Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 WEEKLY PLANNING LISTS Article 27(2), Planning & Development Regulations 2001-2007 (a) Under section 34 of the Act, the applications for permission may be granted permission, subject to or without conditions, or refused. (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. Article 32, Planning & Development Regulations 2001 –2007 (a) In deciding a planning application the planning authority, in accordance with section 34(3) of the Act, has had regard to submissions or observations received in accordance with these Regulations” (b) It is the responsibility of any person wishing to use the personal data on planning applications and decisions lists for direct marketing purposes to be satisfied that they may do so legitimately under the requirements of the Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 taking account of the preferences outlined by applicants in their applications. PLANNING INFORMATION SESSIONS Qualified staff members are available by appointment to explain the content of current planning applications. The service is being provided to assist members of the public and residents groups in understanding planning applications currently part of the planning process. The service is not intended to provide general planning advice or to assist in the drafting of submissions in relation to planning objections, observations and appeals. All queries in relation to site specific planning guidance or pre-application discussion should be directed to the area planner, Planning Department, Block 4, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Please contact the relevant area office number below to make an appointment and to ensure that the relevant documentation will be made available on the day of your visit. Area Central Area South Central Area South East Area North West Area North Central Area Contact Number Meeting Location 2222932 2225189 2225127 2225727 8166710 Sean McDermott Street Crumlin Area Office Contact Area Office for location Finglas Area Office Bunratty Area Office Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 AREA 1 COMMERCIAL: Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2304/11 Permission Aldi Stores (Ireland) Limited 82-84, Terenure Road East, Dublin 6 Development at a site measuring 4,317.00 sq.m. at 82-84 Terenure Road East, Terenure, Dublin 6. The development includes the demolition of existing structures on site (3,652 m2) and the construction of a single storey supermarket (Discount Foodstore) measuring 2,022.80 m2 gross (990 m2 net) including a subsidiary licensed area which will be used for the display and sale of intoxicating liquor, including wines, beers and spirits for consumption off the premises; Car parking for 85 no. cars (77 no. at basement level and 8 no. at surface level); 12 no bicycle spaces all provided at surface level; 1 no. double sided projecting (3.68m2 in total) internally illuminated sign mounted on the building; 2 no. single sided (1.84m2 each) internally illuminated signs mounted on the building; and all associated landscaping and site development works, including external access core to basement. The building has a height of c.6.7 metres to Terenure Road East; Vehicular and pedestrian access is provided via a relocated and upgraded access off Terenure Road East. 02-Jun-2011 Additional Information Received Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2761/11 Permission Stephanie Myerscough 2, Windsor Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Change of use of one ground floor room (31.31sqm) from residential domestic use to montessori use. The intended opening hours are 8.30am to 1pm. Children are to be aged from 2 1/2 to 6 with a maximum number of 14. 30-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2766/11 Permission Cosy Tots & Co Ltd 8, Barrow Street, Ringsend, Dublin 4 For the change of use from office use to creche and montessori. 30-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2767/11 Permission ESB Sports Association ESB Sportsco, South Lotts Road, Dublin 4 For creation of an additional 22 car parking spaces, in the existing car park. The works will consist of the removal of Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal 374sqm of grassed area to the South of the existing building, and it's replacement with tarmacadam. This tarmacadam will be marked out to form an additional 22 car parking spaces. The revised total number of car park spaces will be 141. One number lamp standard will be relocated approximately 2m. 30-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2769/11 Permission Clondean Limited Lands At Wilton Place, Lad Lane And, Pembroke Row, (Former OPW Site), Dublin 2 The proposed development will provide office use and 3 no. enterprise units in a single building of six storey (over basement) with a combined overall floor area including basement of approx. 17,658 sq.m all of the existing buildings on the site (with a combined area of approx 2,322 sq.m) will be demolished. At its highest level the proposed new building will have an overall height to atrium level of 39.3m (OD). The building will comprise part six storey with an overall parapet height of 37.8m (OD), part 5 storey with an overall parapet height of approx. 33.35m (OD) and part 4 storey with an overall parapet height of approx. 29.4m (OD). Office accommodation will be provided from ground floor to fifth floor levels, comprising approx. 10,985 sq.m associated facilities (store rooms, male/female toilets) will also be provided at these levels, 38 no. car parking spaces 152 no. bicycle parking spaces, male/female toilets shower, locker facilities, refuse storage, 3 no. plant rooms, 3 no. enterprise units (approx. 194sq.m, 146sq.m and 244sq,m) will be provided at lower ground floor level. Vehicular access to the lower ground floor is via Pembroke Row. An automated barrier will be erected in front of the vehicular access. Pedestrian access to the proposed building will be via a double height main entrance area which addresses Wilton Place and a second entrance addressing Lad Lane will provide access to the lower ground floor and the 3 no. enterprise units. The proposal includes two external courtyard areas addressing Lad Lane and Pembroke Row. Landscaped terraces will be provided at the third, fourth and fifth floors of the proposed building. Sedum roofing will be utilised within the external terraces at fifth floor level and on the roof of the proposed building. Plant rooms will be located at lower ground floor level, ground floor level and roof level. An ESB sub station and 2 no. switchrooms will be provided at ground floor level. This application includes all associated site development works and ancillary works. All of the above is proposed on this site of approx 3,915 sq.m. 30-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2770/11 Permission Brian Ruthledge 21, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2 A mid-terrace 5-storey (including attic) over basement building. Development to consist of change of use from restaurant at basement and ground floor and office at first floor to retail use Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Registration Date including the removal of metal shop front screen including doors to upper level and timber soffit plus the demolition of parts of the rear ground floor return, including 3 no. hipped and pitched roofs and 2 no. lantern lights and flat roof areas, plus removal of staircase from basement, raised area, steps, partition walls, and all associated services and ducts plus demolition of hard standing and excavation of ground to permit 3m2 extension squaring-off basement ''area'' at Glendinning Lane at the rear of the site, taking up the replacement of part of basement floor slab, plus internal and external wall adjustments and removal of 3o. windows, lowering and widening of openings on rear elevation of main building plus adjustments and new openings in floors, plus erection of 4-storey over basement lift-core and landings and 3-storey return building with flat and pitched roofs, roof lights, and external services location and ducts venting and including new second-floor escape corridor over retail areas at first floor, ground and basement with new staircases, ramos, new shop front, new signs and lights to shop front, and including improved toilets (including disabled) stores, offices and staffroom, and including renewal of services throughout plus new retaining wall to, and hard standing over, extended basement ''area'' plus stone repair, general maintenance and improvement and associated works to extend the overall floor area from circa 611m2 to circa 808m2. 31-May-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2776/11 Permission International College Dublin Bus. Sch. Wicklow House, 84-88, Great Georges Street South, Dublin 2 The development will consist of the temporary (three year) permission for signage consisting of the following items:1. Main signage consisting of individual lettering and logo mounted on the existing building frontage, overall size 16m x 750mm high, with 'trough' lights mounted above to provide illumination. 2. Projecting 2m x 1m sign mounted on building facade above main entrance containing a backlit analogue clock face with signage below, on each side. 3. Panel sign mounted on wall at each side of recessed main entrance with signage lettering. Registration Date 31-May-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2779/11 Permission Bryan Cullen (Formerly part of lands known as, Avila), Bloomfield Avenue, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Replacement of previously approved house type F1 (reg ref 4745/07) with revised single storey 2 bed detached house (81.0sqm) and associated site works. 01-Jun-2011 Proposal Registration Date Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2784/11 Permission Mr. Tim Gleeson Ground Floor, 4, Aston Quay, Dublin 2. The development will consist of a change of use from retail use to licensed restaurant use (115sq.m approx) with elevation changes including high level ventialtion duct to rear (south elevation) onto Bedford Lane; new shop front with under-croft external dining area; associated signage and site works with interconnecting link to adjacent premises at 5 Aston Quay. 01-Jun-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2786/11 Permission James and Jessica Carroll 25, Wellington Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - (The site is within the curtilage of a protected structure at no. 25 Wellington Place (RPS Ref. No. 8348), in separate ownership.) The development will consist of: The change of use of an existing detached coach house to a mews dwelling to include garage with vehicular access from Wellington Lane; Alterations to the existing coach house to include repairs to the existing slate roof, provision of 5no. roof lights, re-opening of 2no. blocked-up windows to rear and replacement of doors and windows; Construction of a new single storey link (with 2no. roof lights) and a two storey extension (with 3no. rooflights) to rear of the existing coach house; Increase in the height of the boundary wall separating no. 25 Wellington Place and No. 25 Wellington Lane from 1.43m to 2.0m; And all associated site works above and below ground. Registration Date 01-Jun-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2799/11 Permission Wax Museum Plus The Armoury, Foster Place South, Dublin 2 PROTECTED SSTRUCTURE: 1. Display posters in two ground floor windows, 2. Display banners on two columns, one each side of entrance door, and 3. a sign over the entrance door. 03-Jun-2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2802/11 Retention Permission Cupcake Cafe Ltd, T/A Fiji Coffee Bar Unit 5B, The Merrion Centre, Ailesbury Park, Dublin 4 RETENTION - The development consists of change of use of the unit from fashion retail to takeaway coffee / chocolate bar. 03-Jun-2011 Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2805/11 Permission Jamsont Ltd Ground Floor Unit 55, Main Street, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Change of use of existing ground floor unit from bank to restaurant (to include sale of hot and cold food for consumption off the premises) and associated works including entrance shopfront alterations and external flue to rear. 03-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 3700/10 Permission McGarrell Reilly Contractors &, IBI Nominees Ltd Teach Earlsfort, 29, Earlsfort Terrace / Upper Hatch Street and Garryard House, No's 25-28 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 Planning permission for development of Teach Earlsfort, 29, Earlsfort Terrace / Upper Hatch Street and Garryard House, No's 25-28 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2 which comprises a corner site measuring 3991sqm and fronting onto Upper Hatch Street to the north and Earlsfort Terrace to the East. The site includes an open double deck car park structure to the rear. The proposed mixed use development comprises of a total gross floor area of 24,787sqm (including 1,693sqm of ancillary office use at basement levels) and includes the following: 1. The demolition of all existing structures on the site including a 5 storey building known as 'Garryard House' fronting onto Earlsfort Terrace; a 7 storey building with an 8th floor set back accommodating plant rooms and machinery above roof level known as 'Teach Earlsfort' fronting onto Earlsfort Terrace and Upper Hatch Street ; and an open double deck car park structure located at rear. 2. The construction of a mixed use commercial headquarter building with a maximum height of 9 storeys, composed of a series of three dimensional and fissured cubic elements. The corner element addressing the junction of Upper Hatch Street and Earlsfort Terrace is nine storeys high. In the eastern part of the site, the building height steps down from six to four storeys towards the South of Earlsfort Terrace, where it adjoins existing buildings (protected structures). In the western part of the site, the building height steps down from eight storeys (as fronting onto Upper Hatch Street, providing a 165sqm roof terrace) to five storeys (in the south west part of the site) with a nine storey central element. Building heights, as referred to above contain internally all plant room areas (566sqm located at ground floor, 7th and 8th floor levels). A total of 23461sqm of office space includes 21,568sqm GFA (including 200sqm of possible restaurant / canteen area at first floor level) distributed from ground floor to 8th floor level and 1693sqm of additional ancillary office use located at basement level. Restaurant use is located in the north east corner of the building fronting onto the junction of Upper Hatch Street and Earlsfort Terrace and provides for a restaurant / cafe / retail (214sqm) at ground floor level (with main and second entrances located on both streets). The main office entrance in proposed at ground floor level on Upper Hatch Street, with associated lobby and reception areas. A second entrance to the Corporate Headquarters is provided on Earlsfort Terrace. Other accesses to the building are also Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 provided on the western and eastern elevations and off Adelaide Road through a pedestrian lane. A central atrium links the two main service cores, reception areas and the series of three dimensional and fissured cubic elements which compose the overall building. A double level basement is proposed which provides for 90 car parking spaces, 232 cycle spaces, ancillary office use and storage areas (1,693sqm), shower and changing facilities along with plant room areas (482sqm) and refuse storage. Vehicular access to the development is from Earlsfort Terrace, via a two way ramp down to basement levels. Associated works above and below ground include the provision of 1 no. ESB double substation together with enhancements to the site boundary through hard and sot landscaping. Registration Date 01-Jun-2011 Additional Information Received DOMESTIC: Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2785/11 Retention Permission Joe and Linda Molony 38, Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - RETENTION - Planning permission is sought for alterations to previously approved planning permission (ref. 4200/09) comprising of the retention of existing first floor return extension to rear with proposed raising of internal floor by approx 300mm and raising the window cill to rear side by approx 400mm and associated modifications to internal wall layout in lieu of the construction of previously approved new first floor extension and retention of window to ground floor rear reception room of the main dwelling in lieu of the widening of the window to form a doorway and retention of the reduction in height from 2.4m to 2.1m of the doorway to the new kitchen area on ground floor to the rear and retention of non construction of detached single storey shed structure at the end of the back garden. 01-Jun-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2093/11 Permission Patrick and Emily Finnegan 27, Raglan Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 To demolish front wall of house and set back building line to that of adjoining dwelling and to construct new single storey extension to front, two storey extension to rear and renovations. 30-May-2011 Clarification of Add. Information Recd. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2771/11 Permission Mr John Dempsey and Mr Stephen Loftus 66, Palmerston Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Amendment of works and additional works to previously approved application reference Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Registration Date Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal 4406/09. Approved works to be carried out are as follows: Restoration of house to one family residence, general restoration including repointing. New larger opening in rear wall at ground floor. Demolition of the modern return. Reinstatement of stair from ground to upper ground level, removal of PVC windows. New works proposed in this application: Complete restoration and extension of the main roof. Approved ensuite increased in size. Removal of two rendered walls to ground level of original return. Removal of end wall of original return, extension of the upper 3 storeys of the original return to provide, WC / Butlers Pantry at upper ground level. Family bathroom at first floor and additional bedroom at the upper mezzanine level. Restoration of stone work at ground level. A proposed single storey extension to the side and rear with rooflights and a glazed link to the protected structures stone facade. Closing up and infill of a window and door to the side at ground level. To the ground floor excavate and provide a new floor with insulation / damp proofing and chemical damp proofing to walls. Removal of double gates to side garden and reinstatement of wall. New stone faced garden shed to rear garden. Landscaping proposal to front and rear garden and all associated site works. 31-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2772/11 Permission Duncan Farquhar 11, Oaklands Drive, Sandymount, Dublin 4 The development will consist extension and alterations of semidetached two storey including conversion of attached garage to habitable accommodation, front first floor bedroom extension over garage and rear single storey extension to kitchen and dining area incorporating roof balcony at first floor level, together with other minor alterations and ancillary site works including widening of vehicular entrance drive by approx 1 meter. 31-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2775/11 Permission Robert Nowlan 32, Mount Pleasant Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 The development will consist of a two storey extension to the rear of the property totalling 33m2 (comprising 18m2 at ground floor level 15m2 at first floor level) and including modifications to internal layout and garden layout all on a site of 109m2. 31-May-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2798/11 Permission Patrick Doherty 1, Victoria Lane, Rathgar, Dublin 6 RETENTION - Development to amend a previously permitted dwelling (DCC Reg Ref 2902/09, ABP Ref: PL.29S.235111). Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Registration Date Retention permission is sought for the relocation of the footprint of the dwelling eastwards by 500mm approximately; a reduction in the floor plate of the dwelling, resulting in a decrease in the gross floor area by 65sqm from 557sqm to 492sqm; revised ground works to facilitate the omission of the swimming pool at basement level and the omission of the glasshouse / garden store at ground floor level. Permission is sought for the change of use and reorganisation of the permitted uses at each level including the omission of the swimming pool and the provision of a gym at basement level and the omission of the glasshouse / garden store and pool stairs at ground level (resulting in the omission of the windows at ground floor level on the western elevation); minor amendments to the location of the windows at first floor level on the southern elevation; amendments to the door opes on the western elevation; omission of a roof window on the western elevation, and all associated site works above and below ground. 03-Jun-2011 Area Application Number Application Type Applicant Location Proposal Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) 2800/11 Permission Fr. Joe Mullan P.P. 49, Rathgar Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the following: Lower Ground Floor: Reinstate entrance under steps, remove bathroom wall, provide new toilet and kitchenette, repair/renew plaster to ceilings and walls, provide beam support to floor over, upgrade existing non-original door to entrance level, repair/renew concrete floor. Entrance Level: install kitchen fittings and connect to existing SVP, strengthen existing floors. Remove non-original toilet and kitchen fittings from return. First Floor Level: Provide new ensuites to 2no. bedrooms, new door to guest bedroom in partition. General: Strengthen existing floors. Repair/renew plasterwork to ceilings, cornices and walls where defective. Rewire, replumb and renew heating system and boiler. Redecorate. Externally: Repair or reconstruct side door and surrounding wall and lintol. Carry out local repairs to plaster and brick work. Localised repointing to front elevation. Registration Date 03-Jun-2011 LAWS: NONE SAWS: NONE DECISIONS: Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision 0099/11 Social Housing Exemption Certificate Grant Social Housing Exemption Cert Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 03-Jun-2011 James Carroll 25, Wellington Lane, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 Alterations to existing mews. Construction of new two storey dwelling with link to existing mews. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2074/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 01-Jun-2011 Health Service Executive (HSE) Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital, Grand Canal Street Lower, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: For change of use of part of Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital, a protected structure, from Nursing Home use to office use, including associated minor internal works. The application relates to three floors, basement, ground and first total area approximately 1652 sq. metres, located in the east wing at left of the main entrance. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2161/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 30-May-2011 Hamid Goldise 11, Essex Street East, Dublin 2 Planning application for planning permission for 1. Change of use of the existing ground floor premises from shop to restaurant. 2. Making minor alterations to the existing shopfront, including the fixing of signage on same. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2483/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 31-May-2011 The Wellington Licenced Premises The Wellington, 1a, Baggot Street Upper, Dublin 4 Erection of 1 no. promotional retractable sun - blind / canopy to the Baggot Street elevation, made with black acrylic material bearing the words 'The Wellington', and the Guinness logo. Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2486/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30-May-2011 Robert and Anna Boyle 19, Mountpleasant Square, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the following: 1. Demolition of 2 storey brick return to the rear of existing house, area 9.3sqm. 2. Construction of new two storey brick extension to the rear of the existing house, area 30.6sqm - ground floor kitchen 21.8sqm and first floor bathroom 8.8sqm. 3. New ope in existing rear elevation at ground floor level 900mm x 2.1mm. 4. Installation of new conservation rooflight on rear pitch of existing house. 5. Refurbishment of the original windows in main house. 6. Development will include all associated drainage, site development and landscaping works and all necessary conservation and repair work to the rear including cleaning and repointing of mews house. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2489/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 30-May-2011 Danirl & Serena Reardin 2, Palace Street, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE: The development will consist of 1) the re-slating of the roof re-using the original slate or similar to match, replacement of all lead valley and parapet gutters, the replacement of rainwater goods, and refurbishment work to the chimney stacks as required 2) the provision of an external deck space at roof level and alterations to the existing roof structure to provide for new dormer window access onto same 3) minor internal alterations to include for the provision of a new stairs from the 3rd floor to the new attic space. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2498/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 30-May-2011 Emer Rutledge 4, Wesley Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Planning permission sought for the demolition of single storey rear return and part rear boundary wall; construction of new single storey extension to the rear with Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 'velux' roof lights; new French patio doors to the ground floor rear elevation; internal modifications to rear dining room and hall, general repair, renovation and decoration. Site works include works to boundary wall to rear, drainage renewal and new landscaping. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2502/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 30-May-2011 John Conran 1 & 2, The Mews, Stephen's Lane, Rear Of 25 Mount Street Upper, Dublin 2 Planning permission sought for the following: 1. Ground floor internal alterations to existing 3 storey house with revisions to front elevation consisting of blocking up existing door/window opes and providing 2no. new windows and relocating front entrance to side of dwelling at 1 The Mews, Stephen's Lane rear of 25 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2. 2. New conservatory (9.58sqm) with balcony (3.96sqm) at first floor level to rear of 3 storey house with new entrance at ground floor level to side of dwelling at 2 The Mews, Stephen's Lane, rear of 25 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2. 3. All above with associated site works. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2506/11 Permission REFUSE PERMISSION 01-Jun-2011 Helene and Dave Graham 5, Brighton Road, Rathgar, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Partial demolition of the two storey extension to rear of existing dwelling, the construction of a one / two storey flat roof extension to rear of existing dwelling with rooflights, the re-rendering of existing front elevation, additional flat roof between existing A roofs, two rooflights to rear of existing main roof, access stairs to attic storage area, the construction of a single storey timber garden shed to rear and associated site works. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location 2512/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30-May-2011 Vodafone Ireland Limited Pembroke Cricket Club and, Monkstown Football Club, Sydney Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Proposal Parade, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4 Planning permission for the erection of telecommunications apparatus at Monkstown RFC and Pembroke CC, Sydney Parade, Park Avenue, Sandymount, Co. Dublin. The proposal is for telecommunications equipment consisting of 1No. 24m high monopole with 9No. antennas and 2No. 0.3m diameter dishes to replace existing floodlight pole, 15No. floodlights relocated to monopole, 5No. equipment cabinets, a 17m by 4.8m by 1.8m timber fence compound and associated equipment. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2513/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 02-Jun-2011 Margaret Smyth 6, Lansdowne Terrace, Shelbourne Road, Dublin 4 The development will consist of the erection of free standing signage to the front of existing Montessori School. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2516/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 31-May-2011 Sarah & John Boylan 25, Temple Gardens, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Construction of a single storey extension with partially glazed roof and the omission of a bay window and its replacement with 2 no. sets of french doors to the existing extension, (under construction - ref 3020/09) to the rear of 25, Temple Gardens, Dublin 6 - a protected structure. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2523/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 02-Jun-2011 Dublin Metropolitan Garda Rec. Club 8-10, Harrington Street, Dublin 8 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Planning permission is sought for refurbishment of its first floor offices. The proposed development will consist of (i) refurbishment of existing first floor offices, (ii) installation of inclined platform lift between ground & first floor, (iii) all associated site works. Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2531/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 03-Jun-2011 Stephen Vaughan 84, Bushes Lane, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Attic conversion with 4 no. velux rooflights to front of roof. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2535/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 03-Jun-2011 Terry Doyle and John Downes Ground Floor Level, 83-87, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Planning permission is sought for development involving the change of use of existing retail/showroom to restaurant and wine bar use, also to include ancillary delicatessen and retail use. The development will also include elevational changes to the shopfront, provision of signage and awnings and all associated site works. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2536/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 02-Jun-2011 K and C Donovan 3, Dartry Road, Dartry, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE-Permission sought for demolition of single storey extension to rear, conservatory at first floor level to rear and single storey extension to side. The construction of single storey extension to side & rear, reinstatement of sash windows to side & rear and alteration of window to side to form new doorway. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2545/11 Permission ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 30-May-2011 Pextell Ltd 34, College Green, Dublin 2 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the provision of a graded disabled access and ancillary works to the front podium and steps. These works are being carried out in association with the use of this building as a retail unit. Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2720/11 Permission APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 31-May-2011 Talebury Properties Swanbrook House, Bloomfield Avenue, Dublin 4 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - The development will consist of the change of use of Swanbrook House from administration use & part accommodation use to single private residential use. This is a Protected Structure. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2761/11 Permission APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 01-Jun-2011 Stephanie Myerscough 2, Windsor Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6 PROTECTED STRUCTURE - Change of use of one ground floor room (31.31sqm) from residential domestic use to montessori use. The intended opening hours are 8.30am to 1pm. Children are to be aged from 2 1/2 to 6 with a maximum number of 14. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 2775/11 Permission APPLICATION DECLARED INVALID 02-Jun-2011 Robert Nowlan 32, Mount Pleasant Terrace, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 The development will consist of a two storey extension to the rear of the property totalling 33m2 (comprising 18m2 at ground floor level 15m2 at first floor level) and including modifications to internal layout and garden layout all on a site of 109m2. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 4155/10 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 03-Jun-2011 John Meagher 3, Charlemont Street, Dublin 2 The development will consist of installation of a new ATM accessible from Charlemont Street in existing doorway including required enclosure and rear access, internal alterations of Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 existing restaurant to facilitate enlargement of public seating area and incorporation of proposed ATM: upgrade of existing shopfront to include proposed ATM together with all ancillary siteworks and upgrades. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal WEB1068/11 Permission GRANT PERMISSION 31-May-2011 Rachel Glennane 18, Oaklands Crescent, Rathgar, Dublin 6 The proposed development will consist of alterations to the previously granted Permission WEB1097/10 for a single storey living/dining room extension and associated site works to the rear of the existing ground floor apartment. The proposed alterations reduce the length of the extension, reduce the GFA by circa 2.6 m2, add a skylight and provide a new gate and service access path in lieu of the door to the lane with consequential changes to elevations and doors to the rear garden. Area 1 – South East (Nov 09) 0074/11 Section 5 Refuse Exemption Certificate 26-May-2011 Mairead Doyle 11, Claremont Park, Sandymount, Dublin 4 This declaration seeks to establish whether recently completed works undertaken at No. 11 Claremont Park are or are not ''development'' or are or are not ''exempted development'' within the meaning of the Planning and Development Acts, 2000-2010 and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2010, principally having regard to the interpretation of a number of planning permissions received for various extensions at the subject property (Dublin City Council Reg. Refs. 1270/07 and 2789/10). Area Application Number Application Type Decision Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal ***AMENDMENT TO WEEK 21/11*** APPEALS NOTIFIED: Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Appeal Type Applicant Location Proposal 2332/11 Written Evidence Joe Lewins, Ladbrokes Ireland Ltd. Unit 3, 1, Fitzwilliam Street, (The Bottleworks), Ringsend, Dublin 4 Permission for change of use of retail unit to bookmakers offices including modifications to plans and elevations and all associated site works. Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Appeal Type Applicant Location Proposal 2346/11 Written Evidence Kieran Brennan 9, Ballsbridge Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 The development will consist of renovation of existing cottage and construction of part single and part 2 storey extension all to the rear of existing dwelling, with 2 bedrooms upstairs to the rear with slates to side pitch to match existing with flat section between with coxdomes. Solar panels 4sqm to rear. Ridge height not altered. Also, 30sqm leisure room single storey 3m high to rear of garden. All services to be connected to existing and all of the above to include associated site works. APPEALS DECISIONS: Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Appeal Decision Appeal Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 0282/10 SECTION 5 - NOT EXEMPT 31-May-2011 University Of Dublin, Trinity College Trinity Hall Student Residences, Darty, Dublin 6 Use of bedrooms of Block no. 1 Trinity Hall Student Residence as classrooms during the summer months and the use of the premises for the purpose of a summer school run by an external operator with Trinity College. Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Appeal Decision Appeal Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal WEB1226/10 GRANT PERMISSION 31-May-2011 Robert Kearney 92, Sandford Road, Dublin 6 The development will consist of the demolition of existing 2 storey detached 4 bedroom house with adjoining garage and ancillary storage shed (totalling 156 sqm) and the construction of a 2 storey detached 4 Bedroom house with open plan living/dining/sitting room area with adjoining kitchen, separate utility room, study, and bathroom all at ground floor. The first floor is stepped back at the rear and consists of master bedroom with ensuite and dressing room, 3 double bedrooms, and bathroom all totalling 269 sqm. The site works include widening the existing vehicle access gate from Sandford Road and a new separate pedestrian gate, together with associated front and back garden landscaping and site works on a 0.17 acre site. Week 22/11 Dates 30/05/2011-03/06-2011 Area 1 - South East (Nov 09) Area Application Number Appeal Decision Appeal Decision Date Applicant Location Proposal 0284/10 SECTION 5 - NOT EXEMPT 27-May-2011 Micromedia 55, Dame Street, Dublin 2 EXPP: Declaration on Development & Exempted Development. Section 5 Application for Display Panal at Micromedia No.55 Dame Street, Dublin 2. ***AMENDMENT TO WEEK 21/11***