BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
BIOLOGY 111 – Spring 2003
4th Lecture Examination
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40 Multiple Choice questions, worth 1 point each
TOTAL = 40 questions = 40 points
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
1. Which of the following conceptual levels of ecologic organization includes abiotic factors?
A. species
B. community
C. population
D. ecosystem
2. Fertility rates among humans are highest in
A. the winter
B. Europe
C. developing countries
D. cognito
E. developed countries
3. CFCs (Choroflurocarbons)
A. were once used as an energy source.
B. deplete the ozone layer.
C. were once used as pesticides.
D. contribute to acid precipitation.
4. Which of the following substances is not cycled between living and non-living reservoirs?
A. carbon
B. water
C. nitrogen
D. phosphorus
E. All of the above are cycled between biotic and abiotic reservoirs.
5. The increase in global temperature that is caused by the greenhouse effect is due to
A. CFCs slowing the escape of heat from Earth.
B. CO2 slowing the escape of UV radiation from Earth.
C. CO2 slowing the escape of heat from Earth.
D. the loss of ozone that traps cooling UV radiation in the atmosphere.
E. CO2 magnifying solar radiation as it enters Earth's atmosphere.
6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Every species can reproduce.
B. Advances in agriculture, technology, and medicine have contributed to human population growth.
C. Populations can never exceed carrying capacity.
D. With unlimited resources a population will grow exponentially.
7. Which of the following is true about human activities?
A. Effects often accumulate, potentially causing major problems.
B. Human activities generally are good for the environment.
C. Humans have been able to fix any problems caused by our activities.
D. The Earth is so vast that human activities have no detectable effect.
8. Why should we be concerned about moving organisms outside their original ranges?
A. The organisms might not live outside their original range.
B. The organisms might be susceptible to diseases that did not occur in their original range.
C. The organisms might cause unpredictable ecological problems in the new range.
D. Humans don’t like to see non-native organisms mixed with native organisms.
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
9. The feeding relationships (that is, who eats who) among the species in a community is the community's
A. diversity
B. richness
C. niche
D. trophic structure
E. density
10. Consider a population that has a stable number of individuals living at carrying capacity over time. On average,
how many offspring per female will survive to reproduce?
A. more than 100
B. 2
C. 10 to 20
D. 0
E. 100
11. Global deforestation is of concern because
A. of the vast scale of deforestation.
B. clearing land is necessary to grow crops.
C. smoke from forest fires increases lung cancer.
D. it is necessary to provide cash to the economies of developing countries.
E. it is taking place too slowly.
12. Which of the following is arranged in proper order from most to least inclusive? (Most inclusive means including
all the others)
A. population, ecosystem, individual, community
B. individual, population, community, ecosystem
C. individual, community, population, ecosystem
D. ecosystem, community, population, individual
E. community, ecosystem, individual, population
13. A biology teacher takes fish, algae, pondweed, invertebrates, and bottom muck from a local pond and
establishes them in an aquarium. When the system is stable, the teacher seals it into a large, airtight glass box and
leaves the box in a sunny location. After 3 months, the organisms in the aquarium appear alive and healthy. Which
of the following statements about the experiment is incorrect?
A. Some atoms from water molecules have become parts of organic molecules.
B. During the 3 months, the productivity of plant life was greater than the productivity of animal life.
C. Some of the energy in the system has moved from one organism to another during the 3 months.
D. The air in the glass box contains carbon dioxide.
E. No energy has entered or left the glass box during the 3 months.
14. On a per capita basis, _______ consumes more energy than the other countries listed here.
A. Brazil
B. the United States
C. China
D. the former Soviet Union
E. Germany
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
Figure 1. Population growth.
Number in Population
15. The maximum number of individuals that a habitat can support, denoted by the dashed line “a” in Figure 1
above, is called the
A. population growth
B. reproductive potential
C. community size
D. carrying capacity
E. density-dependent factor
16. What is likely to happen over time (beyond what is shown) to the population represented by curve “c” in Figure 1
A. Size will decrease over time.
B. It will show a clumped dispersion pattern.
C. It will show a uniform dispersion pattern.
D. Size will slowly increase over time.
E. It will grow exponentially
17. During the past 1000 years the human population size has
A. Remained relatively stable
B. Increased slowly
C. Remained constant
D. Fluctuated around a constant value
E. Increased exponentially
18. Which of the following is not an effect of acid rain?
A. Mobilizes of toxic compounds.
B. Increases pH of soils.
C. Damages plants.
D. Leaches nutrients from the soil.
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
Figure 2. Trophic Pyramid of Production
tertiary consumers
b h
primary producers
19. In Figure 2 above, what type of organisms would be considered primary producers (that is, what kind of
organisms would be represented by box “a”?
A. fish eating birds
B. grazing animals such as cattle
C. organisms that can photosynthesize (plants for example)
D. fungi
20. In Figure 2 above, what is transferred from level to level as indicated by arrows marked “h”?
A. heat
B. low energy organic compounds
C. water
D. energy and nutrients
E. carbon Dioxide
21. In an average ecosystem, about how much productivity is present at a given trophic level compared to the the
next higher trophic level (for example, how much greater is the productivity represented by box “a” than box “b”, as
shown in Figure 2; note that the diagram is not drawn to scale)?
A. ten times as much
B. 100 times as much
C. twice as much
D. half as much
E. It is impossible to say without knowing which trophic levels are involved.
22. In Figure 2 above, what is transferred from detritivores to primary producers as shown by arrow “g”?
A. heat
B. nutrients
C. water
D. energy
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
23. In a food chain consisting of phytoplankton  zooplankton  fish  fishermen  sharks (the arrow means
that zooplankton eat phytoplankton, and so on), the fishermen are
A. the top predator.
B. herbivores.
C. tertiary consumers.
D. primary producers.
E. secondary producers.
24. In a food chain consisting of grass  grasshoppers  sparrows  hawks, the grasshoppers are
A. primary producers.
B. carnivores.
C. primary consumers.
D. secondary producers.
E. detritivores.
25. In ecosystems, the flow of ____ is one-way, while ____ are constantly cycled.
A. energy . . . nutrients
B. food . . . energy compounds
C. genetic information . . . genotypes
D. sugar . . . nutrients
26. Which of the following is not a current issue of environmental concern?
A. global deforestation
B. increasing ozone concentrations in the ozone layer
C. human population growth
D. acid rain
E. urban sprawl
27. The increase in the concentration of a substance in the tissues of organisms as it is passes up a food chain is
A. bioaccumulation
B. maximization
C. predatory accumulation
D. incrementalization
E. concentration of toxins
28. The concept of sustainability suggests that:
A. We cannot harvest trees without eventual destruction of the forest.
B. We should harvest trees before others get them.
C. A limited number of trees can be harvested on a continuing basis.
D. Forests will disappear no matter what we do.
E. Trees are living organisms and we should not harm them.
29. The maximum number of individuals that a habitat can support is called the
A. population growth
B. reproductive potential
C. community size
D. carrying capacity
E. density-dependent factor
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
30. In living organisms, these reactions occur: (H2O + CO2+ light energy)  (1)
what are processes (1) and (2) and component X?
A. 1 = respiration; 2 = photosynthesis; X = CO2 + H2O
B. 1 = respiration; 2 = photosynthesis; X = sugars + O2
C. 1 = respiration; 2 = photosynthesis; X = CO2 + O2
D. 1 = photosynthesis; 2 = respiration; X = sugars + O2
E. 1 = photosynthesis; 2 = respiration; X = CO2 + H2O
 (2) (H2O + CO2+ ATP),
31. The primary effect of DDT on predatory birds was that it
A. decreased storage of body fat and thus increased winter mortality.
B. feminized male birds and thus reduced the size of the breeding populations of these birds.
C. thinned eggshells and thus increased pre-hatchl mortality.
D. affected the nervous system, making the birds uncoordinated and unable to hunt successfully.
E. had an adverse effect on the birds' ability to navigate on long flights.
32. Which of the following is true for substances that are known to magnify biologically in ecosystems?
A. The substance must persist in the environment over time.
B. The substance must persist in living tissue.
C. The substance must be a man-made pollutant.
D. All of the above
E. A and B above
33. The study of the interaction of living organisms and their environment is called
A. biology
B. ecology
C. conservation biology
D. evolution
E. ichthyology
34. Which of the following does NOT happen in nature?
A. Consumers get energy for life by consuming other organisms.
B. Populations can grow exponentially over limited periods of time.
C. Thermophylic micro-organisms grow by absorbing heat.
D. Plants absorb nutrients from the soil.
35. On television, you see a new diet advertised that says that you can eat anything you want as long as you don’t
eat any fats or oils (collectively known as lipids). As an “A” student in Biology, you know that this cannot be true
A. Humans need some lipids in their diets, because they contain essential fatty acids.
B. Excess fat on the human body is caused by consuming more energy than is burned by the body (from all
foods not just lipids).
C. Even by eliminating lipids it is still possible to gain weight if more calories are consumed than are burned.
D. All of the above.
36. A biological process whereby carbon dioxide and water are converted into sugar and oxygen using energy from
sunlight is called:
A. respiration
B. decomposition
C. photosynthesis
D. recombination
E. The factors that constitute an organism's niche.
BIOL 111 Exam 4 Spring 2003
37. Which of the following is an effect of loss of ozone in the ozone layer?
A. Increase in global warming.
B. Increase in ultraviolet B radiation.
C. Increase in CFCs.
D. A and C above.
E. All of the above.
Figure 3. Sustainability.
Population size
38. In Figure 3 above, assume that the curves deviate from the dashed line because of the harvest of individuals
from the population by humans. Which of the curves “b-d” illustrates a sustainable use of the population?
A. b
B. c
C. d
D. all of the above
39. Referring to Figure 3, what term best describes curve “c”?
A. Underexploitation
B. Extinction
C. Sustainable use
D. Overexploitation
40. If curve “c” (Figure 3) represents a population of salmon that has been commercially fished for many years,
which of the following would likely result in sustainable harvest from the population for the future?
A. limiting the current rate of harvest
B. no change in rate of harvest
C. increasing the rate of harvest
D. removing all limits to harvest