Neuro Quiz 4 Answers

Neuro Quiz 4 Answers
1. receptor, spinal cord (brainstem)
2. spinal cord (brainstem), thalamus
3. thalamus, sensory cortex
4. T
5. posterior
6. proprioception
7. spinocerebellar tract
8. two-point
9. receptors
10. ruffini
11. pacinian
12. muscle spindle
13. static position
14. rates of movement
15. True
16. cold, warmth, pain
17. cold and warm
18. pain
19. True
20. 15-25, 3-5
21. small NERVE A (myelinated=faster) and some C
23. True
24. False: we would need the info delivered faster.
25. True
26. spinothalamic
27. brainstem
28. False: b/c the thermoreceptor signals terminate
at the brainstem,
the higher centers are not needed to perceive
pain related to temperature
29. protective, damaged
30. localized, 0.1seconds, small myelinated, A
31. Acute
32. slow, increases, small, unmyelinated, C
33. True
34. Free nerve ending
35. False: most deep tissues are NOT extensively
innervated (rest of stmt is true)
36. False: pain receptors have widespread free
nerve endings (ie, periosteum?, joint capsule)
37. mechanical stress or damage, temperature
extremes, chemical stimuli
38. mechanoreceptor, chemoreceptor
39. True
40. hypersensitivity to pain as the threshold for
excitation of pain fibers become lower and
lower (ie, gout)
41. False: occurs at the spinal cord, brainstem, and
42. analgesia system
43. brain, spinal cord
44. enkephalins, serotonin, natural opiates
(morphine-like substance)
45. endorphines
46. pain felt in a body part different from the tissues
causing the pain. (ie, cardiac,
esophageal, gastric, GB, pancreatic, renal, bladder,
uterine, headache)
47. sensory nerves coming into the spinal cord from
different organs/structures share the same
48. receptor to spinal cord, up the spinal cord (on
either ipsi or contralateral side) to the
thalamus, then to it's final destination: the somatic
sensory cortex
49. False: the right somatosensory cortex receives
info from the left side of the body,vice versa
50. parietal lobe
51. gyrus, central, post-central
52. homunculus: the whole body is represented on
one small area (ie, post-central gyrus)
53. the ability to:(1)localize diff sensations on the
body (ie, you would only feel crude
sensations; (2)judge degrees of pressure against
body; (3)judge weights of objects;
(4)judge shapes or forms by feeling them; (5)judge
texture of materials.
54. Astereognosis
55. Somatic Association Areas
56. the ability to recognize the form of solid objects
by touch; astereognosis
57. Somatic Association
58. False: should be "less"
59. True
60. upside-down, is not
61. Grey
62. terminate in the grey matter and elicit local
segmental responses; travel to higher levels
in the cord itself, to the brainstem, and to the cortex
63. interneurons
64. Alpha Motor Neurons, aka Extrafusal Fibers aka
Type A-Neurons
65. a single nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers that
it innervates
66. spinal cord reflexes and by higher centres
67. anterior (ventral) root, tract
68. alpha motor neurons; gamma motor neurons
69. anterior horn
70. corticospinal tract
71. intrafusal fibers
72. muscle
73. basal ganglia
74. extrapyramidal tract
75. interneurons
76. True
77. False: interneurons interconnect with themselves
and with the anterior motor neurons.
78. interneurons
79. acetylcholine
80. neuromuscular junction
81. False: everything is true, except that the
acetylcholine are "destroyed" by the enzymes.
82. acetycholinesterase
83. to prevent build-up, which will prevent reexcitation of the muscle fiber after the
refractory phase (in other words, to prevent spasms)
84. True
85. curare, tubocrurarine
86. curare
87. tubocrurarine
88. an autoimmune disease in which antibodies
have attacked the ach receptors, resulting
in paralysis. The respiratory muscles are affected
first. Treated with anticholinesterase
drugs, which break down acetylcholinesterase which
leads to a build-up of acetycholine,
which increases the chances of stimulating them.
89. extrafusal, intrafusal
90. extrafusal, contractile, alpha
91. intrafusal, non-contractile, gamma
92. sensory
93. True
94. False: Anterior Horn
95. True: All or Nothing: the muscle either contracts
or it doesn't. No half-ass bullshit here.
96. motor cortex
97. muscle spindle, Golgi-Tendon Organ
98. 3-10 intrafusal fibers, 3mm in length
99. Sensory
100. (1) lengthening the whole muscle; (2)
contraction of the ends of the intrafusal fibers
101. Primary Afferent aka Annulospiral ending;
Secondary Afferent aka Flower-Spray Ending.
102. intrafusal fibers
103. primary afferent is a type IA fiber
104. primary afferent
105. secondary afferent
106. annulospiral ending, 70-120 m/s
107. True
108. Increase, contraction, lengthening
109. Decrease, decrease, shortening
110. external
111. Gamma
112. Alpha
113. Dorsal Root Ganglion