The Test

What, There's a Test in the Testing Center?
Test One 2011
 Week One
What is Public Administration and Why Should I Care?
-- What's the big deal about working for the government?
 Lecture: Defining PA – What it IS, What it Isn't
 Lecture: Woodrow Wilson, the Father of American Public Administration
 Readings
 Definitions lists on pages 2-3
 Three Orthogonal Lists by Graham Allison (handout)
 Reading on Public Administration by Woodrow Wilson in Stillman
 Working for the Government is Cool by Garth Cook (handout)
 Week Two
The Study of Public Administration—
 Lecture: Max Weber and the Beauty of Bureaucracy
 Readings
 Reading on Bureaucracy by Max Weber in Stillman
 Case - Yellowstone Bears from Backpacker Magazine (handout)
 Week Three
September 11 and Public Administration
 Case – Catastrophe and Public Service by Cohen (handout)
 Case - American Ground: Unbuilding the World Trade Center in Stillman
 Week Four
Progressives, Politics and Pragmatism—
 Lecture: Progressivism and Pragmatism, Two Philosophies that Shape American Public Administration
 Readings
Article on Pragmatism by Patricia Shields (handout)
 One pager on pragmatism by Lisa Zanetti (handout)
 Case - Who Brought Bernadine Healy Down? in Stillman
 Week Five
Policy Development and the Continuing Policy Cycle – Incrementalism and Implementation
 Reading 8 by Charles Lindblum in Stillman, p. 215.
 Case - Expectations in Stillman
I’d Study if I Were You!
 Readings:
There are always questions on the test that have not been covered in class, but are a part of the text of your
 PowerPoint Outlines
On the Website. ( ) A very effective back-up for
your notes.
 Lectures:
Be familiar enough with your lectures on Wilson and Weber, progressives and pragmatism, incrementalism and
implementation to fill in blanks or answer detailed questions. Do you know the differences between the Rational
and Incremental models? Remember Milakovich and his types of public policy?
 Definitions:
* Pragmatism, Progressivism, Politics/Administration Dichotomy, and definitions of Public Administration – at
least one from your text and then your own synthesis.
* Be able to define or describe the rational model, incrementalism, implementation, and the continuing policy cycle.
(Can you draw that last one? I hope so!)
Possible Essay topics
* Be familiar with the facts of the cases, and enough details to assure me that you have read the cases. Be ready to
cite examples of class concepts, such as pragmatism, progressivism, bureaucracy, incrementalism, the policy
cycle, and any other class concept that you can identify from the case. Think about the cases in terms of
implementing policy decisions.
The Test:
 Uses a variety of question formats, including true/false, multiple choice, definitions, listing, fill in the blanks, short
answer and possibly an essay question.
 Is worth 200 points in a semester total of 1000.
 Has been passed by numerous students who have come before you. You can do this!