son by Samuel C. Heilman 10 First Last 31-M 7-Apr 14-Apr 21-Apr 28-Apr 5-May 12-May 19-May 26-May 2-Jun 9-Jun Chris Blanchard Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Bressers Intro Journal Journal Journal Review Review Journal Molly Review Review Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Melissa Cannon Intro Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Allison Duncan Intro Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Review Journal Essay Thuan Duong Intro Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Essay Carey Higgins Intro Journal Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Kihong Kim Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Kirkpatrick Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Review Journal Erin Journal Journal Essay Jacklyn Kohon Intro Journal Journal Review Review Review Review Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Essay Liang Ma Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Essay Mahmoudi Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Review Journal Dillon Review Review Journal Essay Donna Sinclair Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Essay Casey Szot Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Journal Tessa Walker Intro Journal Journal Journal Journal Review Journal Journal Journal Review Review Review Essay Essay Gray background report on week's first theme No background report on week's second theme 11