Comparison Essay Format There are four paragraphs in a Comparison Essay o Thesis o Two body paragraphs o Conclusion A Comparison Essay prompt always expects you to write about similarities AND differences and normally includes: o Two societies to compare o Dates or a time period o Two topics to focus on (like PERSIAN categories) o Example of a prompt: Compare the political systems and religious beliefs of ancient Mesopotamia and China during the Foundations Period. Thesis The thesis is only one sentence long Needs to include: o The two societies being compared in the prompt o The two topics to compare for each society (PERSIAN) o The dates from the prompt o One main similarity that you think of o One main difference that you think of (must include how EACH society differs) o Example: During the Foundations Period, Mesopotamia and China were similar politically in that they both had autocracies, but they differed religiously in that Mesopotamia was polytheistic while China believed mostly in Confucianism and Daoism. Body Paragraph #1 The first body paragraph should focus on just one main similarity (one of the PERSIAN categories). This similarity should be the same as in the thesis. Should be a full paragraph in length Needs to include: o A topic sentence that restates the similarity from the thesis (we will call this a Direct Comparison) Example: During the Foundations Period, China and Mesopotamia both used an autocracy for their governments. o Several sentences that provide specific details to support the similarity for both societies Examples: King Hammurabi, Chinese dynasties, Chinese emperors, etc. o An explanation of why the two societies share that similarity (we will call this a Because Statement) Example: China and Mesopotamia both used an autocracy because it was the most common type of government at the time and democracy had not yet been used in history. Body Paragraph #2 The second body paragraph should focus on just one main difference (focusing on the other PERSIAN category). This should be the same as in the thesis. Should be a full paragraph in length Needs to include: o A topic sentence that restates the difference from the thesis (we will call this a Direct Comparison) Example: During the Foundations Period, Mesopotamia differed from China in that they practiced polytheism while the Chinese preferred Confucianism and Daoism. o Several sentences that provide specific details to support the difference for both societies Examples: Mesopotamian gods were feared, blamed for the floods, Chinese philosophers developed Confucianism and Daoism as a reaction to events in China o An explanation of why the two societies share that difference (we will call this a Because Statement) Example: Mesopotamia and China may have differed in their religions because China was more isolated geographically, leading to unique religions, while Mesopotamia interacted often with other polytheistic societies. Conclusion Restate the main similarity and difference used in your essay, essentially restating your thesis in different words Practice: Compare the political and religious systems of Mesopotamia and Egypt during the Foundations Periods.