Proceedings Template

RWSL Assignment Template<Replace with your title>i
Author Name
Author Student Number
Author Programme
Author Email
Please replace the header with the Title of your paper, your name,
address, programme and email address.
3.1 Normal or Body Text
In this paper, you you will review some of the research literature
that relates to a topic of your choice aligned to your programme of
Please use a 9-point Times Roman font. The goal is to have a 9point text, as you see here. Please use sans-serif or nonproportional fonts only for special purposes, such as
distinguishing source code text. On a Macintosh, use the font
named Times. Right margins should be justified, not ragged.
You are required to prepare a critical summary of the literature
presenting issues and problems that could contribute to the
development of research question for your MSC dissertation
Your ABSTRACT should introduce the reader to the paper topic
and identify clearly what the paper is trying to achieve.
3.2 Subsequent Pages
For pages other than the first page, start at the top of the page, and
continue in double-column format. The two columns on the last
page should be as close to equal length as possible.
Your abstract should not exceed 400 words.
Keywords are your own designated keywords.
You are required to review some research on what is known about
your topic. For the purposes of this paper, as a guideline, you
should restrict yourself as follows:
Primary research papers (peer reviewed): 4 - 8
Review papers or chapters in edited scholarly books: 0 - 2
Textbooks: 0 - 1
Web sources: 0 - 2 (web sites not including .pdf files of
published papers) are the records of the conference.
Your goal in reviewing the literature is to produce a summative
report with a synthesis and evaluation of issues and problems
Your paper should not exceed 3-4 pages in length including your
reference list.
In your INTRODUCTION section you must introduce the topic
to the reader providing relevant background and focus.
You must introduce the paper, identifying the objective, scope,
structure etc.
Very well
Table 1. Table captions should be placed below the table
3.3 References and Citations
Footnotes should be Times New Roman 9-point, and justified to
the full width of the column.
Use the Harvard referencing system for references. Details on this
The reference list should firstly be in alphabetical and
chronological order for same author references. The references are
also in 9 pt., but that section (see Section 7) is ragged right.
References should be published materials accessible to the public.
3.4 Page Numbering, Headers and Footers
No page numbering, headers or footers are required.
Place Tables/Figures/Images in text as close to the related text as
possible (see Figure 1). It may extend across both columns to a
maximum width of 17.78 cm (7”).
All material on each page should fit within a rectangle of 18 ×
23.5 cm (7" × 9.25"), centered on the page, beginning 1.9 cm
(0.75") from the top of the page and ending with 2.54 cm (1")
from the bottom. The right and left margins should be 1.9 cm
The text should be in two 8.45 cm (3.33") columns with a .83 cm
(.33") gutter.
Figure 1. Captions should be placed below figure.
Captions should be Times New Roman 9-point bold. They should
be numbered (e.g., “Table 1” or “Figure 2”) and the word for
Table and Figure spelled out. Figure’s captions should be
centered beneath the image or picture, and Table captions should
be centered below the table body.
The heading of a section should be in Times New Roman 12-point
bold in all-capitals flush left with an additional 6-points of white
space above the section head.
5.1.1 Subsubsections
The heading for subsubsections should be in Times New Roman
11-point italic with initial letters capitalized and 6-points of white
space above the subsubsection head. Subsubsections
The heading for subsubsections should be in Times New Roman
11-point italic with initial letters capitalized. Subsubsections
Sections and subsequent sub- sections should be numbered and
given a name relevant to the content and flush left.
The heading for subsubsections should be in Times New Roman
11-point italic with initial letters capitalized.
For a section head and a subsection head together (such as Section
3 and subsection 3.1), use no additional space above the
subsection head.
5.1 Subsections
The heading of subsections should be in Times New Roman 12point bold with only the initial letters capitalized. (Note: For
subsections and subsubsections, a word like the or a is not
capitalized unless it is the first word of the header.)
You must include in this conclusion a section where you
summarise the main contributions of the paper.
You must also propose and discuss at least three research
questions related to the topic which you could build on for your
MSc dissertation proposal. These questions should follow from
the discussion in the paper.
Columns on Last Page Should Be Made As Close As
Possible to Equal Length
This template is based on the ACM SIG Template available at