Course Overview Content Area: World Language Grade/Course

Course Overview
Content Area:
World Language
Grade/Course Title: Italian IV CP
Course description:
For those students who have successfully completed levels I, II and III, the fourth level of Italian
study continues students' development in the four skill areas. There is an in-depth emphasis on the
progression of oral proficiency, a sustained ability to create with the target language, and to ask more
elaborate questions, interpret and analyze multimedia materials from multiple sources, and compose
controlled and original writing specimens. Students will learn to recognize and appreciate the many
cultural contributions of the Italian world. Honors level will be exposed to additional rigor.
School-wide Expectations (THS only):
Students will demonstrate:
- Effective communication skills for a variety of purposes and audiences
- Reading and comprehension skills
- Global awareness and historical perspective
Learning Goals (reference to appropriate national or state standards):
Participate exclusively in class in the target language. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Expanded use of vocabulary from level III to include hotels, and extended stays in Italy, health, medical
services, city life, university studies and careers. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Expand past narration to incorporate use of past perfect and past conditional and past subjunctive.
(Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Extension of previously learned grammatical structures (pronomi relativi, che/quale), proficient use of
comparative and superlative to include not only adjectives, but also adverbs and nouns. (Standards:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Narrating present and past actions in sequence (agreement of tenses) when speaking and writing.
(Standards: 1.2, 4.1)
Advanced use of conjunctions to connect words, phrases, and clauses. Further expansion of
conjunctions requiring use of subjunctive. (Standards: 1.2, 4.1)
Determine the main themes and significant details on primarily familiar topics from authentic
multimedia and print sources, both informational text and narratives with easily discerned storylines.
(Standards: 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2)
Identify and appreciate differences in cultural perspectives in a broader range of topics and begin to
appreciate such differences . (Standards: 2.1 , 2.2)
Produce written and spoken messages such as reports, articles, summaries or original stories on topics
related to personal interest or study. (Standards: 1.3, 3.1, 5.2)
Demonstrate an increasing awareness of errors and the ability to self-edit. (Standards: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1)
Course Content (list of topics/units covered):
Cities and city life
University studies and life
Personal relationships, Friendships, and Family Life
World of work
Health and fitness
News / newspapers
Adolescence in Italy
List/Names of Common Assessments (benchmark assessments, summative assessment, if applicable):
Performance / Authentic assessment
Class Q & A
Writing-formal and informal
Open-ended or constructed response items
Tests and quizzes-subjective and objective
Student directed discussions
Major Resources (program, anchor text, or other BOE approved resource):
Crescendo! /Heinle, 2007. (Text and workbook)
Selected Handouts
Selected readings
The Internet (,,
Other resources:
Field Trips
Textbook supplementary material: tapes, videos, workbooks, testing program
Review worksheets
Audio Media
Course Overview
Content Area:
World Language Grade/Course Title: Italian IV UConn ECE
Course description:
This course will include a review of major Italian grammatical structures as well as readings, activities
and assignments that will aid in the development of advanced written and oral skills in Italian. Students
will do extensive writing and informal class presentations in Italian based on cultural and current events
topics. The course will be conducted in Italian. Upon successful completion of this course, students will
earn 3 UConn credits for ILCS3239: Italian Composition and Conversation I.
School-wide Expectations (THS only):
Students will demonstrate:
- Effective communication skills for a variety of purposes and audiences
- Reading and comprehension skills
- Global awareness and historical perspective
Learning Goals (reference to appropriate national or state standards):
Expanded use of vocabulary from level III to include hotels, and extended stays in Italy, health, medical
services, city life, university studies and careers. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
More elaborate use of past narration to incorporate use of past perfect and past conditional and past
subjunctive. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Extension of previously learned grammatical structures (pronomi relativi, che/quale), proficient use of
comparative and superlative to include not only adjectives, but also adverbs and nouns. (Standards:
1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
More sophisticated use of present and past actions in sequence (agreement of tenses) when speaking
and writing. (Standards: 1.2, 4.1)
In-depth use of conjunctions to connect words, phrases, and clauses. Further expansion of conjunctions
requiring use of subjunctive. (Standards: 1.2, 4.1)
Extrapolate the main themes and significant details on familiar topics from authentic multimedia and
print sources, both informational text and narratives with reasonably discerned storylines. (Standards:
1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2)
Investigate, identify and appreciate differences in cultural perspectives through individual or
collaborative research in a broader range of topics in the target language. (Standards: 2.1 , 2.2)
Produce written and spoken messages such as reports, articles, summaries or original stories on topics
related to personal interest or study in the target language. (Standards: 1.3)
Demonstrate a refined awareness of errors and the ability to self-edit. (Standards: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1)
Confidently express oneself exclusively in Italian with peers and teacher in the target language.
(Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Course Content (list of topics/units covered):
University studies and life
Personal relationships, Friendships, and Family Life
World of work
Health and fitness
News / newspapers
Adolescence in Italy
Extended stays in Italy
Health care and medical services
Cities and city life
List/Names of Common Assessments (benchmark assessments, summative assessment, if applicable):
Performance / Authentic assessment
Class Q & A
Writing-formal and informal
Open-ended or constructed response items
Tests and quizzes-subjective and objective
Student directed discussions
Major Resources (program, anchor text, or other BOE approved resource):
Crescendo! /Heinle, 2007. (Text and workbook)
A vicenda: Cultura / MCgraw-hill, 2009
Giocare con la scrittura / Alma Edizioni, 2004
Italia Contemporanea: Conversations with Native Speakers / Yale, 2006
Other resources:
Field Trips
Textbook supplementary material: tapes, videos, workbooks, testing program
Review worksheets
Internet (,,,
Audio Media
Course Overview
Content Area:
World Language
Grade/Course Title: Italian V UConn ECE/AP
Course description:
This course is a continuation of UConn ECE Italian IV. Advanced Italian grammar structures and syntax
will be presented. Students will write essays of various length, complete and discuss cultural and
literary readings, and present selected Italian cultural topics/current events to the class. The course will
be conducted in Italian. Upon successful completion of this course, students will earn 3 UConn credits
for ILCS 3240: Italian Composition and Conversation II. This course will also prepare students for the AP
Italian Language and Culture Exam and will focus on improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing
skills in a cultural context. Culture Exam and will focus on improving listening, speaking, reading, and
writing skills in a cultural context. Seniors who complete this course will be encouraged to take the AP
Italian Language and Culture Exam in May.
School-wide Expectations (THS only):
Students will demonstrate:
- Effective communication skills for a variety of purposes and audiences
- Reading and comprehension skills
- Global awareness and historical perspective
Learning Goals (reference to appropriate national or state standards):
Understand the spoken language both formally and informally in conversation, narration, dialogues, and
lectures through a variety of authentic multimedia materials. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2)
Converse with fluency, grammatical accuracy and intonation using a variety of vocabulary through
conversational prompts, leading discussions, giving speeches, poetical recitations, and debates.
(Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Analyze the main ideas and significant details of discussions, lectures and presentations from the target
culture. (Standards: 1.2, 2.1)
Write demonstrating control of an extensive vocabulary, including idiomatic and culturally authentic
expressions. (Standards: 1.3)
Use complex syntax and paragraph structure, and show coherence and cohesion of writing. (Standards:
1.2, 4.1)
Expand vocabulary using more specialized and precise terms. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Analyze and comprehend with increasing ease authentic reading materials (i.e. Il Corriere, La Repubblica,
la Gazetta dello Sport, L’Espresso, Bell’Italia,etc, both online and hard copy) as well as authentic audio
and video materials created by and intended for native Italian speakers including radio broadcasts from
Italian sources available online. (Standards: 1.2, 3.2)
Able to activate knowledge in real life situations, i.e. field trips to museums, UConn ECE contests and
seminars, excursions to Italy. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 5.1, 5.2)
Use paragraph length discourse with cohesive devices to narrate and describe across time frames to
write analytical essays as well as original creative narratives. (Standards: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
Course Content (list of topics/units covered):
Contemporary life: Private and public identity; Family and Society: living at home; Unification of
Italy: regional vs. national identity; pastimes and Hobbies; Looking for work; Personal Finances
Global challenges: The European Union; Italy and the European Union; The environment;
Science and Technology: Venice submerged or saved? The marvels of the 21st Century, 21st
century mode of communication
Beauty and Aesthetics: Historical, literary, and artistic contributions of Italians
List/Names of Common Assessments (benchmark assessments, summative assessment, if applicable):
Performance / Authentic assessment
Student directed discussions
Class participation
Writing-formal and informal
Tests and quizzes-subjective and objective
Major Resources (program, anchor text, or other BOE approved resource):
Immagina: L’italiano senza confine./ Boston: Vista Higher Learning. 2011
Workbook/Lab Manual and Supersite to accompany Immagina: L’italiano senza confine
A vicenda: Cultura/ New York: McGraw-Hill. 2009
Sei pronto… a perfezionarti: / New York: Edizioni Farinelli.
Other resources:
Field Trips
Textbook supplementary material: tapes, videos, workbooks, testing program
Internet (,,,
Audio Media