Fairfield AEYC

Fairfield AEYC
Membership Meeting
Tuesday, May 10th, 2011, 5:30PM
Location: Henry Manor Bed and Breakfast
1755 Cedar Hill Rd., Lancaster, Ohio 43130
Meeting Minutes
Welcome & Introductions: Cathy Crawford, President
Membership: Brooke Taylor, Cathy Crawford, April Romine, Melissa Sauls, Kim Devitt, Beth Long, Pam
Redding, Corenne VanBuskirk, Steven Hopkins, and Linda Jagielo
Business Meeting:
Secretary Report: April Romine, VP of Correspondence
The April meeting minutes were distributed and reviewed. Motion to approve the April meeting minutes:
Melissa Sauls, 1st, and Pam Redding, 2nd. Motion carried.
Treasurer Report: Corenne VanBuskirk, VP of Finance
Corenne distributed and reviewed the May FAEYC Budget Report. Cathy Crawford asked about the
Recruitment budget and Corenne noted that the expenditures are currently under Organization Expenses.
Next year’s budget will have a Recruitment line item with the approved budget amount noted. Motion to
approve the FAEYC Budget Report: April Romine, 1st, and Steven Hopkins, 2nd. Motion carried.
Affiliate Report: Linda Jagielo, VP of Affiliate Affairs
Nothing new to report. A leadership call was available this afternoon, but Linda plans to participate in another
call later in the month with Cathy Crawford.
Membership Report: Cathy Crawford, VP of Membership
Cathy Crawford reported that we have 89 members: 13 student, 60 regular, and 16 comprehensive. Kelly
Miller, our newsletter chair, is kept up to date with new members for the email list serve. Beth Long confirmed
that she has already been added to the list and is receiving electronic communications. Linda Jagielo
suggested having a membership party once we hit 100 members. Cathy Crawford distributed FAEYC
membership pins to our newest members Beth Long and Melissa Sauls. Linda Jagielo shared her interest in
ordering more pins if funds allow. Melissa Sauls agreed to look into the pricing for pins and will bring the
information to the next meeting.
Accreditation Report: Brenda Zeiders, Accreditation Chair
No new report.
Public Policy Report: Kim Devitt, Public Policy Chair
Kim Devitt shared handouts on Children’s Champions Update including the Pre-K report. The Federal budget
for FY2011 was passed, and Kim distributed a summary of the outcome. This budget is good until the end of
September. Federal government is currently debating the Federal 2012 budget. Kim also passed out state
budget information from Groundwork comparing Governor Kasich’s and the House budget with focus on Early
Childhood. This budget would begin July 1st, 2011. To be sure our membership has a voice at the State and
Federal levels, Cathy Crawford will make sure to forward emails to our members when they pertain to
reaching out to our representatives. The Family Adult and Children First Council has developed a parent
education calendar which Cathy will have Kelly Miller email out to our membership. Kim Devitt also shared
some data on drug and opiate issues within Fairfield County, specifically pointing out the increase in substance
exposed infants. Members expressed interest in learning more about the issue. Kim Devitt agreed to touch
base with Charlie Dresbach at the Fairfield Medical Center for a possible Q&A session.
Newsletter report: Kelly Miller, Newsletter Committee Chair
Projects Report:
 17th Annual Early Childhood Conference – Saturday, October 29th at OU-L - Pam Redding reported that
OU-L now has a list of approved caterers for meals. Cathy Crawford, Linda Jagielo, and Melissa Sauls
volunteered to be a part of the Early Childhood Conference planning committee. Pam also mentioned
the date for the 2012 Spring Conference will be Friday, March 23rd.
Family Fun Fair – April 9th 2011 – Linda Jagielo shared that this event, held at Rising Park in Lancaster,
went well and the only improvement would be to get more people to help. Cathy Crawford reported a
52% increase in attendance from last year to this year.
Play With a Purpose – Recruitment for April 12th - Steve Hopkins shared that the recruitment event
went well and they were well received by staff and students at OU-L. Beth Long joined as a result of
the event. Beth shared that the event lacked nothing, and Brooke Taylor mentioned that student
teachers were also impressed with the information. The recruitment committee may look at the
schedule for next year to reach the students who attend classes during the day.
New Business:
Volunteers needed for Committee Bylaw & Policy and Procedures review this summer – Cathy Crawford
shared that the Roles and Functions guideline document states that we must review our By-Laws and Policies
and Procedures, and this is the year we must do so. Members interested in participating in the By-Law Review
Committee are Linda Jagielo, Brooke Taylor, Beth Long, and Cathy Crawford. Anyone else interested in joining
this committee may contact Cathy Crawford. Date for Committee review yet to be determined.
Info about Stand for Children Day, June 1st – Melissa Sauls shared that the Stand for Children event sponsored
by the Children’s Committee of the Fairfield Co. Family, Adult and Children First Council, will be held at the
Utica Center, 414 Mount Ida Ave. in Lancaster at 5pm on June 1st. The event includes planting a tree and
children may plant flower and vegetable seeds to take home. Lancaster Mayor, Dave Smith, has been invited
to speak and invitations have also been sent to other community leaders. The group discussed having a
consistent person to represent FAEYC on the Children’s Committee and Melissa agreed to be that
Summer Retreat: Generate ideas for September 2011 – May 2012 Meetings – Cathy Crawford mentioned that
this committee could be an extension of the by-laws committee or completely separate. No FAEYC meetings
except the January meeting have been planned at this point. Ideas: meet at the park, phone conference,
and/or create a Facebook page. Melissa Sauls and Corenne Van Buskirk will work on a Facebook page. Steven
Hopkins suggested looking into what else we can offer at our meetings to benefit members. The Retreat will be
scheduled for the end of June 2011. Final details to be announced in the FAEYC e-newsletter.
Motion to adjourn: Pam Redding, 1st and Melissa Sauls, 2nd. Being no further business, the meeting was
adjourned at 6:45pm with dinner following.
A DELICIOUS dinner was enjoyed by all and special favors and door prizes completed the appreciation dinner
for Early Childhood Fairfield AEYC members. Thank you to Pam Redding, April Romine, and Melissa Sauls, our
Appreciation Dinner Committee. 
Minutes respectfully submitted by April Romine, VP of Correspondence.