Digital Learning Solutions by NJPA HS MATH HELP SITES

Digital Learning Solutions by NJPA
HS MATH HELP SITES—RESOURCES—ETC. Links were all active as of 8/13/13
The first two sites are quite helpful. Some sites are promoting various products. Others are for instructors.
Good site and can show work steps
This is a tutor site that may help your students
Many math levels of help with tutorials on a variety of math subjects,
Good tutorial means—Do the problem and see the solution.
Good site but follow links for resources
This site has a very large number of links with several purposes that address many topic areas.
Great Site! Algebra I, Algebra II
Video series on series of skills…30 minute presentations
NROC National Repository of Online Courses
Algebra 1A and Algebra 1B Introductory Algebra course, interactive, with homework, quizzes and tests (with key)
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra Basic Algebra course; interactive with online video. Originally designed for
teacher training. (Annenburg/CPB)
Supplement this course with free online Algebra I textbook, Understanding Algebra (Boise State University)
Geometry Basic geometry course; interactive with online video. Originally designed for teacher training.
Geometry of Art & Architecture This companion site to a Dartmouth College course provides an approach to
geometry that may be particularly appealing to arts-oriented students. (Dartmouth College)
Supplement this course with Euclid’s Elements
Calculus on the Web COW is an internet utility for learning, practicing and experimenting with the ideas and
techniques of calculus (ongoing work of Gerardo Mendoza and Dan Reich of the Mathematics Department at
Temple University)
Monterey Institute for Technology & Education AP Courses Monterey Institute offers free online AP courses:
Calculus AB This calculus course covers functions and graphs; limits and continuity; derivatives; applications of
derivatives; antiderivatives & definite integrals;...
Calculus BC This course is meant to help high school student study for the Advanced Placement BC Calculus test
offered yearly by the College Board
Supplemental Resource: AP Statistics Course Description and Syllabi You must register (it’s free) first, then
you may download any AP Course Description and sample syllabi
Elementary Statistics A basic elementary statistics course complete with 12 thirty-minute video lectures,
assignments, quizzes, online calculator, and exams with answer keys. A complete statistics course. (Sofia Open
Content Initiative)
Against All Odds: Introductory Statistics This online video course includes 26 half-hour video modules and
introduces the basic principles of statistics.
NOTE 1: Requires broadband connection.
NOTE 2: Optional textbooks to accompany this course may be purchased.
Advanced Placement Statistics This website offers the course outline, course materials, readings, teacher
resources, assignments, projects, and sample tests for the Advanced Placement Statistics course taught at the
prestigious Buckingham, Browne, & Nichols independent school in Cambridge, MA. You will need to purchase or
borrow the required textbooks and calculator. (Buckingham, Browne, & Nichols School, Cambridge, MA)
Supplemental Resource: AP Statistics Course Description and Syllabi You must register (it’s free) first, then you
may download any AP Course Description and sample syllabi
The following is the home page that eventually led to the above site.
Tremendous number of links that look to be exciting! There are audio files included in these listings. Excellent
Side bar links include other subject areas.