Mathematics For All Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Standards Developed for Massachusetts Students by Massachusetts Educators A Work in Progress Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 2 of 55 Why Produce Mathematics For All? The effort to determine preK-12 learning standards for mathematics in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has been an arduous journey over the past eight years. With great hope, many individuals have worked with our state’s policy makers to consider, recommend and write portions of Mathematics Frameworks during this period. Under the umbrella of Education Reform, educators have written standards and expectations, and also helped to create the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System. All of this has been done with the singular goal of providing a strong foundation in mathematics for all of the Commonwealth’s children. During the past year, this process has broken down to the point where the recently approved, revised version of a Mathematics Curriculum Framework no longer represents the viewpoint of mathematics education shared by previous writers or, we believe, the philosophy of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) as espoused in the April 2000 release of Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. In Mathematics For All, educators from across the Commonwealth offer an alternative set of broad learning standards that, we are fully aligned with NCTM and also reflect curriculum decisions that have been made in Massachusetts’ school districts over the past decade. We urge our colleagues in Massachusetts to evaluate Mathematics For All, both as a guide to how we educate our children and in order to continue the dialogue to create an exemplary system of mathematics education. A common voice is needed to prevent the production of another generation of mathematics phobics as has been the legacy of times past. Key features of Mathematics For All: There is a common set of Learning Standards and Learning Expectations for all children. The focus is on teaching for understanding. The Learning Standards are those of NCTM’s Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. The breadth within these Learning Standards ensures rich meaning for students of all abilities. The Learning Standards are not a list of what is to be tested through a pencil-and-paper format; rather, a variety of assessments should be used to evaluate student learning. The Learning Expectations include explorations of concepts that are mastered in later years. We need the critical feedback of our colleagues in the Massachusetts mathematics education community to strengthen this document and to make it the one reference representing the best thinking of our profession. We encourage and welcome your comments, criticisms and suggestions. Currently, the most effective method to provide feedback is to visit the Massachusetts Educators for Mathematical Excellence (MEME) discussion site on the web at In future months, writers of Mathematics For All will reach out in a variety of forums that will be advertised on the MEME discussion site or through other means. [We are very grateful to Helen Plotkin and Richard Tchen, creators of and, the e-Learning Hub, who have offered space on their website for Massachusetts educators.] Points to consider: What are the strengths of this document? What areas need improvement, and what suggestions do you make? Would you be willing to work on revisions? Would you like your name to be included as a contributor in the final document? Please provide your name, affiliation and e-mail address in the MEME discussion. Mathematics For All is still very much a “work in progress.” Further editions of Mathematics For All will evolve as we work together to make this the document guiding mathematics instruction in Massachusetts. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 3 of 55 Table of Contents Page Numbers A Message to Readers of Mathematics For All Table of Contents Acknowledgements Preface and History of Development Organization of Mathematics For All Guiding Philosophy Habits of Mind Guiding Principles Strand Overviews Strand 1: Number Sense and Operations Strand 2: Patterns, Functions and Algebra Strand 3: Geometry Strand 4: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability Strand 5: Measurement Standards and Learning Expectations PreK-K Grades 1-2 Grades 3-4 Grades 5-6 Grades 7-8 Grades 9-10 Grades 11-12 Appendix A: Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Programs in Mathematics 2 3 4 5-6 7 8-10 11 12-20 21-23 24 25 26 27 28-30 31-34 35-39 40-43 44-48 49-51 52 53-55 Many contributors to Mathematics for All have worked closely with the Massachusetts Department of Education creating both the 1996 and the 2000 editions of the Mathematics Curriculum Frameworks. Therefore, similar text occasionally appears in Mathematics for All and the Department’s documents. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 4 of 55 Acknowledgements Mathematics For All was developed by a group of teachers and administrators, mathematicians, university mathematics educators and other community members. Many more people lent their support over the past nine months of work, but we did not want to include their names without their permission. We hope that our list will grow exponentially as Mathematics For All is distributed and critiqued by many more Massachusetts mathematics educators. Endorsement by Massachusetts’ Mathematics Organizations for Teachers Dwayne Cameron, President: Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts Claire Zalewski Graham, President: Boston Area Mathematics Specialists Spike Clancy, President: Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Western Massachusetts Lyn Heady, President-Elect: Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Western Massachusetts Ruth O'Malley, President: Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England Leadership Endorsement from Past DOE Statewide Mathematics Coordinators Anne Collins, Boston College (1997-1999) Peg Bondorew, CESAME, Northeastern University (1993-1995) Gisele Zangari, Boston University Academy (1995-1997) Contributors Who Have Worked on Mathematics For All Jane Albert, Concord Public Schools Sheldon Berman, Hudson Public Schools Peg Bondorew, Northeastern University John Bookston, Boston Public Schools Nancy Buell, Brookline Public Schools Michael Bresnahan, Cambridge Public Schools Arthur Camins, Hudson Public Schools Ricky Carter, ARC Implementation Center Maureen Chapman-Fahey, Medford Public Schools Rose Christiansen, Brookline Public Schools Spike Clancy, Ludlow Public Schools Anne Collins, Boston College Mary Eich, Newton Public Schools Rebeka Eston, Lincoln Public Schools Patricia C. Foley, Westborough Public Schools Thomas E. Foley, Waltham Public Schools Christine Francis, Concord Public Schools Maurice Gilmore, Northeastern University Claire Zalewski Graham, Framingham State College Carole Greenes, Boston University Claire Groden, Watertown Public Schools Barbara Haig, Northborough Public Schools Maggi Hartnett, Ayer Public Schools Deborah Hughes Hallett, University of Arizona James Hamos, Univ. of Massachusetts Medical School Mary Hogan, Boston College Neelia Jackson, Boston Public Schools James Kaput, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Bill Kendall, Braintree Public Schools Margaret Kenney, Boston College Mary Jo Livingstone, Weymouth High School Christopher Martes, MASS Cliff Martin, Whitman Hanson High School Joan Martin, Newton Public Schools William Masalski, Univ. of Massachusetts-Amherst Nancy McLaughlin, Lawrence Public Schools Jan Mokros, TERC Gloria Moran, Bridgewater-Raynham Public Schools Christine Moynihan, Wayland Public Schools Blake Munro, Wellesley Public Schools Nancy Nichols, Saugus Public Schools Ruth O'Malley, ATMNE Margaret Riddle, Northampton Public Schools Jan Rook, Boston Public Schools Leanna Russell, E. Bridgewater High School Mary Sapienza, Newton North High School Paula Sennett, Silver Lake Regional Public School Debra Shein-Gerson, Brookline Public Schools Victor Steinbok, Boston University J. Bryan Sullivan, Hudson Public Schools Karen Tripoli, Lexington Public Schools Rhonda Weinstein, Brookline Public Schools Susan Weiss, Solomon Schechter Day School, Newton Carolyn Wyatt, Newton Public Schools We wish to acknowledge the consistent and substantive support of our friends and colleagues at the Massachusetts Teachers Association, particularly Laura Barrett, Ralph Devlin, and Kathleen Skinner. Their encouragement has kept us going at critical junctures in our process, and their knowledge and resources have been crucial as we move towards truly making Mathematics for All a key document for teachers across the Commonwealth. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 5 of 55 Preface and History of Development Mathematics For All is a framework for mathematics curriculum that was developed by a group of teachers, administrators, mathematicians, university mathematics educators, and other community members who worked under the leadership of a Steering Committee of representatives of the Massachusetts Advisory Council for Mathematics and Science, the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents (M.A.S.S.), the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Massachusetts (ATMIM), and the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Western Massachusetts (MATHWEST). This committee was appointed by the Commissioner of Education in February, 2000, and was given the task of providing recommendations for the draft Massachusetts Mathematics Framework that would ensure mathematical appropriateness and align the draft document with the new National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, released in April, 2000. While a revised Mathematics Framework was approved by the Board of Education in July 2000, those of us who have worked with the Department continue to believe that there is a need for a standards document that reflects Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, a national endeavor based on current research in mathematics education. Mathematics For All is based on this as well as other documents that share the vision that all students must have access to high quality mathematics programs that support successful learning of mathematics and help them develop a mathematical sense and intuitive understanding. This document also continues to support the Policy statement on Mathematics and Science Education, adopted by the Massachusetts Board of Education in 1992: Mathematics and science as academic disciplines and tools for problem solving are central to the vitality of the economy and quality of life. They offer students of all ages opportunities to embark on adventures that stimulate the intellect and imagination. The first Massachusetts Mathematics Framework, Achieving Mathematical Power, adopted in June 1996, was based upon two reform initiatives in Massachusetts, the Education Reform Act of 1993 and Partnerships Advancing the Learning of Mathematics and Science (PALMS). PALMS is the Statewide Systemic Initiative, a collaborative effort jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which began in 1992. Of the seven initial goals for this initiative, the first was to develop, disseminate, and implement curriculum frameworks in Mathematics and Science & Technology. With the passage of the Massachusetts Education Reform Act in June 1993 and additional funding from the U.S. Department of Education, development of the curriculum frameworks was extended to include grades 9-12 and Adult Basic Education. The creation of Massachusetts’ first mathematics framework was a collaborative endeavor among members of the Framework Development Committee--teachers, school and district administrators, mathematicians, college faculty, parents, and representatives of business and community organizations across the state. A majority of the members were classroom teachers with extensive experience teaching mathematics at elementary, middle, and high school levels. Committee meetings were convened to consider each draft framework from the standpoints of clarity, accessibility, consistency, pedagogy, mathematical correctness, and alignment with the Massachusetts Common Core of Learning and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum and Evaluation Standards. The core concept of Achieving Mathematical Power was that students develop mathematical power through problem solving, communication, reasoning and connections. The mathematics framework was more than a collection of concepts and skills. For each individual it involved methods of investigating and reasoning, means of communication, notions of context, and development of personal self-confidence. The framework provided quality and equity for all learners. The Guiding Principles and Habits of Mind of this framework outlined ways in which this could become a reality. The Mathematics Content section presented an outline upon which district and school curricula, instruction, and assessment could be developed. Examples of student learning, vignettes, models, diagrams, and graphics contextualized and enhanced the standards. The goals for all learners in the Massachusetts mathematics Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 6 of 55 framework were that they value mathematics, become confident in their ability to know and to do mathematics, become mathematical problem solvers, and learn to reason and communicate mathematically. The document presented here, Mathematics For All, is an attempt to build on the strengths of Achieving Mathematical Power and continue the Vision espoused by PALMS: "All Massachusetts students will receive a high quality, hands-on education in mathematics and in science & technology that empowers them to be productive, problem-solving citizens and workers. Partnerships among businesses, institutions of higher education, policy makers, governmental agencies, cultural institutions, teachers and families will create a rich learning environment and provide a lasting foundation for continual improvement. Challenging standards for content, teaching methods and equity defined in statewide curriculum frameworks will guide district practice. Learning will be active, built on discovery and reflection and a variety of assessments will test for understanding. New teachers will enter the profession with a solid grounding in mathematics and science content and in effective strategies for engaging a diversity of learners. Experienced teachers will continually deepen their knowledge and professional skills. PALMS will be the vanguard of education reform in Massachusetts." ( In November 1998, the Department of Education convened a Revision Committee of mathematics teachers, mathematicians, and university mathematics educators to examine Achieving Mathematical Power and to make recommendations that would provide additional guidance to the school districts. Their recommendations included more specificity for the content standards in terms of grade level spans, as well as clarification of many of the original standards, to help guide the ongoing development of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System. The standards developed by the Revision Committee formed the basis for the additional work of the group of teachers and administrators, mathematicians, university mathematics professors, and other community members who have developed Mathematics For All. In April 2000, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics released the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics,1 a document that builds on and extends the original NCTM Standards documents. Educational research served as a basis for many of the proposals and claims made in the Principles and Standards about what is possible for students to learn about certain content areas at certain levels and under certain pedagogical conditions. The philosophy in Mathematics For All is directly aligned with that in the Principles and Standards, as well as the Vision espoused by PALMS. Indeed, the writers of Mathematics For All believe that Massachusetts’ standards should be the NCTM Learning Standards in the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. All these efforts call for a common foundation of mathematics to be learned by all students. Mathematics For All is the result of educators’ zeal to provide that foundation. 1 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston, VA: 2000. Throughout Mathematics For All, this recent NCTM document is cited as NCTM 2000. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 7 of 55 Organization of Mathematics For All The document is separated into four sections: Guiding Philosophy, Habits of Mind, Guiding Principles, Content Strands, and an Appendix. The Guiding Philosophy provides the Vision for Mathematics For All, and includes the Core Concept of the framework. The components of the Core Concept are Problem Solving, Communicating, Reasoning and Proof, Making Connections and Representation. The NCTM Process Standards are included with each of these components. The Habits of Mind describe desirable attitudes toward learning and using mathematics. The Guiding Principles articulate a set of beliefs about teaching, learning, and assessing mathematics. The Learning Standards are organized by grade span and specify the understanding, knowledge and skills that all students should acquire. The grade spans are: preK-K, 1-2, 3-4, 56, 7-8, and 9-10. Within each grade span the Learning Standards are grouped into Strands. The strands are Number Sense and Operations; Patterns, Functions, and Algebra; Geometry; Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability; and Measurement. The learning standards are further organized into two components, NCTM Learning Standards and Learning Expectations. The NCTM Learning Standards, from the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, designate the Curriculum Standards for each grade span. The Learning Expectations provide additional specificity and can be used to inform the development of assessment tasks. The Appendix is an evaluation rubric that can be used by decision-makers in districts to appraise the degree to which instructional materials and programs match the philosophy, principles and learning expectations embedded within Mathematics For All. The Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Programs in Mathematics was adapted from an Evaluation Tool found on the CESAME (Center for the Enhancement of Science and Math Education, Northeastern University) web site – – for the IMPACT Project. The organization of the standards into courses at the secondary level is at the discretion of the local school districts. Indeed, the writers of Mathematics For All have struggled with identifying Learning Standards for grades 11-12, and look forward to rich discussions with colleagues across the Commonwealth to identify late high school standards that align with expectations from higher education and/or the world of work. According to the Principles and Standards for School Mathematics, "A school mathematics curriculum should provide a road map that helps teachers guide students to increasing levels of sophistication and depths of knowledge. …A well-articulated curriculum gives teachers guidance regarding important ideas or major themes, ...It also gives guidance about the depth of study warranted at particular times and when closure is expected for particular skills or concepts." (NCTM 2000, p. 16) Throughout this document, the standards are written to allow time for study of additional challenging material at every grade level and for advanced courses in high school. All schools should provide further work in mathematics through advanced placement courses, independent research, internships, or study of special topics. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 8 of 55 Guiding Philosophy The vision of Mathematics For All is of students acquiring an understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts that will enhance their lives. It is “one in which students engage in purposeful activities that grow out of problem situations, requiring reasoning and creative thinking, gathering and applying information, discovering, inventing, and communicating ideas, and testing those ideas through critical reflection and argumentation.” (Thompson, 1992, p. 128)2 Students will have necessary skills to succeed in the workplace, solve practical problems around their homes, understand statistics and use their analytical abilities. Acquiring such an understanding depends on many factors. In particular, it depends on a clear, comprehensive, coherent and developmentally appropriate set of standards. It also depends on students learning to think in mathematical ways. Mathematics For All envisions that all students in the Commonwealth will acquire an understanding of fundamental mathematical concepts (i.e., the Learning Standards and Learning Expectations) through a strong mathematics program that emphasizes problem solving, communicating, reasoning and proof, making connections and using representations. Problem Solving Problem solving is a powerful means of developing students’ knowledge of mathematics and an indispensable outcome of a good mathematics education, and as such, it is an essential component of the curriculum. A mathematical problem, as distinct from an exercise, requires the solver to determine a solution method. Therefore, mathematical problem solving requires understanding concepts, procedures, and strategies. To become good problem solvers, students need many opportunities to formulate questions, model problem situations using a variety of means, generalize mathematical relationships, and solve problems in both mathematical and real-world contexts. "Solving problems is not only a goal of learning mathematics but also a major means of doing so." (NCTM 2000, p. 52) Developing and applying strategies to a wide variety of problems can help students develop a strong command of mathematics content. "Instructional programs from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to – I. build new mathematical knowledge through problem solving; II. solve problems that arise in mathematics and in other contexts; III. apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems; IV. monitor and reflect on the process of mathematical problem solving." (NCTM 2000, p. 52). Communicating The ability to express mathematical ideas coherently to different audiences is an important skill in a technological society. Students develop this skill and deepen their understanding of mathematics as they use accurate mathematical language to talk and write about what they are doing. They clarify mathematical ideas and definitions as they collaborate with other students, discuss with peers and experts, and reflect on and share ideas, strategies, and solutions. Reading in the content area of mathematics helps students understand and develop the skills of making convincing arguments and representing mathematical ideas verbally, pictorially, Thompson, A.G. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs and conceptions: A synthesis of the research. In D. A. Grouws (Ed.), Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 127-146). New York: Macmillan. 2 Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 9 of 55 and symbolically. Reading what students write and listening carefully to what students say are excellent ways for teachers to identify students’ understandings and misconceptions. "Instructional programs from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to -I. organize and consolidate their mathematical thinking through communication; II. communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers, and others; III. analyze and evaluate the mathematical thinking and strategies of others; IV. use the language of mathematics to express mathematical ideas precisely" (NCTM 2000, p. 60). Reasoning and Proof From the early grades, students develop their reasoning skills by making and testing mathematical conjectures, drawing logical conclusions, and justifying their thinking in developmentally appropriate ways. As they advance through the grades, students’ arguments become more sophisticated and they are able to construct formal proofs. "Reasoning mathematically is a habit of mind, it must be developed through consistent use in many contexts." (NCTM 2000, p. 56) With multiple opportunities to use patterns in mathematical problems, analyze mathematical situations, and deduce conclusions, students learn what mathematical reasoning entails. "Instructional programs from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to -I. Recognize reasoning and proof as fundamental aspects of mathematics; II. make and investigate mathematical conjectures; III. develop and evaluate mathematical arguments and proofs; IV. select and use various types of reasoning and methods of proof." (NCTM 2000, p. 56). Making Connections "Mathematics is not a collection of separate strands or standards, even though it is often partitioned and presented in this manner. Rather, mathematics is an integrated field of study," (NCTM 2000, p. 64) Students develop a perspective of the mathematics field as an integrated whole by understanding connections within and outside of the discipline. It is important for teachers to demonstrate the significance and relevance of the subject by exploring the connections that exist within mathematics, with other disciplines, and between mathematics and students’ own experiences. "Instructional programs from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to -I. recognize and use connections among the mathematical ideas; II. understand how mathematical ideas interconnect and build on one another to produce a coherent whole; III. recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics." (NCTM 2000, p. 64). Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 10 of 55 Representations Mathematical representations come in many forms. They can be numerals or diagrams, they can be algebraic expressions or graphs, and they can be matrices that model a method for solving a system of equations. "When students gain access to mathematical representations and the ideas they represent, they have a set of tools that significantly expand their capacity to think mathematically." (NCTM 2000, p. 67) Students gain this access as they develop strategies for diagramming, analyzing and solving problems. "The importance of using multiple representations should be emphasized throughout students’ mathematical education." (NCTM 2000, p. 69) "Instructional programs from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 should enable all students to -I. create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas; II. select, apply and translate among mathematical representations to solve problems; III. use representations to model and interpret physical, social, and mathematical phenomena." (NCTM 2000, p. 67). Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 11 of 55 Habits of Mind Developing mathematical competence includes the gradual acquisition of ways of thinking and behaving called Mathematical Habits of Mind. These habits might be thought of as desirable attitudes toward learning and using mathematics that should become an integral part of each student's approach to mathematics. They derive from the curriculum and are reinforced when teachers model these habits for students. The Mathematics Habits of Mind are listed here in the form of questions to be considered and modeled by teachers and shared with students. They help frame the vision of achieving mathematical competence through Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation, and thus are integral to achieving Mathematics For All. Mathematical Habits of Mind: A Guide for Reflection How do I use my mathematical skills to interpret information and solve problems? Mathematics can provide a venue for us to work beyond our center of competence, encouraging us to push the limits of our mathematical knowledge and abilities. Do I communicate to others how I solved a problem or justified my solution? Seeking feedback helps us to deepen our mathematical understanding by reflecting upon, extending and refining our thinking. In what ways do I reflect confidence in my ability to do mathematics? Confidence in mathematical ability brings with it an attitude of persistence when solutions are not apparent. In what ways do I explore the relationship of mathematics to other areas that interest me? To other subject areas? When we explore mathematics in the course of our daily lives, we encourage the use of available resources as well as integrate mathematics within our existing network of ideas. How do I show that I value and appreciate the beauty and fascination of mathematics? Valuing all dimensions of mathematics encourages us to view mathematics in unconventional ways, generating new ways of thinking. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 12 of 55 Guiding Principles These are the underlying beliefs and tenets central to the vision of mathematical process and content standards for mathematics education in Massachusetts. Guiding Principle I: Equity - All students have access to, and support to succeed in, high quality mathematics programs. Guiding Principle II: Curriculum - Mathematics curriculum should be coherent and focused on important mathematics and well articulated across the grades. Guiding Principle III: Learning - Students explore mathematical ideas in ways that maintain their enjoyment of and curiosity about mathematics, help them develop depth of understanding, and reflect real-world applications. Guiding Principle IV: Teaching - Mathematics instruction involves understanding what students know and need to learn and then engaging them to learn it well. Guiding Principle V: Assessment - Mathematics assessment is a multifaceted tool that monitors student performance, improves instruction, enhances learning, and encourages student self-reflection Guiding Principle VI: Technology - Technology is an essential tool for effective mathematics education. Guiding Principle VII: Lifelong Learning - Mathematics learning is a lifelong process that begins and continues in the home and extends to school and community settings. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 13 of 55 Guiding Principle I: Equity All students must have access to, and support to succeed in, high quality mathematics programs. The underrepresentation of certain groups in mathematics, science, and technology education is well documented. The Statewide Systemic Initiative seeks to effect change in student participation by transforming school curriculum, classroom instruction, and teacher education, and by increasing parental support so that all students have opportunities suited to their needs to learn mathematics, science, and technology. -- National Science Foundation, Equity Framework in Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education "All students should have access to an excellent and equitable mathematics program that provides solid support for their learning and is responsive to their prior knowledge, intellectual strengths, and personal interests." To promote achievement of these standards, teachers should encourage classroom talk, reflection, use of multiple problem-solving strategies, and a positive disposition toward mathematics. They should have high expectations for all students. (NCTM 2000, pp. 12-13) All students must have access to high quality mathematics programs that support successful learning of mathematics and help them to develop a mathematical sense and intuitive understanding. It is our responsibility to ensure that students are fairly represented in each mathematics program and have equitable access to resources. Everyone learns best in an environment that acknowledges, respects, and accommodates each learner's background, learning style, and gender. For example, a teacher's listening attentively to all students' ideas helps to foster in students a sense of control of their future. Or, by making special efforts to achieve classroom integration when students self-segregate, a teacher enhances students' respect for others' backgrounds and learning styles. All students should see themselves as mathematicians, capable of using their evolving mathematical competence to solve new problems. Some students may ultimately progress further in their mathematical learning than others, and learning may take different amounts of time for different learners. However, if each student is offered an accessible approach to learning mathematics, consistent with his learning style and experience, then all students can learn mathematics. This means establishing high standards of expectations and helping students when they are struggling with mathematics. It is not enough to enroll students in higher level classes; everything possible must be done to engage their interests. Each member of every class should participate meaningfully. The diversity in communities and classrooms should be treated as an advantage that can help all learners in Massachusetts’ schools. The presence of diverse learners in Massachusetts classrooms presents an opportunity for all students and teachers to learn about the rest of the world and appreciate the talents and culture of each individual. Since different cultures sometimes use alternative mathematical strategies or perceive the relationships of objects and events in the world in ways other than the mainstream culture, their strategies and understandings can enrich the understanding of all students. For example, Cambodian children learn a different algorithm for division. If given the opportunity to explain their method to the rest of the class, then everyone broadens their cultural experiences, deepens their understanding of the concept of division, and recognizes the varied approaches to mathematics. If the women, minorities, and individuals with disabilities who have made important contributions to the field of mathematics and embarked on careers that utilize mathematics are presented as role models, then all students see for themselves its practical applications. Knowing that increased opportunities await students who are mathematically empowered, families, educators, and communities should encourage students to continue their mathematics learning through grade twelve and beyond. Guidance counselors, students, and families should be fully aware of the impact that mathematics has upon future access to higher education and employment opportunities. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 14 of 55 Technology can help achieve equity in the classroom. With the allowance of graphing calculators on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests for mathematics, physics, and chemistry and the requirement for the Advanced Placement Test in Calculus, it is critical that all students who are preparing for these examinations gain expertise in learning to use them. “It is important that all students have opportunities to use technology in appropriate ways so that they have access to interesting and important ideas. Access to technology must not become yet another dimension of educational inequality.” (NCTM 2000, p. 14) Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 15 of 55 Guiding Principle II: Curriculum Mathematics curriculum should be coherent and focused on important mathematics and well articulated across the grades. To help us understand the world, we draw upon a knowledge base that spans disciplines and experiences, forming networks of thoughts and ideas. Students may relate their knowledge of functions to mechanics, patterns to music, or statistics to the economy in Massachusetts. In all cases, they are connecting their understanding of mathematics with other disciplines and their world. A move toward connecting topics within the mathematics curriculum is recommended. Beginning with preKindergarten, this approach to mathematics might include activities that combine sorting, measurement, estimation, and geometry. In middle schools and high schools, it will mean helping students make connections between algebra and geometry, but also among ideas from discrete mathematics, statistics, and probability. For all, it will mean establishing connections between mathematics and daily life at home, at work, and in the community. A coherent mathematics curriculum gives students a more accurate picture of the nature of mathematics, contextualizing the essential connections among various fields of mathematics. Connecting the domains of mathematics encourages students to approach problem solving in more than one way, making them more powerful problem solvers. Students will be able to solve problems numerically, algebraically, and graphically. The use of technology and computer software facilitates connections. For example, graphing calculators make it possible to switch from equations to graphs to data analysis. If a problem can be approached either visually or numerically, then it may be more accessible to a visual learner struggling with abstraction. As solutions are shared, these same visual learners will have the opportunity to explore the problem numerically. “Learning mathematics involves accumulating ideas and building successively deeper and more refined understanding. A School mathematics curriculum should provide a road map that helps teachers guide students to increasing levels of sophistication and depths of knowledge. Such guidance requires a well-articulated curriculum so that teachers at each level understand the mathematics that has been studied by students at the previous level and what is to be the focus at successive levels.” (NCTM 2000, p. 16) One of the most complex and difficult tasks for teachers, schools, and districts will be how to promote the achievement of mathematical competence for all students. Some considerations on aligning curriculum to individual student needs include: High expectations and standards should be established for all students, including those with gaps in their knowledge bases. Students should be encouraged to achieve their highest potential in mathematics. Students learn mathematics at different rates, and different students' interests in mathematics vary. Support should be available for all students based on individual needs. Appropriate opportunities for enrichment and advancement need to be provided for students at all achievement levels. The mathematics should be challenging and expectations for all students should be high. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 16 of 55 Guiding Principle III: Learning Students explore mathematical ideas in ways that maintain their enjoyment of and curiosity about mathematics, help them develop depth of understanding, and reflect real-world applications. Though math learning follows a certain progression, it is not a purely linear process, but is recursive, with children needing to rediscover and refine "old" concepts and skills as they build "new" ones. Also, as with all learning, the development of math skills is unique to each child. -- Early Childhood Today Experimenting with ideas, inventing constructs, and exploring our curiosities are at the foundation of all learning, including mathematics. A rich matrix of ideas should be explored thoroughly throughout each academic year. Students should have regular opportunities to revisit important mathematical ideas throughout each school year and from one year to the next. If students are to develop mathematical understanding, then they should engage in tasks of inquiry, reasoning, and problem solving that reflect real-world mathematical practice. In addition, hands-on exploration can deepen understanding of abstract concepts by encouraging the practice of process skills and communication, and allowing for reflective thinking. Students learn best when they can connect their classroom learning to real-life experiences, and when they can experience the same concept or idea in multiple contexts. The vision for mathematics in Massachusetts will become reality only if students deepen their understanding of mathematics by means of activities, investigations, and projects that promote inquiry, discovery, and mastery. Investigations that a teacher introduces to a class should target important mathematical ideas, illuminate the connections among mathematical ideas, and identify relationships between the ideas introduced in the investigation and the concepts with which students are already familiar. It makes sense to embed problems or investigations in and draw resources from the various cultures and backgrounds of students. The questions that follow are suggested as one way to help teachers plan investigations. Questions to consider when planning an investigation: Have I identified and defined the mathematical content of the investigation, activity, or project? How does the investigation address the learning styles and diverse backgrounds of all students within the classroom? Do I have a plan to initiate thoughtful discussion of or reflection on the concepts explored and of the relationships uncovered in the process to help students clarify their understanding and integrate it fully into their existing network of ideas? Have I carefully compared the network of ideas included in the curriculum with the students' knowledge? Have I allowed time to note discrepancies, misunderstandings, and gaps in students' knowledge as well as evidence of learning? How is the investigation designed to test students' false assumption, confirm accurate findings, and extend the students' knowledge? Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 17 of 55 Guiding Principle IV: Teaching Mathematics instruction involves understanding what students know and need to learn and then engaging them to learn it well. Developing mathematical competence is a complex process. The mathematics that students learn depends not only on what is taught, but also on how it is taught. Curriculum cannot be separated from the instructional practices used to teach it. Instructional strategies should encourage students to engage intellectually with important mathematical ideas, to embrace the aesthetic value of mathematics, and to use mathematical principles to solve problems in their daily lives. Asking the right questions of students promotes creative thinking, prompting them to look deeper into their imaginations. Students can be encouraged to reflect on their learning and articulate their reasoning through questions such as: How did you work through this problem? Why did you choose this particular strategy to solve the problem? Are there other ways? Can you think of them? How can you be sure you have the correct solution? Could there be more than one correct solution? How can you convince me that your solution makes sense? Teachers must have high expectations for all students and be familiar with each student's knowledge base in order to plan developmentally appropriate work. The intellectual, social, and emotional development of students should guide our choices of mathematics experiences for our students. Working together in teams and groups enhances mathematical learning, helps students communicate effectively, and develops social and mathematical skills. Students deepen their understanding of mathematics as they interact with the ideas, theories, and opinions of their peers and teachers. Being able to communicate mathematical ideas in a variety of ways helps students to "develop, test, and evaluate possible solutions" as suggested in the Massachusetts Common Core of Learning. Teamwork encourages members to interact with others, enhances self-assessment, encourages the exploration of multiple strategies, and helps prepare students to be members of the workforce. The variation offered by group work leads to enriched solutions and offers an ideal venue for informal assessment. “Opportunities to reflect on and refine instructional practices are crucial in the vision of school mathematics outlined here… Collaborating with colleagues regularly to observe, analyze, and discuss teaching and students’ thinking or to do a “lesson study” is a powerful, yet neglected, form of professional development in American schools (Stigler and Hiebert 1999)3. The work and time of teachers must be structured to allow and support professional development that will benefit them and their students.” (NCTM 2000, p. 19) Stigler, James W., and James Hiebert. The Teaching Gap: Best Ideas from the World’s Teachers for Improving Education in the Classroom. New York: The Free Press, 1999. 3 Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 18 of 55 Guiding Principle V: Assessment Mathematics assessment is a multifaceted tool that monitors student performance, improves instruction, enhances learning, and encourages student self-reflection. The assessment should examine the extent to which students have integrated and made sense of information, whether they can apply it to situations that require reasoning and creative thinking, and whether they can use mathematics to communicate their ideas. -- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics The goal of classroom assessment is to provide information about students' evolving mathematical understanding, skills, and knowledge so that teachers can give feedback to students and make decisions about where to go next with their instruction. Mathematics assessment has been primarily short answers to short questions. While standard assessment is one method of evaluation, a broader interpretation of mathematics suggests that assessment must take on many new dimensions. Performance-based assessments are especially congruent with the goals of mathematics instruction. The three types of performance-based assessments discussed here are open-ended written assessments, portfolios, and observation. Open-ended written assessments present questions to students that invite multiple approaches to problems, allow for creative expression of mathematical ideas, and encourage comparative analysis and reflection. By soliciting written responses, students are encouraged to communicate their strategies, develop their hypotheses, and explain their solutions by using prose, graphs, or drawings. An example of an open-ended question can be as simple as asking students to explain their reasoning or to justify their answers, or as multifaceted as asking them to design and conduct their own probability experiments. Portfolio assessments imply that teachers have worked with students to establish individual criteria for selecting work for placement in a portfolio and judging its merit. Charts, models, constructions, and students' reflections on their work can all be included within mathematics portfolios. The contents of a mathematics portfolio should be indicative of each student's abilities and understanding, representative of his efforts, and indicative of progress over a period of time. Observation as a means of assessment reflects a student's appreciation of mathematics, or the strategies he commonly employs to solve problems, or perhaps his preferred learning style. Formal observations are preplanned, target specific mathematical skills, and refer to established criteria. These criteria for performance are usually expressed within a range and made known to the student. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 19 of 55 Guiding Principle VI: Technology Technology is an essential tool for effective mathematics education. All students should use computers and other technologies to obtain, organize and communicate information and to solve problems. -- Massachusetts Common Core of Learning Students in all courses need access to tools for learning mathematics. These tools include measuring instruments, manipulatives, graphing calculators, and computers. The calculation powers of computers and calculators allow students to solve more complex problems but do not replace the thinking that underlies mathematical operations. Computer software for modeling and visualization of mathematical ideas such as statistics and probability or fractals and chaos can open a whole new world to students and help them connect these mathematical ideas to their language and symbol systems. "Students at one Massachusetts high school explore open-ended lab projects, using a geometry construction software program that enables them to collect data, make observations, and develop conjectures. They must support their findings by writing lab reports that summarize the exploratory process and conclusions they have drawn. This makes the transition to deductive proof a much more natural extension of the learning process. Students are encouraged to construct and justify their own understanding of the geometry explored when they participate in a follow-up discussion, facilitated by the teacher." (The Switched On Classroom, Massachusetts Software Council, 1994, p. 5-9) Technology tools, when integrated in a mathematics program, raise the level of mathematics to which students can be exposed, improve their self-confidence, and facilitate increased student-teacher interactions. The availability of calculators, computers, and other technology has changed forever the way that people are able to think about and do mathematics. New technologies have changed our culture into an "information society." These changes have "transformed both the aspects of mathematics that need to be transmitted to students and the concepts and procedures they must master if they are to be self-fulfilled, productive citizens." (Achieving Mathematical Power, 1996) Some mathematics becomes more important because technology requires it, some becomes less important because technology replaces it, and some becomes possible because technology allows it. This integration of technology in our global society today impacts the lives of our students tomorrow. When technology is implemented in our schools, change occurs. Electronic formats enable access to information from almost anywhere in the world, crossing age groups and cultures with ease…. Students move into the world possessing the skills to gather, manage, and assimilate the vast resources of information at their fingertips. -- The Switched-on Classroom, Massachusetts Software Council For students with special needs, technology can be especially helpful in assisting students in regular and special classrooms, the home, and the community. New software, hardware, and assistive devices can all be used to help students succeed. Technology can enhance a student's access to the curriculum, increase opportunities to interact with peers, and increase avenues of communication. Technology facilitates students in communicating ideas within the classroom and in searching for information in external databases. Indeed, the Internet has become an important supplement to library resources. Technology can be especially helpful in assisting students with special needs in regular and special classrooms, at home, and in the community. However, appropriate use of calculators is essential, and should not be used as a replacement for basic understandings and skills. (NCTM 2000, p. 25 and p. 33) Technology can be used to connect topics in mathematics, such as algebra, geometry and data analysis. It can be used to help secondary students model and solve complex problems, instead of being limited to relatively simple situations. (NCTM 2000, p. 26) Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 20 of 55 Guiding Principle VII Lifelong Learning Mathematics learning is a lifelong process that begins and continues in the home and extends to school and community settings. The need to make sense of the world begins before kindergarten and continues beyond formal schooling. PreKindergarten students begin to form ideas about mathematics as part of the natural process of exploring their world. Building with blocks gives them an opportunity to begin developing an understanding of shape, size, position, and symmetry. Gathering items such as rocks, shells, toy cars, or erasers for their collections leads to discovery and exploration of patterns and classification. Such informal explorations are important developmental precursors to an understanding of mathematics. They are the beginning of lifelong skills that enable us to learn more abstractly. Preschool activities give children opportunities to solve problems and discover information for themselves in an environment where they can explore freely and safely. Young children and school-age students need repeated experiences exploring materials, time to talk about their experiences, and freedom to experiment and learn from each other. In addition to the mathematics that students learn in pre-Kindergarten through grade twelve classrooms, there are other arenas in which the learning of mathematics can be strengthened. Community programs, museums, and businesses can provide valuable learning experiences that enhance and extend classroom activities. Careful planning in these contexts will provide opportunities for developing students' curiosity, creating skepticism, and promoting self-esteem. Adult mathematics learners often seek further education to meet a specific goal, perhaps to advance their career, or to help their children, or for self improvement. Adult learners should be active participants in defining personal learning objectives and deciding measures of success. Instruction should include opportunities to question, discuss, and write about ideas.. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 21 of 55 Strand Overviews Strand 1: Number Sense and Operations The study of numbers and operations is the cornerstone of the mathematics curriculum. Learning what numbers mean, how they may be represented, relationships among them, and computations with them are central to developing number sense. Students with number sense have the ability to decompose numbers naturally, use particular numbers like 100 or 2 as referents, use the relationships among arithmetic operations to solve problems, understand the base-ten number system, estimate, make sense of numbers, and recognize the relative and absolute magnitude of numbers. (Sowder 1992)4 Research in developmental psychology and in mathematics education has shown that young children have a great deal of informal knowledge of mathematics. As early as age three, children begin counting and quantifying, and demonstrate an eagerness to do so. Capitalizing on this informal knowledge and interest, education in the early years focuses on developing children’s facility with oral counting and recognition of numerals and word names for numbers. Experience with counting naturally extends to quantification. Children count objects and learn that the sizes, shapes, positions, or purposes of objects do not affect the total number of objects in a group. One-to-one correspondence, with its matching of elements between two sets, provides the foundation for the comparison of groups and gives meaning to counting. Combining and partitioning groups of objects set the stage for operations with whole numbers, and the identification of equal parts of groups. In the early elementary grades, students count and compute with whole numbers, learn different meanings of the operations and relationships among them, and apply the operations to the solutions of problems. It is important that students develop an understanding that numbers can be decomposed and used to solve problems in many different ways. As they progress through the grades, students compute with multi-digit numbers, estimate to judge the reasonableness of results of computations, and use concrete objects and diagrams to model operations with fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals. By the end of their elementary school years, students should be able to solve problems involving whole number computation, choose operations appropriately, and understand the relationship of operations to one another. They should be able to choose between appropriate methods (mental, paper and pencil, calculator) for solving problems, and estimate a reasonable result for a problem. Students should develop a range of computational estimation strategies including flexible rounding, the use of benchmarks, and front-end strategies. All children need to develop computational fluency – having and using methods for computing accurately and efficiently. “Fluency might be manifested in using a combination of mental strategies and jottings on paper or using an algorithm with paper and pencil, particularly when numbers are large, to produce accurate results quickly. It is important for students to have many opportunities to develop and explain strategies for solving computational problems. Regardless of the particular method used, students should be able to explain their method, understand that many methods exist, and see the usefulness of methods that are efficient, accurate, and general…. Computational fluency should develop in tandem with understanding of the role and meaning of arithmetic operations in number systems…” (NCTM 2000, p. 32) “Researchers and experienced teachers alike have found that when children in the elementary grades are encouraged to develop, record, explain, and critique one another’s strategies for solving computational problems, a number of important kinds of learning can occur.... the efficiency of various strategies (as well as their generalizability) can be discussed…. [E]xperience suggests that in classes focused on the development Sowder, Judith T. “Making Sense of Numbers in School Mathematics.” An Analysis of Arithmetic for Mathematics Teaching, edited by Gaea Leinhardt, Ralph Putman, and Rosemary A. Hattrup, pp. 1-51. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992. 4 Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 22 of 55 and discussion of strategies, various ‘standard’ algorithms either arise naturally or can be introduced by the teacher as appropriate.” (NCTM 2000, p.35) “.… [W]hen (preK - 2) students compute with strategies they invent or choose because they are meaningful, their learning tends to be robust – they are able to remember and apply their knowledge.” (NCTM 2000, p. 86) “Meaningful practice is necessary to develop fluency with basic number combinations and strategies with multi-digit numbers…. Practice needs to be motivating and systematic if students are to develop computational fluency, whether mentally, with manipulative materials, or with paper and pencil. ... Practice should be purposeful and should focus on developing thinking strategies and a knowledge of number relationships rather than drill isolated facts.” (NCTM 2000, p. 87) “As students move from third to fifth grade, they should consolidate and practice a small number of computational algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division that they understand well and can use routinely. ... Having access to more than one method for each operation allows students to choose an approach that best fits the numbers in a particular problem. ... The conventional algorithms for multiplication and division should be investigated in grades 3-5 as one efficient way to calculate. Regardless of the particular algorithm used, students should be able to explain their method and should understand that many methods exist. They should also recognize the need to develop efficient and accurate methods.” (NCTM 2000, p. 155). “As students acquire conceptual grounding related to rational numbers, they should begin to solve problems using strategies they develop or adapt from their whole-number work. At these (3-5) grades, the emphasis should not be on developing general procedures to solve all decimal and fraction problems. Rather, students should generate solutions that are based on number sense and properties of the operations and use a variety of models or representations.” (NCTM 2000, p. 155) In the middle grades, students should deepen their understanding and become proficient in solving problems with fractions, decimals, percents and integers. At this level, using many different models can develop a sound understanding of rational numbers and their different representations. Richly contextualized problems give students the opportunity to gain facility with rational numbers and proportionality, as well as to connect their learning to other topics. Understanding of proportionality develops as students use numbers, tables, graphs, and equations to represent quantities and their relationships to one another. Work with whole numbers continues in the middle grades as students study number theory and solve problems and reason about factors, multiples, prime numbers, and divisibility. At the high school level, understanding systems of numbers is enhanced through informal and formal exploration of real numbers and computations with them. This work should form the basis for their work in finding solutions for various types of equations. They should understand the difference between rational and irrational numbers, and that the irrationals can only be approximated with fractions or repeating or terminating decimals. Thereafter, students investigate complex numbers and relationships between the real and complex numbers. Students expand their knowledge of counting techniques and apply those techniques to the solution of problems. As students develop competence with numbers and computation, they construct the scaffolding necessary to build an understanding of number systems. Students not only compute and solve problems with different types of numbers, but also explore the properties of operations on these numbers. Through investigation of relationships among whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, and complex numbers, students gain an understanding of the structure of our number system. Technology in the Number Sense and Operations strand is used to facilitate investigation of mathematical concepts, skills, and strategies. Calculators and computers enhance students’ abilities to explore relationships among different sets of numbers (e.g., the relationship between fractions and decimals, fractions and percents, and decimals and percents); investigate alternative computational methods (e.g., generating the product of a pair of multi-digit numbers on a calculator when the multiplication key cannot be used); verify results of Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 23 of 55 computations done with other tools; compute with very large and very small numbers using numbers in scientific notation form; and learn the rule for the Order of Operations. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 24 of 55 Strand 2: Patterns, Functions, and Algebra "Mathematics is an exploratory science that seeks to understand every kind of pattern-patterns that occur in nature, patterns invented by the human mind, and even patterns created by other patterns. To grow mathematically, children must be exposed to a rich variety of patterns appropriate to their own lives through which they can see variety, regularity, and interconnections." -- Lynn Arthur Steen, On the Shoulders of Giants Patterns, Relations, and Functions are integral to the study of mathematics. Recognizing patterns and describing their relations mathematically, by using geometry, number sequences, and functions, helps us interact with and make sense of our world. To appreciate fully the intrinsic value of such pleasures as poetry, art, music, plants, and animals, lifelong learners should know the mathematics of patterns and use mathematical representations to describe them. The terminology of patterns, functions, and algebra has become a part of our culture. Headlines and news reports speak of exponential growth of the national debt, a variable rate mortgage, or a balanced budget. "Algebraic competence is important in adult life, both on the job and as preparation for post secondary education. All students should learn algebra." (NCTM 2000, p. 37) Concepts for algebra are first formulated in preK. By the end of eighth grade, algebraic concepts should be well developed. According to a US Department of Education, "Students who plan to take advanced mathematics and science courses during high school and begin to study algebra during middle school are at a clear advantage… Increasingly, schools are covering these rigorous content areas in courses that integrate algebra, geometry and other areas of mathematics such as statistics and probability, rather than teaching each separately." (Mathematics Equals Opportunity, U.S. Department of Education White Paper, October, 1997) In order for students to become adept at using algebra as a problem solving tool, it is important for them to "understand the concepts of algebra, the structures and principles that govern the manipulation of symbols, and how the symbols themselves can be used for recording ideas and gaining insights into situations. Computer (and calculator) technologies today can produce graphs of functions, perform operations on symbols, and instantaneously do calculations on columns of data. Students need to learn how to interpret technological representations and how to use the technology effectively and wisely." (NCTM 2000, p. 37) Patterns and functions are the building blocks for transformational geometry, algebra, discrete mathematics, trigonometry, and calculus. Underpinnings of calculus can be seen in algebra and geometry during earlier grades. Older students will explore ideas about continuity, discontinuity, maximum and minimum. Real world optimization problems, such as those related to maximum profit earned or minimum height achieved, provide an opportunity to see the relevance of these concepts. Graphing calculators and computer software with spreadsheet and graphics capabilities are ideal resources to use as students learn about functions. The meaning of domain, range, roots, optimum values, periodicity, and other terms come alive when experienced through technology. The use of technology such as graphing calculators enhances the development of students’ skills in moving readily among symbolic, numeric, and graphic representations of functions and other relations. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 25 of 55 Strand 3: Geometry The study of geometry is the study of shapes, both two and three-dimensional. It is also the study of relationships, properties, attributes; a way to represent and analyze mathematical situations, and a route to modeling real world situations so that they can be analyzed and measured. Geometry offers students many opportunities for problem solving and reasoning, for making connections and representations and for communicating with others about mathematics. Young students reason as they describe their sorting and classifying of shapes and objects while secondary students use formal deductive reasoning to prove congruence or similarity. Middle grade teachers may ask children to model a multiplication problem with a rectangle, while middle school students model algebraic relationships in a similar fashion. Many of the problem-solving strategies students develop as they move through the study of mathematics involve geometric models, pictures, drawings and diagrams, as well as spatial visualization. Young children bring a knowledge of shapes and space to school, and can begin their formal knowledge of geometry by investigating and exploring shapes that can be held, stacked and put together to form new shapes. They can be encouraged to observe various properties of shapes and sort them according to those properties. They can learn to use the language of relative position, such as under, between, next to, after. They can observe how objects and shapes change when transformed through the use of mirrors and folded paper cutting. Teachers can use the natural curiosity and real-world experience of early childhood to help students build their own mathematical foundation in geometry. Later in elementary school, children use their informal experiential knowledge to more formally reason about shapes. They can draw shapes, make arguments about their attributes and properties and relationships, and begin to talk about the components of shapes – sides, angles, vertices, edges, faces. Understanding and reasoning becomes more abstract as teachers encourage more precise descriptions using more precise language. Students can begin to develop the idea of congruence through describing the motions that would transform one shape into another. They also begin to use the coordinate plane to locate and to measure. Middle school students use more formal reasoning to develop understanding of geometry. They explore and make conjectures about similarity and congruence, use the coordinate plane more analytically to prove congruence. Through net drawings and perspective drawings they explore the relationship between threedimensional objects and their two-dimensional representations. In high school, students use the skills and concepts they’ve learned to analyze, reason, represent and model. They can formalize their reasoning skills to prove the conjectures they’ve made using deductive reasoning. They can use coordinate geometry to analyze mathematical situations and make arguments. They can model real life situations using geometry. Simulation, drawing, and other software are useful tools for the exploration and development of geometric concepts in middle and high school. Geometry is often an area of mathematical strength and interest for students who have found the study of mathematics difficult. Investigating problems using geometry can help all students grow in mathematical understanding and sophistication, and form an important bridge between mathematics and other disciplines and interests. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 26 of 55 Strand 4: Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability All students should analyze, develop and act on informed opinions about current economic, environmental, political and social issues affecting Massachusetts, the United States and the world. -- Massachusetts Common Core of Learning Statistics and probability confront us every day. The ability to understand variability and uncertainty is necessary every time one reads the results of a Gallup poll or a report on the latest medical research findings. If we are to interpret the arguments made by those on each side of an issue and make our own informed decisions, then we must rely on our understanding of statistical inference, uses and misuses of statistics, and probability. Sorting and classifying by attributes are likely to be the first formal introduction to statistics that a student encounters. At a very young age, students begin to describe, analyze, evaluate, and make decisions about the attributes of familiar items such as blocks, shapes, or clothing. Students in early grades should explore probability and data analysis by working with one variable and learning to make, read, and interpret simple graphs. Students learn that a sample can be representative of a population. The more opportunities that students have to do hands-on activities with probability and data, the better base they have from which they develop a deeper understanding. In their study of data and statistics, students shift their perspective from viewing data as a set of individual pieces of information to an understanding of data as a coherent set with its own collective properties. This shift is emphasized in the middle grades when students study characteristics of sets of data, including measures of central tendency, and techniques for displaying these characteristics (e.g., stem-and-leaf plots). Students learn how to select and construct representations most appropriate for the data and how to avoid misleading and inappropriate representations. They also explore differences between theoretical and experimental probability. They extend their data analysis and probability repertoire to include sampling bias and randomness. Students in high school extend their knowledge to fitting nonlinear graphs to data. They study in depth sampling methods and the role of sampling in making predictions and judging the validity of statistical claims. The topics explored should be integrated with other mathematics courses. The development of critical thinking in statistics should be emphasized. Students at all levels should formulate appropriate questions; gather and explore data; organize and describe data, using graphs, charts, and tables; interpret results; and develop a critical attitude toward the use of statistics. They should investigate real-life problems that require them to employ sampling techniques. These investigations help them realize the relative applicability of statistics to solving problems. Technology has changed dramatically the way we deal with statistical data. Statisticians spend relatively more time interpreting what their data suggest, using exploratory techniques, and relatively less time applying standard inferential techniques. What computers have done for statisticians, inexpensive statistical calculators and classroom software have done for students. More emphasis should be placed on interpretation of summary statistics--both student-generated and from daily life. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 27 of 55 Strand 5: Measurement Measurement, like no other aspect of science, is responsible for the historical development of mathematics. It naturally lends itself to connections within mathematics and across other disciplines, including the social, physical, and biological sciences. Measurement is best learned through direct applications or by being embedded within other mathematical topics. A measurable attribute of an object is a characteristic that is most readily quantified and compared. Many attributes, such as length, perimeter, area, volume, and angle measure, come from the geometric realm. Other attributes are physical, such as temperature and mass. Still other attributes are not readily measurable by direct means, as for example, speed and density. Using their own informal units of measurement, students in preK through K make quantitative comparisons between physical objects, e.g., which object is longer or shorter? which is lighter or heavier? which is warmer or colder? Building on existing informal ideas, students in grades one and two become competent with standard units of measurement. Students gain understanding of ratio and proportion in the middle grades, and apply their newly found knowledge to making scale drawings and maps that accurately reflect the dimensions of the landscape or the objects they represent. Greater familiarity with ratios enhances students’ understanding of the derived attributes (speed, density, trigonometric ratios), their applications, and the use of conversion factors to change a base unit in a measure. At all levels, students develop respect for precision and accuracy by learning to select the tools and units of measurement appropriate to the situation. They also learn to analyze possible and real errors in their measurements and how those errors may be compounded in computations. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 28 of 55 GRADES preK-K NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Count forward by ones with understanding to at least 30. Read numerals to 30. Count backward from 10 with objects. Compare two sets of objects using one-to-one correspondence. Compare and order sets of up to 10 objects using appropriate terminology (same, more, less, etc.). Develop understanding of relative position and use ordinal numbers to identify the position of objects in sequences (first, second, up to fifth). Connect numerals to the quantities they represent using various physical models and representations. Develop understanding of whole and half by partitioning objects and groups. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction by modeling situations with objects and drawings that involve joining together and taking apart quantities to 10. Investigate the effects of addition and subtraction on whole numbers. Explore the relationship between addition and subtraction. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Explore solving problem situations involving addition and subtraction of numbers up to 10. Explore using estimation to judge reasonableness of results. PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify the attributes of objects as a foundation for sorting and classifying. Sort and classify objects by color, shape, size, number, and other properties. Recognize, reproduce, describe, extend, and create simple repeating patterns (color, rhythmic, shape, number, and letter) and identify the unit being repeated. Explore skip counting. Explore the regular nature of patterns. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 29 of 55 GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two-dimensional shapes. Recognize, name, build, compare, and sort three-dimensional shapes. Describe attributes and parts of two- and three-dimensional shapes, e.g., sides, corners, edges, and faces. Explore the relationship between two- and three- dimensional shapes, e.g., a pyramid has triangular faces. Investigate symmetry of two- and three-dimensional shapes and constructions. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify positions of objects in space and use appropriate language (e.g., beside, inside, next to, close to, above, below, apart) to describe and compare their relative positions. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Recognize geometric shapes and structures in the environment and specify their location. Recognize shapes from different perspectives. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Pose questions about themselves and their surroundings and gather data to answer the questions posed. Sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects. Represent data using concrete objects, pictures, numbers, lists, and simple graphs. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop understanding of the attributes of length, volume, weight, area and time. Use direct comparison to compare and order objects according to these attributes and use appropriate language, e.g., longer, taller, shorter, same length; holds more, holds less, holds the same amount; heavier, lighter, same weight. Use nonstandard units to measure length, volume, weight, and area. Explore time intervals (months/seasons, days of week, calendar, and clocks). Identify U.S. coins. Identify positions of events over time, e.g., earlier, later. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 30 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Measure with multiple copies of units of the same size. Explore making estimates of measurements. Explore comparing and ordering two or more objects according to length, weight, area, and volume. Explore and use standard units to measure and compare length. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 31 of 55 GRADES 1-2 NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Count with understanding and recognize "how many" in sets of objects up to 100. Count forward and backward from any given number. Use multiple models to explore place value and the base ten number system. Read and write (in numerals and words) whole numbers to 1000 and demonstrate an understanding of the value of each digit. Compare and order whole numbers using terms and symbols, e.g. less than, equal to, greater than (<, =, >). Develop understanding of the relative position and magnitude of whole numbers. Distinguish between ordinal (to tell which one) and cardinal (to tell how many) numbers. Develop a sense of whole numbers, represent and use them in flexible ways including relating, composing, and decomposing numbers. Connect number words and numerals to the quantities they represent using various physical models and representations. Demonstrate an understanding of common fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) as parts of wholes and as parts of groups. Identify odd and even numbers and determine whether a set of objects has an odd or even number of elements. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate and apply various meanings of addition and subtraction (combining, finding a subset, separating, comparing, equalizing, etc.). Understand and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction to solve problems and check solutions, e.g., 8 + 6 = 14 is related to 14 – 6 = 8. Understand the effects of adding and subtracting whole numbers. Explore concrete materials to investigate situations that relate to multiplication and division, e.g., equal groupings of objects and sharing equally. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop, use and explain strategies that move toward efficiency for addition and subtraction of multi-digit whole numbers. Know addition combinations (addends to ten) and related subtraction combinations. Use a variety of methods and tools to compute, including objects, mental computation, estimation, paper and pencil, and calculators. Develop, use and explain strategies to estimate the reasonableness of answers involving addition and subtraction. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 32 of 55 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Sort, classify, and order objects by size, number, and other properties. Recognize, reproduce, describe, extend, and create repeating patterns (color, rhythmic, shape, size, number, and letter), identify the unit being repeated, and translate from one representation to another. Use skip counting strategies to count by tens, fives, and twos up to at least 100. Identify different number patterns on the hundred chart. Analyze how both repeating and growing patterns are generated. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop understanding of and ability to use general principles and properties of operations such as commutativity. Use concrete, pictorial, written and verbal representations to develop an understanding of invented and conventional symbolic notations. Write number sentences to represent mathematical relationships using conventional symbols, e.g., +, -, =, <, >. Construct and solve open sentences that have variables, e.g., 10 = + 7, ∆ + ∆ = 10. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Model situations that involve the addition and subtraction of whole numbers, using objects, pictures, and symbols. Solve problems related to trading, including coin trades and measurement trades, e.g., pennies to nickels, quarts to cups. Investigate situations with variables as unknowns and as quantities that vary. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze change in various contexts LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe qualitative change such as a student growing taller. Describe quantitative change such as a student growing two inches in one year. GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Recognize, name, build, draw, compare, and sort two-and three-dimensional shapes including both polygonal (up to 6 sides) and curved figures. Describe attributes and parts of two- and three-dimensional shapes, e.g., sides, corners, edges, and faces. Describe relationships between two- and three-dimensional shapes, e.g., a pyramid has triangular faces. Investigate and predict the results of putting together and taking apart two- and three-dimensional shapes. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 33 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify, describe, and interpret positions of objects in space and apply ideas about relative position. Describe, name, and interpret direction and distance in navigating space and apply ideas about direction and distance. Find and name locations with simple relationships such as "near to" and in coordinate systems such as maps. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Recognize and apply slides, reflections and rotations. Recognize and create shapes that have symmetry. Investigate symmetry in two-dimensional shapes with mirrors or by paper folding. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Create mental images of geometric shapes using spatial memory and spatial visualization. Recognize and represent shapes from different perspectives. Relate geometric ideas to numbers, e.g., seeing rows in an array as a model of repeated addition. Recognize geometric shapes and structures in the environment and specify their location. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Pose questions about themselves and their surroundings and gather data by interviewing, surveying, and making observations to answer the questions posed. Sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects. Represent data using concrete objects, pictures, numbers, tables, lists, tallies, graphs (bar graphs, pictographs), and Venn diagrams. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe and interpret data by drawing conclusions and making conjectures. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Discuss events related to students' experiences as likely or unlikely. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 34 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Investigate concepts of chance. Make predictions about outcomes. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Recognize the attributes of length, volume, weight, area, and time. Use direct comparison to compare and order objects according to length, weight, area, and volume. Measure and compare common objects using nonstandard and standard units of length. Identify and use time intervals (days, months, weeks, hours, etc.) Identify the value of U.S. coins and bills. Find and represent the value of a collection of coins and dollars up to $5, using appropriate notation. Select and use appropriate measurement tools. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop common referents to make comparisons and estimates of length, volume, weight, area, and time. Measure with multiple copies of units of the same size. Use repetition of a single unit to measure something larger than the unit. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 35 of 55 GRADES 3-4 NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Exhibit an understanding of the place value structure of the base-ten number system by reading, modeling, writing, and interpreting whole numbers up to 10,000; compare and order the numbers. Recognize equivalent representations for the same number and generate them by decomposing and combining numbers, e.g., 853 = 8 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 3; 853 = 85 x 10 + 3; 853 = 900 - 50 + 3. Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as parts of unit wholes, as parts of groups, and as locations on number lines. Use visual models and benchmarks to recognize and generate equivalents of commonly used fractions and mixed numbers (halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, sixths, eighths, tenths, and twelfths). Use visual models, benchmarks (especially 1/2), and equivalent forms to compare and order commonly used fractions. Recognize and generate equivalent decimal forms of commonly used fractions less than one whole (halves, quarters, fifths and tenths). Explore numbers less than 0 by extending the number line and through familiar applications such as temperature. Recognize classes of numbers, e.g., odds and evens, factors and multiples, and squares, to which a number may belong, and identify numbers in those classes. Apply these concepts in the solution of problems. Investigate prime and composite numbers and their relationship to factors and multiples. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Use a variety of models to show understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers, e.g., charts, arrays, diagrams, physical models. Investigate the effects of multiplying and dividing whole numbers. Select and use appropriate operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to solve problems. Identify and use relationships between operations, such as division as the inverse of multiplication, to solve problems. Apply concepts of commutative, associative, identity, and zero properties of operations on whole numbers in problem situations, e.g., 37 X 46 = 46 x 37; (6 x 2) x 5 = 6 x (2 x 5); ∆ x 1 = ∆; ∆ x 0 = 0. Investigate the concept of distributivity of multiplication over addition, e.g., 7 x 28 is equivalent to (7 x 20) + (7 x 8) or (7 x 30) - (7 x 2). NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Know multiplication facts through 12 x 12 and related division facts. Use them to solve problems and mentally compute related problems, e.g., 3 x 5 is related to 30 x 50, 300 x 5, and 30 x 500. Add, subtract, and multiply (up to two digits by two digits) accurately and efficiently. Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to use a variety of procedures for addition and subtraction of whole numbers, including conventional algorithms. Divide (up to a three-digit whole number with a single-digit divisor) accurately and efficiently using a variety of procedures. Interpret any remainders. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 36 of 55 Demonstrate an understanding of and the ability to use a variety of procedures for multiplication and division of whole numbers. Investigate conventional algorithms for multiplication and division of whole numbers. Explore extending multiplication and division procedures to larger numbers. Evaluate the efficiency of the procedures for working with larger numbers. Explore relationships between various algorithms, including student generated, non-conventional, and conventional, for solving the same problem. Select and use a variety of strategies (e.g., front-end, rounding, and regrouping) to estimate the results of wholenumber computations and to judge the reasonableness of the answer. Use visual models, benchmarks, concrete objects, and equivalent forms to add and subtract commonly used fractions. Select and use appropriate methods and tools for computing with whole numbers among mental computation, estimation, calculators, and pencil-paper according to the nature of the computation PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Create, describe, and extend geometric and numeric patterns, including multiplication patterns, e.g., 30, 60, 90, 120; 3, 30, 300, 3000. Make predictions and form generalizations about the patterns. Represent and analyze patterns and relationships, using words, models, tables, and graphs. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Represent the idea of a variable as an unknown quantity using a letter or a symbol, e.g., ∆, n. Determine values of variables in simple equations, e.g., 4106 - = 37; - ∆ = 3; 4 + 5 = + 3. Use concrete materials and pictures to build an understanding of equality and inequality, and ways to maintain these relations, e.g., How many stars will balance two squares? Express mathematical relationships using equations, e.g., 4 + 5 = 7 + 2; 9 + 1 > 8 + 1; if ∆ = 5, then 6 + ∆ = 6 + 5 and 3 x ∆ = 3 x 5. Explore the ways commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and zero properties are useful in computing with whole numbers. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Model problem situations with objects and use representations such as pictures, graphs, tables, and equations to draw conclusions. Solve problems involving proportional relationships, including unit pricing, (e.g., four apples cost 80¢, so one apple costs 20¢) and map interpretation (e.g., one inch represents five miles, so two inches represents ten miles). Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 37 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze change in various contexts LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Determine how change in one variable relates to a change in a second variable, e.g., input-output machines, data tables. GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify, compare, and analyze attributes of two- and three-dimensional shapes, e.g., sides, faces, angles, corners, edges, diagonals, symmetry; and develop vocabulary to describe the attributes. Recognize right angles and compare other angles to right angles, e.g., acute and obtuse angles. Identify, describe, and draw intersecting, parallel, and perpendicular lines. Classify two- and three-dimensional shapes according to their properties and develop definitions for classes of shapes such as triangles, quadrilaterals, and pyramids. Investigate, describe, and predict the results of subdividing, combining, and transforming shapes. Investigate congruence and similarity. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe location and movement using common language and geometric vocabulary, e.g., directions from the classroom to the gym. Using ordered pairs, graph, locate, identify points, and describe paths in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. Use a two-dimensional grid system, such as a map, to locate positions representing actual places. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Predict and describe the results of sliding, flipping, and turning two-dimensional shapes. Describe a motion or a series of motions that will show that two shapes are congruent. Identify and describe line-symmetry in two-dimensional shapes and designs. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Build and draw geometric objects. Create and describe mental images of objects, patterns, and paths. Identify and build three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional representations of that object. Investigate two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects. Use geometric models to solve problems in other areas of mathematics, such as using arrays as models of multiplication or area. Explore geometric ideas and relationships as they apply to other disciplines and to problems that arise in the classroom or in everyday life. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 38 of 55 DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Design investigations to address a question and consider how data-collection methods affect the nature of the data set. Collect and organize data using observations, measurements, surveys, or experiments. Represent data using tables and graphs such as line plots, bar graphs and line graphs. Choose and construct representations that are appropriate for the data set. Recognize the differences in representing categorical and numerical data. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe the shape and important features of a set of numerical data, with an emphasis on how the data are distributed, including the range, where the data are concentrated or sparse, and whether there are outliers. Explore the concepts of median, mode, maximum, minimum, and range, and consider what each does and does not indicate about the data set. Compare related data sets, with emphasis on the range, center, and how the data are distributed. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Propose and justify conclusions and predictions based on the data. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe events as likely or unlikely and discuss the degree of likelihood using such words as certain, likely, unlikely, equally likely, and impossible. Predict the likelihood of outcomes of simple experiments and test the predictions using concrete objects such as counters, number cubes, spinners, or coins. Record the probability of a specific outcome for a simple probability situation, e.g., ; probability is 3 out of 7 of drawing a black ball; 3/7. List the number of possible combinations of objects from 3 sets, e.g., number of outfits from 3 shirts, 2 skirts, and 2 hats. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify attributes such as length, area, weight, and volume, and select the appropriate type of unit for measuring each attribute. Use concrete objects to explore volume and surface area of rectangular prisms. Demonstrate an understanding of the need for measuring with standard units and become familiar with standard units in the customary and metric systems. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 39 of 55 Explore the inverse relationship between the size of the unit and the number of units. Understand that measurements are approximations and investigate how differences in units affect precision. Consider the degree of accuracy needed for different situations. Carry out simple unit conversions within a system of measurement, e.g., hours to minutes, cents to dollars, yards to feet or inches. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop strategies for estimating perimeters and areas of rectangles, triangles, and irregular shapes. Develop strategies for finding the area of rectangles and right triangles. Select and use appropriate standard units and tools to estimate, measure, and solve problems involving length, area, volume, weight, time, and temperature. Recognize a 90° angle and use it as a benchmark to estimate the size of other angles. Identify common measurements of turns, e.g., 360° in one full turn, 180° in a half turn, and 90° in a quarter turn. Investigate the use of protractors and angle rulers to measure angles. Compute elapsed time, and make and interpret schedules. Select and use benchmarks to estimate measurements. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 40 of 55 GRADES 5-6 NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Use models, benchmarks, and equivalent forms to judge the size of fractions. Explore numbers less than 0 through familiar applications. Describe classes of numbers according to characteristics such as the nature of their factors. Explore the use of ratios and proportions to represent quantitative relationships Use factors, multiples, prime factorization, and relatively prime numbers to solve problems. Demonstrate an understanding of place value to billions and thousandths. Represent and compare very large (billions) and very small (thousandths) positive numbers in various forms. Demonstrate an understanding of positive integer exponents, especially when used in powers of ten, e.g., 42, 105. Demonstrate an understanding of fractions as a ratio of whole numbers, as parts of unit wholes, as parts of a collection, and as locations on number lines. Compare and order fractions, decimals, and percents efficiently and find their approximate locations on a number line. Develop an understanding of and appropriately apply number theory concepts – including prime and composite numbers, square numbers, prime factorization, greatest common factors, least common multiples, and divisibility rules for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10 - to the solution of problems. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of various meanings and effects of multiplication and division. Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning and effects of arithmetic operations with fractions and decimals. Use the associative and commutative properties of addition and multiplication and the distributive property of multiplication over addition to simplify computations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Understand and use the inverse relationships of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, to simplify computations and solve problems. Apply the Order of Operations for expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with grouping symbols. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers using paper and pencil and mental computation. Use visual models, benchmarks and equivalent forms to develop understanding of addition and subtraction of commonly used fractions and decimals. Select and use appropriate methods and tools for computing with whole numbers and decimals from among mental computation, estimation, calculators, and paper and pencil according to the context and nature of the computation and use the selected method or tool. Develop and analyze algorithms for computing with fractions and decimals and develop fluency in their use. Develop and use strategies to estimate the results of whole number and rational number computations and judge the reasonableness of the results. Develop fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive fractions and mixed numbers. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 41 of 55 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Represent, analyze and generate a variety of geometric and arithmetic patterns and progressions with tables, graphs, words, and, when possible, symbolic rules. e.g., ABBCCC…; 1, 5, 9, 13…; 3, 9, 27… NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of such properties as commutativity, associativity, and distributivity and use them to compute. Express mathematical relationships using equations. Compute the value of variables in input/output tables, Replace variables with given values and evaluate or simplify. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Model and solve contextualized problems and mathematical relationships with concrete models, tables, graphs, and rules in words, and with symbols, e.g., input-output tables. Explore situations with proportional relationships through models. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze change in various contexts LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Investigate how a change in one variable relates to a change in a second variable. Identify and describe situations with constant or varying rates of change and compare them. Use graphs to analyze the nature of changes in quantities in linear relationships. Explore the concept of change, e.g., how a change in one variable affects a second variable, using physical models. GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify and compare polygons based on their attributes, including types of interior angles, perpendicular or parallel sides, and congruence of sides and angles. Classify two- and three-dimensional shapes based on their properties such as sides, edges, and faces. Make and test conjectures about geometric properties and relationships, and develop logical arguments to justify conclusions. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 42 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Make and use coordinate systems to specify locations and identify the coordinates of points within the first quadrant. Explore graphing in all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane. Find the distance between two points along horizontal lines or along vertical lines of a coordinate system. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Predict, describe and perform transformations on two-dimensional shapes. Make and test conjectures on polygons that will tessellate. Explore various types of symmetry. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Draw two-dimensional objects with specific properties such as side lengths or angle measures. Investigate drawing shapes from different views and perspectives. Identify and build three-dimensional objects from their two-dimensional representations, including top view, side view, and front view. Experiment drawing a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional object. Recognize geometric ideas and relationships and apply them to other disciplines such as art and science and to problems that arise in the mathematics classroom or in everyday life. Investigate networks to represent and solve problems. DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Formulate questions, design studies and collect data about a characteristic of two populations or different characteristics among one population. Select, create, and use appropriate graphical representations of data, including histograms, bar graphs, box plots, line plots and scatterplots. Investigate the use of circle graphs. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe and compare data sets using the concepts of median, mean, mode, maximum, minimum, and range. Describe and understand the correspondence between data sets and their representations, especially histograms, bar graphs, line plots, box plots and scatterplots. Understand what various representations reveal about the data. Compare representations of the same data and evaluate how well each representation shows important aspects of the data. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 43 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data. LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Propose and justify conclusions and predictions that are based on data and design studies to further investigate the conclusions or predictions. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe the degrees of likelihood of events using terms such as likely, unlikely, certain and impossible. Predict the probability of outcomes of simple experiments and test the predictions. Use appropriate ratios between 0 and 1 to represent the probability of an event and associate the probability with the likelihood of the event. Compute probabilities for simple compound events, using a variety of methods including organized lists, tree diagrams, and area models. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of such attributes as length, area, weight, volume, and size of angle, and select an appropriate unit for measuring each attribute. Demonstrate an understanding of the need for measuring with standard units and become familiar with standard units in the customary and metric systems. Understand relationships among units within the same system (metric or customary) and carry out simple unit conversions, such as centimeters to meters. Understand that measurements are approximations and understand how differences in unit affect precision. Explore what happens to measurements of a two-dimensional shape such as its perimeter and area when the shape is changed in some way. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Select and use benchmarks to estimate measurements, e.g., the height of a doorknob is about 2 meters. Find areas of triangles and parallelograms using models. Develop strategies for estimating the perimeters and areas of irregular shapes. Solve problems involving proportional relationships and units of measurement, e.g., manageable scale models. Explore the relationships of the radius, diameter, and circumference of circles. Develop an understanding of and use formulas to find areas of rectangles and related triangles and parallelograms. Develop strategies to determine the surface areas and volumes of rectangular solids. Explore various models for finding the area of parallelograms, trapezoids and circles. Explore volume and surface area of three-dimensional shapes such as prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 44 of 55 GRADES 7-8 NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of multiple representations for quantitative relationships such as fractions to decimals to percents, e.g. 3/2 = 1.5 = 150% Demonstrate facility in using fractions, decimals and percents as appropriate in the solution of problems. Compare and order fractions, decimals, and integers and locate correctly on number lines. Demonstrate an understanding of and use ratios and proportions to represent quantitative relationships. Use ratios and proportions in the solution of problems to include unit rates, scale factors, and rate of change. Represent large numbers using exponential, scientific, and calculator notation appropriately. Apply number theory concepts, including prime factorization and relatively prime numbers, to the solution of problems. Investigate and use negative integral exponents and their use in scientific and calculator notation. Investigate absolute value as meaning distance on a number line. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning and effects of arithmetic operations with fractions, decimals and integers. Demonstrate an understanding of and apply the Order of Operations to include non-negative exponents and grouping symbols. Compare, order, and apply frequently used irrational numbers, e.g., square root of 2, π. Use the associative and commutative properties of addition and multiplication and the distributive property of multiplication over addition to simplify computations with integers, fractions and decimals. Demonstrate an understanding of and use the inverse relationships of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and squaring and finding square roots to simplify computations and solve problems., e.g. multiplying by ½ or 0.5 is the same as dividing by 2. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Select appropriate methods and tools for computing with fractions and decimals from among mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil, depending on the situation, and apply the selected methods. Determine when an estimate rather than an exact answer is appropriate and apply in problem situations. Develop and analyze algorithms for computing with fractions, decimals and integers and develop fluency in their use. Develop and adapt procedures for mental calculation and computational estimation with fractions, decimals, percents and integers and judge the reasonableness of results. Develop, analyze, and explain methods for solving problems involving proportions. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 45 of 55 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Extend, represent, analyze, and generalize a variety of patterns (numeric and visual) with tables, graphs, words, and when possible, symbolic expressions. Demonstrate an understanding of graphical, tabular, or symbolic representations for a given pattern and/or relationship. Identify functions as linear or nonlinear and contrast their properties from tables, graphs or equations. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Explore relationships between symbolic expressions and graphs of lines, paying particular attention to the meaning of slope and intercept. Identify the slope of a line with its steepness and as a constant rate of change from its table of values, equation, and graph. Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of variables and constants within an equation representing a linear function, e.g. y = mx + b. Represent and solve linear equations and/or inequalities with one or two variables using models, symbols, and/or graphs. Use symbolic algebra to represent situations and solve problems, especially those involving linear relationships. Explain and analyze – using words, pictures, graphs, charts, or equations – how a change in one variable results in a change in another variable in functional relationships, e.g., A = πr 2 means that the area of a circle must increase if the radius increases. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use mathematical models to represent and understand quantitative relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Use graphs, tables and linear equations or inequalities to model and analyze contextualized problems. Use technology as appropriate. Investigate the use of tables, graphs and equations to represent systems of linear functions to solve contextualized problems. Use technology as appropriate. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze change in various contexts LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Use tables and graphs to represent and compare linear growth patterns. In particular, compare rates of change and intercepts. Explore the similarities among linear, exponential, and quadratic growth patterns in analyzing problem situations. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 46 of 55 GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of the attributes of polygons and analyze their defining properties. Classify polygons in terms of congruence and similarity, and apply these relationships to the solution of problems. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships of angles formed by intersecting lines, to include parallel lines cut by a transversal. Explore visual and other proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. Investigate trigonometric ratios in right triangles. Investigate right triangle relationships, such as those in 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Graph points in all four quadrants of the Cartesian coordinate plane and identify coordinates of points. Investigate absolute value as representing distance and apply it to the solutions of problems. Graph triangles and quadrilaterals on a coordinate plane and examine their properties using coordinates. Explore properties of regular polygons as well as other triangles and quadrilaterals, associating slopes of lines with parallel and perpendicular lines, and determining lengths of sides. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Explore the results of flips, turns, and slides, and investigate relationships among composition of transformations using physical objects, tracing paper, mirrors, graph paper, and/or dynamic geometry software. Describe sizes, positions, and orientations of shapes under informal transformations such as flips, turns, slides, and scaling. Demonstrate an understanding of congruence as well as line and rotational symmetry using transformations. Formulate and test conjectures about shapes that tessellate. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among two- and three-dimensional objects to include twodimensional nets for three- dimensional objects. Recognize and draw two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects. Demonstrate an understanding of and use geometric models to explain numerical and algebraic relationships, e.g., triangular numbers represented by "steps” and algebraic identities and/or properties represented by area models. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 47 of 55 DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Formulate questions about characteristics of populations, identify different ways of selecting a data sample, and describe the characteristics and limitations of a data sample. Identify different ways of selecting a sample, e.g. convenience sampling, responses to a survey, random sampling. Select, create, interpret, and utilize various tabular and graphical representations of data, e.g., circle graphs, Venn diagrams, scatterplots, stem-and-leaf, box plots, histograms, tables, and charts. Explore the differences between continuous and discrete data and ways to represent them. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Find, describe and interpret appropriate measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) and spread (range) that represent a set of data. Determine the appropriateness of different representations, graphical or tabular, for given data sets. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Determine and evaluate inferences based on the analysis of a sample set of data. Make and defend conjectures about possible relationships of a sample, given a scatterplot of the sample data and an approximate line of fit. Use conjectures to formulate new questions and determine new studies to answer them. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Understand and use appropriate terminology of probability, including describing complementary and mutually exclusive events. Use tree diagrams, tables, organized lists, and area models to compute probabilities for simple compound events, e.g., multiple coin tosses or rolls of dice. Investigate the relationship of experimental and theoretical probability. Explore mathematical fairness in games. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Select, convert within the same system of measurement, and use appropriate units of measurement or scale. Develop an understanding of the relationship of customary and metric units and select units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 48 of 55 NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles, and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more complex shapes. Select and apply techniques and tools to accurately find length, area, volume, and angle measures to appropriate levels of precision. Develop strategies to determine the surface area and volume of prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. Use ratio and proportion, including scale factors, in the solution of problems. Use models, graphs, and formulas to solve simple problems involving rates and derived measurements for such attributes as velocity and density. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 49 of 55 GRADES 9-10 NUMBER SENSE AND OPERATIONS NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Compare and contrast properties of sets of numbers within the real number system. Demonstrate an understanding of absolute value on a number line. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Compute fluently and make reasonable estimates LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify and use the properties of operations on real numbers, including the associative, commutative, and distributive properties. Use the identity and inverse elements for the four basic operations. Explain the density property of the set of rational numbers. Apply operations with powers to evaluate or rewrite numerical expressions. Find the approximate value of solutions to problems involving square roots. Use estimation to judge the reasonableness of results of computations and of solutions to problems involving real numbers. Analyze relationships among various subsets of the real numbers (the whole numbers, the integers, the even integers, the rational numbers, and the irrational numbers). PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand patterns, relations, and functions LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Describe, complete, extend, analyze, generalize, and create a wide variety of patterns, including iterative/recursive (e.g., Fibonnacci Numbers), linear, quadratic and exponential functions. Explain the difference between linear and exponential growth. Use tables, graphs, and words to analyze linear, quadratic and exponential functions, including zeros/roots, domain and range. Interpret the meaning of function values including f(x) notation, x- and y-intercepts, and domain and range in real world problems. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Apply the Order of Operations and properties of addition and multiplication to rewrite algebraic expressions that include exponents. Simplify expressions by rearranging and collecting terms. Use algebraic, tabular and graphical methods, including technology when appropriate, to model and solve systems of linear equations and inequalities. Identify problem situations that can be modeled by linear equations and solve by applying appropriate graphical, tabular, or symbolic methods. Describe relationships among the methods. Investigate problem situations that lead to linear and quadratic equations (with real number solutions) and solve by applying appropriate graphical, tabular or symbolic methods. Recognize real-world situations involving both negative and positive constant rates of changes. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 50 of 55 Explore matrices and the operations of addition and multiplication of matrices. Explore the use of matrices to represent situations with variable quantities and to solve systems of linear equations. Investigate recursive function notation. Explore factoring more difficult trinomials, such as those where the quadratic coefficient does not equal one. GEOMETRY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and threedimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Identify figures using properties of sides, angles, and diagonals. Identify what type(s) of symmetry a figure has. Recognize and solve problems involving angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal. Identify major and minor arcs and recognize the relationship between central angle and arc measure. Solve simple triangle problems using the triangle "angle sum" property. Use spatial relationships such as parallel faces to identify and classify common solids, e.g., pyramids, prisms, cones and cylinders. Given measures of some parts of geometric figures; apply congruence and similarity properties to determine measures of other parts, providing logical justification. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Draw geometric figures on a coordinate plane. Calculate the midpoint and slope of a segment. Calculate the distance between two points. Apply the results to the solutions of problems NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Perform transformations (translations, reflections, rotations, scale changes, size changes, and combinations of them) on figures in the coordinate plane. Explore the effect of such transformations on the attributes of the original figure. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Given a figure, perform various constructions (parallel or perpendicular segments, congruent or similar figures) using a compass, straightedge, and, where appropriate, other tools such as protractor or computer software. Make conjectures about methods of construction. Justify the conjectures by logical arguments. Demonstrate the ability to visualize solid objects and recognize their projections and cross sections. Investigate the use of vertex-edge graphs to model and solve problems. Recognize the relationships between the slopes of perpendicular and parallel lines. Explore the properties of chords, tangents, and secants in solving problems. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 51 of 55 DATA ANALYSIS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Rework a set of data (represented by a table, scatterplot, stem-and-leaf diagram, box-and-whisker diagram, bar graph, pie chart, and /or line graph) into one or more of the other forms. Use appropriate statistics (e.g., mean, median, mode, and range) to communicate information about the data. Explore how data distribution affects shape, center, and spread. Generate a scatterplot, find a line of best fit, and use it to make predictions applied to authentic data. (Use both paper-pencil and technology.) NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Explore how sample size and population size may affect the validity of predictions from a set of data. Explore designs of surveys, polls, and experiments to assess the validity of their results and to identify potential sources of bias; identify the types of conclusions that can be drawn. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand and apply basic concepts of probability LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Use area diagrams to determine the probability of events, e.g., dartboard or spinners. Explore the relationship between the theoretical probability of simple events and the experimental outcome from simulations. MEASUREMENT NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Relate changes in the measurement of one attribute of an object to changes in other attributes, e.g., how changing the radius or height of a cylinder affects its surface area or volume. NCTM LEARNING STANDARD: Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements LEARNING EXPECTATIONS Given the formula, find the surface area and volume of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, and cones. Solve problems involving perimeter, circumference, area, lateral area, surface area, volume, angle measure, and arc length, e.g., find the volume of a sphere with a specified circumference. Apply similarity and the relationships of special triangles to the solution of problems such as indirect measurement problems. Use the Pythagorean Theorem and right triangle trigonometry to solve real world problems. Given the formula, convert between metric and English units of measure. Explore the scientific use of different systems of measurement. Explore the effects of rounding on measurements and on computed values from measurements. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 52 of 55 GRADES 11-12 By the end of tenth grade, all students should understand the foundations of mathematical concepts and skills that will prepare them for work, for further study, and to be contributing citizens. Perhaps as important, though, is that students believe themselves to be capable and competent learners of mathematics. No young person should be prevented from pursuing an interest by lack or perceived lack of mathematical understanding and skills. The writers of Mathematics For All believe that no single course of study in grades 11 and 12 is right for every child. We are well aware, though, that such thinking in the past has led to curriculum that sets low expectations of most students while pushing others to calculus and beyond prematurely. We have struggled to define exactly what constitutes learning standards and expectations for grades 11 and 12 and have not been able to achieve a satisfactory solution. We propose the following standards for all students as a beginning point for discussion with our colleagues across the Commonwealth. By the end of the twelfth grade, every student should: • Understand number systems including matrices and complex numbers, and operate with very large and very small numbers. • Decide whether a problem needs an exact solution, an approximation or an estimate. • Use algebra and geometry to describe, analyze and solve real world problems including projectile motion and population growth. • Be confident and flexible problem-solvers, bringing a wide range of skills and experience to each new situation. • Become increasingly sophisticated at reasoning and evaluating arguments. • Use mathematical language, notation and representations to communicate with others precisely and coherently about mathematics. • Understand and critique an article that uses statistics in the form of percents, lists, charts or graphs. All students should be encouraged to take four years of math to maximize their preparation for a wide variety of technical, health, laboratory, and other skilled jobs as well as to pursue higher education. Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 53 of 55 Appendix A: Criteria for Evaluating Instructional Materials and Programs in Mathematics Not at all 1. Student Experiences Involve them in inquiry-based learning and problem solving Enable them to investigate important mathematical concepts Provide multiple pathways to develop concepts and communicate ideas and solutions Include use of manipulatives and tools to explore, model, and analyze situations and communicate findings Foster collaboration and reflection Attend to diverse cultural and economic backgrounds Provide developmentally appropriate activities which can accommodate the range of abilities and learning styles found in classrooms Draw on a variety of instructional resources (e.g., trade books, measuring tools, information technology, manipulatives, primary sources, and electronic networks) Focus on current mathematical knowledge that is accurately represented Provide opportunities to ask their own questions and conduct their own investigations Include assessment prior knowledge, imbedded assessments, and performance measures Use real world ideas, topics, and contexts that are appropriate and engaging for students 2. Mathematical Content Reflects the learning expectations in Mathematics For All Is mathematically accurate and current Uses real-world contexts Provides opportunities for students to work as a mathematician Uses language and illustrations that are free of bias and reflect the diversity of our society Inadequately Adequately Strongly Exceptionally Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 54 of 55 Not at all 3. Organization and Structure Provide for in-depth, inquiry-based investigations of major mathematical concepts Provide cohesive units that build conceptual understanding Emphasize connections within and across disciplines Incorporate appropriate use of instructional technology (computers, calculators) Incorporate materials that are appropriate and engaging for students Include clear instructions on using tools, equipment, and materials Include a master source of materials and resources 4. Teacher Support Materials Provide an overview of content Provide suggestions to inform and engage parents and other community members Incorporate a variety of strategies to engage and stimulate all students (open-ended questions, journals, manipulatives, visual, auditory and kinesthetic activities) Provide a list of required instructional materials and reference useful supporting materials (videos, trade books, software, web sites, electronic networks) Suggest ways for teachers to adapt the materials to meet the needs of all students Give background information to support various learning approaches (cooperative groups, student as teacher, independent research, learning centers, field trips) Include use of instructional technology to help students visualize complex concepts, analyze and refine information, and communicate solutions Provide examples of student responses with rubrics to evaluate the assessments Inadequately Adequately Strongly Exceptionally Mathematics For All November 2, 2000 Page 55 of 55 Not at all 5. Student Assessment Materials Are free of racial, cultural, ethnic, linguistic, gender, and physical bias Align with student experiences Are embedded in the instructional program, occurring throughout the unit, not just at the end Incorporate multiple forms of assessment (oral and written work, student demonstrations, student selfassessment, projects, tests, quizzes, teacher observations, individual and group assessments, portfolios, and journals) Focus on both the process (predicting, modeling, making inferences, reasoning) and content of learning Are useful to provide information about student learning to inform the teacher’s instruction 6. Program Development and Implementation Reflect current research on teaching and learning Provide access to information regarding the evidence of effectiveness Provide published materials that include suggestions, strategies, and models for successful implementation at the classroom level Provide published materials that include suggestions, strategies, and models for successful implementation at the school or district level Inadequately Adequately Strongly Exceptionally