BOOKLIST ENGLISH In de Ludgerbibliotheek hebben de boeken codes die moeilijkheidsgraad aanduiden (rood=d; blauw=e; zwart=f). Voor de boekenlijst Engels leest… …4H/V code d/e boeken. …5H code d/e/f boeken (echter niet de d boeken die tussen haakjes staan) …5/6V code e/f boeken (dus geen d-code boeken!) Mochten de codes in dit document genoemd afwijken van die welke in de bibliotheek op de ruggen van de boeken staan, dan geldt altijd de hier vermelde code (later gewijzigd). Om te voorkomen dat er teveel ‘lichte’ boeken op de lijst staan moeten de leerlingen in 5H en 6V hun laatste boek ter goedkeuring aan hun leraar laten zien (samen met hun boekenlijst). Van een schrijver mag je slechts 1 werk op je lijst zetten. Harry Potter en Bridget Jones mag je niet op de lijst zetten. Je moet op een invulblad bijhouden wat je gelezen hebt, bovendien moet je bookreports maken. Op dit invulblad staat ook hoe je dat doen en hoeveel je moet lezen. (download invulblad voor Havo of Vwo). Dikgedrukte titels worden warm aanbevolen. Op de site van Engels kun je van deze titels een recentie of 'blurb'-tekst lezen (kijk bij “Aanbevolen boeken voor…”. audiobooks For titles printed like this there are available (on mp3). These audiobooks are for students who are dyslectics. Students who want to improve their pronunciation can also use them but only if they consult their English teacher first. Please ask the librarians. Voor doubeurs/overstappers/gezakten gelden wat extra regels: kijk HIER Uittreksels-sites voor je ‘bookreport’ vind je HIER. Veel Leesplezier! Ga naar: Proza na 1900 Proza voor 1900 Toneel [Short] Short Stories Of…. blader gewoon naar beneden PROSE AFTER 1900 Achebe, Ch. Abraham, Pearl Abraham, Pearl Adams, R Albom (Albom Ali, Monica Amis, Kingsley Amis, Kingsley Amis, Kingsley Amis, Kingsley Angelou, Maya Auster Auster Auster Auster Bainbridge, Beryl Bainbridge, Beryl Baldwin, James Baldwin, James Baldwin, James Ballard, J.G. Barker, P. Barker, P. Barker, P. Barker, P. Barker, P. Barker, P. Barnes, J. Barnes, J. Batt, J Beattie, Ann Bellow, Saul Bellow, Saul Bellow, Saul Blackman, M. Bowen, Elizabeth Boyne, John Boyd, William Bradbury, Malcolm Bradbury, Malcolm Braine, John (Bray, Libba Brink, Andre Brink, A. Brookner, Anita Brookner, Anita Brookner, Anita Brookner, Anita Brown, Dan Things Fall Apart e Giving up America e The Romance Reader e Watership Down e Five People you Meet in Heaven d For One More Day) d Brick Lane e Alteration, The e Old Devils, The e Lucky Jim f Girl, 16 e I know Why the Caged Bird Sings [dvd#10] e Brooklyn Follies e Mr Vertigo e Moon Palace e Timbuktu [dvd#4] e The Bottle Factory Outing e Sweet William e Another Country e Go tell it on the Mountain e If Beale Street Could Talk e Empire of the Sun f The Ghost Road f The Man Who Wasn’t There f Union Street f Regeneration f Toby’s Room e The Eye in the Door f The History of the World in 10½ e Before She Met Me e Stolen Innocence f Falling in Place e Adventures of Augie March f Herzog f Dean's December, The f Boys don’t Cry d Heat of the Day, The e The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas[dvd#1]d Good Man in Africa, A e History man, The e Fahrenheit 451 e Room at the Top e The Great and Terrible Beauty d Instant in the Wind, An e A Dry White Season f Look at Me e Providence e Hotel du Lac e Start in Life, A e The Da Vinci Code e NIG USA USA GB GB GB GB GB USA USA USA USA USA GB GB USA USA USA USA GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB USA USA USA USA GB GB GB GB GB GB SAF SAF USA USA USA USA USA ww2_ 21c 21c ww2_ 21c 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww221c 21c 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2 ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c _ww2 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c) ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c Brown, Dan Brown, Dan Brown Burgess, Anthony Burgess, Anthony Capote, Truman (Carson Levine (Carter, Forrest Cassidy Catton (Chandler, Raymond Chambers, A Chbosky Cheever, John Cheever, John Chopin, Kate Clark Clarke, A.C. Coetzee, J. Coetzee, J. Coetzee, J. Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Conrad, Joseph Cunningham, M. (Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald Deighton, Len Delillo,D Desai, Anita Desai, Anita Desai, Anita Dibdins Doctorow, E.L. Doctorow, E.L. Dowd, S Doyle, Roddy Doyle, Roddy Doyle, R. Doyle, Roddy Doyle, Roddy Doyle, Roddy Doyle, Roddy (Doyle, Sir Arthur C. Drabble, Magaret Drabble, M. Drabble, M. Drabble, Margaret Drabble, Margaret Inferno [dvd#10] e Deception Point [dvd#7] e The Weird Sisters [dvd#10&11] e Clockwork Orange, A [dvd#7] f Earthly Powers f In Cold Blood e Ella Enchanted) d The Education of Little Tree) d Talking to Strangers d The Rehearsal e The Big Sleep) d Dying to know you d The Perks of being a Wallflover [dvd#11] e Stories e Wapshot Chronicle, The e The Awakening [dvd#1] e The Chase e Fall of Moondust, A e Waiting for the Barbarians f Disgrace f Life and Times of Michael K, The f Lord Jim [dvd#4] f Heart of Darkness [dvd#4] f Secret Agent, The f Typhoon [dvd#9] f The Hours e The Great Automatic Grammatizator d My Uncle Oswald d Boy d Short Stories d Funeral in Berlin d End Zone e The Village by the Sea e Fire on the Mountain e In Custody e The Ratking e Ragtime e Book of Daniel, The e The London Mystery d The Snapper e Oh, Play That Thing e Paddy Clark Ha Ha Ha [dvd#8] e The Van e The Commitments e The Woman who walked into Doors [dvd#2]e Paula Spencer e Hound of the Baskervilles, The) d Radiant Way, The e Jeruzalem the Golden e The Millstone e Realms of Gold, The e Ice Age, The e USA USA GB GB USA NZ USA USA USA USA USA SAF SAF SAF GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB IND IND IND USA USA IRE IRE IER IRE IRE IRE IRE GB GB GB GB GB GB 21c 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 22c 21c 21c _ww2 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 c21 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2ww2ww2_ ww2ww2ww2ww2_ww2 ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ Du Maurier, Daphne (Du Maurier, Daphne Eggers, D Eggers, D Ellis, Bret Easton. Ellison, Ralph Elton Elton Evans, H. Faulks, S. Faulks, S. Faulks, S. Faulks, S. Faulks, S. Fitzgerald, Scott Fitzgerald, Scott Fleischer, L. Ford, Richard Forster, E.M. Forster, E.M. Forster, E.M. Forsyth, Frederick Fowles, John Fowles, John Fowles, John Frame, Janet French, A. Freud. E Fry, S. (Gates, Susan George Elizabeth Golding, William Golding, William Golding William Golding, William Golding, William Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer, Nadine Gordimer, Nadine Gordon, Mary Green, John Green, John Green, H. Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham (Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Greene, Graham Rebecca Jamaica Inn) The Circle What is the What Less than Zero Invisible Man [dvd#11] First Casualty Blast from the Past Going Home Birdsong [dvd#1] Engleby [dvd#7] On Green Dolphin Street A Possible Life A Week in December Side of Paradise, This The Great Gatsby [dvd#6] Rainman The Sportswriter Passage to India, A A Room with a View [dvd#1] Where Angels Fear to Tread Day of the Jackal, The Collector, The French Lieutenant's Woman, The The Magus Angel at My Table, An Billy Hideous Kinky The Liar Firebird A Great Deliverance Lord of the Flies[dvd#1] Rites of Passage Fire Down Below Spire, The Inheritors, The July's People The House Gun No Time like the Present Final Payments The Fault in our Stars [dvd#9] An Abundance of Catherines [dvd#10] I’ve Never Promised you… Third Man, The [dvd#7] Tenth Man, The The Quiet American Dr Fisher of Geneva) Power and the Glory, The Heart of the Matter, The Human Factor, The Brighton Rock Our Man in Havanna d d e e e f e e e f f e e e e e d f f f f e e e e e d e e d e f f f f f f f f e e e e e e e d f e e e e GB GB US US US USA GB GB GB GB GB SAF SAF SAF USA _ww2 _ww2 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c 21c ww2_ 21c 21c 21c 21c _ww2 _ww2 ww2WW2_ww2 _ww2 _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww221c 21c ) 21c ww2_ ww2ww2ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ USA GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB ww2ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 ww2_ GB GB GB GB GB USA USA USA USA GB GB GB GB GB GB GB AUS Greene, Graham Guest, Judith Haddon, Mark Haddon, Mark Harbach, C Harries, Ann Hartnett Haug, M Hawkins, P Hearn Heller, Joseph Heller, Joseph Hemingway, E. Hemingway, E. Hemingway, E. Herr, M. Hill, Susan Hill, Susan Hill, Susan Comedians, The e Ordinary People [dvd#5] e The Curious Incident of the Dog…[dvd#1] d The Red House e The Art of Fielding e No place for a Lady e Thursday Child d The Humans e The Girl on the Train d Grass for His Pillow e Catch 22 f Good as Gold f For Whom the Bell tolls e Farewell to Arms, A e The Old Man and the Sea [dvd#6] d Dispatches e Springtime of the Year, In the f Strange Meeting e The Woman in Black [dvd#8] e GB USA GB GB Hill, Susan Hopkins, C. Hornby Hornby Hornby Hornby Hornby Hornby Hosseini,K Hosseini,K Hosseini,K Huxley, Aldous Ivey, E. Irving, John Ishiguro, Kazuo Ishiguro, Kazuo Johnston, Jennifer Joinson, S Joyce, R. Keneally, Thomas Kennedy, William Kerouac, Jack Kesey, Ken Keyes, D` (King Kosinski, Jerzy Kosinsky, Jerzy Kosinsky, Jerzy Jon Krakauer (Laird, Elizabeth Lahiri, J. Lawrence, D.H. I’m the King of the Castle Playlist for a broken Heart About a Boy [dvd#10] Fever Pitch [dvd#8&9] High Fidelity [dvd#7] Slam [dvd#9] How to be Good [dvd#7] A Long Way Down [dvd#9] The Kite Runner[dvd#5] A Thousand Splendid Suns [dvd#8] And the Mountains Echoed Brave New World [dvd#6] The Snow Child World According to Garp, The Remains of the Day, The Never let me go [dvd#6] Christmas Tree, The A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar The Unlikely Pigrimage of Harold Fry Schindler's Ark Iron Weed On the Road One Flew..Cuckoo's Nest [dvd#6] Flowers from Algernon Carrie) Cockpit Painted Bird, The Being There dvd#9] Into the Wild [dvd#11] Paradise End The Namesake Women in Love GB e e d e e d d d e e e f e e e f e e e e e e f e d e e e e d e f GB USA USA USA USA US US GB GB GB GB GB GB GB USA GB GB IRE AUS USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA GB _ww2 ww2_ c21 c21 21c c21 c21 C21 C21 21c ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c c21 c21 c21 c21 c21 c21 c21 c21 c21 _ww2 21c ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c c21 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2) 21c _ww2 Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Lawrence, D.H. Leavit, David Lessing, Doris Lessing, Doris Lessing, D. Lessing, Doris Levin, Ira Levin, Ira Levin, Ira Levin, Ira Levin, Ira Levin, Ira Lively, P. Levy Andrea Levy Andrea Levy Andrea Levy, D Lewis, Michael Leyshon, N Lovelace, E. Lowry, Malcolm Mac Cabe, P. MacCarthy, Cormack MacKenzie, I McKenzie, S McKenzie, S Macinerney, J. MacLaverty, B. MacLaverty, B. Mahy Mahy Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard Malamud, Bernard (Mansfield, K. Martel Yann McCabe, p. (McCall Smith McCall Smith McCourt, F. McCourt, F. McCourt, F. McEwan, Ian McEwan, Ian McEwan, Ian McEwan, Ian Lady Chatterley's Lover Sons and Lovers[dvd#5] Rainbow, The Virgin and the Gipsy, The Lost Language of Cranes, The Grass is Singing, The Memoirs of a Survivor, The The Fifth Child Good Terrorist, The Sliver Kiss before Dying, A This Perfect Day The Boys from Brazil [dvd#3] Rosemary's Baby [dvd#7] Stepford Wives, The The Road to Lichfield Small Island Fruit of the Lemon Never far from Nowhere Swimming Home The Blind Side The colour of Milk While Gods are Falling Under the Volcano [dvd#10] The Butcher Boy All the Pretty Horses City of Strangers Casting Shadows Falling Fast Bright Lights Big City[dvd#5] Lamb Cal The Changeover Memory God’s Grace Tenants, The Dubin's Lives Natural, The Assistant, The Fixer, The The Garden Party [dvd#1&4] Life of Pi [dvd#6] The Butcherboy 44 Scotland Street) The lady Detective Angela’s Ashes [dvd#4] Teacher Man Tis (sequel to Angela’s Ashes) Cement Garden, The Innocent, The Atonement On Chesil Beach f f f e f f e e e d e d d d d GB GB GB GB USA GB GB GB GB USA USA USA USA USA USA e e e e d e f e e e d d e e e d d e e f e f f d e e d d e e e e e e e _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c GB IER US US IRE IRE USA USA USA USA USA USA GB CAN IRE IER IER IER GB GB GB _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ c21 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c McEwan, Ian McEwan, Ian (McCord, Patricia McCullers, Carson (McGregor McHanon (McKenzie Meek, James Merrill, S Mitchel Mitchel Moore, Brian Moore, Lorrie (Morgenroth Morrison, Tony Morrison, Tony Morrison, Tony Morton, Kate Munro, Alice (Myers Nabokov, Vladimir Narayan, R.K. Nicholls Niffenegger Audrey Northrop O'Brien, Edna O'Brien, Edna Oates, J.C. Ondaatje, M. Orwell, George Orwell, George Orwell, George Orwell, George Palacio, R Petry, Ann Picoult, J Plath, Sylvia Porter, A Potok, Ch. Potok, Chaim Potok, Chaim Potok, Chaim Potok, Chaim Powell, j. Proulx, E.A. Proulx. E.A. (Pullman, Philip Raschke, Erik Rendell, R. Rendell, R. (Richardson (Rosoff, Meg The Child in Time Amsterdam Pictures in the Dark Member of the Wedding, The If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Th.) The Alchemist’s Daughter Girl, Missing) [dvd#10] The People's Act of Love The Story of Forgetting Black Swan Green Cloud Atlas Lies of Silence [dvd#10] A Gate at the Stairs Framed) Song of Solomon Tar Baby Home The House at Riverton Runaway Fallen Angels) Lolita [dvd#7] Vendor of Sweets, The One Day [dvd#10] The Time Traveler's Wife [dvd#1] Twelve Years a Slave [dvd#11] Country Girls, The Girl with the Green Eyes, The Marya: A Life The English Patient 1984 [dvd#6] Animal Farm [dvd#4] Down and Out in London and Paris Birmese Days Wonder [dvd#11] Street, The [dvd#10] My Sister's Keeper Bell Jar, The In Between Days My Name is Asher Lev In the Beginning Davita's Harp Chosen, The [dvd#7] Promise, The Julie&Julia: My Year of... Accordeon Crimes The Shipping News The Broken Bridge) The Book of Samuel Live Flesh The Lake of Darkness The Wrong Hands) How I Live Now) e e d e d e d f e e f e e d f f e e e d f e e f e e e e e f e e e d e e f e f f f f f e f f d e e e d d 21c 21c USA USA GB GB IRE USA _ww2 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c 21c ww2_ 21c 21c USA USA USA USA IND us IRE IRE USA GB GB GB GB GB USA USA US USA USA USA USA USA USA usa GB GB ww2_ ww2_ 21c_ c21 c21 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 21c ww2_ c21 ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ c21 ) 21c 21c 21c 21c Rhys, Jean Rosnay, T. de Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Roth, Philip Rushdie, Salman Rushdie, Salman Salinger, J.D. Salinger, J.D. Salinger, J.D. Sambrook Saylor, S Schwarz Segal Sheers, Owen Shriver Lionel Shute, N Sillitoe, A Sillitoe, A. Simsion, G Smale, H Smith, Ali Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Steinbeck, John Stockett, K Stockley Phillippa Storey, David Storey, David Stuart, D Styron, William Styron, William Sutcliff, W. Swarup, Vikas Swift, G. Swift, G. Swift, G. Swift, G. Swift, G. Tan, A. Theroux, Paul Theroux, Paul Tolkien, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.R.R. Townsend Townsend Tyler, Anne Tyler, Anne Wide Sargasso Sea e Sarah’s Key [dvd#3] e Goodbye Columbus e Portnoy's Complaint f I Married a Communist [dvd#9] f Counterlife, The f Ghost Writer, The [dvd#7] f Zuckerman Unbound [dvd#7] f The Plot Against America [dvd#7] f Midnight's Children f The Moons Last Sigh f Franny and Zooey e Nine Stories e The Catcher in the Rye [dvd#6] e Hide and Seek d Catilina’s Riddle e Drowning Ruth e The Innocents e Resistance e We Need to Talk about Kevin e On the Beach e Loneliness of the longdistance R. [dvd#1&5] e Saturday Night and Sunday Morning e The Rosie Project e Geek Girl d Hotel World e East of Eden e Of Mice and Men[dvd#1] e Grapes of Wrath, The f The Help [dvd#8] e A Factory of Cunning f Pasmore e Sporting Life, This e the Hour Between e Confessions of Nat Turner, The f Sophie's Choice f Bad Influence d Slumdog Millionaire (aka Q&A)[dvd#2]e Waterland e Learing to Swim e Last Orders e Shuttlecock e The Light of Day e The Joy Luck Club [dvd#10] e Mosquito Coast [dvd#7] f Kingdom by the Sea, The e Hobbit, The e Lord of the Rings, The e Rebuilding Coventry d The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole d Tin Can Tree, The e Dinner at the Homesick Rest. e GB USA USA USA USA USA USA USA GB GB USA USA USA USA USA GB GB GB USA USA USA USA GB GB USA USA GB Ind GB GB GB GB GB US USA USA GB GB GB GB USA USA ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ c21 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c 21c 21c c21 c21 ww2ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c 21c _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ 21c 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2ww2ww2_ ww2_ Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Updike, John Valentine, J Vance, J. Vonnegut, Kurt Walker, Alice Walker , Alice (Waller, R. Walsh, J.P. Walter, J Walters, M. Walters Minette Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Waugh, Evelyn Weldon, Fay Weldon, Fay Weldon, Fay Weldon, Fay Williams, J Winterson, J. Winton, T Wolfe, T. Wolfe, T. Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Virginia Wright, Richard Wright, Richard Wyndham, John Wyndham, John Wyndham, John Yates, R. (Zenatti, Valerie (Zephaniah, Benjamin (Zephaniah, Benjamin Rabbit is Rich [3] [dvd#6] Rabbit Remembered [4] Rabbit Run [1] Rabbit Redux [2] Marry Me Broken Soup Lyonesse Slaughterhouse Five [dvd#7] The Color Purple [dvd#4] Now is the Time to Open Your Heart Bridges of Madison County) A desert in Bohemia Beautiful Ruins Sculptress, The The Ice House [dvd#1] Scoop Handful of Dust, A Brideshead Revisited Decline and Fall Loved One, The Rules of Life, The Cloning of Joanna May, The The Life and Loves of a She-Devil Little Sisters Stoner Oranges are not the only Fruit That Eye, the Sky The Bonfire of Vanities Back to Blood Mrs Dalloway Lighthouse, To the Native Son [dvd#2] Black Boy Chocky [dvd#9] The Day of the Triffids [dvd#6] The Midwich Cuckoos [dvd#7] Revolutionary Road When I Was a Soldier: One Girl's.. Face Refugee Boy f f f f f d e f e e d e e Title Pride and Prejudice [dvd#3] Persuasion [dvd#3] Sense and Sensibility Northanger Abbey Emma [dvd#3] Jane Eyre [dvd#3] Wuthering Heights [dvd#3] Alice in Wonderland [dvd#3] code f f f e f f f d e e e f e e e e e e e e e f f f f e e e e e e d d d USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB US US GB GB USA USA GB GB GB ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21C ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww221c 21c 21c _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ww2_ ww2_ 21C _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 21c ) ) ) PROSE BEFORE 1900 Author Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen, Jane Austen,Jane Bronte, Charlotte Bronte, Emily (Carroll, Lewis nationality GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB Period 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c (Carroll, Lewis Cooper, J.Fennimore Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Defoe, Daniel Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Dickens, Charles Eliot, George Eliot, George Gaskell, Eliz Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hardy, Thomas Hawthorne, Nathaniel James, Henry James, Henry James, Henry Melville, Herman Melville, Herman Poe, Edgar Allen Shelley, Mary Stevenson, Robert L. Stowe, Harriet B. Swift, Jonathan Thoreau HD Twain, Mark Twain, Mark Wells, H.G. Wells, H.G. Wells, H.G. Wilde, Oscar Through the Looking-Glass [dvd#4] d The Last of the Mohicans[dvd#5] e Journal of the Plague Year f Moll Flanders [dvd#4] f Robinson Crusoe [dvd#5] f Great Expectations [dvd#2] f David Copperfield f A Christmas Carol in Prose [dvd#1] e Oliver Twist [dvd#4] f Pickwick Papers, The f Mill on the Floss, The f Silas Marner f North and South [dvd#5] e Tess of the D'Urbervilles[dvd#3] f The Mayor of Casterbridge [dvd#3] f Jude the Obscure f Far from the Madding Crowd [dvd#3] f The Return of the Native [dvd#3] f The Scarlet Letter [dvd#2] f Portrait of a Lady, The f Europeans, The f Washington Square f Moby Dick f Billy Bud e Short Stories e Frankenstein e Dr.Jekyll and Mr Hyde [dvd#1] e Uncle Tom's Cabin e Gulliver's Travels [dvd#2] f Walden f Tom Sawyer [dvd#1] f The Adventures of Huck. Finn [dvd#2]f The Time Machine [dvd#2] d The War of the Worlds [dvd#1] e The Invisible man [dvd#1] f The Picture of Dorian Gray [dvd#1] e GB USA GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB USA GB GB GB GB GB USA USA USA USA USA USA USA GB GB USA GB USA USA USA GB GB GB GB 19c 19c 18c 18c 18c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 18c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c 19c DRAMA (=toneel) Albee, Edward Ayckbourn, A. Becket, Samuel Bolt, Robert Delaney, Shelagh Eliot, T.S. Miller, Arthur Norman, Marsha O'Neill, Eugene Osborne, John Pinter, Harold Pinter, Harold Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Norman Conquests, The Waiting for Godot Man for all Seasons, A Taste of Honey, A Murder in the Cathedral Death of a Salesman Night, Mother Beyond the Horizon Look Back in Anger Homecoming, The Caretaker, The USA GB GB GB GB GB USA USA USA GB GB GB ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ _ww2 ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ f e f f e f e e e f f f Pinter, Harold (Rattigan, Terence Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shakespeare, W. Shaw, G. B. Shaw, G. B. Shepard, Sam Thomas, Dylan Wesker, Arnold Wilde, Oscar Williams, T. Williams, T. Williams, T. Birthday Party, The f Winslow Boy, The d) Julius Caesar [Rom.history] f Hamlet [tragedy] [dvd#5] f Macbeth [tragedy] [dvd#2] f King Lear [tragedy] [dvd#2] f Othello [tragedy] [dvd#2] f Romeo and Juliet [tragedy] [dvd#2] f The Merchant of Venice [tragedy] [dvd#2] f Saint Joan e Pygmalion [dvd#3] e Buried Child f Under Milk Wood f Roots e Importance of Being Earnest, The e Glass Menagerie, The e Steetcar Named Desire, A e Cat on a Hot Tin Roof e (SHORT) SHORT STORIES that are available as audiobooks: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner -by A. Sillitoe The Murders in the Rue Morgue-by A.E. Poe After Twenty Years by OHenry On Saturday Afternoon -by A. Sillitoe The Cask of Amontillado by E.A. Poe The Chrysanthemums -by John Steinbeck The Garden Party by C Mansfield The Open Window by saki The Story of an Hour-by Kate Chopin The Tell Tale Heart by EA Poe The Sniper – O’Flaherty Indian Camp – Hemingway The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Thurber e f d e f e d d e f e e e GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB GB USA GB GB GB USA USA USA [42pp] [25pp] [3pp] [2pp] [5pp] [10pp] [8pp] [2pp] [3pp] [5pp] [3pp] 5pp] [2pp] ] ww2_ ww2_ 16c 17c 17c 17c 17c 17c 17c 19c 19c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ 19c ww2_ ww2_ ww2_ [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#1&4&5] [dvd#9] [dvd#1&4&5] In de Ludgerbibliotheek staat ook de bundel The Best American Short Stories of the Century [zie hieronder]. Alle verhalen in deze bundel zijn ook beschikbaar als luisterboek. The Other Woman - Sherwood Anderson e [7pp] ] [dvd#6] Theft - Catherine Ann Porter e [6pp] ] [dvd#6] Crazy Sunday - F Scott Fitzgerald e [17pp] ] [dvd#6] Gold Coast - James Alan McPherson e [16pp] ] [dvd#6] The Interior Castle - Jean Stafford e [14pp] ] [dvd#6] The German Refugee - Bernard Malamud f [12pp] ] [dvd#6] The Shawl - Cynthia Ozick e [5pp] ] [dvd#6] How To Win - Rosellen Brown e [13pp] ] [dvd#6] I Want To Live - Thom Jones e [17pp] ] [dvd#6] Birthmates - Gish Jen e [15pp] ] [dvd#6] Wild Plums - Grace Stone Coates e [5pp] ] [dvd#6] Here We Are - Dorothy Parker e [9pp] ] [dvd#6] Christmas Gift - Robert Penn Warren e [10pp] ] [dvd#6] The Hitch-Hikers - Eudora Welty e [13pp] ] [dvd#6] The Second Tree From The Corner - EB White e [5pp] ] [dvd#6] Gesturing - John Updike A City Of Churches - Donald Barthelme The Things They Carried - Tom Obrien Where I'm Calling From - Raymond Carver You're Ugly Too - Lorrie Moore Proper Library - Carolyn Ferrell The Best Girlfriend You Never Had - Pam Houston Defender of the Faith - Philiph Roth Eli The Fanatic - Philiph Roth Epstein - Philiph Roth The Conversion of the Jews - Philiph Roth You can’t Tell a Man by the Song - Philiph Roth e e e e e e e f f f f f [11pp] ] [4pp] ] [17pp] ] [14pp] ] [19pp] ] [15pp] ] [20pp] ] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#6] [dvd#7] [dvd#7] [dvd#7] [dvd#7] [dvd#7]