Panhellenic Council Meeting Minutes February 2nd, 2010 Alpha

Panhellenic Council Meeting Minutes
February 2nd, 2010
Alpha Omicron Pi
Meeting called to order: 9:04
Roll Call
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Omicron Pi
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Gamma
Kappa Delta
Sigma Delta Tau
Zeta Tau Alpha
Quorum: 8/8 Organizations Present
Reading of the Creed
Kate Sawa, American Heart Association: National Heart Awareness Month
American Heart Association is trying to get the word out about heart disease by encouraging people to wear red this
Friday, November 5th. Heart disease is the number one killer of women and it is preventable. Usually by the time people find
out it is too late. That is why by informing you all of this information is very important and powerful thing. You can get
involved with American Heart Association by registering at our website for free and you would get a free red dress pin in the
mail. The campaign is really fun and also has fun recipes and other useful information.
Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting
Special Meeting, December 2nd, 2009
Kappa Delta moves to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting, Alpha Omicron Pi seconds.
Panhellenic Meeting, January 20th, 2009
Adoption of the Meeting Agenda – Sigma Delta Tau moves to adopt the meeting agenda, Kappa Delta seconds
Quote: "A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go,
but ought to be." Rosalynn Carter
Officer Reports
President: Tania Paini (
o My Office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 4:10 to 5:10 or by appointment.
o Fall 09and Spring 2010 members are invited to attend ENLIGHT which is mandatory and is on February 19th from 6
to 10pm and 20th from 9am to 6pm.
o Community Service opportunity: Tampa Clean City Day is a community service opportunity on March 20th, 2010.
Will be emailing the delegates about this project so your chapters can be involved. It is excellent public relations and it is
helping the community.
o New Student Connections is in search of student leaders who are interested in assisting new students at USF. The paid
leadership positions are called PALS (Peer Advisor Leaders); Interest meetings take place on Feb. 4th at 6:30 and Feb.
10th at 4pm.
o Standards Speaker is on Feb. 8th at 7pm. It is a mandatory event at least 80% of your chapter there.
Vice President of Internal Affairs: Laura DeFries (
o My office hours are on Monday and Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm as well as by appointment.
o How many of you knew that we had a Panhellenic Code of Ethics? Well in the Code of Ethics it states, “Promote
friendship and friendly relations with all collegiate women, Greek and non-Greek. Encourage positive speaking, promote
good reputation on campus, avoid disparaging remarks, and denote negative stereotypes about each other. Demonstrate
Panhellenic spirit through thought, work, and action to our campus, chapters, and individual members.” These qualities
are essential to the growth and maintenance of our community. Please keep this in mind in all situations throughout
your college experience. Please don't be afraid to uphold these qualities, and let someone know when they are not. They
will be thankful for it in the end.
VP of Recruitment and Retention: Christina Jaeger (
o My office hours are Mondays from 3 to 4pm and Thursday from 4 to 5pm as well as by appointment only.
o The recruitment meeting is scheduled with Patrick this Tuesday, February 9th. There will be a Round Table at 9pm the
same day, February 9th to discuss the outcome of the meeting.
o Regular Recruitment Round tables will be held Thursdays at 9pm, keep posted for when they begin
o Research is being conducted on how other schools conduct Formal Recruitment
o Recruitment Rules are in the process of being revised, when they are finished we will have another roundtable to get
necessary feedback and opinions.
Vice President of Administration: Amber Yelinek (
o My office hours are Wednesdays from 4 to 6pm and by appointment only.
o Delegate training is this Sunday, January 7th from 11am until 3pm.
o The minute’s section on the Panhellenic website (under Chapter Resources) is updated
o Sorority Dues are late if I do not receive them directly after this meeting, it is an additional $5 for each week past due.
o Reimbursement Policy consists of me emailing you when I receive your reimbursement and then notifying you that you
may pick up your check on Friday, of the same week, in the OFSL.
Vice President of Programming: Kati Fratesi (
o My office hours are Tuesday from 2 to 3pm and Friday from 12 to 1pm as well as by appointment only.
o Delegates you now have an updated Panhellenic calendar; if you need to make any changes please fill out a calendar
date change form.
o Don’t forget to fill out the application to nominate your Sorority Woman of the Month they are due February 12th.
o Panhellenic Spirit Week – save the date is March 1st through the 4th. We are going to have our Pan Meeting and a
sisterhood sorority service event.
o Cabinet Position Announcements
o Panhellenic Relations and Recognition – Becca Gayoso (
o Collegiate Relations – Sara Rerucha (
o Communications and Marketing – Kristina Sparacino (
o Women’s Issues and Risk Management– Victoria Rapp (
o Alumni Relations – Sarah Patrick (
o Corporate Sponsorship – Sheena Campanelli (
o Philanthropy and Community Service– Laura Johnson (
o Junior Panhellenic Director - Kelly Torres (
Vice President of Recruitment Personnel: Shannon Shelley (
o My office hours are Thursdays from 5 to 6pm and Friday from 12-1pm. As well as by appointment.
o Congratulations to all the new 2010 Pi Chi’s! There is a mandatory Pi Chi Retreat this Saturday, January 6th from
10am to 6pm in the MC. Lunch will be provided. Pi Chi’s you are added to Wiggio.
o Pi Chi’s Feb 27th 10am to will be meeting the National Consultant Team.
o There will be a second round of Pi Chi applications which will be due on Feb. 12th at 5pm in the OFSL. Keep posted
for interviews times.
Vice President of External Affairs: Vivian Zans (
o My office hours are from Wednesday 11am to 1pm as well as appointment only.
o Delegates please fill out your sorority profile page for the website and send back to me so all of the information is correct.
o Student Organization Showcase on Feb. 9th from 11am-1pm which we will attend and being to market for Panhellenic
in the Marshal Center Attriame.
o Dance Marathon is having Miracle Week from Feb. 14th-20th in which they will have a Mardi Gras Carnival.
Panhellenic is having a booth of corn hole there for another marketing opportunity.
o Every other Wednesday will have a booth at Bull Market to further market Panhellenic.
Advisor’s Report
Viancca Williams (
o NPC National Consultant Team Visit, February 25th-27th
There are specific officers that they meet to meet with the NPC National Consultant Team so let your
President, Recruitment Chairs, and three new members that they will have to attend a meeting with the
consultant team. I will be sending emails to your chapter presidents with more information as well as surveys
that certain people must fill out..
Unfinished Business
Recruitment Dates Proposal
 Sigma Delta Tau moves to table the Recruitment Dates Proposal, seconded by Kappa Delta. Motion passes
2010 Spring Budget
 Kappa Delta opens the floor for discussion, Alpha Omicron Pi seconds.
o Discussion was to talk about Junior Panhellenic’s budget and to increase it to $150.
 Kappa Delta moves to amend the budget to add $100 to Junior Panhellenic’s budget by removing the money
from our savings account. Sigma Delta Tau seconds. Motion passed unanimously.
New Business
 Alpha Delta Pi delegate moves to insert a fourth opinion into the recruitment dates proposal pending on Dean
Banks’ decision. Alpha Omicron Pi delegate seconds.
o Wednesday, August 18th, Info Night
o Thursday, August 19th, Spirit Day
o Friday, August 20th, Philanthropy Day
o Saturday, August 21st, Sisterhood Day
o Sunday, August 22nd, Preference Morning, Bid Night
 Alpha Delta Pi moves to vote on the additional fourth option to the Recruitment Dates Proposal. Motion passes
 Alpha Delta Pi – We want everyone to get excited for Cheer Toss on April 7th. We are having initiation next week
and are excited for that!.
 Alpha Omicron Pi – We are excited to participate in Kappa Delta’s philanthropy and for our new sisters.
 Chi Omega- We are excited for all the new Pi Chi’s especially the five from Chi Omega.
 Delta Delta Delta- We made a Valentine for Alpha Delta Pi since they are our sister sorority!
 Delta Gamma- We hope everyone comes out to support our First Mate philanthropy on the 12th.
 Kappa Delta- We are all really excited for our new philanthropy and that a lot of organizations are participating in
 Sigma Delta Tau- Congratulations everyone on spring recruitment and to our 5 Pi Chis!
 Zeta Tau Alpha- We are really excited for our new spring class and congrats to Alpha Omicron Pi’s spring class. We
also have two Pi Chi’s!
Meeting Adjourned- Sigma Delta Tau motions to adjourn the meeting, Delta Gamma Seconds. 9:31.