Block 3 Quiz

Block 3 Introduction to Osteology and Arthrology
1. Choose the word below that describes the study of the structures of the human
a. Saggital
b. Anatomy
c. Physiology
d. Arthrology
2. _______ is the imaginary plane running from the front to back dividing the body
into unequal anterior and posterior sections.
a. Saggital
b. Median
c. Coronal
d. Transverse
3. _____ is the imaginary plane that extends the width of the body and divides the
body into superior and inferior sections.
a. Transverse
b. Coronal
c. Saggital
d. Median
4. Match the regions of the body.
__ Closer to the median plane
__ Farther away from the median plane
__ The foreword part of the body or an organ
__ The back part of the body or an organ
__ An area toward the head of the body
__ An area closer to the feet
__ A part nearer a point of origin
__ A part that is farther away from the point of origin
a. Distal
b. Inferior/Caudad
c. Posterior/Dorsal
d. Medial
e. Lateral
f. Superior/Cephalic
g. Anterior
h. Proximal
5. _______ is a hole or perforation through which may pass such structures as
nerves arteries or veins.
a. Process
b. Ramus
c. Malleolus
d. Foramen
6. ______ A pointed projection, usually long and slender.
a. Tuberosity
b. Styloid
c. Spine
d. Trochanter
7. _______ is the expanded end of a bone, separated from the principle part by a
constricted region, the neck.
a. Head
b. Tubercle
c. Crest
d. Spine
8. ______ is a small smooth depression for articulation.
a. Sinus
b. Sulcus
c. Fissure
d. Facet
9. _____ is a part of a bone that forms an angle with the body of that bone.
a. Ramus
b. Foramen
c. Tuberosity
d. Malleolus
10. _______ is an imaginary plane that divides the body into equal anterior and
posterior sections.
a. Transverse
b. Mid-Axillary
c. Median
d. Coronal