State Symbols, provides information about Arkansas and the other 50 states in Almanac form., information on the symbols of Arkansas with clip art, Arkansas History Commission site. Links to historical photos and archives., Netstate shows a picture of the state seal with links to symbols, almanacs, maps and geography., Browse state symbols. View state facts, and stats such as capitol, location, and date admitted to the union., Links to another site called, “All About Arkansas” which contains line drawings of each state’s symbols. Line drawings and be printed out. Includes a link to history games and the The Brainwaves Newsletter. Interactive section includes “Ask the Class Brain”. Academics in Arkansas, official source of information for administration and policies governing the state’s public schools., lists the states’ two and four-year colleges and universities as well as private colleges and universities. Each link provides information on admission, employment, academics and financial aid., Located in historic MacArthur Park in Little Rock, The Arkansas Arts Center presents inspiring and engaging educational programs for children, adults, teachers, students, and visitors., Offers quality educational programs and resources for young people who are blind and visually impaired., Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site is committed to preserving and interpreting the story of the 1957 desegregation crisis at historic Central High School and its legacy. Through education, hundreds of students and instructors are reached each year through field trips, curriculum, in-service workshops, and in-class visits.