COMBINED I & II SEMESTER B.TECH. ENGINEERING DEGREE MODEL EXAMINATION 2009 EN2K 104 A ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (A) Time : 3 hours Max. marks : 100 Answer all questions. I) PART A 1.At what glancing angle would the first order diffraction from (110) planes of KCl be observed using X-rays of wavelength 150pm.The dimension of the unit cell is 315pm. 2. Write a note on different types of liquid crystals. 3. If a polymer sample has population as : 10 molecules of molecular mass each =5,000 20 ” ” ” ” ” =7,500 20 ” ” ” ” ” =10,000 25 ” ” ” ” ” =15,000 20 ” ” ” ” ” =20,000 5 ” ” ” ” ” =25,000 Calculate the number average and weight average molecular mass the polymer. 4. Explain hydrodynamic lubrication. 5. What is single electrode potential? Explain. 6. 30ml of 0.1M NaOH is added to 100ml of 0.1M acetic acid. Calculate the pH of the buffer solution. ( ka for acetic acid =1.8 X 10-5) 7. State and explain Pilling and Bedworth rule. 8. Define BOD and COD. How COD is experimentally found out? PART B II) (A)1. State and explain the law of rational indices. Describe the the method of determining the Miller Indices for a plane of a cubic crystal. (7 marks) 2. Write a note on the band theory of solids. (8 marks) OR (B)1. Derive Bragg’s equation. (7 marks) 2. How are crystalline solids are classified on the nature of forces binding the constituent units. (8 marks) III) (A)1. Differentiate between addition polymerization and condensation polymerization with suitable examples. (8 marks) 2. Discuss the effect of structure of polymers on their properties in detail. (7 marks) OR (B)1. Write notes on a) Viscosity index b) Aniline point c) Cloud and pour point (9 marks) 2. Describe the method of preparation, properties and uses of the following polymers a)PMMA b)Kevlar c)Bakelite (6 marks) IV) A) 1. Explain the determination of PH of a solution using glass electrode. (7 marks) 2. How is EMF of the cell is determined by Poggendroff”s compensation method. (8 marks) OR B) 1. Write the construction and working of a concentration cell (7 marks) 2. Discuss the different types of potentiometric titrations. ( 8 marks) V) A) 1. Define metallic corrosion. Explain the electrochemical theory of corrosion (7 marks) 2. Describe the methods of obtaining inorganic coatings (8 marks) OR B) 1) Write notes on a) Cathodic protection b) Anodisation (8 marks) 2) Explain the different steps in the sewage treatment with a neat flow chart. (7 marks) *****************