In the name of God - دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

‫ارزشيابی آموزشی درپانزده گروه آموزشی علوم‬
‫بالينی و پایه در‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫نویسندگان ‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور استتادیار داشکته ب دا اشتا داشکتعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران‬
‫و پزشهی تاران‬
‫ی ص یقی گیالشی معاون آموزشی داشکعاب‬
‫دکتر محم‬
‫یا کبر زینالو م یرمرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش داشکعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران‬
‫تو پزشتهی‬
‫دکتر محم رضا اشرافیان داشکیارداشکه ب دا اشا داشکعاب‬
‫چکيده ‪:‬‬
‫ارزشیادی‪ ،‬فراین ی شظام ار درای جمع آوری‪ ،‬تح یل و تفسیر اطال ات ده‬
‫در سیستتن شظتا آمتوزش‬
‫منظور دررسی میزان م ی ش ن ه فاا میداشت‬
‫داشکعاهی منظور ازآموزش‪ ،‬ایجاد تغییرات مناسب و روز افزون در حاصتل‬
‫این سیستن یعنی داشکجویان استا و هت ا از ارزیتادی‪ ،‬ارتقتای کیفیتا‬
‫ارزشیادی آموزشی داترین شاخصی اسا که میتزان رستی ن‬
‫آموزش می داش‬
‫ده ه فاا را شکان می ده و ده تح یل کیفیا فعالیتاای این سیستن متی‬
‫پردازد و از آن می توان ده شتایج منطقی و متعارا دسا یافا در این‬
‫تو پایته در داشکتعاب‬
‫مطالعه پاشزدب گروب آموزشی دالینی و‬
‫پزشهی تاران دا ه ا اشطباق آموزش دا شیازهای جامعه و ارتقای کیفیتا‬
‫دا استفادب از شظر سنجی استادان و داشکجویان در سال ‪ 1383‬اشجا ش ب‬
‫اسا این پژوهش یک مطالعه توصیفي تح ی ي میداش که در اساس دب گتا‬
‫و در هکا حوزب دا وامل مورد ارزیادی مثل م یریا و سازماش هی‪ ،‬هیات‬
‫می‪ ،‬فراگیران‪ ،‬شیروی اشساشی و پکتیباشی‪ ،‬فضاهای آموزشی‪ ،‬پژوهکتی‪،‬‬
‫دا اشتی و درماشی‪ ،‬تجایزات آموزشی‪ ،‬پژوهکی‪ ،‬آزمایکتعاهی و تکییصتی‪،‬‬
‫دوربها‪ ،‬درشامههای آموزشی‪ ،‬فراین ت ریس و یتادگیری و رضتایا منت ی‬
‫داشش آموختعان اشجا ش ب اسا‬
‫و پایته و ‪6‬‬
‫میاشعین کل شتایج ارزشیادی آموزشی در ‪ 9‬گروب آموزشی‬
‫گروب آموزشی دالینی در هکا حوزب دراساس العوی ‪ SWOTs‬دترتیتب ‪%71/1‬‬
‫و پایه و ‪ %70/9‬دالینی یعنی شسبتا" مط وب تح یل ش ب اسا‬
TITLE: Result of educational evaluation concerning 15 educational groups active in research
works relevant to basic and clinical sciences in Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Written by: (Ms) Dr. Fereshteh Farzianpour, Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Health,
Tehran University of Medical sciences
Dr. Mohammad Ali Sedighi Gilani, Deputy of Educational Affairs, Tehran University of
Medical sciences
Dr. Ali Akbar Zeinalo, Head of the Centre of Studies and Educational Development, Tehran
University of Medical sciences
Dr. Mohammad Reza Eshraghian, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Health, Tehran
University of Medical sciences
A research work carried out by:
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of
the obtained information for the purpose of investigating how much the objectives in mind can
be achieved. Education in an academic educational system means bringing about proper and
increasing changes that affect the outcome of this system, that is affecting the students, and the
aim of such evaluation is promotion of the quality of an education process. Educational
evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve certain aims,
analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine
results. 15 educational groups, benefiting from opinion poll of university lecturers and students,
active in a research work concerning clinical and basic sciences in Tehran University of
Medical Sciences have made this study in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and
adjust educational system with the society’s needs and promotion of the quality of such
educations. This piece of research work has been done on the basis of 10 procedural steps and
within eight sections dealing with evaluated factors such as faculty board members’
management and organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational
environments, research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment,
research equipment, laboratory and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs,
teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction expressed by students. Results of the
educational evaluation, attained by 9 groups active in basic sciences and 6 groups active in
clinical aspects and based on general average of 8 investigating sections, are respectively 71.1
% and 70.9 % that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Human Health in a Changing World
F. Farzianpour
Dept. of Health care Management. School of Public Health. Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
The term global change encompasses several interconnected phenomena: global warming
(“climate change”); stratospheric ozone attenuation; resource depletion; species extinction and
reduced biodiversity; serious forms of widespread environmental pollution; desertification;
macro- and micro changes in the ecosystem, including some that have led to emergence of
reemergence of dangerous pathogens. (Table 1 and Box 1).These phenomena are mostly
associated with industrial processes or are due to the increased pressure of people on fragile
ecosystems, or both. All are interconnected and several are synergistic-some processes
reinforce others.
Underlying all forms of global change, indeed part of it, is a population explosion. In little more
than the length of an average lifetime, the population has quadrupled, from about 1.6 billion in
1900 to an estimated 6.4 billion by the year 2000. it is not clear whether our numbers have
already reached or even exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity; but responsible opinion inclines
to the view that we have reached the limits for comfortable human existence. The earth might
sustain many millions more than the present number, but life for all but a very small minority
would be of greatly diminished quality and long-term sustainability would be at best a
precarious possibility. Not only are numbers increasing at an unprecedented rate, people are
moving around in the world on a scale never seen before, and this too is part of global change.
Every health-related component of global change merits discussion; I also mention some of the
complex interconnections among them in this brief account. Readers are urged to consult the
sources I cite. The demographic, human health, social, economic, and other impacts of global
change have been the subject of many important reports. There are some obvious actions we
should take to enhance readiness to deal with public health aspects of global change, and there
are implications for public policy generally.
Global Change and Human Health
F. Farzianpour
Dept. of Health Care Management. School of Public Health. Tehran University of Medical
The term global change encompasses several interconnected phenomena such as climate change;
stratospheric ozone attenuation; species extinction and reduced biodiversity; serious forms of widespread
environmental pollution; macro- and micro changes in the ecosystem, including some that have led to
emergence or reemergence of dangerous pathogens. These phenomena are mostly associated with
industrial processes and increased pressure of people on fragile ecosystems. All are interconnected and
several are synergistic-some processes to reinforce others.
Underlying all forms of global change, indeed part of it, is a population explosion. In little more than the
length of an average lifetime, the population has quadrupled and it is not clear whether our numbers
have already reached or even exceeded the earth’s carrying capacity; however, we have reached the
limits for comfortable human existence. Indeed, life for all but a very small minority would be of greatly
diminished quality and long-term sustainability would be at best a precarious possibility. Not only are
numbers increasing at an unprecedented rate, people are moving around in the world on a scale never
seen before, and this too is part of global change.
Every health-related component of global change merits discussion; I also mention some of the complex
interconnections among them in this brief account and readers are also urged to consult the sources I
‫ارزیابی کيفيت برنامه های آموزشی دانشکده پزشکی‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران براساس نظرسنجی از دانش‬
‫آموختگان درسال ‪1382‬‬
‫نویسندگان مقاله ‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور ‪ ,‬استادیار دانشکده بهداشت دانشگاه علوم‬
‫پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترمحمدعلی صدیقی گيالنی‪ ,‬معاون آموزشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترعلی اکبر زینالو‪ ,‬مدیر مرکز مطالعات وتوسعه آموزشی دانشگاه‬
‫علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترسيدمنصور رضوی‪ ,‬معاون بالينی دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی‬
‫چکيده ‪:‬‬
‫ارزیادی کیفیا درشامه های آموزشی از داشکه ب پزشهی این اسا که‬
‫تعیین شود اه اا پیش دینی ش ب در ماموریا و رسالا داشکعاب ده چه‬
‫میزان تحقق یافته اش ؟ و شقاط قوت وضعف آن ک امن ؟‬
‫ارزیادی از درشامه های آموزشی یهی از وظایف اص ی داشکعاهاای‬
‫آموختعان رشته های‬
‫تواشمن ی‬
‫پزشهی جاا‬
‫شغ ی‬
‫رضه خ مات دا اشتی درماشی ده‬
‫منظورتامین و ارتقای سطح سالما افراد و جامعه دستعی ده میزان تحقق‬
‫اه اا درشامه های آموزشی دارد و چناشچه درشامه های آموزشی ده خودی‬
‫طراحی واجرا شک ب داش‬
‫می تواش‬
‫خسارات جبران شاپذیر و آثار زیان‬
‫دار اجتما ی‪ ,‬اقتصادی و فرهنعی در افراد جامعه‪ ,‬داشش آموختعان و‬
‫شیز م یریا وا تبار داشکعاب درجای گذارد‬
‫ه ا‬
‫ک ی‬
‫داشکه ب پزشهی داشکعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران اسا و اه اا اختصاصی‪ ,‬سنجش‬
‫میاشعین مع ل کل داشش آموختعان‪ ,‬تعیین توزیع فراواشی شسبی وجنسی‪,‬‬
‫سال تول ‪ ,‬سال ورود ده داشکعاب ‪ ,‬وضعیا داشش آموختعان از شظر‬
‫سامیه‪ ,‬رضایا من ی آشان از درشامه های آموزشی و دررسی مکهالت آشاا‬
‫در دوران تحصیل و‬
‫این مطالعه مقطعی و از شوع سنجکی توصیفی می‬
‫پرسکنامه شظرسنجی‪ ,‬ادزار گردآوری اطال ات دودب اسا‬
‫جامعه مورد دررسی ‪ 178‬شفر از داشش آموختعان داشکه ب پزشهی دودب‬
‫‪ ,‬ک یه دادب ها از طریق ورود اطال ات در شر‬
‫تجزیه و تح یل قرار گرفتن‬
‫)‪ (HG 3,9‬استفادب ش ب اسا‬
‫‪ X2‬استفادب گردی‬
‫)‪ (SPSS 9,10‬مورد‬
‫و درای رسن شمودارها از هاروارد گرافیک‬
‫درای مقایسه دادب ها از آزمون ‪ ANOVA‬و‬
‫یافته های پژوهش شکان می ده‬
‫که میاشعین‬
‫مع ل کل داشش آموختعان ‪ 15/75‬دا اشحراا معیار ‪ 1/23‬و دامنه تغییرات‬
‫مع ل ‪ 12/66 – 18/55‬می داش‬
‫‪ 78/7‬درص‬
‫از داشش آموختعان از داشکه ب خود راضی دودش‬
‫درشامه های آموزشی در سطح داشکه ب دابود یافته و ده شحو چکمعیری‬
‫معنی دار می داش‬
‫مامترین شقاط قوت و ضعف جامعه مورد دررسی ده ترتیب ‪ 52/2‬درص‬
‫در دورب کارورزی و ‪ 78/7‬درص‬
‫در دورب فیزیوپاتولوژی دودب اسا‬
‫نگاهي به اعتباربخشي‪ 1‬در آموزش عالي ایاالت متحده‬
‫نویسندگان ‪:‬‬
‫دكتر فرشته فرزیان پور‪ ,‬استادیار دانشكده بهداشت دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تهران‬
‫مژگان صفري‪ ,‬كارشناس ارزشيابي مركز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش دانشگاه علوم پزشكي‬
‫اعتبار بخشي فرآیندي است كه كيفيت بيروني آموزش عالي را در دانشكده هاا‪,‬‬
‫برنامه هاي آموزش عالي به دقت بررساي و باازنگري ماي كناد و‬
‫دانشگاهها و‬
‫باعث تضمين و بهبود كيفيت مراكز آموزشي مي گردد‪ .‬قدمت اعتباربخشاي در آمریكاا‬
‫به بيش از ‪ 100‬سال مي رسد و علت پيدایش آن حفظ سالمت و ایمني ماردم و توهاه باه‬
‫حقوق آنان بوده است‪.‬‬
‫در ایاالت متحده آمریكا‪ ,‬اعتباربخشي بوسيلة موسسات خصوصي و غيرانتفاعي كه‬
‫به همين منظور تاسيس شده اند‪ ,‬انجام مي شود‪ .‬بازنگري در كيفيت بيروناي آماوزش‬
‫عالي‪ ,‬طرح پرمشغله اي است كه به بخش خصوصي واگذار شده است‪ ,‬درحالي كه در سایر‬
‫ً توسط دولت انجام مي شود‪.‬‬
‫كشورها‪ ,‬اعتباربخشي و فعاليتهاي تضمين كيفيت عموما‬
‫ساختار اعتباربخشي در ایاالت متحدة آمریكا پيچيده و برمبنااي تمركززدایاي‬
‫است كه بيانگر تمركز زدایي و پيچيدگي موهود در آ موزش عاالي ایان كشاور اسات‪.‬‬
‫ً ‪ 6500‬موسسه معتبر (اعطاكننده مدرك تحصيلي و بدون اعطااي مادركد در بخاش‬
‫آموزش عالي آمریكا فعاليت مي كنند كه این مؤسسات ممكن است دولتاي یاا خصوصاي‪,‬‬
‫انتفاعي یا غيرانتفاعي و داراي مدت تحصيل ‪ 2‬یا ‪ 4‬سااله باشاند‪ ,‬آناان سااليانه‬
‫حدود ‪ 230‬ميليارد دالر هزینه مي كنند‪ ,‬بيش از ‪ 15‬ميليون دانشجوي معتبار را ببات‬
‫نام و حدود ‪ 2/7‬ميليون نفر را به صورت تمام وقت و پاره وقت به استخدام خاود در‬
‫مي آورند‪.‬‬
‫اعتبار دهندگان ‪ ,‬بسياري از هزاران برنامة حرفه اي و تخصصي موهود در این‬
‫دانشكده ها و دانشگاهها را در بيش از ‪ 50‬ایالت بازبيني مي كنند ( مانناد حرفاه‬
‫حقوق‪ ,‬پزشكي‪ ,‬بازرگاني ‪ ,‬پرستاري‪ ,‬مددكاري اهتماعي‪ ,‬داروسازي ‪ ,‬هنر و روزنامه‬
‫نگاري د‪.‬‬
‫اعتبار دهندگان به سه دسته تقسيم مي شوند ‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬اعتباردهندگان منطقه اي ‪:‬‬
‫این اعتباردهندگان به موسسات انتفاعي و غيرانتفاعي‪ ,‬دولتاي و خصوصاي‬
‫دورة آموزشي آنها ‪ 2‬تا ‪ 4‬سال مي باشاد‪ ,‬اعتباار اعطاا ماي كنناد‪ .‬باراي اعطااي‬
‫اعتبار‪ ,‬بررسي هامعي از كليه عملكردهاي مؤسسه انجام مي شود‪.‬‬
‫‪-2‬اعتباردهندگان ملي ‪:‬‬
‫این اعتباردهندگان به مؤسسات خصوصي و دولتي‪ ,‬انتفااعي و غيرانتفااعي كه‬
‫برمبناي هدف خاصي طراحي شده اند‪ ,‬اعتبار اعطاء مي كنند‪ .‬نظيار دانشاكده هاا و‬
‫دانشااگاههاي آمااوزش از راه دور‪ ,‬مؤسسااات خصوصااي حرفااه اي و دانشااكده هااا و‬
‫دانشگاههاي مذهبي‪.‬‬
‫‪ -3‬اعتبار دهندگان حرفه اي و تخصصي ‪:‬‬
‫اي نظيار مادارس حقاوق ‪,‬‬
‫این اعتباردهندگان به برنامه ها یاا مادارس تخصصا‬
‫برنامه هاي مهندسي و حرفة بهداشت اعتبار اعطاء مي كنند‪.‬‬
‫پزشكي‪ ,‬مهندسي و‬
Dr. Fereshteh FARZIANPOUR. Assistant Professor of Health Services, Faculty of Health, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Dr. Ali Akbar ZEINALOO. Associate Professor of pediatrics, Pediatrics Center, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences and Health Services.
With the cooperation of Dept. General of University Education Affairs as well as Education Department of
the Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
Evaluation of quality of educational programs is, in fact, a feedback of how educational process is performed in
various stages. Based on this, materialization of preset goals could be evaluated.
Teaching is a bilateral process, so, trainer and trainee interact with each other within the process.
The trainee receives feedback from the trainer through educational evaluation. On the other hand, educational
system takes advantage of evaluation of educational quality for receiving feedback and evaluation of
curriculum success in order to clarify the level of achievement or deviation from final objectives of educational
To do this, Research & Development Center of Medical education of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
and Health Services has evaluated the educational quality of faculty of medicine of the above university on the
basis of polling from graduates.
The main objective of the research is quality improvement of medical education and specific objectives are set
as study of output factors of the educational system, management of educational planning, trainees (students,
stagers, interns and residents), faculty members, educational facilities and equipment, educational environments
and graduates, satisfaction.
Research and development method as well as survey research have been used in this study. For analysis of data,
FoxPro, English and Persian P2 programs and for inputting data, SPSS- 5,9 – Minitab- Stata- EPI and for
drawing diagrams, HG-3,9 have been used.
It can be concluded from findings that 81% of the graduates are satisfied with their study in the Faculty of
Medicine. The most problems arise in relation with some educational departments, training course, internship
course, welfare issues, teaching-aid instruments and traditional teaching methodology of some instructors.
In the name of God
Comparisons of educational Standards in Canada, Quebec, LCME,
Dr. Fereshteh Farzianpour
Assistant professor of Health care Management
Public Health Services in School of Public Health Institute of Public Health Research Tehran
University of Medical Sciences and Health Services (TUMS) and EDC.
Collecting educational Standards is the primary step to wards medial Sciences Universities
accreditation, for, without educational standards, the mentioned accreditation will not be
possible. In the survey, conducted based on universal standards collection, some similar ideas
on with the world experts agree, will be proposed and offered for accreditation of our country’s
medical sciences Universities.
The objective of this research is to collect educational standards for medical sciences
Universities’ accreditation.
This research is survey Research. In this study the research and development techniques and
also some other types of studies such as descriptive, analytic and cross-sectional studies have
been utilized according to accreditation model. To achieve educational standards of Canada –
Quebec, liaison committee on medical education (LCME), World Health organization (WHO),
international Standards and their comparison, along with to design an appropriate pattern for
collecting educational standards.
In the name of God
Accreditation of Education Researching and Treatment Services in
Hospitals of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Assistant Professor of Health Services, Faculty of Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and
Health Services (TUMS) and EDC.
Professor of Psychological – educational board of Tehran University.
Dr. Seyyed Jamaleddin TABIBI.
Assistant Professor of Management board of education, Management and data faculty of Iran Medical
Science University.
Accreditation model is the one which can be much effective in identifying strengths and
weaknesses points of educational, research and treatment services in university hospitals.
Steps taken toward the application of this model, have made medical education system,
satisfactory and that is according to five factors (input, process, intermediate out put,
final out put and outcome). This research is a kind of survey research and examination
are based on accreditation model. Six out of all assessable factors which are effective in
the quality of medical education, were determined and Importance – coefficient of each
was asked from managers of studied hospitals, according to Delphi technique.
This article was presented in international congress WFME on march 15 th -19th March
In the name of God
Assessment of Medical Education quality in Tehran University of Medical
Sciences and Health services
1. Dr. Fereshteh FARZIANPOUR. Assistant Professor of Health Services, Faculty of Health,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
2. Dr. Ali Akbar ZEINALOO. Assistant Professor in teaching board of pediatric diseases
pediatric medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.
3. With the cooperation of Dept. General of University Education Affairs as well as Education
Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health
Teaching assessment is a process of collecting and analyzing data in order to make a
judgment on merits and limitations of a teaching program.
Thus, assessment would be an important and practical instrument (mean) to improve
teaching quality.
Quality of teaching system is related to specifications, which are socially recognized as
indicators of highly graded activities with in that system.
Application of comprehensive quality concept on teaching system requires having a
systematic view to analytic and teaching activities of its effectiveness , (e.g.) consider a
university system.
It would be necessary to determine change-causing factors in university system process,
and to identify events which reduce internal and external effectiveness to be put under
Such a process will be possible through quality management planning for improvement of
continuous teaching quality and learners’ satisfaction can be done in framework of
improving teaching quality level, processes, effectiveness promotion and also improving
teaching presentations to learners and communication with them.
According to above and review of available survey information, the quality of medical
education in Tehran University of Medical Sciences was evaluated in 9 steps, based on
“process promotion strategy” of FOCUS-PDCA by Edward Deming. In this survey,
principles of total quality management have been used as an effective strategy, which
needs a special instrument to implement “Change” in teaching system.
In the name of God
Medical education and human force training which is skillful and compatible to community
needs, are of important subjects, attracting the attention of experts and designers in the world.
Therefore, various suggestions have been offered to come up with them.
One of the most significant points, included in the offered suggestions, is the role of assessment
and accreditation in improvement of medical education quality.
The main objective of this kind of accreditation is close supervision in teaching, control of care
and treatment, and improvement of quality and also promotion of quality in medical education.
This research is a kind of survey research and also it is typically a field research, based on the
latest in-land and out-land information, throughout the world.
Everything to be examined should be according to accreditation usage and comprehensive
quality management.
Survey results showed that designing a scientific assessment model, was a mean to promote
medical education quality, which itself has 2 main and basic principles:
1- Internal quality control system
2- External quality control system
In the name of God
Stress and Addiction to Addictive Materials
Addiction is a social disease with physical and mental effects and if the reasons thereof are not paid attention,
then physical and psychological treatment shall be fruitful only for a very short period and the addict will again
start using addictive materials.
Addiction itself is stressful i.e. due to addiction to addictive materials economical, social and family disorders
will appear creating stress and psychological pressure. In other words, addiction and stress create a false vicious
series i.e. disorders produced as a result of social and modern conditions of today create stress and persuade the
individual under psychological pressure. Addiction itself becomes more severe due to social and individual
disorders and problems and impose more psychological pressure on the addict. The objective here in this study
is to identify personality of an addict, and social, economical and cultural position of statistical sample under
study. And final objective is to promote health and offer solutions to prevent such disorders. The study is based
on Research and Development Method. Statistical sample is divided into four groups:
Individuals who are addict due to physical disease – 18%.
Individuals with economical, social and cultural problems-55%
Wealthy individuals – 7%
Individuals with psychological diseases- 20%
Based on the results, majority of addicts is mainly 25-29 years old, with personality imbalance facing problems
like economical, social, family and cultural poverty.
In the name of God
Evaluation of Educational Management in Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Evaluation of educational management has a special place among our educational activities. If we look at
evaluation from one side, we may consider it a subsystem of an educational system. This subsystem is used to
feedback educational activities in order to ensure efficiency and quality of such activities.
The aim of this piece of research work is evaluation of the function of educational management that covers
educational planning development, organizing educational activities, carrying out educational activities
(orientation and leading) and, finally, control and evaluation of an educational process. The employed method
is descriptive and analytical by making use of enquiries from 15 educational groups (9 basic sciences groups
and 6 clinical groups). The findings of the research have shown that average of the function of educational
management in basic sciences groups and clinical groups are respectively 76.4% and 86.6 % while grand
average of the function of clinical groups and basic sciences groups is 80.5%. It is, therefore, concluded that
function of the educational management is directly in line with evaluation process.
In the name of God
Evaluation of Educational Management in Tehran University of Medical Sciences from
2001- 2004
Evaluation of educational management has a special place among our educational activities. If we look at
evaluation from one side, we may consider it a subsystem of an educational system. This subsystem is used to
feedback educational activities in order to ensure efficiency and quality of such activities.
The aim of this piece of research work is evaluation of the function of educational management that covers
educational planning development, organizing educational activities, carrying out educational activities
(orientation and leading) and, finally, control and evaluation of an educational process. The employed method
is and cross sectional descriptive and analytical by making use of enquiries from 15 educational groups (9 basic
sciences groups and 6 clinical groups). The findings of the research have shown that average of the function of
educational management in basic sciences groups and clinical groups are respectively 76.4% and 86.6 % while
grand average of the function of clinical groups and basic sciences groups is 80.5%. It is, therefore, concluded
that function of the educational management is directly in line with evaluation process.
In the name of God
Educational evaluation in 15 educational groups of basic and clinical sciences in Tehran
University of Medical Sciences*
Authors: Farzianpour F; Sedighi Gilani M; Zeinalo A; Eshraghian M
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the obtained
information for the purpose of investigating how many the objectives in mind can be achieved. Education in an
academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect the outcome of
this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation is promotion of the quality of an
education process.
Methods: 15 educational groups, benefiting from opinion poll of university lecturers and students, active in a
research work concerning clinical and basic sciences in Tehran University of Medical Sciences have made this
study in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and adjust educational system with the society’s needs and
promotion of the quality of such educations. This piece of research work has been done on the basis of 10
procedural steps and within eight sections dealing with evaluated factors such as faculty board members’
management and organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments,
research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory
and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction
expressed by students.
Findings: Results of the educational evaluation, attained by 9 groups active in basic sciences and 6 groups
active in clinical aspects and based on general average of 8 investigating sections, are respectively 71.1 % and
70.9 % that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Discussion: Educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve certain
aims, analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine results.
In the name of God
Assessment of Medical Education quality in Tehran University of Medical
Sciences and Health services
Farzianpour F., Ph.D1., Seddighi Gilani MA., MD2., Zeinalou AA., MD2
Assistant Professor of School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Associate Professor of Faculty of Medicine Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Background: Teaching assessment is a process of collecting and analyzing data in order to
make a judgement on merits and limitations of a teaching program.
Thus, assessment would be an important and practical instrument to improve teaching quality.
Purpose: The main objective of the research is quality improvement of medical education and
specific objectives are set as study of output factors of the educational system, management of
educational planning, trainees (students, stagers, interns and residents), faculty members,
educational facilities and equipment, educational environments and graduates’ satisfaction.
Methods: This Study was cross sectional and survey analytical descriptive evaluation.
Research and Development method as well as survey research have been used in this study.
Results: 82% graduated general practitioners were male and 18% were female. 48.1% of the
course average of subject graduates was between 15- 16. 38.1% of the graduates GP consider
the basic sciences studies as strength points of their studies and 60.8% consider internship
course as weakness points of their studies.
Conclusion: 81% of the graduates GP were satisfied with their study in the Faculty of
Keywords: Assessment. Medical Education, Total quality management (TQM).
In the name of God
Educational evaluation in 15 educational groups of basic and clinical sciences in Tehran
University of Medical Sciences*
Authors: Farzianpour F; Sedighi Gilani M; Zeinalo A; Eshraghian M
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the obtained
information for the purpose of investigating how many the objectives in mind can be achieved. Education in an
academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect the outcome of
this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation is promotion of the quality of an
education process.
Methods: 15 educational groups, benefiting from opinion poll of university lecturers and students, active in a
research work concerning clinical and basic sciences in Tehran University of Medical Sciences have made this
study in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and adjust educational system with the society’s needs and
promotion of the quality of such educations. This piece of research work has been done on the basis of 10
procedural steps and within eight sections dealing with evaluated factors such as faculty board members’
management and organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments,
research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory
and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction
expressed by students.
Findings: Results of the educational evaluation, attained by 9 groups active in basic sciences and 6 groups
active in clinical aspects and based on general average of 8 investigating sections, are respectively 71.1 % and
70.9 % that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Discussion: Educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve certain
aims, analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine results.
‫‪In the name of God‬‬
‫ارزشيابی آموزشی درپانزده گروه آموزشی علوم بالينی‬
‫و پایه در‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫نویسندگان ‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور استتادیار داشکته ب دا اشتا داشکتعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران‬
‫و پزشهی تاران‬
‫ی ص یقی گیالشی معاون آموزشی داشکعاب‬
‫دکتر محم‬
‫یا کبر زینالو م یرمرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش داشکعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران‬
‫تو پزشتهی‬
‫دکتر محم رضا اشراقیان داشکیارداشکه ب دا اشا داشکعاب‬
‫چکيده مقاله‬
‫مقدمه‪ .‬ارزشیادی‪ ،‬فراین ی شظام ار درای جمتع آوری‪ ،‬تح یتل و تفستیر‬
‫در سیستن شظا‬
‫اطال ات ده منظور دررسی میزان م ی ش ن ه فاا میداش‬
‫آموزش داشکعاهی منظور ازآموزش‪ ،‬ایجاد تغییرات مناسب و روز افزون در‬
‫حاصل این سیستن یعنی داشکتجویان استا و هت ا از ارزشتیادی‪ ،‬ارتقتای‬
‫کیفیا آموزش می داش‬
‫تو پایته در‬
‫روشها‪ .‬در این مطالعه پاشزدب گروب آموزشی دتالینی و‬
‫و پزشهی تاران دا ه ا اشطباق آموزش دا شیازهای جامعته و‬
‫ارتقای کیفیا دا استفادب از پرسکنامه ازاستادان و داشکجویان در سال‬
‫این پژوهش یک مطالعه مقطعی )‪ (cross sectional‬و از شوع‬
‫‪ 1383‬شظرسنجی ش ش‬
‫سنجش توصیفی )‪ (survey descriptive‬میداش که در اساس دب گا و در هکا حوزب‬
‫دا وامل متورد ارزشتیادی مثتل مت یریا و ستازماش هی‪ ،‬هیتات‬
‫تی‪ ،‬پژوهکت‬
‫تاهای آموزشت‬
‫تتیباشی‪ ،‬فضت‬
‫تاشی و پکت‬
‫تروی اشست‬
‫تران‪ ،‬شیت‬
‫دا اشتی و درماشی‪ ،‬تجایزات آموزشی‪ ،‬پژوهکی‪ ،‬آزمایکتعاهی و تکییصتی‪،‬‬
‫دوربها‪ ،‬درشامههای آموزشی‪ ،‬فراین ت ریس و یتادگیری و رضتایا منت ی‬
‫داشش آموختعان اشجا ش ب اسا‬
‫یافته ها‪ .‬میاشعین کل شتایج ارزشیادی آموزشی در ‪ 9‬گروب آموزشی‬
‫پایه و ‪ 6‬گروب آموزشی دالینی در هکتا حتوزب دراستاس العتوی ‪SWOTs‬‬
‫و پایه و ‪ %70/9‬دالینی یعنی شسبتا" مط وب تح یل ش ب‬
‫دترتیب ‪%71/1‬‬
‫بحث‪ .‬ارزشیادی آموزشی داترین شاخصی اسا که میزان رسی ن ده ه فاا را‬
‫شکان می ده و ده تح یل کیفیا فعالیتاای این سیستن متیپتردازد و از‬
‫آن می توان ده شتایج منطقی و متعارا دسا یافا‬
In the name of God
Evaluation of Basic and Clinical Sciences Educational
Development Project In Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Farzaianpour F, Sedighi Gilani MA, Zeinalou AA, Eshraghian MR
Background: Preparation and compilation of a project for development of educational
affairs is considered as one of the functions of educational management. Research works for
educational affairs, educational development planning and educational management will all
provide necessary conditions for achievement of desirable educational systems. In order to
achieve a desirable condition in any educational system, being micro or macro, necessitates
A) Educational research work and evaluation should be conducted in related fields.
B) An educational development planning should be put into action.
C) Educational management should be enforced.
Materials and Methods: The main objective of this piece of research work is evaluation of
educational projects regarding basic and clinical sciences for promotion and upgrade of quality
of education in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The employed method is descriptive
and analytical by making use of enquiries collected from 7 faculties in Tehran university of
medical sciences. Base of the statistics was 458 graduates who filled our enquiry forms. (SPSS,
9 and 10) software was used for analysis of the data and (HG- 3 and 9) Harvard Graphic was
used for drawing the diagrams.
Results: The findings of the research have shown that 71.34% of the graduates expressed
satisfaction about educational programmes of their university but the rest complain about
additional and non-related credits imposed on them, university lecturers’ inattentive behaviour
towards students, lack of laboratory facilities, lack of educational environment, internship
courses defects and finally welfare problems.
Conclusion: It is, therefore, concluded that making use of evaluation for educational
planning and educational activities prove that those dealing with educational programmes exert
necessary efforts in implementation of educational programmes, as well as in making use of
potential resources, in order to achieve desirable quality of an educational system.
Key words: Evaluation, Basic & Clinical Sciences, Educational, Development.
‫‪In the name of God‬‬
‫ارزشيابي برنامه توسعه آموزشي علوم پایه و باليني‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشكي تهران‬
‫دكتر فرشته فرزیان پور (استادیارد*‪ ،‬دكتر محمد علي صدیقي گيالناي (دانشايارد**‪،‬‬
‫دكتر علي اكبر زینالو (دانشيارد**‪ ،‬دكتر محمد رضا اشراقيان (دانشيارد*‬
‫و پزشكي تاران‬
‫* داشکك ب دا اشا داشکعاب‬
‫و پزشكي تاران‬
‫** داشکك ب پزشكي داشکعاب‬
‫مقدمه‪ :‬ت وین درشامته توستعه آموزشتي از جم ته راررردهتار مت یریا‬
‫آموزشي ده شمار مي رود تحقیقات آموزشي‪ ،‬درشامه ریزر توسعه آموز شي‬
‫و م یریا آموزشي شرایط الز درار دستبادي ده وضعیا مط وب شظتا هتار‬
‫آموزشي را فرآهن مي رن‬
‫دستیادي ده وضع مط وب در هر شظتا آموزشتي‪ ،‬ا تن از خترد یتا رتالن‪،‬‬
‫مست ز آن اسا ره‬
‫الف) پژوهش و ارزیادي آموزشي دردارب زمینه هار مردوطه اشجا پذیرد‬
‫ب) درشامه ریزر توسعه آموزشي ده مل آی‬
‫ج) م یریا آموزشي ا مال شود‬
‫مواد و روش ها‪ :‬ه ا ر ي ار این پژوهش ارزشیادي درشامه هتار آموز شي‬
‫و پایه و دالیني درار دابود و ارتقاء ریفیتا آمتوزش در داشکتعاب‬
‫و پزشكي تاران مي داش‬
‫روش پژوهش توصیفي و تح ی ي اسا دا استفادب از پرسش شامته هتار جمتع‬
‫و پزشكي تاران‪ ،‬جامعته آمتارر‬
‫آورر ش ب از ‪ 7‬داشکك ب در داشکعاب‬
‫‪ 458‬شفر از داشش آموختعان دودش ره ده پرسکنامه هار این دررسي پاسخ‬
‫در تح یل دادب ها از شر افزار )‪ (SPSS, 9, 10‬دارب درادارر شت ب استا و‬
‫درار رسن شمودارها از هاروارد گرافیك )‪ (HG-3, 9‬استفادب ش ب اسا‬
‫یافته ها‪ :‬شتایج پژوهش شکان مي ده ره ‪ %71/34‬از داشش آموختعتان از‬
‫درشامه هار آموزشي داشکعاب ختود رضتایا دارشت و دقیته از واحت هار‬
‫اضافي و غیر مرتبط دا رشته درسي‪ ،‬دي توجاي ده داشکتجویان‪ ،‬امكاشتات‬
‫آزمایکعاهي‪ ،‬فضار آموزشي دورب هار رارورزر و مکتكالت رفتاهي شاراضتي‬
‫نتيجه گيري‪ :‬از پژوهش ده مل آم ب چنین شتیجه گیرر مي شود‪ ،‬استفادب‬
‫از ارزشیادي در درشامه ریزر آموزشي و فعالیا هار آموزشتي شمایتاشعر‬
‫آن اسا ره دسا اش رراران درشامه هار آموزشي در اجترار درشامته هتار‬
‫آموزشي هن چنین در استفادب از منتادع دتالقوب دترار تحقتق هت فاا و‬
‫دستیادي ده ریفیا آموزشي‪ ،‬روشش الز را ده مل مي آورش‬
‫‪In the name of God‬‬
‫توسعه استراتژیكي و تحليل ‪ SWOTs‬در دانشگاه علوم‬
‫پزشكي تهران‬
‫‪ -1‬درتر فرشته فرزیان پتور استتادیار گتروب آموزشتي مت یریا خت مات‬
‫و پزشكي تاران‬
‫دا اشتي درماشي داشکعاب‬
‫ي ص یقي گیالشي داشکیار گروب اورولوژر داشکعاب‬
‫‪ -2‬درتر محم‬
‫پزشكي تاران‬
‫تو پزشتكي‬
‫ي اربر زینالو داشکیار گروب رودران داشکعاب‬
‫‪ -3‬درتر‬
‫‪ -4‬درتر سی جمال ال ین طبیبي استاد گروب آموزشتي مت یریا داشکتك ب‬
‫م یریا و اطالع رساشي‬
‫‪ -5‬درتر محم رضا اشراقیان داشکیار گروب آموزشي آمار و اپی میولوژر‬
‫و پزشكي تاران‬
‫كليد واژه هاا‪ :‬درشامته ریتزر استتراتژیك تح یتل ‪ SWOTs‬و توستعه‬
‫چكی ب‪ :‬تح یل ‪ SWOTs‬یك روش ایجاد ش ب درار رمك ده ت وین استراتژر‬
‫در هر شظا آموزشي اسا درشامه راردردر ت وین استراتژر و ثبا آن در‬
‫و پزشتكي تاتران دتا تح یتل‬
‫فراین توسعه استراتژیكي در داشکعاب‬
‫‪ SWOTs‬مبتني در درشامه ریزر استراتژیك توصیف مي شود ایتن مطالعته‬
‫و پایه و دالیني منتیتب در داشکتعاب دتا هت ا‬
‫در ‪ 15‬گروب آموزشي‬
‫اشطباق آموزش دا شیازهار جامعه و ارتقار ریفیا در هکا حوزب م یریا‪،‬‬
‫مي‪ ،‬فراگیران‪ ،‬شیرور اشساشي و پکتتیباشي‪ ،‬فضتاهار آموزشتي و‬
‫پژوهکي‪ ،‬تجایزات‪ ،‬فراین ت ریس و یادگیرر و داشش آموختعان ارزشیادي‬
‫ش ب اسا‬
‫این مطالعه مقطعي و از شوع سنجش توصیفي مي داش‬
‫در این مطالعته از مت ل فراینت درشامته ریتزر استتراتژیك درایستون‬
‫استفادب ش ب اسا‬
‫درشامه ریزر استراتژیك د ین معنا اسا ره دای شظا آموزشي مورد دحث‬
‫از داخل دررسي ش ب و مع و شود ره ر ا ویژگي هار آن ده منزله‬
‫مکكالت و معضالت مل مي رنن و ر ا ویژگي ها مي تواشن ده نوان‬
‫ده بارت دیعر شقاط قوت و‬
‫مزایار رقادتي آن مورد اتكا قرار گیرش‬
‫ضعف داشکعاب آشكار مي گردد همچنین دررسي خارجي شیز دای صورت گیرد‬
‫د ین معنا ره شرایط تحمیل ش ب از خارج چه مکكالتي را درار شظا‬
‫آموزشي مورد دحث ایجاد خواه شمود و چه رمك هایي در طول زمان ده آن‬
‫خواه داد ده بارت دیعر فرصا ها و تا ی ها درار داشکعاب مکیص مي‬
‫شود حال طبیعي اسا ره م یریا آموزشي دایستی استراتژر هایي را‬
‫درگزین ره منجر ده تقویا و تمررز رور شقاط قوت‪ ،‬در طرا رردن شقاط‬
‫ضعف‪ ،‬استفادب از فرصا ها و پیروزر در مواجاه دا تا ی ات شود‬
In the name of God
Strategic development and SWOTs analysis at the Tehran University of
Medical Sciences
Authors: Dr.Fereshteh Farzianpour, Dr. Mohammad Ali Sedighi Gilani, Dr.Ali Akbar Zeinalou, Dr.
Mohammad Reza Eshraghian, Shayan Hosseini.
Keywords: SWOTs (Strength-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats), Strategic development,
Medical education.
ABSTRACT: Analysis of SWOTs is a method created to help edition of strategy in
education system. The applied program for editing the strategy and its registration in
strategic Development Process in Tehran University of Medical Sciences is qualified by
analyzing SWOTs on the basis of strategic planning. This research is accomplished by
assessing 15 educational of fundamental sciences and clinical groups selected in the
university to examine conformity of education with community needs and qualitative
promotion, performed in the eight area management, faculty members, learners, man
power and support, educational and research spaces, equipments, teaching and learning
process and finally from among university graduates.
This study is cross sectional and of survey description.
In this research, Bryson Strategic Planning Process model is used.
Strategic model means that the education system under research must be studied through
its internal parts and reveal that which particularity lames and which particularity could
be counted as competitive privileges. In other words, the weakness and strength points of
university will be discovered. Also, the outside parts should be studies, to wit, which
difficulties are caused by outside pressures and which assistance could be given to it by
time lapsing. Further, opportunities and threats will become revealed for university.
Obviously, education management should select those strategies leading to amplifying and
focus on strength points. To solve and remove the weakness points, to benefit from
opportunities and victory in campaign with threats.
In the name of God
Educational evaluation in 15 educational groups of basic and clinical sciences in Tehran
University of Medical Sciences*
Authors: Farzianpour F; Sedighi Gilani M; Zeinalo A; Eshraghian M
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the obtained
information for the purpose of investigating how many the objectives in mind can be achieved. Education in an
academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect the outcome of
this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation is promotion of the quality of an
education process.
Methods: 15 educational groups, benefiting from opinion poll of university lecturers and students, active in a
research work concerning clinical and basic sciences in Tehran University of Medical Sciences have made this
study in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and adjust educational system with the society’s needs and
promotion of the quality of such educations. This piece of research work has been done on the basis of 10
procedural steps and within eight sections dealing with evaluated factors such as faculty board members’
management and organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments,
research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory
and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction
expressed by students.
Findings: Results of the educational evaluation, attained by 9 groups active in basic sciences and 6 groups
active in clinical aspects and based on general average of 8 investigating sections, are respectively 71.1 % and
70.9 % that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Discussion: Educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve certain
aims, analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine results.
‫‪In the name of God‬‬
‫عنوان مقاله ‪:‬‬
‫ارزیابی کيفيت برنامه های آموزشی دانشکده پزشکی‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران براساس نظرسنجی از دانش‬
‫آموختگان درسال ‪1382‬‬
‫نویسندگان مقاله ‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور ‪ ,‬استادیار دانشکده بهداشت دانشگاه علوم‬
‫پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترمحمدعلی صدیقی گيالنی‪ ,‬معاون آموزشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترعلی اکبر زینالو‪ ,‬مدیر مرکز مطالعات وتوسعه آموزشی دانشگاه‬
‫علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫دکترسيدمنصور رضوی‪ ,‬معاون بالينی دانشکده پزشکی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی‬
‫چکيده ‪:‬‬
‫ارزیادی کیفیا درشامه های آموزشی از داشکه ب پزشهی این اسا که‬
‫تعیین شود اه اا پیش دینی ش ب در ماموریا و رسالا داشکعاب ده چه‬
‫میزان تحقق یافته اش ؟ و شقاط قوت وضعف آن ک امن ؟‬
‫ارزیادی از درشامه های آموزشی یهی از وظایف اص ی داشکعاهاای‬
‫آموختعان رشته های‬
‫تواشمن ی‬
‫پزشهی جاا‬
‫شغ ی‬
‫رضه خ مات دا اشتی درماشی ده‬
‫منظورتامین و ارتقای سطح سالما افراد و جامعه دستعی ده میزان تحقق‬
‫اه اا درشامه های آموزشی دارد و چناشچه درشامه های آموزشی ده خودی‬
‫طراحی واجرا شک ب داش‬
‫می تواش‬
‫خسارات جبران شاپذیر و آثار زیان‬
‫دار اجتما ی‪ ,‬اقتصادی و فرهنعی در افراد جامعه‪ ,‬داشش آموختعان و‬
‫شیز م یریا وا تبار داشکعاب درجای گذارد‬
‫ه ا‬
‫ک ی‬
‫داشکه ب پزشهی داشکعاب‬
‫پزشهی تاران اسا و اه اا اختصاصی‪ ,‬سنجش‬
‫میاشعین مع ل کل داشش آموختعان‪ ,‬تعیین توزیع فراواشی شسبی وجنسی‪,‬‬
‫سال تول ‪ ,‬سال ورود ده داشکعاب ‪ ,‬وضعیا داشش آموختعان از شظر‬
‫سامیه‪ ,‬رضایا من ی آشان از درشامه های آموزشی و دررسی مکهالت آشاا‬
‫در دوران تحصیل و‬
‫این مطالعه مقطعی و از شوع سنجکی توصیفی می‬
‫پرسکنامه شظرسنجی‪ ,‬ادزار گردآوری اطال ات دودب اسا‬
‫جامعه مورد دررسی ‪ 178‬شفر از داشش آموختعان داشکه ب پزشهی دودب‬
‫‪ ,‬ک یه دادب ها از طریق ورود اطال ات در شر‬
‫تجزیه و تح یل قرار گرفتن‬
‫)‪ (HG 3,9‬استفادب ش ب اسا‬
‫‪ X2‬استفادب گردی‬
‫)‪ (SPSS 9,10‬مورد‬
‫و درای رسن شمودارها از هاروارد گرافیک‬
‫درای مقایسه دادب ها از آزمون ‪ ANOVA‬و‬
‫یافته های پژوهش شکان می ده‬
‫که میاشعین‬
‫مع ل کل داشش آموختعان ‪ 15/75‬دا اشحراا معیار ‪ 1/23‬و دامنه تغییرات‬
‫مع ل ‪ 12/66 – 18/55‬می داش‬
‫‪ 78/7‬درص‬
‫از داشش آموختعان از داشکه ب خود راضی دودش‬
‫درشامه های آموزشی در سطح داشکه ب دابود یافته و ده شحو چکمعیری‬
‫معنی دار می داش‬
‫مامترین شقاط قوت و ضعف جامعه مورد دررسی ده ترتیب ‪ 52/2‬درص‬
‫در دورب کارورزی و ‪ 78/7‬درص‬
‫در دورب فیزیوپاتولوژی دودب اسا‬
In the name of God
Title of the Article:
Evaluation of the Quality of Educational Programs at the Faculty of Medicine of Tehran University of
Medical Sciences based on the Poll conducted among the Graduates of 2003
- Dr. Fereshteh Farzianpour, Assistant Professor at Faculty of Health of Tehran University of Medical
- Dr. Mohammad Ali Sedighi Gilani, Registrar of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
- Dr. Aliakbar Zeinaloo, Director of Educational Development and Studies Center of Tehran University
of Medical Sciences
- Dr. Seyed Mansour Razavi, Clinical Deputy of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
The objective of verifying the quality of educational programs of the Faculty of Medicine is to determine to
which extent objectives previewed for the university have been fulfilled and what their weakness and
strength points are.
Verifying educational programs is among principle duties of the faculties of medicine of the country. It is
obvious that the proficiency and work capability of graduates of medical sciences in provision of health
services for maintaining and improving individual and social health depends directly on the success of
educational programs, and in case these educational programs are not well designed and performed,
irretrievable social, cultural, and economic damages may be caused to the society, graduates and
management and validity of the university.
The general objective of this study is to improve the quality of educational programs of the Faculty of
Medicine of Tehran University of Medical Sciences, and is specific objectives are to calculate the general
points average of graduates, to determine sex and relative abundance distribution, year of birth, year of
admission to university, status of the graduates from the quota point of view, their satisfaction of
educational programs, and to study their problems during studies, etc.
This study is cross sectional and is of survey descriptive type; and data have been gathered through polling
One hundred and seventy eight graduates of the Faculty of Medicine have formed the society under study.
All data have been analyzed through input of data in SPSS 9, 10 software and HG 3, 9 has been used for
drawing diagrams. ANOVA test and X² have used for comparing data. Findings of the research show that
the general points average of the graduates is 15.75 with deviation from standard of 1.23 and the range of
changes of average is 12.66 – 18.99.
78.7% of graduates have been content with their faculty. The quality of educational programs at the faculty
has been improved and is considerably meaningful.
The most important weakness and strength points of the society under study has been respectively 52.2 % in
the Internship course and 78.7 % in the Physiopathology course.
Internal evaluation in Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Medical Sciences/University of Tehran
Khanavi M*1, Farzianpour F2, Hadjiakhoondi A1, Amin Gh1, Monsef Esfahani H.R1, Yasa N1, Salehi
Surmaghi M.H1
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Sciences/ University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Department of health care management, School of Public Health & Institute of Health Research, Medical
Sciences/ University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the
obtained information for the purpose of investigating how many the objectives in mind can be achieved.
Education in an academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect
the outcome of this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation was promotion of the
quality of an education process.
Materials and Methods: In this study, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical
Sciences/ University of Tehran, benefiting from opinion poll of university lectures, student and graduates have
evaluated their system of educational in the years of 2006-2007 and their aim was to remodel and adjust
educational system with the society’s needs and promotion of the quality of such educations. The employed
method was cross sectional and descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10 procedural steps and with in 9
sections dealing with evaluated factors such as Statements and objectives, Faculty members, Structure of
management and organization, Students, Educational facilities and equipments, Research equipments,
Graduated students, Courses of education and planning of training as well as Processing of teaching and
Results: The results of the researches showed the points of evaluated factors such as Statements and
objectives (53%), Faculty members (63.2%), Structure of management and organization (68%), Students
(65%), Educational facilities and equipments (59.6%), Research equipments (58.4%), Graduated students
(59.8%), Courses of education and planning of training (65%) as well as Processing of teaching and learning
Conclusion: General average of 9 investigating sections in the years of 2006-2007, based on SWOTs
model was 61.89% that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work, where as 68% of evaluating group
had shown a good satisfaction from structure of management and organization of faculty members. Our results
showed that, educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve certain
aims, analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine results.
Key words: Internal evaluation, Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Sciences/ University of
Internal evaluation in the Department of Environmental Health
Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences from 2001 to 2003
Farzianpour F, Dr Mirsapasi A, Dr.Honari H
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Internal evaluation is a process in which it is possible to judge in a study an educational program using standards based on pre-defined
objectives and certain educational quality. After such a judgment, one can present some suggestions to address problems in the
educational system and develop an efficient educational system.
In this study, a group from Environmental Health Engineering used the opinion poll of university lecturers, students and graduates,
and evaluated their system of education in 2003. Their aim was to remodel and adjust their educational system with the society's
needs and to promote the quality of such education.
The method employed was cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10 procedural steps and within 8 sections
dealing with evaluated factors, namely, scientific board members, management and organizational capability, students, manpower and
logistic affairs, educational environments, research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research
equipment, laboratory and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction
expressed by students.
The results of the research showed that the general average of 8 investigating sections was 68.8% indicating a desirable research
work. It is, therefore, concluded that the function of the educational management is directly in line with evaluation process.
Educational evaluation is the best indicator that shows up to what extent we should go to achieve certain aims. It analyzes the quality
of the activity of such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine results.
Keywords: Internal Evaluation, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public Health, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences.
‫ارزیابی برنامه های آموزش مداوم مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش‬
‫دانشگاه از سال ‪ 72‬تا ‪ 84‬براساس نظر سنجی از پزشکان عمومی شرکت‬
‫چکيده فارسي ‪:‬‬
‫مق مه ‪:‬آموزش م او پزشهي ‪ ) Continuing Medical Education‬از جم ه مقوله‬
‫هایي اسا که ده ویژب در طي دهه اخیر در دشیا جایعاهی پر اهمیا‬
‫یافته اسا آموزش م او پزشهي ده نوان یک اصل از سور جوامع‬
‫دین الم ي مورد پذیرش و تاکی قرار گرفته اسا و مفاو آن آموزش‬
‫پزشهان دع از فارغ التحصی ي و در دوران طبادا ده هر شحو ممهن اسا‬
‫از آموزش م او پزشهي ‪ ،‬آموزش داشش ج ی ‪ ،‬تقویا شعرش و افزایش‬
‫ماارت هار شغ ي در حل مکهالت دا اشتي درماشي مناطق میت ف جامعه اسا‬
‫و ه ا ک ي از این دررسي در آورد رضایا من ر شغ ي پزشهان از درشامه‬
‫هار آموزش م او پزشهي ده منظور اثر دیش در درشامه هار آموزشي‬
‫آین ب مرکز مطالعات و توسعه آموزش داشکعاب مي داش‬
‫در این پژوهش از روش تحقیق و توسعه ‪ ) R&D‬استفادب ش ب اسا و‬
‫ا تبار‬
‫ادزار گرد آورر دادب ها ‪ ،‬پرسکنامه هار معتبر‬
‫شموشه ها‬
‫آزمون مج د ) و خود اجرا دودب اسا‬
‫محتور ) و پایا‬
‫‪ 1247‬شفر از پزشهان دودب اش که در هنعا شرکا در درشامه هار آموزش‬
‫از داشکعاب‬
‫م ون و دریافا گواهي شاایي آموزش م او‬
‫‪ ، ) 1380-1384‬در این مطالعه شرکا کردب اش‬
‫تاران از سال‬
‫شموشه گیرر سر شمارر و از شر افزار ‪ SPSS-9‬درار تجزیه و تح یل‬
‫یافته ها ده صورت توزیع فراواشي ارائه گردی ب‬
‫اطال ات استفادب ش‬
‫نتایج ‪:‬‬
‫مان ترین شتایج دررسي شکان مي ده که ‪ %45‬از پزشهان شرکا کنن ب در‬
‫درشامه هار آموزش م او از مباحث آموزشي در این دورب رضایا من ر‬
‫کام ي داشتن و ‪ % 53 /8‬از آشاا درشامه هار آموزشي م ون را متناسب‬
‫‪ %80‬از استادان آموزش م او از‬
‫دا شیاز هار شغ ي خود اظاار شمودش‬
‫و دنظر آشاا ‪ %40‬از آموزش‬
‫آموزش خود در این دورب راضي دودش‬
‫گیرش گان ا ز درشامه هار آموزشي آشاا پیرور شمودش‬
‫بحث ‪:‬‬
‫آموزش م اومي موثر و مط وب اسا که دراساس تجزیه و تح یل دقیق شیاز‬
‫تجزیه و تح یل‬
‫ها و رضایا من ر شرکا کنن گان شروع ش ب داش‬
‫شظرسنجی رضایا من ر پزشهان از درشامه هار آموزشي م ون در این پژوهش‬
‫شکان دادب اسا که درشامه هار آموزشي که متناسب دا شیازها ر شغ ي‬
‫شرکا کنن گان تنظین گردی ب و در فضای آموزشی مناسب ده موقع اجرا‬
‫ش ب داش ‪،‬پزشهان از رضایا من ر دیکترر درخوردار دودب اش ‪ ،‬دنا در‬
‫در اساس شیازهار شغ ي شرکا‬
‫این اگر درشامه ریزر آموزشي م او‬
‫کنن گان طراحی‪،‬سازماش هی واجرائ گردد‪,‬مي تواش گا مثبتي در جاا‬
‫دابود کیفیا درشامه هار آموزشي م او پزشهي داش‬
‫واژهاي کليدي ‪:‬‬
‫رضایا من ر ‪ ،‬پزشهان ‪ ،‬آموزش م او‬
‫پيشنهادها ‪:‬‬
‫‪ -1‬تردیا شیرور اشساشي مطادق دا شیازهار جامعه‬
‫‪ -2‬ت او آموزش م او پزشهي در اساس شیازهار شغ ي‬
‫‪ -3‬ارزشیادي م او داشش آموخته گان و پزشهان شاغل در اساس داشش روز‬
‫‪ -4‬اجرار طرحاار شیاز سنجي در اساس شیازهار شغ ي پزشهان‬
‫آموزش پزشهان مومي که در حال حاضر فعالیا پزشهي‬
‫‪ -5‬تاکی در تق‬
‫‪ -6‬درشامه هار آموزشي طورر ت وین گردد که جامعه شعر داش‬
‫مي در اساس فرصا هار مطالعاتي‬
‫‪ -7‬ارتقاء سطح داشش ا ضار هیات‬
‫‪ -8‬آین ب شعرر در آموزش هار م او‬
‫‪ -9‬آموزش از راب دور‬
‫‪ -10‬تایه دسته هار آموزشي درار ارتقاء داشش ده روز‬
‫‪ -11‬ارزشیادي سالیاشه درشامه هار آموزشي و شظر سنجي از شرکا‬
‫کنن گان درار دابود در امر آموزش م او پزشهي‬
‫‪ -12‬دازشعرر درشامه هار آموزش م او پزشهي‬
Internal evaluation in department of psychiatry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences during 20052006.
Dr.Mohammad Reza Mohammady,Dr.Fereshteh Farzianpour,Dr.Ali Akbar Najati Safa
Evaluation helps quality improvement in higher education, and makes higher education accountable.
Maintenance and improvement of higher education quality are considered as shared responsibility of every
person in an academic institution. This study was designed to evaluate the situation of the department of
psychiatry of Tehran University of Medical Sciences during 2005-2006.
This study was a survay that used 10 steps for internal evaluation. These 10 steps were as follow: 1)
Conducting a workshop for the faculty members to familiarize them with the aim of internal evaluation, 2)
Forming a task force committee to prepare a time table for carrying out the steps and shoulder the responsibility
of monitoring the process of internal evaluation, 3) Clarifying departmental mission objectives, 4) Identifying
factors (input, process product, output, outcome) that displayed departmental quality, 5) Identifying criteria for
assessing the factors under evaluation (36 criteria are proposed for conducting internal evaluation , 6)
Identifying conditions under which departmental results could be observed and indicators that can lead to
judgement of performance, 7) Selecting or developing data collection instruments, 8) Defining population
under study for collecting data on each of indicators, 9) Collecting data on the variables under assessment 10)
making judgement about quality of the factors under evaluation .
The following area was evaluated: Strategic planning and organization of psychiatry department, Monthly
department meeting, Psychiatry residency program (including the staff of the program, the curriculum and the
educational facilities and services and the oppinion of graduates), Educational program for medical stidents
(including the staff of the program, the curriculum and the educational facilities and services), Child and
adolescent psychiatry fellowship program (including the staff of the program, the curriculum and the
educational facilities and services), and The situation of rsearch.
There was'nt any document about strategic planning. Monthly meeting of psychiatry department didnot have
favourable situation according to several indicators. All of the educational program lacked a standard
curriculum. The educational program for medical student had more distance from favourable situation than
residency and fellowship programs.
The internal evaluation process provided a mirror for each department to reflect the realities of teaching,
research, and medical and health services provided by the department. The results of this study suggested that
psychiatry department should dlineate its strategic planing. The educational programs need standards curricula.
The department should prepare new educational fields and facilities like psychiatry services in general hospital,
community mental health centers and school mental health services. The present facilities in Roozbeh Hospital
are not enough for education of trainees and favourable service delivery for patients.
Internal evaluation
of the department of Immunology,
Faculty of Medicine,
Dr.Mohammed Vodjgani
Professor & Department chairman
Dr.Fereshteh farzianpour
Internal evaluation is a new policy for research and educational activities in the medical universities by
the educational deputy of the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. In this process each
university department and faculty member must have the continuous self evaluation and improvement
plan. Internal evaluation enables us to know more about our weakness and capabilities. In this
evaluation there is no external examiner, nor will evaluation results be published. Thus no one could
know anything about the outcome. In this regards, we decided to evaluate different activities of the
department. The evaluation processes are as following:
1) Mission and objectives assessed by means of:
 Education and research activity definitions
2) Department management assessed by:
 Relation with other immunology departments
 Participation degree of faculty members in programming and policy making of the department
3) Faculty members’ educational activities assessed by:
 Teaching quality
 Participation in national and international conferences, seminars and congresses
4) Students’ satisfaction:
 Students/ teachers ratio
 Quality of postgraduate courses
 Quality of postgraduate curriculums
 Number of postgraduate students
5) Teaching/learning process quality:
 Interactive teaching
 Student participation in learning processes
 Using teaching accessory devices
6) Evaluation of MS and PhD graduates’ attitude about quality of education in the department:
 Graduates employments
 Maintaining collaboration of graduates with the department
7) Physical faculty equipment, library, number of general and specialized books and publications
8) Long term research program:
 Research proposals, books and papers -published by faculty members
 Managing and the role of faculty members in national and international scientific meetings
 Department research budget
 Department research grants
Are evaluated in this study.
Internal evaluation in Phisiotrapy Department Rehabilitation Faculty, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences
Hadiyan M, Farzianpour F*,Oliaei , Jalali SH,Vasaghie gharamaleki B, Abbasi E
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the
obtained information for the purpose of investigating how many the objectives in mind can be achieved.
Education in an academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect
the outcome of this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation was promotion of the
quality of an education process.
Materials and Methods: In this study Phisiotrapy Department, Rehabilitation Faculty Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, benefiting from opinion poll of university lectures, student and graduates have
evaluated their system of educational in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and adjust educational
system with the society’s needs and promotion of the quality of such educations. The employed method was
cross sectional and descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10 procedural steps and with in 8 sections dealing
with evaluated factors. Such as faculty board members, management and organizational capability, students,
manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments research work centers, health and therapeutic sections,
educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory and diagnosis centers, educational courses and
programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction expressed by students.
Results: The results of the research showed that general average of 8 investigating sections, based on
SWOTs model was %76/2 that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Conclusion: Educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve
certain aims, analyzes quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine
Evaluation of Educational Management in Tehran University of Medical Sciences from
2001- 2004
*F. Farzianpour1, , M R Eshraghian2
Dept. of Health Service Management, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Evaluation of educational management has a special place among our educational
activities. If
we look at evaluation from one side, we may consider it a subsystem of an educational system. This subsystem
is used to feedback educational activities in order to ensure efficiency and quality of such activities. The aim of
this study was evaluation of the function of educational management that covered educational planning
development, organizing educational activities, carrying out educational activities (orientation and leading) and,
finally, control and evaluation of an educational process. The employed method was cross sectional and
descriptive and analytical by making use of enquiries from 15 educational groups (9 basic sciences groups and
6 clinical groups). The findings of the research showed that average of the function of educational management
in basic sciences groups and clinical groups were 76.4% and 86.6 %, respectively while grand average of the
function of clinical groups and basic sciences groups was 80.5%. It is, therefore, concluded that function of the
educational management is directly in line with evaluation process.
Keywords: Evaluation, Educational management, Basic & clinical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Iran.
Internal evaluation in Department of Communicable Diseases, Faculty of Medicine,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2001- 2003
M. Hajabdolbaghi1, F. Farzianpour21 S. Jafary1, H. Emady Kochak1
1) Members of Educational Evaluation Committee of Communicable Diseases, Faculty of Medicine Tehran University of
Sciences, Iran
2) Department of Management & Economic of Health, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Abstract- Internal evaluation is a process that defines and collects required data to Judge about decision
making issues at educational system in order to promote activities.
In university educational system, it is possible to use educational evaluation in electing students, scientific
board, curriculum and in general the other educational system inputs in addition, it supervises on system
process performing and finally using evaluation direct outputs and system consequences optimally.
In this study Communicable Diseases group benefiting from opinion poll of university lecturers, student and
graduates have evaluated their system of educational in the year 2003 and their aim was to remodel and adjust
educational system with the society's needs and promotion of the quality of such educations.
The employed method was cross sectional and descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10 procedural steps and
with in 8 sections dealing with evaluated factors. Such as Scientific board members, management and
organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments, research work
centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory and diagnosis
centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction expressed by
The results of the research showed that general average of 8 investigating sections were %56.9 as a desirable
research work. It is, there fore, concluded that function of the educational management is directly in line with
evaluation process.
Keywords: Internal Evaluation, Department of Communicable Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences
Education of Ethics in University
Dr.Fereshteh FARZIANPOUR, Assistant Professor, Specialized Management, Health &
Care Services, Faculty of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Dr.Daryoush FARHOOD, Professor in Genetic, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Dr.Ahmad FAYAZBAKHSH Assistant Professor, Specialized Management, Health &
Care Services, Faculty of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences.
Education of ethics (morality) is a process in which the trainees are assisted to learn about his/her
educational needs and will help him/her to behave according to socially desirable dignity and norms.
“Ethics” origin, this phrase is derived from Greece word “ethos” which means personality. Ethical
Principles derives from Latin “Moralis” that means tradition, temperament or method. The meaning of
the both is tradition; to wit the fundamental methods of behavior that not only are customary but also
are correct. To be ethical means that an individual lives in a specific of personal frame of beliefs. On
the other part, the ethic mostly has a relation to responsibility and community. Ethic in fact is common
sense of people. The ethical matters in community are set out on the basis of the forms of culture,
etiquette, customs, and regulations, whose obedience by all shall benefit the community. Therefore,
the indecent behavior is immoral in the society and respect to law has become a social etiquette. The
law is set out for liberty of all and contrary to imaginations, is not created for individual personal
liberty. Bertold Bresht, the German Author, suggests in his book, that, those who say yes and those
who say no, put two different morals against each other and whatever is moral today may be immoral
tomorrow! Why?
Human will earn capacity by work; he produces tools and forms his phases of development.
Perspicacity and ideology which rules on that system, is a dependent of the type of tool and production
research. Production has an infrastructures nature, ethic is part of insights and ideology is an
outwardly formation. Therefore, in case a cause or matters was good and holly yesterday, today, by an
upheaval in its technology it would turn into a bad or unsacred. Ethic at least suffered from eminent
standing in three domain of university life:
1- In education of students and their individual development.
2- In taking care of community.
3- Corporation if universities in social growth of communities.
While these three domains have a perfect coordination with university compass, student’s ability in
formation of a general ethic structure must not be consigned to oblivion. In the whole, principles of
ethic and ethical intellection in relation with the real world problems would completely to be
acceptable. Students at the classroom, hospital wards, and in community will correlate the said
principles with ethical intellection to that extend which their experiences lead to cause ethical maturity
in them.
The university must be a place beyond the exposure of such experiences. The university must be
counted a supplementary element inside this process. Values, Prophetic Missions, and Functions of
Universities, must be reflected within the university ethical topics like honor, loyalty, liberty of speech,
cooperation & commitment and accountability against the community problems. Only and that time
which affections and concerns encircle the students as a natural university program the proper
opportunity is happened for ethical development.
Keywords: Education, Ethics, University.
Educational evaluation in Department of Medical Parasitology & Mycology, School of
Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences from 2001- 2003
*M Rezaien1, F Farzianpour2 M Mohebal1, MB Rokni1, SJ Hashemi1, A Farahnak1
Members of Educational Evaluation Committee of Medical Parasitology & Mycology, School of Public
Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran.
Dept. of Health Service Management, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the obtained information for
the purpose of investigating how much the objectives in mind can be achieved. Education in an academic
educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect the outcome of this system,
that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation was promotion of the quality of an education
process. In this study medical parasitology & mycology group, benefiting from opinion poll of university
lecturers, student and graduates have evaluated their system of educational in the year 2003 and their aim was
to remodel and adjust educational system with the society's needs and promotion of the quality of such
educations. The employed method was cross sectional and descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10
procedural steps and with in 8 sections dealing with evaluated factors. Such as Scientific board members,
management and organizational capability, students, manpower and logistic affairs, educational environments,
research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational equipment, research equipment, laboratory
and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching and learning process as well as satisfaction
expressed by students. The results of the research showed that general average of 8 investigating sections were
%83.9 as a desirable research work.
Keywords: Educational Evaluation, Medical Parasitology & Mycology Department, SWOTs analysis, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences.
Internal evaluation in Biochemistry Department, Medicine Faculty, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences
Farzianpour F* Ansari M, Bagharian R, Golmohamadi T, Khaghani S.
Introduction: Evaluation is a systematic process for collecting, analyzing and interpretation of the
obtained information for the purpose of investigating how much the objectives in mind can be achieved.
Education in an academic educational system means bringing about proper and increasing changes that affect
the outcome of this system, that is affecting the students, and the aim of such evaluation was promotion of the
quality of an education process.
Materials and Methods: In this study Biochemistry Department, Medicine Faculty Tehran University
of Medical Sciences, benefiting from opinion poll of university lectures, student and graduates have evaluated
their system of educational in the year 2004 and their aim was to remodel and adjust educational system with
the society’s needs and promotion of the quality of such educations. The employed method was cross sectional
and descriptive and analytical on the basis of 10 procedural steps and with in 8 sections dealing with evaluated
factors. Such as faculty board members, management and organizational capability, students, manpower and
logistic affairs, educational environments research work centers, health and therapeutic sections, educational
equipment, research equipment, laboratory and diagnosis centers, educational courses and programs, teaching
and learning process as well as satisfaction expressed by students.
Results: the results of the research showed that general average of 8 investigating sections, based on
SWOTs model was % 58 that may well be interpreted as a desirable research work.
Conclusion: Educational evaluation is the best indicator showing how much we should go to achieve
certain aims, analyses quality of the activity if such a system and by which we achieve logical and routine
Key words: Internal evaluation, Biochemistry Department, Medicine faculty, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences
SWOT analysis of Department of Medical Entomology & Vector Control, Tehran University of Medical
Rafinejd, J., Yaghoobi-Ershadi., Vatandoost, H., , Frazian poor, F.,Ladoni,H., Doosti,S. & Shemshad, kh.
School of Public Health & Institute of Health Research, Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Department of Medical Entomology & Vector Control is an academic group affiliated to the Tehran University
of Medical Sciences. This department was established in 1934 and currently has 5 sections with their relevant
laboratories including visceral and coetaneous leshmaniasis lab, malaria lab, toxicology lab, Vector control lab,
molecular entomology lab and insect museum. The department consists of 21 academic staff including; 2
professors, 3 associated professors, 8 assistant professors and 8 lecturers. Annually a total of 8- 10 MSPH and
2-3 PhD students are admitted via entry exam by the Ministry of Health & Medical Education. Every training
and research activities is capable to respond the current country requirement and provide a clue for community
problem solving.
The aim of this study was to asses the weakness, strength, opportunity and threats of the department in a
formatted questionnaire which was provided by the assessment group of Ministry of Health & Medical
Education of Iran.
An assessment was carried out using formatted questionnaire with several indicators and variables. Various
groups were asked to answer the questions provided. Using different codes to indicate the extent to which
persons agree or disagree with each of the statements made in the questionnaire. The answers was categorized
in 5 different types, from completely agree to completely disagree. After data collection, the results were
subjected to the graphs and results were statistically analyzed. The results of such assays will provide a clear
guide to the Ministry for further necessary action.
Internal Evaluation in Department of Radiology and Radiotherapy Technology in Allied
Medical Sciences Faculty of Medical Sciences/University of Tehran
V Changizi, F Farzianpour, E Jazayeri, A Farzad, A Atouf
Reforms and quality improvement in training, research and executive situations of medical systems cause
health and cure improvement. Evaluating of scientific departments, find weak points, chances and threats which
help to plan reforms in training and research. This view promoted Technology Radiology and Radiotherapy
Department of Tehran university of Medical Sciences to do internal evaluation. The results can conduct
department, school, and university to solve the weak points and problems and how to make reforms in
educational and research issues.
Materials and Methods
This project was done by using research and development method which is of descriptive type. Two main
executive steps were determined a) Defining ideal situation. B) Evaluating presence situation and comparing
with ideal situation. Then internal evaluation was done on the base of then steps.
1. Establishing evaluation committee and defining why it should be done,
2. Determining the goals of internal evaluation,
3. Determining evaluation parameters such as head of department, academic member, students,
equipments training programs and scientific potentials,
4. Establishing ideal situation indexes.
5. Preparing measurement methods,
6. Data collection,
7. data analysis,
8. Preparing internal evaluation reports,
9. Making discussion and suggestion,
10. Releasing suggestions and following up them
The main goal of this evaluation was determination of the quality level of Technology of Radiology and
Radiotherapy Department. Considering this goal, department aims and vision were established using strategic
programming in three fields of input aims, processing aims and output aims.
Results showed mission and aims parameters were in very good situation, parameters of structure and
management, academic member, training and learning processes, educational workshops were in good situation
and students’ parameter was in relatively good situation. Also results revealed research was in medium
situation. However equipments and physical constructions such as department office and laboratory were in
weak position. Finally educated persons parameter was in medium situation.
Technology of Radiology and Radiotherapy Department has got good and very good levels in majority of
parameters, since some academic and nonacademic members use their maximum potentials. The department’s
score in research is medium as a few members have got no projects that their specialties are not related to
radiology or radiotherapy. As a matter of fact the department has no authority to employ members. Totally as a
few members with specialties not related to radiology or radiotherapy, have got no projects. There is necessity
to recruits specialists academic member who can be useful for the department for getting upper grades.
The Department of Technology Radiology and Radiotherapy relationships with other departments and even
with related ministry are in very good levels which shows high potential of this department.
Conclusion and Suggestions
Technology of Radiology and Radiotherapy Department in Tehran University of Medical Sciences in majority
of quality parameters is very good or good. But there are weak points in laboratory equipments and physical
construction such as laboratory and office. Also the department needs to recruit at least two specialist academic
members under the department authority.
Technology of Radiology and Radiotherapy Department suggests:
1. The facilities and budgets should be delivered to the department for solving laboratory problems
including place and equipments.
2. To have independent research budget,
3. To have planning authority in educational and research activities.
4. The department office should be developed.
‫خالصه مقاالت چاارمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی –تاران آدان ‪79‬‬
‫ارزشيابی در آموزش پزشکی‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیانپور‪،‬عضو هيات علمی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران‬
‫منظور از ارزشيابی در آموزش پزشکی قضاوت درباره وضعيت آموزش‪،‬‬
‫پژوهش و ارائه خدمات بهداشتی درمانی و تخصصی مورد عرضه‬
‫بيمارستانهای آموزشی و مقایسه با استانداردهای مورد نظر‬
‫است‪.‬مساله آموزش پزشکی و تریبت نيروی انسانی کارآمد و متناسب‬
‫با نيازهای هامعه از همله مسایل مهمی است که توهه بسياری از‬
‫متخصصان و برنامهریزان آموزشی را در ههان به خود هلب کرده است‬
‫و درنتيجه نظرات و پيشنهادهای متفاوتی برای راهحل آنها ارائه‬
‫شده است یکی از مهمترین نکاتی که در همه این پيشنهادها مشترک‬
‫است این است که در فرایند آموزش های علوم پایه و تخصصی معموال‬
‫به سه بخش مهم توهه میشود‪.‬‬
‫‪ .1‬دانش و مهارت‬
‫‪ .2‬مهارتهای ذهنی یا منطق بالينی(تحليل شرایط بيمارید‬
‫‪ .3‬مهارت های عملی(فنون بالينید‬
‫اما آنچه که غالبا در این آموزشها فراموش میگردد‪ ،‬مهارتهای‬
‫ارتباط با بيمار و مهارتهای کارگروهی است‪ .‬در حالی که ارتباط‬
‫مناسب با بيمار‪ ،‬دقت در گرفتن شرح حال و معاینه بالينی به‬
‫همراه یافتههای آزمایشگاهی و مشاوره با همکاران‪ ،‬درمان را در‬
‫مسير منطقی خود قرار میدهد‪.‬‬
‫امروز آموزش پزشکی از آموزش علم و فن به صورت محض و صرفا‬
‫تخصصگرا‪ ،‬به سوی کسب مهارتهای انسانی و ارتباطی ههتگيری شده‬
‫است‪ .‬بنابراین داشتن این مهارتها از پارامترهای مورد ارزشيابی‬
‫صالحيتها و تواناییهای فراگيران پزشکی قلمداد میگردد‪ .‬ارزشبابی‬
‫یکی از هنبههای مهم در فرایند فعاليتهای آموزشی است و این‬
‫امکان را فراهم میسازد تا براساس نتایج آن نقاط قوت و ضعف را‬
‫مشخص نموده و با تقویت هنبههای مثبت و رفع نارساییها در ایجاد‬
‫تحول و اصالح گردش کارها‪ ،‬گامهای مناسبی برداشته شود‪.‬‬
‫هدف از این پژوهش ارزشيابی در آموزش پزشکی و قضاوت بالينی‬
‫درباره ماهيت خاص رشتههای تخصصی‪ ،‬فوق تخصصی‪ ،‬ارتقای کيفيت‬
‫آموزش پزشکی و نيز عرضه خدمات آموزشی و پژوهشی در بيمارستانهای‬
‫آموزشی و مقایسه با استانداردهای مورد نظر است‪ .‬در این پژوهش‬
‫از روش تحقيق و توسعه واز روش پژوهش پيمایشی که از نوع پژوهش‪-‬‬
‫های توصيفی تحليلی است استفاده شده است‪.‬‬
‫در نظام آموزش پزشکی از ارزشيابی آموزشی ميتوان برای انتخاب‬
‫دانشجو‪ ،‬هيات علمی‪ ،‬تدوین و تجدید نظر برنامه درسی و بطور کلی‬
‫درونداد نظام آموزشی استفاده کرد‪ .‬گذشته از آن چگونگی فرایند‬
‫نظام را ارزیابی کرده و درنتيجه برونداد نظام آموزشی را در ههت‬
‫هامعه هدایت کرد‪ .‬در این بررسی مدیریت نظام آموزش پزشکی‪ ،‬اعضای‬
‫هيات علمی‪ ،‬پيشرفت تحصيلی فراگيران‪ ،‬منابع و امکانات‪ ،‬برنامه‪-‬‬
‫های آموزشی و رضایت بيماران براسااس استانداردهای تعيين شده‬
‫مورد بررسای واقع شاد‪ ،‬نتایج بدست آمده نشان میدهد که براساس‬
‫شاخصهای تعيين شده از طرف وزارت بهداشت‪ ،‬درمان و آموزش پزشکی‪،‬‬
‫مدیریت آموزشی‪ ،‬نسبت دستيار به هيات علمی‪ ،‬نسبت دانشجو به‬
‫استاد‪ ،‬برنامه درسی و پيشرفت تحصيلی دستياران‪ ،‬نسبت مرگ و‬
‫ميرهای بيمارستانی‪ ،‬منابع و تجهيزات بيمارستانی‪ ،‬ميزان اشغال‬
‫تختهای آموزشی‪ ،‬ميانگين روزهای بستری‪ ،‬آزمایشهای تشخيصی‪،‬‬
‫توانبخشی‪ ،‬بایگانی مدارک پزشکی و‪ ...‬در دانشگاهها و بيمارستان‪-‬‬
‫های دانشگاهی مورد مطالعه نه تنها رعایت نشده بلکه با شاخصها و‬
‫استانداردهای مورد نظر فاصله زیاد دارند‪.‬‬
‫آموزش پزشکی در کشور ما در خيلی موارد بدون تجزیه و تحليل و‬
‫برنامه ریزی کافی و هامع طرح ریز ی و اهرا میشود‪ .‬اغلب برنامه‪-‬‬
‫های آموزشی به این دليل انجام میشود که مدیران آموزشی احساس می‬
‫کنند«بهتر است این کار را انجام دهند»‪ ،‬معموال الگوی آموزشی‬
‫مشابهی مورد تقليد قرار میگيرد بدون اینکه بررسی شود آیا‬
‫برنامه آموزشی که در یک کشور انجام شده است میتواند با شرایط‬
‫نيروی انسانی و نيازهای موهود در نقطه دیگر کامال تطابق داشته‬
‫باشد‪ .‬بنابراین الزم است در ساختار نظام آموزش پزشکی کشورمان‬
‫مکانيزم ارزیابی مستمر براساس ‪ 24‬روش ارزیابی وهود داشته باشد‪،‬‬
‫این مکانيزم در هدایت برنامههای آموزشی درمانی و پژوهشی و نيز‬
‫در پاسخگویی به نيازهای هامعه بسيار موبر خواهد بود‪ .‬به کمک‬
‫نوعی کيفيت آموزشی را رعایت کرده و با‬
‫این مکانيزم میتوان‬
‫توهه به نيازهای هامعه‪ ،‬آموزش پزشکی را از پویایی الزم برخوردار‬
‫خالصه مقاالت شکمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – داشکعاب شای‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هفتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – تبریزآدان ‪84‬‬
‫ارزشیادی آموزشی در پاشزدب گروب آموزشی‬
‫و پزشهی تاران‬
‫در داشکعاب‬
‫مقاله ‪114 :‬‬
‫دالینی و پایه‬
‫ارائه دهن ب ‪ :‬دکتر فرشته فرزیانپور‬
‫شویسن گان)‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور‪ ،‬دکتر محمدعلی‬
‫محمدرضا اشراقيان‪ ،‬دکتر علیاکبر زینالو‬
‫خالصه مقاله‪:‬‬
‫زمینه و ه ا ‪ :‬ارزشيابی‪ ،‬فرآیندی نظامدار برای همعآوری‪ ،‬تحليل‬
‫و تفسير اطالعات به منظور بررسی ميزان عملی شدن هدفها میباشد‪ .‬در‬
‫سيستم نظام آموزش دانشگاهی منظور از آموزش‪ ،‬ایجاد تغييرات مناسب‬
‫و روزافزون در حاصل این سيستم یعنی دانشجویان است‪.‬‬
‫هدف‪ :‬هدف از ارزیابی‪ ،‬ارتقای کيفيت آموزش میباشد‪ .‬ارزشيابی‬
‫آموزشی بهترین شاخصی است که ميزان رسيدن به هدفها را نشان میدهد‬
‫و به تحليل کيفيت فعاليتهای این سيستم میپردازد‪ .‬و از آن میتوان‬
‫به نتایج منطقی و متعارف دست یافت‪.‬‬
‫روش و ابزار‪ :‬در این مطالعه پانزده گروه آموزشی بالينی و‬
‫علوم پایه در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران با هدف انطباق آموزش با‬
‫نيازهای هامعه و ارتقای کيفيت با استفاده از نظرسنجی استادان و‬
‫دانشجویان در سال ‪ 1383‬انجام شده است‪ .‬این پژوهش یک مطالعه‬
‫توصيفی تحليلی میباشد که بر اساس ده گام و در هشت حوزه با عوامل‬
‫مورد ارزیابی مثل مدیریت و سازماندهی‪ ،‬هيات علمی‪ ،‬فراگيران‪،‬‬
‫نيروی انسانی و پشتيبانی‪ ،‬فضاهای آموزشی‪ ،‬پژوهشی‪ ،‬آزمایشگاهی و‬
‫تشخيصی‪ ،‬دورهها‪ ،‬برنامههای آموزشی‪ ،‬فرآیند تدریس و یادگيری و‬
‫رضایتمندی دانشآموختگان انجام شده است‪.‬‬
‫شتیجه گیری ‪ :‬ميانگين کل نتایج ارزشيابی آموزشی در ‪ 9‬گروه‬
‫آموزشی علوم پایه و ‪ 6‬گروه آموزشی بالينی در هشت حوزه بر اساس‬
‫الگوی ‪ SWOTs‬بترتيب ‪ %71/1‬علوم پایه و ‪ %70/9‬بالينی یعنی نسبتا‬
‫مطلوب تحليل شده است‪.‬‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هکتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – کرمان اسفن‬
‫ارزیادی دروشی در داشکه ب پیراپزشهی داشکعاب‬
‫ارائه دهن ب ‪ :‬دکتر شاهی‬
‫مقاله ‪44 :‬‬
‫ین ال ای‬
‫شویسن گان)‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور‪ ،‬دکتر ناهيد عين اللهی‪،‬رویا‬
‫شریفيان‪،‬دکتر حسين درگاهی ‪،‬دکتر رضا صفدری‪،‬مرهان قاضی سعيدی‬
‫خالصه مقاله‪:‬‬
‫زمینه و ه ا ‪ :‬ارزیابی درونی عبارت است از فرایند تعيين ‪،‬تهيه‬
‫وفراهم آوردن اطالعات توصيفی وقضاوتی درباره ارزش یا اهميت‬
‫هدفهای آموزشی برنامه ها ‪،‬عمليات و نتایج آن به منظور هدایت‬
‫تصميم گيری ‪،‬پاسخگویی ‪،‬واطالع رسانی ‪.‬‬
‫هدف ‪ :‬هدف نهایی ارزیابی درونی دراین گروههای آموزشی ‪ ،‬بهبود‬
‫کيفيت وارتقاء کيفيت آموزش و پژوهش می باشد‪.‬دراین مطالعه‬
‫گروههای آموزشی مدارک پزشکی وعلوم آزمایشگاهی دانشکده پيراپزشکی‬
‫در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران با هدف انطباق آموزش با نيازها ی‬
‫هامعه و ارتقاء کيفيت با استفاده از پرسشنامه نظرسنجی از‬
‫استادان ‪ ،‬دانشجویان و دانش آموختگان در سال ‪، 1383‬ارزشيابی‬
‫روش مطالعه ‪ :‬این پژوهش یک مطالعه مقطعی (‪cross sectional‬د و از نوع‬
‫سنجش توصيفی و تحليلی ()‪Survey descriptive & analytical‬د می باشد که‬
‫براساس ده گام ودر هشت حوزه با عوامل مورد ارزشيابی مثل مدیریت‬
‫و سازماندهی ‪،‬هيات علمی‪ ،‬فراگيران‪ ،‬نيروی انسانی و پشتيبانی‬
‫‪،‬فضاهای آموزشی ‪،‬پژوهشی ‪،‬بهداشتی ودرمانی ‪ ،‬تجهيزات آموزشی‬
‫‪،‬پژوهشی ‪،‬آزمایشگاهی وتشخيصی ‪،‬دوره ها‪،‬برنامه های آموزشی‬
‫‪،‬فرایند تدریس و یادگيری و رضایت مندی دانش آموختگان انجام شده‬
‫یافته ها‪ :‬ميانگين کل نتایج ارزیابی درونی در این گروهها در هشت‬
‫مدارک پزشکی ‪ %69.7‬و علوم‬
‫حوزه براساس الگوی ‪ SWOTS‬به ترتيب‬
‫آزمایشگاهی ‪ %69.2‬یعنی مطلوب تحليل شده است‪.‬‬
‫دحث و شتیجه گیری ‪:‬ارزیابی درونی بهترین شاخصی است که ميزان‬
‫رسيدن به هدفهای آموزشی را نشان می دهد و به تحليل فعاليتهای‬
‫آموزشی انجام شده در سيستم دانشگاهی می پردازد و ازآن می توان‬
‫به نتایج منطقی و متعارف دست یافت‪.‬‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هکتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – کرمان اسفن‬
‫مقاله ‪55 :‬‬
‫ارزیادی کیفیا درشامههای آموزشی در اساس شظرسنجی از داشش‪-‬‬
‫ارائه دهن ب ‪ :‬دکتر حسین ککاورز‬
‫شویسن گان)‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور‪ ،‬دکتر حسين کشاورز‪ ،‬دکتر سيدحسن‬
‫امامیرضوی‪ ،‬دکتر محمدرضا اشراقيان‪ ،‬سيدمرتضی حسينیشکوه‪،‬‬
‫یدا‪ ...‬فرهی‪ ،‬سکينه شریفيان و سمانه حيدری‬
‫خالصه مقاله‪:‬‬
‫زمینه و ه ا ‪ :‬ارزشيابی کيفيت آموزشی در دانشگاه به عنوان‬
‫بازخوردی ههت بهبود فعاليتهای آموزشی میباشد‪ .‬ارزشيابی آموزشی‬
‫عبارت است از قضاوت کردن راهع به عملکرد نظام آموزشی یا‬
‫شایستگیهای آن نظام‪ ،‬منظور از شایستگیهای آن نظام‪ ،‬بررسی کيفيت‬
‫برنامههای آموزشی در دانشگاه میباشد‪ .‬در فرآیند قضاوت ابتدا‬
‫دادههای الزم درباره پدیده مورد ارزیابی گردآوری میشود و سپس‬
‫وضعيت موهود با وضعيت مطلوب مقایسه میگردد‪.‬‬
‫هدف‪ :‬هدف کلی از این مطالعه ارتقاء کيفيت برنامههای آموزشی در‬
‫دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران است و اهداف اختصاصی‪ ،‬سنجش ميانگين‬
‫معدل کل دانشآموختگان‪ ،‬تعيين توزیع فراوانی نسبی و هنسی‪ ،‬سال‬
‫تولد‪ ،‬سال ورود به دانشگاه‪ ،‬وضعيت دانشآموختگان از نظر سهميه‪،‬‬
‫رضایت مندی آنان از برنامه های آموزشی‪ ،‬بررسی مشکالت آنها در‬
‫دوران تحصيل و‪. ...‬‬
‫روش مطالعه‪ :‬این مطالعه مقطعی و از نوع سنجشی توصيفی میباشد‪.‬‬
‫پرسشنامه نظرسنجی ابزار گردآوردی اطالعات بوده است‪.‬‬
‫یافتهها‪ %28/6 :‬دانشجویان مؤنث و ‪ %69/9‬مذکر و ‪ %1/5‬بدون هواب‪.‬‬
‫ميانگين معدل کل دوره ‪ ،16/27‬انحراف معيار ‪ 1/33‬و دامنه تغييرات‬
‫‪ 12-19/5‬میباشد‪ %54 .‬دانشآموختگان از دانشگاه خود رضایت کامل‬
‫دارند و ‪ %41/3‬تا حدودی رضایت داردند و بقيه آنان (‪%4/5‬د از‬
‫دانشگاه خود راضی نيستند‪ %74/4 .‬از دانشآموختگان دانشگاه علوم‬
‫پزشکی تهران را برای ادامه تحصيل خود معرفی کردهاند‪.‬‬
‫دحث و شتیجه گیری ‪ :‬ارزشيابی آموزشی بهترین شاخص سنجش عملکرد‬
‫نظام آموزشی میباشد‪.‬‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هکتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – کرمان اسفن‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هکتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – کرمان اسفن‬
‫ارزشیادی آموزشی در پاشزدب گروب آموزشی‬
‫و پزشهی تاران‬
‫در داشکعاب‬
‫مقاله ‪47 :‬‬
‫دالینی و پایه‬
‫ارائه دهن ب ‪ :‬دکتر فرشته فرزیانپور‬
‫شویسن گان)‪:‬‬
‫دکتر فرشته فرزیان پور‪ ،‬دکتر محمدعلی صدیقیگيالنی‪ ،‬دکتر‬
‫محمدرضا اشراقيان‪ ،‬دکتر علیاکبر زینالو‪ ،‬حميد خانجانی‪،‬‬
‫مژگان صفری‬
‫خالصه مقاله‪:‬‬
‫زمینه و ه ا ‪ :‬دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران یکی از مهمترین‬
‫نهادهای آموزشی‪ ،‬پژوهشی‪ ،‬بهداشتی درمانی هامعه برای برطرف نمودن‬
‫مشکالت و پرورش نيروهای متخصص و کارآمد محسوب میگردد‪ .‬انتظار می‪-‬‬
‫رود این نهاد آموزشی با پرورش تواناییهای بالقوه فراگيران در‬
‫ههت توسعه علم و رفع معضالت اهتماعی ارائه طریق نمایند‪ .‬برآورد‬
‫انتظارات هامعه مستلزم مشخص نمودن هدف و برنامهریزی مناسب ههت‬
‫تحقق این اهداف است‪.‬‬
‫هدف‪ :‬هدف اصلی ارزشيابی آموزشی‪ ،‬تعيين قدر و ارزش پدیده مورد‬
‫ارزشيابی است تا اینکه به افراد عالقهمند و مسئول کمک کند تا‬
‫درباره آن پدیده تصميمهای درستی اتخاذ نمایند‪ .‬مطالعه پانزده‬
‫گروه آموزشی بالينی و علوم پایه در دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران با‬
‫هدف انطباق آموزش با نيازهای هامعه و ارتقاء کيفيت با استفاده‬
‫از پرسشنامه از استادان و دانشجویان در سال ‪ 1383‬نظرسنجی شدند‪.‬‬
‫روش مطالعه‪ :‬این پژوهش یک مطالعه مقطعی)‪ (Cross sectional‬و از نوع‬
‫سنجش توصيفی )‪ (Survey descriptive‬میباشد که بر اساس ده گام و در هشت‬
‫حوزه با عوامل مورد ارزشيابی مثل مدیریت و سازماندهی‪ ،‬هيات‬
‫علمی‪ ،‬فراگيران‪ ،‬نيروی انسانی و پشتيبانی‪ ،‬فضاهای آموزشی‪،‬‬
‫پژوهشی‪ ،‬آزمایشگاهی و تشخيصی‪ ،‬دورهها‪ ،‬برنامههای آموزشی‪ ،‬فرآیند‬
‫تدریس و یادگيری و رضایتمندی دانشآموختگان انجام شده است‪.‬‬
‫یافتهها‪ :‬ميانگين کل نتایج ارزشيابی آموزشی در ‪ 9‬گروه آموزشی‬
‫علوم پایه و ‪ 6‬گروه آموزشی بالينی در هشت حوزه بر اساس الگوی‬
‫ً مطلوب‬
‫‪ SWOTs‬بترتيب ‪ %71/1‬علوم پایه و ‪ %70/9‬بالينی یعنی نسبتا‬
‫تحليل شده است‪.‬‬
‫دحث و شتیجه گیری ‪ :‬ارزشيابی آموزشی بخش تفکيک ناپذیر و اساسی‬
‫از وظایف هر سازمان است‪ ،‬به ویژه سازمانی همچون وزارت بهداشت‪،‬‬
‫درمان و آموزش پزشکی که هماهنگکننده‪ ،‬برنامهریز و مجری آموزش‬
‫پزشکی و پيراپزشکی و طيف گستردهای از خدمات بهداشتی درمانی در‬
‫کشور اس ت‪ .‬ارزشيابی آموزشی فرآیندی است که با گردآوری دادهها و‬
‫قضاوت برای پيشرفت فعاليتهای آموزشی سر و کار دارد‪ .‬توهه به‬
‫برخی از اصول مربوط به اندازهگيری آموزشی و گردآوری دادهها باعث‬
‫میشود که بتوان فرآیند یاد شده را بهتر درک کرد‪.‬‬
‫خالصه مقاالت هکتمین همایش ککوری آموزش پزشهی – کرمان اسفن‬
Trondheim, Norway
25-29 August 2007Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)rk
HousAs Scotland, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1382
3P/P2 Appraisal of training and internship courses
in the hospital on the basis viewpoints of students of
Tehran University
F Farzianpour*, M B Larijani, H Keshavarz, A H Emami, M R Eshraghian, Z Parsa
Yekta (School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Shahrake Spadana Faz 4 Boloke 36 Vorodie 3 Tabaghea 1 Sharghi Mr. Hosseini, 13918,
Background: Every educational system, whether of micro or macro requires: (a) An
educational research and appraisal to be performed on its educational courses; (b) To apply an
education development plan, and (c) To impose an educational management system.The
purpose of educational management is optimal use of all resources for completion of
educational system goals. In other words, educational management is a process for satisfying
the trainees and instructors that what is expected to be done by them satisfactorily would result
in an improvement in the quality of the educational system.
Work done: The center of this research, was based on appraisal of education development of
Tehran University of Medical Sciences with the goals of adaptation of education with
community needs and promotion of quality by implementing a questionnaire and polling from
university students at training and internship phase in 2004 and 2005. The research is a cross
sectional study of descriptive and analytical types. 185 students of Training and ternship
phases completed a questionnaire.
Results: The average of complete appraisal on programs of the said phases include theoretical
classes in relation to applied education 3.32%, intelligent profi ciencies 2.98%, communication
profi ciencies 3.38% and practical skills 3.9%.
Conclusion: Implementation of the results of appraisal in educational planning and educational
activities indicate that the educational planners have tried to meet schedules and also take
advantage of potential resources for achievement of the goals and educational quality.