2013 – 2014 Room Parent Briefing, FOM, PTA & School are very

2013 – 2014 Room Parent Briefing,
FOM, PTA & School are very glad to have you helping.
Thank you for being a room parent
Non profit run by parent volunteers who fundraise and work with the Marquez
Governing Board to establish schools budget. This year we are committed to raise
$630,000 to pay for 4 teachers, a science teacher, instructional aides, school
psychologist, media specialist, digital edge program, enrichments such as art, music
and edible gardens. All $ raised is for education. Volunteering helps keep
administration expenses at a minimum.
Fundraising primarily via Circle of Giving campaign, then other events such as
Auction, Book Fair and more.
Presidents are: Bridget Guy & Beverly Jacobs.
Parent Teacher Association at Marquez is concerned with health and safety on
 Walk-a-thon
 Science Fair
 Creation Station
 Spirit Wear
 Emergency Shed Supplies
 Carpool Lane Aides
 Beautification
 Mural Maintenance
 Pali Patrol Security
Funded by family membership, and sponsorship from events.
Presidents are: Yasmine Stutz and Priscella Gonzales
Administration, staff and teachers of LAUSD.
Your role is essential to the smooth running of the school:
1. Community builder for your class.
2. Assist the class teacher, FOM, PTA and administration with organization and
3. Nip Niggles in the bud - make sure that everyone's experience is a positive
one and that all parents become ambassadors for the school. Enlist teacher’s
help initially with queries that you don't know the answer to, and then
escalate to the office, FOM or PTA.
Prior to BTS night, find out from your teacher what celebrations, field trips
and in class volunteers they need. Plan your BTS night speech. Ask for help if
you need it!
Speak at BTS on FOM/PTA’s behalf. Explain all the new this year things! (BTS
agenda item)
Explain fundraising and provide fundraising support. (BTS agenda item)
Solicit & Sign Up Volunteers for FOM/PTA/Community events (list emailed).
Report nominees back to event chairs. Chase volunteers if necessary. (BTS
agenda item)
Directory entries/confirmation. (BTS agenda item)
Arrange a Coffee morning/social gathering so that parents can get to know
each Class within first 45 days of school.
Gd TK/K, 1, 2 & 3 arrange a back to school picnic and encourage
Set up email list for class. Forward emails for the class in timely manner. Add
fomcommunications@marquezcharter.org to your contacts list.
Attend FOM/PTA meetings, some at least! Governing Board Meetings too. All
welcome. (BTS agenda item)
Let fomcommunications@marquezcharter.com know of events at least a
week before. The deadline for ‘print’ is Thursday before publication on a
New this year:
Online to streamline processes and improve family interaction.
1. FOM Store
2. PTA Store
3. Online Directory
4. Sign Up genius
FOM Store
Able to use your credit card to pay for all FOM items this year, including COG,
Directory Ads, Book, Auction Tickets, Halloween Tickets and much more… The
items will be introduced as product lines as and when the event occurs! Link from
our homepage, and here is the url:
Checks, cash always welcome!
Questions? Jenny Lee.
PTA Store
The PTA are discussing growing their current Spirit Wear store to include all their
fundraising/payment items. Checks, cash always welcome!
Questions? Manuela Massocco
Not too late to sell ads. Desperately need more. Can pay at FOM Store!
Online directory new this year; www.myschoolanywhere.com
System will also produce a roster (samples already sent)
Instructions to families:
Existing families – link emailed to them. They must all update and confirm their
New families use generic link; http://bit.ly/1f7zSbl
We are waiting for approx 200 families out of approx 450 to confirm their listing.
Encourage confirmation entry this week. We can’t provide access to online
directory nor produce accurate rosters without each family participating!
Encourage speedy participation.
Online directory is free access, by unique pw that will be emailed to each primary
contact. Access only available to members.
Printed copies pre order at $10 a copy. We'll send out a link to pay from the new
FOM Store in due course.
There will be no class photo in the directory.
Questions? Michaela Carmichael & Susan Leslie
Sign Up genius/ Volunteers
We suggest you use www.signupgenius.com for your class.
It auto reminds volunteers of their commitment.
You have to set it up for the class. It is free to use.
You can also use old fashioned paper.
Pls inform the chairs who in your class will help them.
All volunteers must sign in when on campus.
All volunteers must provide TB status proof and fill in volunteer forms for LAUSD.
We're suggesting/asking for 4 "checks" this year.
1. FOM’s COG $1000+ is spent per child, or $10 - $10,000 what ever is right for
your family. Flyer provided with speaking tips.
2. PTA dues $35 per family. Envelopes sent home in 1st packet.
3. PTA classroom supplies fund $75 - $100 per child. Teachers have already
4. Appreciation Fund $50+ per child.
a. Class room parent treasurer collects
b. This covers teacher appreciation and end of year gifts for teachers and
staff at school.
c. Each family is responsible, should they so wish for holiday gifts.
d. Room Parents ask for and retain these funds and then various chairs
will contact them for collection throughout the year.
5. **Gd 4 and Gd 5 may need to raise more to cover grade activities. Check with
yr teacher first. NB each family is responsible, should they so wish for
holiday gifts. Room Parents ask for and retain these funds and then various
chairs will contact them for collection.
Please be sensitive when requesting money from parents. All of the above are
suggestions and requests. Amounts are suggested. NO ONE is required to give. It is
not mandatory but our sincere hope that families and special friends will want to
help us.
Bernadette and Kimberly in the office are fabulous resources and fountains of
The website has lots of forms and info. Please use it. If you see a typo let
fomcommunications@marquezcharter.com know so that no one else need see it!
Our aim for this year is 100%:
1. COG participation
2. Student confidentiality
3. School attendance. Can’t teach an empty seat. LAUSD don’t fund empty seats.
4. Parent volunteers
5. Clear communication for all parents. Subscribe to Newsletter, Like on
facebook, follow @marqueztweets and + google calendar to your daily
6. Vote for http://givewith.target.com. For every vote we get between now and
Sept 21st they’ll give us $1 for each up to $10,000. Can vote weekly.
BTS Agenda
The teachers will expect you to ask for 10 – 15 mins of the BTS time to speak at on
FOM/PTA’s behalf. This usually happens at the end. Pls remind them and use your
time wisely. Prepare. Here’s an agenda to help:
1. Before:
a. Email parents. Remind them to come to class promptly, leave kids
behind – adult only event/no kids/book a sitter, and bring check book.
b. Discuss teachers needs.
2. Explain 4 fundraising requests. COG is most important. “4 checks”. Ask for
checks for teacher appreciation fund on the night to save time &
3. Invitation to class adult social event (coffee am after drop off cocktail party in
parent home – YOU decide – it’s a social ice breaker). (Room Parents to
4. Invitation to grade picnic (Gd K, 1, 2 & 3) (Grade Champions to advise date)
5. Explain all the new this year things!
a. Online Directory – ask for confirmation this week so everyone can
start using the online directory,
b. FOM Store – can pay online, but cash and check always welcome,
c. PTA Store – spirit wear online, most PTA fundraising will move online,
d. Sign Up Genius (if you are using it) – volunteers
6. Solicit & Sign Up Volunteers for in Class/FOM/PTA/Community events.
7. Chase/Solicit directory entries/confirmation and Directory Ads.
8. Encourage attendance at FOM/PTA meetings, come to some at least!
Governing Board Meetings too. All welcome.
9. Our aim for this year is 100%:
 COG participation
 Student confidentiality
 School attendance. Can’t teach an empty seat. LAUSD don’t fund empty
 Parent volunteers
 Clear communication for all parents. Subscribe to Newsletter, Like on
facebook, follow @marqueztweets and + google calendar to your daily
 Vote for http://givewith.target.com. For every vote we get between now
and Sept 21st they’ll give us $1 for each up to $10,000. Can vote weekly.
10. Any Questions?
Appendix 1
FOM & PTA Volunteer Lists per Grade
At Back to School night and/or the class intro coffee am, you are also asked to sign
up these volunteer slots for your class.
This year we suggest you use http://www.signupgenius.com so that volunteers are
automatically reminded. You may however prefer to create a paper version to
circulate around the room... Either way you will need to let the chairs know who
signed up, otherwise, they’ll chase you!
Your teacher will have other volunteer positions to recruit for. Ask them if they
want a combined list or will do their own.
TK & K Classes
JB4K can join in where they’d like
SDC Classes
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Festival Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to fill booth time-slots, teacher to allow kids to create art to
decorate booth. Art sent home in time to decorate home! Need help weekends
before to set up artwork at school.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 person to organize, 1 handy wo/men needed for pre event set up over
weekend/s before. Every family to do a shift on the booth
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
H Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: _________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Appreciation week is May 5 - 10. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) &
Michelle Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. TK, K & G1 will host a
breakfast that week.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
G1 Classes
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Festival Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to fill booth time-slots, teacher to allow kids to create art to
decorate booth. Art sent home in time to decorate home! Need help weekends
before to set up artwork at school.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 person to organize, 1 handy wo/men needed for pre event set up over
weekend/s before. Every family to do a shift on the booth
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
H Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: _________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Appreciation week is May 5 - 10. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) &
Michelle Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. TK, K & G1 will host a
breakfast that week.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair
Communicate requirements to class. Mandatory for 4th Gd, all other grades
voluntary. Assist Ms Arevlo and to be nominated parent.
1 person to co-ordinate with Gd 4 parent to be nominated.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Valet Line
Every family will be asked to help with the valet lane at least once this term. Room
parent will let you know when your week is coming to plan. 2 – 3 adults from 7:45 –
8:20 every am. Separate sign up – look out for it!
Creation Station
The only opportunity to see your kids during the day not in a class! Supervise a
creative area on lower yard. 2 adults daily noon to 1:10pm. Separate sign up – look
out for it!
G2 Classes
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Festival Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to fill booth time-slots, teacher to allow kids to create art to
decorate booth. Art sent home in time to decorate home! Need help weekends
before to set up artwork at school.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 person to organize, 1 handy wo/men needed for pre event set up over
weekend/s before. Every family to do a shift on the booth
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
H Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: _________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Appreciation week is May 5 - 10. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) &
Michelle Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. Gd 2 & 3 will be doing a lunch
that week.
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. TK, K & G1 will host a
breakfast that week.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair
Communicate requirements to class. Mandatory for 4th Gd, all other grades
voluntary. Assist Ms Arevlo and to be nominated parent.
1 person to co-ordinate with Gd 4 parent to be nominated.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Valet Line
Every family will be asked to help with the valet lane at least once this term. Room
parent will let you know when your week is coming to plan. 2 – 3 adults from 7:45 –
8:20 every am. Separate sign up – look out for it!
Creation Station
The only opportunity to see your kids during the day not in a class! Supervise a
creative area on lower yard. 2 adults daily noon to 1:10pm. Separate sign up – look
G3 Classes
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Festival Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to fill booth time-slots, teacher to allow kids to create art to
decorate booth. Art sent home in time to decorate home! Need help weekends
before to set up artwork at school.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 person to organize, 1 handy wo/men needed for pre event set up over
weekend/s before. Every family to do a shift on the booth
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
H Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: _________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Appreciation week is May 5 - 10. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) &
Michelle Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. Gd 2 & 3 will be doing a lunch
that week.
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. TK, K & G1 will host a
breakfast that week.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair
Communicate requirements to class. Mandatory for 4th Gd, all other grades
voluntary. Assist Ms Arevlo and to be nominated parent.
1 person to co-ordinate with Gd 4 parent to be nominated.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Valet Line
Every family will be asked to help with the valet lane at least once this term. Room
parent will let you know when your week is coming to plan. 2 – 3 adults from 7:45 –
8:20 every am. Separate sign up – look out for it!
Creation Station
The only opportunity to see your kids during the day not in a class! Supervise a
creative area on lower yard. 2 adults daily noon to 1:10pm. Separate sign up – look
G4 Classes
Gd 4 Scholarship Campaign
Run bake sale for your class. Final selection of main social studies field trip is will
determine amount of funds to be raised. Bake Sales on Friday’s after school on
lower yard and/or outside main gate too.
Oct 4; Chaides Bake Sale & Spirit Day
Dec 6; Wilkinson Bake Sale & Spirit Day
Jan – none planned
Mar 7; Gardner Bake Sale & Spirit Day
April 4; Palo Bake Sale & Spirit Day
2 - 4 people to arrange. Every family to donate items for sale. Children actively
encouraged to run stall.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Festival Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to fill booth time-slots, teacher to allow kids to create art to
decorate booth. Art sent home in time to decorate home! Need help weekends
before to set up artwork at school.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 person to organize, 1 handy wo/men needed for pre event set up over
weekend/s before. Every family to do a shift on the booth
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
H Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: _________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Friday November 15th. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) & Michelle
Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. Gd 4 & Gd 5 will host this
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair Co-ordinator
Communicate requirements to all room parents. Must be 4th Gd parent and assist
Ms Arevlo.
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair
Communicate requirements to class. Mandatory for 4th Gd, all other grades
voluntary. Assist Ms Arevlo and Science Fair Co-ordinator.
1 person to co-ordinate with Gd 4 parent to be nominated.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Graduation Brunch
Arrange and supply refreshments and decoration for 5th grade graduation brunch.
Last week of school in June.
2 - 3 helpers per class. All families to donate for the day.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Valet Line
Every family will be asked to help with the valet lane at least once this term. Room
parent will let you know when your week is coming to plan. 2 – 3 adults from 7:45 –
8:20 every am. Separate sign up – look out for it!
Creation Station
The only opportunity to see your kids during the day not in a class! Supervise a
creative area on lower yard. 2 adults daily noon to 1:10pm. Separate sign up – look
G 5 Classes
Gd 5 Scholarship Campaign
Run bake sale for your class. Final selection of main social studies field trip is will
determine amount of funds to be raised. Bake Sales on Friday’s after school on
lower yard and/or outside main gate too.
Sept 6; Lantos Bake Sale & Spirit Day
Nov 1; Conn Bake Sale & Spirit Day
Jan – none planned
Feb 7; Keller Bake Sale & Spirit Day
May 2; Smith Bake Sale & Spirit Day
2+ people to arrange. Every family to donate items for sale. Children actively
encouraged to run stall.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Year of Parties Liaison (FOM)
Promote participation in Marquez's Year of Party! events. Families host a party and
families buy tickets to attend. The families can keep receipts for tax donations, and
the attendees have fun at a party with 100% going to FOM. K Cookie Decorating
Party, Persian Feast, French Feast, Flower arranging tutorial, Knitting party, Book
Club, 80s Party, Martini’s and Manicures to Camping w/e or Tennis Table
Tournament. Anything fun goes! Help find hosts in your class or favorite vendors.
Support to YOP team – but not time consuming. YOP! Chairs: Marcie Sinaiko
(sinaikofamily@gmail.com) and Deanna Emad (dgale11@aol.com)
1 person
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Host for Gd5 party needed: Are you smarter than a 5th Grader?
Seek student participants, invite all 5th grade teachers, sell tickets, help put on show
& help organize dinner (no financial contribution required).
(May or June 2012)
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Haunted House (FOM/Community Building)
Organize volunteers to build haunted house, and staff haunted house.
Funds raised from bake booth go to Scholarship Fund.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Schmalle Loren (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 – 2 to organize, every family to do a shift at the house!
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Halloween Food Booth (FOM/Community Building)
Plan menu; purchase food; work food sales on day of event. Funds raised from bake
booth go to Scholarship Fund.
(Set up is on Oct 26th; Festival is on Oct. 27th 10am-3pm). Chairs: Geoff Grant
(jgeoffgrant@gmail.com) and Loren Schmalle (lorensemail@gmail.com)
1 – 2 to organize, every family to do a shift at the house!
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon (FOM & PTA)
Coordinate with parents from other classes for food, decorations, set up and clean
up. Friday November 15th. Chairs Natalia Becir (nmbecir@yahoo.com) & Michelle
Wahlig (michnron@yahoo.com)
1 to co-ordinate. Every parent to contribute to event. Gd 4 & gd 5 will host this
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Book Fair (FOM)
Sign up to help work the register, help kids and their parents find books (2 hour
shift). Book Fair is open MWF 8-4 and TTh 8-3. ( Nov 18 - 22). Schedule for shifts
will be circulated prior to event. Chair: Gloria Kim (gloriak1@aol.com) & Maria
Roberts (itstherobertsfamily@yahoo.com)
1 person to organize. 3 – 4 parents to do a shift at the fair.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Read-a-thon Liaison (FOM)
Help with the RAT logs, certificates and sponsorship. (Read-a-thon runs from Dec.
2nd kickoff assembly. End tbc) Chairs: Amy Miller (contopulos@hotmail.com) and
Ronna Goore (thegoores@gmail.com)
1 person to co-ordinate sponsorship and encourage reading with teacher.
Chase sponsorship too.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Art Project (PTA)
Coordinate with PTA Art Project Chairs. Mandatory participation for each class Help
teacher and kids create art. Sales period is Oct 7 - 11. Chairs: Cyndi Barad
(Cyndibarad@yahoo.com) and Joy Whiteley (Joywhiteley@hotmail.com)
1 – 2 parents to help teacher with creating art work, and co-ordinate sales
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Auction Liaison (FOM)
Coordinate with auction co-chairs. Solicit items for auction. Encourage attendance.
(Auction - April 8, 2012). Chairs: Amanda Keston (Askeston@gmail.com) and
Michelle Ross (michelleross@me.com)
1 person to co-ordinate. Every family to solicit items for auction. We hope all
parents will attend this FUN event. Tickets will be sold in advance.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Science Fair
Communicate requirements to class. Mandatory for 4th Gd, all other grades
voluntary. Assist Ms Arevlo and Science Fair Co-ordinator.
1 person to co-ordinate with Gd 4 parent to be nominated.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Walk-a-thon (PTA)
Organize volunteers, collect, tally & turn in race forms, etc. (April 25, 2012) Chairs:
Farah Hakimian (f_salehani@yahoo.com) & Marisol Haddadi
1 – 3 parents to help teachers on the day. 1 of which to follow up sponsorship
and help collect monies.
O Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel:__________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Catch Mentor (FOM)
Spend 1 hour with a child each week helping them to catch up (Caring Adults
Teaching Kids). Chair Christi Catalano (ccat5@mac.com).
3 – 4 parents needed to help out throughout the year.
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Garden Helper
Help with campus beautification. Keen gardeners, this one is for you! Chair Marie
Steckmest (harty3@gmail.com)
1 – 2 helpers per class
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Name:______________________________ Email: __________________________Tel: ____________________
Valet Line
Every family will be asked to help with the valet lane at least once this term. Room
parent will let you know when your week is coming to plan. 2 – 3 adults from 7:45 –
8:20 every am. Separate sign up – look out for it!
Creation Station
The only opportunity to see your kids during the day not in a class! Supervise a
creative area on lower yard. 2 adults daily noon to 1:10pm. Separate sign up – look
Play Support
Appendix 2
2013-2014 Teachers, Grade Champions & Room Parents
Head Room Parent: Michaela Carmichael, 310-310-2124,
JB4K Heather Wilken, 310-629-2598, heatherw@starinc.org
JB4K RPJB4K: Joanna Thorell
TK/K Alexys Buckner
TK/K RP1: Tricia Baak, tricia.baak@gmail.com, 310-567-1854
Elise Bamesberger/Nynette Marceth
RP2: Jodi Lobis, 310 739-1192, jodilobis@gmail.com, Nicole Lawrence
310 614-1637, nicoleangelique@yahoo.com
Lindy Bazan
RP3: Alex Evans, (310) 621-3441, afevans@sidley.com, Carley Gethin,
carleygethin@hotmail.com, Alex Swepston, alexkate@earthlink.net, Kelly
Thompson, kelleythompson@verizon.net
Randy Hain
RP5: Dede El-Atrache, 213-422-9675, deedee9393@aol.com, Veronica
Kissane, 310-433-2455, veronicaK5590@gmail.com,
Brooke Newman
RP13: Katy Huang, catdhuang@gmail.com, Anna Jacob,
GCK: Joyce Wong Kup, Tel:, Email: jwongkup@gmail.com
Lisa Timmerman
RP10: Julie Woolenberg, 917-570-5769, julesee@yahoo.com, Dana
Goldstein, 310-498-4028, mail@danaadam.net
Erin Abrams
RP17: Michele Wahlig, 310-890-2632, michnron@yahoo.com, Linda
Lohmeyer, 760-525-8720, ljlohmeyer@gmail.com, Meredith Ebizadeh, 267-2417740, msellinger25@hotmail.com
June Lew
RP26: Dede El-Atrache, deedee9393@aol.com, Samantha HoeghGuldberg, 310 463 9214, sam@sevansproductions.com
Billie Soo
RP38: Farzaneh Salehani, f_salehani@yahoo.com, Kelly Nielson, 310760-1313, knielson@gmail.com, Amanda Keston, 310-283-0813,
Kinsey Davis
RP39: Julie Treibatch, 310-699-9333, Missjulie5@aol.com, Rachel
Schultz, 310-367-9936, jake.schultz@mac.com, and Julia Breitman, 310-701-2212,
GC1: Michelle Ross, 310-428-6882, michelleross@me.com
Gd 2
Dana Fein
RP4: Shelli Schmalle, 310-739 4641, shellihodges@yahoo.com, Hema
Anwar, 310-850-7748, anwarfamily5@gmail.com
Julie Yoshida
RP6: Amy Barranco, 310-720-0442, info@palitutor.com
Mitchell Jacobs
RP11: Katie Raddon, 310 463 6305, kbonnemort@yahoo.com, Anna
Stokes, 858-761-2233, annawesterlund@hotmail.com, Laura Gianni, 310-230-6767,
Wendy Connor
RP14: Amy Contopulos Miller, 310-429-2185,
contopulos@hotmail.com and
Leighton Roarke, 310-463-3640, Leighton.Roarke@fox.com
GC2: Christi Catalano, 310-463-1098, ccat5@mac.com, Beth Brett,
310-850-2701, bethbrett@yahoo.com
SDC Alyson Baron
SDC RPSDC1: Melissa Gray Erickson, mel_gray_e@yahoo.com
SDC Maria Mealy
SDC RPSDC2: Faranak Rahim, 310-774-6628, faranak.rahim@gmail.com,
Donna Fedorowycz, 310-850-1681, donnafedenko@gmail.com
Gd 3
Alison Bihari
RP23: Jenn Moore, 310-570-5166, jenn@modernmom.com, Shanon
Newell, 323-309-0655, shandbnew@yahoo.com
Lily Reeves
RP34: Sharon Paresa, 310-614-2288, shannon_paresa@yahoo.com,
Natasha Samuels- Wyss, 310-592-0151, lansamuels@hotmail.com
Laurie Farrell
RP35: Erica Linnick, 310-266-8216, eteasley@yahoo.com, Rachel
Burch, 310-384-8804, burch-roby@verizon.net
Susan Schwartz-Lack
RP37: Veronica Kissane, 310-433-2455, veronicaK5590@gmail.com,
Allison Mermel, 310-386-4823, luvulala@gmail.com
GC3: Sharon Paresa, 310-614-2288, shannon_paresa@yahoo.com, Ivy
Silberberg, 310-279-7639, ivy.silberberg@yahoo.com, Christina Bennett, 310-9954166, christinabennett@yahoo.com
Gd 4
Lynne Wilkinson
RP24: Cyndi Barad,310-463-84-1, cyndibarad@yahoo.com, Liz Zaret,
310-753-4980, lizzyzz@aol.com
Peggy Palo
RP29: Michele Wahlig, 310-890-2632, michnron@yahoo.com, Jen
Mojo, 206-617-6388, jennymojo27@gmail.com
Theresa Chaides
RP33: Michelle Gurevitch,310-383-0998,
Clare Gardner
RP36: Ruth Atkinson, 310-699-7909, ruth@pagetoscreen.com
GC4: Michaela Carmichael, 310-310-2124,
Gd 5
Liza Smith
RP27: Ellie Zuckerman, 818-378-2933, ezuckerman@me.com
Gillian Keller
RP28: Daniela Winter, 310-729-8364, ddw64@roadrunner.com
Jeff Lantos
RP31: Cyndy Ufkes, 310-490-0763, cyndyfrederick@aol.com
Michelle Conn
RP32: Kimber Peil, 214-649-2302, kpeil@roadrunner.com
GC5: Carmel Zaid, 319 239 1087, thezaidfamily@yahoo.com
Deann Wilken/STAR
Janna Wyckoff
Emily Jeffcoach
SCIENCE-Akiko Arevalo