Counseling Offerings Spring ‘09 Student Health Center New York University 726 Broadway, 4th floor New York, NY 10003 Wellness Exchange Available 24 hrs/7 days a week, every day of the year, the Wellness Exchange is the central point of access for all mental health services at NYU. Services through the Wellness Exchange are confidential, and include the following: 24/7 Wellness Exchange Hotline: 212.443.9999 Daily Walk-In Hours, Mon - Sat (see for details) Counselors by Email: Short-Term Counseling Available in the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office, as well as in satellite clinics at various schools across the NYU campus, all students are welcome to arrange individual counseling (talk therapy) sessions on a short-term basis. Off-campus referrals for longer-term treatment are also available. These services are free and confidential. Psychiatric Medication Management Available in the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office, students are welcome to arrange psychiatric medication management appointments. These services will be available throughout their NYU careers at a maximum outof-pocket expense of $20 per visit. In all cases, psychiatric professionals will work with students to determine the best course of treatment, and if care can be managed appropriately at SHC. Self-Improvement Classes Held at the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office, these classes will be held throughout the term. Some meet once per month, while others meet more frequently. If interested, students should contact the main office at 212998-4780 for specific dates. All classes are free and confidential. Anxiety Management Skills Training, Mon 3-4PM In a New York Minute: Time Management, Tues 3-4PM Peace of Mind: The Art of Mindful Relaxation, Tues 4-5PM Life Skills, Thurs 3-4PM Sweet Dreams: Fighting Insomnia, Fri 3-4PM Say It Loud, Say It Proud: Manage Your Fear of Public Speaking, Fri 3-4PM Groups Held at the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office, unless otherwise specified, these weekly groups are free and confidential. Most of the Fall ’08 groups commence in February and run through the semester. Queer Women’s Group, Mon 2-3PM Men and Relationships, Mon 4-5PM Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Mon 5-6PM & Weds 5-6PM Gay and Bi Men: The Issues We Face, Mon 5-6PM Support Group for Students with Chronic Illness, Mom 5-6PM - Med Library Substance Use: Exploring Choices and Change, Mon 6:30-7:45PM Q-Chat, Mon 7-8PM - Online Making Peace with Food, Tues 1-2:15PM & Thurs 6-7:15PM Getting a Grip: A CBT Approach for Depression, Tues 5-6PM ABD Support Group, Tues 6:30-7:45 Getting to Know You: A CBT Approach for Social Anxiety, Weds 4-5PM Due Process: Law Students Support Group, Weds 4-5PM Emotional Eaters, Weds 5-6PM Recognizing Your Social Potential (Undergrads), Weds 6-7:15PM Chilling Out: A CBT Approach for Anxiety, Weds 7-8PM & Thurs 5-6PM Bereavement, Thurs 12:30-1:30PM Connections: Understanding Yourself and Others (Grads), Thurs 5-6PM Sons and Daughters of Substance Abusing Parents, Thurs 6:30-7:45PM Stress Clinic Twice weekly on Mondays from 4-5PM and Weds from 6-7PM, a stress reduction clinic will be held at the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office. This clinic is open to all students on a drop-in basis. No leader clearance is required. These services are free and confidential. Relaxation Oasis An online resource providing strategies for maintaining calm in the context of university life. Offerings include guided yoga, Q and A with our in-house Stresspert, and stress reduction exercises in a downloadable mp3 format, as well as an overview of mind-body services available to the NYU community: Workshops for the NYU Community Students may also request workshops to be held in residence halls or other community spaces on campus. Popular subjects include Body Image, Depression 101, Stress and Anxiety, and Time Management. We will also make every effort to accommodate requests for other topics. If requesting a workshop, please contact the main Counseling and Behavioral Health Service office at least two weeks in advance. For a more detailed description of services, please see our website ( or call 212.443.9999