Program Review Report School of Computing and Information Sciences College of Engineering & Computing January 2009 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 3 Response to the Recommendations from Previous Reviews ............................................................... 4 Program Description ............................................................................................................................ 5 Major Changes in Program .................................................................................................................. 8 Student Learning Outcomes ................................................................................................................. 9 Strengths that Support the Achievement of Program Goals............................................................... 10 Weaknesses that Impede the Achievement of Program Goals ........................................................... 13 Opportunities to Explore in the Achievement of Program Goals....................................................... 14 Threats to Overcome in the Achievement of Program Goals............................................................. 15 Budget ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Major Findings and Recommendations.............................................................................................. 19 APPENDICES.................................................................................................................................... 21 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. SCIS Student Headcount ......................................................................................................... 6 Comparison of CS/IT Upper Division Enrollment within SUS .............................................. 7 SCIS Degrees Awarded........................................................................................................... 7 2007-2008 Enrollment in SCIS UCC Courses ........................................................................ 8 2007-2008 Enrollment in SCIS Service Courses .................................................................... 8 SCIS Performance Since 2002 .............................................................................................. 11 SCIS Research Performance 2002-2003 vs. 2007-2008, on per-faculty basis ...................... 11 SCIS Performance Compared to National Average (CRA Taulbee Report)......................... 12 IT Job Growth Projections .................................................................................................... 14 Proposed Five-Year Budget Increments................................................................................ 17 2 1 Executive Summary In the last program review prepared in Fall 2003 and presented in Spring 2004 (and which examined the School of Computing and Information Science (SCIS) performance up to academic year 2002 – 2003), the School’s faculty set the following lofty long-term goals: 1. To become the best research and education program in the field of computing in the South Florida region 2. To become a top 3 research and education program in the State of Florida 3. To become the national leader in training minority students, particularly Hispanic students at all levels 4. To become a leader at FIU for promoting interdisciplinary research and education to advance the university’s strategic goal of becoming one of the top urban public research universities in the nation 5. To become the preferred partner and a key provider of talent and innovation to industry 6. Ultimately, to become a top 50 ranked CS/IT program in the nation. goals. Our undergraduate Computer Science program’s accreditation was reaffirmed with the highest rating by ABET; in terms of student headcount at the BS, MS and Ph.D. levels we are one of the largest, if not the largest, computing and IT programs in the Florida State University System (SUS), generating over 20% of the entire SUS undergraduate graduates in this critically important field; we rank eighth in the entire nation in degree production (among computing programs in engineering); our undergraduate students are actively engaged in sponsored research projects, and are sought out by industry giants such as IBM and Microsoft. Our graduate and research programs have had remarkable success: We have increased the School’s Ph.D. enrollment by 85% over five years and the Ph.D. graduation rate by 300% (the most recent four-year period, compared to the four-year period prior to our last review), and the quality of our program is corroborated by the fact that our Ph.D. graduates have gone on to become tenure-track faculty members at ranked research universities and highly-selective leading research centers. Moreover, among the hundreds of doctoral programs nationwide, SCIS by itself accounts for approximately 13% of all Hispanic Ph.D. students. The School’s external research funding has more than doubled, from $1.33 million to $2.79 million, and the School is now consistently one of the top two funded research programs in the SUS, in terms of perfaculty annual external funding. A significant majority of our tenured and tenure track faculty are now research active and the majority are currently PI or Co-PIs of at least one NSF grant. Our junior faculty has received four CAREER awards. We have almost doubled the number of graduate assistantships in SCIS, with nearly all of the increase coming from C&G funding. We have increased the overall number of publications by 72%. More importantly, we have increased the annual number of research papers in premier journals and proceedings by 233%, and our faculty members are now well-represented on conference program committees. The School’s research is highly interdisciplinary, and our faculty has successfully developed, individually and collectively, a broad range of collaborations within FIU, with industry and our peers nationally and 3 internationally, in a variety of disciplines, such as biology, hurricane and disaster mitigation, earth science, business, computer engineering, biomedical engineering, construction management, physics, mathematics, statistics, etc. We have built highly successful and rewarding industry and international partnerships from the ground up, with partners including leading universities and research centers in the U.S., Mexico, Argentina, Spain, China, India, Japan and other countries. This is a key factor in our success in research and funding. We have achieved our growth and advancement with a minimal amount of resources compared to our peers in the State and in the nation. Equally important, as the data in this report show, the transformative growths in quality and productivity have been achieved with a relatively flat size of the faculty. In other words, our growth is achieved via productivity gains, rather than as a result of a simple increase in the size of the organization. Moreover, none of these improvements are one-time events, but rather rapid and consistent progress, year after year. Along the way, we have transformed SCIS into a highly dynamic academic organization with a highly synergistic, collegial, confident and proactive faculty and staff team, a hallmark of a highly dynamic and successful academic program. We are confident that we are well on our way toward meeting our sixth and most challenging goal, of becoming a top-50 ranked CS/IT program. Our School is well positioned to take advantage of this national trend and favorable environmental factors to become a national leader in this critically important area, to become an FIU success story and help to serve and drive the university’s strategic goals. Our faculty and staff are working tirelessly and intelligently toward this end. However, we cannot do it alone. To successfully accomplish the strategic vision listed above, the attention, support and resources from the university administration, as well as our School’s representation at the university level, are indispensable. We urge the university administration to provide them. This Self Study was prepared by a committee consisting of Yi Deng, Dean of SCIS and Associate Dean Masoud Milani, Prof. Xudong He who is Graduate Program Director, Scott Graham who is Research Coordinator, and Prof. Mark Weiss who is Chair of the School’s Human Resource Committee, along with input from the faculty. 2 Response to the Recommendations from Previous Reviews Recommendation 1. Develop a strategic plan that identifies focus areas for the School. Use that plan to direct faculty hiring. We have established three focus areas or clusters for the School: a) Data Management and Engineering b) Software Engineering and Distributed Computing c) (Multidisciplinary) Informatics. Our faculty hiring has consistently followed the principle that balances the need to develop critical mass in focus areas and the need to ensure faculty expertise in fundamental areas that are essential for a large scale CS/IT program like ours. We have also developed, and consistently executed, effective strategies for Ph.D. program growth, training and production, external research funding, streamlined and tiered research programs, faculty development, holistic quality improvement of education programs and student placement, program visibility and marketing, and broad partnership and support system development. Recommendation 2. Evaluate the return on investment of off-campus degree programs toward the one goal of the School – a top 50 School of Computer Science. All the School’s off-campus degree programs have been concluded and terminated. 4 Recommendation 3. Develop a specific plan to address the issue of retention of Ph.D. students. We have successfully developed and implemented a plan for Ph.D. student retention, increased graduation rate, and placement. Our strategy includes the following aspects: a) Increase the quality of faculty research and faculty supervision of Ph.D. students; b) Significantly increase the stipend of graduate assistants, shift most of the financial support to Ph.D. students, and in the meantime, institute rigorous annual graduate assistant performance review in such a way to reward excellence and create competition; c) Replace the course-based Ph.D. qualifier exam with a research-oriented Ph.D. candidacy exam to immerse Ph.D. students in research as early as possible; d) Develop success stories of Ph.D. graduates so as to increase the collective confidence among our students of the quality of our programs; e) Aggressively pursue external research funding to broaden support for Ph.D. students. All of these components of our plan focus on the simple goal of making our Ph.D. graduates more competitive. As a result, we have significantly improved our School’s Ph.D. graduate placement, and Ph.D. student attrition is no longer a significant problem. This is the core reason for the growth of our Ph.D. enrollment and graduation rate. Recommendation 4. Track citation rates for faculty and publication rates in high impact journals along with the annual NSF reports on federal funding in order to have continuing feedback on progress toward the top 50 classification. While we have not specifically tracked citation rates, we have achieved tremendous improvement in the quantity and quality of the School’s research publications, particularly in terms of top journal and conference publications, as cited in the last section. It is crucial to note that in the field of Computer Science, where results can become obsolete in the submission-to-publication time frame normally associated with journals, by necessity top conference papers are considered as prestigious as top journal papers, with acceptance ratios ranging from 10 – 25%. We have done a superb job in competitive research funding, not only in terms of the amount, but also in terms of quality and prestige. 63% of our grants are from the NSF and we are now leading the SUS in terms of per-faculty annual external research funding. Recommendation 5. Develop a plan for raising revenues to support the goal of becoming a top 50 program, realistically assessing the outlook for state funding. See Section 6 for our accomplishments in terms of external research funding, which is the result of an effective plan and execution. In addition, our School has averaged $1.3 million annually in terms of industry in-kind donations/grants. 3 Program Description SCIS offers BS, MS and Ph.D. degree programs in Computer Science and BS and BA degrees in Information Technology serving 766 (excluding 262 lower division) students as shown in Table 1. In addition, the Five Year Accelerated BS/MS Degree program allows BS students to seamlessly complete the requirements of both BS and MS degrees within 5 years. The SCIS faculty recognizes the importance of Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) as a means to increase student retention and to generate interest in pursuing graduate work among undergraduate students and has integrated REU into all their research activities. All our REU activities are supported by C&G funds. More specifically, we have been an NSF REU site during the past three years; our research centers including NSF Partnership for International Research and Education (PIRE) and Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST) routinely provide research positions to undergraduates and many of our individual faculty research grants have REU supplements. 5 Table 1. SCIS Student Headcount Fall 02 Fall 03 Fall 04 Fall 05 Fall 06 Undergraduate Upper 517 527 Division MS 72 54 Ph.D. 39 43 628 624 Total *Includes students in M.S. China Program Fall 07 5 year change 583 645 625 638 23.4% 129* 60 772 54 61 740 54 66 745 56 72 766 -22.2% 84.6% 22.0% Note that the data in Table 1 include only the SCIS upper division and graduate (MS and Ph.D. Fall enrollments). For Fall 2007 semester SCSI had 262 lower division students. With the lower division enrollment, the total Fall 2007 SCIS enrollment is 1028. The Unique Annual Student Headcount for 2007-08 is even higher at 1313 students. In addition, the School taught, in 2007-08, 1749 students in UCC courses (Table 4) and 3498 in SCIS services courses (Table 5). In total, our school has served 6560 students in 2007-08, representing approximately 16% of the total student population at FIU! Further note that as the School’s ranking is in part a function of graduate student enrollment in its degree programs, the graduate enrollment reported in Table 1 is the fall semester student headcount for MS and Ph.D. programs. The headcounts are obtained by a unique count of enrolled MS and Ph.D. students in each Fall semester. SCIS Grad 1 and Grad 2 enrollment as reported by FIU’s Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness is shown below: Grad 1 Grad 2 Fall 02 72 39 Fall 03 59 51 Fall 04 118 56 Fall 05 43 46 Fall 06 68 50 Fall 07 77 52 As shown in Table 1, despite a national decline of over 60% in undergraduate Computer Science enrollments since 2000, and a similar decline within SUS institutions (see Table 2), SCIS undergraduate student majors have increased by 23% in terms of headcount, which has established our school as the largest CS/IT program within the SUS. As of Fall 2007, our undergraduate student population was 19.25% larger than UCF’s (the next largest computing enrollment in SUS) undergraduate CS/IT student population (see Table 2). Our success in part is due to the foresight of our faculty who in the peak of a nationwide CS enrollment, predicted the future shift in undergraduate computing education demands and implemented the undergraduate program in Information Technology to serve the undergraduate student population. Based on predictions of a similar shift in graduate computing education demands, our faculty proposed an MS program in Information Technology in academic year 2004-05. Implementation of this proposal in a timely manner will not only allow us to provide an avenue for graduate studies to our own Information Technology graduates whose size is rapidly increasing (see Table 3) but will also put SCIS in the forefront of graduate level Information Technology education at an early stage of its nationwide implementation. Our BS and MS students are employed in national and international companies such as IBM, Siemens, Ultimate Software, Motorola, Boeing, Microsoft, Bank of America, Florida Power and Light, BellSouth, Lucent, Harris Semiconductors, Goldman Sachs, GE, Beckman-Coulter, Alienware (now part of Dell), Lennar Homes, Johnson & Johnson as well as US and State of Florida governmental agencies. IBM, Microsoft and Ultimate Software actively recruit our students for permanent and paid internship positions. IBM also actively recruits our students for the Extreme Blue internship program. Extreme Blue is IBM's premier internship program where student interns become part of a team working on leading technology 6 to develop new products or services. For example, 18 Hispanic FIU students (including 4 selected for IBM’s Extreme Blue Internship Program) were on paid internship positions at IBM sites in Almaden, CA, Austin, TX, Kansas City, KS, Raleigh, NC, and Rochester, MN. Among our 28 Ph.D. graduates in the past 4 years, 10 are employed as tenure-track assistant professors at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, East Carolina University, University of Montana, Middle Tennessee State University, South Dakota State University, and others. Our other Ph.D. graduates are employed at major corporations such as Xerox Research, Microsoft, EBay, Amazon, and Beckman Coulter. Appendix 12.1 provides a complete listing. Note that this listing terminates with Spring 2008 graduates, and thus does not include a Summer 2008 graduate who is now Assistant Professor at Colorado School of the Mines. Table 2. FIU FSU UCF UF Comparison of CS/IT Upper Division Enrollment within SUS Fall 02 Fall 07 5 year change 638 517 233 430* 785 535 316 69 23.4% 84.6%* -31.9% -78.2% * There is clearly an anomaly in FSU data. FSU shows a one year increase from 0 students majoring in IT in 04-05 to 282 students in 06-05 Data Source: SUS Board of Governors Table 3. SCIS Degrees Awarded 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 Computer Science 107 108 91 103 Info. Technology 0 1 19 48 Bachelors 108 109 110 151 Masters 34 34 96* 25 Ph.D. 1 3 5 6 *Includes graduates of M.S. China Program 06-07 66 51 117 33 6 07-08 70 71 141 28 8 The SCIS graduate student headcounts have also experienced very healthy growth in recent years, with especially robust growth in 2007-08. In particular, in Fall 2007, the number of Ph.D. students grew by 9% over the previous year, and by 20% over Fall 2004. In addition, we have established SCIS as the national leader in training Hispanic CS Ph.D. students with over one-third of our Ph.D. students being Hispanic. Based on the Computing Research Association (CRA) survey, SCIS by itself represents over 13% of the national enrollment of the top 155 research universities. Such growth is the result of several factors. The first is our continued and sustained growth in external research funding (see Section 6), which creates more graduate assistant positions. It remains a basic fact that most graduate students require some sort of financial support, without which it is very unlikely to achieve graduate program expansion. The second factor is a significantly stronger faculty research program in SCIS, which motivates our faculty members to be more proactively involved in graduate student recruitment and supervision. The third factor is the more concerted effort at the School’s level to drive graduate student recruitment, retention and training. Last but certainly not least, our growth reflects the collective increase in confidence of our graduate students as the result of the successes of our recent Ph.D. graduates. These factors are inter-related and inter-dependent. Our graduate program growth is in many ways a reflection of our research and funding program growth. Finally, we have continued a steady and robust increase in Bachelors and Ph.D. production, with 2007-08 setting another record of 8 Ph.D. graduates (see Table 3). This single-year production is larger than the 7 entire four-year production covered by our last program review. In particular, the number of our Ph.D. graduates compared quite favorably with the national average based on the Computing Research Association’s annual survey of major research universities. (See Section 6) We expect the production rate for 2008-09 to be equally promising. We have had remarkable success using REU and other opportunities to mentor our undergraduate Computer Science students into graduate school. From Fall 2006 through Spring 2008, 25 of our BS Computer Science students went on to complete their MS degree in Computer Science at FIU and as of Fall 2008, 28 of our BS graduates are enrolled in MS degrees at FIU. Thus over 20% of our CS graduates have gone on to our graduate program. Others have of course gone on to attend graduate school at other institutions; however, we do not have data available at this time to determine how many. While this is a remarkable success in mentoring our Computer Science students into graduate school, the educational needs of our Information Technology graduates remain unmet. Implementing our proposed MS in Information Technology program will meet this need and will have the potential of increasing our MS student enrollment by over 100%. Table 4. 2007-2008 Enrollment in SCIS UCC Courses COP 2210 442 COP 2250 338 CGS 2518 969 Total 1749 Table 5. 2007-2008 Enrollment in SCIS Service Courses CGS 2060 999 CGS 2100 1210 CGS 2423 31 COP 3175 104 COP 3835 1154 Total Students 3498 SCIS participates in the delivery of the University Core Curriculum courses in the area of quantitative reasoning by offering three courses as shown in Table 4. These courses served 1749 undergraduates in academic year 2007-2008. In this period, as shown in Table 5, we served an additional 2498 undergraduate students who enrolled in the service courses that we offer to the university community. These courses together served 5247 undergraduates at FIU. 4 Major Changes in Program 4.1 Discipline or field The field of computing and information technology has continued to expand and evolve rapidly in the U.S. and in the world. Not only is the field a critical driver to the national industry and economy, it has become, and will be more so, a critical enabler and driver to every sector of industry and society, as well as academic disciplines. CS and IT are a top national priority in science and engineering. For further information, refer to the 2007 President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report, and the America COMPETES Act. There are numerous studies and reports from the National Academies, industry groups and government agencies urging the federal government to increase and enhance federal support and investment in IT research and education. 8 4.2 Student Demand CS and IT enrollment has gone through a period of major decline nationally due to the last (technology) recession of 2000 and negative publicity of outsourcing. Nationally, the enrollment has stabilized and showed signs of increasing since the last year. (For more information, refer to the Computing Research Association studies, For our School, however, student demand has been consistently robust: our School’s undergraduate enrollment has actually increased by 23% and the Ph.D. enrollment has nearly doubled since 2002-03, which has made us one of the largest CS/IT programs in the State of Florida and in the nation. We expect that, for us, the student demand will continue to increase. 4.3 Occupational Demand According to the 2008-2009 Edition of the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook, “Employment in computer systems design and related services will grow by 38.3% and add nearly onefourth of all new jobs in professional, scientific, and technical services.” Furthermore, information-related jobs such as software publishing and Internet publishing are expected to grow by 32% and 44% over the next decade. 4.4 Societal Needs The IT industry is leading the trend toward globalization and is a key area for the United States’ international competitiveness. The National Science Board recently released a report (NSB 08-04) detailing the need to prioritize international science and engineering partnerships. The World is Flat details the challenges that are inherent in the move toward globalization. Over the last several years, SCIS has founded two strategic programs – the Latin American Grid and an NSF-funded Partnership in International Research and Education program – that provide international research partnerships with first-tier partners to our faculty and graduate students. We are leveraging these programs to better prepare our students for their roles in the global IT marketplace. 5 Student Learning Outcomes The School of Computing and Information Sciences has an extensive ongoing program assessment mechanism involving various indirect and direct measures of student learning as well as input from various constituencies including alumni, student organizations, School’s advisory board and employers. Every year, at the end of the assessment cycle, the faculty reviews the assessment results for both Computer Science and Information Technology programs and makes recommendation as how to improve the programs. The BS in Computer Sciences program is accredited by ABET. In the last program review by ABET, our accreditation was reaffirmed with flying colors. During the past several years, the assessment has resulted in the following improvements to the program: The course syllabi for COP 4540 (Databases) and COP 4338 (Programming III) were revised in 06-07. Prerequisites for the course COP 2210 (Programming I) were changed in 05-06 to better prepare students. A Senior Project (CIS 4911) course was added to the BS in CS curriculum in 05-06 to improve our students' training in System Development and provide an avenue for the direct measurement of student learning outcomes at the program level. An Introduction to Computing course (CGS 1920) was required for all majors in 05-06 to give them an introduction to the challenges and opportunities of the field as well as to address the high 9 attrition rate in computing which is due in part to the lack of understanding of the discipline among students. COM 3100 (Business and Professional Communications) was required in 04-05 to improve the communication skills of our students. COP 4540 (Databases) was required in 04-05 to strengthen the Systems Development component of our BS program In addition, we have expanded the computer science curriculum by designing and offering additional elective courses including Software Testing, Data Mining, and Parallel Programming. SCIS began offering the full undergraduate Information Technology degree program in 2003 (2nd major BA program began in 2002) and while the program is still very young, it has been subject to SCIS program assessment resulting in considerable improvements. We have established dedicated Hardware and networking closed laboratories, and expanded the available elective courses including: Web Application Programming (COP 4813) Unix System Administration (COP 4343) IT Automation (proposed) Windows Server Administration (Proposed) The Academic Learning Compacts are found in the appendices. 6 Strengths that Support the Achievement of Program Goals A synergistic, proactive, cooperative and increasingly confident faculty team We believe that this is one of our School’s greatest strengths. A major improvement of our School over the last few years is that we, the faculty, staff and the leadership team, have worked together and transformed our School into a synergistic academic organization under a common vision and shared mission. We have instituted a culture of forward thinking, innovation, cooperation, and collaboration. Our faculty is increasingly confident and has the courage to pursue high goals. This is the foundation to achieve sustained growth and success, and is the hallmark for a truly dynamic and progressive academic organization. All the concrete accomplishments cited in this report are the results of this improvement. Our faculty is collaborative and cooperative, not only among ourselves, but also working hard to align our School’s goals with the university’s strategic goals and priorities. It is our faculty’s consensus that our School can and should play a central role in advancing the university’s core missions and strategic goals. Progress and Momentum In the last five years, we have made tremendous progress, with limited resources, in terms of both the quality and scale of our research and education programs. Our School is now one of the largest CS and IT programs in the SUS, representing 20% of the entire SUS production in this critical area. Our students are well sought out and well respected. We are very competitive with the best and more mature programs in the State in external competitive research funding, publications, Ph.D. training, and faculty development. In particular, we have established our School as one of the top two externally funded research programs in the SUS, in terms of per-faculty annual funding. Complete details can be found in Appendix 0. Our Ph.D. graduates are much more competitive than they were five years ago, reflecting the improved quality of our School’s research and operation. Examples of our recent Ph.D. graduates’ positions include tenure-track faculty members at the University of Alabama-Birmingham and the University of Montana, and highly selective industry research centers and companies, such as the Xerox Research Center, Microsoft, EBay, and Furthermore, our school is far more visible and respected nationally 10 and internationally today compared to five years ago. Table 6 quantitatively measures our School’s critical indicators and their changes over the last five years, and shows phenomenal growth in areas in line with the university’s strategic priorities, such as Ph.D. enrollment and graduation rate, peer-reviewed publications (especially premier journal and conference publications), and competitive external research funding. It is important to note that the faculty size has remained relatively unchanged over the last five years (increasing from 16 to 20, but one of the current 20 is now Dean of Graduate Programs in the College of Engineering & Computing), so the gains are productivity gains, rather than a reflection of increased faculty size. Table 7 compares 2002-2003 performance with 2007-2008 performance on a per-faculty basis. Table 6. SCIS Performance Since 2002 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Undergraduate FTE Graduate FTE 622 56 513 60 507 58 545 58 536 67 516 73 Undergraduate Major Headcount Masters Headcount Ph.D. Headcount 517 72 39 527 54 43 583 1291 60 645 54 61 625 54 66 638 56 72 Bachelors Degrees Awarded Masters Degrees Awarded Ph.D. Degrees Awarded 108 34 1 109 34 3 110 961 5 151 25 6 117 33 6 141 28 8 21 60 1 4 87 21 52 6 7 86 23 85 4 9 121 34 81 6 8 129 28 85 7 8 128 36 104 4 6 150 Top Journal & Conference Papers 2002-03 15 2003-04 22 2004-05 2005-06 *2 31 2006-07 34 2007-08 50 Total grant proposals (1000’s) Number of proposals Total external funding (1000’s) Number of awards $22,583 25 $1,337 10 $11,802 32 $2,567 12 $25,284 31 $2,712 23 $51,136 46 $2,790 24 Journal Papers Conference Papers Books Book Chapters Total $12,080 27 $923 8 $14,475 32 $2,668 17 Table 7. SCIS Research Performance 2002-2003 vs. 2007-2008, on per-faculty basis 2002-03 2007-08 Change Tenured/Tenure track Faculty Members 16 20 25.0% % of above Faculty Who Are Research Active 56% 70% 25.0% Journal Papers Conference Papers 1 2 1.31 3.75 1.80 5.20 37.4% 38.7% Includes students in the China M.S. program Data are missing for this year 11 Books Book Chapters Total Publications Top Journal & Conference Papers Total Grant Proposals Number of Proposals Total External Funding Number of Awards Number of Awards from NSF % of Faculty as NSF PI or Co-PI % of Faculty as PI or Co-PI 0.06 0.25 5.38 0.94 0.20 0.30 7.50 2.50 233.3% 20.0% 39.4% 166.0% $1,411,000 1.56 $83,600 0.63 0.31 13% 25% $2,557,000 2.30 $139,500 1.20 0.75 55% 65% 81.2% 47.4% 66.9% 90.5% 141.9% 323.1% 160.0% Finally, we compare our performance with the national average. The Computing Research Association’s (CRA) annual survey is the most respected survey in the field of Computer Science. The 2007-08 survey includes 155 major research universities in North America. Table 8 shows that with far fewer resources (measured by student-faculty ratio) than the national average of the top 155 universities, our School is above the national average in Ph.D. production, and well above the national average in total degree production. Our per-capita external research funding is about 10% higher than the national average for research programs ranked beyond the top 36. Furthermore, for research programs ranked 25-36, the percapita research funding is $168,000 compared to our average of $140,000. These data imply that our School’s research funding is either at or close to the level of the top 50 programs nationally. It is expected that SCIS external funding, measured on per-faculty basis, will solidly be in the top 50 in the nation in 2008-09. As of October 2008, the School has already averaged over $180K in per-faculty external funding. Focused and streamlined organization and operation We have systematically developed and established our School’s key research areas in data management, software engineering, informatics, and developed research clusters and critical mass around them, with systematic and synergistic composition of basic research, technology research, and application. We have also developed a balanced and sustainable funding strategy between large scale, team-oriented, collaborative research and individual research. We have developed a comprehensive system for better educating our students, combining classroom instruction, peer mentoring, industry co-training, and undergraduate research. We have streamlined our School’s operations in such a way that our efforts in education, research, diversity and partnership building are mutually supportive, rather than competing with each other for limited resources and attention. Table 8. SCIS Performance Compared to National Average (CRA Taulbee Report) Per-faculty Per-faculty Ph.D. student All Student Per Faculty Ph.D. degree to Faculty to Faculty Research Production production Ratio Ratio Funding National Average 0.35 3.9 2.4 13 $128,000* SCIS/FIU 0.40 8.9 3.6 31 $140,000 *Per-capita research funding is compared to the mean of CS research programs ranked beyond 1-36. The per-capita research funding for programs ranked 25-36 is $168,000. Faculty Development We have put in place a highly successful junior faculty development program to help young faculty members succeed. Our efforts have made a significant impact with all junior faculty members excelling in 12 teaching, publication, Ph.D. student advising, service and external funding, including four (4) prestigious NSF or DOE CAREER Awards. Every assistant professor in the School has at least one NSF grant as PI or Co-PI and supervises four or more Ph.D. students. Collaboration, partnership and support system Our School’s research is highly collaborative and interdisciplinary. In the last five years, we, both as individual faculty members and the School as a whole, have developed highly successful and expanding collaborations and partnerships with other units at FIU, with industry, with our peers nationally and internationally. These partnerships not only expand our School’s visibility and create opportunities for our faculty and students, but also form an ecosystem to support our School’s core missions and goals. As Appendix 12.3.2 shows, our faculty collaborates widely with a wide range of colleges and departments at the university. Furthermore, we have led the development of major industry and international partnerships. Notable examples include the Latin America Grid Consortium (LA Grid,, the PIRE Consortium (Partnership for International Research and Education,, and the NSF I/UCRC (Industry/University Collaborative Research Center) with over a dozen leading universities, industry research labs and government centers in the US, Mexico, Argentina, Spain, China, India, and Japan. Our leadership and innovative partnership model has led to the prestigious NSF PIRE Award ($2.3 million). Only 4% of the proposals to the NSF PIRE program were funded and we are the only Computer Science program in the US to receive the award. 7 Weaknesses that Impede the Achievement of Program Goals Faculty Our faculty needs to grow in three aspects. The first is the number of tenured or tenure-track faculty members. Our student to faculty ratio is still too high compared to our peers in the SUS and nationally, especially with ranked research universities. Second, we need to recruit well-established senior faculty leaders. Third, despite our persistent efforts, our School still lacks women and under-represented minorities on our faculty team. Program visibility We have greatly improved our School’s reputation and visibility. However, our visibility still does not match with our program quality and scale, which suggests an additional and more effective marketing effort is needed. Furthermore, our university as a whole still lacks visibility and recognition in key circles, which in turn limits our program’s visibility. Program composition For the first time in Spring 2008, our School’s IT undergraduate enrollment surpassed the CS undergraduate enrollment. And yet we do not have a graduate-level degree program for the continued education of IT students. Furthermore, the IT area represents a great market and demand. The School urgently needs an MS in Information Technology program. Budget Our school’s budget and resource allocation before the last two years’ of budget cuts were already limited and non-competitive compared to the kind of programs we aspire to become. The current budget cut plan, when fully implemented, will wipe out our School’s non-salary operating budget (from the 2006-07 level), which will not only short circuit the momentum and progress we have made, but also fundamentally impede our ability to achieve our strategic goals. 13 8 Opportunities to Explore in the Achievement of Program Goals Job market demand There are numerous industry and government studies that indicate a strong market demand for CS and IT professional jobs. Most notable is the bi-annual Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report, which has consistently forecast high demand for IT professionals, who enjoy high salaries and more than twice the growth rate of the overall workforce (see Table 9). The median salary for Software Engineers in May 2006 as reported in the 2008 Department of Labor website is over $83,000. Combined with the low production rate of CS/IT degrees nationally, it indicates a high potential for further growth of our discipline in general and our School in particular. The Money magazine last year ranked Software Engineer as the best job in the U.S. Diversity There are numerous national studies that indicate the importance of diversity in the IT profession to the national competitiveness of our nation, and yet minority groups, e.g. Hispanics, are severely underrepresented in our field, both in industry and academia. As a national leader of diversity, and one of the most important producers of Hispanic talents in IT, our School is well positioned to leverage our leadership to advance our program goals. National Competitiveness There is a strong and renewed awareness by leaders of industry and the federal government of the critical importance of IT and IT innovation to the competiveness of our industry, economy, defense and national competitiveness as a whole, which is supported by major studies by the National Academies (“Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future,” National Academies, Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (A joint unit of the National Academy of Science, of Engineering and the Institute of Medicine), 2007) and the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST) “Leadership Under Challenge: Information Technology R&D in a Competitive World”). As a result, federal funding for IT research and education, as indicated by the recent major legislation, America COMPETES Act, is expected to have major growth. Our School is well positioned to leverage such growth. Demand The demand for our students has consistently surpassed our School’s supply, both nationally and regionally. Furthermore, the demand for IT professionals and IT skills is experiencing rapid growth. These demands represent significant opportunities for the growth of our School, for curriculum innovation and new degree development, and for placement of our students. 2000-2010 2002-2012 2004-2014 2006-2016 Table 9. IT Job Growth Projections BLS Projections for Professional-Level IT Positions Projected Growth Number (millions) Percent Total Job Openings (millions) 2.16 65.8 2.49 1.15 35.2 1.60 1.04 30.5 1.49 0.85 24.1 1.64 Critical Driver A major change in our discipline is that computing and information technology have become a critical enabler for every major industry and discipline, and are the driver for the creation of new knowledge and 14 industry across societal sectors, which creates tremendous needs and opportunity for inter-discipline collaboration in research and education, at FIU, nationally, and internationally. 9 Threats to Overcome in the Achievement of Program Goals 9.1 Image of the field There are several major misconceptions among the general public, including perspective undergraduate students, that Computer Science is mostly about computer programming, that IT jobs are nerdy and lack human interaction, and that most IT jobs have been outsourced to countries like India. These myths cannot be further from the truth. These problems are widely recognized nationally, and the professional IT communities are actively devising ways to correct such misconceptions; and locally we are doing our part as well, which is important to ensure healthy enrollment in the field that matches the robust and rapid growth demand of talents. 9.2 Representation of SCIS at FIU Computing and IT are a strategically important area for any major research university not only because of the importance of the discipline itself, but more importantly, because they are a critical enabler and driver for the growth of many existing and emerging disciplines, both from research and educational points of view. How well we can play such an “enabling” role at the university – forging collaborations with other academic units, developing new inter-disciplinary programs and initiatives, and stimulating the growth of key university priority areas in medicine, health, life science, hurricane mitigation, etc,--will not only affect the growth of the university, but also to a large degree will determine the growth and competitiveness of the School. And to effectively play such a role, the School needs to have visibility, representation and participation (in strategic discussions) at the university level, which our School currently does not have. Lack of visibility and representation will limit the function that our School can play at FIU, and make achieving the program goals more difficult. 9.3 Faculty The student-faculty ratio (including instructors) in SCIS now stands at 31-1, which is significantly higher than our peers in the SUS and nationally. This, unless corrected, will limit our school’s growth potential and potentially cause problems for the future accreditation. Furthermore, the ratio of the number of Ph.D. students and tenured/tenure-track faculty members now stands at 3.6, and the ratio of the numbers of Ph.D. students and research active faculty now stands at 4.6. This means that we have reached a ceiling in terms of Ph.D. enrollment. On one hand, it implies that our School has performed at a superb level in terms of Ph.D. enrollment and training, and on the other hand, it means that the potential for Ph.D. enrollment growth will be limited without an increase in the size of the tenure-track faculty team, because faculty cannot provide quality supervision to large numbers of Ph.D. students. 9.4 Budget Our School’s budget and resource allocation before the last two years’ budget cuts were already limited and non-competitive compared to the kind of programs we aspire to become. The current budget cut plan, when fully implemented, will wipe out our School’s non-salary operating budget, which will not only short circuit the momentum and progress we have made, but will also fundamentally impede our ability to achieve our strategic goals, and do severe and long-lasting damage to the quality of teaching and instruction, the scale of enrollment, and particularly, to the School's Ph.D. and research programs. Take the latter for instance: first-class research and Ph.D. programs do not operate in vacuum. The vast majority of Ph.D. students require financial support; active research requires an environment that promotes the exchange and flow of people and information (e.g. SCIS now organizes weekly research 15 colloquiums with invited external speakers); infrastructure and process support (e.g. pre-/post-award support for research proposals/grants, interactions with funding agencies and industry), organization to support academic exchange (e.g. conferences, workshops, visits), collaboration and partnerships, and marketing efforts to promote our organization, programs, and faculty. All of these require people and resources; and all of these will be in jeopardy if the cuts are fully implemented. The impact to research and Ph.D. programs will in turn reduce our competitiveness in attracting external funding/donation, hence starting down a spiraling cycle. 10 Budget 10.1 Steady State The SCIS budget in FY 2006-07, at the level of $5.85 million and with the sizes of the faculty, staff, students, and program offerings at the time, represents a stable state, though at a minimum level as the data in Section 6 have shown, for the School. The accumulated budget cut plan that we have been implementing will cut the SCIS budget by $970,000 by FY 2010-11, which alone will reduce our school’s non-salary operating budget by 91%. In addition, the SCIS operating budget had been helped by two factors: The first is $110,000/year lab fees, which supported all OPS (student) staff for manning labs and assisting students, and which we were told was no longer allowed. The second is salary savings (roughly $270,000/year) from unfilled faculty positions, which is no longer available from FY2008-09 because of faculty hiring. The total (explicit and implicit) cut will wipe out all our operating expenditures (excluding salary for faculty and staff, but including graduate and OPS student support). 10.2 Proposed increments in total budget requirements for the next five years, and proposed new deliverables, i.e. expected revenues and return on investment, and rationale We fully understand that the university is under severe fiscal stress; and our School as a member of the university community has the responsibility of sharing the burden, while continuing to fulfill our core missions. No matter what our budget situation will be, we will continue to strive to achieve excellence and to improve our operation efficiency. Table 10 shows proposed increments in SCIS budget requirements in the next five years. Please note that for the sake of simplicity, it does not take into consideration inflation and salary differentials for new hires. A detailed explanation and rationale follow. Explanation and Rationale It is important to note that if this budget increment proposal is approved and implemented, the School will add a total of 3 senior faculty members and 3 junior faculty members, but the School’s non-salary operating budget will not be restored to 2006-2007 levels until 2010-2011, and even by 2012-13 it will be only modestly larger than the 2006-07 level, despite a significant projected increase in faculty and student size. For 2008-09, we request an increase to the SCIS operating budget of $200K to partially offset the impact of the budget cut we have incurred. With the increment, we plan to spend roughly $76,800 (salary plus benefits) to hire a dedicated undergraduate advisor and instructor, for which we have an existing but unfunded position. 16 For 2009-10, we request an increase to the SCIS operating budget of $200K, hiring a senior faculty leader with loaded salary (salary plus benefits) of $224K, and $500K start-up cost. For 2010-11, we request an increase to the operating budget of an additional $200K, hiring a senior faculty leader (same cost estimation) and a junior tenure-track faculty with loaded salary of $110K and $250K start-up support. For 2011-12, we request a similar budget increment as in 2010-11. For 2012-13, we request an increase to hire a tenure-track assistant professor at the cost of loaded salary of $110K, and start-up cost of $250K. This request is aimed at addressing three major problems. First, as discussed in Section 6, our student to faculty ratio is significantly higher compared to our peers in the SUS and nationally, both from the viewpoint of Ph.D. students and the student population as a whole. Without the requested faculty hiring, our School’s growth will be severely limited, in terms of overall enrollment and FTE, Ph.D. enrollment and graduation rate, as well as external funding. For the latter, we are already performing at a very high level in the State and nationally. Second, a weakness of our school is its lack of senior star faculty, who can have a huge impact on our program’s visibility, reputation, funding, and Ph.D. student recruitment and training, and thus senior star faculty are necessary for us to achieve our stated goal of becoming a top 50 program in the nation. When we hire senior faculty leaders, we need to give them the necessary resources and flexibility to build their teams, to maximize their impact and our return on investment. The intention of this proposal is to give these senior faculty leaders significant say in filling the requested junior faculty positions. Third, a successful academic organization, in this context, has three pillars 1. a productive team of faculty 2. an adequate team of support staff 3. necessary operational funding. The funding is absolutely essential to support not only the basic functions of the organization, but also strategic initiatives and the “extra” or “optional” parts of the organization’s functions, which are the true driver of growth and improvement. Table 10. 1 2 3 4 5 Year Base Budget 2008 - 09 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 2011 - 12 2012 - 13 $5,366,000 $5,566,000 $5,990,000 $6,524,000 $7,058,000 Proposed Five-Year Budget Increments Proposed Proposed Increments to Base One-Time Increment $200,000 $424,000 $500,000 $534,000 $750,000 $534,000 $750,000 $110,000 $250,000 Total New Base $5,566,000 $5,990,000 $6,524,000 $7,058,000 $7,168,000 It is fashionable, in times of budget cutting, to talk about cutting “non-essential” services, and it is easy to claim that seminar series, travel, and other budget items are simply pork. But this is not the case and we will offer one specific example. 17 The School has spent over 3 years and over $500,000 in resources (including faculty/staff time, infrastructure investment and support, bootstrap funding) to lead the development of the Latin American Grid Consortium with IBM. This is unquestionably a large investment which is the type that might not be possible in the next few years given some of the current budgetary constraints. However, this initiative has made a major impact to the SCIS research and education programs, not only in terms of the intangibles such as strengthening SCIS and FIU's international reputation, visibility and leadership, but also in terms of measurable return on investment. This includes many dozens of internships and student placements at IBM, a number of faculty grants and donations over $1 million from IBM, and a number of international collaborative research projects with partner institutions. The most notable example is the NSF PIRE (Partnership for International Research and Education) Award, which is arguably among the most competitive grants that FIU has ever received. Among the 500 proposals to the NSF PIRE program (from virtually all major research universities), only 20, or 4%, were awarded. And we were the first computing program in the U.S. to receive the award. It is fair to say that without our leadership, innovation and investment in the LA Grid initiative, the award would not have been possible. In addition, the LA Grid initiative (the partnerships we developed, its innovative partnership model, the track record and impact we have established) has been leveraged in many SCIS proposals and grants. Most high impact, strategically important initiatives require not only forward thinking and leadership, but also the necessary bootstrap funding and resource support that is not part of day-to-day operations. Without necessary resources and budget, such initiatives would not have been possible. Our School’s success in the last few years has occurred not only because we have executed our basic operations well, but more importantly, because we have aggressively, consistently and effectively driven these growth initiatives and strategies, ranging from organizing conferences and weekly research seminars (with outside speakers), developed strategic partnerships and collaboration, bootstrapped key group-oriented projects (before they are mature enough to compete for external funding), marketing, etc. Furthermore, for the return on investment goals we set (see below), our organization will be bigger in every aspect, hence requiring more operational support. Return on Investment We set the following concrete and extremely ambitious goals for the School for the next five years, in conjunction with the requested budget increases. We set the goals in the following way with the understanding that there is no simple item-to-item calculation on ROI, but rather, growth is the result of the increase of organizational strength, operation efficiency and execution of synergistic strategies. Increase the Ph.D. enrollment from the current level of around 70 to 110 by 2012-13. At this level, with the increase of new tenured or tenure-track faculty members, each research-active faculty member in SCIS will supervise on average 5 Ph.D. students, which is a maximum level by any standard. Increase the annual level of Ph.D. graduation rate from 8 to 15 by 2012-13. As the data in Section 6 show, our current ratio of Ph.D. graduation is already very competitive nationally. The proposed rate includes further improvement of productivity. Increase the School’s annual external research funding from the current level of $2.8 million to $4 million in 2012-13 and maintain it consistently. At this level, the average funding for every research active faculty in SCIS will reach $190,000 per year, which is a tall order by any standard. 18 Reach the level of overall enrollment of 800 undergraduate majors (25% increase), 100 MS students (78% increase), and 110 Ph.D. students (57% increase). 11 Major Findings and Recommendations As the data in this report have shown, the School of Computing and Information Sciences (SCIS) has made tremendous progress, nothing short of a transformation, in the last five years, across all major indicators and consistent with the university priorities. We have achieved most of the strategic goals we have set for the School, and established SCIS as a prominent computing and IT program in the region and the State. Without exception, the accomplishments in our School’s quality and productivity are not one time events, but rather reflect consistent progress year after year – a true indicator of a successful organization. Equally important, we have shown that our progress is due to the increase in quality and productivity, rather than simple increase in program size; and our productivity gain has been achieved with minimal resources reflecting the superb operating efficiency of our organization. Our productivity ratio is extremely competitive compared to our peers in the State and nationally. We have stated that the underpinning for our progress is the transformation of our organization – an increasingly synergistic, proactive, cooperative and confident team of faculty, staff and students, under shared vision and goals. Continued improvement to the organization, coupled with effective strategy and execution, ensures that our progress is sustainable. Our school is well positioned to be a leader at FIU to help drive the university’s strategic priorities and goals and to reach our ultimate goal of becoming a top 50 computing and IT program in the nation. Our school and faculty are well prepared to take on such responsibilities. However, we cannot do it alone. To achieve such lofty goals, we need the university’s support in terms of both resources and attention. We recommend: Expansion of the SCIS faculty team. As demonstrated in this report, the size of our faculty vs. the scale of our education and research programs is significantly below our peers in the State and nationally, particularly compared to the kind of programs we aspire to be. Without additional tenure-track faculty members, particularly senior faculty leaders, our growth potential in Ph.D. enrollment, graduation rate and external funding is severely limited. We recommend hiring additional faculty members, in our School’s focused research cluster areas, as discussed in Section 10.2. Operating Budget. As discussed in this report, the return on investment in faculty will be limited without adequate non-salary operating resource support. This support is critical for us to achieve the challenging goals set forth. At a minimal level, we recommend halting any further reductions of the SCIS base budget and restoring the SCIS operating budget to the 2006-07 level, proportional to the size increase of our School’s programs. With close to 400 majors and growing, our undergraduate IT program enrollment has for the first time surpassed CS enrollment in Spring 2008, and yet there is no corresponding Master’s level degree programs at FIU for these students. More importantly, the IT area represents tremendous market demand and growth potential, particularly for developing highly rewarding professional Master degree and specializations. Our proposal to create the MS in IT degree program has been stalled for three years; and we request the administration’s support to make this program a reality as soon as possible. The integration of computing and information technology is the driver for innovation in practically all major emerging and existing academic disciplines. The success of SCIS serving as the critical enabler and driver for inter-disciplinary collaboration and innovation in research and 19 education across the university is critical not only to the School’s endeavor to reach its strategic goals, but also to the university as a whole to reach its strategic goals, in such a way that is cost effective and helps to put the university at the forefront of research and education innovation. For SCIS to effectively play this role, it needs to have the necessary visibility and representation at the university level, and to engage in early university strategic discussions, based on which policies, priorities and strategies are set. We recommend the university to provide SCIS with such opportunities and attention. 20 12 APPENDICES 12.1 Ph.D. Graduates Employment Student's Name Graham, Scott Ding, Junhua Vasilevsky, Dmitry Sun, Yanli Zhang, Chengcui Ye, Xiangyu Mo, Lian Sanchez, Mario Deng, Zhenyue Yang, Li Kharma, Qasem Gao, Shu Selivonenko, Andriy Shi, Tianjun Dong, Zhijiang Yang, Chengyong Buendia, Patricia Zheng, Guoliang Fu, Yujian Chen, Min Yan, Jianhua Ezenwoye, Onyeka Zhao, Na Kaiser, David Cazalis, Daniel Sun, Weixiang Peng, Wei Morales, Jose 12.2 Defense Dec-03 Apr-04 Apr-04 Jul-04 Jul-04 Jul-04 Apr-05 Apr-05 Jul-05 Jul-05 Jul-05 Dec-05 Dec-05 Apr-06 Jul-06 Jul-06 Dec-06 Dec-06 Apr-07 Apr-07 Jul-07 Jul-07 Dec-07 Dec-07 Dec-07 Apr-08 Apr-08 Apr-08 Placement Research Coordinator, FIU Assistant Professor, East Carolina University Software Engineer, Microsoft Industrial Job, China Assistant Professor, Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham Industrial Job, California Software Engineer, Beckman Coulter, Miami Assistant Professor, Miami Dade Community College Industrial Job, Alabama Assistant Professor, Univ. of Tennessee at Chattanooga Assistant Professor, Yarmouk University, Jordan Industrial Job, New York Industrial Job, Miami Software Engineer, Microsoft Assistant Professor, Middle Tennessee State University Applied BioSystems, Inc., California Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Miami Assistant Professor, North Carolina Central University Assistant Professor, Alabama A & M Univ. Assistant Professor, Univ. of Montana EBay Assistant Professor, South Dakota State Univ. Asst Vice Pres., State Street Corporation Director of Institutional Research, Miami Dade College Instructor, Barry University Amazon Xerox Research Visiting Instructor, FIU FY 2005-2006 through 2007-2008 External Funding Comparison We have collected data on external funding for the major computer science departments in the State University System. In three cases (FIU, UF, and USF), we were able to collect these data from the university’s research office; in the two cases where such data were unavailable, we have used departmental data published on the Web. The data show that FIU’s SCIS was among the top two SUS departments in per-faculty C&G funding in FY 2005-2006 through 2007-2008. 21 Department FIU SCIS UF CISE UCF EECS FSU CS USF CSE FY 05-06 and FY 06-07 Avg. C&G $ per Tenure-Track Faculty Member $139.0k $112.0k $93.5k $105.0k $ 65.4k FY 05-06 C&G $ FY 06-07 C&G $ FY 07-08 C&G $ per Tenure-Track per Tenure-Track per TenureFaculty Member Faculty Member Track Faculty Member $127.1k $150.3k $139.5k $ 78.1k $138.8k $119.0k $ 93.2k $ 93.7k $141.6k $110.0k $100.0k N/A $ 64.5k $ 66.3k N/A FIU SCIS In FY 2005-2006, SCIS received $2.67M in external funding (defined as contracts and grants, industry donations and contracts, and departmental effort supported via other FIU departments). We had 21 tenuretrack faculty members at the time, so this was $127.1K per tenure-track faculty member. In FY 20062007, SCIS received $2.86M in external funding. We had 19 tenure-track faculty members at the time, so this was $150.3K per tenure-track faculty member. In FY 2007-2008, SCIS received $2.79M in external funding. We had 20 tenure-track faculty members at the time, so this was $139.5K per tenure-track faculty member. UF Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) According to UF Division of Sponsored Research data3, in FY 2005-2006, the UF CISE department received $2.89M in external funding. According to the department’s website4, there were 37 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $78.1K per tenure-track faculty member. In FY 2006-2007, the UF CISE department received $5.14M in external funding. There were, once again, 37 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $138.8K per tenure-track faculty member. In FY 2007-2008, the UF CISE department received $4.40M in external funding. With 37 tenure-track faculty members, this was $119.0K per tenure-track faculty member. UCF Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) According to an analysis of the data available from UCF EECS5, in FY 2005-2006, the UCF EECS department had active projects with $5.59M in annual funding. According to their website6, there were 60 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $93.2K per tenure-track faculty member. The same analysis shows that UCF EECS department had active projects with $5.53M in annual funding in FY 2006-2007. According to their website, there were 59 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $93.7K per tenuretrack faculty member. In 2007-2008, our analysis shows that UCF EECS had active projects with $8.35M in annual funding. With 59 tenure-track faculty members, this was $141.6K per tenure-track faculty member. 3 5 - collected January 11th, 2007, July 7th, 2008, and Sept. 8th, 2008 6 4 22 FSU Computer Science (CS) According to a graph of research expenditures on the FSU CS departmental webpage 7, in FY 2005-2006 the FSU CS department spent approximately $2.2M of external funds. According to their website8, there were 20 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $110K per tenure track faculty member. In FY 200620079, the FSU CS department spent approximately $2M of external funds. There were, once again, 20 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $100K per tenure track faculty member. FSU has not yet posted their FY 2007-2008 funding figures; they had 17 tenure-track faculty members during that fiscal year. USF Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) According to USF Office of Research data10, in FY 2005-2006, the USF CSE department received $1.29M in external funding. According to the department’s website11, there were 20 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $64.5K per tenure-track faculty member. In FY 2006-200712, the USF CSE department received $1.33M in external funding. There were, once again, 20 tenure-track faculty members, so this was $66.3K per tenure-track faculty member. USF has not yet posted their FY 20072008 funding figures; there were 19 tenure-track faculty members during this funding period. 12.3 Faculty Collaborations A first class research program cannot be built in vacuum. Collaboration is fundamentally important to computing research. The SCIS faculty has actively engaged in a wide range of collaborative efforts. Along with the growth of our research and funding programs, the number and scale of collaborations from our school has also grown accordingly. The following summarizes the current and recent collaborations that SCIS faculty has been undertaking (1) with other units at FIU, (2) with other academic institutions, (3) with industry, and (4) with international partners. The term “collaboration” here is defined as one or more SCIS faculty members have been working with an entity on (a) joint grants, (b) joint proposals, (c) joint publications, (d) joint projects, and (e) joint curriculum development or participation of thesis/dissertation committees. This list is put together based on reports from the SCIS faculty. In addition, almost every college, school, academic and administrative office at FIU has received technical consulting, assistance, support or system development provided by our school, e.g. Colleges of Engineering & Computing, Arts & Sciences, Business & Administration, Hospitality, Academic Affairs, UTS, Faculty Senate, etc. 12.3.1 Collaborations with Other FIU Units 1. Electrical and Computer Engineering (Participating SCIS Faculty: Naphtali Rishe, David Barton, Yi Deng, Xudong He, Ana Pasztor) 2. CEC Center for Diversity in Engineering and Computing (Masoud Milani, Yi Deng, Ana Pasztor) 3. Biomedical Engineering (Giri Narasimhan, Yi Deng) 7 9 10 11 12 8 23 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Industrial and Systems Engineering (Peter Clarke) Telecommunications and Information Technology Institute (Peter Clarke) Civil and Environmental Engineering (Shu-Ching Chen, Yi Deng, Naphtali Rishe) Civil and Environmental Engineering (Masoud Milani) Mechanical Engineering and Material Science (Yi Deng, Shu-Ching Chen) Construction Management (Shu-Ching Chen) Applied Research Center (Xudong He, Masoud Sadjadi) Biology (Masoud Sadjadi, Giri Narasinham) Chemistry (Masoud Sadjadi, Giri Narasinham) Earth Sciences (Masoud Sadjadi, Shu-Ching Chen, Yi Deng, Raju Rangaswami) Environmental Studies (Shu-Ching Chen, Giri Narasinham) Forensics (Giri Narasinham) Mathematics (Masoud Milani) Physics (Masoud Sadjadi, Masoud Milani) Psychology (Christine Lisetti) Sociology & Anthropology (Christine Lisetti) Statistics (Shu-Ching Chen, Peter Clarke) IHRC (Shu-Ching Chen) Decision Sciences & Information Systems (Naphtali Rishe, Xudong He, Yi Deng, Raju Rangaswami) Molecular Microbiology & Immunology (Giri Narasinham) Finance (Shu-Ching Chen, Giri Narasinham) College of Education (Ana Pasztor, Masoud Milani, Yi Deng, Peter Clarke) Honors College (Ana Pasztor, Peter Clarke) CIARA (Masoud Sadjadi) Academy for the Arts of Teaching (Masoud Milani) Office of International Studies (Yi Deng, Shu-Ching Chen, Masoud Sadjadi) Asian Studies (Yi Deng) 12.3.2 Collaborations with Other Universities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. California State University (Shu-Ching Chen) Clemson University (Peter Clarke) Colorado School of Mines (Jason Liu) Duke University (Tao Li) Florida A&M University (Peter Clarke) Florida Atlantic University (Masoud Sadjadi, Yi Deng, Raju Rangaswami) Florida Memorial University (Naphtali Rishe) Florida State University (Masoud Sadjadi, Shu-Ching Chen) Florida Institute of Technology (Masoud Sadjadi, Shu-Ching Chen) Georgia Tech (Masoud Sadjadi) Harvard University (Giri Narasinham) Indiana University, Bloomington (Naphtali Rishe, Tao Li, Vagelis Hristidis) Michigan State University (Masoud Sadjadi) 24 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. MIT (Giri Narasinham) North Dakota State University (Xudong He, Peter Clarke) Purdue University (Shu-Ching Chen) Rice University (Shu-Ching Chen) San Diego State University (Shu-Ching Chen) South Dakota State University (Masoud Sadjadi) Stanford University (Christine Lisetti) University of Alabama (Shu-Ching Chen, Peter Clarke) University of Arkansas, Little Rock (Shu-Ching Chen) University of California at Berkeley (Tao Li) University of California, Riverside (Vagelis Hristidis) University of California, Santa Barbara (Raju Rangaswami) University of California, Irvine (Raju Rangaswami) University of Delaware (Peter Clarke) University of Florida (Shu-Ching Chen) University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Jason Liu) University of Maryland Baltimore County (Tao Li) University of Memphis (Giri Narasimhan) University of Miami (Masoud Sadjadi, Shu-Ching Chen, Yi Deng) University of Michigan-Dearborn (Shu-Ching Chen) University of Montana (Shu-Ching Chen) University of North Florida (Masoud Sadjadi) University of Pittsburgh (Shu-Ching Chen) University of Rochester (Tao Li) University of Illinois, Chicago (Naphtali Rishe, Xudong He) University of Maryland (Vagelis Hristidis) University of Texas, Arlington (Vagelis Hristidis, Xudong He, Tao Li) University of Texas, Dallas (Xudong He) University of Wisconsin, Madison (Xudong He) 12.3.3 Collaborations with Industry & Community 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. AT&T Research Labs (Peter Clarke) Cisco (Jason Liu) Google (Raju Rangaswami) Huawei Technologies, USA (Shu-Ching Chen) IBM (Vagelis Hristidis, Naphtali Rishe, Masoud Sadjadi, Yi Deng, Shu-Ching Chen, Tao Li, Raju Rangaswami) Los Alamos National Laboratory (Jason Liu) NEC Research Lab (Tao Li) NOAA/AOML/Hurricane Research Division (Shu-Ching Chen) Office Depot (Yi Deng, Steve Luis) Miami Herald (Naphtali Rishe) Miami-Dade & Palm Beach Emergency Management (Yi Deng, Steve Luis, Shu-Ching Chen) 25 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Authority (Masoud Milani) Motorola (Masoud Sadjadi, Xudong He) National Weather Service, NOAA (Masoud Sadjadi) Data Transfer Solutions, EpicTide, LitStrat (Naphtali Rishe) SPAWAR Systems Center, San Diego, USA (Shu-Ching Chen) Ultimate Software (Peter Clarke) Xerox Research Center (Tao Li) 12.3.4 Collaborations with International Partners 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Acadia University, Canada (Shu-Ching Chen) Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Masoud Sadjadi, Yi Deng) Chinese Academy of Science (Tao Li) City University of Hong Kong (Shu-Ching Chen) East China University of Science and Technology (Xudong He) Fuzhou University, China (Tao Li) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Raju Rangaswami) Institute of Information Management, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (Shu-Ching Chen) Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore (Shu-Ching Chen) Simon Bolivar University (Vagelis Hristidis) Moscow University (Naphtali Rishe) National University, Bogotá, Columbia (Giri Narasimhan) National Ilan University. Taiwan (Shu-Ching Chen) National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan (Shu-Ching Chen) Tamkang University, Taiwan (Shu-Ching Chen) Tel Aviv University (Naphtali Rishe) Tsinghua University, China (Yi Deng, Tao Li, Shu-Ching Chen) University of Bonn, Germany (Jason Liu) University of Guadalajara, Mexico (Raju Rangaswami) University of Hong Kong (Vagelis Hristidis) University of Ireland (Peter Clarke) University of Toronto (Vagelis Hristidis) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in Spain (Masoud Sadjadi) University of Guadalajara, Mexico (Masoud Sadjadi) University of Puerto Rico- Mayaguez Campus, Puerto Rico (Masoud Sadjadi) University of Western Macedonia, Greece (Christine Lisetti) Xiamen University, China (Tao Li) 26 12.4 Computer Science Academic Learning Compact Florida International University Academic Learning Compact Name of the Undergraduate Degree Program Computer Science Mission Statement The Computer Science degree program provides graduates (1) a broad-based education that will form the basis for personal growth and life-long learning, (2) a quality technical education that will equip them for productive careers in the field, (3) the communication skills and social and ethical awareness for the responsible and effective practice of their professions, and (4) preparation for graduate education. The program maintains a diverse student population, an environment in which students from all groups, including the traditionally under-represented, may successfully pursue the study of Computer Science, and a dedicated and qualified faculty who actively pursue excellence in teaching. Student Learning Outcomes FIU Computer Science graduates should be able to achieve the following: Content/Discipline Knowledge 1. Demonstrate proficiency in various areas of Computer Science including data structures and algorithms, concepts of programming languages and computer systems. 2. Demonstrate mastery of at least one modern programming language and proficiency in at least one other. Critical Thinking 1. Demonstrate proficiency in problem solving and application of software engineering techniques. Oral and Written Communication 1. Demonstrate effective communication skills. 27 Degree Program Student Learning Outcomes Direct Assessment Measures Data Collection and Analysis Plan (Who Collects? Who analyzes? When?) Content/Discipline Knowledge Demonstrate proficiency in the foundation areas of Computer Science including mathematics, discrete structures, logic and the theory of algorithms. Demonstrate proficiency in various areas of Computer Science including data structures and algorithms, concepts of programming languages and computer systems Demonstrate proficiency in problem solving and application of software engineering techniques Term project report and deliverables, presentations Project report and deliverables will be submitted by the end of each semester and will be analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Term project report and deliverables, presentations Project report and deliverables will be submitted by the end of each semester and will be analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Term project report and deliverables, presentations Demonstrate mastery of at least one modern programming language and proficiency in at least one other Term project report and deliverables, presentations Project report and deliverables will be submitted by the end of each semester and will be analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Project report and deliverables will be submitted by the end of each semester and will be analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Critical Thinking See above Oral and Written Communication Demonstrate effective communication skills Term project report and deliverables, presentations Project report and deliverables will be submitted by the end of each semester and will be analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty 28 12.5 Information Technology Academic Learning Compact Florida International University Academic Learning Compact Name of the Undergraduate Degree Program Information Technology Mission Statement The degree program in Information Technology provides graduates (1) a quality technical education to prepare them for a productive career, (2) a broad-based education that will form the basis for personal growth and life-long learning, (3) the communication skills and social and ethical awareness necessary for the effective and responsible practice of the profession, and (4) an environment in which students from all groups, including the traditionally under-represented, may successfully pursue the study of Information Technology. The degree program maintains a diverse student population and a dedicated and qualified faculty who actively pursue excellence in teaching. Student Learning Outcomes FIU Information Technology graduates should be able to achieve the following: Content/Discipline Knowledge 1. Demonstrate practical hands-on expertise in the selection, installation, customizing and maintenance of the state-ofthe-art computing infrastructure. 2. Demonstrate practical proficiency in the selection, installation, customizing and maintenance of the state-of-the-art software systems. Critical Thinking 1. Demonstrate proficiency in identifying hardware/software problems and evaluating and selecting appropriate hardware/software solutions. Oral and Written Communication 1. Demonstrate effective communication skills. 29 Degree Program Student Learning Outcomes Direct Assessment Measures Data Collection and Analysis Plan (Who Collects? Who analyzes? When?) Content/Discipline Knowledge Demonstrate practical hands-on expertise in selection, installation, customizing and maintenance of the state-of-the-art computing infrastructure Demonstrate practical proficiency in selection, installation, customizing and maintenance of the state-of-the-art software systems Embedded questions in appropriate courses (see the curriculum map) Embedded questions will be included in course final exam every semester. Student answers are analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Embedded questions in appropriate courses (see the curriculum map) Embedded questions will be included in course final exam every semester. Student answers are analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Demonstrate general understanding of at least one field where Information Technology plays a central role Embedded questions in appropriate courses (see the curriculum map) Embedded questions will be included in course final exam every semester. Student answers are analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Demonstrate understanding of the social and ethical concerns of the practice of Information Technology Embedded questions in appropriate courses (see the curriculum map) Embedded questions will be included in course final exam every semester. Student answers are analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Term paper, presentations Term papers are submitted every semester. Student term papers are analyzed by at least two SCIS faculty Critical Thinking See above Oral and Written Communication Demonstrate effective communication skills 30