Statement of Purpose for UCF V2


Statement of Purpose for UCF V2

As a student of Automation from Tsinghua University with eagerness to dedicate myself to advanced research in

Computer Science, I want to pursue a PhD in Computer Science program at University of Central Florida as my first step of a successful research career. My future research would be mainly about Wireless Networks, especially delivery of Multimedia Data over Wireless Networks. I also have interests in Image Processing and

Computer Vision. I am confident that I am a very good fit for research under these topics.

Excellent Academic Record

With the 1st prize of National Olympics in Informatics and top-10 ranking of my province in the National College

Entrance Examination, I entered Department of Automation in Tsinghua University, where I built a strong academic background for advanced research. My scores in Computer Science related courses are generally above 90. I am also proud of my mathematic ability. I ranked top 10 in advanced mathematical courses such as

Probability and Statistics, Operations Research and Numerical Analysis. And my great mathematical skill has contributed to my great performance in other major courses, especially courses emphasizing much on modeling such as Automatic Control Theory and Signals Processing. In 2009, I was awarded a scholarship for academic excellence from Tsinghua University.

Outstanding Technical Skills

In Tsinghua, my friends all call me “Tech Guy” because of my outstanding technical skills. I really enjoy programming. I would write programs to solve the problem rather than calculating like other students, which is far beyond the teacher’s requirement. I ranked 1st with a full score in my Computer Programming course and I was awarded first prize (1/200) in C Programming Competitions in Automation. My coding works in several courses were presented as code samples. Besides, I taught myself more advanced algorithms such as Simulated

Annealing and Genetic Algorithms. What’s more, I am a fast learner so that during my undergraduate years I have also gained many other abilities such as electronic circuits and PCB design. I was even awarded the Best

Hardware Design Prize in the Electronic Design Competition in Tsinghua.

Wide Range of Research Experience

In order to prepare for my research career, I actively participated in research in various fields of Computer

Science, 在这里,我觉得你把 topic 列出来 ~. Knowledge and experiences I gained from previous projects are very valuable for my future research in wireless networks.

In my project “FreeLight”, I led design an Intelligent Wireless Lighting Control System in which lighting device nodes can be controlled on PC or via remote interface on Internet connected to the PC. 老师看了这个题目,知

道你做的是哪个领域的科研不?可能不知道吧 ~~~ 把你这个属于什么领域说清楚吧 ~

Scalability and Reliability are the two most important things I concerned about in designing the system. I chose a star network topology so that new node can be added into the system easily. However, it relied tremendously on the central hub thus reduced the reliability. I designed the nodes to store lighting schedule in their local memories and perform the schedule independently so that all nodes can work stably even if the central hub goes down. I also considered effect of signal interference. All package sent by nodes starts with a header identifying the “FreeLight” network they belong to so as to avoid interference from other “FreeLight” networks.

I also designed redundant control code in case that package may be corrupted. This project also encouraged me to learn more about research of wireless networks. In 2009, I attended MobiCom in Beijing and learned a lot about recent research about mesh networks, spectrum agile and cross-layer routing techniques, etc.

这个科研,我觉得你写的过于细节了 ~~~ 因为我觉得一个老师可能不会关心你如何从头到尾把系统搭起来了,因

为你这个系统应该也不难搭,而且搭这个系统是和 network 相关的?那这个和 network 的啥问题是相关的呢?

给你一个 Sample ,也是自己做的一些项目,你看他是如何把这些东西写得很专业的 ~ ,你要找到就是这种感觉

Earing a spot in the final competition for National Intelligent Car Competition by defeating more than 50 teams from universities all across the country had provided me with solid foundation for algorithm realization and hardware design.

The intelligent navigation car was based on feature extraction of guideline, using CCD camera.

In order to solve the problem of feature extraction of the guideline under different light conditions, I employed self-adaptive gray threshold to binarize the gray level into black and white to improve the accuracy. However, our work is based on the simple black and white image, while contemporary methods in is based on complex scenes in daily life, and light condition is one of the principal concerns.

这是参加一个智能车比赛,一个比赛肯定涉及到方方面面,是不是都要写呢,不是啊,这个人要申 Computer

Vision ,所以肯定只能写 CV 相关的部分,而且会说的很清楚,是和 CV 的哪个 topic 相关, feature extraction ,

这样,老师就很明白啊,你做的是啥 ~

I also mastered the ability to deal with large-scale data when I worked in the Intelligent Transport Systems Lab as the only undergraduate students in the group. Our project was on the Soft Measurement of Urban Traffic

Networks. In my part of job, I need to extract traffic patterns from large and incomplete traffic flow data at road intersections. In wireless communication, especially large-scale networks, mining information from network data traffic can be used to manage network resources effectively.

亲爱的陈志立 DD, 这段吧,你想法是很聪明的 ~~ 但是捏,你没有表现的很突出,你做过和做的好是有很大的区

别的吧 ~ 而且,貌似你这段科研做的还不错嘛,能不能把你做的不错的地方说说,比如你的想法很新,比如你的

结果很好啊 ~~ 然后你能不能多说点 mining information 可能在 wireless communication 更多的应用吗?能够解

决哪些问题,例如 xxxx ,例如 xxxxx

Besides, I learned to design high-performance algorithms for multimedia data during my work in the Computer

Vision Lab. I mainly worked on Content-based Synchronization of Multi-view Video Sequences. I designed a

RANSAC-based algorithm to match corresponding trajectories in two views in order to estimate the spatial transformation and temporal difference between the two video sequences. 你这个算法的设计思路是啥啊?我

只看到了目的,但是不是很清楚你具体是咋设计的 ~~

The speed of multimedia transmission on mobile devices is limited because of low throughput of wireless network. High-performance data compression is one way to improve the situation. High-performance algorithms are also necessary for problems like routing and distributed computing in networks.

每段都能看到你有延展的意识 ~ 但是呢,你都谈到很浅, High-performance algorithms ,肯定是好的嘛 ~~~ 但是

呢,针对不同的情景,去 design high performance algorithm 肯定是有难度的,所以你能不能谈谈对于一些算法

的改进 ~~ 针对 routing and distributed computing in networks~~~

My Research Interest and Future Plans

Of the many fields in Computer Science, Wireless Network is constantly arousing my curiosity. My interest especially lies in multimedia communication over wireless networks, especially wireless mesh networks. The throughput of wireless networks is quite limited compared to wired networks. And techniques widely applied in wired networks such as Peer-to-Peer and Content-Distribution-Network cannot work equally efficiently due to factors like hardware limitation of mobile devices. Besides, data recovery of multimedia transmission is another topic I would like to work on. Unstable signal is one big problem for wireless communication. Though multimedia transmission is often loss-tolerant, yet we can still explore ways to improve the quality of transmission.

我看到了一些问题,但是没看到你想怎么做 ~~~~

In addition, I am also interested in image processing, computer graphics and computer vision, especially their applications in video surveillance and biomedical imaging.

If I can be admitted into your PhD program in Computer Science, I will work industriously with perseverance towards my degree. My solid academic and research background in my undergraduate will greatly facilitate my research. As a student major in Automation, I would like to introduce ideas in Control Theory into my future research. After graduation, I want to continue my research in Computer Science in university or research institutes of industry. I will perhaps return to China to do research work at a prestigious university or world-class company.

Why Computer Science at UCF

The department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science has top faculties and cut-edging research in my fields of interest. And graduates from UCF have a good reputation in market of Orlando as well as the whole U.S.

I consider your program my best choice. I am especially interested in Professor Kien A. Hua’s research of wireless networks and video computing. I am committed and determined to succeed at your Ph.D. program, and

I am also confident to be able to

contribute to University of Central Florida in my area.
