JAZZ TECHNIQUES Music 345 – 1 credit - 2010 Robert Kehle McCray 317 235-4474 rkehle@pittstate.edu Office: TBA Text: Jazz Pedagogy – The Jazz educator’s Handbook and resource Guide by J. Richard Dunscomb and Dr. Willie L Hill Jr. Published by Warner Brothers. Course Description MUSIC 345. Jazz Ensemble Techniques. Organization and administration of the modern jazz ensemble. Jazz phrasing, styles, improvisation, materials, and methods are emphasized. Prerequisite: MUSIC 238 Basic Conducting and MUSIC 113 Aural Skills and Theory II. The course will be approached in a seminar method with class participation and discussion being critical to the effectiveness of the class. You must be prepared for each class; failure to do so may result in a failing grade. Each topic below will be presented in class via a discussion method with some lecturing. If you are not prepared for each class then you will simply not retain and be able to effectively use the information. As a result you will not become an effective teacher and your students will suffer due to your incompetence. To avoid these use the following as a guide. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be prepared for class. Do all the class reading for the next unit. Discuss the material in class and outside of class. Observe the musical world around you. Take complete notes. One of the best ways to retain material is to write it down. Even if you already know the answer, write it down. This will do two things. First, it will help you remember it longer and secondly, it will act as a resource should you forget. Do not miss class. Because this class only meets once a week it is easy to not be mentally prepared for class. Do the assignments and reading in a timely manner. The topics and the reading assignments are listed below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction and Jazz theory and notation. Chapter 2. Teaching improvisation. Chapters 9 and 10 Starting a jazz program including the combo, big band, history classes, young bands et al. Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6. Rehearsal techniques. Chapter 14. Check out the DVD in the book! Jazz “styles” and articulations. Chapter 3, 7 and 8 Equipment and their roles in the jazz ensemble a) Saxes Chapter 17A b) Trumpets Chapter 17B c) Trombones Chapter 17C d) Rhythm section Chapter 16 e) Electronics (non-rhythm section) Concert programming, Concert promotion, and Festival preparation. Literature of various levels including “standards”. Chapters 15 and 19 What’s left? Chapter 21 and 23 Conductor and rehearse one of the PSU Jazz Ensembles. The Department of Music will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. The Department of Music and the University place high value upon academic integrity. Persons violating the University’s academic code of conduct will be subject to any of a number of sanctions Please see the Pittsburg state University Catalog, “Dishonesty in Academic Work,” for an explanation of the University’s policy on this matter. You must submit for a grade only your own original work. You must not give or receive unauthorized aid on papers, reports, exams, quizzes, or other assignments. Submitting graded assignments that are not your own original work or on which you have given or received unauthorized aid is cheating. If you have questions on what constitutes appropriate aid on your assignments, please consult with me. Words and ideas taken from any source must be carefully documented in your papers. The deliberate and unauthorized use of words and ideas from an unacknowledged source without appropriate documentation is plagiarism. If you have questions about how to document your assignments appropriately, please consult with me. Proven instances of cheating or plagiarism make you liable to a variety of penalties, including failure of the assignment, failure of the course, and/or expulsion. You may be dropped from this class for excessive absences. However, do not assume that I will automatically drop you. If you are not attending it is still your responsibility to contact me or drop the class. Assignments: Please note. The due dates are approximate, but they will not be moved earlier! Grading will be based on class attendance (5%) & class assignments over areas listed below. 1. Write out a 12 bar F Blues solo. (5%) Due February 9. 2. Improvise a 12 bar Bb Blues solo in class. (5%) Due February 16. 3. Attend the PSU Jazz Festival on March 5 or the Webb City jazz festival on Feb. 13th and judge 5 groups. Your rating does not have to agree with the judges. (10%). Due March 9 4. Discuss the role of the jazz ensemble in the public schools. Chapter 3, 4, 5, and 6 may assist. (5%) This should be a paper that you would present a district superintendent (school board) justifying why you should be allowed to start a jazz ensemble at your school. Use a business letter format. Length to not exceed 1 page. Due March 30. (5%) 5. Write a brief annotation of the web sources listed below (5%) Due April 6. 6. Send me an e-mail, as if I was the principle, informing me of a security problem with the band room equipment. I’m looking for style and form in the e-mail, not what the problem is, but make it sound like a real situation. (5%) Due April 13. 7. Write out a 30-minute high school and a 30-minute junior high school program. (10%) This should be a complete program, names and all, as well as tunes. Due April 27. 8. Grade and review the demonstration tapes. (5%) Due May 4. You will need to grade the level (if not done by the company) and give a quality grade A, B, C, D, F. 9. Notebook. This should be a complete and organized set of notes and handouts. The idea is to have the information available quickly for future reference. (10%) Due May 13 at our final. 10. Take home test. Due at our final time. (20%) May 13 @ 10:00 AM 11. Conducting a PSU Jazz Ensemble in rehearsal. (10%) Pepper Network All about Jazz Jazz Corner The Jazz Review UNC Press Otter Distributors Sierra Music Walrus Music Smithsonian Institute Jazz at Lincoln Center 52nd Street Jazz Jazz Online NPR Jazz Red Hot Jazz http://www.jwpepper.com http://www.allaboutjazz.com/ http://www.jazzcorner.com/ http://www.jazzreview.com/ http://arts.unco.edu/uncjazz/jazzpress.html http://www.otterdist.com http://www.sierramusic.com/ http://www.walrusmusic.com/ http://www.si.edu/ajazzh/ http://www.jazzatlincolncenter.org/ http://www.52ndstreet.com/ http://www.jazzonline.com/ http://www.nprjazz.org/ http://www.redhotjazz.com/ Additional web sites that will be referred to in class. You do not need to print out any part of these pages. Mid west http://www.midwestclinic.com/ KMEA http://www.ksmea.org/home/index.php JAZZ TECHNIQUES FORM JAZZ ENSEMBLE PERFORMANCE PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY NAME OF ORGANIZATION _________________ CLASS ____ DATE March 7, 2008 SCHOOL ____________________________ DIRECTOR _____________________ We use taped comments; therefore the following should be used as a guide and to assist in arriving at a final rating. JAZZ RATING CRITERIA BALANCE-BLEND. Balance refers to the dynamic level within and between sections. Blend evaluates the tonal balance and mingling or mixing of the various sounds to provide a harmonious whole. INTONATION. The quality of being “in tune”, both as a soloist and as an ensemble. PHRASING. The use of articulations, attacks, and releases to accomplish the jazz concept. DYNAMICS. The use of varying degrees of sound, intensity, and volume. PRECISION. Strict accuracy in the performance of rhythmic patterns and phrases. TIME. The preciseness with which the notation is interpreted so that the phrases do not “rush” or “drag”. An additional factor is the unity of interpretation by the ensemble or section. INTERPRETATION. The performance of music in the correct style and with the jazz concept. COMMUNICATION. Is the group able to gain and to hold the interest of the audience; is there “communication” between the ensemble (and soloists) and those listening? The above definitions will help to identify the various areas to be considered. The judge should listen to the group’s entire program before making the final numerical rating. OUTSTANDING MUSICIANSHIP AWARDS TO: 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ I II III IV V = OUTSTANDING = EXCELLENT = AVERAGE = POOR = INEFFECTIVE SIGNATURE OF ADJUDICATOR___________________________________________ COMMENTS ATTACHED PLEASE.