Women in Mythology Essay You will prove how the Mycenaean, patriarchal society dominated the Minoan, matriarchal society though the dissemination and sustained teaching of particularly themed myths. To do this, you will focus on myths that portray women as inferior to men. Consider how the myths show women: Cannot be trusted Have a beauty/nature that is deceiving are jealous, vain, or obsessive are overly curious Bring pain/suffering to mankind. are vengeful are easily tricked or stupid Pick two of the above "bullets" as your DIs. Each DI will be explored in its own DP, developing paragraph, that will have three developmental details –at least one of which will be in the form of a DQ. In the whole essay, you may reference a total of as many myths as you want, but each developing paragraph should reference at least two different myths. This essay will be structured around: An introductory paragraph where the complete identification, the main idea, and the developing ideas are clear. Include a closing sentence. A developing paragraph where the focus will be on one of the "bullets" above. You will offer a total of three developmental details, at least one of which will be in the form of a DQ. This paragraph will references at least two different myths. A developing paragraph where the focus will be on a DIFFERENT "bullet" from above. You will offer a total of three developmental details, at least one of which will be in the form of a DQ. This paragraph will references at least two different myths. A concluding paragraph that summarizes the points you made. You will also reach for significance here. Some thoughts to consider: why were the Mycenaens so afraid of women? Why did the Minoans tolerate this degradation? Are women portrayed as inferior to men today? If so, how is this idea disseminated? Why do women tolerate it today? Blacklisted words rule applies as does the two vocab word minimum. Women in Mythology Rubric Teacher Name: Ms. Fennelly Student Name: CATEGORY Structure (Organization Rubric Attached?________ Turnirin.com?__________ __________________________ 4 3 The opening is interesting The opening clearly states and articulate. It previews the main topic, CI and DIs, the structure of the paper but is not particularly with a clear main idea (MI), inviting to the reader. complete identification (CI) ) and clear developing ideas (DIs). Evidence Analysis Diction Capitalization & Punctuation 2 The opening states the main topic, but does not adequately preview the structure of the paper nor is it particularly inviting to the reader. 1 There is no clear introduction of the main topic or structure of the paper. Relevant, telling, quality examples give the reader important information that goes beyond the obvious or predictable. Supporting details and information are relevant, but not all examples support the developing idea. Some relevant examples present, but several examples seem unconnected to the developing idea. Supporting details and information are typically unclear or not related to the topic. Each example is analyzed in a clear, articulate way. The author thoughtfully connects examples to the thesis statement, showing a mastery of material and critical thinking. No pitfalls present. Each example is analyzed in a clear way. The author connects examples to the thesis statement, showing a mastery of material and some critical thinking. A pitfall may be present. Each example is analyzed. The author does not always connect examples to the thesis statement, showing an uncertainty of some of the text. Minimal critical thinking. Some pitfalls present. Each example is not analyzed. The author does not connect examples to the thesis statement, showing little knowledge of text. Analysis resorts to generalizations or repetition of evidence. Writer uses vivid words Writer uses vivid words and phrases that linger or and phrases that linger or draw pictures in the draw pictures in the reader's mind, and the reader's mind, but choice and placement of occasionally the words are the words seems accurate, used inaccurately or seem natural and not forced. overdone. There may be There are 0-3 BL words on a page that exceeds 3 BL every page. At least 2 words. Two 2 vocab words vocab words highlighted highlighted. One may not and used correctly. be used correctly. Writer makes no errors in Writer makes 1 or 2 errors capitalization or in capitalization or punctuation, so the paper punctuation, but the paper is exceptionally easy to is still easy to read. read. Writer uses words that communicate clearly, but the writing lacks variety, punch or flair. More than one page exceeds 3 BL words. Two 2 vocab words used but they might not be highlighted or used correctly. The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader with a feeling that they understand what the writer is "getting at." Articulate and mature RFS. The conclusion is There is no clear recognizable, but does not conclusion, no RFS, the tie up several loose ends. paper just ends. RFS weak or obvious. Writer uses a limited vocabulary that does not communicate strongly or captures the reader's interest. Jargon or clichés may be present and detract from the meaning. Blacklisted words used throughout essay. Did not highlight and use two 2 vocab words. Writer makes a few errors Writer makes several in capitalization and/or errors in capitalization punctuation that catch the and/or punctuation that reader's attention and catch the reader's interrupt the flow. attention and greatly interrupt the flow. (Conventions) Conclusion (Reach for Significance) Strengths: Weaknesses: The conclusion is recognizable and ties up almost all the loose ends. RFS is clearly understood. Grade: