DOKUMEN TENDER JPM/PA/T/02/2012 PERKHIDMATAN MENAIKTARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI KANDUNGAN Perkara Perincian Mukasurat KENYATAAN TENDER 3 BAHAGIAN A - PERATURAN AM DAN SYARAT TENDER SYARAT- 11 BAHAGIAN B - LATAR BELAKANG SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JPM 22 BAHAGIAN C - KERJA – KERJA MEREKABENTUK, MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN SEBUAH BALAI PAS DI KOMPLEKS JPM DAN KERJA – KERJA BERKAITAN 39 BAHAGIAN D - SKOP DAN SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL CAMS 50 BAHAGIAN E - PEMATUHAN SYARAT-SYARAT KEWANGAN DAN JADUAL HARGA 173 BAHAGIAN F - BORANG AKAUN TENDER, SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA, PENGALAMAN DAN JAMINAN BANK 184 BAHAGIAN G - KRITERIA (ACCEPTANCE) PEMBAYARAN 196 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM PENERIMAAN DAN JADUAL Muka Surat 2 KENYATAAN TENDER TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 3 TAWARAN TENDER (ePEROLEHAN) UNTUK PERKHIDMATAN MENAIKTARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI No. Tender: JPM/PA/T/02/2012 SYARAT DAN TERMA ePEROLEHAN 1. Syarat Penyertaan i. Syarikat mestilah berdaftar dengan Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia di bawah kod bidang 220111, 210102, 210103, 210104 DAN 210106 serta telah eP enabled. ii. Tender ini juga turut melibatkan kerja-kerja sivil. Sehubungan itu, Kontraktor Utama perlu melantik Sub Kontraktor yang berdaftar dengan Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja tersebut berdasarkan syaratsyarat berikut:- MAKLUMAT SUB KONTRAKTOR Kelas E dan ke atas Kepala Kepala I, Sub Kepala 1 (Kerja-kerja am & kejuruteraan awam); dan Sub Kepala II, Sub Kepala 2(a) (Bangunan rangka Kepala konkrit bertetulang yang tidak melebihi empat (4) tingkat) Berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (LPIP) iii. Syarikat MESTI mematuhi semua syarat dan terma yang ditetapkan apabila menyertai ePerolehan. Kegagalan mematuhi mana-mana syarat dan terma di bawah ini membolehkan syarikat disenaraihitamkan. iv. Pihak Kerajaan berhak membatalkan ePerolehan ini pada bila-bila masa, sekiranya diperlukan. Sebarang kos yang ditanggung oleh pihak syarikat kerana urusan ePerolehan ini adalah menjadi tanggungjawab syarikat sepenuhnya. Pihak Kerajaan tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap perkara tersebut. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 4 v. Petender MESTI memuat turun dokumen-dokumen berkaitan yang mengandungi bahagian atau Lampiran seperti di bawah untuk tujuan penyediaan maklumat yang dikehendaki. a. Bahagian A - Peraturan Am dan Syarat-Syarat Tender b. Bahagian B - Latar Belakang Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses Di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks JPM c. vi. Bahagian C - Kerja-Kerja Pengubahsuaian Balai Pas Di Kompleks JPM d. Bahagian D - Skop dan Spesifikasi Teknikal CAMS e. Bahagian E - Pematuhan Syarat-Syarat Kewangan Harga f. Bahagian F - Setuju Terima Tender dan Jadual Petender MESTI mengemukakan dokumen berikut secara manual dan juga memuat naik ke dalam sistem ePerolehan (Sila rujuk senarai semak): i) Dokumen Kewangan a. Bahagian C ‘Skop kewangan bagi profile Sub Kontraktor yang lengkap dengan mengemukakan sijil pendaftaran, data – data kewangan, rekod pengalaman kerja, senarai kakitangan teknikal, senarai kontrak semasa, senarai perlatan jentera dan penyata bank terkini ’. b. Bahagian C – Senarai kuantiti beserta harga c. Bahagian E; TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM i. Borang Akuan Tender; ii. Rekod Pengalaman; iii. Surat Akuan Pembida; iv. Profail Syarikat; Muka Surat 5 v. Salinan Penyata Cukai (Tax Returns) untuk tahun semasa; vi. Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank Bagi 3 Bulan Terkini (Januari 2012 – Mac 2012) yang telah disahkan oleh pihak bank. Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan penyata bulanan ini akan ditolak; vii. Salinan penyata akaun syarikat bagi dua (2) tahun kewangan terakhir yang disahkan dan diaudit oleh Juru Audit bertauliah (Certified Accountant). Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan akaun ini akan ditolak; viii. Dokumen Sokongan Harga Tambahan (jika ada): - Salinan sijil pendaftaran Bumiputera; dan - Bukti Kemudahan kredit dari institusi kewangan yang diakui sah bagi tender ini. (Sertakan Laporan Sulit daripada pihak Bank /Institut Kewangan atas format seperti Borang BA dalam satu sampul berlakri) ii) Dokumen Teknikal Menyediakan ringkasan eksekutif untuk skop teknikal Bahagian C – Skop Pematuhan Teknikal, Lukisan, Perpektif, Sample/katolog/Brosur dan Senarai Kuantiti (tanpa harga). Bahagian D - Skop dan Spesifikasi Teknikal CAMS. Salinan surat sokongan pengeluar perlu disertakan. Risalah/katalog/brosur bagi semua produk yang ditawarkan. Semua lampiran dan dokumen teknikal yang dinyatakan dalam Bahagian C dan Bahagian D wajib dikemukakan. Kertas cadangan teknikal yang boleh menyokong tawaran di Bahagian C dan Bahagian D. ix. Khusus untuk risalah/katalog/brosur, dokumen tersebut tidak dibenarkan mempunyai sebarang tanda/nama syarikat atau nombor pendaftaran Kementerian Kewangan. x. Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan seperti di Para ix di atas, wajib dikemukakan TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM dalam bentuk hard copy dan mesti diserahkan bersama-sama Muka Surat 6 dokumen sokongan teknikal. Bagi muat naik ke dalam ePerolehan adalah digalakkan. Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan risalah/katalog/brosur ini tidak akan dipertimbangkan untuk penilaian Teknikal; xi. Dokumen teknikal dan dokumen kewangan mesti dimasukkan ke dalam dua (2) sampul surat yang berlainan serta dicatatkan Nombor Cadangan (Y020112050109xxxxxx) di sudut kiri sampul surat dan Nombor Tender (X020112050109xxxx) di sudut kanan sampul surat. xii. Kegagalan syarikat berbuat demikian akan menyebabkan tawaran akan ditolak. 2. Taklimat dan Tarikh Tutup Tender i. Taklimat dan lawatan tapak mengenai tender telah ditetapkan pada hari Selasa bersamaan 10 April 2012 di Bilik Mesyuarat 1, Aras 2, Blok B1, Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri, 62502 Putrajaya jam 10.00 pagi. Setiap Petender dibenarkan diwakili oleh 2 orang sahaja. Nama-nama wakil mesti diberitahu ke Pejabat ini sehari sebelum taklimat diadakan. ii. Tarikh tutup pelawaan Tender melalui sistem ePerolehan dan secara manual adalah pada hari Rabu 2 Mei 2012 (Rabu) jam 12.00 tengahari. iii. Tawaran yang lewat dikemukakan TIDAK AKAN DIPERTIMBANGKAN. iv. Petender yang lewat dan tidak hadir pada tarikh taklimat serta lawatan tapak TIDAK LAYAK untuk menyertai tender ini. 3. Persetujuan Perkhidmatan Setara i. Kerajaan tidak terikat untuk menyetujui terima tawaran yang terendah. Kerajaan tidak akan melayan sebarang surat-menyurat yang berupa rayuan dari syarikatsyarikat berkenaan, sekiranya bidaan mereka tidak berjaya. ii. Tiap-tiap satu butiran akan dipertimbangkan sebagai suatu tawaran yang berasingan 4. Pemeriksaan TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 7 i. Kerajaan adalah sentiasa berhak untuk mengetahui kedudukan perkhidmatan berkenaan oleh seseorang pegawai yang dilantik olehnya pada bila-bila masa sebelum dan selepas perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan. ii. Syarikat hendaklah memberi kerjasama dan kemudahan pemeriksaan apabila dikehendaki. 5. Keperluan Penyertaan ePerolehan i. Syarikat diwajibkan menyediakan keperluan infrastruktur dari segi komputer, keperluan komunikasi dan internet dan keupayaan sumber manusia untuk menyertai proses bidaan dari lokasi syarikat sendiri. ii. Kerajaan tidak akan bertanggungjawab sekiranya berlaku kegagalan infrastruktur di lokasi syarikat semasa proses tawaran. iii. Harga yang dikemukakan syarikat semasa bersetuju untuk memasuki ePerolehan (sebelum tarikh tutup) adalah merupakan harga tawaran dalam proses ePerolehan. iv. Tempoh masa tawaran TIDAK akan dipanjangkan. v. Keputusan ePerolehan yang dikeluarkan adalah muktamad dan tertakluk kepada Dasar dan Peraturan Perolehan Kerajaan Malaysia. vi. Syarikat yang dipilih akan menerima Surat Setuju Terima secara atas talian dan luar talian dengan kehadiran. 6. Peringatan i. Sebarang perbuatan atau percubaan untuk menawar atau memberi, meminta atau menerima apa-apa suapan secara rasuah kepada dan daripada manamana orang berkaitan perolehan ini merupakan suatu kesalahan jenayah di bawah Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1957. ii. Sekiranya mana-mana pihak ada menawarkan atau memberi apa-apa suapan kepada mana-mana anggota pentadbiran awam, maka pihak yang ditawarkan atau diberi suapan dikehendaki membuat aduan dengan segera ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia atau balai polis yang berhampiran. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 8 Kegagalan berbuat demikian adalah merupakan suatu kesalahan di bawah Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1997. iii. Tanpa prejudis kepada tindakan-tindakan lain, tindakan tatatertib terhadap anggota perkhidmatan awam dan menyenaraihitamkan kontraktor atau pembekal boleh diambil sekiranya pihak-pihak terlibat dengan kesalahan rasuah di bawah Akta Pencegah Rasuah 1997. iv. Mana-mana kontraktor atau pembekal yang membuat tuntutan bayaran yang berkaitan perolehan ini walaupun tiada kerja dibuat atau tiada perkhidmatan diberi dan mana-mana anggota perkhidmatan awam yang mengesahkan tuntutan berkenaan adalah melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Pencegahan Rasuah 1957. v. Petender yang berjaya adalah tertakluk kepada potongan sebanyak 0.8% daripada jumlah nilai setiap invois yang dikeluarkan. Had maksimum potongan sebanyak RM9,600.00 bagi nilai invois yang bersamaan dengan RM1.2 juta atau lebih. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 9 7. Pertanyaan i. Untuk pertanyaan mengenai ePerolehan ini, syarikat boleh merujuk kepada: Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan Aras 2, Blok B8, Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62502 Putrajaya. Cik Erma Marlina bt Hamsan - 0388723407 Cik Zulaikha Asma bt Zakariah - 03-88723416 Encik Shamsul Ammar b Fithal - 03-88721872 Faks TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM : 03-8888 1000 Muka Surat 10 BAHAGIAN A PERATURAN AM DAN SYARAT- SYARAT TENDER TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 11 BAHAGIAN A - PERATURAN AM DAN SYARAT-SYARAT TENDER 1. SKOP TENDER Tender adalah dipelawa daripada pembekal-pembekal Sistem Keselamatan dan Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (ICT) yang berdaftar dengan Kementerian Kewangan di bawah tajuk-tajuk di bawah dan yang masih dibenarkan membuat Tender pada masa ini iaitu: 220111 (Sistem Keselamatan) dan 210102 (Small and Large Multi-User Systems and Services) dan 210103 (Workstations and Related Peripheral and Services) dan 210104 (Software Product and Services) dan 210106 (Networking Product and Services) dan Tender ini juga turut melibatkan kerja-kerja sivil. Sehubungan itu, Kontraktor Utama perlu melantik Sub Kontraktor yang berdaftar dengan Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja tersebut berdasarkan syaratsyarat berikut:- MAKLUMAT SUB KONTRAKTOR Kelas E dan ke atas Kepala & Sub Kepala Kepala I, Sub Kepala 1 (Kerja-kerja am kejuruteraan awam); dan Kepala II, Sub Kepala 2(a) (Bangunan rangka konkrit bertetulang yang tidak melebihi empat (4) tingkat) Berdaftar dengan Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia (LPIP) TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 12 Kod bidang diatas diwajibkan untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja berikut:i) Perkhidmatan Menaiktaraf Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses (CAMS) di Kompleks Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri; ii) Membuat kajian, merancang dan merekabentuk menggunakan pendekatan Projek Management Profesional sepanjang perlaksanaan projek; iii) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigur, menguji dan menyerah komponen perkakasan termasuk server, komponen network serta perisian door access yang menepati spesifikasi teknikal yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan kepada lokasi dan kegunaan kakitangan yang ditentukan di Bangunan Perdana Perdana (parcel A) dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (parcel B); iv) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigur, menguji dan menyerah komponen CCTV dan perisian yang boleh membuat pengawasan kepada pedestarian dan membaca plat kereta keluar masuk pada semua gate di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks Perdana Putra dan menepati spesifikasi teknikal yang ditetapkan Kerajaan; v) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigur, menguji dan menyerah komponen sistem kedatangan yang boleh diintegrasikan dengan kad door access yang dibekalkan serta menepati masa international standard yang boleh diuruskan secara sepusat; vi) Melakukan integrasi dan penyambungan rangkaian antara parcel A dan Parcel B melalui laluan PCN tanpa menjejaskan prestasi dan kualiti capaian. Integrasi juga perlu dilakukan antara CCTV, door access dan sistem kedatangan bagi membolehkan pengurusan keselamatan dan penyelenggaraan dilakukan secara sepusat; vii) Menyediakan jaminanan dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan bagi semua komponen yang diletakkan dalam projek ini sekurang-kurangnya dua tahun dengan kadar 24 x 7; viii) Melakukan kerja-kerja migrasi database yang sedia ada kepada sistem baru dan boleh digunapakai. Sistem baru juga perlu memastikan access reader yang baru boleh membaca kad kakitangan yang sedia ada dan kad baru yang dibekalkan; ix) Tender ini juga turut melibatkan kerja-kerja sivil. Sehubungan itu, Kontraktor Utama perlu melantik Sub Kontraktor yang berdaftar dengan Pusat Khidmat Kontraktor (PKK) untuk melaksanakan kerja-kerja tersebut berdasarkan syaratsyarat dinyatakan di atas. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 13 2. PROSEDUR PEMILIHAN 2.1 Memenuhi Prosedur Tender Petender wajib mematuhi semua prosedur tender. mematuhi prosedur berikut akan ditolak: 2.2 2.3 Cadangan yang tidak i) Petender MESTI berdaftar dengan Kementerian Kewangan. Petender juga dikehendaki menyertakan salinan sijil pendaftaran kewangan. ii) Cadangan tender mesti diserahkan sebelum atau pada 2 Mei 2012 (Rabu) jam 12.00 tengahari. Cadangan yang lewat tidak akan diterima. iii) Cadangan tender yang diserahkan secara manual MESTI dihantar dalam 3 salinan dengan 1 bertanda “ASAL” dan 2 bertanda “SALINAN” seperti yang telah ditetapkan. Memenuhi Spesifikasi yang Ditetapkan i. Cadangan yang dibuat MESTI menepati spesifikasi yang diwajibkan seperti dalam BAHAGIAN C, BAHAGIAN D dan BAHAGIAN E. Cadangancadangan yang tidak menepati spesifikasi yang ditetapkan akan ditolak. ii. Petender boleh juga mengemukakan cadangan perisian atau perkakasan tambahan bagi menjayakan keseluruhan sistem. Kos dan penggunaan setiap perisian tersebut perlulah disenaraikan dalam borang yang disediakan. Melepasi Ujian Penanda Aras (Benchmark) Petender yang memenuhi prosedur pemilihan para 2.1 dan 2.2 akan diMESTIKAN menjalani ujian penanda aras (benchmark) berdasarkan spesifikasi yang disertakan bersama dokumen tender. Petender yang gagal di dalam penilaian benchmark tidak akan dipertimbangkan untuk penilaian seterusnya. 3. KRITERIA PEMILIHAN 3.1 Pertimbangan yang serius kepada perkara-perkara berikut akan diberi keutamaan dalam proses pemilihan: i. Keberkesanan dan kecekapan dalam memenuhi keperluan pengguna di Jabatan Perdana Menteri. ii. Keberkesanan cadangan dari aspek teknologi, pengurusan projek, jadual pelaksanaan, kemahiran dan pengetahuan dalam bidang yang dicadangkan. iii. Latihan dan khidmat sokongan yang merangkumi tempoh jaminan dan jadual penyelenggaraan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 14 iv. 4.3 Faktor Prestasi Harga (Price Performance Factor). Lesen Perjanjian (License Agreement) Sebarang lesen berkaitan dengan penggunaan perkakasan, perisian dan perkhidmatan yang perlu ditandatangani oleh Kerajaan MESTI dinyatakan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 15 5. ASAS DAN SYARAT-SYARAT TENDER 5.1 Tawaran MESTI berdasarkan kepada spesifikasi yang terkandung dalam dokumen. 5.2 Kerajaan tidak terikat untuk menerima tawaran yang terendah. 5.3 Petender yang berjaya dikehendaki untuk menandatangani surat setuju terima dalam tempoh satu (1) minggu daripada tarikh tawaran yang dibuat oleh Kerajaan. Surat setuju terima ini akan menjadi sebahagian daripada perjanjian bekalan. Perjanjian ini akan ditandatangani selepas Kerajaan berpuashati dengan tawaran yang dikemukakan. 5.4 Kerajaan berhak mengambil tindakan ke atas Petender atau menamatkan pendaftaran Petender sebagai Kontraktor Kerajaan dalam keadaan berikut: i. Sekiranya tender ditarik balik sebelum tamat tempoh sah tender atau sebelum berakhir tempoh lanjutan yang dipersetujui oleh Kerajaan; ii. Petender menolak atau gagal untuk melaksanakan perjanjian secara rasmi; iii. Petender gagal untuk membuat Deposit Cagaran sebagaimana yang dinyatakan dalam syarat-syarat perjanjian. 5.5 Sebarang tuntutan perbelanjaan yang berkaitan dengan penyediaan tender tidak akan dilayan. 5.6 Sekiranya Kerajaan bercadang untuk membuat perubahan kepada dokumen tender ia boleh berbuat demikian dengan mengeluarkan Memorandum Tender kepada semua Petender sebelum tarikh tutup tender. Kerajaan akan memastikan bahawa tempoh masa yang munasabah diberikan kepada Petender bagi meminda tender. 5.7 Petender MESTI menyerah jadual pelaksanaan (timeline) anggaran masa dan aktiviti-aktiviti keseluruhan projek dengan membahagikan seksyen (section) kepada pre-migration, during migration dan post-migration di mana komponen task yang perlu ada adalah study/planning, Analisa, implementation task, awareness, QC, Security task, training, testing stage and documentation. Kegagalan member timeline secara jelas akan menyebabkan proposal ditolak dari penilaian seterusnya. Support & Maintenance 5.8 Tempoh penyelenggaraan dan jaminan: Tempoh adalah dua tahun daripada tarikh penerimaan akhir. Peralatan yang rosak mestilah digantikan dengan serta merta. Pihak pembekal Mesti membuat penyelenggaraan secara komprehensif termasuk support, membaik pulih dan menggantikan peralatan tanpa kos tambahan pada Kerajaan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 16 5.9 Petender MESTI bekerjasama dengan prinsipal menawarkan perkhidmatan sokongan 24 x 7 secara premier support daripada prinsipal atau yang setara dengannya di sepanjang tempoh dua tahun selepas selesai tarikh penerimaan akhir. 5.10 Petender MESTI menunjukkan surat persetujuan daripada prinsipal yang membenarkan pejabat ini membuka tiket aduan kerosakan dengan merujuk terus kepada prinsipal di sepanjang tempoh sokongan tersebut. 5.11 Tiket aduan (log case) MESTI boleh dibuka terus ke prinsipal melalui cara-cara saluran berikut: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Online Secured Website; Email Telefon Faks dan SMS/pager Sila buktikan semasa menjawap proposal tender ini. 5.12 Semua perkakasan dan perisian yang dicadangkan MESTI mempunyai tempoh jaminan sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) tahun dari tarikh penerimaan akhir. Jurutera Petender atau jurutera daripada prinsipal MESTI melakukan site-visit dan health-check sekurang-kurangnya SATU BULAN sekali sebagai sebahagian daripada pakej sokongan. 5.13 Petender WAJIB menyenaraikan cadangan senarai kerja dan skop kerja semasa health check selepas tarikh akhir penerimaan (FAT). Benchmarking 5.14 Benchmarking adalah merupakan kaedah penilaian ke atas cadangan petender. Hanya petender-petender yang melepasi penilaian fasa 1 akan dipanggil menjalani ujian benchmarking ini dan MESTILAH hadir untuk melakukan ujian tersebut pada tarikh dan masa yang ditentukan kelak. Skop dan senarai semak ujian benchmark akan diedarkan kepada petender yang berjaya dalam tempoh sekurang-kurangnya satu (1) minggu sebelum ujian dijalankan. Petender juga dikehendaki membawa perkakasan seperti yang ditawarkan dalam tender atau setara dengannya semasa ujian benchmark. Ketidakhadiran Petender akan menyebabkan tender yang ditawarkan tidak akan dipertimbangkan. 6. HARGA DAN BAYARAN TAWARAN 6.1 Harga yang dikemukakan mesti dalam Ringgit Malaysia (RM) dan berasaskan harga FOB. Tawaran yang bukan dari harga FOB tidak akan dipertimbangkan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 17 7. 8. 6.2 Tempoh sah laku harga MESTI tidak kurang daripada 180 hari dari tarikh tutup tender. 6.3 Pecahan harga mesti seperti Bahagian E. 6.4 Petender MESTI menyediakan harga terperinci bagi setiap komponen. 6.5 Jika didapati peralatan/perisian/perkhidmatan tambahan yang diperlukan bagi membolehkan peralatan/perisian/perkhidmatan tersebut berfungsi sepenuhnya, kos tambahan yang terlibat mesti ditanggung oleh Petender. SETUJU TERIMA TENDER 7.1 Kerajaan tidak terikat untuk menerima tawaran yang terendah. 7.2 Petender yang berjaya dikehendaki menandatangani surat Setuju Terima yang akan menjadi sebahagian dari perjanjian bekalan. PENGHANTARAN DAN PEMASANGAN Penghantaran dan pemasangan perkakasan dan perisian sistem berkuatkuasa selepas penerimaan Surat Setuju Terima. 9. JADUAL PELAKSANAAN DAN TEMPOH SIAP SISTEM Jadual pelaksanaan adalah seperti di sebelah : Tarikh Mula Tarikh Tamat Penghantaran Surat Setuju Terima kepada pembekal yang berjaya 1/06/2012 3/06/2012 Pengesahan Kajian sediada oleh syarikat 3/06/2012 17/06/2012 Kerja-kerja sivil balai pas dan M&E 18/06/2012 17/09/2012 Pendokumentasian system, flagship video dan slaid persembahan 3/06/2012 31/12/2012 Penyediaan dan penghantaran perkakasan dan pengkabelan 3/07/2012 3/11/2012 Pemasangan dan ujian hardware 15/07/2012 30/11/2012 Pemasangan dan ujian perisian dan sistem aplikasi(Software) 15/07/2012 30/11/2012 Program TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM infrastruktur Muka Surat 18 Latihan kepada penyelenggaran sistem operator, pengguna dan TOT 1/12/2012 10/12/2012 User acceptance test 1/11/2012 30/11/2012 Penyerahan system (Final Acceptance Test) 17/12/2012 19/12/2012 Waranty, maintenance dan after sales period 19/12/2012 18/12/2014 Petender adalah diminta untuk mengikuti garis panduan terperinci di atas pada jadual pelaksanaan yang dikemukakan. Walaubagaimanapun, jadual peraksanaan sebenar program tersebut adalah tertakluk kepada keputusan pihak Kerajaan kelak. Tempoh siap sistem adalah selama 6 bulan bermula dari tarikh surat setuju terima. 10. PENGHANTARAN KE LOKASI Petender yang berjaya dikehendaki membiayai kos penghantaran ke atas semua barangbarang yang hendak diserah dan dipasang di Pentadbiran Am, Jabatan Perdana Menteri. 11. DOKUMENTASI Petender mesti menyedia tiga (3) set dokumentasi yang lengkap mengenai pemasangan, penggunaan dan penyeliaan ke atas setiap perkakasan, perisian dan sistem. Dokumentasi tersebut MESTI disediakan dalam bentuk hardcopy dan juga softcopy. 12. SETUJU TERIMA Tiada penerimaan akan dibuat sehingga penyerahan kerja-kerja memenuhi keperluan yang dibentangkan dalam Bahagian H di Lampiran I : Acceptance Criteria. 13. BON PELAKSANAAN 13.1 Petender yang berjaya dikehendaki mengemukakan Bon Pelaksanaan dengan kadar peratus yang ditetapkan mengikut perjanjian setuju terima seperti di bawah: i. Dua setengah peratus (2.5%) daripada jumlah harga kontrak bagi kontrak bekalan atau perkhidmatan yang bernilai melebihi RM200,00.00 hingga RM500,000.00; ii. Lima peratus (5%) daripada jumlah harga kontrak bagi kontrak bekalan atau perkhidmatan yang bernilai melebihi RM500,00.00 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 19 13.2 14. Deposit Cagaran akan dipulangkan kepada Petender setelah Petender memenuhi semua syarat-syarat perjanjian. PEMBAYARAN Kerajaan akan membuat pembayaran apabila ianya berpuashati bahawa pelaksanaan tender memenuhi kriteria penerimaan yang dipersetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. Jadual cadangan pembayaran adalah seperti di Bahagian H Lampiran II : Schedule of Payment. 15. PERJANJIAN Petender yang berjaya dikehendaki menandatangani perjanjian bekalan dengan Kerajaan di dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan dalam syarat-syarat tender dan membayar pampasan yang munasabah dalam pelanggaran syarat perjanjian. 16. PERINGATAN MENGENAI KESALAHAN RASUAH Merujuk kepada Surat Arahan Perbendaharaan Bilangan S/K.KEW/PK/PP1100/000000/10/31 Jld.26 SK.7 (3) bertarikh 28 Februari 2009 yang bertajuk "Peringatan Mengenai Kesalahan Rasuah Dalam Dokumen Perolehan Kerajaan", petender diingatkan mengenai kesalahan rasuah seperti berikut: a) Sebarang perbuatan atau percubaan rasuah untuk menawar atau memberi, meminta atau menerima apa-apa suapan secara rasuah kepada dan daripada mana-mana orang yang berkaitan perolehan ini merupakan satu kesalahan jenayah di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta694). Any act or attempt to corruptly offer or give, solicit or receive any gratification to and from any person in connection with this procurement is a criminal offence under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Act 694). b) Sekiranya mana-mana pihak ada menawar atau memberi apa-apa suapan kepada mana-mana anggota pentadbiran awam, maka pihak yang ditawar atau diberi suapan dikehendaki membuat aduan dengan segera ke pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Kegagalan berbuat demikian adalah merupakan satu kesalahan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694). If any person offers or gives any gratification to any members of the public service, the latter shall at the earliest opportunity thereafter lodge a report at the nearest office of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission or police station. Failure to do so is an offence under the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Act 694). c) Tanpa prejudis kepada tindakan-tindakan lain, tindakan tatatertib terhadap anggota perkhidmatan awam dan menyenaraihitamkan kontraktor atau pembekal boleh diambil sekiranya pihak-pihak terlibat dengan kesalahan rasuah di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694). TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 20 Without prejudice to any other actions, disciplinary action against a member of the public service and blacklisting of the contractor or supplier may be taken if the parties are involved with any act of corruption under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Act 694). d) Mana-mana kontraktor atau pembekal yang membuat tuntutan bayaran berkaitan perolehan ini walaupun tiada kerja dibuat atau tiada barangan dibekal mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan atau tiada perkhidmatan diberi dan mana-mana anggota perkhidmatan awam yang mengesahkan tuntutan berkenaan adalah melakukan kesalahan di bawah Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia 2009 (Akta 694). Any contractor or supplier who makes a claim for payment in relation to this procurement although no work was carried out or no goods were supplied or noservices rendered in accordance with the specifications and any member of thepublic service who certifies the claim commits an offence under the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 (Act 694). TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 21 BAHAGIAN B LATAR BELAKANG SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JPM TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 22 BAHAGIAN B LATAR BELAKANG SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JPM Perkara 1) Latar Belakang Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses 2) Pengguna Sistem 3) Bilangan Pintu Yang Mempunyai Kad Akses 4) Database Migration Utility Dari Se6000 Kepada Sistem Baru 5) Jumlah Senarai Peralatan Untuk Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses 6) Jumlah Pintu Jenis Turnstile Door dan Swing Door 7) Tambahan Pintu Jenis Turnstile dan Jenis Swing Di Balai Pas Baru (Balai Pas B) Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri 8) Jumlah Palang Boom Gate Di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri Dan Bangunan Putra Perdana TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 23 A. LATAR BELAKANG SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses (CAM) digunakan di Bangunan Perdana Putra (Parcel A) dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Parcel B). Ianya berfungsi untuk menyimpan data kad akses. Ia dibangunkan berasaskan NexSentry Command Center (NSCC) – CAMS software. Sistem ini telah dicadangkan pada tahun 1997 dan digunakan pada tahun 1999. Sistem pengoperasi yang digunakan adalah Windows NT yang dijanakan oleh server Unix. Sistem ini adalah berbentuk multi-user dan multitasking yang boleh mengawal transaksi capaian pintu kepada security center dalam masa sebenar (real time). Sistem ini didapati telah ketinggalan zaman (obsolete) di mana ianya telah digunapakai lebih 10 tahun dan terdapat pelbagai masalah dan kelemahan. B. PENGGUNA SISTEM Berikut adalah pengguna sistem CAMS di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks JPM bagi mengakses pejabat masing-masing:BIL 1 2 AGENSI – AGENSI DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI PEJABAT YAB DATO' SRI HJ. MOHD. NAJIB BIN TUN HAJI ABDUL RAZAK PEJABAT YAB TAN SRI DATO' HAJI MUHYIDDIN BIN MOHD. YASSIN 3 PEJ. Y.BHG TAN SRI KSN 4 PEJ. YB SENATOR TAN SRI DR. KOH TSU KOON 5 PEJ. YB DATO SRI AHMAD FARID BIN RIDZUAN 6 PEJ. YB DATUK LIEW VUI KEONG 7 PEJ. YB SENATOR DATO' DR. MASHITAH BINTI IBRAHIM 8 PEJ. YB DATO' DEVAMANY A/L S. KRISHNASAMY 9 PEJ. YB DATUK HAJI AHMAD BIN HAJI MASLAN 10 ICU 11 EPU 12 MAMPU 13 KABINET 14 PAJPM TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 24 15 MAJLIS KESELAMATAN NEGARA 16 BPA 17 BPH 18 UNIT PEMANDU 19 BUIPA 20 BTN 21 SPP 22 PENYELIDIKAN 23 KPKK 24 FELDA SERANTA 25 UNIT KAWAL SELIA FELDA C. Bilangan Pintu Yang Mempunyai Kad Akses Berdasarkan Rajah 1 kita dapat melihat bahawa jumlah Pintu Di Bangunan Perdana Putra (Parcel A) dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Putra (Parcel B): Jenis Pintu Parcel Single Door Leaf Double Door Leaf Parcel A 24 84 Parcel B 44 125 68 209 Jumlah Rajah 1 ** Jumlah yang dinyatakan adalah hasil semakan jabatan. Sekiranya jumlah ini berbeza dengan jumlah di lokasi, Maka pihak petender perlu menggunakan jumlah di lokasi sebenar. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 25 4104 Controller From Reader Power Socket Daughter Board Power Inserter Electromagnetic Lock (EML) with Door Contact 24V Backup Battery 24V Backup Battery Gambarajah 1 di atas menunjukkan lokasi dan rekabentuk ACU dan Reader sistem sedia ada. D. Database Migration Utility Dari Se6000 Kepada Sistem Baru Gambarajah di atas menunjukkan lokasi dan rekabentuk sistem sedia ada. D.1.1. SE6000 menggunakan Unify Database. Struktur dan juga nama-nama ‘table’ didalam kedua-dua pengkalan data turut berbeza. D.1.2. Perpindahan data perlu dilakukan bagi memudahkan dan melancarkan operasi harian. Setelah kesemua perpindahan telah dilakukan, sistem baru akan diuji bagi menghantar serta menerima data-data dari controller. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 26 CURRENT DESIGN FOR PARCEL A & B PARCEL B HOST Card printer Local Controller (LC) PMD1 digital camera FRS Port Server II PhotoID Production Datacard1 SD 100/15,230v~ 20/30Hz, 8.0/1.75 A CONSOLE S D 1 0 0 B A S E -T X 1 2 A C T R X T X R X T X L IN K 1 1 BANK1 2 3 4 1 BANK3 2 3 4 OK1 PS1 5 1 PS2 TEMP 8 4 5 1 6 7 8 BANK2 6 2 7 3 5 6 2 7 3 2 OmniStack 1x BANK1 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK2 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK3 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK4 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 8 4 OK2 5 6 7 8 BANK4 7x 7x 7x 7x XYLAN ATM Switch Local Controller (LC) PMD2 Network Report Printer HP LaserJet Port Server II Alarm Printer CAMS Local Controller Local Controller (LC) PMO PARCEL A Port Server II SD 100/15,230v~ 20/30Hz, 8.0/1.75 A CONSOLE S D 1 0 0 B A S E -T X 1 2 A C T R X T X R X T X L IN K 1 1 BANK1 2 3 4 1 BANK3 2 3 4 OK1 PS1 PS2 TEMP 5 1 8 4 5 1 6 7 8 BANK2 6 2 7 3 5 6 2 7 3 2 OmniStack 1x BANK1 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK2 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK3 2x 3x 4x 1x BANK4 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 5x 6x 8x 8 4 OK2 5 6 7 8 BANK4 7x 7x 7x 7x XYLAN ATM Switch Report Printer CAMS Alarm Printer TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 27 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 28 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 29 Jumlah Senarai Peralatan Untuk Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses ITEM PERIHAL GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM STATUS KEKAL LUPUS Security Local / Precinct Control Centre NSCC Server (Host) N/A 1 √ 2. NSCC Standby unit N/A 1 √ 3. Local Controller (LC) 1 2 √ 4. Workstation 2 2 √ 5. 17’’ Monitor 1 2 √ 6. ATM Switch support fiber optic c/w accessories 1 1 √ 1. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 30 ITEM PERIHAL GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM STATUS KEKAL LUPUS Fiber Optic Panel 1 1 √ Laser Printer 1 2 √ 9. Alarm indication panel 1 1 √ 10. UPS 1 1 √ 11. Digi box (MUX Port) 2 2 √ 12. RS 232-RS 485 Converter 8 22 √ 13. RS485 Fiber Driver 3 1 √ 7. 8. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 31 STATUS ITEM PERIHAL 14. RS 232 Fiber Driver 2 1 √ 15. Shourt haul modem 1 7 √ 16. Fom line driver 2 3 √ 17. Current interface c/w transfomer 9 9 √ 18. s-net multiplexer N/A 1 √ 19. Power inserter (Pl-1) 2 3 √ 20. Ethernet media converter 2 N/A √ 21. Access control unit (ACU) 1 1 √ 22. Access control unit (ACU) 2 9 √ TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM KEKAL LUPUS Muka Surat 32 ITEM PERIHAL GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM STATUS KEKAL LUPUS Security Card Production Room 23. Datacard ID Printer N/A 1 √ 24. Datacard ID Computer N/A 1 √ 25. Scanner N/A 1 √ 26. Card Issue Printer N/A 1 √ 27. Workstation N/A 2 √ Field Site 28. Door Contact 460 1137 √ 29. Exit Push Button 30 23 √ 30. Breakglass (Manual Override Switch) 109 178 √ TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 33 STATUS ITEM PERIHAL 31. RS 485 Fiber Driver RS 232 Fiber Driver Short Haul Modem Fom Line Driver Current Interface c/w Transformer 3 1 √ 2 1 √ 3 7 √ 3 5 √ 1 2 √ 36. Current Inserter (Pl-1) N/A 1 √ 37. Power inserter (Pl-1) 118 198 √ 38. Access Control Unit (ACU) 109 172 √ 39. Access Control Unit (ACU) N/A 9 √ 40. Access Control Unit (ACU) 12 33 √ 41. Digital Reader with keypad 118 174 √ 42. Digital Reader without keypad 120 168 √ 32. 33. 34. 35. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM KEKAL LUPUS Muka Surat 34 ITEM PERIHAL GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM STATUS KEKAL LUPUS 43. Digital Reader N/A 4 44. Electromagn atic lock 109 178 √ 45. Electric Bolt 10 N/A √ 46. Turnstile – flat barrier 18 4 √ 47. Turnstile – swing barrier 4 3 √ 48. Boomgate N/A 4 √ 49. Boomgate 4 N/A √ 50. Alarm indication panel 6 10 √ TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM √ Muka Surat 35 ITEM PERIHAL GAMBAR KUANTITI (NOS) BPP KJPM STATUS KEKAL LUPUS Main Head House / Proposed Guard House (Visitor Pass Issue Centre) 51. Workstation pentium 350 3 2 √ 52. Workstation 1 3 √ 1 2 √ 1 N/A √ 53. 54. 10 Base T Ethernet port c/w accessories Alarm indication panel 55. Fom line driver 1 1 √ 56. RS 485 Fiber Driver 1 N/A √ TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 36 E. Jumlah Pintu Jenis Turnstile Door Dan Swing Door Berikut merupakan bilangan pintu jenis turnstile dan juga pintu jenis swing yang terdapat di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan juga Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri:Bangunan Perdana Putra (Parcel A) JENIS PINTU / KEADAAN PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE PINTU JENIS SWING JUMLAH BALAI PAS A 5 1 8 CORE 8 1 1 2 PARKIR BLOK TIMUR 5 1 6 PARKIR BLOK BARAT 5 1 6 16 4 22 LOKASI JUMLAH Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Parcel B) JENIS PINTU / KEADAAN PINTU JENIS PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE SWING LOKASI JUMLAH BALAI PAS B 1 1 2 GATE LRT 3 2 5 4 3 7 JUMLAH TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 37 F. Tambahan Pintu Jenis Turnstile dan Jenis Swing Berikut merupakan jumlah pintu tambahan jenis Turnstile dan jenis Swing di Balai Pas Baru dan Belakang Blok B7 di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri:JENIS PINTU PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE PINTU JENIS SWING LOKASI 5 BALAI PAS B Belakang B7 1 Blok 0 2 Jumlah 7 1 G. Jumlah Palang Boom Gate Di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri Dan Bangunan Putra Perdana Berikut merupakan jumlah palang boom gate di kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Bangunan Perdana Putra sedia ada serta cadangan penambahan bagi kedua-dua bangunan tersebut. LOKASI SEDIA ADA CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN PINTU STAFF 2 0 PINTU MASJID 0 4 PINTU PROTOKOL 0 2 2 6 PINTU MASUK UTAMA 4 0 LAODING GATE 0 2 4 2 PARCEL A JUMLAH PARCEL B JUMLAH TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 38 BAHAGIAN C KERJA – KERJA MEREKABENTUK, MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN SEBUAH BALAI PAS DI KOMPLEKS JPM DAN KERJA – KERJA BERKAITAN TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 39 KEHENDAK-KEHENDAK SENI BINA 1.0 BALAI PAS 1.1 1.2 PENGENALAN 1.1.1 Need Statement ini adalah pernyataan bagi kerja – kerja mereka bentuk, membina dan menyiapkan sebuah bangunan Balai Pas, pintu masuk, laluan berbumbung dan kerja-kerja berkaitan serta keperluan lain terlibat di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri. 1.1.2 Need Statement ini adalah pernyataan bagi kerja – kerja mereka bentuk, membina dan menyiapkan layby mengikut garis panduan yang ditetapkan oleh Perbadanan Putrajaya. LOKASI TAPAK 1.2.1 Tapak cadangan kerja pembinaan ini terletak di antara Bangunan Balai Pas dan Loading Gate di belakang Blok B2, Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Putrajaya. 1.2.2 Kontraktor diwajibkan melawat tapak untuk memahami dengan sebaikbaiknya keadaan sebenar tapak dan persekitarannya. 1.2.3 Lokasi tapak ditunjukkan seperti di LAMPIRAN 1. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 40 2.0 SKOP KERJA 2.1 2.2 Kerja-kerja ini merangkumi penyediaan butiran dan perincian rekabentuk, lukisan kerja, spesifikasi dan keterangan-keterangan kaedah pemasangan dan pembinaan. Seterusnya melaksanakan perancangan yang menyeluruh, membina, melengkapkan, menyiapkan (termasuk seliaan oleh para profesional yang bertauliah), menguji dan menyerahkan bangunan di dalam keadaan yang dapat diterima sepertimana diterangkan oleh pernyataan-pernyataan kehendak ini, iaitu: 2.1.1 Kontraktor mesti merekabentuk, membina, menyiapkan dan menyerahkan bangunan baru dengan segala kelengkapan yang dinyatakan, termasuk keperluan Sivil, Eletrikal dan Mekanikal. 2.1.2 Kontraktor perlu memahami keperluan dan keadaan tapak sebelum jenis asas rekabentuk bangunan dapat dilaksanakan. sedia ada Skop kerja terdiri daripada pembinaan Bangunan Balai Pas, laluan berbumbung, pintu masuk , layby dan kerja-kerja berkaitan. 2.2.1 Kontraktor mesti melawat dan menilai (membuat laporan jika perlu) keadaan tapak sebelum meneruskan kerja kerana ia melibatkan: Bangunan Balai Pas, Laluan Pejalan Kaki Berbumbung dan Pintu Masuk, Layby dan kerja – kerja berkaitan a) Menjalankan kerja-kerja penyiasatan tapak untuk mengenalpasti jenis asas yang dicadangkan. b) Menjalankan kerja-kerja underground maping bagi mengesan kedudukan kabel sedia ada seperti paip air, paip gas, kabel elektrik dan kabel sistem keselamatan. c) Rekabentuk bangunan dan kemasan bangunan mesti bersesuaian dan sama dengan bangunan asal bangunan sedia ada. d) Komponen bangunan terdiri daripada i. Komponen bangunan utama – keperluan untuk 5 orang petugas bagi setiap shift, tandas, perabot dan kabinet Built-in. ii. Komponen ruang menunggu tetamu bagi kapasiti 30 orang termasuk perabot. iii. Semua komponen bangunan mesti dilengkapi dengan sistem hawa dingin split unit. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 41 c) Pembinaan laluan pejalan kaki berbumbung daripada Balai Pas ke laluan berbumbung sedia ada. Rekabentuk laluan pejalan kaki berbumbung mesti sama atau setaraf dengan laluan pejalan kaki sedia. d) Pembinaan pintu masuk ke Balai Pas. e) Kerja-kerja kemasan lantai – pemasangan jubin baru serta kambi. f) Kerja-kerja dinding dalam – kemasan cat. g) Kerja-kerja kemasan dinding luar – granite spray h) Perabot dan kabinet ‘built-in’. i) Kerja-kerja kemasan siling. j) Membekalkan perabot untuk ruang petugas kaunter dan ruang menunggu. k) Membekal dan memasang pintu-pintu, architrave dan ironmongery dan aksesori lain yang berkaitan. l) Menyediakan keperluan mekanikal dan elektrikal bagi sistem cams yang akan dipasang pada balai pas pengawal ini. m) Sistem Saliran n) Sistem Perpaipan di tandas. o) Sistem kumbahan daripada tandas baru. p) Papan tanda bangunan q) Kemasan bumbung di Balai Pas hendaklah sama dengan kemasan di bangunan sediada. 3.0 JADUAL KEPERLUAN RUANG 3.1 Jadual tersebut mesti merangkumi ruang legar (‘circulation’) dan ruang keperluan lain. 3.2 Jika perlu, kontraktor mesti mencadangkan keluasan lantai yang bersesuaian untuk keperluan rekabentuk, fungsi dan operasi sepertimana yang dikehendaki pihak Kerajaan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 42 3.3 4.0 Kontraktor mesti memberikan idea-idea terkini atau cadangan penambahbaikan di dalam semua aspek rekabentuk, pembinaan bahan-bahan dan kelengkapan yang digunakan. REKABENTUK AM 4.1 REKABENTUK AM Di dalam perancangan rekabentuk, kontraktor mesti mengambilkira rekabentuk bangunan yang sedia ada bagi tujuan penyeragaman bangunan di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Konsep reka bentuk bangunan dan ruang dalaman mesti dikemukakan bersama dokumen tender. 4.2 4.1.1 Sistem pembinaan sebaik-baiknya memaksimakan penggunaan bahan binaan dan khidmat pekerja tempatan. Kontraktor boleh mencadangkan sistem pembinaan inovatif yang sesuai pada masa sekarang. 4.1.2 Bahan-bahan binaan dan kemasiapan yang dicadangkan untuk dinding dalam mesti mudah diselennggara, tahan lasak, bebas kulat, rendah kompaun organik mudah meruap (V.O.C) dan tidak berkarat. 4.1.3 Kontraktor mesti menyediakan sampel-sampel sepertimana dikehendaki Pengarah Projek dan pihak Kerajaan lengkap dengan skema warna dan aksesori sebelum kerja-kerja pemasangan dimulakan. 4.1.4 Sampel kemasan, aksesori dan lain-lain perlu dipersembahkan seawal mungkin dan mendapat kelulusan Pengarah Projek sebelum dibekal dan dipasang. Sampel mesti dilekatkan dengan kemas pada papan-papan sampel berukuran yang sesuai untuk kemudahan membuat rujukan. 4.1.5 Kontraktor mesti mendapatkan permit kelulusan/ pelepasan daripada pihak Jabatan Bomba dan Perbadanan Putrajaya serta pihak-pihak berkuasa tempatan lain sebelum memulakan kerja (jika perlu). KONSEP REKABENTUK Kontrator wajib mengemukakan dan melaksanakan: 4.2.1 Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan keterangan perancangan dan konsepkonsep reka bentuk melalui pelan dan perspektif (minimum 3 perspektif) atau gambaran-gambaran ruang yang terlibat. 4.2.2 Rekabentuk, kemasiapan dan aksesori yang dipilih mesti diperbuat daripada bahan-bahan yang tahan karat. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 43 5.0 4.2.3 Kemudahan untuk orang kurang upaya (OKU) seperti landas angkat (’ramp’) dan susur tangan keselamatan yang sesuai mesti disediakan jika perlu. 4.2.4 Ruang-ruang pejalan kaki berbumbung mesti menyerlah dari segi rekabentuk dan kemasannya serta memberi gambaran yang jelas kepada pengunjung. Laluan mesti bersambung dengan laluan pejalan kaki sedia ada bermula daripada Balai Pas atau yang sesuai dengan keperluan laluan pejalan kaki berbumbung. Rekabentuknya mesti mengikut rekabentuk laluan pejalan kaki yang sedia ada. 4.2.5 Bagi rekabentuk berkaca terutama di kaunter, kontraktor mesti memastikan panel kaca bercorak dipasang dengan kuat dan kemas pada tempatnya. Setiap panel kaca ini mesti diperbuat daripada satu unit ’tempered glass’ 12mm tebal dan diaplikasikan corak pada permukaan sebelah dalamnya dengan menggunakan bahan ’mylar and lead’ melalui teknik ’stained glass overlay’. Kontraktor boleh mencadangkan spesifikasi lain yang setaraf yang diluluskan oleh Pengarah Projek. 4.2.5 Semua sesalur servis samada menegak atau berada di atas siling mesti disembunyikan bagi tujuan estetika dan keselamatan. Bukaan yang sesuai pada siling mesti diadakan untuk tujuan kerja-kerja senggaraan. 4.2.6 Butiran dan perincian reka bentuk bangunan mesti merangkumi dan mengambilkira semua aspek perkhidmatan bangunan seperti bekalan elektrik, reka bentuk struktur dan perpaipan seperti di dalam pernyataan kehendak-kehendak Kejuruteraan Elektrik, Mekanikal, Sivil dan Struktur. 4.2.7 Semua papan suis dan papan agihan elektrik mesti dipasang di lokasi sesuai dan tersembunyi agar tidak mengganggu reka bentuk seni bina dan kemasiapan. Jika perkara ini tidak dapat dielakkan, kompatmentasi dengan panel sesuai mesti diadakan. Semua suis lampu, soket punca kuasa, kipas dinding dan peralatan elektrik lain mesti dipasang di tempat yang sesuai bagi tujuan yang sama. 4.2.8 Kontraktor mesti mencadangkan lampu siling, lampu dinding/ tiang, jenis lekap dan tetap, lampu limpah dan lampu kawasan mengikut spesifikasi dan pemasangan pembekal yang diluluskan oleh JKR Elektrik (EMAL) dan spesifikasi pendawaian JKR (LS-01) seperti dilampirkan. 4.2.9 Kontraktor mesti memastikan bahawa kehendak-kehendak menentang kebakaran diadakan dan dipasang secukupnya dan diluluskan pihak Jabatan Bomba setempat. KEMASIAPAN SENI BINA TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 44 Semua kemasan seni bina mesti terdiri daripada bahan berkualiti tinggi yang tahan cuaca, tahan kulat, kerja senggaraan yang rendah, selain daripada mempunyai kualiti estetika yang menarik dan mesra alam. Kemasan dinding, lantai, dan siling yang dicadangkan oleh kontraktor hendaklah terdiri daripada bahan tempatan berkualiti tinggi dan mudah diperolehi di pasaran. Kemasan jubin homogeneous bercorak berukuran yang sesuai hendaklah dipasang sebagai kemasan akhir kepada dinding atau panel konkrit yang sesuai. Kontraktor hendaklah mencadangkan jubin dinding seramik bergilap kualiti tinggi berukuran sekurang-kurangnya 200mm X 250mm untuk tandas, pantri dan hendaklah dipasang sehingga ketinggian aras siling. 5.1 KEMASAN LANTAI 5.1.1 5.2 JUBIN i. Semua kemasan lantai hendaklah terdiri daripada jenis bergilap dan separuh gilap berukuran yang sesuai disusun bercorak lengkap dengan ‘coving, nosing and skirting tiles’. ii. Hanya jubin ‘porcelain homogeneous’ tahan lasak dari jenis kalis kotoran boleh digunakan. Bahagian yang terdedah kepada air hendaklah menggunakan jubin-jubin daripada jenis ‘anti-slip porcelain homogeneous’. Ruang di antara jubin hendaklah dikemaskan dengan ‘epoxy grout’ pada jarak yang sesuai mengikut kaedah pemasangan pembekal dan diratakan dengan sebaik-baiknya untuk mengelakkan ‘chipping’ disebabkan pergerakan peralatan dan sebagainya. PINTU, TINGKAP DAN KELENGKAPANNYA Kontraktor mesti membekalkan beberapa jenis pintu bergantung pada kesesuaian rekabentuk dan fungsi. Di antaranya termasuklah pintu kaca dan pintu-pintu lain yang diluluskan oleh Pengarah Projek. Kunci mesti dibekalkan untuk tiap-tiap pintu dari bahan yang sama sebagaimana tertera di atas untuk tujuan keselamatan harta benda dan kelengkapan kafeteria. Sistem kunci tersebut mestilah dijamin secara kemasan selama 5 tahun dan jaminan mekanikal selama 10 tahun. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 45 5.3 PERABOT Pihak kontraktor mesti menyediakan cadangan pembekalan perabot dan perabot built-in dalam bentuk lukisan perabot lekap berserta spesifikasi dan mendapatkan kelulusan sebelum apa-apa kerja di tapak dilakukan. Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan rekabentuk dan spesifikasi perabot dari jenis yang berkualiti baik. Bahan yang digunakan untuk perabot hendaklah sesuai dengan lokasi di tapak. Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan sampel-sampel untuk kelulusan Pengarah Projek sebelum kerja-kerja pemasangan dilakukan. Pihak kontraktor mesti membekal dan memasang perabot mengikut keperluan. 5.4 BIDAI DAN LANGSIR Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan rekabentuk dan spesifikasi bidai/screen dengan mengambilkira status bangunan dan mengunakan dari jenis yang berkualiti baik. 5.5 PAPAN TANDA DAN HIASAN Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan rekabentuk dan spesifikasi papan tanda dalaman dengan mengambil kira status bangunan dan mengunakan kemasan dari kualiti terbaik. Bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat papan tanda, grafik dan kaligrafi mesti sesuai dengan lokasi di tapak. Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan sampel-sampel untuk kelulusan Pengarah Projek sebelum kerja-kerja pemasangan dilakukan. Bahan-bahan, grafik, tulisan dan kaligrafi yang digunakan hendaklah bersesuaian dengan sedia ada dan memenuhi kehendak dan keperluan pelanggan. Sistem pencahayaan mesti dibekalkan untuk keperluan papan tanda utama seperti yang dinyatakan. Papan tanda tunjuk arah mesti dibekalkan dengan secukupnya dan dipasang berdekatan dengan pintu masuk ke tempatnya untuk memberi tunjuk arah ke semua ruang yang dinyatakan. Papan tanda mesti menggunakan bahan yang sesuai mengikut spesifikasi dan pemasangan pembuat yang diluluskan. 5.6 KEMASAN CAT TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 46 Semua permukaan kayu dan logam (selain daripada ‘powder coated’ atau ‘anodized’) mesti diberikan satu lapisan primer kayu/ logam seperti ’Jotamatt undercoat’ atau setaraf; dan diikuti dengan 2 lapisan cat enamel berkilat berkualiti tinggi seperti ’Gardex Gloss Enamel’ atau setaraf yang diluluskan. Kemasan cat bagi dinding dan siling dalam bangunan, ia mesti diberikan satu lapisan ’basecoat sealer’ untuk penyediaan permukaan (’surface preparation’); dan diikuti dengan 2 lapisan cat emulsi akrilik berkualiti tinggi seperti ’jotaplast’ atau setaraf yang diluluskan. Kontraktor dikehendaki membekal dan memberikan jaminan berbentuk ’performance warranty’ untuk tempoh selama 5 tahun bagi ’paint materials’ dan ’workmanship’. Jaminan ’performance warranty’ adalah bagi memastikan pembekalan sistem dan kerja mengecat (’paint system’) bebas daripada masalah biasa seperti ’peeling’, ’cracking’, ’fungus/ algae growth’ dan ’discoloration’. Sehubungan itu, hanya aplikator yang mahir sahaja dibenarkan menjalankan kerjakerja mengecat dan kontraktor dikehendaki mendapatkan kelulusan Pengarah Projek sebelum menjalankan kerja-kerja mengecat. Manakala untuk kemasan dinding luar bangunan, kemasan adalah jenis granite spray. 6.0 KEHENDAK-KEHENDAK PIHAK BERKUASA TEMPATAN 6.1 Kontraktor mesti mematuhi semua kehendak Perundangan, ‘Statutori’ dan ‘by-law’. 6.2 Apabila dikehendaki oleh ‘by-law’ atau undang-undang kecil, kontraktor bertanggungjawab menyediakan dan menghantar semua lukisan, perkiraaan dan/ atau dokumen berkaitan kepada Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan bagi mendapatkan kelulusan dan dilaksanakan melalui praktis profesional tempatan yang berdaftar dengan Badan Berkanun masing-masing. KANDUNGAN CADANGAN OLEH PETENDER 7.0 7.1 Kontraktor mesti mengemukakan :i. Cadangan reka bentuk yang mengandungi ringkasan konsep rekabentuk, lukisan, spesifikasi dan jadual yang berkaitan. ii. Konsep Rekabentuk iii. Pelan Susun atur TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 47 iv. Pelan Lantai, Keratan dan Pandangan Perspektif :- 7.2 7.3 lukisan menunjukkan dengan jelas bahan-bahan binaan dan kemasan yang digunakan meliputi lantai, dinding, siling, bumbung, struktur binaan dan sebagainya. vi. Spesifikasi dan katalog untuk semua bahan binaan. vii. Semua lukisan cadangan yang disediakan mesti menggunakan skala metrik dan dalam BAHASA RASMI iaitu BAHASA MALAYSIA. Saiz kertas untuk Dokumentasi dan Persembahan digalakkan seperti yang berikut:i. Lukisan Persembahan (’Presentation Drawing’) dan Jadual – A3 ii. Kertas Cadangan, Spesifikasi dan Katalog – A3 iii. Lukisan Kerja dan Perincian (selepas pentauliahan kontrak) – A3 iv. Dokumen Sokongan yang lain – A3 Dua (2) set Lukisan Kerja dan Spesifikasi terperinci mesti dikemukakan kepada Pengarah Projek sebelum kerja-kerja pembinaan dimulakan. Sebarang dokumen pindaan mesti diserahkan juga dengan syarat yang sedemikian. Apabila projek siap, kontraktor mesti mengemukakan empat (4) set lukisan ‘siap bina’ (as built drawing’) cetakan A3 dan dua (2) set di dalam bentuk lukisan digital CD-ROM (format AutoCad 2000). 7.4 Cadangan rekabentuk mesti dibangunkan dan diperhalusi secara profesional bagi mencapai fungsi, keperluan dan maksud pembangunan tersebut. Kontraktor hendaklah membuat pindaan dan penambahbaikan kepada pelan dan spesifikasi jika perlu, tanpa melibatkan perubahan harga (’at no cost variation’). Apa-apa pindaaan yang dilakukan mesti dimuktamadkan sebelum siap lukisan kerja untuk pembinaan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 48 7.5 Lokasi cadangan pembinaan Balai Pas Kompleks JPM LAMPIRAN 1 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 49 BAHAGIAN D SKOP DAN SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 50 BAHAGIAN D : SKOP DAN SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL Perkara 1. SKOP PROJEK 2. PEMBANGUNAN BENCHMARK 3. SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 51 BAHAGIAN D: SKOP DAN SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) 1.0 SKOP PROJEK 1.1 Penender MESTI menjalankan kerja-kerja berikut :- a) Perkhidmatan Menaiktaraf Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses (CAMS) di Kompleks Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Jabatan Perdana Menteri; b) Membuat kajian, merancang dan merekabentuk menggunakan pendekatan Projek Management Profesional sepanjang perlaksanaan projek; c) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigurasi, menguji dan menyerah komponen perkakasan termasuk server, komponen network serta perisian door access yang menepati spesifikasi teknikal yang ditetapkan oleh Kerajaan kepada lokasi dan kegunaan kakitangan yang ditentukan di Bangunan Perdana Perdana (Parcel A) dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Parcel B); d) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigur, menguji dan menyerah komponen CCTV dan perisian yang boleh membuat pengawasan kepada pedestarian dan membaca plat kereta keluar masuk pada semua gate di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks Perdana Putra dan menepati spesifikasi teknikal yang ditetapkan Kerajaan; e) Membekal, memasang, menginstalasi, mengkonfigurasi, menguji dan menyerah komponen sistem kedatangan yang boleh diintegrasikan dengan kad door access yang dibekalkan serta menepati masa international standard yang boleh diuruskan secara sepusat; f) Melakukan integrasi dan penyambungan rangkaian antara Parcel A dan Parcel B melalui laluan PCN tanpa menjejaskan prestasi dan kualiti capaian. Integrasi juga perlu dilakukan antara CCTV, door access dan sistem kedatangan bagi membolehkan pengurusan keselamatan dan penyelenggaraan dilakukan secara sepusat; g) Menyediakan jaminanan dan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan bagi semua komponen yang diletakkan dalam projek ini sekurang-kurangnya setahun dengan kadar 24 x 7; dan h) Melakukan kerja-kerja migrasi database yang sedia ada kepada sistem baru dan boleh diguna pakai. Sistem baru juga perlu memastikan access reader yang baru boleh membaca kad kakitangan yang sedia ada dan kad baru yang dibekalkan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 52 2.0 PEMBANGUNAN BENCHMARK 2.1 Petender yang berjaya di peringkat pertama MESTI membangunkan benchmark untuk penilaian peringkat kedua. Pemarkahan akan diberikan berdasarkan keupayaan penender di dalam menyakinkan para penilai tentang keberkesanan cadangan yang diberikan di dalam tender ini. Penender yang gagal dalam ujian benchmark akan dikira gagal dalam tender ini. 2.2 Skop benchmark MESTI membuktikan fungsi-fungsi berikut: a. Penender MESTI menunjukkan keupayaan untuk sistem CAMS membuktikan kebolehan membuat: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Access Control Unit (ACU) boleh membuat Auto failover antara Active and Standby ACU. Failover switch ke backbone. Rerouting CCTV,LPRS,CAMS Parcel A down, rerouting to Parcel B. Rerouting CCTV,LPRS,CAMS Parcel B down, rerouting to Parcel A. Failover ACU to CAMS Server. Rerouting between backbone switch plus failover network through RS232. Fungsi-fungsi utama ISMS yang akan ditentukan kemudian. Fungsi-fungsi utama CCTV yang akan ditentukan kemudian. Fungsi-fungsi utama LPRS yang akan ditentukan kemudian. Fungsi-fungsi utama CAMS yang akan ditentukan kemudian. ISMS monitoring system functionality akan ditentukan kemudian. b. Penender MESTI menerangkan strategi keselamatan untuk pematuhan ciri pada 3.4 perkara 15. 2.3 Penender MESTI mengambil maklum mengenai perkara-perkara berikut semasa benchmark : a. Penjelasan Setup logical diagram untuk simulation bagi aktiviti benchmark. b. Pejelasan mengenai komponen-komponen yang dicadangkan di dalam proposal penender. c. Penender juga MESTI menunjukkan sebahagian dari Skop CAMS dan ciri-ciri yang ditawarkan pada CAMS tersebut. d. Peralatan berfungsi sebagaimana yang diperlukan oleh JPM atau setara. e. Penender mesti menyediakan antara muka (interface) untuk ISMS tersebut merangkumi GUI atau web based (Intranet dan Internet). TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 53 f. Penender akan membuat Proof Of Concept (POC) berdasarkan skrip soalan yang akan dibekalkan semasa benchmark dalam tempoh masa yang diberikan. Penjelasan tambahan akan diutarakan jika diperlukan. 2.4 Penender bertanggungjawab membawa sebarang perkakasan dan perisian yang diperlukan untuk menjayakan benchmark ini. 3.0 SPESIFIKASI TEKNIKAL 3.1 SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) Syarat-syarat yang mesti di patuhi oleh penender: i. Sila penuhkan ruangan yang tertentu dan tandakan dengan “/” pada petak berkenaan. Penender MESTI memenuhkan ruang “COMPLIANCE” dengan Yes/No dan “Remarks”/”Penjelasan” dengan jelas dan terperinci dalam maksud menyatakan para rujukan atau muka surat dokumen yang menyokong pada ruang “Remarks”/”Penjelasan”. Ketidakpatuhan ini boleh menyebabkan tawaran Petender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan akan DITOLAK; ii. Penender MESTI menghantar bersama-sama 1 SALINAN SOFTCOPY DALAM BENTUK CAKERA PADAT (CD) (Bukan Disket) dan 1 SALINAN HARDCOPY bagi fail “Tawaran Kewangan’’ dan “Tawaran Teknikal” yang dimasukkan ke dalam sampul surat yang berbeza. Kedua-dua sampul surat ini perlu disertakan sekali dalam satu sampul surat BESAR. Format fail mesti dalam Format Asal bukan PDF atau apa-apa yang selain daripada Microsoft Excel; iii. Tidak dibenar meletakkan apa-apa nama atau logo yang boleh mengaitkan atau dikenali bagi sesuatu syarikat di setiap helaian atau dalam ruangan untuk diisi “Tawaran Teknikal” sama ada salinan hardcopy atau softcopy. Ketidakpatuhan ini boleh menyebabkan tawaran Petender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan akan DITOLAK; iv. Penender MESTI melampirkan brosur/katalog Berwarna bagi setiap produk yang ditawarkan. Ketidakpatuhan ini boleh menyebabkan tawaran Penender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan akan DITOLAK. v. Penender MESTI menyatakan muka surat/para rujukan brosur atau surat pengeluar yang digunakan untuk menyokong penyataan teknikal pada setiap ruang. Cadangan Penender yang tidak lengkap boleh menyebabkan tawaran Penender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan DITOLAK daripada proses penilaian teknikal. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 54 vi. Pihak kontraktor MESTI melakukan pengujian dan pentauliahan untuk ke semua peralatan yang dihantar, pasang (installation), konfigurasi (configuration) dan pencantuman (integration) bagi memastikan kesemua memenuhi keperluan dan fungsi yang diminta. vii. Penender MESTI melampirkan Surat Sokongan dari Prinsipal dan Surat Akuan daripada Prinsipal untuk tempoh jaminan setiap peralatan yang ditawarkan iaitu CAMS, LPRS, VMS, ISMS, LAN Switches, CCTV dan peralatan lain yang berkaitan. Cadangan Penender yang tidak lengkap boleh menyebabkan tawaran Penender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan DITOLAK daripada proses penilaian teknikal. viii. Jumlah peralatan semasa yang dinyatakan di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri pada dokumen tender bukan muktamad. Di mana jika jumlah di tempat sebenar (actual site) adalah melebihi dari jumlah dalam dokumen, maka jumlah tempat sebenar (actual site) adalah muktamad. Sebaliknya jika jumlah di tempat sebenar (actual site) kurang dari jumlah dalam dokumen maka jumlah di dalam dokumen adalah muktamad. PENTAULIAHAN i. Petender MESTI menjalankan ujian peringkat akhir iaitu FAT (Final Acceptance Test) bagi memastikan kesemua sistem/perisian/peralatan tersebut dapat berfungsi dengan sempurna. Jika didapati sistem/perisian/peralatan tersebut gagal berfungsi dan memerlukan sistem/perisian/peralatan tambahan yang lain, maka kos untuk perolehan tersebut di bawah tanggungjawab petender. Kerajaan tidak akan menanggung sebarang kos tambahan untuk perolehan tersebut. ii. FAT (Final Acceptance Test) perlu disahkan oleh pegawai JPM yang dipertanggungjawab ke atas projek ini. HAK MILIK i. Sebarang pendaftaran peralatan atau perisian mestilah didaftarkan atas nama Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri sebagai pemilik sah yang merangkumi semua aspek peralatan tersebut; ii. Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri akan menjadi hak milik bagi kesemua Peralatan, Perisian dan lesen atau apa – apa yang berkaitan. iii. Jumlah peralatan yang ditawarkan mesti mengira jumlah peralatan fizikal sedia ada yang diakses melalui kad di Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Bangunan Perdana Putra yang terdapat pada latar belakang Sistem Keselamatan dan penambahan yang diperlukan. Jika didapati cadangan Penender yang tidak lengkap, di mana peralatan yang ditawarkan tidak mencukupi, maka tawaran penender TIDAK DIPERTIMBANGKAN dan DITOLAK daripada proses penilaian teknikal. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 55 iv. Petender MESTI menyerahkan kesemua Peralatan, Perisian, Source Code Aplikasi dan lesen atau apa – apa yang berkaitan yang disertakan dalam tawaran tender kepada Seksyen ICT, Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri ; dan v. Petender bersetuju bahawa peralatan akan menjadi hak milik Jabatan iaitu Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan, Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Bahagian B 1. Skop yang dinyatakan mestilah merangkumi keseluruhan sistem termasuk:CAMS • • • • • • Access Control Unit (ACU). Door Module (DM). Input/Output Module (IOM). Technology Server with redundancy in each building. Database migration. PMO Building. Penggantian turnstile, swing gate dan boom gate. 2. Senarai peralatan turnstile, swing gate dan boom gate yang mesti digantikan baru dan cadangan penambahan turnstile, swing gate, boom gate, lprs dan cctv di Bangunan Perdana Putra dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri. A. JUMLAH PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE DOOR DAN SWING DOOR PARCEL B JENIS PINTU / KEADAAN PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE PINTU JENIS SWING LOKASI BALAI PAS B GATE LRT JUMLAH REMOVE 3 (reader w/o keypad) 2 (reader w/o keypad) 3 2 PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE PINTU JENIS SWING PARCEL A JENIS PINTU / KEADAAN LOKASI TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 56 BALAI PAS A CORE 8 PARKIR BLOK TIMUR PARKIR BLOK BARAT JUMLAH 7 (reader w/o keypad) 1 ( 2 reader w/o keypad in/out , 1 unit Drop Box out) 1 (reader w/o keypad) 5 (reader w/o keypad) 5 (reader w/o keypad) 1 (reader w/o keypad) 1 (reader w/o keypad) 1 (reader w/o keypad) 21 4 JUMLAH PINTU TURNSTILE = 21 UNIT JUMLAH PINTU SWING = 6 UNIT B. TAMBAHAN TURNSTILE BALAI PAS BARU PARCEL B JENIS PINTU PINTU JENIS TURNSTILE PINTU JENIS SWING 5 (reader w/o keypad) 1 ( 2 reader w/o keypad in/out , 1 unit Drop Box out) LOKASI BALAI PAS B Belakang Blok B7 Jumlah 2 (1 unit reader w/o keypad, 1 unit reader w/o keypad out and 1 unit Drop Box out) 0 7 1 JUMLAH PINTU TURNSTILE (CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN) = 7 UNIT JUMLAH PINTU SWING (CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN) = 1 UNIT C. JUMLAH PALANG BOOM GATE DI KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI DAN BANGUNAN PUTRA PERDANA LOKASI SEDIA ADA CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN 2 0 PARCEL A PINTU STAFF TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 57 PINTU MASJID 0 2 PINTU PROTOKOL 0 2 4 0 0 2 6 6 PARCEL B PINTU UTAMA MASUK LAODING GATE JUMLAH JUMLAH PALANG BOOM GATE (SEDIA ADA)= 6 UNIT JUMLAH PALANG BOOM GATE (CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN)= 6 UNIT D. JUMLAH CCTV DI LALUAN PEJALAN KAKI BAGI PELAWAT DAN TEMPATTEMPAT KURSUS. PARCEL A CCTV Bil CCTV JUMLAH BALAI PAS A 4 4 TPM 9 9 LOKASI JUMLAH TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM 13 Muka Surat 58 PARCEL B CCTV Bil CCTV JUMLAH BALAI PAS B 6 6 Bilik Pemandu (Aras Parkir) 2 2 LOKASI JUMLAH 8 C CCTV* Di Laluan Masuk Kenderaan LOKASI CADANGAN PENAMBAHAN PARCEL A 1 PINTU STAFF PINTU MASJID 1 PINTU PROTOKOL 1 PARCEL B 2 PINTU MASUK UTAMA LAODING GATE 1 JUMLAH 6 *CCT V ini akan di attach pada reader yang ditempatkan JUMLAH CCTV = 27 UNIT TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 59 E. JUMLAH LPRS DI LALUAN KENDERAAN DI KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI DAN BANGUNAN PUTRA PERDANA LOKASI CADANGAN BARU Parcel A PINTU STAFF 2 PINTU MASJID 2 PINTU PROTOKOL 2 Parcel B PINTU MASUK UTAMA 4 LAODING GATE 2 JUMLAH 12 JUMLAH LPRS = 12 UNIT Bilangan Pintu Yang Mempunyai Kad Akses Berdasarkan Rajah 1 kita dapat melihat bahawa jumlah pintu Di Bangunan Perdana Putra (Parcel A) dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri (Parcel B): Jenis Pintu Parcel Single Door Leaf Double Door Leaf Parcel A 24 84 Parcel B 44 125 68 209 Jumlah Rajah 1 ** Jumlah yang dinyatakan adalah hasil semakan jabatan. Sekiranya jumlah ini berbeza dengan jumlah di lokasi, maka pihak Petender perlu menggunakan jumlah di lokasi sebenar. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 60 Jumlah Pintu Yang Mempunyai Akses Reader Mengikut Aras Bagi Bangunan Perdana Putra Dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA BLOK ARAS SINGLE DOOR DOUBLE DOOR UTAMA LOWER GROUND GROUND 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 2 2 N/A 1 3 1 1 1 N/A N/A N/A 1 1 2 2 12 7 N/A 5 N/A 1 N/A 1 2 1 3 8 4 5 6 7 9 34 2 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 8 9 9 8 7 JUMLAH 3 43 JUMLAH KESELURUHAN 24 84 JUMLAH TIMUR BASEMENT LOWER GROUND GROUND 1 2 3 4 JUMLAH BARAT LOWER GROUND GROUND 1 2 3 4 KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI BLOK ARAS SINGLE DOOR DOUBLE DOOR B1 BASEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A 2 1 1 1 1 1 N/A N/A 2 2 3 3 2 7 12 JUMLAH TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 61 BLOK ARAS SINGLE DOOR DOUBLE DOOR B2 BASEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 N/A N/A 1 1 1 1 1 N/A 2 2 2 3 3 2 5 14 N/A 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 3 2 9 22 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 N/A N/A N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 N/A N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 3 2 JUMLAH B3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JUMLAH B4 B5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 JUMLAH -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 JUMLAH B6 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM -2 -1 1 2 Muka Surat 62 BLOK ARAS SINGLE DOOR DOUBLE DOOR 3 4 5 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 2 1 1 1 12 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A 3 2 3 4 4 1 2 17 N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A 2 3 5 4 4 2 JUMLAH 2 20 JUMLAH KESELURUHAN 44 125 JUMLAH -2 -1 1 2 3 4 B7 JUMLAH -2 -1 1 2 3 4 B8 F. Spesifikasi Umum Bagi Pematuhan Syarat-Syarat Teknikal Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks GENERAL This specification covers the supply, delivery, installation, testing & commissioning and handover of a complete Integrated Security Management System (ISMS) including 24 months Defect Liability Period. The installation works shall include all control equipment, cables and all necessary provisions for a complete self-contained working installation including surge/power protector devices, with the exception only of those specifically mentioned that they are to be excluded from this specification. All works performed under this contract shall comply in every aspect with the requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction over the works. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 63 The tenderer shall ensure full compliance to the specification and understand the requirements of the system so far as the operational characteristic and the detail of installation, planning and execution are concerned, as well as the method of specifying system components for the purpose of procurement. The tenderer shall also allow changes in BSS Risers, Device locations, Security Local Control Centre and Security Precinct Control Centre final location. The installation works shall include all control equipment, cables and all necessary provisions for a complete self-contained working installation including uninterruptible power supply, surge/power protector devices, with the exception only of those specifically mentioned that they are to be excluded from this specification. All works performed under this contract shall comply in every aspect with the requirements of all authorities having jurisdiction over the works. The tenderer shall ensure full compliance to the specification and understand the requirements of the system so far as the operational characteristic and the detail of installation, planning and execution are concerned, as well as the method of specifying system components for the purpose of procurement. The tenderer shall also allow changes in BSS Risers, Device locations, Security Local Control Centre and Security Precinct Control Centre final location. This document outlines the information required to procure and install the system. Attention to installation detail is paramount in ensuring that optimal performance levels are attained. Tenderers are requested to offer only proven design product for the major equipment. Tenderers are to ensure reliability for customized equipment. The tenderers shall also ensure that the lead-time of the equipment is maintained to meet the project schedule. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 64 1.1 Design Responsibility The contractor shall be responsible for the detailed design and guarantee the performance of the ISMS installation. The Contractor shall include any other equipment specific to the proposed system in the ‘Other equipment deemed necessary for the total functionality of the system’ in the Schedule of Tender prices. This includes additional hardware, software and also additional protection and connectivity to other trades which are required for the system to perform to the specification and also to be built with reference to the site location and electrical requirements. The "Detailed Design" shall mean the detailed design and selection of all equipment, and ancillary items to ensure the specified performance of the plant and the system. 1.2 Co-Ordination The contractor shall obtain all information available from site that is likely to affect the installation of any section of the works. Any equipment installed before such consultation shall become the contractor's responsibility and the cost of any subsequent alteration will then have to be borne by the specialist. Contractor shall ensure that all equipment is installed in accordance with the detailed coordinated layouts. These layouts are required to provide comprehensive information including such information as it is likely to affect other trades. All equipment shall be fixed into or onto surfaces, which are to be subsequently covered with a modular grid finish (e.g. tiling, paving etc) shall be set out to the grid module to give an asymmetrical appearance. All setting out to be agreed, prior to commencing the work 1.3 Commissioning and Testing The contractor shall fully commission and test all systems and devices to the satisfaction of TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 65 1.4 the Clients’ representative or E.R. A complete log on all test data shall be recorded and bound into the Operations and Maintenance manuals for approval by E.R. prior to handover. Documentation and training The contractor shall prepare comprehensive drawings and Operations and Maintenance Manuals detailing the installation, operation and maintenance of the systems, and provide on-site training of client's personnel in Operation and Maintenance of the system. 1.5 Scope of Works 1.5.1 Tenderers shall submit a comprehensive report consisting of: Analysis of the risk assessment Design, schematic and Migration process Project implementation, management and schedule (6 months) Maintenance Training Failure to do disqualification. so shall lead to 1.5.2 Tenderers shall submit detailed brochures, system schematic drawings, layout drawings and clauseby-clause compliance in their tender submission to demonstrate understanding on the system requirements as specified in the specification. Failure to do disqualification. 1.6 so shall lead to Spare capacity Systems proposed shall be configurable in order to facilitate changes, shall consist of at least 30% installed hardware spares, and shall have at least 50% additional software/hardware expansion capability. All TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 66 functional elements will be dynamically reconfigurable without requiring hardware additions or modifications. 2.0 System Functions 2.1 Introduction 2.2 This section does not intend to represent exhaustively all items of detail design and development, but to outline minimum functional requirements of the ISMS for providing a complete, fully functional system. Security Control Centre There is a Security Local Control Centre (SLCC) in the West Wing of Perdana Putra and a Security Precinct Control Centre (SPCC) in B8 L1 in Kompleks JPM. The SLCC shall be the main control room for PMO and the SPCC shall also be the SLCC for JPM. SPCC shall share the same control room as the JPM SLCC and shall act as the central control centre for both PMO and JPM where the main server shall be housed. The Database Software System shall be licensed to permit at least 15 nos. of concurrent users. A separate alarm management task shall process alarms in chronological order for service to workstations and alarm printers located around the complex; in the control Centres. G. SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL CAMS Items 1 1.1 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks General Equipment mounting and wiring Equipment supplied under this contract is to be mounted as part of the contract works. Any equipment that are to be fitted to other trades works will be supplied by the contractor for TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 67 fitment by the relevant trade, if applicable. The contractor shall include for installation, glanding and termination of all cables within its scope of works. 1.2 Scope of Works 1.6.1 i. ii. 2 Tenderer's other responsibilities shall also include: The tenderer shall also recommend to the Client a reputable smart card manufacturer for direct purchase between the Governments or Government authorized representative. To provide a letter of guarantee from the CAMS manufacturer against end of component production for at least 10 years. Failure to comply shall lead to disqualification. Access Control Units (ACU) a. The CAMS shall be used in large applications with very high volume of users and transactions. Proposed system shall utilize high-capacity ACUs with on-line redundancy functionality. This means that each duty ACU shall have a redundancy ACU connected directly into the duty ACU. In the event that the duty ACU malfunctions, the redundancy ACU shall be able to take-over the operation of the affected doors including the readers, EML and magnetic contact automatically. Redundancy ACU and Technology Server shall also have all latest information of the duty ACU and Technology Server. The communication between the duty and redundant ACU shall utilize at least Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) BUS in online Master-Slave mode. b. Each ACU shall be able to be TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 68 connected to door and I/O modules with maximum capacity of 64 doors per controller. Each controller shall communicate with maximum of 128 nos. of combined I/O and door modules or system card readers via CAN BUS. 3 3.1 c. Duty and standby ACUs shall be connected to server via LAN and RS485 or CAN BUS. Each CAN BUS or RS485 loop shall have a maximum of 32 nos. of ACU. All the ACUs shall also be connected via PoE LAN. The LAN connection shall be the primary communication followed by either CAN BUS or RS485. d. Each ACU shall have minimum 2 nos. of independent CAN BUS channels for I/O, door modules or system card readers. The failure of any CAN BUS channel shall not interfere other CAN BUS channel. e. Every ACU shall be capable of storing the pre-programmed codes for all cards that are authorized to open the door. Minimum no. of stored cards shall be 300,000. f. The system shall be fully distributed. That is, there shall be no reliance on the Server or workstation for card validation at doors. System Functions Photo-ID Production Facility A dedicated i7-based or latest model workstation shall be provided for card enrolment at the SPCC. A digital video camera and capture card shall be provided to capture and store images of card owners. User-friendly software shall permit the operator to frame user images and print and laminate cards automatically. The printer shall have print TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 69 capabilities such as: Continuous-tone, full colour or continuous tone, black-and-white photo Alphanumeric text logos, digitised signatures Variety of bar codes Background patterns Hologram laminator The hologram card printer shall be capable of handling a minimum of 4 colours with true 8-bit printing capability allowing printing of at least 100,000 different combination of colours. The printer shall be at least 300 dots per inch. Propose design and built in counter for the Photo-ID Production Facility like Jabatan Perdaftaran Negara capacity two workstation. The printer shall print directly onto ISO 14443 new MIFARE DESFIRE or existing proximity cards. The printer shall be able to print and also encode the card simultaneously. Encryption shall be based on up to 192bit for AES or Triple DES encryption for MIFARE DESFIRE smart card. The card shall support Security Application Module (SAM) AV1 for standard memory record storing in the smart card for high security application. The card shall have 4kB memory. The operator shall be able to enroll the card in the access system database and print directly from the card production workstation. IDF shall be integrated to the central Database and Retrieval System to store fingerprint, photo image and information to be printed on the card. The administration department shall also be able to use the account to store other personal bio-data 4 Hardware ISMS shall support multi-user, multi-tasking, Server-Client architecture. Dual redundancy hot-standby server shall also be required to TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 70 support for database backup and automatic fail-over when the duty server is down. All servers and client workstations shall be connected via Ethernet TCP/IP network, allowing future expansion of additional workstations in various control points. 5 5.1 Computer Facilities Access Control Unit (ACU) Access Control Unit (ACU) shall be located in the Turnstiles, Boom Gate or the BSS risers as required to supervise and manage the controller networks A compact industrial housing with key lock to secure the enclosure shall incorporate power supplies, termination modules and battery. The housing shall be fitted with key lock to secure the enclosure. A tamper switch shall be built into the enclosure in order to detect any attempt of unauthorised opening. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. ACU maximum capacity 64 doors per single controller. ACU shall allow multiple ways of wiring and connectivity including RS-485, PoE Ethernet/IP and CAN BUS. ACU shall support 32 nos. of door modules and 32 nos. of I/O modules ACU shall support 128 calendars, 300.000 users and 300.000 events using non-volatile memory. SIMM or DIMM memory modules or embedded PCs are not acceptable. ACU shall be fully operational and able to withstand up to 40deg Celsius. ACU shall support 1:1 on-line redundancy including automatic switching of all connected devices and modules to backup controller. Each redundant ACU shall be able to communicate by separated CAN BUS with control software. The ACU shall support virtual partitioning and also off-line access TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 71 h. i. j. k. 5.2 management (access rights are written in access card) Each ACU shall able be operate independently without network connectivity and automatically synchronize all data once connection to management software is recovered. During communication failure, all data shall reside inside the ACU memory and shall be automatically synchronize with the central database upon online. The communication between the duty and redundant ACU shall utilize Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) BUS in online Master-Slave mode. ACU shall be able to provide highlevel integration with ISMS providing detailed alarm information from each connected input individually or remotely control connected outputs ACU shall be able to provide interface for CAN BUS-based multiple Biometric systems such as palm recognition, fingerprint recognition, IRIS recognition, face recognition etc. Communication shall be provided as high-level interface allowing central distribution of access rights for biometric systems using ACU memory Card Reader The card reader shall be standard off-the shelf product. As a minimum, the specification are as follows : a. b. c. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM 192 bit AES encrypted RS-485 or CAN BUS interface IN card reader with Keypad, LED lights signaling reader status (red/green) and acoustic beeper to include LCD display OUT card reader with LED lights Muka Surat 72 d. e. f. g. h. 5.3 signaling reader status (red/green) and acoustic beeper. The same card reader shall be able to read MIFARE+ and MIFARE DESFIRE, Mykad and existing proximity cards used in existing Bangunan Perdana Putra and Kompleks JPM. Card reader shall support authorization of origin for each card (each card must contain special authorization record to prevent adding any non-approved card in the system by operator). The Government shall purchase directly from the card manufacturer or provide letter of authorization to third party to purchase the cards. LED show time and date Reader must be available in surface or flush mount version Minimum 100mm reading capability for door and turnstile application Technology for Access Control Unit The ACU shall support complete interfacing to door monitoring and control I/O including the following points as a minimum: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. 5.3.1 Card reader and PIN pad Door sense input Latch sense input (tongue sense or bond sense) Exit push button (or break glass input) Latch control output Auxiliary output (roller shutter control or alarm shunt) Tamper input Low battery input Power fail (“on-battery”) input Local audible alert output Card read indicator (LED) output Input supervision The ACU shall feature four state input TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 73 and four state output line supervision monitoring. All inputs shall feature this protection against cut circuit, short circuit or ground fault. An alarm shall be transmitted to the AMS if any input cable is subject to tampering. 5.3.2 Reader Technologies supported by the ACU The ACU will be able to support a variety of card reader technologies including smart card and biometric as required simply by informing the ACU of which technology is in use. 5.3.3 Duress feature The PIN pad option shall also incorporate a duress feature allowing a special code entry to signal a duress condition at the Host. When under duress, the cardholder shall enter a special PIN number related to their correct PIN number. This shall cause the ACU to validate the access but will signal a high priority alarm at the AMS. 5.3.4 Reader name The ACU will allow each door to be assigned a minimum 30-character plain language name. 5.3.5 Reader status Each ACU and card reader(s) shall report status continuously such that a failure of the communications link between the ACU and the reader will immediately be annunciated at the Host. 5.3.6 Exit pushbutton Exit through each controlled door will be able to be provided by a momentary contact push button on the secure side of the door. Pressing this button will effectively override any alarm generated by the door-sensing switch. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 74 The exit pushbutton will be an optional, that is, the door maybe controlled by either having a reader on each side, or a reader and pushbutton. 5.3.7 Time zones Each ACU will be loaded with a table of discrete time zones. Cards loaded into the ACU will be able to share any logical combination of these time zones. When a time zone becomes active, any card attached to that time zone shall be valid for access. 5.3.8 Latch power It shall be possible to configure the latch outputs to be either power-to-lock or power-to-unlock. Latch power shall be 12VDC. This shall permit the user to define the fail-safe condition if any lock. 5.3.9 Door sense (open/closed) Each door will have a door position sense switch that will be programmable as either normally-open contacts or normally-close contacts. 5.3.10 Bad read indication The Reader will provide unique visual indication when a card is presented should any of the following conditions occur: (i) (ii) The users card is valid and access is granted, The users card is in-valid and access is denied, 5.3.11 Spurious alarm suppression The door sense input software will contain denouncing to ensure that bouncing door contacts do not create nuisance alarms. 5.3.12 Latch energised time TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 75 Each door reader will have a preset access duration following each valid card presentation. This time will be presettable between 0 and 100 seconds and will be cancelled immediately should the door open and close within the allotted time. 5.3.13 Shunt output A shunt output will be provided which overrides alarms to other systems during valid door-access operations. 5.3.14 Door ajar output time The reader will be capable of energizing an alarm output if the door is left ajar after the access period has expired. This output will be able to drive an audible alert indicating that the door has been left open. This time shall be programmable between 0 and 100 seconds. 5.3.15 Door forced alarm The reader will create an alarm (audio and visual) if the door is forced while in secure mode. 5.3.16 Free access schedule During selected periods each door will be able to be freely used without created any alarm and with the latch unsecured. During these programmable periods, presentation of cards is not required. 5.3.17 Reader tamper A tamper protection switch will detect any breach of the reader housing security and the reader will immediately report any such breach. 5.3.18 Battery backing The ACU and latch shall be fully battery backed by a sealed 12VDC TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 76 battery for a minimum of one (1) hours. A battery charging circuit shall ensure the operational condition of the battery at all times. The ACU will feature a battery low/ power failed alarm input. The ACU will have alarm inputs for detection of “mains failed” and “ lowbattery" conditions. 5.4 Door Module The door module shall be one of the system devices. The door module shall interface with the electronic door locks and readers with ACU. Door modules shall be available in 1 or 2 reader configurations. The door module shall provide advanced diagnostic functions allowing to monitor all connected devices including reporting their status or power supply quality. The door module must fulfill the following requirements: a. b. d. e. f. g. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Communication with door controller via multi-master CAN BUS Communication with readers via RS-485, CAN BUS or Wiegand 26-34bit (all interfaces must be on board available) Programmable lock and barrier interface (selection between EM lock, strikers, drop bolts, turnstiles, vehicle barriers or automated doors and gates). Must allow to program delays and locking behaviour. RS-485 and CAN BUS interfaces shall support 192 bit AES encryption functionalities following requested level for door controller Door module must carry sufficient event buffer and memory to balance delays or communication problems on CAN BUS interfaces. Door module must support authorization functionality with controller (integrity check). Without verification on controller through management system door module can’t be connected and functional. Muka Surat 77 h. i. j. 5.5 The Door Module shall be fully battery backed by a sealed 12VDC battery for a minimum of four (4) hours. A battery charging circuit shall ensure the operational condition of the battery at all times. The Door Module will feature a battery low/ power failed alarm input. The ACU will have alarm inputs for detection of “mains failed” and “low-battery" conditions. Door module support installation of backup power supply and battery including remote power management and monitoring. Door module must support Plug & Play functionality and must be automatically recognized by door controller (type of module, configuration etc.) IO Controller (IOC) IOCs shall be used for general security zone monitoring functions. IOC shall be able to interface with Fire Alarm System, Boom Gate, Turnstile or other low level interfacing functions, if applicable. a. b. c. d. 5.5.1 Fully programmable 8 digital inputs and 8 digital outputs CAN BUS interface Event buffer to balance line communication Fully programmable PLC capability even in standalone operation without communication with controller Field Equipment Door lock Door lock shall be 1200lbs electromagnetic lock type. The brand and model of the EML shall be the same as the existing unit. The locks shall operate at either 12VDC or 24VDC and shall be able to withstand the vigorous operation of TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 78 continuous locking and unlocking. Exit button Shall be secure momentary pushbutton type. Door sense Door sense switches shall be of the magnetic contact type with the magnet mounted 50mm from the leading edge of the door. Switches shall be the recess-mounted type with the capability of sensing within a maximum gap of 25mm. The switches shall also incorporate resistor of end of line cable monitoring. 5.6 Boom Barrier The barrier shall be at least 3m long and made of aluminum. For boom length longer than 4500mm, a pendulum support shall be required. The operation of the boom shall be, either controlled by the authorized card or manual over-riding switch installed in the Guard House or SLCC. A lever shall also be provided in the Boom Gate housing to open the boom during power failure. The boom shall incorporate special drive system to achieve fast operating times while reducing the speed when approaching the end positions. This shall assist in eliminating any over-shooting of the boom and it shall automatically locks in the closed position. The housing shall be powder coated mild steel with colours to be confirmed by the client. The housing shall be secured properly to the plinth provided by the base building contractor. The boom gate shall also incorporate ground loop to detect vehicle for automatic operation of the boom. There shall be at least 2 ground loops per barrier. The boom gate controller shall be integrated to the ISMS via RS232. This is to ensure that the integrity of high level integration to all systems within the ISMS network. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 79 5.7 Retractable Pedestrian Barrier 5.7.1 Description & Application The security turnstile is designed to combine safety, high throughput and provide access control into and out of high security facilities. It is designed to interface with CAMS to provide the various versions of electric locking control required in controlled access facilities. It is shall be a heavy-duty, bidirectional access control capabilities with designed to handle passage frequency of between 30 to 40 people per minute. The mounting of the reader shall also be aesthetically acceptable and subjected to E.R approval. 5.7.2 Mechanical Components The mechanical components for the pedestrian barrier are as follows: a. Housing – The material of the housing is to be 1.5mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304) to provide the highest protection against corrosion, especially where the turnstile is bolted to the floor and accessible through 4 side removable doors. The size of the housing is 1200 (L) x 300 (W) x 1000mm (H) b. Door wings – Consists of 2 nos. of 20 mm flat & transparent acrylic door wing. The speed of the door swing can be adjusted from 0.4 to 1s. c. Passage width – Approximately 500 to 600mm for standard lane. d. Top module – The top module is made from 1.5mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304). The design of the top module should be able to mount the card access reader, user TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 80 display indicator (Functional Pictogram) and a Visitor Drop Card mechanism. These spaces are easily accessible through removal of medium black transparent polycarbonate cover on top. e. Mechanical Turnstile Control The locking and unlocking of the unit is controlled by two pieces of acrylic door wing that move in and out of the housing representing unlock and lock position respectively. The drive is an AC geared motor integrated in the housing. The AC geared motor shall be controlled using an industrial PLC for robust environmental condition and reliability. f. Safety – The turnstile shall be designed that the torque is just enough to close or open the door wings without injuring the users. The door wings can be hold during movement with minimum force. g. Ambient Temperature – -10degC to 55degC h. MTBF – 2.5 million cycles 5.7.3 Electrical Components a. Power Input Requirements – 230 VAC, 50 Hz. b. Power consumption – 0.18kW 5.7.4 Activation and Operation Characteristics The turnstile divides an area into a secure and non-secure side by the use of double leaf retractable doors. The turnstiles shall only allow access after authorisation from CAMS, drop card mechanism or an external control device such as manual push button. a. There are two (2) working modes – Normally Open Working Mode and TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 81 Normally Closed Working Mode. b. Three (3) direction control settings – Direction A Only, Direction B Only or Bi-direction. c. And two (2) operation modes – Maintenance Mode and In-Service Mode. All these setting must be easily set and accessible by means of selector switch. A traffic direction LED display (Orientation Pictogram) shall be located at the end of the barrier to show from which side the lane of the barrier is open or closed. A Green and Red display indicates that the lane is open and not open for use respectively. A user verification LED display (Functional Pictogram) shall be located at the top side of the barrier to shows to the user that the lane is open or closed for passage. A Blue, Red or Green LED display indicates if the person is authorised or not. The Blue display indicates the lane is ready for use. The Green display turn on when the system is open for a valid entry and the Red display show an invalid card or prohibited to enter. In rest position, the display always show Blue if open for use. The display shall turn to Green at the side of entry while turn to Red at the opposite direction to indicates prohibited use or not to enter. Immediate after the passage, the Blue display will appear again. The turnstile must be able to integrate with the emergency evacuation or fire alarm system to hold open the doors for free access in both directions. The turnstile shall be equipped with a set of 8 sensors to detect users intruder from the opposite direction, tampering (attempt to block or push the door), counting number of user passage and TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 82 to provide safety to the user preventing from hitting by the doors. The barrier shall only allow one direction passage at the same time. If, after authorisation and opening of doors and no one passes, the door wings shall close again, after the preset time has elapsed. a. Normally Opened Mode - In rest position, the door wings shall be in the opened position, creating a free walk-through lane. After an authorised user passes the door wings, it shall stay opened. If an unauthorised person enter, the door wings shall close immediately preventing the unauthorised person from passing through unless the safety sensors detects presence before the door wings is fully close. The normally open mode can only be use in one direction, in order that the rest position of the door wings opened away from the entering user. b. Normally Closed Mode – In rest position, the door wings shall be in the closed position. After an authorisation, the door wings open for a free walk through. After passing the door wings, it shall close immediately preventing the second person passing through the doors except if it is an authorized person. If nobody passes, the door wings shall return to its closed and rest position after a preset time out. The normally closed mode can be use in both directions. c. Failsafe Operation - The turnstile shall be a failsafe security barrier. In case of power failure, the door wings are free to push open manually by the user with minimum force required. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 83 d. Fire Alarm – The turnstile shall be able to be connected to Fire Alarm system by means of a potential free normally close contact. Once the Fire Alarm signal is activated, the door wings shall be opened automatically for free passage in both direction. e. Alarm – The turnstile shall be able to generate an audible alarm in the followings situations : Intruder Alarm: After detection of an unauthorised person stay within the unit corridor at both the secure and non-secure side for more than a preset time has elapsed. Opposite Direction Alarm: After detecting the unauthorised person who is entering the Smart Swing from opposite side of the authorised person. f. 5.8 Installation – The units shall be installed on a firm foundation with allowance for required power and signal cabling. Embedded fasteners are needed for installation. Underfloor trunking shall be installed under the floor finish to connect all the data and power cables to the barriers. Swing Pedestrian Barrier 5.8.1 Description & Application The security turnstile is designed to combine safety, high throughput and provide access control into and out of high security facilities. It is designed to interface with CAMS to provide wide or disable lane. It is shall be a heavy-duty, bi-directional access control capabilities with designed to handle passage frequency of between 30 to 40 people per minute. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 84 The mounting of the reader shall also be aesthetically acceptable and subjected to E.R approval. Mechanical Components The mechanical components for the pedestrian barrier are as follows: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM a. Housing – The material of the housing is to be 1.5mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304) to provide the highest protection against corrosion, especially where the turnstile is bolted to the floor. The unit is partially constructed from 10mm thick transparent tempered glass. The size of the housing is 1760 (L) x 150 (W) x 955mm (H) b. Door wings – Consists of 2 nos. of 10 mm thick and 900mm high transparent polycarbonate door wing. The speed of the door swing can be adjusted from 0.4 to 1s. c. Passage width – Approximately 900 to 1200mm for wide and disable lane. d. Top module – The top module is made from 1.5mm thick stainless steel (AISI 304). The design of the top module should be able to mount the card access reader, user display indicator (Functional Pictogram) and a Visitor Drop Card mechanism. These spaces are easily accessible through removal of medium black transparent polycarbonate cover on top. e. Mechanical Turnstile Control The locking and unlocking of the unit is controlled by two pieces of polycarbonate door wing that swings open and close Muka Surat 85 representing unlock and lock position respectively. The drive is a DC motor integrated in the housing. The DC motor shall be controlled using an industrial main motherboard, an IO interface board and a Motor driver. Control and signaling is transmitted via CAN BUS. 5.8.2 f. Safety – The turnstile shall be designed that the torque is just enough to close or open the door wings without injuring the users. The door wings can be hold during movement with minimum force. g. Ambient Temperature 10degC to 55degC - Electrical Components a. Power Input Requirements – 230 VAC, 50 Hz. b. 5.8.3 – Power consumption – <20VA Activation and Operation Characteristics The turnstile divides an area into a secure and non-secure side by the use of double leaf swing doors. The turnstiles shall only allow access after authorisation from CAMS, drop card mechanism or an external control device such as manual push button. a. There are two (2) working modes – Normally Open Working Mode and Normally Closed Working Mode. b. Three (3) direction control settings – Direction A Only, Direction B Only or Bi-direction. c. And two (2) operation modes – Maintenance Mode and In-Service Mode. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 86 All these setting must be easily set and accessible by means of selector switch. A traffic direction LED display (Orientation Pictogram) shall be located at the end of the barrier to show from which side the lane of the barrier is open or closed. A Green and Red display indicates that the lane is open and not open for use respectively. A user verification LED display (Functional Pictogram) shall be located at the top side of the barrier to shows to the user that the lane is open or closed for passage. A Blue, Red or Green LED display indicates if the person is authorised or not. The Blue display indicates the lane is ready for use. The Green display turn on when the system is open for a valid entry and the Red display show an invalid card or prohibited to enter. In rest position, the display always show Blue if open for use. The display shall turn to Green at the side of entry while turn to Red at the opposite direction to indicates prohibited use or not to enter. Immediate after the passage, the Blue display will appear again. The turnstile must be able to integrate with the emergency evacuation or fire alarm system to hold open the doors for free access in both directions. The turnstile shall be equipped with a minimum of 8 sets and up to 32 sets of sensors to detect users tailgating attempts, intruder from the opposite direction, tampering (attempt to block or push the swing door), counting number of user passage and to provide safety to the user preventing from hitting by the swing doors. The barrier shall only allowing one direction passage at the same time. The barrier shall be able to memorised up to 99 authorisations and allow the TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 87 correct passage of 10 people before closing the swing doors. If, after authorisation and opening of swing doors and no one passes, the door wings shall close again, after the preset time has elapsed. a. Normally Opened Mode - In rest position, the door wings shall be in the opened position, creating a free walk-through lane. After an authorised user passes the door wings, it shall stay opened. If an unauthorised person enter or tailgate, the door wings shall close immediately preventing the unauthorised person from passing through unless the safety sensors detects presence before the door wings is fully close. The normally open mode can only be use in one direction, in order that the rest position of the door wings opened away from the entering user. b. Normally Closed Mode – In rest position, the door wings shall be in the closed position. After an authorisation, the door wings open for a free walk through. After passing the door wings, it shall close immediately preventing the second person passing through the doors except if it is an authorized person. If nobody passes, the door wings shall return to its closed and rest position after a preset time out. The normally closed mode can be use in both directions. c. Failsafe Operation - The turnstile shall be a failsafe security barrier. In case of power failure, the door wings are free to push open manually by the user with minimum force required. d. Fire Alarm – The turnstile shall be able to be connected to Fire Alarm TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 88 system by means of a potential free normally close contact. Once the Fire Alarm signal is activated, the door wings shall be opened automatically for free passage in both direction. e. Alarm – The turnstile shall be able to generate an audible alarm in the followings situations : Intruder Alarm: After detection of an unauthorised person stay within the unit corridor at both the secure and non-secure side for more than a preset time has elapsed. Tailgate Alarm: The second unauthorised person is following the first authorised person entering the lane. Opposite Direction Alarm: After detecting the unauthorised person who is entering the Smart Swing from opposite side of the authorised person. f. 6 6.1 Installation – The units shall be installed on a firm foundation with allowance for required power and signal cabling. Embedded fasteners are needed for installation. Underfloor trunking shall be installed under the floor finish to connect all the data and power cables to the barriers. SOFTWARE CAMS ISMS CAMS shall be fully integrated application using security framework. CAMS shall interface and apply access rights across other related systems such as boom gates, turnstiles, ATBS, RFID readers, UVSS and other components to provide unified profile and screening of any visitor or resident entering the facility. Access rights shall be valid across all mentioned components of the system. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 89 CAMS shall meet or exceed the following specifications : i. Standard Features a. Security Special monitoring dashboard and interface for photo verification overview about current status of the system including photo verification of the card holder b. Zones and access Definition of levels structure of buildings, zones, rooms and doors, assigning the access levels c. Temporary Providing temporary access access to card holder by authorized system users; the temporary access can be limited by amount of usage or time d. Card expiry Setting the card expiration by number of time, time period or when trying to access at particular access level zone is detected e. Multiple cards per Possibility to have person more cards per one person f. Offline doors Support of hotel locks which are working in offline mode no connection to the system g. Localization h. Occupancy count TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Locating of card holder based on history of zone accessing Showing the number of people in Muka Surat 90 particular zones or rooms i. Parking access Management of access in parking lot the same way as any other predefined zones by controlling traffic devices such as bollards, boom gates, etc j. Remote doors Opening or locking control the doors from application by authorized users k. Alarms and Definition and notifications showing the alarms and sending notifications by emails for predefined events l. Predefined Set of predefined reports reports with powerful searching and filtering options, able to be printed, saved or printed following the user rights m. User rights Application has strong user rights definition and control features n. Photo Integrated USB camera for taking picture of card holder, possibility to load the picture from scanned ID or photo on disc; photo verification o. Turnstile control Controlling of turnstiles the same way as the doors p. Lift control Basic lift control ii. Interface a. Multilanguage User can switch interface between available language translation of user interface TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 91 b. Logo customization c. d. iii. a. b. c. d. e. f. iv. a. b. c. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Customer may choose which logo should be used for the system ID One predefined template for ID prints Web based The system works interface through web-based interface Anti-Passback Feature Local Controlling the actual card going in and out of the door Global Controlling the actual card going in and out of the zone or area Soft When detected, only the pathway to security guard is allowed to card holder, the access to any other doors is blocked Hard Blocking of access card until the security guard comes to pick up the person Timed Card holder has to get out of the zone or doors within predefined time Pathway Card holder has to get out of the area through the same sequence of coming in Additional Feature Employee Interface for interface employees to check their history of access or history of access of their subordinates Watch lists Definition of watch lists for the card holders Floorplans Actual system status Muka Surat 92 module d. Guard module e. Badging templates f. g. v. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM on floorplans tour Organising patrols around the site Possibility to create various templates for definition of badges based on type of visitor Advanced reports Possibility to define the reports by the user SDK Software development kit for further system integration Security Feature PIN length Predefinition of the configuration required PIN length for online readers with keypads Various PIN Different PINs codes required based on type of access level or zone type PIN code Necessity to change expiration the PIN code after predefined period Dynamic PIN PIN codes code dynamically changed based on predefined rules (time, date, day in week) Clearance code Different PIN code for standard access and rising silent alarm Maker and Definition of access checker card and its activation is divided between two different user roles Interlocking Opening of one doors can only be done if the doors behind are locked Mustering Checking if all relevant card holders are in secured area Muka Surat 93 i. 2-man rule j. k. l. m. n. vi. a. b. c. d. e. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Opening of doors can be done only by two people Automatic system Users of the logout systems are automatically logged out from their user interface when user is not active for predefined time Biometric system Login into system for login specific roles can be done only by biometric readers Data encryption Part of the data in the database is encrypted from security reasons; this is limited to part of the data as otherwise it has negative effect on performance of database system Communication Encryption of encryption communication between client and server Video verification Storing of card holder's photo from integrated CCTV camera when accessing specified doors Redundacy and Integration Server Redundant ISMS Redundancy for server ISMS application and database server Redundant Redundancy for CAMS server CAMS duty and database server at parcel A & B Federation server Federation server for integrating data from several independent CAMS installations Redundant Redundancy for federation server federation server Redundant NVR Redundancy for Muka Surat 94 f. g. vii. a. b. c. viii. a. NVR duty and NVR standby unit at parcel A & B 60 unit external To copy CCTV hardisk 2TB database from NVR for external backup Backup Server 2 unit backup server at parcel A & B Integrated Identification Devices RFID tag reader USB reader of Mifare RFID tag which may be issued to the visitors MyKad reader Reader of data from Malaysian national identification card Smart Tag reader Reader of code from Smart Tag Reader Integrated Identification Devices Badge printer Integrated printer for badge printing b. Turnstile 6.2 Specific version of RFID tag collector directly integrated with turnstile c. USB camera for Web camera with profile photo stand to capture photo of the visitor at the reception d. SMS notification Possibility of notifying the hosts about registration of the visit at the reception, notification of visit approval request or visit pre-registration, etc. Access Card The access card shall be MIFARE DESFIRE incorporating radio frequency identification electronics into a thin durable polycarbonate package. It shall be thin and flexible to be carried in a wallet or on a strap clip without compromising the reading capability. The card shall be able to be printed by the IDPhoto Production printer. It shall be able to TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 95 withstand the working temperature of up to 45 deg C and humidity of up to 95%. 6.3 The card shall be ISO 14 (credit card size). The sizes of cards shall be 85.7mm x 54.0mm with a thickness of 0.46mm to 1.40mm. Guard Tour The guard shall touch the reader with his/her card to acknowledge his/her presence in that zone. Failure of reaching to another destination within the pre- specified period shall activate an alert. Tours will automatically suppress alarms registered during execution and automatically archive these alarms for later review. The system will be capable of running at least ten concurrent tours. Tours will be able to be visually followed by the security Centre personnel during execution. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 96 4.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL CCTV 4.1 CCTV-CAMERA Items 1.0 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 1.0.1 General The camera shall: a. Be designed to provide video streams in HDTV 1080p (1920x1080) resolution at 30 frames per second using H.264 or Motion JPEG. b. Be equipped with Day/Night functionality and remote back focus capabilities. c. Operate on an open source; Linuxbased platform, and including a built-in web server. d. Be equipped with a slot for SD/SDHC memory card expansion. e. Be manufactured with an all-metal casing. 1.0.2 Hardware The camera shall: a. Use a high quality IR-sensitive progressive scan megapixel sensor. b. Be equipped with a removable IR-cut filter, providing so-called day/night functionality. c. Be equipped with a high quality varifocal lens with automated iris functionality. d. Be equipped with remote back focus functionality. e. Provide pictures down to 0.6 lux while in day mode (with IR-filter in use) and down to 0.08 lux while in night mode TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 97 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks (with IR-filter removed). f. Support memory expansion by providing an available SD/SDHC card slot. 1.0.3 Equipment mounting and wiring Equipment supplied under this contract is to be mounted as part of the contract works. Any equipment that are to be fitted to other trades works will be supplied by the contractor for fitment by the relevant trade, if applicable. The contractor shall include for installation, glanding and termination of all cables within its scope of works. 1.1 a. The camera shall be of manufacturer’s official product line, designed for commercial/industrial 24/7/365 use. b. The camera shall be based upon standard components and proven technology using open and published protocols. 1.2 Quality Assurance All camera installation, configuration, setup, program and related work shall be performed by electronic technicians thoroughly trained by the manufacturer in the installation and service of the equipment provided. a. All equipment provided shall be backed by a minimum of three years manufacturer warranty. b. The specified unit shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 9001 / EN 29001. 1.3 Certifications and standards a. The camera shall carry the following EMC approvals: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 98 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks b. EN55022, EN55024 c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart B d. VCCI e. C-tick AS/NZS CISPR22 f. ICES-003 g. The camera shall meet relevant parts of the following video standards: h. SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p) i. SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p) j. The camera shall meet the following video compression standards: k. MPEG-4: l. ISO/IEC 14496-10 AVC (H.264) m. The camera shall meet the following networking standards: n. IEEE 802.3af (Power over Ethernet) o. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication) p. IPv4 (RFC 791) q. IPv6 (RFC 2460) r. 1.4 QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475) Video 1.4.1 Resolution The camera shall be able to deliver at least two individually configurable full frame rate video streams of resolutions up to HDTV 720p over IP networks. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 99 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Supported video resolutions shall include: a. 320x240 b. 640x480 c. 800x600 d. 1024x768 e. 1280x720 (HDTV 720p) f. 1600x1200 g. 1920x1080 (HDTV 1080p) h. 2048x1536 1.4.2 Encoding The camera shall: i. Support Motion JPEG encoding in a selectable range from 1 up to 30 frames per second in all resolutions up to HDTV 1080p. ii. Support H.264 encoding in a selectable range from 1 up to 30 frames per second in all resolutions up to HDTV 1080p. iii. Be able to provide independently configured simultaneous H.264 and Motion JPEG streams. iv. Support both Constant Bit Rate (CBR) and Variable Bit Rate (VBR) in H.264. v. Provide configurable compression levels. vi. Support standard baseline profile H.264 with motion estimation. 1.4.3 Transmission i. The camera shall allow for video to be transported over: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 100 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks a. HTTP (Unicast) b. HTTPS (Unicast) c. RTP (Unicast & Multicast) d. RTP over RTSP (Unicast) e. RTP over RTSP over HTTP (Unicast) ii. The camera shall support Quality of Service (QoS) to be able to prioritize traffic. 1.4.4 Image control i. The camera shall: a. Incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance b. Be equipped with an electronic shutter and support automatic and manually defined exposure zones operating in the range 1/6 and 1/35.500 second. c. Be equipped with Wide Dynamic Range functionality. d. Provide Back Light Compensation. e. Allow for rotation of the image in steps of 90º. 1.5 Audio i. The camera shall support two-way full duplex audio: 1.5.1 Input sources a. Built-in microphone b. External microphone c. External line device 1.5.2 Output sources a. External line device TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 101 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 1.5.3 Encoding The camera shall support: a. AAC LC at 8/16 kHz b. G.711 PCM at 8 kHz c. G.726 ADPCM at 8 kHz 1.6 Functionality A Web server 1. The camera shall contain a built-in web server making video and configuration available to multiple clients in a standard operating system and browser environment using HTTP, without the need for additional software. 2. Optional components downloaded from the camera for specific tasks, e.g. Active X, shall be signed by an organization providing digital trust services, such as Verisign, Inc. B IP addresses 1. The camera shall support both fixed IP addresses and dynamically assigned IP addresses provided by a Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) server. 2. The camera shall allow for automatic detection of the Camera based on UPnP and Bonjour when using a PC with an operating system supporting this feature. 3. The camera shall provide support for both IPv4 and IPv6. C Event functionality 1. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be trigged by: a. External input TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 102 Items Description b. c. d. e. f. 2. a. b. c. d. Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Video Motion Detection Audio Detection Schedule Camera tampering Local storage full Response to triggers shall include: Notification, using TCP, SMTP or HTTP Image upload, using FTP, SMTP or HTTP Activating external output Recording to local storage 3. The camera shall provide at least 64 MB memory for pre & post alarm recordings. 4. Event functions shall be configurable via the web interface. D Protocol support 1. The camera shall incorporate support for at least IP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL/TLS, TCP, ICMP, SNMPv1/v2c/v3 (MIB-II), RTSP, RTP, UDP, IGMP, RTCP, SMTP, FTP, DHCP, UPnP, ARP, DNS, DynDNS, SOCKS, NTP and Bonjour. 2. The SMTP implementation shall include support for SMTP authentication. E Text overlay 1. The Camera shall: a. Provide embedded on-screen text with support for date & time, and a customerspecific text, camera name, of at least 45 ASCII characters. b. To ensure accuracy, the camera shall accept external time synchronization from an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. c. Provide the ability to apply a privacy mask to the image. d. Allow for the overlay of a graphical image, such as a logotype, into the image. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 103 Items Description F Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Multi-view streaming 1. The camera shall allow for at least 8 individual and selectable areas of the image to be cropped out and made available as individual video streams. G Security 1. The camera shall: a. Support the use of HTTPS and SSL/TLS, providing the ability to upload signed certificates to encrypt and secure authentication and communication of both administration data and video streams. b. Support IEEE 802.1X authentication. c. Provide support for restricting access to pre-defined IP addresses only, so-called IP address filtering. d. Restrict access to the built-in web server by usernames and passwords at three different levels. H API support 1. The camera shall be fully supported by an open and published API (Application Programmers Interface), which shall provide necessary information for integration of functionality into third party applications. I Installation and maintenance 1. The camera shall: a. Be supplied with Windows-based management software which allows the assignment of IP addresses, upgrade of firmware and backup of the Cameras’ configuration. b. Support the use of SNMP-based management tools according to SNMP v1, 2c & 3 / MIB-II. c. Allow updates of the software (firmware) over the network, using FTP or HTTP. d. Provide the ability to perform back focus TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 104 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks adjustment remotely from the products web interface. e. Provide the ability to apply a rectangle of customer-defined number of pixels to the image, which can be used as a pixel counter identifying the size of objects in number of pixels. 2. All customer-specific settings shall be stored in a non-volatile memory and shall not be lost during power cuts or soft reset. J User logs 1. The camera shall: a. Provide a log file, containing information about the 250 latest connections and access attempts since the unit’s latest restart. The file shall include information about the connecting IP addresses and the time of connecting. b. Provide a connection list of all currently connected viewers. The file shall include information about connecting IP address, time of connecting and the type of stream accessed. 1.7 Camera diagnostics The camera shall: 1. Be equipped with an LED, indicating the camera’s functional status. 2. Be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically reinitiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected. 1.8 Interfaces 1.8.1 Inputs/Outputs The camera shall be equipped with one digital (alarm) input and one digital output, accessible via a removable terminal block. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 105 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks This input shall be configurable to respond to normally open (NO) or normally closed (NC) dry contacts. 1.8.2 Audio The camera shall be equipped with one 3.5 mm jack for line/mic input and one 3.5 mm jack for line output. 1.8.3 Network interface The camera shall be equipped with one 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet-port, using a standard RJ-45 socket and shall support auto negotiation of network speed (100 MBit/s and 10 MBit/s) and transfer mode (full and half duplex). 1.9 Enclosure 1.8.1 The camera shall be manufactured with an allmetal casing. 1.10 Power requirements 1.8.2 Power over Ethernet according to IEEE 802.3af - Class 3. 1.8.3 8 - 20 VDC, max 9.6 W 1.11 1.8.4 Environmental The camera shall: Operate in a temperature range of 0C to +50C (+32F to +122F). Operate in a humidity range of 20–80% RH (non-condensing). 2.0 EXECUTION 2.1 Installation 2.1.1 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM The Contractor shall carefully Muka Surat 106 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks follow instructions in documentation provided by the manufacturer to insure all steps have been taken to provide a reliable, easy-to-operate system. 2.1.2 All equipment shall be tested and configured in accordance with instructions provided by the manufacturer prior to installation. 2.1.3 All firmware found in products shall be the latest and most upto-date provided by the manufacturer, or of a version as specified by the provider of the Video Management Application (VMA) or Network Video Recorder (NVR). 2.1.4 All equipment requiring users to log on using a password shall be configured with user/site-specific password/passwords. No system/product default passwords shall be allowed. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 107 4.2 CCTV-NVR Items 1.0 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks NVR shall be: 1.1 ISMS will open video surveillance architecture allowing integrating common brands of IP cameras and video servers to guarantee future system upgrades independently on HW manufacturers. 1.2 Must be recorded 90 (24 x7). Days each parcel A and parcel B. 1.3 Main NVR shal be support 1 unit NVR standby (min 16TB) for parcel A and B. 1.4 Video surveillance SW must provide the following functionalities: 1. Different recording image sizes for standard and alarm recording 2. Exact definition of number of frames per second for standard and alarm recording 3. Configurable image frame rate for visualisation and user 4. designed to handle unlimited storage capacity 5. assignment of multiple, independent circular buffers to cameras 6. Single database storage size of up to 9 Petabyte 7. max. database throughput of 3,500 images per second per server 8. support for cluster environment 9. intuitive and selective search of images stored on all cameras, servers, and storage units of the overall system from authorized workstations 10. remote client included (can be installed on any number of workstations due to "concurrent users" principle) 11. support for a variety of compression methods (MPEG 4, MJPEG, MxPEG, H264) 12. site map function for adding cameras interactively using the graphical user TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 108 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks interface (optional) 13. simultaneous viewing, storage and export of camera images 14. the number of concurrently displayed cameras is only limited by hardware 15. automatic and manual addition of camera groups 16. alarm set-up using custom views that can be assigned to different alarm scenarios 17. assignment of various alarm priorities to optimize alarm processing 18. multi-monitor operation / multi-user operation 19. alarm forwarding 20. scheduled or event-based recording 21. control of PTZ cameras (by using a joystick or clicking on the camera image) 22. assignment of prioritized permissions for PTZ camera control 23. user management to allow dedicated user rights through freely definable permissions for function and camera access from one single desktop 24. programmable paths for moving cameras (virtual patrol) 25. supports the camera's Motion Detection function (manufacturerindependent) 26. automated error analysis and notification to manufacturer 27. distribution of functions and services across multiple computers within the network 28. two-person integrity check at logon - 4 Eye Principle 29. client/server operation 30. unlimited creation of user profiles with different function sets 31. assignment of different frame rates to different users 32. control inputs/outputs for automated or manual control of external systems using electronic contact modules or PLCs, or dedicated TCP/HTTP ports with ASCII text/info. 33. OPC server extension available 34. Integrated printer for badge printing TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 109 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 35. supports a wide range of manufacturerindependent camera hardware 36. supports USB joysticks 37. easily scalable software through simple import of new license keys without deinstalling SW packages 38. supports authorization via Active Directory / LDAP 39. integrated log file analysis 40. synchronized recording mode 41. export of videos to any format with possibility to attribute passwords for data protection 42. automated patrols configurable per Monitor 43. Alarm management per Monitor in Multi-Monitor-Scenario 44. automated, encrypted export of image data 45. remote parameterization of all connected components from authorized administrator workstations 46. UDP or TCP/IP data transmission configuration 47. Video stream triggered action in live view in Client i.e. when MD triggers an event on Client then an event can be connected to this action such as switching on/off light… 48. Complex alarm scenarios - with and/or connectivity to I/O events, motion detection etc. 49. SIP audio recording 50. Bi-directional audio communication via VoIP (Voice over IP) utilizing SIP standard 51. Password with time limitation i.e. 30 days 52. Multi-configuration tool to simultaneously roll out a specific configuration to a specified group/number of cameras 53. Automated Client connectivity to a back-up server should the Master server fail technically 54. GUI - Graphical User Interface completely adaptable to User 55. Definition of Views without having administrative User Rights TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 110 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 56. Sensibility adjustments per PTZ camera independent of camera supplier 57. User Rights Management per User and Group 58. simultaneous live monitoring as well as review of recorded image data 59. Multicast support between software servers and Clients 60. Multi-streaming and single streaming with one recording stream and up to 8 streams for viewing in 3 different User Profiles 61. Manual image reference comparison 62. Full featured CCTV Client from either a USB Stick or Network Share 63. Video Analytics to be configured through the GUI of the Video Management platform and not second system 64. SW must have fully integrated automated vehicle license plate recognition engine workable for at least 25 countries with customization possibilities for other countries 65. SW must be able automatically export LPR data in XML or directly to external MS SQL table record (specification) 66. Video analytic rules must be configurable in live video directly from 67. Video surveillance SW must support LINUX, WEB client, BlackBerry Client 68. SW must be able to provide professional people or vehicle counting functionalities 69. Video Surveillance client must be able to run directly from USB flash drive without installation 70. Video surveillance software must be able to provide 64bit version to utilize maximum HW configurations (multiple CPU's, large RAM etc.) 71. Video surveillance SW must be able display video analytic alerts in customized maps and generate alarm scenarios including object display in live video 72. Video surveillance SW must support virtual cameras in megapixel cameras TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 111 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks working as independent streams with possibility to apply on each virtual camera video analytic functions independently. 73. Video surveillance SW must utilize as main development environment Java Virtual Machine to guarantee easy portability to server clusters and h TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 112 5.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL VMS Items 1 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Visitor Management System (VMS) Visitor card issuance and retrieval workstation shall be located in the Visitor Guard House in PMO and new Administration Guard House in JPM. The workstation shall be linked to the VMS Servers through the secure browser. Each Workstation shall be provided with entry or exit enrolment and card recovery systems. A MyKad reader at each guard position shall record the visitors’ National Identification Card details into a browser based application. When the visitor details are logged in, the VMS server shall upload the data to the central database and download access rights to the selected ‘blank’ visitor card. The ‘blank’ visitor card shall be registered by touching the CAMS card reader at the Workstation. The access right shall be from the entry gate readers to the designated access door. This shall be accomplished sufficiently and rapidly to permit the user to immediately use his/her visitor card. Each Workstation shall also be equipped with web camera to record the visitor image. All visitors accompanying the cardholder shall also be given a ‘blank’ visitor card which shall be registered using the CAMS card reader but record of the visitors is not required. The MyKad shall be returned to the cardholder once the registration procedure is completed. The visitor card shall be recovered at the exit post when the visitor departs. The turnstile with drop-box shall be installed to recover the visitor card. All visitors accompanying the cardholder shall be required to perform the same action. Expiry of the visitor card will cause the card to be rendered useless and the visitor shall be required to report to the guardhouse to revalidate his card. Foreign visitors with passport shall also be required to follow the same procedure except TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 113 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks that the visitor’s passport shall be required to be scanned with a passport scanner. The system shall also provide access to card search facilities through the browser, permitting security personnel to attempt to locate the whereabouts of cardholders. A new Administration Guard House shall be proposed and build to accommodate the VMS workstations, turnstiles and flow of visitors. The proposed new Guard House shall be equipped with air-conditioning and electricity. Furniture shall also be designed with ergonomics for continuous operation. Estimated number of visitors per day is 1,000. 2 Hardware ISMS shall support multi-user, multi-tasking, Server-Client architecture. Dual redundancy hot-standby server shall also be required to support for database backup and automatic fail-over when the duty server is down. All servers and client workstations shall be connected via Ethernet TCP/IP network, allowing future expansion of additional workstations in various control points. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 114 6.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL LPRS Items 1 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks General LPRS The LPRS shall be able to view, record and compare the car number plate immediately with the card access used to open the boom gate. All the different number plates for each ID card holder shall be kept as record for later review. The security operator shall have the option of annunciating alarm if the number plate is not in the record. The accuracy of this systems shall be 95% above. 2 Hardware ISMS shall support multi-user, multi-tasking, Server-Client architecture. Dual redundancy hot-standby server shall also be required to support for database backup and automatic fail-over when the duty server is down. 2.1 All servers and client workstations shall be connected via Ethernet TCP/IP network, allowing future expansion of additional workstations in various control points. LPRS The unit shall meet or exceed the following design and performance specifications: a. Supported license plates System shall be able to read with high reliability exceeding 95% any MALAYSIAN, SINGAPOREAN and THAI vehicle license plates TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 115 Items Description b. Scanning Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 60FPS/ true colour frequency c. Manual operation System shall be able to capture license plates also for manual verification by human operator d. Colour detection Captured & reading vehicle snapshots shall provide colour information without deformation by light conditions e. Adaptive lights System shall be able to control adaptive lights in visible and nonvisible spectre via RS-485 or CAN bus interface f. Optical trigger System shall be able to use optical triggering method without cutting the road or placing traditional induction vehicle loops g. Centralized vehicle TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM LPRS system shall license be able to run as Muka Surat 116 Items Description plate analysis Compliance (Y/N) Remarks centralized system on redundant servers fully integrated with security framework h. Megapixel System shall use resolution colour at least 1.3 megapixel camera with non-DSP picture processing, integrated picture quality improvement LPRS for systems and frame rate at least 60 frames / second. LPRS camera shall be able to automatically select best pictures for vehicle license plate analysis. i. Housing The cameras for capturing the license plate and face and the card reader shall be housed in a single cylindrical polished stainless TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM steel Muka Surat 117 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) tube. The Remarks tube shall be at least 5m height to accommodate the height for a sedan car and lorry. j. Optional extensions System shall support also additional analytic engines supporting complex analytics such as vehicle color, type, model or driver's face capturing k. accuracy System shall have accuracy around 95% TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 118 7.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL ISMS Items 1 1.1 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks General Equipment mounting and wiring Equipment supplied under this contract is to be mounted as part of the contract works. Any equipment that are to be fitted to other trades works will be supplied by the contractor for fitment by the relevant trade, if applicable. The contractor shall include for installation, glanding and termination of all cables within its scope of works. 1.2 Scope of Works 1.2.1 Tenderer's other responsibilities shall also include: i. To provide a total Integrated Security Management System (ISMS) solution complete with software for user interface and Management Tool ii. A comprehensive classroom and site-training program shall be conducted for the client immediately after equipment commissioning. Such training shall be on the proper operation and maintenance of the equipment iii. License Plate Recognition System (LPRS), Card Access & Monitoring System (CAMS) and Visitor Management System (VMS) to be integrated at high level as part of the ISMS network. iv. Provide all interface drawings and detailed wiring diagrams, catalogues and technical literature, etc. of the system v. Built new Administration House at Parcel B. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Guard Muka Surat 119 vi. Tenderer shall also provide security encryption of 256 bit AES encryption between Server to Controller and Controller to System Devices. Between card reader and card, the minimum requirement shall be up to 128bit AES or Triple DES encryption for MIFARE DESFIRE cards. This shall be applicable for both the CAN BUS and RS485 communication. Provide security encryption of 256 bit for IP AES encryption between Server to Controller and Controller to System Devices. vii. Tenderer shall also provide security encryption of 128 bit AES encryption between Server to ACU and ACU to System Devices. This shall be applicable for both the CAN BUS and RS485 communication. LAN connection from ACU to Server shall be 256 bit encryption. Between card reader and card, the minimum requirement shall be up to 128bit AES or Triple DES encryption for MIFARE DESFIRE cards. viii. The tenderer shall also recommend to the Client a reputable smart card manufacturer for direct 1.2.2 Included within the ISMS scope of works shall included but not limited to the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Server and Workstation. Card Reader (CR), Access Control Unit (ACU), Door Module (DM) and input/output Controller (IOC) with UPS backup for at least 12 hours Gigabit high speed Local Area Network (LAN) for ISMS, LPRS, CAMS and VMS communication and integration. Integration for all Security Systems unless otherwise specified Software as required Muka Surat 120 vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. 2.0 Additional components to protect the system from external environment such as surge and humidity Additional hardware and software as required by the system for full functionality of the system Liaison with the S.O. & other system providers to ensure that interfacing to ancillary system are completed in accordance with the project program Testing and commissioning of the complete ISMS. Provide full sets of Operation and Maintenance manuals Training to operators' and maintenance staff Dismantling of the existing CAMS and VMS. Liaison with the current CAMS maintenance contractor in ensuring that the current CAMS operation is not affected. Ensuring that the current CAMS is not affected by the upgrading works ISMS & INTERGRATION 2.1 General The ISMS shall consist of a distributed LPRS, Card Access, Monitoring system and shall also serve to integrate the VMS. The intention is to provide a highly secure monitoring system with strict controls over personnel movements within the buildings. Location and identification of personnel using the facility shall be placed as a paramount objective of the system. The tenderers shall be able to demonstrate proven capabilities in installations of similar size and complexity including the ability to integrate with third party equipment into a cohesive and seamless system. A list of such project shall be included during the tender submission. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 121 2.2 Integration To achieve the ISMS status, all individual Security System mentioned below shall be integrated at high level unless otherwise stated: Fire Alarm System via a series of CAMS voltage-free inputs Photo-ID Production System to be integrated at high level via TCP/IP VMS Able to read the existing proximity cards used in existing Perdana Putra and Kompleks JPM. Tenderer shall be requested to demonstrate the capability of reading the entire card serial number. Able to read MIFARE +, MIFARE DESFIRE, MyKad, LPRS to be integrated at high level via TCP/IP. Failure to comply any of the above shall lead to disqualification. 3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ISMS 3.1 General ISMS shall consist of a series of LCD displays managed by ISMS software based on Windows Server 2008R2 ISMS shall be capable of controlling and monitoring various systems consisting of : CAMS LPRS VMS Alarm Handling System Video Surveillance & Recording ( as required in this tender) Network Monitoring and Management include sms notification. CCTV TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 122 ISMS shall provide great benefits for a single user-friendly Man-Machine-Interface (MMI) to fully monitor and control the overall security systems installed. It shall provide all types of controls, logging, alarm handling, audit trail, graphical display, switching cameras for image verification and recording. 3.2 Architecture a. ISMS shall support multi-user, multi-tasking, Server-Client architecture. Dual redundancy hotstandby server shall also be required to support for database backup and automatic fail-over when the active server is down. b. All servers and client workstations shall be connected via Ethernet TCP/IP network, allowing future expansion of additional workstations in various control points. c. The servers shall comprise of the following: d. The ISMS GUI shall comprises of the following: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Windows Server 2008R2 At least 2U Server 8 GB RAM Smart KVM monitor and switch on the server room. 2x RS-485, 8x RS-232, 4xCAN BUS (per server) All hard disk (minimum 3 x 2 TB) shall be RAID 5 Necessary server licenses of ISMS and central SQL database Windows 7 Pro 2U Server (preferred rack mount, able to work during air condition failure) with dust filter Muka Surat 123 Multi-monitor VGA card with passive cooling system, able to support video streaming (max. 4 monitors / workstation) Necessary workstation licenses of ISMS and central SQL database. e. f. VMS Smart touch Desktop and Printer CARD Smart touch Desktop shall comprises of the following Intel® Core™ i5-2400S 2.5 GHz, DMI 5GT/s. Integrated 23" TFT Panel with Touch Capabilities 8GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk 2 set Rack Mount Tape Backup come with 9 bay LTO5 SAS Drive for the backup system and database at parcel A & B and 30 unit LTO5 tape., This Tape back-up Come with 16 License for File Backup (unlimited types of file) and 16 License for Database Backup (unlimited types of Database). g. The Backup System software shall comprises of the following: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Must integrate with existing storage without migrating data from existing storage to new storage. Must support all clients are offer in CAMS with different protocols. Must provide snapshot feature and capabilities restore snapshot copy into production server . The snapshot images must able to integrate and power-up by either Wmware ESX Server or Microsoft Hyper-V solution. Muka Surat 124 3.3 Graphic User Interface a. The On-screen Graphic Display map shall make the operation environment of the system as simple as possible. At the same time, it shall convey as much useful information as possible to the user. ISMS shall support on-line access to mapping services with capability to keep selected information in internal memory for offline utilization. ISMS GIS interface shall support the following mapping systems as minimum: Google maps Microsoft maps Yahoo maps Openstreet maps ArcGIS b. With different icon represented different equipment of the system, operator can easily and accurately select the correct device to check the status of the security system. c. When alarm is activated at the door, the respective map shall automatically display on screen and the door icon shall flash red to draw the attention of the operator, the operator can find the alarm location easier and accurate by the flashing red icon. Arm/Disarm status of the alarm zone can also be depicted on the map. d. By a simple click on the camera icon, user can view and control the pan/tilt function of the selected camera as well as preset function. e. The user-friendly GUI shall have built-in with tool allowing you to create your own preferred ICON to represent the doors, motion TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 125 detector, cameras, readers, etc. However, most of the ICON required has already been preprogrammed in the software. f. ISMS shall allow the administrator/security manager to create site maps and floor plans by importing map files in bitmap or vector format and also support direct utilization of GIS systems. There shall be no limit to the number of maps can be display in the system. g. Once the maps/floor plan has been establish, ICON representing different system devices can be inserted and maps can be link to each other using the map link icon. ICON color changes or blinks according to real-time status of the device. h. Unlimited type of device ICON representing cameras, PIR, panic button, readers, intercom, access controlled door, etc shall be inserted on the map/floor plan allow user to have an overview of all the security devices status in the floor area. i. ISMS shall be able to control all connected screens on any workstation in the system or video wall manually by operator or automatically by predefined event scenarios 3.4 Advance Alarm Management a. ISMS shall provide all the alarm management tools in an advanced access control and security application. Listed functional processes shall be a minimum requirement and not limited to the list as follows : ‘When an alarm is triggered: audio and visual annunciation; logging on TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 126 the printer; recording in the alarm log file, the device description, location, time and date of alarm occurred; related floor plan show on the workstation with the alarm ICON flashing; Pre-program alarm action instruction; Live image of the alarm location’. ‘Clicking on the ICON shall acknowledge the alarm and resetting of the alarm can only be allowed if the alarm status of the device has been restored’. ‘All actions and alarm shall automatically log into the audit trail report with time, date and actions’. b. ISMS shall have a comprehensive list of MACRO command facilitates customizable reactions to be executed automatically upon an event or alarm activated. The MACRO commands enable individual CCTV, Access control, NVR etc to react automatically without intervention of the user. c. ISMS shall allow user to view images directly from the graphic user interface, pan, tilt, or zoom a camera with the movement of the mouse and a single click of the mouse button, or even switch a camera on in response to an alarm situation. Specific camera angle or pattern can also be recalled by clicking on a control button on the GUI. d. ISMS shall extend its HLI capability to NVR system that shall provide users with full control of the NVR system on any authorized security workstations. User shall view live split screen picture from the NVR and at the same time playback the recorded picture simultaneously by clicking the mouse on the GUI. Playing back recorded picture can TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 127 be done on any security workstation with user and password protection. All types of video searching functions like time/date search can be performed at the workstation. For Control Room monitoring, ISMS server and client Workstation shall be capable of supporting up to 8 nos. of VGA output. Different GUI floor plan and video can be presented on any monitor with the ability to drag and drop any picture to any monitor to provide the best possible view for the user. ISMS server/client shall be capable of presenting a 2x2 to 10x10 split screen live video onto any monitor.Groups of live camera picture can be configured to link with alarm signals and upon alarm activation, group of cameras can be set to pop-up automatically. This function shall assist the user in monitoring the live scene during crisis event. All alarm scenarios shall be configurable by administrator on software basis utilizing high level interfaces to integrated security technologies. 3.5 Image Verification ISMS / VMS shall be able to be set for image verification function to verify each cardholder entering. When the cardholder read the card, the picture of the badge store in the security system database shall be display at the selected workstation and a live picture of the person capture by the camera shall also display. With this information, security guard shall be able to verify the person before allow entering the door. The system shall also be set to allow entrance without verifying but the card information and a snap shot of the person is recorded for future verification. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 128 4 System Functions 4.1 Introduction This section does not intend to represent exhaustively all items of detail design and development, but to outline minimum functional requirements of the ISMS for providing a complete, fully functional system. 4.2 Guard Tour System The guard tour system shall form part of the ISMS hardware and software. It shall be able to program selected existing card reader or IOC points to acknowledge this function. Different paths for the guards to tour shall be able to be selected depending on the needs. The guard shall touch the reader with his/her card to acknowledge his/her presence in that zone. Failure of reaching to another destination within the pre- specified period shall activate an alarm at SLCC. Tours will automatically suppress alarms registered during execution and automatically archive these alarms for later review. The system will be capable of running at least ten concurrent tours. Tours shall be able to be visually followed by the security Centre personnel during execution. 5 Hardware ISMS shall support multi-user, multi-tasking, Server-Client architecture. Dual redundancy hot-standby server shall also be required to support for database backup and automatic fail-over when the duty server is down. All servers and client workstations shall be connected via Ethernet TCP/IP network, allowing future expansion of additional workstations in various control points. 5.1 Computer Facilities 5.1.1 TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM General Muka Surat 129 The servers and workstation shall be of the same manufacturer and brand. It shall be industrial type and able to withstand the temperature of maximum 45degC and harsh environment. All serves and workstation shall be equipped with local Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for at least 15 minutes to ensure against data loss and also crash during normal power failure. The UPS shall also be integrated to the ISMS via RS232 or LAN so that the server and workstation shall be able to be correctly shutdown once the power from UPS is utilised. 5.1.2 c. Server OS d. Antivirus e. Raid 5 Storage f. Interfaces g. RAM h. CPU 5.1.3 a. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Operating system shall be Win Server 2008 R2 Each server shall be equipped with centralized AntiVirus system Each server shall have 3 nos. of 2 TB HDD in raid 5 configuration Each workstation shall be able to provide 2x RS485, 8x RS-232 ports, 4x CAN BUS and 4 USB ports Minimum 8GB Minimum i7 CPU or better Embedded NVR Storage System Storage NVR Shall be 90 days recording to all cctv at parcel A and B Show calculation of 90 days with IP Muka Surat 130 CCTV b. Embedded System c. Back-up Video surveillance software should be embedded on SSD storage system to provide maximum performance and system reliability 1 unit NVR each parcel for back-up. Minimum storage capacity shall be 16TB 5.1.4 User Graphic Workstation (UGW) and VMS Workstation a. Industrial Grade All computer (workstation screens) shall utilize high quality industrial suitable for long term 24 x 7 operation b. Multi screens c. OS d. Antivirus e. Mirrored Storage f. Touch Screen g. Interfaces Workstation shall utilize multiscreen graphical video cards with passive cooling system (2, 4 and 8 outputs) Operating system shall be Win7 Professional 64bit Each workstation shall be equipped with centralized Anti-Virus system Each workstation shall have 2 nos. of 1 Tbyte HDD in mirrored configuration Selected workstations shall be able to be controlled via LCD touch screen Each workstation shall be able to TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 131 h. i. 5.1.5 RAM CPU provide 2x RS485, 8x RS-232 ports, 4x CAN BUS and 4 USB ports Minimum 8GB i7 or better Colour-Graphic LCD Screen Workstation screens shall be industrial grade suitable for 24/7 operation protected from damages by glass coating. a. Industrial screens b. Glass coated c. Inputs d. Resolution e. Size f. Power 5.1.7 All computer (workstation screens) shall utilize high quality industrial screens suitable for long term 24 x 7 operation Industrial screens shall be glass coated, highly resistant against scratches and Burn-in Each monitor shall have VGA or DVI input, BNC inputs for analogue video signal Each monitor shall provide minimum resolution 1024x768 All monitors shall be available in 19" diagonal size All monitors shall be with low power consumption using 12V DC power Sound System A 32 bit sound system shall be supplied with the workstation, complete with card, TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 132 microphone and 10Watts speakers. 5.1.8 System Alarm Printer System Alarm Printer shall be continuous feed 24 dot-matrix printer with printer speed of 350 cps black ink 5.1.9 Operator Report Printer (ORP) A least 6ppm Laser printer will be provided for reporting functions. Laser printer will be capable of direct connection to the network and will include 250-sheet paper bin 6 SOFTWARE 6.1 ISMS Integrated Security Framework To reduce amount of integrations and simplify technology interfaces ISMS system shall utilize Integrated Security Framework as single platform environment for all ISMS security applications covering Video Surveillance (CCTV), Alarm Handling System (AHS), Access Control System (ACS), License Plate Recognition System (LPRS) and Visitor Management System (VMS). All application shall share common user interface, general system functionalities and user management. Integrated Security Framework shall comply with the following functional specification : i. System Administration Features a. Easy installation System is simply and setup to install and configure. It has simple installation and configuration wizard as well as wizard for advanced users. b. User TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Application has Muka Surat 133 administration strong user rights definition and control features, automatic logout feature c. System logs Detailed overview of what users did in the systems while using it d. Maintenance functions Overview about system operation, logs and reports, notifications when system failure occurs e. Configurable Configurable automated system automated event reactions response system to set up reaction of system upon received information f. System interface locking Locking Windows interface so user without password cannot close application or switch to Windows g. Server dashboard ii. Usability Features a. Flexible reports TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Application for server which monitors workload and other parameters of application server Set of predefined reports with powerful searching and filtering options, able to be printed, saved or printed following the user rights Muka Surat 134 b. Attachments iii. Usability Features a. Dashboard Support of attaching the file attachments of various types (photos, documents, etc.) to the records managed in the system Customizable interface monitoring operators for b. Flexible desktop Modern and user interface flexible GUI with drag and drop features, easily resizable and adjustable controls, allowing simple sorting, filtering and work with data in lists c. Multi-screen support The interface can be spread on more than one screen to allow better overview d. Workspace memory Ability to remember and restore positions of application windows and set up of interface controls for each client application e. Multilanguage interface User can switch between available language translation of user interface f. Interface User may choose TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 135 personalization iv. their standard interface language and set up configuration of system to meet their requirements, such as GUI skins g. Interface customization Customer may choose which logo should be used for the system or what name of company should be shown in headers of reports h. Interface customization Customer may choose which logo should be used for the system or what name of company should be shown in headers of reports Security Features a. Role based user Management of rights differentiated access of users to the functionalities and data based on their user roles b. System login c. System schedule TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Brute force protection, password complexity, notification of incorrect login, automatic logout, etc. access Defining the schedules for the users when they can and when cannot access the system Muka Surat 136 d. Fingerprint access v. Access to system using integrated keyboard with fingerprint reader Security Features a. Simple floor plan Assigning of floor definition plans to various objects, drag and drop placing of other objects on floor plan b. Nested floor plans Possibility to see floor plans an schemes associated to icons on the current floor plan c. Layers User works with layers which can be shown or hidden any time based on required information d. Dynamic active icons and The icons on map automatically change their appearance based on status of object which they represent, the object can be controlled directly through the icon e. Bitmap floor plans Utilization of standard bitmap backgrounds for the floor plans f. Video wall and Managing of remote monitor remote monitors management from any workstation connected to the system TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 137 vi. Architecture Features a. Database backup Simple backup of data in database b. Duty and Duty and Redundant Redundancy for application server application server c. Duty and Both the Redundant Technology Technology server Servers shall interface to duty and redundant CAN BUS respectively and buffer all communications and data 6.2 ISMS Alarm Management System Alarm Handling System shall process all system events and alarms coming from any ISMS subsystem or integrated technologies. All alarms shall be processed in centralized system with database records and automatically distributed to particular security operators. Alarm handling system shall provide the following functionalities: i. Standard Related Features a. Standard lists Lists of devices, lists of objects and their zones, classifiers for signal type, event type, SOP type, case type, etc. b. Attachments TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM The data in system can be enriched by file attachments, such as floor plans, Muka Surat 138 c. Working schedules ii. SOPs, invoices, operation reports, etc. Predefined schedules per each branch (with possibility to apply for more customer's branches) for locking or unlocking the premises; alarming if the schedule is not followed within predefined timeframe; possibility to define holidays or other irregularities in schedule System Related Features a. Periodical testing Periodical testing of communicators for response time and warnings for operators in case communicator is not responding as expected b. Communicator Auto-test of handshake communicators for all possible signals and commands to check if communicator works properly; used after installation c. Warning about System produces communication warnings if the problems problems in communication have been registered, such as inconsistent received signal sequence, long TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 139 iii. iv. time no signal, etc. System Related Features a. Detailed definition Definition of of signal automated processing reactions to signals and events; stating events as alarm, warning or information; definition of automated reactions; automated case definition; definition of priorities b. Signal log Log of all signals and events, alarms, warnings and information processed by system c. Customized audio Customized audio warnings sound playing when event is registered d. Alarm escalation Possibility to escalate events to supervisors if it is not processed within predefined time e. Alarm priorities Alarms have their priorities based on predefined logic; operators can process events based on their priorities Case Management a. Case processing TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Cases are generated manually or automatically from signals and events; cases require to define operator's Muka Surat 140 b. Simple SOP c. Case status v. reaction; case can be assigned to several related signals together automatically or manually by operators Possibility to have define textual or file based standard operating procedures for various types of cases, there might be more SOP ran under one case Various statuses per each case to monitor how far the solving of case is; archiving time for change of each status SMS Gateway Feature a. Notification The SMS may be regarding alarm sent to predefined people based on alarm characteristics once the alarm occurs b. Escalation Fast alarming of notifications supervisors when the case solving or operator's reactions don't follow predefined time TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 141 8.0 SPESIFIKASI TIME ATTENDANCE SYSTEM Items 1 Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Software Features Mempunyai 2 unit server ackif-aktif ( Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition, Service Pack 2) (CPU – Intell ® Xeon ® 1.86 ghz , 4.00 GB of RAM) Menggunakan Kad Reader yang ditawarkan untuk mengimbas kad sebagai alat perakam waktu. CAMS atau ISMS digunakan untuk autopulling data. Pangkalan Data menggunakan Microsoft SQL Server 2 Function Features Proses Kerja Sistem - Pegawai menggunakan Kad akses untuk mengimbas pada alat perakam waktu. - Data masuk ke dalam Pangkalan data melalui nom kad yang telah didaftarkan. - Penyelia akan memantau kehadiran pegawaipegawai. Kelebihan sistem ini ialah : a) Boleh mengawal pergerakan masuk dan keluar pegawai dan kakitangan dengan lebih cekap. b) Boleh meningkatkan displin pegawai dan kakitangan c) Boleh memantau, mengawas dan mengeluarkan laporan waktu pergerakan masuk dan keluar pegawai dan kakitangan secara eletronik ( Laporan kelewatan pegawai mengikut bahagian, tarikh, bulan dan masa ) d) Boleh memperoleh maklumat berkaitan waktu pergerakan masuk dan keluar pegawai dan kakitangan dengan cepat TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 142 dan tepat. e) Boleh menjana laporan dan maklumat waktu pergerakan masuk dan keluar pegawai berdasarkan harian , mingguan dan bulanan secara atas talian dan juga bercetak. f) Memberi kemudahan kepada pegawaipegawai untuk menjelaskan sebabsebab mengapa waktu masuk dan keluar pejabat yang ditetapkan tidak dipatuhi , untuk pertimbangan dan kelulusan Pegawai Penyelia secara atas talian. Perubahan Warna Kad Di Dalam Jadual Kedatangan (Sistem Kedatangan) 3 - Semua pegawai adalah pemegang kad kuning, Jika terdapat tiga (3) catitan merah dalam sebulan tanpa memberi sebarang keterangan yang diterima oleh penyelia, kadnya akan ditukarkan kepada kad hijau. - Semasa memegang kad hijau ini, pegawai berkenaan tidak mendapat catitan merah bagi tempoh satu bulan dari tarikh catitan merah yang akhir dan telah membuat pengemaskinian, kad hijaunya akan bertukar semula kepada kad berwarna kuning. - Jika seseorang pemegang kad hijau telah mendapat dua (2) catitan merah tanpa membuat pengemaskinian dan tidak diterima oleh penyelia. Kadnya akan bertukar kepada warna merah. Tindakan tatatertib mengikut Perintah Am Bab “D” akan dijalankan. Access Level Maklumat yang diperlukan sebelum menggunakan atau melaksanakan sistem ini :- - a) Tahap 1-10 Masukkan maklumat berdasarkan carta organisai dan kod-kod yang sesuai untuk TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 143 mewakili bahagian/unit/jawatan tersebut. b) Jenis Pengguna -Bos -Pegawai -Pengguna c) Cuti Hari Sabtu -Masukkan cuti hari Sabtu terdapat pada tahun semasa. d) Cuti Umum - Masukkan maklumat berdasarkan cuti umum pada tahun semasa. e) Jenis Cuti -Masukkan maklumat ini berdasarkan kod cuti yang telah digunakan oleh pihak pengurusan. f) Kategori SSB - Maklumat ini penting sebagai penyediaan untuk menentukan kelayakan cuti. g) Waktu Kerja Berperingkat -Masukkan maklumat ini berdasarkan waktu kerja berperingkat. 4 Maklumat Yang diperlukan Untuk Mendaftar Kakitangan Baru a) Modul Maklumat Kakitangan -No. Kad Pengenalan. -Nama Penuh -Tarikh Lahir -No. Kad -Kategori SSB -Tarikh Mula Bekerja b) Modul Penyediaan -Jenis Pengguna -Hak Pengguna -Pelulus c) Modul Organsasi -Maklumat unit, seksyen d) Modul Jadual Waktu -Memasukkan pilihan WP Pengguna TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 144 yang telah dipilih. -Reka Jadual waktu untuk setahun bagi kakitangan tersebut. - e) Modul Cuti Masukkan tahun berkerja semasa. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 145 9.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL INTEGRATION Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks DATABASE INTEGRATION 1. Penender MESTI membangunkan rekabentuk RDBMS yang boleh dikongsikan dan saling diintegrasi secara bersama untuk aplikasi CAMS, ISMS, VMS dan Time Attendance System 2. Penender MESTI membina rekabentuk RDBMS yang membolehkan replikasi database daripada site server di setiap Parcel kepada database sepusat di Parcel B. Penender MESTI menjelaskan secara specific secara gambarajah bagaimana jalinan database yang saling berintegrasi akan dilakukan oleh ISMS antara system CAMS, CCTV, VMS, LPRS dan Time Attendant syatem. NETWORK INTEGRATION 1. Penender mesti membekalkan vertical cabling dan horizontal cabling yang mencukupi bagi membangunkan network yang sama dan boleh mengintegrasikan secara 100 percent diperingkat network layer bagi komponen CAMS, ISMS, LPRS, VMS, CCTV, Time Attendance dan komponen lain yang termasuk dlm projek ini. 2. Penender mesti mengintegrasikan dan menguruskan semua komponen utama CAMS, cctv system dan time attendance system dalam satu ISMS centralized management yang menggunakan webbased technology. 3. Semua komponen CAMS, LPRS, cctv system dan time attendance projek mesti berasaskan ip based technology dan boleh dipantau oleh centralized network monitoring system (NMS) 4. Penender mesti membuat network integrasi LAN system ini di Parcel A dan LAN system ini di Parcel B disatukan TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 146 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks melalui dua sambungan dengan bertindak sebagai active-pasive secara hot standby. 5. Penender MESTI mencadangkan kepada Kerajaan bagaimana cadangan cabling antara Parcel A dan Parcel B dilakukan. Sertakan schematic diagram dengan menggunakan komponen yang tepat dan jelaskan alasan kenapa mencadangkan begitu? Proposal akan DITOLAK jika tidak disertakan perkara yang dinyatakan. 6. Penender mesti menyediakan teknologi open standard yang mematuhi international level atau national level bagi komponen atau best practise dan nyatakan nama standard: a. Untuk sistem attendant, penender mesti menawarkan sistem yang boleh dicustomize coding dan prosesnya yang memenuhi peraturan dan poekeliling Kerajaan atau lebih baik b. Semua aplikasi dan engine yang ditawarkan dalam projek ini memenuhi. Teknologi soap dan web standard TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 147 10.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL MIGRATION DATABASE Items Description 1 Penender mesti melakukan migrasi data yang digunakan di sistem sekarang kepada databasse sistem baru.nyatakan plean migrasi dengan jelas bagi membuktikan tidak menjejaskan perkhidmatan door acces yg sedang digunakan Didalam kertas cadangan mesti dimasukkan cara-cara pemindahan data antara server lama ke server yang baru yang perlu dibuat beserta dengan langkah-langkah yang harus diambil. Penender mempastikan database yang dipindahkan ini kepada sistem baru boleh digunakan oleh kad akses sedang digunakan dan kad akses yang dicadangkan 2 3 4 Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Penender perlu menjelaskan secara terperinci : a. b. 5. 6. 7. 8. Detail workflow proses migration Detail tools software dan hardware yang akan digunakan untuk migration Proses migration dilakukan tidak menyebabkan sIstem sedia ada terganggu. Kakitangan yang mencukupi disediakan pada masa pertukaran Kad Reader lama kepada Kad Reader baru, di mana jika berlaku kegagalan pada masa proses dilaksanakan pihak Petender yang berjaya boleh menyediakan pelan kecemasan bagi membolehkan akses pintu beroperasi seperti sedia kala. Kad pengguna yang sedia ada boleh dibaca pada system baru dan data pengguna pada system lama disimpan dalam system baru. Pihak Petender yang berjaya perlu sentiasa berhubung dengan kontraktor penyelenggaraan kad semasa bagi membolehkan sistem yang sedia ada tidak terganggu semasa proses naiktaraf dijalankan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 148 11.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN TEKNIKAL NETWORK Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Keperluan fungsi 1. Penender MESTI menggunakan cabling yang boleh IP-Based data transmission seperti UTP (RJ45) daripada ACU atau yang setara sehingga ke Server yang ditempatkan di Data Center, Parcel B. 2. Penender membuat horizontal cabling yang mencukupi daripada semua komponen hadapan hingga ke floor switch. 3. Penender mesti menggunakan cable yang boleh menggunakan IP based component. Nyatakan jenis cable yang digunakan 4. Membuat vertical cabling yang mencukupi drp swiching hub ke core swich di Parcel A dan Parcel B. 5. Penender MESTI menyediakan floor switch yang mencukupi untuk menjayakan projek ini di setiap Parcel. 6. Penender MESTI menyediakan redundant core switch bagi setiap Parcel. 7. Penender mesti membuat penyambungan cable yang sempurna daripada lan Parcel a ke Parcel b dengan redundancy connectivity utk HA 8. Penender MESTI menyertakan tiga (3)schematic diagram yang tepat yang melibatkan komponen berikut: a. Redundancy Core switch Parcel A ke Parcel B bagi menunjukan TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 149 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks komponen yang digunakan b. Semua Floor switch ke Core switch di kedua-dua Parcel c. Front devices (access reader) sehingga ke floor switch pada salah satu lokasi pintu yang dicadangkan. * Schematic diagram yang tidak tepat atau ketiadaan schematic diagram akan menyebabkan tawaran ditolak. 9. Penender MESTI mengisi / melengkapkan Jadual Bilangan Komponan Perkakasan ynag ditawarkan dlm projek ini. Sila penuhkan Jadual Txxx 10. Networking yang dibangunkan mesti berpandukan open standard dan boleh dilakukan seamless integration sehingga network layer dengan pcn network antara Parcel a dan Parcel b. 11. Penender mesti menawarkan dan pemasangan network monitoring system yang boleh memantau sehingga ke peringkat network layer (ip dan service port) kpd semua komponen ip based yang ditawarkan . 12. Penender mesti menyatakan jenama NMS dan menyertakan white paper atau brochure. 13. NMS yang ditawarkan mesti boleh membuat reporting mengenai availibility, prestasi capaian dan kepenggunaan sumber spt ram, hdisk etc bagi server, network comp, door access, cctv. Penender perlu menyertakan whitepaper atau brochure utk penelitian dan pembuktian. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 150 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 14. Penender mesti menyediakan server untukmenempatkan NMS yang digunakan. 2. Penender MESTI menawarkan produk yang berciri berikut : i. Core Switch a. Menyediakan modular solution dengan slot SPF port yang mencukupi pada setiap Parcel b. Redundancy Core switch c. Overvoltage protections d. Menyokong Port VLAN, 802.1Q VLAN, 802.1P e. Menyokong 1024 statistic MAC f. Bercirikan multicast filtering g. Bercirikan unicast filtering h. Menyokong SNMPv3 i. Menyokong monitoring atau pemantauan kepenggunaan resource PoE, darjah kepanasan, aktiviti port melalui micro SD slot atau yang setara. j. Kuantiti UTP port yang mencukupi untuk penyambungan kepada floor switch pada setiap lokasi pemasangan untuk keperluan vertical cabling k. Redunancy electrical power supply l. Boleh tahan sekurangkurangnya dari 0 darjah celcius sehingga 70 darjah celcius semasa di production m. MESTI menyediakan kemudahan PoE pada standard 802.3af and 802.3at serta sesuai untuk CCTV dan CAMS Component n. Menyokong multiple VLANS, TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 151 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks QoS, Multicast and lain-lain advanced network functionalities untuk menjamin penggunaan steady video surveillance streams ii. Floor switch a. Rack maunted type b. Menyokong cabling interface daripada jenis RJ45 dan RS 485 atau yang setara c. Kuantiti UTP port atau port standard lain yang setara yang mencukupi untuk penyambungan kepada CAMS Component pada setiap lokasi pemasangan untuk keperluan horizontal cabling secara redundancy d. UTP port yang menampung saiz bandwidth 10/100/1000 mbs e. Sekurang-kurangnya Two port electrical power supply f. Sekurang-kurangnya dua (2) SPF fiber vertical port utk penyambungan ke core switch g. Boleh tahan sekurangkurangnya dari -40 darjah celcius sehingga 70 darjah celcius semasa di production h. MESTI menyediakan kemudahan PoE pada standard 802.3af and 802.3at serta sesuai untuk CCTV dan CAMS Component i. Menyokong multiple VLANS, QoS, Multicast and lain-lain advanced network functionalities untuk menjamin penggunaan steady video surveillance streams TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 152 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks iii. Vertical cable a. Mesti menawarkan vertical cable yang mencukupi utk keseluruhan projek b. Menawarkan single mode fiber optic iv. Horizontal cable a. Mesti menawarkan horizontal cable yang mencukupi untuk keseluruhan projek b. Menawarkan RJ45 atau cable lain yang bersesuain dgn projek v. NMS server a. Rak mounted type b. Xeon processor CPU c. Memory sekurang-kurangnya 8MB d. Hard disk RAID 5 type e. Hard disk type sekurangkurangnya 3 TB termasuk kegunaan RAID f. Sekurang-kurangnya 2 NIC berkapasiti 100/1000mbps g. Redundancy Power Supply Port h. Dilengkapkan Sistem Pengoperasi Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Std atau yang setara. vi. Firewall Appliance/NAT devices 3. Ciri-ciri Perisian 1. NMS Engine a. Menggunakan system pengoperasi Microsoft Windows atau yang setara b. Web based interface c. Mesti boleh diintegrasikan dengan existing SMS gateway d. Boleh membuat monitoring TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 153 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Compliance (Y/N) Remarks sehingga service port level e. Boleh membuat reporting dan menjana report secara berkala. A. KESELAMATAN Items 1. Description AUTENTICATION a. Semua backend server (CAMS, CCTV, ISMS, VMS, Time Attendance dan lainlain) MESTI boleh diurus secara berpusat dengan keselamatan yang tinggi. b. Pengurusan server secara berpusat MESTI menggunakan web-based interface. c. Penender MESTI menawarkan Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication tanpa mengira patform kepada semua backend server dan MESTI serasi menggunakan technology ldap untuk proses authentication. Nyatakan dengan jelas komponen authentication yang digunakan dan SERTAKAN FLOWCART proses authentication yg akan dilakukan bagi membuktikan SSO itu boleh dilakukan. d. Penender MESTI menawarkan two factor authentication bagi membolehkan pentadbir system yang layak membuat capaian ke centralised server. 2. e. AUTHORIZATION a. System yang ditawarkan mesti dilengkapkan dengan keselamatan melalui level authorization atau level permission bagi pengasingan. Read/write, read only, modify etc pada peringkat grup admin dan grup level user yang dikendalikan oleh ldap. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 154 Items 3. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks NETWORK LAYER SECURITY a. Network integration dan wireless antara Parcel a dan Parcel b yang melalui pcn mesi dilindungi oleh tahap keselamatan melalui Nat, ip rule, port rule, anti flooding (ddos), ips. Nyatakan produk yang ditawarkan dan sertakan whitepaper/ brochure. Tiada dokumen sokongan maka proposal akan DITOLAK. b. Membekalkan rak 42U berkunci yg mencukupi untuk menempatkan komponen berkaitan. Nyatakan jenama rack dan berapa unit? 4. ENCRYPTION a. Penender mesti menawarkan encryption semasa penyimpanan, penghantaran dan semasa capaian data dengan minimum 128bit size of ecryption melalui algorithm AES atau triple DES. Nyatakan secara satu persatu bagaimana penender menyediakan encryption pada area berikut: i. Parcel a ke Parcel b ii. Door access ke server iii. Cctv ke server iv. Time attendance ke server v. Login admin session utk pengurusan lan dan remote vi. Backup dan restore ke/drp tape vii. Database TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 155 B. KEBOLEHSEDIAAN Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 1. Penender MESTI menyediakan pelan pemulihan kebolehsediaan kurang daripada 30 minit untuk semua komponen. Petender MESTI menyertakan workfkow yang dicadangkan bagaimana proses kerja sasaran pemulihan dalam 30 minit boleh dilakukan. Ketiadaan detail WORKFLOW ini boleh menyebabkan proposal akan ditolak. 2. Penender MESTI menyediakan tawaran perkhidmatan kebolehsediaan bagi area berikut: a. Back-up system yang dilaksanakan melibatkan systems dan data utama. b. Redundancy backbone connection antara LAN Parcel A kepada LAN Parcel B c. Redundany Core Switch setiap Parcel d. Redundancy ACU atau setara di setiap lokasi pemasangan e. Redundancy CAMS server, ISMS Server f. Redundancy vertical cable daripada semua floor switch ke Core switch di setiap Parcel g. Reduncay electrical power port di setiap floor switch Penender MESTI membuktikan keperluan di atas melalui proposed schematic design secara tepat di writeup proposal dengan huraiannya sekali. Ketiadaan schematic diagram yang menjelaskan keperluan kebolehsediaan maka proposal akan DITOLAK 3. ACU MESTI terus berfungsi dan menyimpan sekurang-kurangnya 300,000 record semasa offline dan sync/replicate ke main server setelah bekalan elektrik disambung semula 4. CAMS Component MESTI boleh bertahan untuk terus berfungsi sekurang-kurangnya 1 jam semasa ketiadaan elektrik. Buktikan dgn brocure atau whitepaper TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 156 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks 5. CCTV boleh menyimpan dan bertahan sekurang-kurangya untuk muatan storage utk tempoh 1 jam di semasa bekalan elektrik tiada. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 157 12.0 SPESIFIKASI KEPERLUAN KHIDMAT SOKONGAN A. TEKNIKAL PENGURUSAN PROJEK DAN PENGURUSAN PROJEK DAN KHIDMAT SOKONGAN Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks PENGURUSAN PROJEK Penender MESTI menjelaskan proposal secara detail subtask bagi setiap komponen bagi stage berikut: a. Kajian awal/ info gathering b. Perancangan dan identify requirement c. Design & procument d. Implementation - network cabling e. implementation system - install, configure dan integrate f. Migration g. Ujian - PAT, UAT/FAT h. Deployment - door access, CCTV, time attendant i. go live Penender juga MESTI mencadangkan proposed timeline untuk tempoh tidak lebih 6 bulan dalam Gantt chart yang menunjukkan dgn jelas tarikh mula dan tarikh akhir subtask. Proposal akan ditolak jika timeline tidak jelas dan meragukan kemampuan penender. Meragukan bermaksud tafsiran proposed tempoh kerja yang tidak munasabah atau tertinggal task penting dlm Gantt Chart tersebut. 2. KHIDMAT SOKONGAN 1. Penender MESTI mempunyai Online Helpdesk, sebutkan helpdesk channel yang ditawarkan sepanjang tempoh perlaksanaan dan penyelenggaraan j. Tel k. Web based helpdesk l. Email m. SMS Penender mesti mempunyai talian helpdesk yang khas dan online web TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 158 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks based helpdesk domain kepunyaan sendiri. 2. Petender MESTI menawarkan seorang Full Time Site Engineer dan 3 orang Technician semasa tempoh jaminan dan penyelenggaraan. 3. Penender mesti menyerahkan dokumentasi semasa perolehan, design, implement, migrate, deploy dan selenggara. Senaraikan nama dokumentasi yang akan diserahkan kepada Kerajaan sepanjang projek dan penyelenggaraan secara satu persatu. Proposal yang tidak menyenaraikan dengan lengkap dokumen atau tidak mencukupi yang akan diserahkan maka akan ditolak. 4. Sepanjang perjalanan projek CAMS, Penender mesti membuat rakaman flagship video bersekali dengan suara yang membolehkan difahami dalam 2 kategori iaitu untuk tontonan umum dan teknikal serta slaid perbentangan (umum dan teknikal) bagi Projek CAMS ini. JAMINAN DAN PENYELEGGARAAN 1. Penender MESTI member jaminan respond time sentuhan access card tidak lebih drp 1 saat 3 2. Penender MESTI administration login via SSO dan capaian aplikasi ISMS atau modul aplikasi lain termasuk manipulasi database tidak melebihi 10 saat. 3. Penender MESTI menawarkan produk yang mampu menyediakan jaminan Spare Part dalam tempoh sepuluh (10) TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 159 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks tahun. Penender perlu menyertakan surat daripada Principle bagi membuktikan komitmen ini. 4. Penender MESTI menawarkan perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan dan jaminan produk selama dua (2) tahun tanpa kos tambahan. 5. Penender MESTI menawarkan penukaran Spare Part akibat kerosakan yang menjejaskan fungsi perlu ditukar dgn yang baru dlm tempoh tidak melebihi 24 jam. 6. Penender MESTI melakukan Preventive Maintenance bagi setiap enam (6) bulan dalam tempoh jaminan. 7. Penender MESTI menyertakan surat sokongan daripada Prinsipal yang menyatakan akan kesanggupan bersama-sama memberi sokongan perkhidmatan terus ke tapak pada sebelum, semasa dan selepas projek untuk tempoh dua (2) tahun setelah tamat kontrak bagi kategori berikut: a. Komponen CAMS b. Komponen CCTV c. Komponen Network dan Firewall d. Komponen VMS e. Komponen RDBMS f. Komponen Sistem Pengoperasi g. Komponen Perkakasan Server 8. Penender MESTI menyertakan BROCHURE/KATALOG atau WHITEPAPER yang boleh digunakan sebagai rujukan semasa penilaian bagi kategori berikut: a. Komponen CAMS TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 160 Items Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks Compliance (Y/N) Remarks b. Komponen CCTV c. Komponen Network dan Firewall d. Komponen VMS e. Komponen RDBMS f. Komponen Sistem Pengoperasi g. Komponen Perkakasan Server B. LATIHAN DAN KESEDARAN Items Description 1. Penender MESTI menyediakan perkara berikut: 1.1 End user training 1.2 CCTV, door access, time attendance Admin training 1.3 Change management (awareness) 1.4 Network admin training 1.5 Keselamatan training 1.6 Menyediakan Flyers dan buletin. 2. Penender perlu menjelaskan detail training yang mengandungi nama training, Ketogeri latihan admin/user,bil paserta, bil hari dan lokasi training. Ketiadaaan maklumat ini akan menyebabkan proposal akan ditolak. 3. Penender juga MESTI menyenaraikan expert yang bertauliah atau bersijil untuk menjalankan training dgn detail nama pengajar, no kp, bidang diajar, sijil yang dimiliki dan pengalaman 3 tahun terakhir. Proposal yang tidak menyertakan dengan lengkap senarai trainer akan ditolak. Sila penuhkan JADUAL KAKITANGAN dan JADUAL PENGALAMAN pada ruangan yang disediakan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 161 Penender MESTI menyenaraikan latihan dalam jadual berikut: Bil Latihan Kategori Bil latihan Peserta Admin/user Bil Hari Lokasi Dicadangkan 1. a. Komponen CAMS b. Komponen CCTV c. Komponen LPRS d. Komponen Network dan Firewall e. Komponen VMS f. Komponen Time Attendence g. Komponen RDBMS h. Komponen Sistem Pengoperasi C. PENGALAMAN DAN KAKITANGAN Items 1. Description Compliance (Y/N) Remarks PERSIJILAN Penender MESTI menawarkan perkara berikut: 1. Card Access System* (CAMS)/ISMS/VMS) 2. Penender MESTI mempunyai Certified Engineer/Consultant seperti berikut: i) Professional Engineer (Civil, Mechanical & Electrical )berdaftar dengan Board of Engineers( BEM) atau Institute of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 162 Penender MESTI membuktikan setiap satu dengan nama, pengalaman 3 tahun terakhir dan sijil. Kelebihan akan diberi kepada syarikat menawarkan engineer ini terus tanpa melalui prinsiple atau rakan kongsi. Semakan yang didapati palsu akan menyebabkan tawaran ditolak. KEPERLUAN PENGALAMAN 1. Penender MESTI pernah mempunyai pengalaman menyelenggara atau melaksanakan CAMS yang sama atau lebih daripada 200 pintu atau 400 unit card reader pada satu lokasi tapak yang sama. Sila nyatakan detail pengalaman dalam jadual yang disertakan di bawah. 2. Penender MESTI pernah memasang dan menyelesaikan atau menyelenggara project yang setara pada mana-mana agensi Kerajaan atau agensi berkaitan dengan Kerajaan dalam tempoh 5 tahun yang lepas Penender perlu melengkapkan Jadual di bawah yang menyatakan kakitangan bersijil yang diakui oleh badan Professional atau Principle/Pengeluar produk berikut: Penender WAJIB menamakan kakitangan yang bertanda * Bil Skop 1. Door Access System* (CAMS)/ISMS/ VMS Time Attendance Network System* Security System* Application/Sys tem Engineer* OS Admin* 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Nama Kakitangan No. K/P Nama/No. Sijil Tahun Diperolehi Muka Surat 163 7. Electrical/Mech anical/Civil Engineer* Penender juga perlu melengkapkan Jadual di bawah yang menyatakan sijil syarikat yang diperolehi: Bil Sijil Nama/No. Sijil Tahun Mula/Tamat Remarks 1. Pendaftaran Kementerian Kewangan * 2. CIDB/PKK* 3. ISO SMS 4. ISO Management 5. Lain-lain (sila nyatakan) Penender WAJIB mempunyai sijil yang bertanda * D. PENGALAMAN Penender juga MESTI melengkap senarai pengalaman untuk 5 tahun terkini yang berkaitan dengan projek ini yang mempunyai lebih daripada 200 pintu atau 400 unit card reader pada satu lokasi tapak yang sama secara detail. Ketiadaan pengalaman berkaitan akan menyebabkan proposal akan di TOLAK. BIL Pengalaman berkaitan TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Lokasi Agensi Nama dan No Tel Pegawai Agensi berkenaan Tarikh siap laksana Muka Surat 164 E. LESEN Penender MESTI menyenaraikan secara terperinci yang akan dinamakan kepada Pentadbiran Am Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PAJPM) sekiranya berkaitan. Sebarang percanggahan fakta atau bilangan lesen yang tidak mencukupi akan menyebabkan proposal ditolak. Taip “TIADA” jika tidak berkaitan. BIL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. F. NAMA PRODUK BILANGAN LESEN SERVER/CLIENT/SESS ION PENJELASAN Sistem Pengoperasi Server Sistem Pengoperasi Client NMS ISMS Engine Anti Virus Firewall/NAT Devices CAMS VMS Card Printer CCTV LPRS Time Attendant RDBMS Lain-lain lesen yang berkaitan HARDWARE BIL 1. SENARAI HARDWARE CAMS & ISMS DOOR ACCESS CARD READER LED WITH KEYPAD DOOR ACCESS CARD READER WITHOUT KEYPAD DROP BOX ACCESS CARD READER Controller/ACU UPS BATERI ACCESS CARD (STAFF) ACCESS CARD (PELAWAT) ISMS AND CAMS Server TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN 4000 unit 1000 unit Muka Surat 165 BIL 2. 3. 4. SENARAI HARDWARE Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi ISMS AND CAMS Workstation Min Req : Memory : 4GB, i7 2600 CPU, harddisk yang mencukupi atau thin client BOOM Gate Fire alarm Integration component SMS Gateway Others related ISMS/CAMS component (senaraikansatupersatu) TURNSTILE Turnstile (Mesti Di lampirkan bersama catalog/brosur) Swing (Mesti Di lampirkan bersama catalog/brosur) Other related component (sila senaraikan satu bersatu dan kuantitinya) CCTV Civillian (pedestarian) CCTV camera CCTV camera Pejabat TPM LPRS – Plate recognition system camera CCTV Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, minimum Harddisk 28 TB yang mencukupi CCTV Workstation Other related component (sila senaraikan satu bersatu dan kuantitinya) Photo-ID Production Facility Smart touch Desktop provided for card enrolment at the SPCC shall comprises of the following Intel® Core™ i5-2400S 2.5 GHz, DMI 5GT/s. Integrated 23" TFT Panel with Touch Capabilities TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN 12 unit 29 unit 8 unit 16 Unit 9 Unit 12 unit 2 unit 2 unit Muka Surat 166 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN 8GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk Propose design and built in counter for the Photo-ID Production Facility like Jabatan Perdaftaran Negara capacity two workstation. Digital Video Camera Camera can capture card shall be provided to capture and store images of card owners Lump Sum 3 unit The printer shall have print capabilities such as: Continuous-tone, full colour or continuous tone, black-and-white photo Alphanumeric text logos, digitised signatures Variety of bar codes Background patterns Hologram laminator i. User-friendly software shall permit the operator to frame user images and print and laminate cards automatically. The hologram card printer shall be capable of handling a minimum of 4 colours with true 8-bit printing capability allowing printing of at least 100,000 different combination of colours. The printer shall be at least 300 dots per inch. ii. The operator shall be able to enroll the card in the access system database and print directly from the card production workstation. IDF shall be integrated to the central Database and Retrieval System to store fingerprint, photo image and information to be printed on TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM 2 unit Muka Surat 167 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN the card. 4. 5. 6. VMS VMS ACCESS CARD READER 2 NOS VISITOR CONTACT MYKAD READER EACH DESKTOP VISITOR PASSPORT READER/SCANNER Web Cam VMS Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, 2TB X 3 VMS Smart touch Desktop shall comprises of the following Intel® Core™ i5-2400S 2.5 GHz, DMI 5GT/s. Integrated 23" TFT Panel with Touch Capabilities 8GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk 8 unit 16 unit 8 unit 8 unit 2 unit 8 unit TIME ATTENDANCE (TA) Time Attendance Card Reader (Staff acces card) TA Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, 2Tb X 4 TA Workstation for admin NETWORK SYSTEM Backbone switch Floor switch (distributed switch) Router/Firewall/NAT Component Fiber Optic Cable (single mode) Fiber optic cable tester Related Fiber Optic Component (sebutkan satu persatu) UTP RJ45 UTP cable tester Related UTP RJ45 Component (sebutkansatupersatu) Distributed/low-end UPS for TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 168 BIL 7. 8. 9. G. SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN NTP appliance NMS Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi SMS modem Anti Virus Server INTEGRATION Fiber channel switch Fiber optic for fiber private channel connection Auto loader Tape backup(LTO5) Centralized admin workstation Domain controller server (SSO/authentication/authorization ) Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi NMS/SMS/Mobile server Centralized log tracking server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi MIGRATION Staging Server Switch LAIN-LAIN Hardware YANG BERKAITAN (Sila nyatakan satu persatu) SOFTWARE BIL 1. SENARAI SOFTWARE CAMS & ISMS ISMS Engine TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 169 BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN CAMS Engine SistemPengoperasi ISMS/CAMS Server Sistempengoperasi ISMS/CAMS client OS SMS gateway – jikaada RDBMS 2. NVR CCTV Lain-lain license yang diperlukan – jikaada RDBMS 3. VMS VMS Engine VMS Admin license VISITOR PASSPORT READER/SCANNER software VMS OS Server VMS OS Workstation 4. TIME ATTENDANCE Time Attendance Engine Time Attendance Client TA OS Server TA OS Admin Workstation TA Reporting TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM and Monitoring Muka Surat 170 BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN Tool RDMS Server RDMS client/session Lain-lain software yang berkaitan (silanyatakansatupersatu – jika ada) 5. NETWORK SYSTEM Network switch Management NMS Reporing and monitoring Engine NMS OS Server SMS Engine and license Anti Virus engine and license RDMS 6. INTEGRATION Back up software for Auto loader for client include file and application LDAP/Domain controller server (SSO/authentication/authorization ) NMS/SMS/Mobile appliance based server Centralized CAMS/VMS/CCTV/LPRS Management Engine and license 7. MIGRATION TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 171 BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) CATATAN TAWARAN Migration tool software 8. LAIN-LAIN SOFTWARE YANG BERKAITAN (Sila nyatakan satu persatu) TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 172 BAHAGIAN E PEMATUHAN SYARAT-SYARAT KEWANGAN DAN JADUAL HARGA TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 173 JADUAL HARGA JADUAL RINGKASAN HARGA BIL PERKARA A. LESEN B. HARDWARE C. SOFTWARE D. KERJA-KERJA NAIK TARAF E. LAIN – LAIN (SILA NYATAKAN PERINCIAN) HARGA (RM) JUMLAH KESELURUHAN TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 174 PERAKUAN JUMLAH HARGA OLEH PETENDER Saya mengesahkan Jumlah keseluruhan harga tender ini ialah sejumlah Ringgit Malaysia (dalam perkataan): …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ................................................................................................................................ iaitu RM ........................................ (dalam angka) bertarikh pada ............... haribulan ................... 2011. Tandatangan ...................................................................................... Nama: ...................................................................................... No. Kad Pengenalan: ...................................................................................... Cop Syarikat: A. LESEN Penender MESTI menyenaraikan secara terperinci yang akan dinamakan kepada Pentadbiran Am Jabatan Perdana Menteri (PAJPM) sekiranya berkaitan. Sebarang percanggahan fakta atau bilangan lesen yang tidak mencukupi akan menyebabkan proposal ditolak. Taip “TIADA” jika tidak berkaitan. BILANGAN LESEN Harga Yang Ditawarkan BIL NAMA PRODUK Jumlah SERVER/CLIE Seunit NT/SESSION 1. Sistem Pengoperasi Server 2. Sistem Pengoperasi Client 3. NMS 4. ISMS Engine 5. Anti Virus 6. Firewall/NAT Devices 7. CAMS 8. VMS 9. CCTV 10. LPRS 11. Time Attendant 12. RDBMS 13. Lain-lain lesen yang berkaitan Jumlah TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 175 B. HARDWARE BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) 1. CAMS & ISMS DOOR ACCESS CARD READER LED WITH KEYPAD DOOR ACCESS CARD READER WITHOUT KEYPAD DROP BOX ACCESS CARD READER Controller/ACU UPS BATERI ACCESS CARD (STAFF) 4000 unit ACCESS CARD (PELAWAT) 1000 unit ISMS AND CAMS Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, 2TB x 3 Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi. ISMS AND CAMS Workstation Min Req : Memory : 4GB, i7 2600 CPU, harddisk yang mencukupi BOOM Gate 12 unit Turnstile Fire alarm Integration component SMS Gateway Others related ISMS/CAMS component (senaraikansatupersatu) 2. TURNSTILE Turnstile (Mesti Di lampirkan 29 unit bersama catalog/brosur) Swing (Mesti Di lampirkan 8 unit bersama catalog/brosur) Integration with CAMS and ISMS Other related component (sila senaraikan satu bersatu dan kuantitinya) 3. CCTV Civillian (pedestarian) CCTV camera CCTV camera Pejabat TPM LPRS – Plate recognition system TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Harga Yang Ditawarkan Seunit Jumlah 16 unit 9 unit 12 unit Muka Surat 176 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE camera CCTV Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, minimum 28TB Harddisk . CCTV Workstation Other related component (sila senaraikan satu bersatu dan kuantitinya) 4. Photo-ID Production Facility Smart touch Desktop provided for card enrolment at the SPCC shall comprises of the following Intel® Core™ i5-2400S 2.5 GHz, DMI 5GT/s. Integrated 23" TFT Panel with Touch Capabilities 8GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk Propose design and built in counter for the Photo-ID Production Facility like Jabatan Perdaftaran Negara capacity two workstation. Digital Video Camera Camera can capture card shall be provided to capture and store images of card owners The printer shall have print capabilities such as: Continuous-tone, full colour or continuous tone, black-and-white photo Alphanumeric text logos, digitised signatures Variety of bar codes Background patterns Hologram laminator KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang Ditawarkan Seunit Jumlah 2 unit 2 unit Lump Sum 3 unit 2 unit iii. User-friendly software shall permit the operator to frame TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 177 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang Ditawarkan Seunit Jumlah user images and print and laminate cards automatically. The hologram card printer shall be capable of handling a minimum of 4 colours with true 8-bit printing capability allowing printing of at least 100,000 different combination of colours. The printer shall be at least 300 dots per inch. iv. The operator shall be able to enroll the card in the access system database and print directly from the card production workstation. IDF shall be integrated to the central Database and Retrieval System to store fingerprint, photo image and information to be printed on the card. 4. 5. VMS ACCESS CARD READER 2 NOS VISITOR CONTACT MYKAD READER EACH DESKTOP VISITOR PASSPORT READER/SCANNER Web Cam VMS Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, 2TB X 3 VMS Smart touch Desktop shall comprises of the following Intel® Core™ i5-2400S 2.5 GHz, DMI 5GT/s. Integrated 23" TFT Panel with Touch Capabilities 8GB RAM 500GB Hard Disk 8 unit 16 unit 8 unit 8 Unit 2 unit 8 unit TIME ATTENDANCE (TA) Time Attendance Card Reader TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 178 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang Ditawarkan Seunit Jumlah (Staff acces card) TA Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, 2Tb X 4 TA Workstation for admin 6. NETWORK SYSTEM Backbone switch Floor switch (distributed switch) Router/Firewall/NAT Component Fiber Optic Cable (single mode) Fiber optic cable tester Related Fiber Optic Component (sebutkan satu persatu) UTP RJ45 UTP cable tester Related UTP RJ45 Component (sebutkansatupersatu) Distributed/low-end UPS for NTP appliance NMS Server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi SMS modem Anti Virus Server 7. INTEGRATION Fiber channel switch Fiber optic for fiber private channel connection Auto loader Tape backup(LTO5) Centralized admin workstation Domain controller server (SSO/authentication/authorization) Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi NMS/SMS/Mobile server Centralized log tracking server Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 179 BIL SENARAI HARDWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang Ditawarkan Seunit Jumlah mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, 1TB x 3 Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi Centralized CAMS/VMS/CCTV Management Engine. Min Req : Memory : 8GB, rack mounted, Xeon CPU, CPU speed 3.0GHz, Harddisk RAID 5, Harddisk yang mencukupi 8. MIGRATION Staging Server Switch 9. LAIN-LAIN Hardware YANG BERKAITAN (Sila nyatakan satu persatu) Jumlah C. SOFTWARE BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE 1. CAMS & ISMS ISMS Engine CAMS Engine SistemPengoperasi Server ISMS/CAMS Sistempengoperasi ISMS/CAMS client OS SMS gateway – jikaada RDBMS 2. CCTV OS CCTV server – nyatakanjikatelahdisatukandengan ISMS OS CCTV workstation – nyatakanjikatelahdisatukandengan ISMS TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang DiTawarkan Seunit Jumlah Muka Surat 180 BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang DiTawarkan Seunit Jumlah Lain-lain license yang diperlukan – jikaada RDBMS 3. VMS VMS Engine VMS Admin license VISITOR PASSPORT READER/SCANNER software VMS OS Server VMS OS Workstation 4. TIME ATTENDANCE Time Attendance Engine Time Attendance Client TA OS Server TA OS Admin Workstation TA Reporting and Monitoring Tool RDMS Server RDMS client/session Lain-lain software yang berkaitan (silanyatakansatupersatu – jika ada) 5. NETWORK SYSTEM Network switch Management NMS Reporing and monitoring Engine NMS OS Server SMS Engine and license Anti Virus engine and license RDMS 6. INTEGRATION Back up software for Auto loader for client include file and application LDAP/Domain controller server (SSO/authentication/authorization) NMS/SMS/Mobile server appliance based Centralized CAMS/VMS/CCTV Management Engine and license 7. MIGRATION TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 181 BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang DiTawarkan Seunit Jumlah Migration tool software 8. LAIN-LAIN SOFTWARE YANG BERKAITAN (Sila nyatakan satu persatu) Jumlah Renovation Balai Pass Parcel B Dan Kaunter Penyediaan Kad Akses BIL SENARAI SOFTWARE 1. Prelimineries 2. Pondok Pengawal 3. Laluan Berbumbung 4. Pintu Pagar Utama TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang DiTawarkan Seunit Jumlah Muka Surat 182 BIL 5. SENARAI SOFTWARE KUANTITI DITAWARKAN (jika tiada taip NIL) Harga Yang DiTawarkan Seunit Jumlah Drop Off Kenderaan Jumlah TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 183 BAHAGIAN F BORANG AKAUN TENDER, SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA, PENGALAMAN DAN JAMINAN BANK 1. BORANG AKUAN TENDER 2. SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA 3. PENGALAMAN 4. BORANG JAMINAN BANK TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 184 BORANG AKUAN TENDER Setiausaha Bahagian Bahagian Khidmat Pengurusan Pentadbiran Am, JPM Aras 4, Blok B8 Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri 62502 PUTRAJAYA Tuan, PERKHIDMATAN MENAIKTARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa Syarikat …………………………………………………………………......................................................... mengambil bahagian dalam Tender Perkhidmatan Menaiktaraf Sistem Pengurusan Kad Akses (Cams) Di Bangunan Perdana Putra Dan Kompleks Jabatan Perdana Menteri. 2. Syarikat sebagai Petender dengan ini bersetuju menerima serta mematuhi dan terikat dengan syarat-syarat tender, kontrak dan spesifikasi kerja yang terkandung di dalam dokumen tender. Petender juga telah memahami bahawa PAJPM berhak menerima atau menolak tender ini, sama ada harga yang ditawarkan rendah atau tinggi atau sama dengan harga tawarantawaran lain. 3. Petender mengakui bahawa semua kenyataan yang diberikan adalah benar dan jika sekiranya mana-mana kenyataan yang tidak benar petender bersedia diambil tindakan oleh pihak Kerajaan. 4. Petender bersetuju bahawa sah laku harga tender yang ditawarkan ini selama satu ratus lapan puluh (180) hari daripada tarikh tutup tender. Dalam tempoh tersebut petender tidak boleh menarik diri daripada tawaran ini. 5. Selanjutnya sekiranya tawaran tender ini diterima, petender akan mengikat suatu kontrak serta memberi cagaran keselamatan dalam tempoh empat belas (14) hari daripada tarikh terima surat tawaran PAJPM. 6. Kami yang bertandatangani di bawah ini juga bersetuju untuk mematuhi syarat-syarat am yang dinyatakan dalam Dokumen Tender (Syarat-Syarat Am Tender). Harga yang dinyatakan seperti di Bahagian E (Jadual Harga) akan dijadikan asas penilaian bayaran untuk perkhidmatan dan perbekalan tersebut. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 185 Ditandatangani oleh: Tandatangan: Nama: No. Kad Pengenalan: Jawatan: Cop/Alamat Syarikat: Tarikh: Disaksikan oleh: Tandatangan: Nama: No Kad Pengenalan: Tarikh: TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 186 (SAP bertarikh 1 April 2010) SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA Bagi (PERKHIDMATAN MENAIKTARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI) Saya, ……………………………………....... nombor K.P. .........………………...... yang mewakili …………………………………................................................................ nombor Pendaftaran …...........……………………………………………...... dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam .......………………………………................... atau mana-mana individu lain, sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini. 2. Sekiranya saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam ……………………………….............. atau mana-mana individu lain sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan-tindakan berikut diambil: 2.1 2.2 2.3 penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; atau penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan lain-lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan Kerajaan. 3. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana-mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya berjanji akan dengan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Yang Benar, ……………………………...... Nama: No KP: Cop Syarikat : Catatan: * Potong mana yang tidak berkaitan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 187 BAHAGIAN F (SAP bertarikh 1 April 2010) SURAT AKUAN PEMBIDA Bagi (PERKHIDMATAN MENAIKTARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI) (Nama Wakil Syarikat) Saya, ……………………………………....... nombor K.P. .........………………...... yang mewakili (Nama Syarikat) …………………………………................................................................ nombor Pendaftaran (MOF/PKK/CIDB/ROS/ROC/ROB) …...........……………………………………………...... dengan ini mengisytiharkan bahawa saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini tidak akan menawar atau memberi (Nama Kementerian/Agensi) rasuah kepada mana-mana individu dalam .......………………………………................... atau mana-mana individu lain, sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas. Bersama-sama ini dilampirkan Surat Perwakilan Kuasa bagi saya mewakili syarikat seperti tercatat di atas untuk membuat pengisytiharan ini. 2. Sekiranya saya atau mana-mana individu yang mewakili syarikat ini didapati bersalah menawar atau memberi rasuah kepada mana-mana individu (Nama Kementerian/Agensi) dalam ……………………………….............. atau mana-mana individu lain sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya sebagai wakil syarikat bersetuju tindakan-tindakan berikut diambil: 2.1 2.2 2.3 penarikan balik tawaran kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; atau penamatan kontrak bagi tender/sebut harga* di atas; dan lain-lain tindakan tatatertib mengikut peraturan perolehan Kerajaan. 3. Sekiranya terdapat mana-mana individu cuba meminta rasuah daripada saya atau mana-mana individu yang berkaitan dengan syarikat ini sebagai sogokan untuk dipilih dalam tender/sebut harga* seperti di atas, maka saya berjanji akan dengan segera melaporkan perbuatan tersebut kepada pejabat Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) atau balai polis yang berhampiran. Yang Benar, (Tandatangan) ……………………………...... Nama: No KP: Cop Syarikat : Catatan: * Potong mana yang tidak berkaitan. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 188 LATAR BELAKANG SYARIKAT MAKLUMAT LATAR BELAKANG SYARIKAT 1. Nama Syarikat ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Alamat Pejabat: No. Telefon :___________________ No. Fax : _______________ Email :_________________________________________________________________ 3. Pendaftaran dengan Kementerian ____________________________________________ (Sertakan Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran ) i) Kewangan Malaysia No. Pendaftaran :_____________________________________________________ ii) Tarikh Daftar : _________________ sah hingga ___________________ iii) Kod Bidang /Tajuk Kecil : ______________________________________________ iv) Taraf (Bumiputera/Bukan Burmiputera): ___________________________________ v) Jika Bumiputera tempoh sah taraf dari ______________ hingga __________ 4. Bagi Syarikat Sdn. Bhd. atau Perseorangan (Nyatakan) i) Modal dibenarkan : RM ______________ ii) Modal dibayar : RM ______________ 5. Perniagaan utama lain, jika ada : a) __________________ sejak ________________ b) __________________ sejak ________________ TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 189 6. Buatan Dalam Malaysia (Jika berkaitan) Sebutkan samada barang-barang yang hendak dibekalkan itu dibuat dalam Malaysia atau di Luar Malaysia ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Bilangan Pekerja berkaitan tender ini: ___________________ Pengurusan : ______________________ Profesional : ______________________ Sokongan : ______________________ 8. Ahli-Ahli Syarikat: a) Ahli-ahli Lembaga Pengarah Nama TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Jawatan Peratus Pegangan Saham (%) Muka Surat 190 b) Ahli-ahli Pengurusan dan Profesional Bil Kategori Jawatan 1 Pengurusan 2 Pemasaran 3 Teknikal 4 Sokongan 5 Lain-lain (Nyatakan): Bilangan Pekerja i) ........................................... ii) .......................................... 9. DATA-DATA KEWANGAN 9.1 Ringkasan harta dan liabiliti seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Lembaran Imbangan (Balance Sheet )* yang diaudit bagi tahun kewangan terakhir. Asset* (A) Semasa : RM Tetap : RM _____________ Jumlah : _____________ 9.2 Liabiliti* (B) Semasa : RM Tetap : RM ____________ Jumlah : ____________ Nilai Kewangan ( Worth) (A – B) Semasa : RM Tetap : RM __________ Jumlah : ___________ Akaun Wang Di Tangan (Cash in hand) - _______________________ * Sila sertakan salinan penyata Bulanan Bank tiga (3) bulan terakhir yang telah disahkan oleh bank (Ogos 2011 – Oktober 2011). Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan penyata ini akan ditolak. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 191 9.3 9.2.1 Nama dan alamat bank di mana akaun dibuka: _____________________________________________________ 9.2.2 No akaun bank: _________________________________________ Kemudahan Kredit bagi tender ini. (Sila sertakan salinan surat daripada bank/ insititusi kewangan terlibat dan diakui sah) 9.3.1 Nama dan alamat Bank/ Institusi kewangan yang memberi kemudahan kredit: _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 9.3.2 Bentuk dan baki amaun yang boleh digunakan untuk tender ini: 10. i. Overdraf atau Talian Kredit RM …………………… ii. Overdraf bercagar RM ………………… iii. Pinjaman Tetap Yang akan/ Layak RM ………………… diperolehi untuk projek ini iv. JUMLAH KESELURUHAN RM …………………… No. Cukai Pendapatan : ………………………………………… TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 192 11. Rekod pengalaman kerja berkaitan: (Senarai semua bekalan/perkhidmatan/kerja berkaitan yang telah/ sedang dilaksanakan dalam tempoh 2006 - 2011) Bil. Nama Perkhidmatan/ Bekalan/Kerja Nilai Kontrak (RM) Tempoh Kontrak Tarikh Tempoh kontrak Tarikh Mula Nama & Alamat Agensi Tarikh Kontrak tamat ** Maklumat di atas perlu dikemukakan juga bagi perincian maklumat Sub kontraktor Peringatan Penting: Sila sertakan salinan Akaun Syarikat bagi dua (2) tahun kewangan terakhir (Tahun 2010 dan Tahun 2009) yang disahkan dan diaudit oleh Juru Audit bertauliah (Certified Accountant) atau sekiranya tiada bagi tahun kewangan setahun sebelum bagi menyokong data-data yang diberi. Bidaan yang tidak disertakan dengan akaun ini akan ditolak. ** Sila sertakan salinan penyata Bulanan Bank tiga (3) bulan terakhir yang telah disahkan oleh bank sebelum tarikh tutup tender. Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan penyata ini akan ditolak. Sila dapat dan sertakan Laporan Sulit daripada pihak Bank/Institiut Kewangan atas format seperti Borang BA dalam satu sampul berlakri. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 193 BANK GUARANTEE FORM FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT THIS AGREEMENT is made on the ______________________________________ day of between _____________________________________________ of (hereafter called "The Guarantor") of the one part and the Government of Malaysia (hereinafter called "The Principal") of the other part. WHEREAS 1. The Agreement is supplemental to a contract (hereinafter called "The contract" dated ………………………………………………and made between …………………………….. (hereinafter called "The contract ) of the one part and the Principal of the other part whereby the Tenderer agreed and undertook to ……………………………………… the sum of Ringgit …………………………………………………….. 2. The Guarantor has agreed to guarantee the due performance of the Contract in the manner hereinafter appearing. Now the Guarantor hereby agrees with the Principal as follows: If the Tenderer (unless relieved from the performance by any Clause of the Contract or by statute or by the decision of tribunal of competent jurisdiction) shall in any respect fail to execute the Contract or commit any breach of his obligations thereunder then the Guarantor will indemnify the Principal the sum of Ringgit …………………. Provided that the Principal or his authorised representative has made a claim against the Guarantor not later than six (6) months after the expiry date of the contract. The Guarantor shall not be discharged or released from his guarantee by an arrangement between the Principal with or without the consent of the Guarantor or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by Tenderer or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performance or otherwise but the Guarantor shall be entitiled to be informed of such arrangements or alterations. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 194 Given under our hand the date first mentioned above. Signed by the said ………………………………………………..) ………………………………………………..) …………………………………………………………… (Guarantor's Signature) in the presence of:- ……………………………………………… (Witness) Signed by the ……………………………………………………………………………) For and on behalf of the Government of Malaysia in the Presence of : TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM ) ) Muka Surat 195 BAHAGIAN G KRITERIA PENERIMAAN DAN JADUAL PEMBAYARAN 1. LAMPIRAN I : Acceptance Criteria 2. LAMPIRAN II : Schedule of payment 3. LAMPIRAN III : Senarai Semak TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 196 LAMPIRAN I ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1. INSTALLATION PLAN The Seller shall develop an Installation Plan documenting the activities required to fulfill the requirements of the tender. The Seller shall Quality Assure the Installation Plan. 2. INSTALLATION TEST REPORT The seller shall prepare an Installation Test Plan and submit it to the Government for approval prior to commencing the test. The Seller shall execute an Installation Test in accordance with the Installation Test Plan and deliver an Installation Test Report to the Government. Delivery of the Installation Test Report shall constitute successful completion of the task. 3. COMPONENT/MODULE TEST REPORT 3.1 Produce Component/ Module Test Plan The Seller shall component/module. 3.2 prepare a Component/Module Test Plan for each Quality Assure Component/ Module Test Plan The Seller shall quality assure the plan prior to commencing the Component/Module Test. 3.3 Execute Component/Module Test The Seller witnessed by the Government shall conduct Component/Module Test of the components/modules, verifying that all are free from errors. The Seller shall produce a Component/Module Test Report stating the results of the component/module test and providing an action plan to fix problems, if any, encountered during the execution of the test. The Component/Module Test Report shall be provided to the Government for information. Execution of all component/module test cases and completion of the component/module test report shall constitute successful completion of this task. 4. APPLICATION SYSTEM INTEGRATION TEST REPORT 4.1 Produce Application System Integration Test Plan The Seller shall prepare a System Integration Test Plan to integrate the System Application Software modules. 4.2 Quality Assure Application System Integration Test Plan The Seller shall quality assure the plan prior to Test. 4.3 commencing the Integration Execute System Integration Test The Seller witnessed by the Government shall conduct an Integration Test of the Application Software modules, verifying that all affected modules, interface together without error and confirming the overall completeness of the system. The Seller shall produce an Integration Test Report stating the results of the integration test and providing an action plan to fix problems, if any, encountered during the execution of the test. The Integration Test Report shall be provided to the Government for information. Execution of all Integration Test cases and completion of the Integration Test Report shall constitute successful completion of this task. 5. SYSTEMS ACCEPTANCE TEST PLAN The Government together with the assistance of the Seller shall prepare an Acceptance Test Plan to validate the Application System against its requirements, as specified in the approved System Requirements Specification. The acceptance Test Plan shall be the complete criteria for acceptance of the system. The Seller shall Quality Assure the System Acceptance Test Plan. Following, the correction of problems, if any, found during, Quality Assurance, the seller shall deliver the Acceptance Test Plan to the Government. Within two (2) days of delivery, the Government shall either issue a Certificate of Acceptance (COA) to the seller, or reject the delivery in a letter stating the reasons for the rejection. Government acceptance of the Acceptance Test Plan shall constitute successful completion of this task. 6. PROVISIONAL SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TEST Upon notification by the seller that the complete system is ready for Provisional Acceptance Test, the Government shall conduct the Provisional Acceptance Test, with the assistance of TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 198 the Seller, in accordance with the Acceptance Test Plan for a period of 21 days. The Government, with the assistance of the Seller shall produce a Provisional Acceptance Test Report within 3 days of completion of Provisional Acceptance Test stating the result of the acceptance Test and providing an action plan to fix problems, if any, encountered during the execution of the test. The Seller shall fix the problems, if any, found during, Provisional Acceptance Test within 5 days and notify the Government. Seller notification to the Government shall constitute successful completion of this task. The day the Government acknowledges the completion of this task shall be the Date of Provisional Acceptance of the System. 7. FINAL SYSTEM ACCEPTANCE TEST Upon the issuance of Provisional Acceptance Test certificate to the seller, the Government shall then conduct the Final Acceptance Test, with the assistance of the Seller, in accordance with the Acceptance Test Plan for a period of 5 days. The Government shall produce a Final Acceptance Test Report, with the assistance of the Seller, stating the results of the Final Acceptance Test and providing an action plan to fix problems, if any, encountered during the execution of the Final Acceptance Test. The Seller shall Quality Assure the Final Acceptance Test Report. Following the correction of problems, if any, found during Quality Assurance, the Seller shall deliver the Final Acceptance Test Report to the Government. Within seven (7) days of delivery, the Government shall either issue a COA to the Seller, or reject the delivery in a letter stating the reasons for the rejection. Government acceptance of the Acceptance Test Report shall constitute successful completion of this task. The day the Government acknowledges the completion of this task shall be the Date of Final Acceptance of the System. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 199 Lampiran II SCHEDULE OF PAYMENT No. Component 1. Preliminaries 10% 2. Upon delivery of hardware and software 35% 3. Provisional Acceptance Test 35% 4. Final Acceptence Test 20% TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Percentage Muka Surat 200 SENARAI SEMAK DOKUMEN TENDER - BAGI PERKHIDMATAN MENAIK TARAF SISTEM PENGURUSAN KAD AKSES (CAMS) DI BANGUNAN PERDANA PUTRA DAN KOMPLEKS JABATAN PERDANA MENTERI Sila tandakan (/) bagi dokumen –dokumen yang disertakan: Bil Perkara/ Dokumen Untuk Ditanda Oleh Syarikat Untuk Ditanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka DOKUMEN SOKONGAN TEKNIKAL 1. 1 Salinan Softcopy Dalam bentuk Cakera Padat (CD Bukan Disket) bagi Dokumen Teknikal dan Dokumen Kewangan 2. 4 Salinan Dokumen Hardcopy bagi “Dokumen Teknikal” 3. Bahagian C ‘skop teknikal sahaja’ ** maklumat seperti dinyatakan dalam dokumen tender 4. Bahagian D – Skop dan spesifikasi teknikal seperti yang dinyatakan Bahagian D 5. Katalog atau brosur ‘berwarna’/ White paper bagi semua jenis item yang dikehendaki oleh pihak PAJPM seperti dinyatakan di Bahagian D 6. Surat Jaminan/ Surat Kuasa daripada pembekal asal/principal untuk tempoh jaminan setiap peralatan yang ditawarkan (CAMS, LPRS, VMS, ISMS, LAN Switches, CCTV dan peralatan berkaitan). TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 201 Bil Perkara/ Dokumen Untuk Ditanda Oleh Syarikat 7. Surat Jaminan spare part dalam tempoh 10 tahun daripada pihak pembekal 8. Kertas Cadangan (proposal) seperti Bahagian D - perkara 12.0 – Spesifikasi Keperluan Teknikal Pengurusan Projek & Khidmat Sokongan 9. Tiada Nama Syarikat Dokumen Tawaran Teknikal Untuk Ditanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka Dalam DOKUMEN SOKONGAN KEWANGAN 1. 4 Salinan Dokumen Hardcopy dan 1 Salinan Softcopy Dalam bentuk Cakera Padat (CD Bukan Disket) bagi “Dokumen Kewangan” 2. Bahagian C ”dokumen berkaitan kewangan sub kontraktor – profail syarikat, sijil pendaftaran PKK, datadata kewangan, rekod pengalaman kerja, senarai kakitangan teknikal, senarai kontrak semasa dan penyata bank terkini (Jan 2012 – Mac 2012)” ** maklumat ini perlu dimasukkan mengikut format seperti Lampiran E 3. Bahagian E – Pematuhan syarat-syarat kewangan dan Jadual Harga 4. Lampiran F - Borang Akuan Tender TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 202 Bil Perkara/ Dokumen 5. Lampiran F - Surat Akuan Pembida 6. Lampiran F – Maklumat Syarikat 7. Salinan Penyata Bulanan Akaun Bank Bagi 3 Bulan Terkini (Jan 2012 – Mac 2012) yang telah disahkan oleh pihak bank 8. Salinan penyata akaun syarikat bagi dua (2) tahun kewangan terakhir yang disahkan dan diaudit oleh Juru Audit bertauliah (Certified Accountant) atau sekiranya tiada, sila kemukakan bagi tahun kewangan setahun sebelum bagi menyokong data-data yang diberi. Tender yang tidak disertakan dengan akaun ini akan ditolak. 9. Sijil Pendaftaran dengan Kementerian Kewangan dengan kod bidang 201111, 210102, 210103, 210104 DAN 210106. 10. Sijil PKK subkontraktor – Kelas E ke atas; Kepala I, Sub Kepala 1 (Kerjakerja am kejuruteraan awam); dan Untuk Ditanda Oleh Syarikat Untuk Ditanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka Kepala II, Sub Kepala 2(a) (Bangunan rangka konkrit bertetulang yang tidak melebihi empat (4) tingkat). 11. Salinan Sijil Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 203 Bil Perkara/ Dokumen 12. Bukti Kemudahan kredit dari nstitute kewangan yang diakui sah bagi bidaan ini. (Sertakan Laporan Sulit daripada pihak Bank /Institut Kewangan atas format seperti Borang BA dalam satu sampul berlakri) – Jika ada 13. Salinan Sijil Pendaftaran Bumiputera – Jika ada 14. Profil Syarikat PENGESAHAN OLEH SYARIKAT Untuk Ditanda Oleh Syarikat Untuk Ditanda Oleh Jawatankuasa Pembuka UNTUK KEGUNAAN JABATAN Dengan ini saya mengesahkan bahawa saya Pembuka mengesahkan telah membaca dan memahami semua Jawatankuasa penerimaan dokumen bertanda kecuali bagi syarat-syarat dan terma yang dinyatakan di dalam dokumen tender ini. Semua maklumat perkara bil……………….(jika ada). yang dikemukakan adalah benar. Tandatangan: Tandatangan : Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Tandatangan: Nama: Jawatan: Tarikh: Sila lampirkan senarai semak di muka hadapan Dokumen Tender. TENDER CAMS BPP & KJPM Muka Surat 204