Study Question(English)

Advanced plant physiology - Study question
Life Science, NCHU
1.Chapters from my life by James Bonner.(ARPP. 1994.)
2. (a). Briefly describe 3 laws of T.D.
(b). Summarize concepts of 3 laws by giving example based on
a comprehension of the word we live in.
*ref.: 1. Taiz and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant physiology. Chap.2
3. Explain evolutionary view on how life was originated (origin of
life). (Ref: Chapter 37, Biochemistry, Lehninger)
4. Explain how primitive single cell organism, success (消長) from
aquatic environment to terrestrial environment (land plant ).
5. (a). Give your own definition of life.
(b). A kidney or eyes to be artificially transferred and
(c). A basket of apple from the market.
Are they alive? Elaborate your answer.
6. Define following
★virus, protein, nucleic acid, PPLO, Mycoplasma.
★whether they are to be considered alive or dead?
*ref.:1. Stanier, R.Y., E.A. Adelberg and J. L. Ingraham. 1976.
The Microbial World. 4 th Edition. pp: 79-80, 126
2.Zubay, G. Biochemistry. 2nd Edition. Macmillan.
7. Diagram a plant cell, and label all parts; check out the
dimension and function of each organelles.
*ref.: 1.Salisbury & Ross. 1985. Prologue. Plant Physiology. pp:
2.Rost, Barbour, Thornton, Weier, and Stocking.
1984.Botany. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
3.Taiz & Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.
8. DNA finger print.(世界周刊)
9. Define cell totipotency. (P1. physiol. text ) Elaborate by citing
F.C. Steward’s work with carrot root culture.
*ref.: 1. F.C. Steward. 1964. Growth and development of
cultured plants cells. Science 143:20-24.
2.Levitt J. 1969. Introduction to plant physiol. pp:11
3.Taiz & Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. pp:386
10. Design an ideal cell based on the concept of best energy
conservation, elaborate your point of energy conservation in
your ideal cell.
11. Explain:
(a).carrier hypothesis (b).dual patternn of ion transport
(c).kinetics of carrier mediated transport
*ref.: 1.Epstein, E. 1972. Mineral Nutrition of Plants: Principles
and perspectives pp:80-150.東南印刷廠.
2.Taiz, L., and Eduardo Zeiger. 1990. Plant Physiol.
Chapter 12 The Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., Inc.
12. Describe Hodge’s work on localization of ATPase in
*ref.:1.Leonard, R. T., & T. K. Hodge. 1973. Characterization of
plasma membrane-associated adenosine-Triphosphatase
Activity of Oat Roots. Plant Physiol. 52:6-12.
2.Black, N. E., & T. K. Hodge.1975. Plasma Memberane
Adenosine Triphosphatase of Oat Roots. Plant Physiol.
3.Blade, N. E., H. Sze, R. T. Leonard, & T. K. Hodge 1974.
Cation Sensitivity of the plasma Membrane ATPase of
Oat Roots, In membrane transport in plants.
Springer-Verlag New York Heidelberg Berlin.
13. Summarize Epistein’s view on how ions transport across
membrane into Symplast.
*ref. :1.Epstein, E. 1972. Mineral Nutrition of plants.東南印刷廠.
pp: 80-150.
14. What is “Aquaporins”. Explain how aquaporins facilitate
water transport through the plasma membrance and the
*ref. :1Maurel C. et al. 1995. EMBO J. 14: 3028-3035.
2.Daniels M. J. et al. 1994. Plant Physiol 106: 1325-1333.
3.Robinson D. G. et al .1996. Plant Physiol 111: 645-649.
15. Describe shuttle system, explain & give evidences of 3
shuttle models.
*ref. :1.Stocking, C. R., and U. Heber. 1976. Transport in plants
Ⅲ. Intracellular Interactions and Transport Processes.
Springler-Verlag. pp:122-123.
16. Explain patch clamp techniques vs ion channels.( P137, T & Z )
17. How would you prove that K+ is involved in stomata movement.
Base on the techniques taught in class, give an decisive
evidence.附圖說明之。(Mineral nutrition of plants P311)
18. Relate the interacting role of Ca++, K+ and ABA in stomatal
*ref. :1.Mansfield, T. M., Ahetherington , and C. J. Atkinson.
1990. Somecurrent aspect of stomatal physiology. Annu.
Rev. Plant Physiol. pp:55.
2.許玉妹、林金和. 1993. 植物缺乏水時 ABA 與氣孔開閉之關
係.中國園藝 39(1): 8-13
19. Summarize permeability characteristics of chloroplast inner
envelope. Compare the rate of transport of metabolite and
coenzymes in photosynthetic cell.
*ref. :1.Stocking, C. R., and U. Heber. 1976. Transport in plants
Ⅲ. Intracellular Interactions and Transport Processes.
Springler-Verlag. pp:122-123.
20. How would you identify an isolated chloroplast as a class 1
*ref. :1.Stocking, C. R., and U. Heber. 1976. Transport in plants
Ⅲ. Intracellular Interactions and Transport Processes.
Springler-Verlag. pp:122-123.
21. Explain Tritiated thymidine method for determination of
cell cycle time.
*ref. :1.Rost, T. L., M. G. Barbour, R. M. Thornton, T. E. Weier,
and C. R. Stocking. 1984 Botany. A Brief Introduction
to Plant Biology. 2nd Ed. John Wiley & Sons. pp: 34-38.
22. Define “plastochron index” and give an example to explain its
physiological significance.
*ref.:1.Erickson, R. O. and F. J. Michelini. 1957. The
plastochron index. Amer. J. Bot. 44(4): 297-304.
2.Michelini. F. J. 1958. The plastochron index in
developmental studies of Xanthium italicum Moretti.
Amer, J. Bot. 45: 525-533.
3.Coleman. W. K. and R. I. Greyson. 1976. The growth and
development of the leaf in tomato (Lycopersicon
esculentum). 1. The plastochron index, a suitable basis
for description. J. Bot. 54: 2421-2428.
4.Keller, E. and K. L. Steffen. 1995. Increased chilling
tolerance and altered carbon metabolism in tomato
leaves following application of mechanical stress.
Physiol. Plant. 93: 519-525.
23.List and compare methods of tissue disruption their
advantage and disadvantage.
24. Summarize 3 papers by De Duve, Claude & Palade.
*ref.:1.Christian, D. D. July 18, 1975. Explain cell with
centrifuge. Science. 189:186-193.
2.Palade, G. Augt. 1975. Intracellular aspects of the
process of protein synthesis. Science. 189:347-358.
3.Claude, A. The coming of age of the cell . Science.
Summarize 3 papers, and point out their major contributions
in biology.
25. Describe & explain Hybridoma.
*ref. :1.Salisbury ,F. B. and C. W. Ross. 1985. Physiology.
Wadsworth, Co.pp:388.
26. Explain the principle of the following techniques.
(a).X-ray analysis (b).Freeze etching
(d).immuno histochemistry
(e).ELISA (f).Image analysis
(g).Compare the principle of the following
techniques.western blot, Elisa, tissue printing and
*ref. :1.Becker, W. M., 1986. The World of the Cell .The
Benjamin/Cumming Pub. Co., Inc.
27. Principle of the Mass spectrometer.
*ref. :1.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:434-436.
28. Explain “internal standard” in physical chemical analysis.
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:435
29. Measure or define the dimension of the following items:
★mm, m, Å, nm, mg, g, picogram
★Radio wave, infrared, visible light, UV, blue light, X-ray,
green light, red lihgt, e- beam.
★Epithelial cell, Red cell, Bacteria, PPLO, Virus, Protein,
Amino acid ,Water, Atoms.
★Unaided eye, LM, EM, (resolution).
★Cork cell (Diameter, Volume), leaf cell, Xylem Vessel,
Scenedesumus (diameter and length), elongation zone of
onion root. (Cytology, Anatomy, Physiology ref. text )
*ref.:1.Angrios, G. N. 1982. Plant Physiology. 2nd ed. 環球出版
2.R. Y. Stanier, E. A. Adelberg, and J. L. Ingraham. 1976.
The Microbial World. 4th ed.
3.Salisbury & Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology. 3rd ed.
Wadsworth, Inc.
30. All I know about cell wall.
*ref. :1.林金和、陳秀卿. 1979. 生長中的植物細胞壁.科學發展
31. Briefly define the following terms ( Chap. 15, T & Z )
(a).primary growth
(b).secondary growth
(g).apical meristem
(c).primary root
(h).lateral meristem
(d).indeterminate growth (j).phytomer
(e).determinate growth
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant
32. Be able to explain Z scheme of photosynthesis.
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiologys.
33. (1).Explain Mitchell’s hypothesis of photophosphorylation.
*ref. :1Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology.
(2).依此 hypothesis 其成立之前提為何?
34. Compare photophosphorylation vs. oxidative
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology.
35. (a).Define photorespiration (p499 outline of Biochem.)
(b).List and explain the role of organelles involved in
(c).Write out and explain 2 generalized steps oxidation
reaction of microbodies.
36. Compare the Km of CO2 between RuBP carboxylase and PEP
*ref. :1.Goodwin and Mercer. 1983. Introduction to plant
biochemistry. 2nd ed.
37. Describe 3 subtypes of C4 plant in photosynthesis, their
chemical reaction and physiological significance.
*ref. :1. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 1993, 20:757-769.
38.何謂 Action spectrum 與 absorption spectrum ?
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
pp: 183-185.
39. Explain Emerson enhancement.
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
3rd ed. pp:185-186.
40. Define the terms:
(a).Long day plant, (b).short day plant,
(c).long-short day plants, (d).short-long day plant,
(e).day neutral plant, (f).qualitative short day plant,
(g).quantitative short day plant, (h).rosette plant,
(i).caulescent plant, (j).What is the photostationary state ?
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
3rd ed. Wadsworth, Inc. pp:428-429.
41. How is the critical photoperiod for floral induction measured
in an experiment and the time required for movement of the
flowering stimulus out of the leaf measured ? ( Salisbury &
Ross ).
42. Light supplement in Chrysanthemum flower production
*ref. :1.黃敏展、朱建鏞. 1984. 電照標準照明方法之研究.興大園
藝.9: 4594.
43. (a).Define vernalization
(b).give examples of it as applied to winter annuals
(c).biennial long day plant
(d).non-photoperiodic biennials
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
3rd ed. pp:412-416.
2.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp: 524-530.
44. (a).What is the receptive site in a plant for vernalization?
(b).give evidence to support your answer
(c).Is the condition permanent and transmissable to cells
not in existence at the time of treatment ?
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1983. Plant Physiology.
3rd ed. pp:412-416.
2.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. pp:
45. Relate cell temperature flucturation during freezing injury
prevention by water sprinking.( p359. T & Z )
46. Summarize
(a).two stage of GA biosynthesis
(b).three type of growth retardant that inhibiting specific
steps of GA biosynthesis
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
Wadsworth, Co pp:321.
2.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:426-433.
3.林金和、王麗華. 1992. GA 生合成抑制劑之生理探討.
Weed Sci, Bull. 13(1):31-39.
47. Explain microdrop bioassay of GA using dwarf rice.
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:434-435
48. Compare the control of GA20 biosynthesis under SD vs. LD.
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:441-443.
49. Demonstrate that Gibberellin promote the transcription of
α-amylase mRNA by “nuclear run off ” experiment.
*ref. :1.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:446.
50. IAA biosynthesis pathway in higher plant
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
Wadsworth, Co pp:311.
2.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp:404-405.
51. Explain the biosynthetic pathway of ethylene in plant tissue.,
note the enzyme and inhibitor involved in each step , if
there is any.(中國園藝 27: (2,3) 51-57, 1981. ARPP Vol:35)
*ref. :1. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. pp:474-477
52. Explain and compare climatic rise vs. nonclimatic rise.
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1983. Plant Physiology.
3rd ed. pp:191.
2. Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. pp:282.
53. Briefly explain the following ( Chap. 16, T & Z )
(a).Cholodny-Went theory of root and shoot gravitropism( P.
415,425 )
(f).Auxin bioassay (g).Chemiosmotic model of IAA transport
(h). “Blue light response”.
*ref. :1.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1991. Plant Physiology. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. pp: 398.
54. About nitrogen metabolism
(a).Diagram and explain the assimilation pathway of nitrate in
green plant.
(b).compare the toxicity of NO3- vs. NH4+ to the
environment, animal and plant cell.
(c).their possible detoxification pathway in plants.
(d)All I know about biological Nitrogen fixation.
*ref. :1.Haynes, R. J. 1986. Mineral Nitrogen in the Plantsoil
system. Academic Pross, Inc.
2.Taiz, L., and E. Zeiger. 1990. Plant Physiol.Chapter 12.
The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc.
55.(a).Explain and give example of “Colligative property”.
(b).Peltier effect.
(c).Seeback effect.
(d).Design a thermocouple psychrometer, and explain its
*ref. :1.Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. 1985. Plant Physiology.
56. List 3 anticipated major environmental stresses in 21
century.Explain their path of formation and possible impact
to plants.
57. Due a report:
All I know about this year’s Nobel Laureate in Medicine,
Physics and Chemistry in relation to advancement of biology.
(update news via media).
58. As a plant physiology student , if you could spend an
afternoon with some person living or deceased, who would
that be, what would you do, any why ?