Table 1. Board attendance
Ms Philippa Smith AM (Chair)
Dr Michele Allan
Professor Katrine Baghurst
Mr Peter Boyden
Associate Professor Stephen Corbett
Ms Jenni Mack
Mr Steve McCutcheon (CEO)
Dr Andrew McKenzie QSO
Dr James (Gardner) Murray AO
Mr Tony Nowell CNZM
Dr Dave Roberts
Mr Neil Walker JP
Dr Anne Astin / Mr Stan Goodchild (alternate)
Table 2. Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee attendance
Member Meetings
Dr Michele Allan (FARMC Chair)
Ms Philippa Smith AM (Board Chair)
Mr Peter Boyden
Dr Dave Roberts
Mr Steve McCutcheon (CEO)
Ms Audrey Gormley (Chief Finance Officer)
Ms Philippa Smith AM (term expires 30.06.2016)
Ms Philippa Smith, AM [s.116(1)(a)] was appointed Chair of the FSANZ Board in July 2008.
Ms Smith is a former Commonwealth Ombudsman, CEO of the Association of
Superannuation Funds of Australia and the inaugural Chair of the Consumer’s Health Forum.
She has developed strong strategic skills and extensive experience in ensuring effective accountability and governance structures across a number of portfolios.
Dr Michele Allan (term expires 30.06.2013)
Dr Michele Allan [s.116(1)(f)] has strong leadership experience across many facets of the food industry including a CEO position in a publicly listed food company. Her areas of expertise include leadership, manufacturing strategy, organisational strategy, risk and insurance leadership, food safety systems implementation, food packaging innovation and commercialisation. Dr Allan has held senior executive positions with Amcor Limited, Bonlac
Foods, Bioinformatics Centre of Excellence Tasmania, Kraft Foods and ICI. She has held board positions in both the private and public sectors, and is currently on the board of
William Angliss Institute.
Professor Katrine Baghurst (term expires 30.06.2013)
Professor Katrine Baghurst [s.116(1)(e)] has been involved in research and in translation of research to practice in the nutrition field in both Australia and New Zealand over the past 30 years, notably at the CSIRO Human Nutrition Division. Her extensive experience makes her a specialist in relation to determining food choice, consumer needs, current dietary patterns in the community and nutritional and food education. Professor Baghurst is an Adjunct
Professor in the Department of Medicine, University of Adelaide and currently works as a nutrition consultant.
Mr Peter Boyden (term expires 30.06.2013)
Mr Peter Boyden [s.116(1)(g)] is an internationally experienced CEO with extensive general management and marketing experience gained in consumer foods businesses in Australia,
United Kingdom, Netherlands and Greece. His most recent corporate role was Managing
Director and regional Board member of the Unilever Australasian foods business and a Board member of the Australian Food and Grocery Council. He is currently a Principal at The
Adelante Group (senior executive mentoring) and Chairman of Dairy Innovation Australia
Ltd. His areas of responsibility have included the management of consumer marketing, product and packaging development, food production and general management, where he has focused on strategy development and portfolio management.
Associate Professor Stephen Corbett (term expires 30.06.2015)
Associate Professor Stephen Corbett [s.116(1)(f)] has more than 20 years’ experience as a public and environmental health physician, with qualifications in public health and medicine.
He is a non-executive Director on the Board of the Sydney Catchment Authority. Associate
Professor Corbett is director of the Centre for Population Health at the Sydney West Area
Health Service, Conjoint Associate Professor, School of Public Health, University of Sydney and Western Clinical School, Westmead Hospital. He works part-time as a general practitioner at the Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney in Mt Druitt in Sydney. His interests include environmental health risk assessment and management, regulatory policy and practice and chronic disease prevention. He is an Associate Editor on the journal
Evolution, Medicine and Public Health (OUP).
Ms Jenni Mack (term expires 30.06.2013)
Ms Jenni Mack [ s.116(1)(d) has worked in consumer affairs since 1993 when she was
Executive Director of the Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations. Her work has spanned food, chemicals, telecommunications, energy, legal and financial services policy incorporating areas such as industry self-regulatory and co-regulatory practices, professional standards and codes of practice. Ms Mack has worked closely with regulators and government agencies on good regulatory science, community education, licensing, best practice enforcement and compliance schemes, and community and social research projects.
Ms Mack is the Chair of Choice, Australia’s largest consumer organisation. She has a BA
(UQ) and Masters in Administrative Law and Policy (USyd) and a Graduate Certificate in
International Food Law and Regulation (Michigan State University).
Mr Steve McCutcheon (term expires 30.06.2017)
Mr Steve McCutcheon [s.116(1)(B)] was appointed CEO of FSANZ in October 2007. Prior to his appointment, Mr McCutcheon held a number of senior executive positions in the
Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. During that time he led the team that developed the new food regulatory framework for Australia and New
Zealand under the auspices of the Council of Australian Governments. He also led the
Australian delegation to annual sessions of the Codex Alimentarius Commission from
2004–2007. Mr McCutcheon holds a Bachelor of Economics degree and has undertaken further studies in public law and public policy. The Chief Executive Officer of FSANZ is an ex officio member of the Board.
Dr Andrew McKenzie QSO (term expires 30.06.2014)
Dr Andrew McKenzie [s 116(1)(c)] is qualified as a veterinarian, with post graduate qualifications in veterinary public health, and has a background working for the (former) New
Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries with a focus on the meat, seafood and other food industries. In 2002 Dr McKenzie set up the New Zealand Food Safety Authority and led it until his retirement in June 2010. He has extensive experience in domestic food safety policy and standards, as well as international food safety and trade standards at the bilateral and multilateral level. Dr McKenzie has a continuing interest in management and governance, as well as contemporary regulatory approaches to food safety / quality and trade, particularly around standard-setting.
Dr James (Gardner) Murray AO (term expires 30.06.2013)
Dr Gardner Murray [s.116(1)(f)] has extensive experience in food safety and veterinary science. He holds numerous high level positions including Non-Executive Governing Board
Member at the Australian Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre for Emerging Infectious
Diseases, and special adviser to the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE). Dr Murray has
extensive experience in the field of agricultural food safety and standards, zoonoses and emerging threats.
Mr Tony Nowell CNZM (term expires 30.06.2013)
Mr Tony Nowell [s.116(1A)] has had extensive senior executive experience across various industries (including food) both internationally and within New Zealand. This has included holding positions such as CEO of Zespri International; Managing Director of Griffin's Foods;
Regional Vice President of Sara Lee Asia; Zone Manager for Sara Lee Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand; Managing Director of Sara Lee Indonesia; Managing Director of L’Oreal
Indonesia; and Operations Manager of L’Oreal New Zealand. Mr Nowell’s other roles and responsibilities have included being the former Chair of the New Zealand Packaging Accord
Governing Board and the New Zealand Government Food and Beverage Taskforce; and include Chairmanship of the New Zealand Forest Research Institute and Wellington Drive
Technologies, as well as directorships at New Zealand Food Innovation Auckland and the
Export Advisory Board of Business New Zealand. Mr Nowell has represented New Zealand as a member of the APEC Business Advisory Council since 2007.
Dr David Roberts (term expires 30.06.2013)
Dr David Roberts [ s.116(1)(g)] is a food and nutrition consultant who is currently President of ILSI Australasia country committee of ILSI South East Asia Region, scientific advisor to the Grains and Legumes Nutrition Council and an associate editor of the journal, Public
Health Nutrition. He was Deputy CEO and scientific and technical Director of the Australian
Food and Grocery Council for 5 years until October 2007. Prior to that, he held the
Foundation Chair in Nutrition and Dietetics (established 1991) at the University of Newcastle for 10 years. He was at Sydney University for 12 years teaching and researching in nutritional biochemistry. Dr Roberts is a former Chair of the Federation of Australasian Nutrition
Organisations, former President of the Nutrition Society of Australia (3 years), former Chair of the NSW Branch of AIFST (1 year), former Chair of the inaugural Complementary
Medicines Evaluation Committee of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (4 years) and was on the Editorial Board of the British Nutrition Foundation (many years).
Mr Neil Walker JP (term expires 2014)
Mr Neil Walker (s116i ca) is a food scientist with 35 years’ experience in the dairy industry.
He is a fellow of the Institute of Chemistry and the New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology. He held senior executive roles in Fonterra until 2007. Mr Walker has been a
5 th term Taranaki Regional Councillor and Chair of the Policy and Planning Committee since
2001 and also chairs the independent Taranaki Waste Management Authority. He is an accredited hearings Commissioner under the New Zealand Resource Management Act, and a
JP in Court. Mr Walker’s private interests include Chair of a Taranaki dairy farm-owning trust, Chair of Nukuhau Carbon Ltd (which holds extensive forestry interests), and Chair of
Manuka Research Partnership (New Zealand) Ltd. He is a Chair, Trustee or committee member of a number of private trusts and organisations, and national, community, charitable and family entities.
Note: The reference after each member’s name refers to the role specified in section 40 of the Food Standards
Australia New Zealand Act 1991 which the member fulfils. All members, with the exception of the CEO of
FSANZ, are part-time. Members are listed alphabetically after the Chairman.