030401-03YN064-Project Description

Physical and biological implications of permafrost and ground water dynamics in a
high Arctic polar desert ecosystem
B.Date of proposal:
February 27, 2004
PI. Dr. Wayne Pollard, Department of Geography, McGill University, 805 Sherbrooke
St.W. Montreal Qc, H3A 2K6, ph 514 398-4454, fax 7437, email
Dale Andersen, Grad Student. Department of Geography, McGill University
Chris McKay, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California, USA.
D.Table of contents – not applicable
A. Scope of Project:
The goals of our research are (a) to understand and explain the geocryologic, hydrologic
and biophysical processes active cold environments, and (b) to characterize the structure
microbial communities associated within springs, lakes and permafrost. Central to our
research are the study of (1) the interaction between groundwater and frozen ground, (2)
the formation and degradation of surface and subsurface ice, (3) and the adaptive
strategies of microbial life in these extreme polar environments. In the past this research
has looked mainly at perennial springs, icings, frost mounds and ice covered lakes on
Axel Heiberg Island, but in 2003 we plan to expand our investigation to lakes and ground
ice exposures on Ellesmere Island , including Quttinirpaaq Park . The second focus is the
investigation of the nature and distribution of ground ice and its role in landscape
development. Initially this research looked at the Holocene evolution of permafrost and
ground ice as well as the role of ground ice in contemporary landform development. But
in recent years this research has re-focused on the potential impact of climate change on
ice-rich landscapes. To date we have investigated more than 80 ground ice exposures in
the Eureka Sound Lowlands but in 2003 we would like to look at ground ice located near
Lake Hazen and the Gilman River.
B.Literature summary:
Polar climates and climate change : Present concerns about climate change arise from two
basic and undisputed facts: (1) green house gases (e.g. C02, CH4) contribute to warming
of the Earth’s atmosphere by retarding the rate at which heat radiates form Earth into
space, and (2) human activity is increasing concentrations of these gases in the Earth’s
atmosphere. The Arctic is widely recognised as a "bellwether" for changing climates
(Walsh 1991) and is identified in most GCMs as the region of the Earth where potential
warming will be the greatest. Predicted temperature increases range from 1.5ºC to 4ºC
globally over the next 100 years. However, recent predictions for the Canadian Arctic
using CGCM1 estimate an increase in land surface temperature of 3-4ºC by 2020 and 510ºC by 2050. Temperature increases of this magnitude will be accompanied by changes
in cloud cover, precipitation and severe weather events. Factors particularly important in
shaping temperature change in the Arctic include: (a) seasonal decreases in snow cover
on land (and ice on the oceans) change the arctic surface from one that is highly reflective
to incoming solar energy to one that is more absorbent. The greater amount of solar
energy at the surface will add to the warming that is already taking place. (b) A second
factor is that climate warming causes sea ice to form later and disappear earlier and
generally be thinner. The area of perennial pack ice will also decrease. Consequently its
role as an insulating barrier between the cold air above and the warm water below will be
reduced. This will allow more of the oceans heat to escape during the cold season that
will also warm the air. The opposite is true during the summer.
Permafrost, ground ice and ice wedges: The predicted pattern of warming for the Arctic
varies between GCMs, however the expected impacts of warming on the physical
environment are not in question. There is widespread consensus that permafrost will be
one of Earth's systems most affected. More than 25% of the Earth's land surface,
including 50% of Canada, is underlain by permafrost. Permafrost is a unique geological
phenomenon in that (a) it is defined entirely in thermal terms (i.e. "earth materials that
maintain temperatures less than 0oC for a minimum period of 2 years", and (b) over much
of its distribution it is close to its limiting temperature and is therefore inherently
unstable. Implicit in this definition is that soil moisture is mainly in the form of ground
ice. A factor that further complicates the permafrost system is the potential for ground ice
to be preferentially concentrated in near-surface sediments by the permafrost aggradation
process. Ground ice comprises an important component of permafrost sediments and
plays a significant role in the evolution of high Arctic landscapes. Geologically ground
ice is an unusual mineral because for most of its distribution and duration it is very close
to its melting point. The potentially unstable nature of permafrost is directly related to
ground ice. When ground ice volumes exceed the saturated moisture content of its
enclosing sediments (excess ice) melting results in terrain instability and widespread thaw
subsidence called thermokarst . Nearly pure bodies of massive ice (90-95% ice by
volume) 10-20 m thick extend for several 10's of km2 in northern Yukon, the Mackenzie
Valley and Delta and the high Arctic. Since this ice lies only 20-30 cm beneath the base
of the active layer, it takes only a small surface disturbance to induce thermokarst. Ice
wedges are another important source of ground ice . They are also excellent climate (past
and present) indicators. Ice wedges form when extreme cooling and contraction of the
ground in winter produce stresses that are released by brittle fracture. Ice wedge polygons
are a ubiquitous feature of high Arctic tundra. Our knowledge about ice wedge formation
comes mainly from field studies in the in the low Arctic, high Arctic ice wedges have
been almost completely overlooked.
Active layer: The brief high Arctic summer produces a thin active layer that varies from
only 40-90 cm in the high Arctic. The active layer is a very dynamic and complex part of
the supra-permafrost system and acts as a buffer between warm summer air temperatures
above and the ice-rich permafrost below. Active layer depths and the stable isotope
chemistry of active layer water are good indicators of summer climate, on the other hand
changes in active layer depth often provide a record of climate and climate change.
Comparison of isotopic signatures of active layer water with local precipitation and
ground ice can be used to monitor changes to the near surface permafrost system. Closely
linked to the formation of the active layer are tundra ponds and wetlands. Permafrost is
relatively impermeable so surface melt water is not allowed to infiltrate deeper than the
base of the active layer. Low lying tundra surfaces and intersections of ice wedge troughs
are natural places for surface ponding of melt water in the summer. The dramatically
different thermal properties of water lead to a deepening of the active layer beneath ponds
and to the development of a larger thaw basin. The tundra in many parts of the north is
extremely wet. The nature, distribution and size of tundra ponds and wetlands are closely
related to climate. Tundra ponds and wetlands are biologically active and tend to
accumulate considerable amounts of organic material acting as carbon sinks and potential
sources of methane and carbon dioxide.
Spring/Lake hydrology and microbiology: There is limited information on saturated
groundwater flow in thick continuous permafrost, particularly in the High Arctic. It is
generally assumed that thick permafrost is an effective aquitard preventing ground water
discharge and resulting in the separation of ground water into sub-, intra-, and
suprapermafrost systems. Furthermore there are no studies on high latitude travertine and
tuffa formation, or cold/saline spring microbiology. Springs are reported on Spitsbergen
and in east Greenland occur in areas of relatively warm climate and thin permafrost, and
are warmed by geothermal activity. The localised nature of Mars fluvial features,
possibly reflecting geothermal activity, and the difficulty of constructing self-consistent
CO2 greenhouse models for Mars, has led to the theory that early Mars was quite cold and
that fluvial features formed in association with a cold climate regime. Liquid water can be
maintained by the insulating properties of an ice cover or by geothermal activity, even
when temperatures are below freezing. Thus, it is thought that Mars was probably quite
cold even during its presumed warm and wet period. For this reason the study of polar
regions has been particularly fruitful as an analogue for early Mars. Over the past 5 years
we have documented 6 examples of cold spring systems on Axel Heiberg Island. Located
between 79-81° N these are the highest latitude and coldest springs known. These springs
are associated with anhydrite or salt piercement structures. The mean annual air
temperature for this area is approximately –19°C and permafrost is 500+m thick. Low
temperature and potential evaporation that exceeds the annual precipitation, produce
polar desert conditions. Year-round flow has been documented at GH, CP and WB and is
inferred at MF - BF based on analysis of icings. Discharge temperatures range from -4°C
to 6.6°C despite air temperatures below -50°C during the winter (10). Temperatures and
discharge rates remain constant year round. Spring flow is derived from subpermafrost
ground water rising along a "through talik" steadily cooled by the surrounding
permafrost. The outflow is anoxic, saturated with N2, moderately saline (~9% NaCl),
contain ~10 ppm methane, <10 ppm nitrate, and ~4000 ppm sulphate. Evidence of
microbial life and activity in the spring outlet areas is present and includes the formation
of microbial mats and filaments on sediment surfaces in some spring pools and channels.
Additionally, surface deposits of elemental sulphur, presence of H2S, iron oxide deposits
with sheen characteristics of iron-oxidizing bacteria could be considered to be associated
with activities of microorganisms. The source for the springs remains to be determined,
but preliminary D/O isotope data suggests a meteoric water origin.
C. Location of study
We are planning 2 small camps, the first is near the north end of Lake Hazen and the
second will be on Ward Hunt Island. Each camp will involve 2-3 and last for 4-6 days.
We will use a PCSP Twin Otter to put out camp on Ward Hunt Island, and a PCSP Bell
206L to put our camp into Lake Hazen. Our camp will consist of 2-3 small tents. The
ground ice research will look at natural exposures of ice where detailed descriptions of
the geology will be undertaken.
Locations: Lake Hazen Area - 8155’N; 6930’W, and Ward Hunt Island area- 83°10N;
D.Intended use of results:
The proposed research is part of larger university-based research project concerned with
understanding high arctic polar desert ecosystems and physical dynamics.
The long-term objectives of my research are (a) to understand and explain the
geocryologic, hydrologic and biophysical processes that shape and define cold
environments, and (b) to characterise the structure and function of the microbial
communities associated with springs, lakes and permafrost in cold polar deserts. Central
to this research are the investigation of (1) the interaction between groundwater and
frozen ground, (2) the formation and degradation of surface and subsurface ice, (3) and
the adaptive strategies used y microbial life in these extreme polar environments. My
research focuses on 2 complimentary aspects of water, permafrost and climate
interaction. The first is concerned with the hydrology, geomorphology and
geomicrobiology of groundwater systems in permafrost and related landforms. This
research looks mainly at a series of perennial springs and associated icings and frost
mounds on Axel Heiberg Island. The second is the investigation of the nature and
distribution of ground ice and its role in landscape development. Initially this research
looked at the Holocene evolution of permafrost and ground ice as well as the role of
ground ice in contemporary landform development. But in the last few years this research
has re-focused on the potential impact of climate change on ice-rich landscapes. Our
research has evolved by focusing on progressively more complex questions and
progressively more extreme environments (the Arctic, Antarctica and Mars).
Permafrost hypotheses: In this research we will test 3 hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: ground
ice forms a significant component of near surface materials in the high Arcitc and the
nature of permafrost is highly susceptible to predicted levels of global warming.
Hypothesis 2: that high arctic tundra has relatively low carbon content and that it will act
as carbon sink when increased thaw occurs. Hypothesis 3: that cold high arctic
permafrost contains viable bacterial communities.
Perennial Spring and ice-covered lake hypotheses: In this research we will test 3
complimentary hypotheses. Hypothesis 1: Perennial springs on Axel Hieberg and
Ellesmere Islands are feed by recharge from local subglacial meltwater and ice covered
lakes. Hypothesis 2; Ground water is stored in subpermafrost aquifers for a periods of
1000s of years. Hypothesis 3: The springs represent analogues to conditions on an early
Mars, and contain a microbial community that functions under extreme conditions,
shapes the structure of the landscape, and exists as a fossilised record.
A.Description of study area;
Our research focuses on 2 types of terrain, the first includes areas of permafrost underlain
by ground ice. Most of our research to date has been in the Eureka sound Lowlands but in
2003 we wish to extend our field area to areas of buried glacier ice near the Gilman River
at the northend of Lake Hazen. The second terrain type includes areas of ground water
discharge like springs and lakes. Research to date has identified 6 spring sites on Axel
Heiberg Island but we have been told about an inactive spring site near Ward Hunt island
(personal communication by Mike Ratelle)
Locations: Lake Hazen Area - 8155’N; 6930’W, and Ward Hunt Island area- 83°10N;
B.Procedures :
Permafrost research involves stratigraphic investigation of natural exposures and the
collection of small (200-300gm) samples of frozen sediment and ice. Sediment samples
are analyzed for mineralogy, grain size and moisture content. Ice samples are analyzed
for major ions and environmental isotopes. Spring and lake studies involve the collection
of ice and water samples in 250 ml nalgene bottles. These samples will also be analyzed
for major ions and environmental isotopes.
We propose to carry out three specific tasks to address the questions of the abundance,
distribution, and phylogenetic/physiological composition of the active prokaryotic
communities in the springs, lakes and rock surfaces. (1) Traditional light microscope
examinations of the materials collected will be used to identify microbial concentrations
in the spring area as well as provide initial descriptions of cell morphologies. Using stains
such as acridine orange, DAPI, and live-dead staining kits, along with fluorescence
microscopy, we will make direct counts for bacteria recovered from the brines and
various surfaces. Direct count sampling and slide preparation will be done on site, if
possible, or samples will be collected using aseptic methods, sealed, and either frozen or
held at 4°C during storage and transport to the laboratory. Spring water will be filtered
using black polycarbonate, 0.2µm membrane filters (Nucleopore Corp.) attached to a
field vacuum system to concentrate cells for observations. Sediment samples will be
collected using small, sterile hand augers with care given to anaerobic cores to prevent
geochemical oxidation of the sediments. The total number of bacteria present in the
soil/sediment samples will be directly enumerated using the fluorescent stain DTAF
which covalently binds to microbial cell surface proteins. (2) To further determine the
degree of this diversity, and investigate the changes in the diversity as the spring water
flows into the surrounding areas, we will construct additional 16S rRNA gene sequence
libraries. Genomic DNA will be extracted from a subset of the samples used in the
culturing approach, and used as a template for PCR to amplify the 16S rRNA genes. The
PCR products from different bacteria will be separated by cloning using the TOPO
cloning system (a commercially available plasmid vector specifically developed for
cloning PCR products) and transforming the resulting recombinant plasmids into E. coli.
The inserts of transformants will be recovered by reamplification. At this stage, the
cloned 16S rRNA genes will be sorted using the Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction
Analysis technique (ARDRA). ARDRA will be performed on 500 clones from each of
the clone libraries generated from each environmental sample. Clones that represent
distinct ARDRA types will be selected for identification by partial 16S rRNA gene
sequence analysis, and further phylogenetic analyses will be performed to determine the
potential novelty and phylogenetic position of clones that represent environtaxa present in
the samples. These data may will information on the physiological types of the organisms
(eg. sulfate-reducers, anaerobic halophiles) and will be used to design an enrichment and
isolation approach. Each DNA sample will also be used in denaturing gradient gel
electrophoresis (DGGE) to determine changes in community structure and these changes
will be correlated with the geophysical conditions. DGGE analyses of 16S rRNA genes
will also be conducted on surface, soil, sediment, and ground water samples using 16S
rRNA primers specific for eubacteria and archeabacteria giving a spatial distribution of
the diversity and identity of the indigenous microbial communities.
C.Collections – see above
A.Schedule :
Fieldwork in Quttinirpaaq Park will begin in mid to late June and be completed by midJuly, analysis of ice, water and sediment samples will be conducted though 2003-2004.
The project is ongoing but progress will be reported as part of annual licence and permit
application and reporting activities.
B.Budget :
The primary source of funds for this research is NSERC – my NSERC application is
currently under review, field logistics will be provided by PCSP. Main budget items are
as follows:
Airfares Freight FoodEquipmentAnalyses Total
Value of PCSP support ~ $20,0000
A. Publications and reports:
Our research will result is several journal papers and conference presentations – our
target journals are: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Arctic, Permafrost and
Periglacial Processes, Nordic Hydrology, JGR Processes, Polar Biology and Journal of
Climate Change Research.
B. Collections: not applicable.
C. Data:
Our data is mainly in the form of technical summaries on ice, water and sediment
characteristics, content and chemistry. Biological data is mainly in the form of bacterial
species lists.
D. Other materials: not applicable
Pollard, W. H. (in press, accepted Sept 2002) A comparison of two massive ground ice
types. Bulletin of Glaciological Research.
Omelon, C., Pollard, W. & Andersen, D., (in press accepted March 2001) Geochemical
evolution of perennial springs and the formation of travertines at Expedition Fiord in the
Canadian High Arctic. Sedimentology.
Omelon, C.R., Pollard, W.H., Ferris, F.G., White, L, and Andersen, D. (in press). High
Arctic cryptoendolithic microorganisms: ecological constraints and survival strategies
in a polar desert environment. Proceedings of the 8 th International Permafrost
Conference, Zurich, Switzerland (Accepted September 2002).
Heldmann, J., Toon, O., McKay, C., Andersen, D., Pollard, W., (in press). High Arctic
saline springs as analogues for springs on Mars. Proceedings of the 8 th International
Permafrost Conference, Zurich, Switzerland (Accepted September 2002).
Pollard, W., Doran, P. & Wharton, R. (2002). Massive ground ice in the Ross Sea Drift,
Garwood Valley, McMurdo Sound. In Gamble, J. (ed.) Proceedings of the Eighth
International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science, Wellington New Zealand, July
1999. 204-211.
Hawes, I., Andersen, D. & Pollard, W., (2002). Aquatic Macrophytes in Colour Lake, a
naturally acidic polar lake. Arctic, 55, 320-327
Soare, R., Green, D. and Pollard, W. (2002) The habitability of Europa: A Cautionary
Note. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 83, 231.
Andersen, D., Pollard, W., MacKay, C. & Heldmann, J., (2002) Cold springs in
Permafrost on Earth and Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research, 107, E.3
Soare, R., Pollard, W. & Green, D. 2001. Deductive model proposed for evaluating
terrestrial analogues. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 82, 501
Mueller, D.R., Vincent, W.F., Pollard, W.H. & Fritsen, C.H. (2001).Glacial cryoconite
ecosystems: A bipolar comparison of algal communities and habitats. Nova Hedwigia
Beihefte, 123, 173-197
Omelon ,C. R., Pollard W.H. & Marion, G.M. (2001). Seasonal formation of Ikaite
(CaCO3·6H2O) in saline spring discharge at Expedition Fiord, Canadian High Arctic:
assessing conditional constraints for natural crystal growth. Geochimica et
Cosmochimica Acta , 65, 1429-1437.
Pollard, W.H. (2000). Distribution and characterization of ground ice on Fosheim
Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, in Environmental Response to Climate Change in
the Canadian High Arctic, (ed) M. Garneau and B.T. Alt; Geological Survey of Canada,
Bulletin 529. P. 207-233
Pollard, W.H. (2000). Ground ice aggradation on Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island,
Nunavut, in Environmental Response to Climate Change in the Canadian High Arctic,
(ed) M. Garneau and B.T. Alt; Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 529. P. 325-333
Cabrol, N., Grim, E. & Pollard, W.H. (2000). Possible frost mounds in an ancient Martian
lakebed, ICARUS 145, 91-107
Pollard, W., Omelon, C., Andersen, D. & McKay, C. (1999).Perennial spring occurrence
in the Expedition Fiord area, Axel Heiberg Island, Canadian High Arctic Canadian
Journal for Earth Sciences, 36, 105-120.
Hu, X., Pollard, W.H. & Lewis J. (1999). Energy exchange during river icing formation
in a subarctic environment, Yukon Territory. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 2, 112
Hu X. & Pollard, W.H. (1997a). Ground icing formation: Experimental and Statistical
Analyses of the overflow process. Permafrost and Periglacial Research , 8, 217-235.
Hu X.& Pollard, W.H. (1997b). The hydrologic analysis and modeling of river icing
growth. Permafrost and Periglacial Research., 9, 279-294.
Pollard, W., Omelon, C., Andersen, D. & McKay, C. (1998). Geomorphic and hydrologic
characteristics of perennial springs on Axel Heiberg Island, NWT. In: Lewkowicz, A.G.
and Allard, M. (editors) Proceedings, Seventh International Permafrost Conference,
Yellowknife, 23-27 June, Universite Laval, Centre d'etudes nordiques, Collection
Nordicana, No 57, 909-914.
Pollard, W. & T. Bell (1998). Massive ice formation in the Eureka Sound Lowlands: A
landscape model. In: Lewkowicz, A.G. and Allard, M. (editors) Proceedings, Seventh
International Permafrost Conference, Yellowknife, 23-27 June, Université Laval, Centre
d'etudes nordiques, Collection Nordicana, No 57, 903-908.
Couture, N. & Pollard, W. (1998). An assessment of ground ice volume near Eureka,
Northwest Territories. In: Lewkowicz, A.G. and Allard, M. (editors) Proceedings,
Seventh International Permafrost Conference, Yellowknife, 23-27 June, Université
Laval, Centre d' études nordiques, Collection Nordicana, No 57, 195-200.*
Robinson, S. & Pollard, W. (1998). Massive ground ice within Eureka Sound bedrock,
Fosheim Peninsula, Ellesmere Island, NWT. In: Lewkowicz, A.G. and Allard, M.
(editors) Proceedings, Seventh International Permafrost Conference, Yellowknife, 23-27
June, Universite Laval, Centre d' études nordiques, Collection Nordicana, No 57, 949-954
My research licence applications are in progress.
A.Safety – Diving
All diving will be conducted in accordance with the safety protocols we have developed
over the years for diving in the Antarctic under the auspices of the US Antarctic Program
and/or the New Zealand Program. These guidelines are outlined in the Unites States
Antarctic Program’s Antarctic Scientific Diving Manual. A copy of this manual will be
onsite and available at all times. Dale Andersen will be the primary person in charge of
dive safety. Dale Andersen, Chris McKay and Ian Hawes are all experienced ice-divers,
certified for diving by various agencies (NAUI, PADI, YMCA etc.) in addition to
Antarctic diving authorization by their respective national Antarctic research programs
and have been diving in both marine and lake environments in the Arctic and the
Antarctic for more than 20 years. These individuals have undergone extensive training
for the use of dry suits and diving beneath thick ice-covers.
All dives in Lakes A, B and Ward Hunt Lake will be conducted using the same Antarctic
protocols. Dives will be limited to a maximum depth of 30 meters, all dives will be nodecompression dives; if an ice-cover is present, dives will be tethered using either voice
communications (full face mask such and a KMB-10 band mask or Exo-26 Band Mask)
or appropriate line signals. Equipment selection will be based on equipment that has been
determined to be appropriate for polar use (e.g., we now have an extensive database built
for regulators approved for use in Antarctica). Dives will always be made with a stand by
diver present to render assistance if needed. Dives will be terminated immediately if
there are any equipment malfunctions (regulator freezeups, free-flows etc.) or if surface
conditions (weather) deteriorate during a dive. A plan for dive emergencies will be placed
with PCSP and medical oxygen will be available onsite.
B. Polar bear safety –
Polar bear risk is relatively low for the areas where we will be staying and for the time of
year we will be doing fieldwork. We will not have any bear warning systems but will
follow recommended camp procedures to avoid bear encounters. In addition to bear
pepper spray we request permission to take our shotgun into the park (with non-lethal
shotgun ammunition - cracker shells, rubber bullets as well as slugs). All Canadian
persons that may handle a firearm have a valid Canadian Firearms Acquisition Certificate
C. Access to study sites – see above
D. Fuel and fuel caches:
All aviation fuel will be part of existing PCSP fuel caches, PCSP pilots use electric fuel
pumps, in camp we will have 1 20lb propane tank for our camp stove and 5 gallons of
mogas for a small .8 kw generator.
E. Human waste management
Human waste will be burned and removed in a sealed plastic drum, at Ward Hunt we will
use park facilities.
F. Garbage management –
We will filter and decant grey water and we wish to burn the garbage and remove the
G. Use of mechanized and other equipment – not applicable
H. Chemical use – not applicable.
I. Ground disturbance – not applicable
J. Animal welfare – not applicable
K. Parks Canada assistance - not applicable
L. Wilderness protection –
All wildlife will be avoided.
Nunavut Impact Review Board Information Requirements
Indicate and describe the components of the environment that are near the project area, as
applicable. Attach any relevant maps or information:
Type of species (common
name, associated herd, etc.)
Example: Narwhal
Migratory Birds:
Canid family (wolves,
wolverines, foxes, etc.)
Bears (grizzly, polar, black):
Important Habitat Area (calving,
staging, denning, migratory
pathways, spawning, nesting,
Ice floe edge in Pond Inlet
Local population
Critical time periods
(calving, post-calving, spawning,
nesting, breeding, etc.)
June-July, at break-up time
Historical/Archaeological sites: no
Indicate and describe other known uses of the area such as local development, traditional
use (hunting/fishing/spiritual), outfitting, tourism, mineral development, research, etc.:
Describe the impacts of the proposed project activity on the environmental components
and uses, in the area listed above
What are some suggested mitigation measures for these impacts
Not applicable
List the community representatives that you have contacted about this proposed project:
Grise Fiord
Hamlet Council
How Contacted
Part of licence
Part of licence
Telephone #
Describe the level of involvement that the residents of Nunavut have had with respect to
the proposed project. Elaborate on local employment opportunities, training programs,
contracts, Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreements (if applicable):
Is there a Traditional Knowledge component to this research project? If yes, please
describe. If the traditional knowledge component will occur outside the national park
please ensure you obtain a research licence from the Nunavut Research Institute.
(Sections 6.1.8, 6.1.13)
NOTE: Your research permit application should cover many of these questions. Some will not
be applicable to your project and that is fine, though you should be prepared to answer any of
these questions.
a) What is the nature and scope of the research?
See above
b) What are the goals and objectives of the research?
See above
c) What type of community involvement has taken place up to this stage of the research project;
in particular, is the community aware of this research project proposal and what are its
Correspondence related to research licence application process
d) Where will the research project be conducted, at what time of the year and for how long (i.e.
location, time of year, number of days)?
See above
Fax #
e) What type of information is being sought and how will it be obtained?
See above
What role will Inuit knowledge or perspectives have in the research project, including the
research design, methods, data collection and analysis and research products?
g) What Inuit sources are being sought to explore this knowledge and these perspectives and
how will these be utilized?
None and Not applicable
h) Is proficiency in Inuktitut required to explore this knowledge and these perspectives and
What steps will be taken to obtain informed consent from all persons and groups
participating in the research project?
Not applicable
What are the expected benefits of the research to the individual researchers, to the local
community, and to the society as a whole?
None specific to the community but to society this research will provide information on extreme
environment ecology and processes.
k) What are the risks associated with the research to the individual researchers, to the local
community, and to the society as a whole?
l) What steps will be taken to minimize these risks?
No applicable
m) Is this research project community-based? If yes, what steps will be taken to ensure that a
representative cross-section of community experiences and perceptions is included? If not,
why not?
No and not applicable
n) What role will members of the community have in the research project
(i) as the researched,
(ii) as the researchers,
(iii) in providing information,
(iv) in using the completed research,
(v) in identifying research needs,
(vi) in controlling the use and distribution of the data collected and the research results, and
(vii) in reviewing the research results and the decisions concerning how the results will be
presented and distributed?
o) What employment and training opportunities will be made available to members of the
p) Where will supplies be purchased for the project?
Most will be purchased in Resolute Bay
q) What type of transportation services will be used to get to the site for the research and to
transport supplies? Will local transportation services be contracted? Will they be flown into
the location?
PCSP aircraft support
r) How will confidentiality be maintained for participants in the research project?
Not applicable
What is the amount of funding received, and what are the names and addresses of the funding
agencies or sources?
NSERC $20,000
NASA $15,000
PCSP $ 20,000
Use only if you are conducting research in cooperation with a community in a national
Polar Bear Defense Kills
A defense kill is defined as a situation in which the killing of a polar bear is necessary to protect
human life or property.
Yearly polar bear quotas (or total allowable harvest) are established for the number of male and
female polar bears that can be sustainably hunted by Nunavut communities from specified polar
bear populations. This system of polar bear management also requires that all human-caused
mortality must be counted against the quota, including defense or accidental kills. A defense kill
can result in the quota be reduced and/or loss of economic and other benefits to the Nunavut Land
Claims beneficiaries.
The legal implications and appropriate compensations for defense kills by researchers in national
parks have yet to be determined. However, the national parks’ Inuit Impact and Benefit
Agreement states that if a Parks Canada employee or contractor kills a polar bear, compensation
will be paid to the Hunter and Trapper Organization (HTO) of each adjacent community affected
by the kill. Further, that $5,000 will be paid to the affected HTO and an additional $5,000 will be
paid for each tag (quota) reduction required to accommodate the emergency kill. This approach
may be selected by the HTO or other amounts or kinds of compensation may be required
(payments have varied from $1,500 to $10,000).
A community may request that you hire a person to act as a bear monitor in your research camp
as part of its response to your research proposal. An experienced bear monitor can judge whether
a bear is just curious or threatening, and if the bear can be deterred rather than killed. Hiring a
local resident also creates employment, promotes greater community involvement, and improves
community understanding of the research projects in national parks.
In the event of a polar bear defense kill the research camp must immediately contact the Chief
Park Warden of the national park, the Nunavut Department of Sustainable Development, and the
nearest HTO office. Researchers should also be familiar with the recommended procedures for
care of meat, skin and body parts