French Food & Drink Lesson Plan for Grade 5

Subject: French
Topic of Lesson: Foods and beverages
Link to
How will students
demonstrate learning?
(Specific to this lesson)
Total time: 45 mins.
Level A1.1 Spoken Interaction and Listening
Lesson Objectives
Grade: 5
present, or read aloud, using simple rehearsed statements about common,
everyday situations
identify, with support, key information in short, simple, very slowly and
carefully articulated texts containing very familiar language about common,
everyday situations
 Identify/repeat the given food/drink vocabulary
 Say/write the sentence I/he/you/we/they like to eat/ to drink __________. (conjugating verb
aimer correctly)
 Give the French vocabulary word based on a shown visual.
 Match up the English words/phrases to the correct French word/phrase.
 Match up the correct pronoun/noun to the correct conjugation of the verb ‘aimer’.
 Students have already worked with the verb ‘aimer’ and now how to conjugate it correctly
 Students know about infinite verbs
 Students have learned about feminine and masculine articles
Workbooks, vocabulary words, pictures, computer
What the teacher says/does
What the students do
 Play French song
 Welcome the class
 Asks class if they like food and drinks
 Asks class La nourriture, qu’est que c’est?
 qu’est que c’est le mot les boissons en
 Today we are going to learn some food and
drink vocabulary.
 Goes over the list of vocabulary wordswithout visuals- repeats words a couple
 Shows picture and word and repeats the
 Listening
 Answering the question if asked to
You tube music
clip- computer
 Listening attentively to pronunciation
first time couple times then repeats
the word
 Raises his/her hand if knows the
Vocabulary cards
Pictures of
vocabulary words
Shows just the picture; asks the class to raise
his/her hand if they know what the word is
to match the picture.
response or wants to try to answer.
Other students are listening and then
repeating the word after it is said if it
is correct
 Listen to instructions and raise their
hand if they know the answer, and
then try to respond to the question
 Listen to instructions and come up to
front when it is required
 Engaged in the activity
 Participating in the activity.
Vocabulary and
picture cards
 Teacher will demonstrate the activity
mins  Teacher will show a picture of a French
vocabulary word and ask the students to
raise their hands if they know the French
word for it. Then the teacher will ask that
student “ Est-ce que tu aimes manger….”
 Teacher will hand out French/English
vocabulary cards and pictures to students
 Teacher asks a certain group of students
with certain cards to come up to the front
and hold out their cards in front of them.
 Teacher asks those that have the matching
French word/words to come up and stand by
the student with the corresponding English
 Teacher asks the rest of the class if it correct
and then asks someone to say the sentence in
 Will do this a few times
 Teacher will ask students to get out their  Complete worksheet
workbooks and open the first food/drink  Verbally share completed worksheet
with partner
 Teacher will rotate around the room to
 Verbally share answers as a class
help students
 Students will share completed
worksheet with partner
 Teacher will go over the worksheet as a
Assessment -Before activity, assess students’ interest level in discussing food/drink vocabulary
for / of
- During activity- assess students’ pronunciation and understanding of the vocabulary and students’ ability
to match written words from French to English and vice versa; assess participation and engagement in
Extra challenge
Extra support
Plan B
Back-up Plan
For students who want, they could work with a partner and practice saying the sentences given on the
worksheet or make up their own sentences using the vocabulary taught.
For students who are learning French as a 3rd or 4th language, the visuals will be a learning aid. Those
students can also pair up with another student if they wish.
If students are having a hard time with vocabulary, we can focus on vocabulary by slowly going over
terms and showing the visuals with the written terms as many times as necessary. Focus on 5 food items
instead of 10 and choose ones that students may learn quicker than the others.
La nourriture et les boissons
Nom: __________________________
1. Je ________________(aimer) manger ___________________ (chicken)
2. Janet ______________ (aimer) manger ____________________ (ice cream)
3. Melanie, Ashley et moi __________________ (aimer) manger ______________________ (candy).
4. Sarah, Melissa et Olivia ________________ (aimer) manger____________________ (fries) avec ____________________ (cheese)
5. Mme. Fitzgerald, est-ce que vous ________________ aimer manger ____________________ (vegetables).
6. Tu __________ (aimer) manger __________________ (apples).
7. Alex ______________ (aimer) manager _____________________ (bread).
8. Je _____________ (aimer) boire ___________________ (milk) avec mon diner.
9. Nous ______________ (aimer) boire beaucoup de _______________ (water).
10. M. Lacroix ___________ (aimer) boire ________________ (milk).