History of Warfare Course Day One: 1. Introduction of Course 2. Handout CL Terms 3. Number Notebook pages 4. Brainstorm Causes of Warfare 5. Evolution of Weaponsthe Pole Arm Day Two: 1. Handout on the Yanomamo 2. Do worksheet and hand in when finished 3. Don’t forget the journal in your notebook Number Notebook first ten pages Do CL Terms Lecture on Ancient Warfare Start Bible Assignment Day Three: 1. Do CL Terms 2. Notes on Casualties in the Classic Age 3. Show Han Dynasty helmet 4. Assign ancient weapon creation- due September 20 War in the Bible Assignment Handout packet and Q’s History of Warfare Day Four: 1. Do CL Terms 2. Go to computer lab and do Internet assignment on five VIPS of ancient warfare 3. Due at mid-term Day Five: 1. CL Terms 2. Work on VIPS 3. Lecture Quiz tomorrow possible Day Six: 1. CL Terms 2. Media Center to work on VIPS 3. Or start notes on Alexander The Great Day Seven: 1. CL Terms 2. Lecture Notes on Alexander the Great 3. Possible Lecture Quiz 4. Research in MC on: Handout on Ancient Warfare Project/ Wheel – Thursday and Friday- due Feb. 10th Day Eight: CL Terms assigned CL Quiz #1 - Monday Media Center Day Day Nine: 1. CL Terms Quiz 2. Notes on Greek Phalanx 3. Evolution of WeaponsThe Axe 4. Due dates- Wheel 2/10, Weapon 2/14 Day Ten: 1. Do new CL Terms 2. Reading on Roman Army 3. Worksheet on Roman Army Day Eleven: 1. CL Terms 2. Video clips from “Alexander”- battle of Guagamela 3. Write a journal explaining military tactics. 100 words 4. Wheel is due tomorrow Day Twelve: (Presentations on Ancient Warfare) 1.CL Terms 2. Art project on Roman soldier equipment 3. Instructions: color the soldier, label equipment shown with arrows, make a Roman Standard Start “Gladiator” Day Thirteen: CL Terms (Presentations?) Watch “Gladiator” Worksheet on Thermopylae Day Fourteen: 1. Hand out new 2. CL terms 3. Watch “300” clip 4. Write Journal entry2/14/11 Title “Spartans” 5. Siege warfare Day Fifteen: 1. new CL Terms – Wed. 2. Reading and worksheet on Crusades 3. CL Quiz-Thursday 4. Assign Catapults Day Sixteen: 1. CL Terms 2. “Kingdom of Heaven” 3. 200 word essay- short synopsis of movie, describe the strategy and tactics, and describe the weapons used. Day Seventeen: CL Terms Quiz Watch “Kingdom of Heaven” Day Eighteen: CL Terms Take notes for essay on “Kingdom of Heaven” Start movie “Julius Ceasar” Test on Roman Empire 10/7 Look at truth in movie Day Nineteen: 1. CL terms 2. Notes on Oriental Warfare Day Twenty: 1. CL Terms 2. Go to MC work on Genghis Khan worksheet 3. CL Quiz March 1st Day Twenty-one: 1. New CL List 2. Finish Genghis Khan 3. Take home Wheels *Go to Computer Lab to work on Internet Assignment on Hannibal Change sites and make a new assignment for this one Day Twenty-two: 1. CL Quiz tomorrow Go to lab and look at catapults 2. New CL Terms 3. Begin Braveheart * Go to IBM lab to work on assignment Day Twenty-three: Roman Test 1. CL terms Quiz Oriental Warfare Notes Turn in Notebooks 2. Watch Braveheart 3. Notebook- 105 pts Notes-Causes- 5 pts. EOW Pole Arms- 10 pts. Yanomamo Journal- 10 pts. VIPS- 30 pts. Notes- Greeks- 5 pts. EOW Axes- 10 pts. Alexander Journal- 10 pts. Spartans Journal- 5 pts. Kingdom of Heaven Essay- 20 pts. Grading- A- 95; B- 85; C-75; D- 65 Day Twenty-four: CL Terms Watch Braveheart Handout on Braveheart Day Twenty-five: 1. CL Terms 2. Watch Braveheart Day Twenty-six: 1. CL Terms 2. Watch Video 3. Hand out on William Wallace- WS Look at Seige Warfare- handout *Evolution of Weapons Day Twenty-seven: Day Twenty-eight: CL Quiz New CL terms Discussion-essay in NB *Evolution of Weapons- Bow Day Twenty-nine: New CL Terms Finish movie Reading on William Wallace Handout Day Thirty: Overall Notes-outline Segment of Alexander Evolution of Weapons- Bow *Draw your own weapon in NBrequirements: 1. Personalize 2. Coloration of some kind 3. Must be feasible *Unit on Seige Warfare Day Thirty-one: Explain catapults Show video Choose groups Day Thirty-two: Go to IBM lab to see website on catapults-trebuchet.com Day Thirty-three: 1. Do CL terms 2. EOW The Bow 3. Reading on 30 Years War Discussion Day Thirty-four: 1. Do CL Terms 2. Lecture on 30 Years War Day Thirty-five: 1. Finish Lecture on 30 Years War 2. American Revolution Worksheet 3. Do CL Terms 4. EOW the Bow Day Thirty-six: 1. Go to IBM lab to work on American Revolution WS Day Thirty-seven: 1. CL Terms Quiz 2. New list 3. The Patriot Day Thirty-eight: 1. new CL Terms 2. The Patriot 3. Work on Essay Day Thirty-nine: CL Quiz New CL terms The Patriot American Revolution Test- 3/25 Revolutionary War Battle Project Day Forty: 1. CL Terms 2. Finish the Patriot 3. Lecture on Am Revolution 4. Hand back WS on Am Rev 4. Go to IBM lab for work on map project- due Monday Show Map (example for Project) *Possible: Picture Basketball on Revolution or review with WS Day Forty-one: 1. CL Terms 2. Finish Lecture 3. Assign Battle project 4. Go to IBM lab Day Forty-two: 1. CL Terms 2. Work on Revolutionary War Project Day Forty- Three: 1. Map due- Revolutionary War- 3/29 2. CL terms3. Lecture on Napoleon 4. A look at Fort Moultre, Charleston, SC Day Forty-Four: 1. Video on Napoleon 2. Get new CL Terms 3. Go to IBM lab to work on Napoleon assignment tomorrow Day Forty-Five: 1. Finish movie 2. CL Terms tomorrow 2. Turn in Revolutionary War map 3. Go to IBM lab to work on assignment Day Forty-six: 1. CL terms Quiz 2. Work on Project 3. Project due 4/5 Day Forty-Seven: 1. CL Terms 2. Scene from “ Master and Commander” 3. Write 50 word journal 4. EOW- Breech Loading Small Arms 5. Reading and Worksheet on Napoleon Day Forty eight: 1. CL terms 2. Civil War Reading 3. Worksheet on Civil War 4. Work on Napoleon Project if you choose Day Forty-Nine: 1. CL terms 2. Do Presentations 3. Write down Title and Fact for each presentation 4. Lecture on Civil War Day Fifty: 1. CL terms 2. Lecture Civil War 3. Presentations NapoleonWrite down one fact on each presentation 4. Catapults assigned- May 13th 5. Start Video- Glory Day Fifty-One: 1. CL Terms- assigned 19th Century 2. Presentations 3. “Glory” 4. CL Quiz Friday Day Fifty-Two: 1. CL Terms Quiz 2. Watch “Glory” Day Fifty-two: 1. Do CL terms 2. Watch “Glory” Share Dates Portfolio due 12/1 *Do reading on Civil War and worksheet Day Fifty-three: CL Terms Watch “Glory” Day Fifty-four: CL Terms Video “Glory Day Fifty-five: 1. Do CL terms 2. Finish “Glory” 3. See Pickett’s Chargejournal 4. Assign Civil War Battle Day Fifty-six: 1. CL Terms 19th Century 2. Finish “Pickett’s Charge” 3. Catapults are due May 20th Civil War weapons- PP Evolution of Weapons Civil War Test Thursday Day Fifty-seven: 1. new CL terms 2. Go to lab and work on Civil War Battle Project-due 4/26 Finish Weapons of Civil War Closing comments Evolution of weapons Day Fifty-eight: 1. Work on Civil War Battle – due on April 26 2. CL terms Quiz- new terms Tuesday 3. Start Lecture on WWITuesday Test on Civil War Day Fifty-nine: 1. Do CL Terms WWI 2. Notes on WWI 3. Assign WWII CL Terms Day Sixty: 1. CL terms- assign new ones 2. Notes on World War I 3. *Do assignment about tactics and weapons- handout 4. Start “Flyboys” Day sixty-one: 1. CL Terms 2. Watch Fly Boys 3. *Hand Back NotebooksEOW Bayonet- 10 pts; Master & Commander- 50 words- 5pts., Napoleon Projects- 10 pts., Glory Essay 20 pts., Civil War Weapons Notes- 10 pts., Note packets- Napoleon and Civil War- 5 pts. each, Pickett’s Charge packet- 25 pts. 90 pts. A- 81 B- 72 C- 63 D- 54 Day sixty-two: 1. CL terms Quiz 2. Watch Fly Boys Internet assignment on WWI Day Sixty-three: 1. CL terms 2. Watch Flyboys 3. Civil War Battle Project due 4. *Discuss Versailles Treaty and lead-up to WWII * Hand out and possible map Assign WWII topics-go to IBM lab Day Sixty-four: 1. Finish movie 2. Test on WWI- Friday 3. Finish Lecture on WWI 4. CL terms- WWII* Day Sixty-five: 1. CL terms 2. Lecture on WWII *Do Activity on Battles Day Sixty-six: 1. CL Terms 2. Finish Lecture 3. Start video “Saving Private Ryan” or other movie Wednesday 4. Go To lab tomorrowWWII poster Day Sixty-seven: 1. CL terms 2. Go to IBM lab and work on WWII poster CL Quiz first 17- Jan. 6 Video Day Sixty-eight: 1. CL terms 2. work on poster 3. video Friday 4. Poster Due Friday Day Sixty Nine: 1. CL Terms 2. CL Quiz Page One 3. Poster Due 4. Video Day Seventy: CL Terms Video Day Seventy-one: 1. Present posters 2. CL terms 3. Evolution of weaponsbreech loading firearms 4. Video- if needed Day Seventy-two: 1. CL terms 2. CL Quiz 3. EOW- breech loading firearms 4. Video clip from D-Day Day Seventy-three: 1. Finish CL Terms 2. Finish Notes on WWII 3. Do any remaining presentations 4. Video segment- D DayJournal entry Day Seventy-four: 1. CL Quiz #3 2. New CL List 3. Video clip- Windtalkers 4. See video of the Holocaust 5. Hand out on Holocaust 4. Journaling on articles Day 75: 1. Do Reading on the Handout “Hitler and the Nazis” 2. CL Quiz tomorrow 3. Video clip Day 76: 1. CL Quiz #6 2. Map on WWII P. 294- old text Day 77: 1. CL Terms 2. CL Quiz tomorrow 3. Work on readings- Hitler and the Nazis, Holocaust, Battle of Britain, or other. Day 78: CL Quiz #4 Postwar CL Terms Vietcong Tunnel Systems H Reading and worksheet on Vietnam