AT 09 Letter of Instruction 28 MAR 09 AT testing will be on 12 of the following 16 tasks. FIRST AID (five tasks) 081-831-1003 Clear an Object from the Throat of a Conscious Casualty Conditions: Given a conscious casualty who is having hard time breathing because something is stuck in his or her throat. Standards: Attempt to clear the object from the casualty’s throat. Continue giving abdominal or chest thrusts until the casualty can talk and breathe normally, you are relieved by a qualified person, or the casualty becomes unconscious requiring mouth-tomouth resuscitation. 081-831-1005 Perform First Aid to Prevent or Control Shock Conditions: You see a casualty who is breathing. There is no uncontrolled bleeding. The casualty has one or more of the symptoms of shock. Necessary equipment and materials: a field jacket and blanket or poncho. Standards: Attempted to prevent a casualty from a casualty from going into shock by correctly positioning the casualty, loosening binding clothes, calming and reassuring, and providing shade from direct sunlight during hot weather, or covering to prevent body heat loss during cold weather. Did not cause further injury to the casualty. 081-831-1008 Perform First Aid for Heat Injuries Conditions: You see a casualty who has signs and symptoms of a heat injury. The casualty has a full canteen of cool water. Standards: Recognized the type of heat injury and gave appropriate first aid. 081-831-1009 Give First Aid for Frostbite Conditions: Given a soldier who has signs and symptoms of frostbite and a blanket or dry clothing. You are not in a chemical environment. Standards: Give first aid for frostbite without causing further injury to the casualty. 081-831-1032 Perform First Aid for Bleeding of an Extremity Conditions: You have a casualty who has a bleeding wound of the arm or leg. The casualty is breathing. Necessary equipment and materials: casualty’s first aid packet, materials to improvise a pressure dressing (wadding and cravat or strip of cloth), materials to elevate the extremity (blanket, shelter half, poncho, log, or any available material), rigid object (stick, tent peg, or similar object), and a strip of cloth. Standards: Controlled bleeding from the wound following the correct sequence. Placed a field dressing over the wound with the sides of the dressing sealed so it did not slip. Checked to ensure the field and pressure dressing did not a tourniquet-like effect. Applied a tourniquet to stop profuse bleeding not stopped by the dressing, or for missing arms and legs. Map Reading and Land Navigation (7 Tasks) 071-329-1001 Identify Terrain Features on a Map Conditions: Given a standard 1:50,000-scale military map. Standards: Identified the five major and three minor features on the map. 071-329-1002 Determine the Grid Coordinates of a Point on a Military Map Conditions: Given a standard 1:50,000-scale military map, a 1:50,000 grid coordinate scale, pencil, paper, and a point on the map for which coordinates must be determined. Standards: 1. Determine the six-digit grid coordinates for the point on the map with a 100-meter tolerance (grid coordinates must contain the correct two-letter 100,000 meter-square identifier). 2. Determine the eight-digit grid coordinates for the point on the map with a50-meter tolerance (grid coordinates must contain the correct two-letter 100,000 meter-square identifier. 071-329-1003 Determine a Magnetic Azimuth Using a Lensatic Compass Conditions: Given a compass and a designated point on the ground. Standards: Determine the correct magnetic azimuth to the designated point within 3 degrees using the compass-to-check method, or within 10 degrees using the center-hold method. 071-329-1011 Orient a Map Using a Lensatic Compass Conditions: Given a field table, a standard 1:50,000-scale military map, a protector, a pencil, paper, and a compass in daylight. Standards: Oriented the map to the ground using a compass so the north-seeking arrow of the compass was within 3 degrees (20 mils) of the angle shown in the grid-magnetic (G-M) angle of the declination diagram shown on the map. 071-329-1014 Locate an Unknown Point on a Map and on the Ground by Intersection Conditions: Given a standard 1:50,000-scale military map of the area, the location of two known points, a compass, a straight edge, a coordinate scale, a protractor (GTA 0502-012), a pencil, and an object or terrain feature for which the soldier must determine the grid location. Standards: Determined the 100,000-meter square identification letters and six-digit coordinates of the object or terrain feature to within 100 meters. 071-329-1015 Locate an Unknown Point on a Map and on the Ground by Resection Conditions: Given an unknown location, a standard 1:50,000-scale military map of the area, a compass, a straight edge, a coordinate scale, a protractor (GTA 05-02-012), a pencil, and two terrain features visible from your location and identifiable on the map. Standards: Determined the 100,000 meter square identification letters and six-digit coordinates of your location to within 100 meters of the actual grid coordinates. 071-510-0001 Determine Azimuths using a Protractor Conditions: Given a standard 1:50,000-scale military map with two known points plotted on the map, a protractor, a straight edge, a pencil, and requirement to determine the azimuth from your location (point A) to another point (point B) on the map. Standards: Determined the grid azimuth (in mils or degrees) from your location (point A) to point B within 1 degree or 2o mils. COMMUNICATION (Two Tasks) 113-571-1022 Perform Voice Communications Conditions: Given one operational radio set (warmed up and set to the next frequency) for each member; a call sign information card (5 inches x 8 inches) consisting of net member duty position (S1, S2), net call sign (letter-number-letter), suffix list (net control station {NCS} -46, S1-39, S2-13), and a message to be transmitted. Situation: The net is considered to be secure and authentication is not required (FM 2419) NOTE: This task may have as many net members as there is equipment available. Each net member must have a different suffix and message to transmit. Standards: Entered a radio net, sent a message, and left a radio net using the proper call signs, call sign sequence, prowords, and phonetic alphabet and numerals with 100 percent accuracy. 301-371-1000 Report Intelligence Information Conditions: You have observed enemy activity, significant terrain, and weather features and must immediately report the activity to your chain of command via radio, wire, cable, or messenger. Standards: Submitted observations in a spot report, using SALUTE format, to your chain of command, within five minutes of observing enemy activity. You correctly identified six out of six SALUTE items. S - size A - activity L - location U - unit/uniform T - time observed E- equipment SEARCH & RESCUE (Two Tasks) SAR 1 Identify FEMA Building Search Markings Conditions: Given a simulated building search marking panel. Standard: Identify and convey the meaning of the markings on the panel accurately. go to FEMA Building Search Markings (coming soon) SAR 2 Tie common knots used in search and rescue Conditions: Given rope, a rope corral, or other object, and a choice of 6 knots (Figure 8, bowline, prusik, sheet-bend, square or reef, two half hitches) Go to link for examples of these knots: Figure 8, Bowline, Sheet-bend, Square or Reef (see Boating) Figure 8, Bowline, Prusik (see Search and Rescue) Two Half Hitches (see Scouting) Standard: Correctly tie 3 different knots of your choosing from the 5 available