7-Up Project National Reference Group (Preliminary List) India CONSUMER ORGANISATIONS Dr. S. R. Khanna, Managing Trustee, Voluntary Organisation in the Interests of Consumer Education (VOICE), F-71, Lajpat Nagar-II, New Delhi 110 024 Ph: 91-11-6918969, 91-11- 6315375 Fax: 91-11-4626189 Email: cvoice@vsnl.net VOICE is an active consumer organisation working in the areas of food standards and tobacco control. Sunita Roy Executive Secretary, Consumer Coordination Council (CCC) 62, Qutab View Apartments, Shaheed Jitsingh Marg, New Delhi-110 016 Ph & Fx: 91-11- 696 0545 Em: cccdel@del3.vsnl.net.in CCC is a national level apex body of about 70 leading consumer organisations in India. Surendra Kanstiya, Chairperson, Consumer Guidance Society of India (CGSI), Block J, Mahapalika Marg, Mumbai 400 001 Ph: 91-22-2621612 Fax: 91-22-2659715 Email: cgsibom@bom4.vsnl.net.in CGSI is one of the oldest consumer organisations in India. It deals with issues relating to competition, regulation and consumer protection. Rani Advani, Honorary Secretary, Consumer Education & Research Society, Suraksha Sankool Thaltej, Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar Highway Ahmedabad 380 054 Ph: 91-79-7489945-46/7450528 Fax: 91-79-748 9947 E mail: cerc@wilnetonline.net The Society is known for its well-established laboratory for comparative testing of products and information dissemination. Diwakar Babu, General Secretary, Consumer Guidance Society (CGS), 45, Veerapaneni Plaza, Patamata, Vijayawada 520 007 Andhra Pradesh Ph: ® 91-866-583249 Fax: 91-866-487180 E mail: che_diva43@hotmail.com CGS is headed by a group of lawyers and is active in the areas of consumer protection and regulation. Shirish Deshpande Mumbai Grahak Panchayat (MGP), ‘Grahak Bhavan’, Sant Dhyaneshwar Marg JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle (West) Mumbai 400 056 Tel: 91-22-6238124/6209319 Fax: 91-22-6250916 MGP is the largest membership consumer organisation in India and is highly active in the area of consumer protection. Bharat Jairaj Citizen Consumer & Civic Action Group (CAG), No.7, 4th Street, Venkateswara Nagar, Adayar, Chennai-600 020 Ph: 91-44-446 0387/ 491 4358 Fax: 91-44- 491 4358 Email: cag@xlweb.com CAG is a NGO formed by a group of citizens and is active in the areas of competition law and policy as well as regulatory issues. 1 OTHER NGOs Subodh M. Wagle, Member, Energy Group, Prayas, Amriyta Clinic, Athawale Corner, Karve Road Corner, Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411 004 Ph: 91-20-5441230 Tele/Fax: 91-20-5420337 E mail: prayas@vsnl.com Prayas is a leading civil society organisation of Maharashtra and is active in the areas of regulatory reforms with special reference to power sector reforms P. D. Mathew S. J. Indian Social Institute (ISI), 10 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi Ph: 91-11-4622379/4625015/4694602 Fax: 91-11-4690660 ISI is a Centre for research, Training and Action for Social and Economic Development. J. John, Centre for Education and Communication 173- A, Khirki Village, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi 110 017 Ph: 91-11-623 2755/ 623 2758/ 668 6841 Fax: 91-11-628 6842 E-mail: cec@nda.vsnl.net.in jjohn@vsnl.com CEC aspires to be a Resource Centre for Labour – in particular, of those in the unorganised and informal sectors. S. P. Narang, Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), ‘ICSI House’ 22, Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003 Ph: 91-11-461 7321-24, 91-11-4644431-32 Fax: 91-11-4626727 Vinod Vyasulu, Director, Centre for Budget & Policy Studies, S. V. Complex, Ist Floor, 55, K. R. Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore – 560 004 Ph: 91-80-6522327 Fax: 91-80-6618401 E mail: cbps@vsnl.com The Centre works in the areas of budget analyses and primarily concentrates on the study of educational finances. (NN) Vidhayak Sansad, Belani House 3, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road, Worli Sea – Face (N) Mumbai 400 025 Ph: 91-22-4927920/4912206 Email: vsansad@bom3.vsnl.net.in The centre works on various budget related issues with a thrust to highlight the trends in government allocation and expenditure vis-à-vis the marginalised sections of the society like tribals, scheduled castes, social welfare sectors, etc. Dr. Sita Sekhar Public Affairs Centre (PAC), 578, 16 ‘B’ Main, 3rd Cross, Block 3, Koramangala, Bangalore 560 034 Tele Fax: 91-80-5537260, 5520246 E-mail: pacindia@vsnl.com Pacbir@bir.vsnl.net.in PAC is active in the area of good governance and has done a number of projects on the report card system for governance. 2 RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS/ ACADEMIA/ EXPERTS Pradeep Srivastava Dr. A. JayaGovind, Professor of Law, National Council of Applied Economic Research, (NCAER) National Law School of India University, Parisila Bhawan, 11-Indraprastha Estate Post Bag No.7201, Nagarbhavi, New Delhi 110 002 Bangalore-560 072 Ph: 91-11-3317860-68 Ph: 91-80-3213160 Fax: 91-11-3327164 Fax: 91-80-3387858 E mail: psrivastava@ncaer.org E mail: ajd@nis.ernet.in NCAER is an independent interdisciplinary The school is a premier law school in India and research institute established to analyse economic offers a 5-Year integrated law programme. and development problems and generate data at national, state, sectoral, individual industry/firm and household level. Sebastian Morris Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015 Ph: 91-79-6307241 Fax: 91-79-6427896 IIM is a premier Institute of Management in India. (NN) Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi Delhi – 110 007 Leena Srivastava, Dean, Regulatory Studies and governance Division, Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), Darbari Seth Block, Habitat Place, Lodhi Road New Delhi 110 003 Ph: 91-11-468 2100/468 2111 Fax: 91-11-468 2144/4682145 E mail: leena@teri.res.in TERI is a leading research institute dealing with energy research, regulatory research and research on sustainable consumption. Dr.T. C. A. Ananth Professor, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, University Enclave, Delhi 110007 Ph: 91-11-725 6271, 725 7005 Fax: 91-11-725 7159 Ms Aradhna Agarwal Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) Core 6A, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road , New Delhi 110 003 Ph: 91-11- 464 5218-20/462 2070/461 6329 Fax: 91-11- 462 0180 ICRIER is a pioneering research institute dealing with international economic relations. Dr. Nagesh Kumar/Dr. P.L. Beena, Research and Information System for Non- Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS) Zone IV 4th Floor India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003 Ph: 91-11-4682177-80 Fax: 91-11-468 21 73 Email: nagesh@del6.vsnl.net.in nkumar@risindia.org (RIS) is mandated to function as an advisory body to the government of India on matters pertaining to multilateral economic and social issues, including regional and sub-regional co-operation agreements. 3 Bishwanath Goldar, Professor, Institute of Economic Growth (IEG), University Enclave, New Delhi 110 007 Ph: 91-11-725 7101/7288/7365/7424/7570 Fx: 91-11-725 7410 IEG conducts econometric studies in India in areas of mutual interest to Reserve Bank of India and IEG viz. Money, trade, income and employment It works on issues relating to globalisation and conducts training of probationers and officers of Indian Economic Service of Government of India. Dr. K. J. Joseph, Fellow, Centre for Development Studies (CDS), Prasanth Nagar Road, Ulloor, Trivandrum 695 011 Kerala Ph: 91-471-442 116 Fax: 91-471-447 137 CDS deals in development economics and industrial economics. (NN) Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) Gen. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (E), Mumbai 400 065 Ph: 91-22-840 0919 (EPABX) Fax: 91-22-840 2752 IGIDR undertakes research activities in the areas of development economics, energy and transport economics. Dr. Subhasis Gangopadhyay, Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, 7 Shahid Jeet Singh Sansanwal Marg, New Delhi 110 016 Ph: 91-11-6561153 EPBX: 91-11-6564592 Indian Statistical Institute has been in the forefront of the research in Statistics, Mathematics and Economics in the country. EXPERTS Pallavi Shroff Amarchand & Mangaldas & Suresh A. Shroff & Co. , 13, Abul Fazal Road, Bengali market, New Delhi 110 001 Ph: 91-11-3355148, 3355149, 3352819 Fax: 91-11-3355147, 3312586 E mail: amsas@vsnl.com H. K. Dua, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Bar Association, New Delhi Anand Pathak Advocate Pathak & Associates 1st Floor, Dr. Gopal Das Bhavan, 28 Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001 Ph: 91-11-373-8793, 335 7345 Fax: 91-11-335 3761, 335 0416 E mail: anand_pathak@pathak-a.com Prabuddha Ganguli, 2, Gulmohar, 35 West Avenue, Santacruz, West, Mumbai 400 054 Ph: 91-22-6484677 E mail: ramugang@vsnl.com 4 Jeevan Prakash Advocate, 2637, Naya Bazar, Delhi-110 006 Ph: (o) 91-11-3937719 ® 91-11- 7420117 Mob: 98102-39339 Email: jprakash@bol.net.in Naresh Mathur, Advocate, Supreme Court of India C-103, Defence Colony New Delhi 110 024 Telefax: 91-11 462 0459 Ph: ® 91-11-461 7156 Moibile:9810170878 Em:mathurns@hotmail.com Lakshmi Kumaran B4/158, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110 029 Rakesh Basant Associate Professor of Economics, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015 Ph: 91-79-6307241 Ext: (o) 4865 E-mail: rakesh@iimahd.ernet.in CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE Amit Sen Gupta Secretary General Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi 110 001 Ph: 91-11-3738760-70 Fax: 91-11-3320 714/ 3721 504 E mail: ficci.bisnet@gems.vsnl.net.in Dr. Omkar Goswami, Chief Economist, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) India Habitat centre, 4th Floor, Core 4A, Lodi Road, New Delhi 110 003 Ph: 91-11-462 9994 Fax: 91-11-4633168/4626149 E mail: cii-co@sdalt.ernet.in Rashmi Agarwal, Senior Secretary, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) PHD House, Opp. Asian Games Village, New Delhi 110 016 Ph: 91-11-6863801 (4 lines) Fax: 91-11-6863135/6568382 E mail: phdcci@del2.vsnl.net.in T. P. Bhat, ASSOCHAM ASSOCHAM House 47, Prithviraj Road, New Delhi 110 011 Ph: 91-11-4611892/4604931 Fax: 91-11-4604932 E mail: assocham@sansad.nic.in MEDIA PERSONS Pushpa Girimaji, Freelance – consumer Protection Issues 170, National Media Centre Nathupur Gurgaon 122 001, Haryana Ph: 91-124-353966 E mail: pushpa_girimaji@vsnl.com Siddharth Varadrajan, Times of India, Times Building, 7, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 Ph: 91-11-3302000 Fax: 91-11-3323346 E mail: edit@timesofindia.com 5 D. S. Mehta Media Consultant and Freelance Writer, 54, Gautam Apartments, Gulmohar Park Road, New Delhi 110 049 Ph: 91-11-3344547 Fax: 91-11-3368729 Dr. Bharat Jhunjhunwala, D1/31 Sector 15, Rohini, Delhi 110 085 Ph: 91-11-729 4024 E-mail: bharatj@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in Ashok Das Gupta, Business Line, 519/520 Indraprakash Building, 21,Barakhamba Road, New Delhi 110 001 Ph. 91-11-3720 006-8/3639651 (R) 91-11-6521 036/6868943 Subir Gokarn Chief Economist, National Council of Applied Economic Research, Parisila Bhavan, 11-IP Estate, New Delhi-110 002 Ph: 91-11-331 7860-68/225 2367 Fax: 91-11-332 7164 Email: subir_gokarn@hotmail.com Sgokarn@ncaer.org Jairam Ramesh, E-79, Masjid Moth Greater Kailash III New Delhi 110 048 Telefax: 91-11 621 9302 (R) Cellphone: 98100 45878 Email: jairam@vsnl.com T. C. A. Srinivas Raghavan, Associate Editor, Business Standard, 89 National Media Centre, Gurgaon, Haryana Ph: 91-124 357229 E-mail: tca.tca@vsnl.com Narendra Pani Senior Editor, Economic Times, S&B Towers, 40/1, M. G. Road, Bangalore Ph: 91-80-558 8646/558 2875 Fax: 91-80-558 6617 Rammohan Reddy, Deputy Editor, The Hindu, Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860 Anna Salai, Chennai 600002 Ph: 91-44 835067 Fax: 91-44- 835325 Email: ramreddy@thehindu.co.in Shefali Misra, Financial Express The Express Building, Bhahdur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-2 Ph: 91-11-370 2159 Fax: 91-11-370 2164/370 2114 E-mail: shefalimisra@express2.indexp.co.in COMPETITION AUTHORITY K. C. Ganjwal Secretary ,MRTPC, Kota House Annexe, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110 011 Ph: 91-11-338 8920/338 8929 Fax: 91-11-338 5977 R. K. Anand, Acting Chairman, MRTP Commission, MRTP House, Kota Annexe, 1, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi G. R. Bhatia Additional Director General (I & R) MRTPC, Bikaner House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110 011 Ms Moksh Mahajan/ R. L. Sudhir, Member, MRTP Commission, MRTP House, Kota Annexe, 1, Shahjahan Road, 6 Ph: 91-11-3385164 ® 91-11-7259315 EXTERNAL TRADE DEPARTMENT Augustine Peter, Director, Ministry of Commerce, Room No. 220, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011 Ph: (o) 91-11-301 3244 Fax: 91-11- 301 3583 E-mail: paugustine@ub.delhi.nic.in New Delhi Dr. V. S. Sheshadri, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011 Ph: 91-11-301 5215 Fax: 91-11- 301 3583 INTERNAL TRADE and/or CONSUMER AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT G. P. Prabhu Mr Santosh Nautiyal Joint Secretary Additional Secretary, Department of Company Affairs Ministry of Food & Consumer Affairs, Shastri Bhawan Krishi Bhawan New Delhi 110 001 New Delhi 110 001 Ph: 91-11-3384380 Ph: 91-11 338 3027 E mail: Gpprabhu@sb.nic.in Fax: 91-11 338 6575 PARLIAMENTARIANS/POLITICIANS Mr. Suresh Pachouri Bunglow No. 10 , Opposite Old Secretariat, Bhopal - 462 001, M.P. Ph: 91-755-540575 , 543333 Mr. Suresh Pachouri 28, Tuglak Crescent, New Delhi 11 Telefax: 91 379 2022 Vishwajit Prithvijit Singh 202, Golf Apartments, Sujan Singh Park, New Delhi 110 003 P. Chidambaram 16, Pycroft Garden Road, Chennai- 06 Ph: 91-44-827 9025 Off: 91-44-858 3945/ 858 3949 T. N. Chaturvedi, Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) 19, Gurudwara Rakabganj Road, New Delhi- 110 001 Ph: 91-11-379 3689, 3794889 Fx: 91-11-379 2320 Email: triloki@sansad.nic.in Jagdish Shettigar K-26 `B’, Saket, New Delhi Ph: 91-11-6965987 Fax: 91 11 378 2163 M. A. Baby CPI(M) A K G Centre, A. Raghavan Road, Trivandrum 305 731 Kamal Nath Member of Parliament, 1, Tuglak Road, New Delhi 110 011 Tele Fax: 91-11-379 2293 Ph: 91 11 379 2233 7 REGULATORY AUTHORITY Sanjeev S. Ahluwalia, Secretary, Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, Core 3, 5Th Floor, Scope Complex, 7 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi- 110 003 Ph: 91-11-436 48 95 Fax: 91-11-436 00 10/ 436 00 58 Email: cerc@cercind.org S. C. Mahalik Former Chairman, Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission, D-308, Purvasha, Ananda Box Society, Mayur Vihar, New Delhi – 110 001 Justice Shacheendra Dwivedi Chairman, M.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission Urja Bhawan, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal- 462016 Ph: 91-755-557 819 Fax: 91-755-762264 D. K. Roy Chairman, Orissa Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bidyut Niyamak Bhavan, Unit VIII, Bhubaneshwar 751 012 Ph: 91-674-413306 Fax: 91-674-419781/413306 Dr. Harsha Vardhan Singh, Economic Adviser, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, 16th Floor, Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan, 1, Tolstoy Marg New Delhi 110 001 Ph: 91-11-3357813 Fax: 91-11-373 8708 E-mail: trai@del2.vsnl.net.in Philipose Mathai, Chairman, Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission, Mahalakshmi Chambers, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore – 560 001 Prabhat Dayal, Secretary, Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission, RERC Building, Vidyut Bhavan, Jyoti Nagar, Jaipur 302005 Ph: 91-141-740382 Fax: 91-141-741018 Pratip Kar Executive Director, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Mittal Court ‘B’ Wing, First Floor, 224, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 Ph: 91-22-2850451-56 Dir: 91-22-2851602 Fax: 91-22-2845761 E mail: pkar@sebiho.ernet.in Dr. K. R. S. Murthy Vice-Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education, Indira Gandhi Sports Complex, Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi 110 002 Ph: 91-11-337 8491 N Rangachary, Chairperson, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority, Ground Floor, “Jeevan Bharati”, Tower I, 124, Connaught Circus, New Delhi Ph: 91-11-3718039/3718040/3730472 (Dir) 91-11-335 7319 Fax: 91-11-335 7320 E mail: irauth@vsnl.com 8 Mridul Saggar, Assistant Adviser, Department of Economic Analysis & Policy, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office Building, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 Ph: 91-22-266 1602 Fax: 91-22- 266 60729 E mail: mksaggar@hotmail.com R. Ramanathan Chairperson, National Pharmaceuticals Pricing Authority, 2E/21, Jhandewalan Extension, Link Road, New Delhi Ph: 91-11-368 1983 E mail: membersecretary@nppaindia.com 9