6. Haruvy, Ernan, Peter TL Popkowski Leszczyc and Yu Ma (2014)

(updated June, 2015)
University of Alberta
Department of Marketing Business Economics and Law
4-20F Faculty of Business Building, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2R6
Ph: (780) 492-1866
Fax: (780) 492-3325
E-Mail: ppopkows@ualberta.ca;
Home page: http://www.ualberta.ca/~ppopkows/
Management Science, University of Texas at Dallas, November 1992
Major: Marketing Minor: Statistics
State University of New York at Buffalo, May 1987
Major: Marketing
State University of New York at Geneseo, May 1984
Major: Marketing (Cum Laude)
2016 – present
Eric Geddes Professor of Business, University of Alberta, School of Business.
2013 – 2014
McCalla Professor, Department of Marketing Business Economics and Law,
Faculty of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
2012 – present
Full Professor, Department of Marketing Business Economics and Law, Faculty
of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
2011 – present
Visiting Professor of Marketing, Department of Marketing, Renmin University,
Beijing, China.
1998 – 2012
Associate Professor, Department of Marketing Business Economics and Law,
Faculty of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Marketing, Renmin University, Beijing, China.
Visiting Professor, Peking University, Beijing China.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Visiting Associate Professor, University of Washington at Bothell (Jan-June).
Visiting Associate Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven the
Netherlands (June-December).
1991 – 1998
Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing Business Economics and Law,
Faculty of Business, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
2014 – present
Vice-president Association for the Promotion of International Trade & Cultural
Exchange -- Canda.Hong Kong.China
2013 – present
Ph.D. Area coordinator, University of Alberta.
2002 – present
Founder and Executive Director of CampusAuctionMarket.com
CampusAuctionMarket.com is a local Internet auction site based in Edmonton, Alberta. The website
has currently approximately 10,000 registered members and has been an important fundraising tool for
local charities. I have co-organized numerous online charity auction events on CampusAuctionMarket
raising over $4,000,000 for various charities.
2002 – 2015
Vice-president of Electronic Communications, INFORMS Society on Marketing,
1997 – 2015
Member Advisory board INFORMS Society on Marketing Science.
2006 – 2008
Member Advisory board Frank M. Bass Institute for Marketing Science.
1997 – 2002
Editor, INFORMS Society on Marketing Newsletter.
1987 - 1991
Research and Teaching Assistant for Frank M. Bass, Susan L. Holak, and Thomas
J. Reynolds. Research responsibilities included a sales forecasting project for
Occidental Corporation. Developed a sales forecasting model for the PVC pipe
1988 - 1989
Taught lectures in statistical computer applications for statistics students.
1986 - 1987
Computer Consultant in micro and mainframe computer lab, at the State
University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York.
Marketing research project for Erie Community College, Buffalo, New York.
Conducted research and developed a marketing plan to increase enrollment.
Marketing research project for the John Wiley School of business, Buffalo, New
York. A perceptional study.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
1984 - 1985
Marketing Manager for Zwolse Algemeene Life Insurance Corporation, Utrecht,
the Netherlands. Responsible for all aspects of marketing.
Honors Internship, Avon Hardware Corp., Avon, New York. Conducted a market
survey, research, and consultation.
Empirical and theoretical issues related to (Internet) auctions, application of controlled field
experiments, charitable giving, consumer search and influence of information on price
formation, product bundling, consumer shopping behavior and store choice behavior, online
word of mouth, group buying.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (1992). “Investigating the Effects of Unobserved Heterogeneity in
Stochastic Models of Consumer Choice: A Hazard Model Approach.”
1. Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2016), “Measuring the Impact of Price
Matching Guarantees on Price Dispersion and Willingness to Pay in Auctions,” in press
Journal of Retailing; doi:10.1016/j.jretai.2015.07.003
2. Qiu, Chun and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2016), “Voluntary Intermediary Reviews and
Brand Equity,” forthcoming in European Journal of Marketing.
3. Zelin Zhang, Xia Wang, Peter T L. Popkowski Leszczyc, and Xiao Zuo (2016), “The Dynamics
of Online Purchase Visits: Inertia or Switching?,” forthcoming in Frontiers of Business
Research in China.
4. Haruvy, Ernan, and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “The Losers Bliss in Auctions with
Price Externality,” Games, 6, 191-213; doi:10.3390/g6030191.
5. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L., Chun Qiu, Shenyu Li and Michael H. Rothkopf (2015),
“Bidding Behaviors in Charity Auctions,” Marketing Letters, 26(1), 17-28.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
6. Haruvy, Ernan, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Yu Ma (2014), “Does Higher Transparency
Lead to More Search in Online Auctions,” Production and Operations Management, 23(2),
197-209. [On the Business Week’s list of 20 premier journals.]
7. Li, Shenyu, Siva Balasubramanian and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “The Profit
Impact of the Transaction Specific Assets: A Process Model of Adaptive Marketing
Resources,” Journal of Strategic Marketing, 22 (4), 316-327.
8. He, Yongfu, and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2013), “The Impact of Jump Bidding in
Online Auctions,” Marketing Letters, 24(4), 387-97.
9. Gönül, Füsun F. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2012), “Determinants of Elapsed Time to
Switch between Auctions: Findings from a Hazard Function Model with Unobserved
Heterogeneity, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 6(2), 96-109.
10.Qiu, Chun, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Yongfu He (2012), “Factors Affecting Price
Setting in Online Auctions,” Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 11(3), 289-302.
11.Gönül, Füsun F. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2011), “Sniping Behavior in eBay
Auctions,” International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 1(4), 16-29.
12.Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “Search and Choice in Online
Auctions,” Marketing Science, 29(6), 1152-64.
13. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Michael Rothkopf (2010), “Charitable Motives and
Bidding in Charity Auctions” Management Science, 56(3), 399-413. [Lead article].
14. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Gerald Häubl (2010), “To Bundle or Not to Bundle:
Determinants of the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions,” Journal of Marketing, 74(4), 110-24.
15. Murray, Kyle B., Fabrizio Di Muro, Adam Fin and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010),
“The effect of weather on consumer spending,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services,17(6), 512-20.
16. Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “The impact of online auction
duration,” Decision Analysis, 7(1), 99-106. [Special issue: Honoring Michael H. Rothkopf’s
Legacy of Rigor and Relevance in Auction Theory].
17. Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2009), “Bidder Motives in Cause
Related Auctions,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 26(4), 324–331.
18. Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2009), “Internet Auctions,”
Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 4(1), 1-75.
19. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Chun Qiu, and Yongfu He (2009), “Empirical Testing of the
Reference Price Effect of Buy-now Prices in Internet Auctions,” Journal of Retailing, 86, 21121.
20. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., John W. Pracejus and Michael Shen (2008), “Why More Can
Be Less: An Inference-Based Explanation for Hyper-Subadditivity in Product Bundles,”
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105(2), 233-46.
21. Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc Octavian Carare, James C. Cox, Eric A.
Greenleaf, Wolfgang Jank, Sandy Jap, Young-Hoon Park and Michael H. Rothkopf (2008),
“Competition between Auctions,” Marketing Letters,19(3-4), 431-448.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
22. Cheema, Amar, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, Rajesh Bagchi, Richard Bagozzi, James Cox,
Utpal Dholakia, Eric Greenleaf, Amit Pazgal, Michael Rothkopf, Michael Shen, Shyam
Sunder, and Robert Zeithammer (2005), “Economics, Psychology, and Social Dynamics of
Consumer Bidding in Auctions,” Marketing Letters, 16(3-4), 401-13.
23. Kauffman, Ralph and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2005), "Optimum Consideration Set
Size for Organizational Buying Decisions, Industrial Marketing Management, 34(1), 3-12.
[Lead article]
24. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., and Ashish Sinha (2005), "A Method to Incorporate
Managerial Intuition Into Models of Consumer Choice," Journal of Retailing and Consumer
Services, 12(2), 113-23.
25. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Ashish Sinha and Anna Sahgal (2004), "The effect of MultiPurpose Shopping on Pricing and Location Strategy for Grocery Stores," Journal of Retailing,
80(2), 85-99. [Lead article and Winner of Davidson Award Honorable Mention for the Best
article in the Journal of Retailing].
26. Joh, C.H. Harry Timmermans and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2003), "Identifying
purchase-history sensitive shopper segments using scanner panel data and sequence alignment
methods," Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 10, 135-44.
27. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Harry J.P. Timmermans (2002), “Unconditional and
Conditional Competing Risk Models of Activity Duration and Activity Sequencing Decisions:
An Empirical Comparison,” Journal of Geographical systems, 4, 157-170.
28. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Harry J.P. Timmermans (2001), "Experimental Choice
Analysis of Shopping Strategies," Journal of Retailing, 77(4), 493-509.
29. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Ashish Sinha and Harry J.P. Timmermans (2000), "Consumer
Store Choice Dynamics: An Analysis of the Competitive Market Structure for Grocery Stores,"
Journal of Retailing, 76(3), 323-45.
30. Srinivasan, Shuba, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Frank M Bass (2000), “Market Share
Equilibrium and Competitive Interaction: The Impact of Temporary, Gradual and Structural
Changes in Prices,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17(4), 281-305.
[Nominated for 2010 Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp Award for Long Term Impact in IJRM].
31. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Frank M. Bass (1998). "Determining the Effects of
Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity on Consumer Brand Choice," Applied Stochastic
Models and Data Analysis, 14, 95-115. [Lead article].
32. Gengler, Charles E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (1997). "The Use of Customer
Satisfaction Research for Relationship Marketing," Journal of Interactive Marketing, 11(1), 2329.
33. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Harry J.P. Timmermans (1997), "Store Switching
Behavior," Marketing letters, 8(2), 193-204.
34. Gönül, Füsun F., Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and T. Sugawara (1996), "Joint Estimates of
Purchase Timing and Brand Switching Tendency: Results from a Scanner Panel Data of
Frequently Purchased Products," Canadian Journal of Economics, XXIX, S501-504.
35. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Füsun Gönül (1996), "Multiple Ways of Measuring Brand
Loyalty," Canadian Journal of Economics, XXIX, S494-497.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
36. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Harry J.P. Timmermans (1996), "An Unconditional
Competing Risk-Hazard Model of Consumer Store Choice Dynamics," Environment and
Planning A, 28, 357-68. [A top journal in the field of urban and regional research].
37. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Ram C. Rao (1989), “The Effects of National and Local
Advertising on Price Sensitivity,” Marketing Letters 1(2), 149-160.
38. Wong, Leo and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2011), “The Effectiveness of Donation
Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,” in Advances in Consumer
39. Pracejus, John W., Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Yingtao Shen (2009), “The importance
of value certainty in assessing multiple items simultaneously,” in Advances in Consumer
40. Murray, Kyle B., Adam Fin, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Fabrizio Di Muro (2008),
“The effect of weather on consumer spending,” in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 35,
eds. Angela Y. Lee and Dilip Soman, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research.
41. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Chun Qiu, and Yongfu He (2008), “A Reference Price Effect
of Buy-now Prices in Internet Auctions,” in Advances in Consumer Research.
42. Qiu, Chun, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc, and Junjun Xie (2008), “Voluntary Intermediary
Reviews and Brand Equity,” in Proceedings of AMA Summer Marketing Educators'
43. Xie, Junjun, Chun Qiu and Peter Popkowski Leszczyc (2008), "The Antecedents and
Consequences of Voluntary Intermediary Reviews,” in Proceedings of Administrative Sciences
Association of Canada Annual Conference 2007.
44. Qiu, Chun, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc, and Yongfu He (2005), “The Signal Effect of BuyNow Price in Internet Auctions,” Frank Pons (eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of
the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 26(3).
45. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (2004), “The Psychology of Auctions: Enriching Models of
Bidder and Seller Behavior,” in Barbara E. Kahn and Mary Frances Luce (eds.), Advances in
Consumer Research, Vol. XXXI, 90-93.
46. He, Yongfu and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2004), “Learning by Bidding in Online
auctions,” in 2004 Fordham University Behavioral Pricing Conference Proceedings.
47. Häubl, Gerald and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2003), "Minimum Prices and Product
Valuations in Auctions,” Marketing Science Institute Reports, Issue 3, No. 03-117, 115-141.
48. Häubl, Gerald and Peter T.L., Popkowski Leszczyc (2001), “Going, Going, Gone –
Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,” Advances in
Consumer Research, 28, 451-453.
49. Häubl, Gerald and Peter T.L., Popkowski Leszczyc (2000), "Going, Going, Gone!
Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,” in proceedings of
the second INFORMS Marketing Science and the Internet conference Exploring Understanding
Consumer Behavior on the Internet, 1-37.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
50. Sinha, Ashish, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Ravi Pappu (2000), "Measuring Customer
Based Brand Equity using Hierarchical Bayes Methodology,” 2000 AMA Summer Educator’s
Conference Proceedings, August. [Winner of Best Research Paper Award].
51. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (1991), “Investigating the Effects of Unobserved
Heterogeneity in Stochastic Models of Consumer Choice: A Hazard Model Approach,” in
proceedings of the Ninth University of Houston Doctoral Symposium, 1-20.
52. Li, Shenyu, Chun Qiu and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “The Effects of Formal and
Informal Institutions on Multinational Retailers’ Financial Performance,” revise and resubmit
(3rd round) in Journal of International Business Studies.
53. Haruvy, Ernan, and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “A study of bidding behavior in
all-pay auctions,” under review in Journal of Marketing Research.
54. Häubl, Gerald and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “The Effect of Speed of Competitor
Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,” revise and resubmit (2nd round) in Journal of
Consumer Research.
55. Han, Jidong and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “The non-linear effect of minimum
bid on selling prices in auctions,” revise and resubmit (2nd round) in Marketing Letters.
56. Zhuang, Hejun, Yuanfang Li and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “The Impact of
Market Structure and Shopping Risk on Online versus Offline Price Dispersion.” revise and
resubmit (2nd round) in Journal of Retailing.
1. Zhang, Zelin, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Riliang Qu (2016), “A joint optimal model
of pricing, rebate value and redemption hassle.”
2. Pang, Jun, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Kanliang Wang (2016), “Marketing Star or
Marketing Myth? A Field Experiment on the Effectiveness of Group Buying.”
3. Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Leo Wong (2015), “The Effectiveness of Donation
Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy.”
4. Jacobson, Mark, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Shenyu Li (2015), “Protestantism as a
Cure-All for Ethical Problems in China? Confucianism’s Role as a Key Mediator between
Religion and Moral Judgments,” to be submitted to Journal of Business Ethics.”
5. He, Yongfu and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “A Longitudinal Study of Adapting
Bidding Behaviors in Online Auctions,” to be submitted to Journal of Business Research.
6. He, Yongfu, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Chun Qiu (2015), “Jump Bidding in Online
Auctions: A Double-edged Sword,” intended outlet Journal of Marketing Research.
7. Li , Shenyu, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Siva Balasubramanian (2014), “Modeling
Information diffusion Efficiency in a Social Network.”
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
8. Wang, Xia, Zelin Zhang and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “The impact of internet
channels on purchase conversion,” intended outlet Annals of Tourism.
9. Zhuang, Hejun and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2015), “Optimal Seller Strategies in
Overlapping Auctions,” intended outlet Marketing Science.
Han, Jidong, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Zelin Zhang (2014), “An empirical study of
simultaneous, sequential and overlapping auctions.”
Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “Assessing Sequential Dependencies
in Bidding on Substitute and Complementary products.”
Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “The Effect of Involvement on
Fundraising: A Charity Field Experiment.” Intended outlet Marketing Science.
Haruvy, Ernan E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “Choice Model Estimation of Bidder
Valuations in Paired English Auctions.”
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Füsun F. Gönül, Paul Messinger and Chun (Martin) Qiu (2014),
“The effect of information in auctions.”
Zhang, Zelin and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2014), “The Impact of Buy-now prices and
Reserve prices in Auctions.”
Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2013), “A Study of Bidding Behavior in All-Pay
Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 2229260,
Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2013), “Measuring the Impact of Price Matching
Guarantees on Price Dispersion And Willingness to Pay in Auctions,” Social Science Research
Network working paper Nr. 2230593, http://ssrn.com/abstract= 2230593.
Gönül, Füsun F. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2012), “Determinants of Elapsed Time to Switch
between Auctions: Findings from a Hazard Function Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity,”
Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 2058559,
Haruvy, Ernan, Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc and Yu Ma (2012), “Does Higher Transparency Lead
to More Search in Online Auctions?,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr.
1998467, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1998467.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L., and Leo T. Wong (2011), “The Effectiveness of Donation Promises
in Charity Auctions as a Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,” Social Science Research Network
working paper Nr. 1734505, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1734505.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Qiu, Chun, Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L. and He, Yongfu, Factors (2011), “Affecting Price Setting
in Online Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 2011084,
Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “Search and Choice in Online Consumer
Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 1653085
He, Yongfu and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “The Impact of Jump Bidding in Online
Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 1667157,
Gönül, Füsun F. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “Snipe Bidding Behavior in Ebay
Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 1647357,
Murray, Kyle B., Fabrizio Di Muro, Adam Finn and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2010), “The
Effect of Weather on Consumer Spending,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr.
1657977, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1657977.
Haruvy, Ernan and Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc (2009), “The Impact of Online Auction Duration,”
Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 1420304, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1420304.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., and Michael Rothkopf (2009), “Charitable Intent and Bidding in
Charity Auctions,” Social Science Research Network working paper Nr. 899296,
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T. L., Michael Shen, and John Pracejus (2007), "Why More Can Be Less:
An Inference-Based Explanation for Hyper-Subadditivity in Product Bundles " Social Science
Research Network working paper Nr. 689142, http://ssrn.com/abstract=689142.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L., Chun Qiu, and Yongfu He (2007), " Empirical Testing of the
Reference Price Effect of Buy-now Prices in Internet Auctions" Social Science Research
Network working paper Nr. 689121, http://ssrn.com/abstract=689121.
Gengler, Charles E. and Peter T.L. Popkowski Leszczyc (1994), "The Use of Customer Satisfaction
Research for Relationship Marketing," Canadian Institute of Retailing and Services Studies
working paper # 9401.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Alice Nakamura (1996), “Scanner Data: Its use in Marketing and
Potential Relevance for Index Number Making,” working paper
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Füsun Gönül (1994), "A Time Dependent Measure of Brand
Loyalty," working paper.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Ambuj Jain (1993), "An Analysis of the Price Structure of the
Automobile Industry; Using a Hedonic Approach," working paper.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (1990), "A Forecasting Model for the PVC Pipe Industry,"
Unpublished research report, p. 1-15.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Paul Prabhaker (1987), "Dynamics of the Experience Curve,"
State University of New York at Buffalo, working paper.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. (1987), "Study of Marketing Strategies for Erie Community College,"
Unpublished research report, p. 1-55.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L. and Myung S. Lee (1986), "Study of the Image of the John Wiley
School of Business, Buffalo, New York". Unpublished research report, p. 1-30.
Eric Geddes Professor of Business, Winspear Senior Faculty Fellowship, University of Alberta,
School of Business (2016-2019).
McCalla Professorship, University of Alberta 2013-14 (University wide chaired professorship).
Nova Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2011.
Retail Research Award, Outstanding Researcher of the year, 2009.
GRA Rice Faculty Fellowship Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2009.
Nova Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2008.
The 2006 William R. Davidson Award for Article in Journal of Retailing, Best Paper
Contributing to Theory and Practice in Retail Marketing, Honorable Mention Award, for “The
Effect of Multi-Purpose Shopping on Pricing and Location Strategy for Grocery Stores,”
Journal of Retailing, Vol. 80, No. 2, 85-99. (Co-authored with Ashish Sinha and Anna
Rice Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2003.
Xerox Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2001.
Best Research paper award, "Measuring Customer Based Brand Equity using Hierarchical
Bayes Methodology,” AMA Summer Conference 2000.
Nova Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 2000.
Pearson Faculty Fellowship, Faculty of Business, University of Alberta 1993.
Fellow, American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, 1990.
Beta Gamma Sigma, National Honorary Scholarship Society, 1987.
Magna Cum Laude, State University of New York at Geneseo, 1984.
Delta Mu Delta, National Honor Society in Business, 1984.
M.B. Cohen Marketing Student of the Year Award, 1983
Wall Street Journal Management Student of the Year, 1983.
Participant Honors Internship program, 1983.
Certificate of Excellence, Outstanding Foreign Student Award, 1982.
Fellow of the North American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2002.
Who’s who in Canadian Business, 2001 – present.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Who’s who International, 2006.
Who's Who in Business Higher Education, 2006.
Guest Area Editor, Marketing Science
Regular reviewer for following marketing Journals
International Journal of Research in Marketing
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Retailing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Marketing Letters
Marketing Science
Management Science
Other journals
Economic Inquiry
Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Electronic Commerce Research
Environment and Planning A
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Business Research
Production and Operations Management
Transportation Research A
Transportation Research B
African Journal of Business Management
American Marketing Association Summer Educator's Conference
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Dutch Social Science Research Council
EMAC McKinsey Marketing Dissertation Award
Penn State eBusiness Research Center Doctoral Award Competition
Papers in Recent Advances in Activity-based Approaches
U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Management Research Review
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
University of British Columbia (promotion to chaired professor)
University of Kansas (promotion to full professor)
University of Texas at Dallas (tenure)
University of Kansas (tenure)
University of Ottawa (tenure)
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (tenure)
Brandeis International Business School (tenure)
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (tenure)
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (tenure)
University of Saskatchewan (tenure)
Co-organizer of 2016 Invitational Choice Symposium, Lake Louise, AB, Canada, 14-17 May
2016. Major interdisciplinary conference in the field of marketing.
Organizing Committee, University of Texas at Dallas--Frontiers of Research in Marketing
Science (UTD-FORMS), February 11-13, 2010.
Organizer of INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 2002, at the University of Alberta, June
2002. Major conference for quantitative marketing.
Co-organizer of Conference in honor of Frank M. Bass, at Emory University, Atlanta, GA, June
Organizer of Distinguished Marketing Scholars Retreat, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Canada, May 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Organizer of Mini Retreat, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, September 2008, 2009,
Organizer of symposium auction track entitled “Competition Between Auctions” for the 7th
Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, Wharton School of Business, University of
Pennsylvania, June 13–17, 2007.
Organizer of symposium auction track entitled “Economics, Psychology, and Social Dynamics
of Consumer Bidding in Auctions” for the 6th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium,
University of Colorado at Boulder, June 4–8, 2004.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Organizer of Distinguished Scholars Retreat, University of Alberta, Banff Canada, May 2005.
Organizer of Marketing Cluster for CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff,
Canada, May 2004.
Organized and chaired several sessions at various conferences
Organizer University of Alberta, Marketing Seminar Series 1997 – 2006
SSHRC Mentor at University of Alberta
Marketing Faculty Ph.D. Coordinator, 2013 – present.
SSHRC Chair selection, University of Alberta, 2015.
Carthy Chair selection committee, University of Alberta, 2014.
Business Faculty representative for Department of Agricultural, Life and Environmential
Sciences Council, 2014 – present
Ph.D. Policy Committee, 2013 – present.
Advisory committee Individualized Major program Faculty of Arts.
Academic Advisor of Marketing Association
Admissions Committee
Advisory Council INFORMS College on Marketing
Business Faculty representative for Physical Education Department Council
Computer Committee
Marketing Department, Ph.D. Committee
Marketing Department, Comprehensive Exam Committee
Task force of Canadian Institute for Retail & Services
Task force, Technology and Teaching
Undergraduate Student Policy Committee
Marketing Ph.D. teaching coordinator
Hiring committee
The American Marketing Association
Association for Consumer Research
INFORMS, Society of Marketing Science
The American Economics Association
Society for Judgment and Decision Making
Canadian Institute for Retail & Services Studies
Introduction to Marketing (undergraduate)
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Marketing Management (graduate)
Advertising Management (undergraduate and graduate)
Marketing Communication (Undergraduate)
Strategic Marketing (undergraduate and graduate)
Marketing Simulation; using Brand Maps (undergraduate)
Marketing Research (undergraduate)
Ph.D. Seminars in Auctions, Sales Promotions, Stochastic Models of Consumer Choice,
and Diffusion Models.
Ph.D. Seminar in Internet Marketing (at Renmin University, Beijing China)
Management Strategy (at Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhenjiang, China)
Faculty advisor for Canadian Student Advertising Competition
Variety of Independent Study projects in Marketing
Hejun Zhuang
Shenyu Li
Chun (Martin) Qiu
Yongfu He
Michael Shen
Leo Wong
(Chair), currently at Brandon University
(Co-chair), currently at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
(Co-chair), currently at McGill University
(Chair), currently at Monash University
(Chair), currently at Stetson University
(Co-chair) currently at Grant MacEwan University
Mark Vroegrijk
Ashish Sinha
Shawn McQuitty
Ujwal Kayande
Sungchul Choi
Jin Li
(Tilburg University, member of Ph.D. committee)
(member of Ph.D. committee)
(member of Ph.D. committee)
(member of Ph.D. committee)
(member of Ph.D. committee)
(member of Ph.D. committee)
Yuting Huang
Moein Khanlari
(Chair) visiting Ph.D. student Renmin University
(member of Ph.D. committee)
80 presentation at marketing & Economics seminars and over 120 conference presentations.
Invited Keynote Address
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at the Chinese Marketing
Association Conference, Hohhot, China, July 2012.
Presentations at Marketing & Economics Seminar Series
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at Hong Kong Baptist
University, marketing seminar, Hong Kong, China, March 2015.
“Marketing Myth or Logic? A Field Experiment Studying the The Effectiveness of Groupon
Promotions,” presented at Renmin University, Business seminar, Beijing, China, June 2013.
“How to Create a masterpiece: strategies and tactics on publishing in top journal articles,” presented at
Renmin University, Business seminar, Beijing, China, May 2013.
“A Study of bidding behavior in all-pay auctions,” presented at University of British Colombia,
Economics Seminar, Vancouver, Canada, March 2013.
“A Study of bidding behavior in all-pay auctions,” presented at Maastricht University, Marketing
Seminar, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2012.
“Measuring the Impact of Price Matching Guarantees on Price Dispersion and Willingness to Pay in
Auctions,” presented at Renmin University, Marketing seminar, Beijing, China, April 2012.
“Measuring the Impact of Price Matching Guarantees on Price Dispersion and Willingness to Pay in
Auctions,” presented at Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Economics and Management
Institute seminar, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, March 2012.
“Measuring the Impact of Price Matching Guarantees on Price Dispersion and Willingness to Pay in
Auctions,” presented at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Marketing seminar, Beijing,
China, March 2012.
“The Profit Impact of Resellers’ Relational and Structural Embeddedness in Channel Relationships: A
Social Network Framework,” presented at Illinois Institute of Technology, Marketing Seminar Series,
Chicago, Illinois, USA, October, 2011.
“Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions,” presented at University Alberta,
Marketing Seminar Series, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, September, 2011.
“Overlapping Auctions,” presented at University Alberta mini retreat, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,
September, 2011.
“Information Transparency and Search in Online Auctions,” presented at Renmin University, Beijing,
China, April, 2011.
“Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions,” presented at Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia, March, 2011.
“Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions,” presented at University of New
South Wales, Sydney, Australia, March, 2011.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,” presented at
Renmin University, Beijing, China, November, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at London School of Business, London, England, July, 2010.
“Search and Choice in Online Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, INSEAD,
Fontainebleau, France, June, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, June, 2010.
“Search and Choice in Online Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, April, 2010.
“Search and Choice in Online Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Tillburg
University, Tilburg, the Netherlands, April, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at Peking University, Beijing, China, April, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, April, 2010.
“Search and Choice in Online Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of
Cologne, Cologne, Germany, April, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China, April, 2010.
“To Bundle or Not to Bundle: On the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions,” presented at Peking
University, Beijing, China, March, 2010.
“Bidding Frenzy: The Effect of Speed of Competitor Reaction on Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at University of Florida, Gainesville, China, April, 2010.
“Price Dispersion and Choice in Online Auctions,” presented at School of Business Seminar,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, October 2009.
“Bundling in Auctions,” presented at School of Business Seminar, Pukyong National University,
Busan, Korea, July 2009.
“Bidder Motives in Cause Related Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of
Chicago, Chicago, May 2009.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“Bidding Frenzy: How the Speed of Competitor Reaction Influences Consumers’ Product Valuations
in Ascending-Bid Auctions?,” presented at Distinguished Scholars Retreat, University of Alberta,
Edmonton Canada, May 2009.
“The effect of Weather on Consumer Spending,” presented at Distinguished Scholars Retreat,
University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, May 2009.
“To Bundle or Not to Bundle: On the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions,” presented at the Marketing
Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, February 2009.
“When Zero Search Cost is Too High: What Does it Take to Make Consumers Search?,” presented at
Distinguished Scholars Retreat, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, May 2008.
“Individual Choice among Charity Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Pennsylvania
University, Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, March 2008.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at the Decision and Information
Technologies seminar series, University of Maryland, January 2008.
“Send-for-Review Actions: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” presented at the Marketing Seminar
series, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, November 2007.
“Charity Auctions: Do they get more revenue, if so why, and can you do well by doing good?,”
presented at the Olin school of Business, Washington St Louis, October 2006
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at the Industrial Engineering and
Operations Research department seminar, University at California at Berkeley, California, October
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions” presented at the Marketing Seminar Series, HEC,
Paris, France, July 2006.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions” presented at the Supply Chain Research Seminar
Series Seminar series, Rutgers University, USA, April 2006.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Penn
State University, USA, April 2006.
“Internet Auctions: Trends, Opportunities and Implementation Strategies” presented at Wuhan
University, Wuhan, China, August, 2005.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions” presented at Distinguished Scholars Retreat,
University of Alberta, Banff, Canada, May 2005.
“The influence of Reserve Price on Competition and Auction Outcome,” presented at the Marketing
Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, April 2005.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Auctions,” presented at Marketing Seminar Series, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
March 2005.
“Paying less for more: super-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
the Marketing Seminar Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, October 2004.
“Paying less for more: super-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
Distinguished Scholars Retreat, University of Alberta, Edmonton Canada, May 2004.
“Learning by bidding in Online Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, April 2004.
”Buy-now or bid: Why do sellers and bidders use fixed price options in auctions?” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, March 2004.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at Economics Seminar Series, University of Maryland, USA, September 2003.
“Consumer Bidding Behavior in Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, July 2003.
“Bidding Frenzy,” Presented at presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Johann Wolfgang Goethe
University, Frankfurt, July 2003.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, Penn State University, USA, June 2003.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Canada, June 2003.
“Consumer Bidding Behavior in Auctions,” College of Business, Arizona State University, April
“The Effects of Bundling on Seller Revenue in Auctions,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, April 2003.
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at the Distinguished
Speaker Series on e-Business, Penn State University, USA, November 2001.
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at the Marketing
Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, November 2001.
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at the Marketing
Seminar series, Columbia University, New York, USA, October 2001.
“The Effects of Price Floors on Consumer Bidding Behavior in Internet Auctions,” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, April 2001.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“Identifying Shopper Segments Using Scanner Panel Data and Sequence Alignment Methods,”
presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, November 2000.
“Conceptualizing and Measuring Brand Equity Using an Activation Approach,” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada, November 2000.
“Conceptualizing and Measuring Brand Equity Using an Activation Approach,” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, November 2000.
“Conceptualizing and Measuring Brand Equity Using an Activation Approach,” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, November 2000.
“Incorporating Prior Information into Models of Consumer Choice Models,” presented at the
Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, October 1999.
“Market Share Equilibrium and Competitive Interaction: The Impact of Temporary, Gradual and
Structural Changes in Prices,” presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Canada, October 1999.
“An Analysis of Short and Long-run Prices on Store Sales," presented at the Marketing Seminar series,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, June 1999.
“An Analysis of Short and Long-run Store Sales," presented at the Marketing Seminar series,
University of Washington, at Bothell, Bothell, WA, April 1999.
"Short and Long-run Price Competition," New York University, Marketing Seminar, February 1999.
"Short-run and Long-run Equilibrium Relationships of Competitive Prices: An Application of Cointegration Analysis,” presented at The Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, November
"Short-run and Long-run Equilibrium Relationships of Competitive Prices: An Application of Cointegration Analysis,” presented at Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
September 1998.
“An Empirical Analysis of Short and Long-run Pricing strategies by Retailers” presented at the
University of Texas at Dallas, Marketing Seminar, Dallas, Texas, November 1997.
"Incorporating Prior Information into a Logit Model," presented at the University of Waikato,
Marketing Seminar, June 1997.
"Long and Short run Price equilibria,” presented at The University of Houston, Marketing Seminar,
October 1996.
"Short and Long run Dynamics of Competitive Prices," presented at The City University of New York,
Baruch College, Marketing Seminar, October 1996.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
"The Effect of Short run Price Changes on Long run Price equilibria,” presented at The University of
Groningen, Marketing Seminars, June 1996.
"The Effect of Short run Price Changes on Long run Price equilibria,” presented at The University of
Leuven, Marketing Seminars, June 1996.
"Temporal Aspects of Consumer Store Choice Behavior: An Empirical Investigation," presented at
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Marketing Seminar, June 1995.
"Consumer Store Choice Dynamics: An Empirical Analysis of the Competitive Market Structure for
Grocery Stores," presented at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Marketing Seminar,
June 1995.
"Applications of Scanner Data in Marketing" presented at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an China, June
"Incorporating Prior Information into Models of Consumer Choice Models: An Application of a
Bayesian Logit Model," presented at the Marketing Seminar series, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Canada, September 1994.
"Consumer Store Choice Dynamics: An Analysis of the Competitive Market Structure for Grocery
Stores," presented at The City University of New York, Baruch College, Marketing Seminar, February
"Consumer Store Choice, Store Switching, and Timing of Shopping trips: A Hazard Model
Application," presented at the Marketing Seminar Series, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,
October 1993.
"A Time Dependent Measure of Brand Loyalty" presented at the Marketing Seminar Series, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, September 1992.
Presentations at INFORMS Conferences
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at the Marketing Science
Conference, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, June 2015.
“The Effect of Involvement on Fundraising: A Charity Field Experiment,” presented at the Marketing
Science Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2014.
“A Study of bidding behavior in all-pay auctions,” presented at INFORM annual meeting,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2013.
“Measuring the Impact of Price Matching Guarantees on Price Dispersion and Willingness to Pay in
Auction,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey, July
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“A Study of bidding behavior in all-pay auctions,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Boston
University, Boston, June 2012.
“Does Higher Transparency Lead to More Search in Online Auctions,” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Rice University, Houston, TX, June 2011.
“The impact of online auction duration,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Rice University,
Houston, TX, June 2011.
“The Effectiveness of Donation Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,”
presented at Marketing Science Conference, Cologne, Germany, June 2010.
“Jump Bidding in Online Auctions: A Double-edged Sword,” presented at INFORM annual meeting,
San Diego, CA, October 2009.
“To Bundle or Not to Bundle: On the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions,” presented at Marketing
Science Conference, Michigan, June 2009.
“Jump Bidding in Online Auctions: A Double-edged Sword,” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
“The Effect of Weather on Consumer Spending,” presented at Marketing Science Conference,
Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
“When Zero Search Cost is Too High: What Does it Take to Make Consumers Search?,” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
“The Diffusion of Newly Experienced Product Information in a Social Network Random Walk or
Shortest Cut?,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June 2008.
“Frank’s M. Bass' Key Contributions to Choice Modeling and Stochastic Behavior,” Presented at
special session in honor of the contribution of Frank M. Bass, at INFORM annual meeting, Seattle,
November 2007.
“Let the Market Decide the Price: The (Non-)Use of Buy-now Price in Online Auctions as a Value
Signal,” presented at INFORMS annual meeting, Seattle, November 2007.
“The Effect of Competition on Reserve Price Strategies in Auctions,” presented at INFORMS annual
meeting, Seattle, November 2007.
“The Effect of Product Class on the Usage of Buy-now Price in Online Auctions,” presented at
INFORMS annual meeting, Seattle, November 2007.
“When Zero Search Cost is too High: What Does it Take to Make Consumers Search?” presented at
INFORMS annual meeting, Seattle, November 2007.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“Non-Linear Effect of Reserve Prices on Selling Prices in Online Auctions,” presented at INFORMS
International Meeting, Puerto Rico, July 2007.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at INFORMS International Meeting,
Puerto Rico, July 2007.
“An Empirical Study of Dealer's Marketing Mix Acquisition in a Distribution Channel,” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Singapore, June 2007.
“Non-Linear Effect of Reserve Prices on Selling Prices in Online Auctions,” presented at Marketing
Science Conference, Singapore, June 2007.
“Paying less for more: hyper-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Singapore, June 2007.
“Charity Auctions: Do they get more revenue, if so why, and can you do well by doing good?,”
presented at the INFORMS Annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2006.
“How Much to Give: The Impact of Donation Percentage on Selling Prices in Charity Auctions,”
presented at the INFORMS Annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2006.
“An Empirical Analysis of Bundling in Auctions,” presented at the INFORMS Annual meeting,
Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2006.
“A Semiparametric Investigation of the Effect of Reserve Prices on Selling Prices Using Identical
Auctioned Items from eBay,” presented at the INFORMS Annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at Marketing Science Conference,
Pittsburgh, PA, June 2006.
“Jump Bidding in Online Auctions: A Double-edged Sword,” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2006.
“A Dynamic Model of Supply and Demand in Online Auctions,” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2006.
“Exploiting Manufacturers' Resources for Distributors' Profitability,” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, June 2006.
”The Signal Effect of Buy-now Price in Internet Auctions,” presented at the INFORMS Annual
meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 2005.
“Seller Strategies for Auctioning Multiple Products” presented at Marketing Science Conference,
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2005.
“The Effect of Consumer Learning and Experience on Bidding Behavior in Online Auctions”
presented at Marketing Science Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2005.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“The Influence of Reserve Price on Competition and Auction Outcome” presented at Marketing
Science Conference, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2005.
“Profitability of Bundling in Auction?” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“Learning by bidding in Online Auctions,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“The influence of Reserve Price on Competition and Auction Outcome,” presented at Marketing
Science Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“Paying less for more: super-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
the INFORMS Annual meeting, Denver, CO, October 2004.
“An Empirical Analysis of the effectiveness of Bundling Strategies in Auctions,” presented at the
INFORMS Annual meeting, Denver, CO, October 2004.
“When is it Profitable to Auction Multiple Items as a Bundle?” presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
”Buy-now or bid: Why do sellers and bidders use fixed price options in auctions?” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“Paying more for less: Hyper-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“An Empirical Analysis of the effectiveness of Bundling Strategies in Auctions,” presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, June 2004.
“Adaptive Bidding Behavior in Online Auctions,” presented at CORS/INFORMS Joint International
Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 2004.
“An Empirical Analysis of the effectiveness of Bundling Strategies in Auctions,” presented at
CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 2004.
“When is it Profitable to Auction Multiple Items as a Bundle?” presented at CORS/INFORMS Joint
International Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 2004.
”Buy-now or bid: Why do sellers and bidders use fixed price options in auctions?” presented at
CORS/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Banff, Canada, May 2004.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at the INFORMS Annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, October 2003.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at Marketing Science Conference, Maryland, USA, June 2003.
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at the INFORMS
Annual meeting, San Jose, CA, November 2002.
“An Empirical Analysis of Multi-Purpose Grocery Shopping Trips,” Presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, June 2002.
“Bidding Frenzy and Product Valuation in Online Auctions,” Presented at Marketing Science
Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, June 2002.
“Reference-Price Effects on Consumer Bidding Behavior in Internet Auctions,” Presented at
Marketing Science Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, July 2001.
“An Analysis of Short and Long-run Store Competition,” Presented at Marketing Science Conference,
Wiesbaden, Germany, July 2001.
"Going, Going, Gone  Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,”
Presented at Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, California, June 2000.
"Consumer Store Choice Dynamics: An Analysis of the Competitive Market Structure for Grocery
Stores," Presented at Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles, California, June 2000.
"A Generalized Model of Meta Analysis," Presented at Marketing Science Conference, Los Angeles,
California, June 2000.
"Going, Going, Gone  Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,.”
Presented at the second INFORMS "Marketing Science and the Internet conference exploring
Understanding Consumer Behavior on the Internet, University of Southern California, April 2000.
"A Competitive Analysis of Grocery Store Sales," presented at Marketing Science Conference,
Syracuse, New York, May 1999.
"Short and Long-run Impact of Competitive Prices on Market Share and the Role of Competitive
Interaction," presented at Marketing Science Conference, Syracuse, New York, May 1999.
"An Empirical Analysis of Short and Long-run Pricing strategies by Retailers” presented at the
Marketing Science Conference, Fontainebleau, France, June 1998.
“A Method to Incorporate Managerial Intuition Into Models of Consumer Choice,” presented at the
INFORMS Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 1997.
"Short and Long run Dynamics of Marketing Mix Variables," presented at the Marketing Science
Conference, Berkeley, California, March 1997.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
"Short and Long run Dynamics of Competitive Prices in Stationary Markets," presented at the
Marketing Science Conference, Gainesville, Florida, March 1996.
"Incorporating Prior Information into Models of Consumer Choice Models: A Forecasting Application
of a Bayesian Logit Model," presented at the Marketing Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, July
"Optimum Consideration Set Size for Organizational Buying Decisions Under Known Market
Conditions," presented at the Marketing Science Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 1995.
“The Effects of Competitive Promotions on Brand Choice and Purchase Timing," presented at the
Marketing Science Conference, Tucson, Arizona, March 1994.
"Using Choice Experiments to Augment Scanner Analysis," presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference,
Phoenix, Arizona, November 1993.
"Multiple Ways of Measuring Brand Loyalty," presented at the Marketing Science Conference, St.
Louis, Mo, March 1993.
"Determining the Effects of Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity on Consumer Brand Choice,"
presented at The ORSA/TIMS Conference, San Francisco, California, October 1992.
"Applications of Hazard Models in Marketing," presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, Orlando,
FL, April 1992.
"Dynamics of the Experience Curve," with Paul Prabhaker, presented at The ORSA/TIMS Conference,
New Orleans, LA, May 1987.
Presentations at EMAC Conference
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at the EMAC conference,
Leuven, Belgium, May 2015.
Presentations at Specialty Conferences
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at the IBASS conference,
Chengdu, China, April 2015.
“The Effectiveness of Donation Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,”
presented at SMART conference, Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, October, 2014.
“The Impact of Market Structure and Shopping Risk on Online versus Offline Price Dispersion,”
presented at Frank M. Bass UT Dallas - Frontiers of Research in Marketing Science, Dallas, Texas,
February, 2013.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
“The Effectiveness of Donation Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,”
presented at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Marketing Conference, Beijing, China, June
“Optimal Seller Strategies in Overlapping Auctions,” presented at Frank M. Bass UT Dallas - Frontiers
of Research in Marketing Science, Dallas, Texas, February, 2012.
“The Profit Impact of Resellers’ Relational and Structural Embeddedness in Channel Relationships: A
Social Network Framework,” presented at Annual Conference of China Marketing Science,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, August, 2011.
“The Impact of Online vs. Offline Shopping Risk on Market Price Dispersion,” presented at Frank M.
Bass UT Dallas - Frontiers of Research in Marketing Science, Dallas, Texas, February, 2010.
“Charitable Motives and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at the International Forum on
Interface of Marketing and Operations Management, Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology, Hong Kong, December, 2009.
“To Bundle or Not to Bundle: On the Profitability of Multi-Item Auctions,” presented at the 2009
UTD-Frontiers of Research in Marketing Conference, University of Texas, Dallas, TX, March 2009.
“Individual Choice among Charity Auctions,” Economic Science Association North American
Meetings, Tucson, Arizona, October, 2007.
“Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions,” presented at the 2nd Annual Conference on
Behavioral Operations Management conference, Minneapolis, July, 2007.
“Individual Choice among Auctions,” presented at 7th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium,
Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, June, 2007.
“The influence of Competition on the Effectiveness of Seller strategy in Online Auctions,” presented at
7th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, Wharton School of Business, University of
Pennsylvania, June, 2007.
“Competition between charity auctions,” presented at 7th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium,
Wharton School of Business, University of Pennsylvania, June, 2007.
“Send-for-Review Actions: Theory and Empirical Evidence,” presented at the 2007 ASAC
Conference, Ottawa, June, 2007.
“Nonlinear effects of reserve prices on selling prices in auctions,” presented at the Frank M. Bass,
2007 Inaugural Conference, Dallas, TX, March, 2007.
“Let the Market Alone Decide the Price: The (Non-)Use of Buy-it-Now Price in Online Auctions as a
Value Signal,” presented at the joint University of Calgary and University of Alberta MIS workshop,
October 2006.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
A Semiparametric Investigation of the Effect of Reserve Prices on Selling Prices Using Identical
Auctioned Items from eBay, 2006 Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, Washington, August 2006.
The effect of Multi-Purpose Shopping on Pricing and Location Strategy for Grocery Stores," Journal
of Retailing, presented at the special session for the Journal of Retailing Davidson Award, Florida,
February 2006.
Bidding Frenzy: How the Speed of Competitor Reaction Influences Consumers' Product Valuations in
Ascending-Bid Auctions, presented at, eRetailing 2005, First Annual McMaster-Alberta Symposium
on e-Retailing: Key Business Issues and Research Agenda, west Hamilton, ON, Canada, October 2005.
Bidding Frenzy: Effects of Competitive Intensity among Bidders on Product Valuation in Auctions,
presented at the Seventh International Conference on Electronic Commerce, Xi’an, China, August
“Choice Modeling and Stochastic Behavior,” presented at the conference in honor of Frank M. Bass,
Atlanta, June 2005.
“Citation Analysis of the publications by Frank M. Bass,” presented at the conference in honor of
Frank M. Bass, Atlanta, June 2005.
“Bundling in Auctions,” 6th Triennial Invitational Choice Symposium, University of Colorado at
Boulder, June 2004.
“Retailers and eAuctions,” presented at CIRASS breakfast seminar, Edmonton, Alberta, November
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at the INFORMS
Conference on Pricing Research, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, September 2002.
"Measuring Customer Based Brand Equity using Hierarchical Bayes Methodology,” presented at AMA
Summer Educator’s Conference, August 2000.
"The Role of Competition on the Short-run and Long-run Impact of Prices on Market Share,"
presented at Competition Conference, Germany, June 1999.
"Scanner Data: Its use in Marketing and Potential Relevance for Price Index Number Making"
presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 1995.
"Joint Estimates of Purchase Timing and Brand Switching Tendency: Results from Scanner Panel Data
of Frequently Purchased Products" presented at the Canadian Economics Association Conference,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
"Multiple Ways of Measuring Brand Loyalty" presented at the Canadian Economics Association
Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, June 1994.
"An Analysis of Consumer Store Choice and Store Switching Behavior," presented at the Scanner
Panel Conference, Toronto, September 1993.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
"Investigating the Effects of Unobserved Heterogeneity in Stochastic Models of Consumer Choice: A
Hazard Model Approach," Ninth University of Houston Doctoral Symposium, April 1991.
Presentations at Behavioral Conferences
“The effectiveness of Groupon vs. Coupon: A Field Experiment,” presented at Association for
Consumer Research Conference, Chicago, October 2013.
“The Effectiveness of Donation Promises in Charity Auctions as Cause-Related Marketing Strategy,”
presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Beijing, China, June 2011.
“A Reference Price Effect of Buy-now Prices in Internet Auctions,” presented at Association for
Consumer Research Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 2008.
“Paying less for more: hyper-subadditivity in consumer evaluation of product bundles,” presented at
Annual Meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Minneapolis, MN, November
“Learning by Bidding in Online auctions, 2004 Fordham University Behavioral Pricing Conference
Proceedings, New York, NY, October 2004.
“Bidding Frenzy: How The Speed of Competitor Reaction Influences Product Valuations in Auctions,”
presented at The 9th Behavorial Decision Research in Management Conference, Duke University,
Fuqua School of Business, North Carolina, April 2004.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Toronto, Canada, October
“Bidding Frenzy and Product Valuation in Ascending-Bid Auctions,” presented at Annual Meeting of
the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Kansas City, November 2002.
“The Effects of Minimum Prices on Value Judgments in Auctions,” presented at Annual Meeting of
the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, Orlando, November 2001.
“Going, Going, Gone - Determinants of Bidding Behavior and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,"
Presented at 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San
Francisco, August 2001.
“Going, Going, Gone – Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,”
presented at Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Seattle, May 2001.
“Going, Going, Gone – Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,”
presented at Association for Consumer Research Conference, Salt Lake City, October 2000.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Presentations at Retailing Conferences
“An Empirical Analysis of the effectiveness of Bundling Strategies in Auctions,” presented at the 11th
Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2004.
“Bidding Frenzy: Intensity of Competitive Interaction Among Bidders and Product Valuation in
Auctions,” presented at 10th Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Portland,
Oregon, August 2003.
“An Empirical Analysis of Multi-Purpose Grocery Shopping Trips,” presented at 10th Recent
Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Portland, Oregon, August 2003.
"Going, Going, Gone  Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices in Internet Auctions,”
presented at 7rd Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Sintra, Portugal, July
“Identifying Shopper Segments Using Scanner Panel Data and Sequence Alignment Methods,”
presented at the 6th Inter International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services
Science, Las Croabas, Puerto Rico, July 1999.
"The Effects of Competitive Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchasing Behavior," presented at the
3rd Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, July 1996.
"Combining Stated and Revealed Preferences: A Bayesian Analysis," presented at the 2nd Recent
Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Australia, July
"The Dealer's Role in New Automobile Purchases" presented at Recent Advances in Retailing and
Services Science Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 1994.
"Store Choice Dynamics: A Comparison of Alternative Methodology" presented at the Recent
Advances in Retailing and Services Science Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 1994.
Invited Talks to Non-Scientific Audiences
“Internet Auctions: Strategies to sell items in Internet auctions,” presented at Alberta E-Future Centre,
The Business Link Business Service Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, April 2005.
“Internet Auctions: Trends, Opportunities and Implementation Strategies,” presented at Alberta EFuture Centre, The Business Link Business Service Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, December 2004.
“Retailers and eAuctions,” presented at CIRASS breakfast seminar, Edmonton, Alberta, November
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
I. RESEARCH GRANTS -- Total over $2.2 million in research grants.
The influence of incentives and social media on charitable fundraising, 2016,
Winspear Senior Faculty Fellowship, University of Alberta, School of Business.
The Effects of Online Customization Systems Design Features on Consumer
Behavior in China, 2014, China Research Council Grant.
Understanding and Fostering Charitable Giving in Canadian Society, 2013
University of Alberta, McCalla Professorships.
Investigating drivers of competition and price dispersion in auction markets, 2011
University of Alberta, Nova Faculty Fellowship.
Competition between Auctions: Implications for Auction Design and Bidder and Seller
Strategies, 2011, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Competition between Auctions: Implications for Retailer Strategies, 2010
University of Alberta, Walmart Research Seed Grant.
Competition between Auctions: Implications for Auction Design and Bidder and Seller Strategies,
2010, University of Alberta, Central Research Fund Special, SSHRC 4A Grant.
Optimum Donation Promises in Charity Auctions, 2010
University of Alberta, Killam Research Fund.
Charitable behavior and bidder motives in charity Auctions, 2009
University of Alberta, GRA Rice Faculty Fellowship.
Buy Now Prices in Auctions, 2008,
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
The Fostering of Charitable Giving in Canadian Society, Community University
Research Alliances program (Letter of Intent), 2008 Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant.
Competition between Auctions, 2008
University of Alberta, Nova Faculty Fellowship.
The Effectiveness of Reserve Prices in Internet Auctions: An Empirical Analysis, 2007
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Co-investigator)
Charity Auctions: Competition, Charitable Intent and Corporate Social
Responsibility Strategies, 2006, University of Alberta, Killam Research Grant
Charity Auctions: Competition, Charitable intent and CRS strategies, 2006
University of Alberta, MUIR research Grant.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
Charitable Intent and Bidding in Charity Auctions, 2006
University of Alberta, Killam Research Fund
Harnessing the Web-Interaction Cycle for Canadian Competitiveness, 2006
Initiative in the New Economy (INE) Public Outreach Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
The Effectiveness of Reserve Prices in Internet Auctions, 2006.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund Special, SSHRC 4A Grant.
Bidding wars and irrational bidding behaviour in auctions, 2006
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant.
The Effect of the Number of Bidders on Bidding Behavior in Auctions, 2004
University of Alberta, Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences Research Grant.
An Empirical Analysis of the effectiveness of Bundling Strategies in Auctions, 2004
University of Alberta, Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences Grant.
The Effect of the Number of Bidders on Bidding Behavior in Auctions, 2003
University of Alberta, Rice Faculty Fellowship.
Harnessing the Web-Interaction Cycle for Canadian Competitiveness, 2002
Initiative in the New Economy (INE) Research Alliance Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
An Analysis of Bundling in Auctions, University of Alberta,” 2002.
SAS Research Fund
Bidding Frenzy and product valuation in Online Auctions, 2002.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Initiative on the New Economy (INE) Research Alliances program (Letter of Intent)
2002 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant.
An Empirical Analysis of Multi-Purpose Grocery Shopping Trips,” 2002.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Consumer Behavior in Internet Auctions, 2001 Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada Research Grant.
Consumer Behavior in Internet Auctions, 2001
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund Special, SSHRC 4A Grant.
Consumer Bidding Behavior in Online Auctions, 2000
University of Alberta, Xerox Faculty Fellowship.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
The Effect of Reference Prices and Ambiguity of Information on Selling Prices in
Internet Auctions, 2000. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
The Effect of Reference Prices on Number of Bidders and Selling Prices in
Internet Auctions, 2000. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Studying Consumer Behavior in Internet Auctions, 2000. Marketing Science
Institute Research Grant
Sequential versus Simultaneous Auctions and Product Bundling, University of
Alberta,” 2000. SAS Research Fund
Studying Consumer Behavior in Online Auctions, 1999.
University of Alberta, Nova Faculty Fellowship.
Going, Going, Gone  Determinants of Bidding Volume and Selling Prices
in Internet Auctions, 1999. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
An Empirical Analysis of Short- and Long-run Competitive Interactions in
Stationary and Evolving Markets, 1999. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Experimental Choice Analysis of Internet Shopping Strategies: E-malls versus
E-Department stores, University of Alberta, 1999. SAS Research Fund
A Method to Incorporate Managerial Intuition into Choice Models 1998.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
An Empirical Analysis of Short and Long-run Pricing strategies by Retailers,
1998 University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
A Virtual Integrated Marketing Learning System (VIMLS), 1997. Learning
Enhancement Envelope, Alberta Department of Advanced Education and
Career Development
A Method to Incorporate Managerial Intuition into Models of Consumer Choice,
1997. University of Alberta, MUIR research Grant.
The Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty Programs on Shopping Center
Choice: An Analysis of a Frequent Shopping Card Program, 1996.
University of Alberta, MUIR research Grant.
The Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty Programs, 1996.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
The Effects of Competitive Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchasing
Behavior, 1996 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada Research Grant.
Popkowski Leszczyc, Peter T.L.
The Effects of Competitive Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchasing
Behavior, 1996. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
The Effects of Competitive Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchasing
Behavior, 1995 University of Alberta, Central Research Fund Special
SSHRC 4A Grant
Incorporating Prior Information into Models of Consumer Choice Models:
A Forecasting Application of a Bayesian Logit Model, 1995. University of
Alberta, Central Research Fund
Competing in an increasingly Global Competitive Environment: An Analysis
of Competitive Marketing Strategies on Consumer Grocery Shopping
Behavior, 1995. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
The Multiple Effects of Sales Promotions on Consumer Purchase Behavior,
1994. University of Alberta, MUIR research Grant.
The Effects of Competitive Promotions on Brand Choice and
Purchase Timing, 1994. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Consumer Store Choice Dynamics: An Analysis of the Competitive
Market Structure for Grocery Stores, 1993. Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant.
Multiple Ways of Measuring Brand Loyalty, 1993.
University of Alberta, Pearson Faculty Fellowship.
Multiple Ways of Measuring Brand Loyalty, 1993.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund
Modeling Heterogeneity in Consumer Choice Models, 1993.
University of Alberta, Central Research Fund.
An Analysis of Consumer Store Choice and Store Switching
Behavior, 1992. University of Alberta, Central Research Fund.
Consumer Store Choice Dynamics: An Analysis of the Competitive
Market Structure for Grocery Store, 1992. University of Alberta,
SAS Individual Seed Grant.
Applications of Hazard Models in Marketing, 1992. University of
Alberta, Central Research Fund.