here - Department of History - Catholic University of America

Nelson Hubert Minnich
Born: 15 January 1942, Cincinnati, Ohio
5713 37th Avenue
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
Tel. (301) 277-5891
Program in Church History
Catholic University of
Washington, D.C. 20064
Tel. (202) 319-5702 (office) or 5079 (CHR)
1959-63 Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- part time (Humanities)
1963-65 Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts) -- AB (Philosophy)
1965-66 Boston College (Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts) -- MA (History)
1968-70 Gregorian University (Roma, Italia) -- STB (Theology)
1970-77 Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) -- PhD (History)
Dissertation: "Episcopal Reform at the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)" directed by
Myron P. Gilmore
Post-Graduate Distinctions:
Foundation for Reformation Research: Junior Fellow (1971) for paleographical studies
Institute of International Education: Fulbright Grant for Research in Italy (1972-73) full award for dissertation
research -- resigned due to impending death in family
Harvard University: Tuition plus stipend (1971-72), Staff Tuition Scholarship (1972-73, 197476), Emerton Fellowship (1972-73), Harvard Traveling Fellowship (1973-74) for dissertation
Sixteenth Century Studies Conference: Carl Meyer Prize (1977)
National Endowment for the Humanities: Summer Stipend (1978) to work on the "Protestatio" of Alberto Pio
Villa I Tatti: The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies: Fellowship for the summer (1979)
to study Leo X's concern for doctrine prior to Luther
American Academy in Rome: Post-Classical Humanistic Studies Fellowship (1979-80) Room and board plus
stipend to study Leo X's concern for doctrine prior to Luther
American Council of Learned Societies: Research Fellowship for Recent Recipients of the PhD (1979-80) to
study Leo X's concern for doctrine prior to Luther
Richard Krautheimer Scholarship: Research Grant (1980) to study Leo X's concern for doctrine prior to Luther
Societas Internationalis Historiae Conciliorum Investigandae: Travel grants to conferences in Toledo (1982),
Ottobeuren (1984), Jerusalem (1986), Istanbul (1987), Ferrara-Florence (1990), Dubrovnik (1997),
Trogir (2008), Esztergom (2010)
American Philosophical Society: Research Grant (1984) to study Antonio Agli's autobiography
National Endowment for the Humanities: Grant for Translation (with Daniel J. Sheerin) (1986) grant to study
Erasmus' debate with Alberto Pio
American Council of Learned Societies: Travel to Conferences Grant (1986) to give papers in Amsterdam and
American Council of Learned Societies: Research Fellowship (1990) to study the Fifth Lateran Council (151217)
Catholic University of America: Faculty Research Grant-In-Aid (1990) to study the Fifth Lateran Council;
(1993), (1994), (1995), (1997) to prepare Erasmus-Pio debate manuscript for publication, and (2001) to
work on the Renaissance Church's attitudes toward Blacks in Italy; (2003) to pay for illustrations for
article on Raphael’s Leo X; (2009) to work on a critical edition of the decrees of Lateran V; (2011) to
work on Renaissance Papacy book.
Renaissance Society of America: Senior Fellow Research Grant (2001) to work on Renaissance Church's
attitudes toward Blacks in Italy.
National Humanities Center: Senior Fellowship from the Lilly Endowment (2004-05)
Pontificio Comitato di Scienze Storiche: appointed to membership by Benedict XVI on 5 February 2007,
renewed on 17 April 1512 for another five years
Graduate Students Association, The Catholic University of America: The Bruno Damiani Graduate Teacher of
the Year Award 2010
Istituto per le scienze religiose: senior visiting fellow, May-June 2012
Academic Positions:
1966-68 Loyola Academy (Wilmette, Illinois) -- Instructor in World and American History and in Civics
1972-73 Harvard University (Cambridge, Massachusetts) -- Teaching Fellow and Assistant (1974-77)
1977- The Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.) -- Assistant (1977-83), Associate (1983-93),
Full (1993- ) Professor in the Departments of History and Church History; acting chairman
(Spring 1978 and Fall 1985), chairman (Spring 1979, Spring 1987 to Summer 1989, and Fall
1998 to Summer 2002) of the Department of Church History
1977- The Catholic Historical Review (Washington, D.C.) – Associate Editor (1977-90, 2003-05),
Advisory Editor (1991-2003), Editor (2005- )
1988-2002 Melville Studies in Church History (Washington, D.C.) -- Editor
Studies in Catholic History in Honor of John Tracy Ellis, ed. Nelson H. Minnich, Robert B. Eno, S.S., and
Robert Trisco (Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1985), Pp. xxi, 765.
The Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17): Studies on Its Membership, Diplomacy, and Proposals for Reform
[Collected Studies Series CS 392] (London: Variorum, 1993), Pp. viii, 342.
The Catholic Reformation: Council, Churchmen, and Controversies [Collected Studies Series CS 403] (London:
Variorum, 1993), Pp. x, 313.
Encyclopedia of the Renaisssance, general editor Paul F. Grendler, associate editor for church history materials
Nelson H. Minnich, 6 vols. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999) -- I edited over 80 articles.
Controversies: Responsio ad epistolam paraeneticam Alberti Pii, Apologia adversus rhapsodias Alberti Pii,
Brevissima scholia. Edited by Nelson H. Minnich, translated by Daniel Sheerin, annotated by Nelson H.
Minnich and Daniel Sheerin, [The Collected Works of Erasmus, volume 84]. (Toronto/ Buffalo/London:
University of Toronto Press, 2005), Pp. cxlviii, 483.
Councils of the Catholic Reformation: Pisa I (1409) to Trent (1545-63) [Collected Studies Series CS890]
(Aldershot,UK: Ashgate/Variorum, 2008), Pp. xii, 348.
Chapters in Books:
"`Incipiat Iudicium a Domo Domini': The Fifth Lateran Council and the Reform of Rome," Reform and
Authority in the Medieval and Reformation Church, ed. Guy F. Lytle (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of
America Press, 1981) 127-142. Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"Girolamo Massaino: Another Conciliarist at the Papal Court, Julius II to Adrian VI," Studies in Catholic
History in Honor of John Tracy Ellis, ed. Nelson H. Minnich, Robert B. Eno, and Robert Trisco (Wilmington,
Del.: Michael Glazier,Inc., 1985) 520-565.
"The Autobiography of Antonio degli Agli (ca. 1400-77), Humanist and Prelate," Renaissance Studies in Honor
of Craig Hugh Smyth, 2 vols, ed. Andrew Morrogh et al. (= Villa I Tatti: The Harvard University Center for
Italian Renaissance Studies, 7) (Florence: Giunti Barbera, 1985), I, 177-191. Reprinted in The Catholic
"Erasmus and the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)," Erasmus of Rotterdam, The Man and the Scholar:
Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 9-11, November 1986, ed. Jan
Sperna Weiland and WillemTh.M. Frijhoff (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1988) 46-60. Reprinted in The Catholic
"On the Origins of Eck's `Enchiridion'," Johannes Eck (1486-1543) im Streit der Jahrhunderte: Internationales
Symposium der Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe des Corpus Catholicorum aus Anlass des 500. Geburtstages des
Johannes Eck vom 13. bis 16. November 1986 in Ingolstadt und Eichstätt, ed. Erwin Iserloh
(=Reformationsgeschichtliche Studien und Texte, Band 127) (Münster: Verlag Aschendorff, 1988) 37-73.
Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"The Proposals for an Episcopal College at Lateran V," Ecclesia Militans:
Studien zur Konzilien und Reformationsgeschichte. Remigius Bäumer zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet, ed.
Walter Brandmüller, Herbert Immenkötter, and
Erwin Iserloh, 2 vols. (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh,
1988), Band I: Zur Konziliengeschichte, 213-232. Reprinted in The Fifth Lateran Council.
"Prophecy and the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)," Prophetic Rome in the High Renaissance Period, ed.
Marjorie E. Reeves [= Oxford-Warburg Studies] (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992), 63-87.
"The Role of Prophecy in the Career of the Enigmatic Bernardino López de Carvajal," Prophetic Rome in the
High Renaissance Period, ed. Marjorie E. Reeves [= Oxford-Warburg Studies] (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992),
"`Wie in dem Basilischen concilio den Bohemen gescheen'? The Status of Protestants at the Council of Trent,"
The Contentious Triangle: Church, State, and University. A Festschrift in Honor of Professor George Huntston
Williams, eds. Rodney L. Petersen and Calvin Augustine Pater [Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, 51]
(Kirkville, MO: Thomas Jefferson University Press, 1999), 201-219.
"The Last Two Councils of the Catholic Reformation: The Influence of Lateran V on Trent," Early Modern
Catholicism: Essays in Honour of John W. O'Malley, S.J., eds. Kathleen M. Comerford and Hilmar M. Pabel
(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001), 3-25.
"The Catholic Church and the Pastoral Care of Black Africans in Renaissance Italy," Blacks Africans in
Renaissance Europe, eds. Thomas Earle and Kate J. Lowe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005),
“The Images of Julius II in the Acta of the Councils of Pisa-Milan-Asti-Lyons (1511-12) and Lateran V (151217),” in: Giulio II: papa, politico, mecenate: Savona, Fortezza del Priamar, Sala della Sibilla, 25-26-27 marzo
2004. Atti del Convegno, eds. Giovanna Rotondi Terminiello and Giulio Nepi (Genova: De Ferrari & Devega
S.r.l. Editoria, 2005), 79-90.
“The Role of the Schools of Theology in the Councils of the Late Medieval and Renaissance Periods: Konstanz
to Lateran V,” in I Padri e le scuole teologiche nei concili, eds, Johannes Grohe, Jerónimo Leal,and Vito Reale
(Città del Vaticano: Libreria editrice Vaticana, 2006), 59-95.
“Julius II and Leo X as Presidents of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-1517),” in La Papauté à la Renaissance,
eds. Florence Alazard and Frank La Branca [Centre d’Études Superieures de la Renaissance: Le savoir de
Mantice] (Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur, 2007), 153-166.
“Alberto Pio’s Defense of Scholastic Theology,” in Biblical Humanism and Scholasticism in the Age of
Erasmus, edited by Erika Rummel (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008), 277-295.
“Councils of the Catholic Reformation: A Historical Survey,” in The Church, the Councils, and Reform: The
Legacy of the Fifteenth Century, eds. Gerald Christianson, Thomas M. Izbicki, and Christopher M. Bellitto
(Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2008), 27-59.
“The Official Edition of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17),” in Proceedings of the Twelfth International
Congress of Medieval Canon Law, Washington, D.C., 1-7 August 2004, eds. Uta Renate Blumenthal, Kenneth
Pennington, and Atria A. Larson (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2008), 965-978.
“Rite Convocare ac Congregare Procedereque: The Struggle Between the Councils of Pisa-Milan-Asti-Lyon
and Lateran V,” in Liturgie und Zeremoniell am Papsthof der Renaissance, eds. Jörg Bölling and Nikolaus
Staubach [Tradition – Reform- Innovation] (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, forthcoming); printed in his
Councils of the Catholic Reformation: Pisa I (1409) to Trent (1546-63), entry IX, pp. 1-54..
“The Fifth Lateran Council as a Theatre for Demonstrating Papal Power,” translated by Eric C. Erbacher as
“Das Fünfte Laterankonzil als geistliches Spiel zur Demonstration päpstlicher Macht”, in: Ekklesiologische
Alternativen? Monarchischer Papat und Formen kollegialer Kirchenleitung (15. – 20. Jahrhundert, ed. Bernward
Schmidt and Hubert Wolf [Symbolische Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Wertesysteme, Schriftreihe des
Sonderforschungsberichs 496, Band 42] (Münster: Rhema, 2013), 101-120.
“Lateranense V,” in Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta, eds. Giuseppe Alberigo and Alberto
Melloni, 3 vols., (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), 1317-1455 – a critical edition with introduction of twenty-two
decrees (including the Concordat of Bologna) based on surviving bulls, copies of bulls recorded in the Vatican
registers, early pamphlet printed editions of the bulls, the bulls as they appeared in the official acta of the
Council edited by Antonio del Monte, and the version found in the re-edited Mansi edition).
“Cos’è un Concilio Ecumenico? Il dibattito storiografico contemporaneo sulla ratio universalitatis dei
Concili alla luce delle riflessione cinquecentesca del teologo Roberto Bellarmino e del canonista
Domenico Giacobazzi “ in: Storia dei concilii ecumenici: attori, canoni, eredità, eds. Onerato Bucci and
Pierantonio Piatti (Rome: Città Nuova Editrice, 2014), 13-35.
“Luther, Cajetan, and Pastor Aeternus (1516) of Lateran V on Conciliar Authority,” to be published in a bilingual German/Italian versions in the proceedings of the international conference “Martin Luther in Rom:
Kosmopolitisches Zentrum und seine Wahrnehmung / Martino Lutero a Roma: La città cosmopolita e la sua
percezione” held at the German Historical Institute in Rome, 16-19 February 2011. (forthcoming)
“Leo X’s Response to the ‘Report on the Errors of the Ruthenians’,” in: Fiat voluntas tua. Beiträge zur
Theologie-, Kirchen- und Landesgeschichte: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Harm Klueting, ed. Reimund
Haas et alii (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2014), 209-221.
“Egidio Antonini da Viterbo, the Reform of Religious Orders, and the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-1517)” in:
Egidio da Viterbo, cardinale agostiniano, tra Roma e l’Europa del Rinascimento: Atti del Convegno, Viterbo
22-23 settembre 2012, Roma, 26-28 settembre 2012, eds. Myriam Chiabò, Rocco Ronzani, and Angelo Maria
Vitale [Roma nel Rinascimento, inedita, saggi] (Rome: Centro Culturale Agostiniano , Roma nel Rinascimento,
2013), 215-266.
“The Resolution of Gallican-Papal Conflicts at Lateran V (1512-17),” to be published in the proceedings of the
international congress entitled Symposium « La dramatique conciliaire. Coups de théâtre, tactique et sincérité
dans les débats conciliaires de l’Antiquité à Vatican II », Lille, France, 15-17 mai 2013
Journal Articles:
"Concepts of Reform Proposed at the Fifth Lateran Council," Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 7 (1969) 163-251.
Reprinted in The Fifth Lateran Council with new appendices added.
"Two Woodcuts of Lateran V," (co-authored with Heinrich W. Pfeiffer) Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 8
(1970) 179-214.
"The Participants at the Fifth Lateran Council," Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 12 (1974) 157-206. Reprinted
in The Fifth Lateran Council.
"The Orator of Jerusalem at Lateran V," Orientalia Christiana Periodica
Catholic Reformation.
40 (1974) 364-376. Reprinted in The
"The `Protestatio' of Alberto Pio (1513)," Società, politica e cultura a Carpi ai tempi di Alberto III Pio: Atti del
Convegno Internazionale (Carpi, 19-21 Maggio 1978), 2 vols., ed. Rino Avesani et al., Medioevo e Umanesimo
46 (Padova: Editrice Antenore, 1981), I, 261-289. Reprinted in The Fifth Lateran Council.
"The Character of Erasmus," (co-authored with William W. Meissner, M.D.), American Historical Review 83
(1978) 598-624; 84 (1979) 907-909. Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"De Grassi's `Conciliabulum' at Lateran V: The De Gargiis Woodcut of Lateran V Re-Examined," (co-authored
with Heinrich W. Pfeiffer), Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 19 (1981) 147-172.
"Paride de Grassi's Diary of the Fifth Lateran Council," Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 14 (1982) 370-460.
Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"The Healing of the Pisan Schism (1511-13)," Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 16 (1984) 59-192. Reprinted
in The Fifth Lateran Council with new appendices added.
"The Function of Sacred Scripture in the Decrees of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)," Annuarium Historiae
Conciliorum 18 (1986) 319-329. Reprinted in The Fifth Lateran Council.
"Alexios Celadenus: A Disciple of Bessarion in Renaissance Italy," Culture, Society and Religion in Early
Modern Europe: Essays by the Students and Colleagues of William J. Bouwsma, ed. Ellery Schalk, Historical
Reflections 15 (1988) 47-64. Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"Vocational Choices: An Unknown Letter of Pietro Querini to Gasparo Contarini and Niccolò Tiepolo (April,
1512)," (co-authored with Elisabeth G. Gleason) Catholic Historical Review 75 (1989) 1-20. Reprinted in The
Catholic Reformation.
"The Debate between Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam and Alberto Pio of Carpi on the Use of Sacred Images,"
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 20 (1988) 379-413. Reprinted in The Catholic Reformation.
"Some Underlying Factors in the Erasmus-Pio Debate," The Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 13 (1993)
"The Reform Proposals (1513) of Stefano Taleazzi for the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)," Annuarium
Historiae Conciliorum 27/28 (1995/96) 543-70.
"The Role of Anticlericalism in the Reformation: A Review Essay," Catholic Historical Review 83 (1997) 45261.
"The Changing Status of the Theologians in the General Councils of the West: Pisa (1409) to Trent (1545-63),"
Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 30 (1998) 196-229.
"The Voice of Theologians in General Councils from Pisa to Trent," Theological Studies 59 (1998) 420-41.
"Councils of the Catholic Reformation (Pisa I to Trent): An Historiographical Survey," Annuarium Historiae
Conciliorum 32 (2000) 303-337.
“The Role of the Schools of Theology in the Councils of the Late Medieval and Renaissance Periods: Konstanz
to Lateran V,” Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 35 (2003), 5-85; reprinted in I Padri e le scuole teologiche nei
concili, eds, Johannes Grohe, Jerónimo Leal,and Vito Reale (Città del Vaticano: Libreria editrice Vaticana,
2006), 59-95.
"Raphael's Portrait `Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi': A Religious Interpretation,"
Renaissance Quarterly 56 (2003), 1005-1052.
“The First Printed Editions of the Modern Councils: from Konstanz to Lateran V (1499-1526)” Annali dell’
Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento / Jahrbuch des italienisch-deutschen historischen Instituts in Trient
[Bologna: Società editrice il Mulino, 2004], 29 (2003), 447-468.
“The Decree Inter multiplices of Lateran V on Montes pietatis,” Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 38 (2006),
“The Priesthood of All Believers at the Council of Trent,” The Jurist 67, no. 2 (2007), 341-363.
“The Legitimacy of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17),” Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 40 (2008), 167194.
“The Fifth Lateran Council and Preventive Censorship of Printed Books,” Annali della Scuola Normale
Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, serie 5, vol. 2 (June 2010), 67-104.
“The Implementation of Lateran V by the Milanese Councils of San Carlo Borromeo,” Annuarium Historiae
Conciliorum 42 (2010), 75-84.
“Leo X: Success or Failure,” translated into Portuguese as “Leão X: sucesso ou fracasso?” by Marcus De
Martini and published in Letras [Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – Universidade Federal de
Santa Maria, Brazil] 43.02 [Jul./Dez.] (2011): Poesia, pensamento e narrativas nos séculos XVI e XVII, 63-83.
“The Closing of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17),” Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum (forthcoming)
Encyclopedia and Reference Work Articles:
"Julius II (Giuliano della Rovere), 1443-1513," Book of Days: An Encyclo- pedia of Information Sources on
Historical Figures and Events Keyed to Calendar Dates (Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian Press, 1988) 670-672.
"Ellis, John Tracy," The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XVIII (Supplement) (Palatine, Illinois: Jack Heraty
and Associates, Inc., 1988) 137-139; revised and forthcoming.
"Lateransynoden II. Lateran V (1512-1517)," Theologische Realenzyklopädie Band XX (Berlin: Verlag Walter
de Gruyter, 1990) 489-492.
"Alexander VI," The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, 2 vols., ed. Silvio A. Bedini (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1992), I, 9-12.
"Innocent VIII," The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia, 2 vols., ed. Silvio A. Bedini (New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1992), I, 374.
"Papacy, Role of," Ibid., II, 537-540.
"Rome," ibid., II, 591-593.
"Leo X," Lexikon des Mittelalters (München: Artemis und Winkler Verlag,
ca. 1991), V, col. 1881.
"Baltimore, Plenarkonzilien," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche I (Freiburg: Verlag Herder, 1993), col. 1379.
"Adrian VI," Encyclopedia of the Reformation, ed. Hans J. Hillerbrand, 4 vols. (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1996), I, 8.
"Aleandro, Girolamo," Ibid., I, 17-18.
"Campeggi, Lorenzo," Ibid., I, 250-52.
"Giustiniani, Tommaso (Paolo)," Ibid., II, 175-76.
"Lateran Council, Fifth," Ibid., II, 397-99.
"Leo X," Ibid., II, 418-19.
"Observantism," Ibid., III, 165-66.
"Pio, Alberto," Ibid., III, 274-76.
"Peter, Carl Joseph," in New Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 19: Supplement: 1989-1995 (Palatine, Il.: Jack Heraty
& Associates, 1996), 300-301.
"Lateran Konzil 5./Lateranense V," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, Band VI (Freiburg: Herder, 1997), cols.
"Lateran Council, Fifth," Encyclopedia of the Renaissance, edited by Paul F. Grendler, 6 vols. (New York:
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999), III, 387-388.
"Leo X," Ibid., III, 400-402.
"Papacy," Ibid., IV, 378-390.
"Clement VII," in Encyclopedia of the Vatican and Papacy, edited by Frank J. Coppa (Westport, Conn.:
Greenwood Press, 1999), 90-92.
"Obituary Notice for Samuel Jefferson Thomas Miller (1919-99)," Catholic Historical Review 85 (1999), 34144, 694-95.
"Francis of Paola, St. 1416-1507," Encyclopedia of Monasticism, ed. William M. Johnston, 2 vols. (Chicago:
Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2000), I, 500-501.
"Obituary Notice for George Pease [Huntston] Wiliams (1914-2000)," Catholic Historical Review 87 (2001),
"Julius II (1503-13)," The Great Popes Through History: An Encyclopedia, ed. Frank J. Coppa, 2 vols.
(Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002), I, 279-287.
"Leo X," Europe 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World, ed. Jonathan Dewald, 6 vols. (New
York: Charles Scribner's Sons/Thomson/Gale, 2004), III, 480-482.
“Papacy and Papal States,” Ibid., IV, 380-392.
"Trent, Council of," Ibid., VI, 71-75.
“Innocent VIII,” in Dizionario storico dell’ Inquisizione, eds. Adriano Prosperi, Vincenzo Lavenia, and John
Tedeschi, 4 volumes (Pisa: Edizioni della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 2010), II, 799.
“Concilio Lateranense V,” in Diccionario General de Derecho Canónico, eds. Javier Otaduy, Antonio Viana,
and Joaquín Sedano, 6 vols. [Instituto Martín de Azpilcueta, Facultad de Derecho Canónico, Universidad de
Navarra], (Cizur Menor, Navarra: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi / Universidad de Navarra, 2012- ), I: A Jure –
Celibato), 387-390.
“Concilio de Trento,” Ibid., 367-375.
“Councils, General,” Oxford Bibliographies Online (2010)
“Julius II, 1503-13),” Ibid.
“Leo X, 1513-21),” Ibid.
Protestant Reformation” [1421 words], Lessico di storia della chiesa (Rome/Freiburg im Breisgau: Editrice
Herder, forthcoming in Italian). [Editorial committee: Bernard Ardura, Onorato Bucci, Emilia Hrabovec,
Philippe Levillain, Nelson Minnich, and Carlos Salinas Araneda.]
“Renaissance” [1501 words], Ibid
“Schism, Great Western” [954 words], Ibid.
Academic Video Productions:
"Lost Road of the Pope: Via Papale" directed by Todd Stanton DVD (2009)
“Piles of Piety,” 18-minute video on the founding, controversies surrounding, approbation, and diffusion of the
montes pietatis for the Catholic Internet Television Network (an academic videoconference forum) filmed 17
August 2011, now probably up on its web site but also available on the web site of CUA, STRS, Faculty,
Minnich, Publications.
Book Reviews:
Of Peter Partner, Renaissance Rome, 1500-1559: A Portrait of a Society (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1976), Pp. xi, 241, in Catholic Historical Review 64 (1978) 468-70.
Of Olivier de la Brosse, O.P., Joseph Lecler, S.J., Henri Holstein, S.J. and Charles Lefebvre, Latran V et Trente,
Part I, vol. 10 of Histoire des conciles oecuméniques, ed. Gervais Dumeige, S.J. (Paris: Editions de l'Orante,
1975), Pp. 513, in Catholic Historical Review 64 (1978) 470-73.
Of Tommaso de Vio, Cajetan Responds: A Reader in Reformation Controversy, ed. and trans. by W. Jared
Wicks, S.J. (Washington: The Catholic University Press, 1978), Pp. ii, 292, in Catholic Historical Review 65
(1979) 488-89.
Of Sebastian Castellio, Advice to a Desolate France in the Course of Which the Reason for the Present War is
Outlined, as well as the Possible Remedy and, in the Main, Advice is Given as to Whether Consciences
Should be Forced. The Year 1562, new edition with an introduction and explanatory notes by Marius F.
Valkhoff, trans. by Wouter Valkhoff, preface to the English translation by Albert Geyser, (Shepherdstown,
W. Va.: Patmos Press, 1975), Pp. xiii, 50, in Catholic Historical Review 65 (1979) 525-26.
Of Lucien Febvre, Life in Renaissance France, ed. and trans. by Marian Rothstein (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 1977), Pp. xx, 163, in Catholic Historical Review 67 (1981) 679-80.
Of Loren Partridge and Randolph Starn, A Renaissance Likeness: Art and Culture in Raphael's `Julius II'
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980), Pp. xix, 159, in Catholic Historical Review 68 (1982) 32729.
Of Felix Gilbert, The Pope, His Banker, and Venice (Cambridge, Mass.:
Pp. vi, 157, in Catholic Historical Review 68 (1982) 338-39.
Harvard University Press, 1980),
Of Philip Caraman, S.J., University of the Nations: The Story of the Gregorian University with Its Associated
Institutes, the Biblical and Oriental, 1551-1962 (New York: Paulist Press, 1981), Pp. 157, in The Living
Light 19 (1982) 286-87.
Of Alessandro Pastore, Marcantonio Flaminio: Fortune e sfortune di un
chierico nell' Italia del cinquecento,
nr. 10 of Studi e Richerche Storiche (Milan: Franco Angeli Editore, 1981), Pp. 184, in American Historical
Review 87, nr. 4 (Oct., 1982) 1128-29.
Of Peter Iver Kaufman, Augustinian Piety and Catholic Reform: Augustine, Colet, and Erasmus (Macon,
Georgia: Mercer University Press, 1982), Pp. x, 151, in Erasmus of Rotterdam Society Yearbook 4 (1984) 16367.
Of Herbert David Rix, Martin Luther: The Man and the Image (New York:
American Historical Review 90, nr. 2 (April, 1985) 435-36.
Irvington, 1983), Pp. vii, 332, in
Of Richard Marius, Thomas More: A Biography (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1984) Pp. xxiv, 562, in America
153, nr. 14 (16 November 1985) 330-31, and reprinted in The Catholic Lawyer 30, nr. 1 (Winter, 1985) 94-98.
Of André Chastel, The Sack of Rome, 1527, trans. by Beth Archer, The A.W. Mellon Lectures in Fine Arts,
1977; The National Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C. Bollingen Series, nr. XXXV, vol. 26 (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 1983), Pp. xvii, 321, in Catholic
Historical Review 72 (1986) 119-21.
Of Charles L. Stinger, The Renaissance in Rome (Bloomington, Ind.: Indiana University Press, 1985), Pp. xvii,
444, in Theological Studies 47, nr. 2 (June, 1986).
Of Kaspar Schatzgeyer, O.F.M., Schriften zur Verteidigung der Messe, ed. and introduced by Erwin Iserloh and
Peter Fabisch, nr. 37 of Corpus Catholicorum: Werke katholischer Schriftsteller im Zeitalter der
Glaubensspaltung (Münster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1984), Pp. vi, 630, in Annuarium
Historiae Conciliorum, 17 (1985) 480-82.
Of Margaret L. King, Venetian Humanism in an Age of Patrician Domination(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1986), Pp.xxi, 524, in Choice 24 (1986-87), nr. 3 (November, 1986) 536.
Of Barbara McClung Hallman, Italian Cardinals, Reform and the Church as Property, Vol. 22 of Publications of
the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (London; Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of
California Press, 1985), Pp. xii, 232, in Manuscripta 31 (1987) 54-55.
Of R. Emmet McLaughlin, Caspar Schwenckfeld, Reluctant Radical: His Life to 1540, No. 134 of Yale
Historical Publications: Miscellany (New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1986), Pp. xii 250, in
Studies Review 14 (1988) 76.
Of John W. O'Malley, S.J. (ed.), Catholicism in Early Modern History 1500-1700: A Guide to Research, Vol. 2
of Reformation Guides to Research St. Louis: Center for Reformation Research, 1988), Pp. vi, 346, in
Sixteenth Century Journal 19 (1988) 712-16.
Of Archivio di Roma: Mandati della Reverenda Camera Apostolica (1418-1820),inventory compiled by Paolo
Cherubini, Vol. 55 of Quaderni della Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato of the Ministero per i beni culturali e
ambientali (Rome: Libreria dello Stato, 1988), Pp. 163, 8 plates, in Catholic Historical Review 76 (1990) 32628.
Of Carlo Falcone, Leone X, Giovanni de' Medici (Milano: Rusconi Libri, S.p.A., 1987), Pp. 618, in Catholic
Historical Review 76 (1990)835-38.
Of William McCuaig, Carlo Sigonio: The Changing World of the Late Renaissance (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton
University Press, 1989),Pp. xiv, 380, in American Historical Review 95 (1990) 1574-75.
Of Erika Rummel, Erasmus and His Catholic Critics, II: 1523-1536 [= Biblio-theca Humanistica et
Reformatorica, Volume XLV] (Nieuwkoop: De Graaf Publishers, 1989), Pp. X, 220, in Erasmus of Rotterdam
Society Yearbook 11 (1991) 140-145.
Of Cornelis Augustijn, Erasmus: His Life, Works, and Influence, trans. J.C. Grayson [= Erasmus Studies, 10]
University of Toronto Press, 1991), in Catholic Historical Review 78
(1992) 651-653.
Of Epistolae ad Principes, I: Leo X - Pius IV (1513-1565), register edited by Luigi Nanni, index compiled by
Tomislav Mrkonji_ [=Collectanea Archivi Vaticani, 28] (Città del Vaticano: Archivio Segreto Vaticano,
1992), Pp. xxxi, 529, in Catholic Historical Review 80 (1994) 348-351.
Of Luigi Guicciardini, The Sack of Rome, trans. with introduction and notes by James H. McGregor (New
York: Italica Press, 1993), Pp. xxxix, 153, in Catholic Historical Review 80 (1994) 353-355.
Of John A. D'Amico, Roman and German Humanism, 1450-1550, edited by Paul F. Grendler [=Variorum
Collected Studies Series, CS 413] (Brookfield, Vermont: Variorum, Ashgate Publishing Co. 1993), Pp. xii,
350, in Catholic Historical Review 80 (1994) 813-815.
Of Christine Shaw, Julius II: The Warrior Pope (Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell,1993) Pp. viii, 360 in Catholic
Historical Review 82 (1996), 96-98.
Of Thesaurus de la littérature interdite au XVIe siècle: Auteurs,ouvrages,éditions avec Addenda et corrigenda,
by Jesús Martínez De Bujanda with the asistance of René Davignon, Ela Stanek, and Marcella Richter[Index
des livres interdits, 10] (Sherbrooke, Québec: Éditions de l'Université de Sherbrooke, Centre d'Études de la
Renaissance; Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1996), Pp. 840 in Catholic Historical Review 84
(1998), 332-33.
Of Aldo Landi, Concilio e papato nel Rinascimento (1449-1516): Un problema irrisolto [Studi Storici] (Torino:
Claudiana Editrice, 1997) Pp. 472 in Catholic Historical Review 85 (1999), 623-25.
Of Francis A. Burkle-Young and Michael Leopoldo Doerrer, The Life of Cardinal Innocenzo del Monte: A
Scandal in Scarlet, Together with Materials for a History of the House of Ciocchi del Monte San Saverino
[Renaissance Studies, 2] (Lewistown, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1997), Pp. xii, 244 in The Catholic
Historical Review 86 (2000), 329-331.
Of Gabriele Audisio, The Waldensian Dissent: Persecution and Survival, c.1170-c.1570, trans. Claire Davison
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999), Pp. xii, 244 in Renaissance Quarterly 54 (2001), 264-265.
Of Court and Politics in Papal Rome, 1492-1700, edited by Gianvittorio Signorotto and Maria Antonietta
Visceglia, translated by Mark Roberts, Thomas V. Cohen, Domenico Sella, Joseph Bergin, et aliis (Cambridge
Studies in Italian History and Culture, edited by Gigliola Fragnito et aliis, Nr. 23), (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 2002), Pp. viii, 257, in Catholic Historical Review 89 (2003), 773-778.
Of The Papacy: An Encyclopedia, eds. Philippe Levillan et al., trans. Deborah Blaz et al., 3 vols (New York:
Routledge, 2002), Pp. xxxiv, 614, xiv, 615-1266, xiv, 1267-1780, in: The Catholic Historical Review 92 (2006),
Of La chiesa latina in oriente, Volume II: Hierarchia latina orientis, 2nd ed., by Giorgio Fedalto [Studi religiosi,
3] (Verona: Casa Editirce Massiana, 2006), pp. 301 in The Catholic Historical Review 94 (2008), 529-530.
Of Reject Aeneas, Accept Pius: Selected Letters of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), introduced and
translated by Thomas M. Izbicki, Gerald Christianson, and Philip Krey (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic
University of America Press, 2006) pp. xvi, 435 in The Jurist 70 (2010) , 240-241.
FORUM ESSAY, by Nelson H. Minnich, Hans Hillerband, Simon Ditchfield, and Paul F. Grendler, of:
Unintended Reformation: How a Religious Revolution Secularized Society, by Brad S. Gregory (Cambridge,
MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012), pp. x, 574, in Catholic Historical Review 97
(2012), 503-516, here 503-507.
FORUM ESSAY, by Nelson H. Minnich, Eugene J. Fisher, Thomas Stransky, Susannah Heschel, Alberto
Melloni, and John Connelly, of From Enemy to Brother: The Revolution in Catholic Teaching on the Jews,
1933-1965, by John Connelly (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2012) pp. viii, 376, in Catholic
Historical Review 97 (2012), 751-766, here 751-757.
FORUM ESSAY, by Nelson H. Minnich, Francesco Cesareo, Franco Buzzi, Wim François and Violet Soen,
Kenneth Appold, and John O’Malley, of Trent: What Happened at the Council, by John O’Malley (Cambridge,
MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013), pp. xii, 335, in Catholic Historical Review 99 (2013),
749-64, here 749-55.
Professional Memberships:
The American Catholic Historical Association: life membership
Gesellschaft zur Herausgabe des Corpus Catholicorum: life membership
Society for Italian Historical Studies
Pontifical Commission of Historical Sciences
Rev 1/30/14