!Meteorite Impact References-by Location-Craters-Part 2 !Canada-Ontario-Holleford *lat: 44 deg. 28 min. N, long: 76 deg. 38 min. W *diameter: 2 km *age: 550 +/- 10 mya *Beals, C.S., Ferguson, G.M., and Landau, A., 1955, The Holleford crater in Ontario: Sky and Telescope, v.15, n.7, p.296. *Beals, C.S., 1957, A probable meteorite crater of great age: Sky and Telescope, v.16, n.11, p. 526-528. *Beals, C.S., Innes, M.J.S., and Rottenberg, J.A., 1960, The search for fossil meteorite craters-II: Current Science, n.6, P. 250-261. *Bunch, T.E., and Cohen, A.J., 1962, Precambrian coesite (abstr.): Jour. Geophys. Res., v.67, n.4, p. 1630-1631. *Bunch, T.E., and Cohen, A.J., 1963, Coesite and shocked quartz from Holleford crater, Ontario, Canada: Science, v.142, p. 379-381. *Dawson, K.R., 1961, The origin of the Holleford Crater breccia: Can. Miner., v.6, p. 634-. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Dietz, R.S., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures- a discussion: Am. Jour. Sci., v.261, p. 650-664. *Innes, M.J.S., 1964, Recent advances in meteorite crater research at the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Canada: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 219-241. *Mc Call, G.J.H., 1964, Are cryptovolcanic structures due to meteoritic impact?: Nature, v.201, n.4916, p. 251-254. *Millman, P.M., 1971, The space scars of Earth: Nature, v.232, p. 161-164. *Sky and Telescope, 1963, Two more ancient Canadian meteorite craters: Sky and Telescope, v.26, n.4, p. 198-199. !Canada-Ontario-Hudson Bay *lat: 57 deg. 40 min. N, long: 80 deg. 2 min. W *diameter: 375 km *age: 600 mya to 1000 mya *Beals, C.S., Innes, M.J.S., and Rottenberg, J.A., 1960, The search for fossilk meteorite craters-II: Current Science, n.6, p. 250-261. *Kranck, E.H., 1950, Geology of the east coast of Hudson Bay: Acta Geophysica, v.11, n.1, p.1. !Canada-Ontario-Skeleton Lake *lat: 45 deg. 15 min. N, long: 79 deg. 26 min. W *diameter: 3.6 km *age: 450 +/- 50 mya !Canada-Ontario-Slate Islands *lat: 48 deg. 40 min. N, long: 87 deg. 0 min. W *dameter: 30 km *age: 350 mya *Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B., 1979, The terrestrial cratering record: Icarus, v.38, p. 212-229. *Halls, H.C., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1976, The Slate Islands- A probable complex meteorite impact structure in Lake Superior: Canad. Our. Earth Sci., v.13, p. 1301-1309. *Sage, R.P., 1978, Diatremes and shock features in Precambrian rocks at the Slate Islands, northeastern Lake Superior: GSA Bull., v.89, p.1529-1540. !Canada-Ontario-Sudbury *lat: 46 deg. 36 min. N, long: 81 deg. 11 min. W *diameter: 140 km *age: 1840 +/- 150 mya *Beales, F.W., and Lozej, G.P., 1975, Sudbury basin sediments and the meteorite impact theory: Canadian Jour. Earth Sci., v.12, p. 629-635. *Carter, N.L., 1968, Meteorite impact and deformation of quartz: Science, v. 160, p. 526528. *Coleman, A.P., The Sudbury nickel field: Ontario Bur., Ann. Rept. 14, pt.3. *Cooke, H., 1948, Regional structure of the Lake Huron-Sudbury area- Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy Symp., p. 580-596. *Davidson, S., 1948, Falconbridge Mine- Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy Symp., p. 619-626. *Dence, M.R., 1972, Meteorite impact craters and the Sudbury basin: in- J.V. Guy-Brat, ed., New Developments in Sudbury Geology: Geol. Assoc. Canada Spec. Paper, v.10, p. 7-18. *Dietz, R.S., 1963, Cryptoexplosion structures- a discussion: Am. 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Special Paper 10, p.4 9-60. *Phemister, T., 1956, The Copper Cliff rhyolite in Mc Kim Township district of Sudbury: Ontario Dept. Mines, 65th Ann. Report., p.91-116. *Ronca, L.B., 1966, Meteoritic impact and volcanism: Icarus, v.5, p. 515-520. *Rondat, J., 1971, Impactite of the Charlevoix structure, Quebec, Canada: Jour. of Geophys. Res., v.76, n.23, p.5414-5423. *Scott, R.G., Spray, J.G., and Makela, E.F., 1996, The Frood breccia belt of Sudbury impact structure- the largest known pseudotachylite body (abstr.): Gsa Abstracts with Programs, v.28, n.7, p. A383. *Speers, E., 1957, The age relation and origin of common Sudbury breccia: Jour. Geology, v.65, p. 497-514. *Stevenson, J., 1960, Origin of quartzite at the base of the Whitewater series, Sudbury Basin, Ontario,: Internat. Geol. Cong., 21st, Norden, pt.26, p. 32-41. *Stevenson, J.S., 1963, The upper contact phase of the Sudbury micropegmatite: Canadian Mineralogist, v.7, n.3, p.413-419. *Thomson, J., 1956, Geology of the Sudbury Basin: Ontario Dept. Mines, v.65, p. 1-56. *Wichman, T.W., and Schultz, P.H., 1993, Floor-fractured crater models of the Sudbury structure, Canada-implications for initial crater size and crater modification: Meteoritics, v.28, p. 222-231. *Williams, H., 1956, Glowing avalanche deposits of the Sudbury Basin,: Ontario Dept. Mines, v.65, p. 57-89. *Yates, A., 1948, Properties of International Nickel Company of Canada-Structural geology of Canadian ore deposits: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, Symp., p. 601-606. *Zurbrigg, H., et al, 1957, The Frood-Stobie Mine and structural geology of Canadian ore deposits: Canadian Inst. Mining Metallurgy, v.2, p.343. !Canada-Ontario-Wanapitei Lake *lat: 46 deg. 44 min. N, long: 80 deg. 44 min. W *diameter: 8.5 km *age: 37 +/- 2 mya *Dence, M.R., and Popelar, J., 1972, Evidence for an impact origin for Lake Wanapitei, Ontario: in- New Developments in Sudbury Geology, J.V. Guy-Brasy, ed., Geol. Soc. Canada Spec. Paper Number 10, p. 117-124. *Dietz, R.S., and Mc Hone, J., 1974, Impact structures from ERTS imagery: Meteoritics, v.9, n.4, p. 329-333. *Quirke, T.T., 1962, Wanapiteiu Lake map area: Geol. Survey Can. Sum. Rep. 1921, Part D, p. 34-50. *Winzer, S.R., Lum, R.K.L., and Schumann, 1976, Rb, Sr, and strontium isotopic composition, K/Ar age and large ion lithophile trace element abundances in rocks and glasses from Wanapitei Lake impact structure: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.40, p. 51-58. *Wolf, R., Woodrow, A.B., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1980, Meteoritic material at four Canadian impact craters: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.44, p. 1015-1022. !Canada-Quebec-Charlevoix *lat: 47 deg. 32 min. N, long: 70 deg. 18 min. W *diameter: 46 km *age: 360 +/- 25 mya *Currie, K.L., 1970, New Canadian cryptoexplosion crater at Lake St. Martin, Manitoba: Nature, v.226, p.839-841. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Mc Dougal, D.J., 1970, Natural thermoluminescence of calcareous rocks from the Charlevoix (Mabaie) structure: Meteoritics, v.5, n.2, p. 75-83. *Robertson, P.B., 1968, La Malbaie structure, Quebec, a Paleozoic meteorite impact site,: Meteoritics, v.4, p. 89-112. *Robertson, P.B., 1975, Zones of shock metamorphism at the Charlevoix impact structure, Quebec: GSA Bull., v.86, p. 1630-1638. *Rondot, J., 1968, Nouvel impact meteoritique fossile? La structure semi-circulaire de Charlevoix: Can. 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W *diameter: 3.2 km *age: 5 mya *Currie, K.L., 1964, On the origin of some "Recent" craters on the Canadian Shield: Meteoritics, v.2, n.2, p. 93-110. *Currie, K.L., 1966, Geology of the New Quebec crater: Geol. Survey Canada Bull. 150. *Currie, K.L., and Dence, M.R., 1963, Rock deformation in the rim of the New Quebec Crater, Canada: Nature, v.198, p. 80-. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Harrison, J.M., 1954, Ungava (Chubb) Crater and glaciation: Jour. Roy. Astron. Soc. Canada, v.48, p. 16-. *Innes, M.J.S., 1964, Recent advances in meteorite crater research at the Dominion Observatory, Ottawa, Canada: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 219-241. *Meen, V.B., 1951, Chubb Crater, Ungava, Quebec: Jour. Astron. Soc. Can., v.44, p.199. *Meen, V.B., 1957, Chubb Crater (Ungava)-a meteor crater: Jour. Royal Astron. Soc. Can., v.51, p.137 *Millman, P.M., 1956, A profile study of the New Quebec Crater: Pub. of the Dominion Observatory, v.18, n.4. *Millman, P.M., 1971, The space scars of Earth: Nature, v.232, p. 161-164. *Shoemaker, E.M., 1962, Geological reconnaissance of the New Quebec Crater: Astrogeologic Studies Semiannual progress report, Feb. 1961 to Aug. 1961. *Smith, E.I., 1971, Determination of origin of small lunar and terrestrial craters by depth diameter ratio: Jour. of Geophys. Res., v.76, n.23, p. 5683-5689. !Canada-Quebec-Clearwater Lake, East *lat: 56 deg. 5 min. N, 74 deg. 7 min. W *diameter: 22 km *age: 290 +/- 20 mya *Beals, C.S., Innes, M.J.S., and Rottenberg, 1960, The search for fossil meteorite cratersII: Current Science, n.6, p. 250-261. *Bostock, H.H., 1969, The Clearwater Complex, New Quebec: Bull. Geol. Survey Canada, v. 178. *Carter, N.L., 1965, Basal quartz deformation lamellae-a criterion for recognition of impactites: Am. Jour. Sci., v.263, P. 786-806. *Currie, K.L., 1964, On the origin of some "Recent" craters on the Canadian shield: Meteoritics, v.2, n.2, p. 93-110. *Currie, K.L., and Shafiqullah, M., 1968, Geochemistry of some large Canadian craters: Nature, v.218, p.457-459. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, no.3, p. 249-270. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Dence, M.R., Innes, M.J.S., and Beals, 1965, On the probable meteorite origin of the Clearwater Lakes, Quebec: Jour. Royal Astron. Soc. Can., v.59, p. 13-22. *Dietz, R.S., and Mc Hone, J., 1974, Impact structures from ERTS imagery: Meteoritics, v.9, n.4, p. 329-333. *Fleischer, R.L., Viertl, J.R.M., and Price, P.B., 1969, Age of Manicouagan and Clearwater Lakes craters: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.33, p. 523-527. *Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, Meteorite component and impact melt composition at the Lac a l'Eau Claire (Clearwater) impact structures, Quebec: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.42, p. 429-431. *Grieve, R.A.F., and Robertson, P.B., 1979, The terrestrial cratering record: Icarus, v.38, p. 212-229. *Grieve, R.A.F., Palme, H., and Plant, A.G., 1980, Siderophile-rich particles in the melt rocks at East Clearwater impact structure, Quebec-their characteristics and relationship to the impacting body: Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 75, p. 178-189. *Janssens, M.J., Hertogen, J., and Takahashi, H., 1977, Meteoritic material at 4 large impact craters (abstr.): EOS (Trans. AGU), v. 58, n.6, p. 424-425. *Kranck, E.H., 1951, On the geology of the east coast of Hudson Bay and James Bay: Acta Geophysics, v.11, n.2, p. 1-71. *Kranck, S.H., 1963, Clearwater Lake, New Quebec: Geol. Survey of Canada, Bull. 100. *Mc Intyre, D.B., 1962, Impact metamorphism at Clearwater Lake, Quebec (abstr.): Jour. Geophys. Res., v. 67, n.4, p. 1647. *Palme, H. , and Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, The chemical composition of the impact melt at the Clearwater East impact structure, Quebec, Canada: Meteoritics, v. 13, n.4, p. 595596. *Palme, H., Janssens, M.J., Takahashi, H., Anders, E., and Hertogen, J., 1978, Meteoritic material at five large impact structures: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.42, p. 313-323. *Palme, H., Gobel. E., and Grieve, R.A.F., 1979, The distribution of volatile and siderophile elements in the impact melt of East Clearwater (Quebec): Proc. 10th Lunar Planet. Science Conf., p. 2465-2492. *Reimold, W.U., Grioeve, R.A.F., and Palme, H., 1981, Rb-Sr dating of impact melt from East Clearwater, Quebec: Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., v.76, p. 73-76. *Ronca, L.B., 1966, Meteoritic impact and volcanism: Icarus, v.5, p. 515-520. *Sky and Telescope, 1963, Two more ancient Canadian meteorite craters: Sky and Telescope, v. 26, n.4, p. 198-199. !Canada-Quebec-Clearwater Lake, West *lat: 56 deg. 13 min. N, long: 74 deg. 30 min. W *diameter: 32 km *age: 290 +/- mya *Carter, N.L., 1968, Meteorite impact and deformation of quartz: Science, v.160, p. 526528. *Currie, K.L., 1964, On the origin of some "Recent" craters on the Canadian Shield: Meteoritics, v.2, n.2, p. 93-110. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Dence, M.R., 1964, A comparative structural and petrographic study of probable Canadian meteorite craters: Meteoritics, v.2, n.3, p. 249-270. *Dence, M.R., Innes, M.J.S., and Beals, 1965, On the probable meteorite origin of the Clearwater Lakes, Quebec: Jour. Royal Astron. Soc. Can., v.59, p. 13-22. *Dence, M.R., von Englehardt, W., Walter, L.S., and Plant, A.G., 1970, Spheroids in impact glass from West Clearwater Lake Crater, Quebec (abstr.): EOS (Trans. AGU), v.51, n.4, p. 342. *Dence, M.R., von Englehardt, W., Plant, A.G., and Walter, L.S., 1974, Indications of fluid immiscibility in glass from West Clearwater Lake impact crater, Quebec, Canada: Cont. Mineral. Petrol., v.46, p. 81-97. *Grieve, R.A.F., 1978, Meteorite component and impact melt composition at the Lac a l'Eau Claire (Clearwater) impact structures, Quebec: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.42, p. 429-431. *Howard, K.A., and Wilshire, H.G., 1975, Flows of impact melt at lunar craters: Jour. Research USGS, v.3, n.2, p. 237-251. *Palme, H., Janssens, M.J., Takahashi, H., Anders, E., and Hertogen, J., 1978, Meteoritic material at five large impact structures: Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v.42, p. 313-323. *Phinney, W.C., Simonds, C.H., Cochran, A., and Mc Gee, P.E., 1978, West Clearwater Lake, Quebec impact structure, part II-petrology: in- Proceedings, Lunar and Planetsary Science Conf., 9th, v.2, New York, Pergamon, p. 2659-2694. *Simonds, C.H., Warner, J.L., and Phinney, W.C., 1977, Effect of watering on cratering (abstr.): EOS (Trans. AGU), v.58, n.6, p. 425.