Software Development: Concepts and Methods BSc (Part Time) Work Schedule Autumn 2002 Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Topic Introduction Context of Software Engineering The software development lifecycle Software quality. Software Maintenance The maintenance problem Types of maintenance Lehman’s laws Legacy systems Software measures Reverse Engineering Configuration Management Traceability Requirements Engineering What is Requirements Engineering The Requirements Engineering Process Expressing Software Requirements (The Software Requirements Specification) Characteristics and qualities of a software requirements specification The IEEE Standard for Specifying Requirements work on assignment 1(no lecture) Securing an accurate SRS - Prototyping Recap on the problem Introduce prototyping and rapid application development Types of prototyping: Evolutionary + Throwaway Where does prototyping fit into the software development lifecycle An Introduction to Prototype Implementation Prototyping/RAD with Visual Basic Characteristics of VB as a prototyping tool Working with Visual Basic (tutor led workshop) work on assignment 2 (tutor led workshop) Introducing Design Modular design and design principles Coupling and cohesion Module Design Specification Documenting designs Characteristics of a good design document Textual notations Diagrammatic notations Introducing UML Design exercises Revision PT Software Development - Schedule Babak Khazaei Assessment Hand out Assignment 1(individual) Hand in Assignment 1 +Hand Out Assignment 2(group) Demo Assignment 2 Handin Assignment 2 Page 1 of 2 07/03/16 Revised Work Schedule 1. Intr. S.E. and life cycle (as before) Pfleeger relevant chapters: 1 &2 + Lucy's notes 2. Maintenance + Reverse Engineering (as before), Pfleeger chapter 11+ Lucy's notes+ Relevant reading material 3. Intro to design. (Pfleeger chapter 5+ slides) 4. OO modelling (Pfleeger chapter 6+slides) 5. work on assignment ( as before) 6. R.E. & SRS (Pfleeger chapter 4+ slides+ IEEE standards+ SRS example) 7. Prototyping (Pfleeger chapter 4+ slides) 8. work on VB and assignment 2 (as before) 9. work on assignment 2 10. software measurements + demo on assignment 2 (slides + Pfleeger chapter 6) 11. tutorial on measurement + revision for the exam +handing in of assignment2 12. Reading week (any questions by email will be answered on the 10th of Jan) PT Software Development - Schedule Babak Khazaei Page 2 of 2 07/03/16