UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA COLLEGE OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF CHILD, FAMILY & COMMUNITY SCIENCES I. Descriptive Information Course Title-Number Coaching Theory Course Description A comprehensive review of the national standards for athletic coaches as defined by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Course Credit 3 credit hours Prerequisites Admission to Program or C.I. Intended Audience This course is designed for students specializing in coaching within the Sports and Fitness degree program or seeking a coaching “minor” at the University of Central Florida. Instructor Dr. Jeff Duke Office Phone #: 352.536.2180 Office (South Lake): Room 316 E-mail: II. PET 3765 Statement of Course Goals and Objectives Goals This course has been specifically designed to provide direction for administrators, coaches, athletes, and the public regarding the skills and knowledge that coaches should possess. The overriding premise in the development of this class is that its contents be used to ensure the enjoyment, safety, and positive skill development of America’s athletes. Objectives Students will be able to comprehend the standards that reflect the scope of coaching responsibilities in the following domains: 1. Philosophy and Ethics (NSSC #1, #2, #3, #4) 2. Safety and Injury Prevention (NSSC #5, #6, #7, #8. #9, #10, #11) 3. Physical Conditioning (NSSC #12, #13, #14, #15) 4. Growth and Development (NSSC #16, #17, #18) 5. Teaching & Communication (NSSC #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26) 6. Sport Skills and Tactics (NSSC #27, #28, #29) 7. Organization and Administration (NSSC #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36) 8. Evaluation (NSSC #37, #38, #39, #40) III. 1. 2. 3. 4. General Course Policies Attendance is mandatory and is an integral part of the final grade. Be on time for class. This is an “interactive” class with weekly “outside” class lab assignments. Instructor has discretion as to what constitutes an “excused” absence. IV. Required Text & Acquisitions National Association for Sport and Physical Education (2006). National Standards for Sport Coaches. ISBN: 0-88314-908-7 C.P.R. / A.E.D. & First Aid (adult) Certification (scheduled through UCF Recreation & Wellness Center) Three coaching professional association or trade publication memberships (determined during the semester)/ cost varies according to specific association dues V. Academic Course Requirements 1. Final Exam Matrix (10 points) There will be one exam during the term. It will cover the readings, lectures, class discussions and mentor assignments (including completed first aid/ CPR/ AED certifications and proof of membership to three professional associations and/or trade publication memberships) based on the eight (8) domains and forty (40) National Standards for Sport Coaches. The exam matrix is worth 10 points. 2. Mentor Assignments & Presentations (80 points) Attendance is mandatory. During the course of the term, each student will complete a series of eight (8) mentoring assignments based on the eight domains outlined in the National Standards for Sport Coaches. The eight (8) domains are divided into forty (40) standards. Each mentoring assignment will consist of a portion of the required standards. Each standard will have a value of two (2) points. You are expected to come to class prepared (mentor assignment presentation) to participate in discussions of assigned domains. Each mentoring assignment will be based on individualized coaching interest. Completed assignments are due at the beginning of each class. You are expected to dress in appropriate sports and fitness attire when giving presentations or meeting at professional industry settings. 3. CPR /AED (adult) & First Aid Certification (5 points) Students will acquire their adult CPR/AED & First Aid Certifications. This can be scheduled through the UCF Recreation & Wellness Center. Certifications must be current through the end of this current semester. Certification agencies must be approved by the instructor. This course requirement will be checked on the day of the final exam. 4. Sport Coaching Professional Association / Trade Publication Memberships (5 points) Each student must obtain membership in three professional association or trade publication memberships. Instructor approval prior to acquisition must be obtained. This course requirement will be checked on the day of the final exam. VI. Evaluation and Grading Evaluation Final Exam Matrix Mentor Assignments & Presentations CPR/AED First Aid Certifications Association/ Publication Memberships Total 10 80 5 5 100 Grading Scale 94 – 100 = A 74 – 76 = C 90 – 93 = A70 – 73 = C 87 – 89 = B+ 67 – 69 = D+ 84 – 86 = B 64 – 66 = D 80 – 83 = B60 – 63 = D77 – 79 = C+ 59 & below = F ITENERARY August 24: Orientation/ Syllabus/ Matrix Specs/ Mentor Relationships August 31: Establish Mentoring Relationships/ No Class September 7: Domain # 1 - Philosophy and Ethics Standards 1-4 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments September 14: Standards 1- 4 Mentoring Review & Presentations September 21: Domain # 2 – Safety and Injury Prevention Standards 5 -11 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments September 28: NO CLASS/ Dr. Duke presenting at national coaches conference October 5: Standards 5 -11 Mentoring Review & Presentations October 12: Domain # 3 – Physical Conditioning Domain # 4 – Growth and Development Standards 12 – 18 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments October 19: Standards 12 – 18 Mentoring Review & Presentations October 26: Domain # 5 – Teaching and Communication Standards 19 – 26 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments November 2: Standards 19 – 26 Mentoring Review & Presentations November 9: Domain # 6 – Sport Skills and Tactics Standards 27 - 29 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments November 16: Standards 27 – 29 Mentoring Review & Presentations November 23: Domain # 7 – Organization and Administration Domain # 8 - Evaluation Standards 37 – 40 Benchmarks & Mentoring Assignments November 30: Standards 30 – 40 Benchmarks & Mentoring Presentations MATRIX FINAL REVIEW December 7: FINAL EXAM (Matrix, Certifications, Memberships) * Domain 3/ Standard 14: Be an advocate for drug-free sport participation and provide accurate information about drugs and supplements. Many drugs and supplements are available to athletes with little information about the long-term impact on health. The coach has a great influence over lifestyle practices of their athletes and must ensure that players have accurate and adequate information about the effects of drug and supplement use and abuse. The coach must not encourage the use of drugs and/or supplements as a means of enhancing athletic performance. Benchmarks - Obtain current, research-based information related to supplements and their potential impact on performance and health. - Provide parents/ guardians, athletes, and staff with information on the effects of drugs, supplements, and prescribed medications on athletic performance, weight, and health. - Intervene and/or refer athletes to appropriate experts when significant changes in body composition, physical appearance, and personality that may be drug-related are observed. - Make clear to all athletes the established, negative, consequences of using a banned substance, alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs as they relate to team rules, program policies, the law, and overall health. - Identify and acknowledge the social, emotional, and psychological pressures that make athletes susceptible to drug/ supplement use and teach alternate strategies to mediate these factors.