Fall - IPFW.edu

Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne
School of Education
F549 Advanced Study of Teaching Language Arts in Elementary School
Course Syllabus
Fall Semester 2010
Mondays, 4:30 p.m.
RC 162
Instructor: Julie Meitzler
Cell # 260 820-0433
Daytime # 260 824-0333, leave a message at extension 5018
Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School
8:10-3:45 Daily
Email - jmeitzler@bhmsd.k12.in.us
Required Texts:
Building A Writing Community: A Practical Guide
By: Marcia Freeman, ISBN # 0929895134
6+1 Traits of Writing: The Complete Guide for the Primary Grades
By: Ruth Culham, ISBN #0439574129
A Fresh Approach to Teaching Punctuation
By: Janet Angelillo, ISBN # 0439222451
Other Recommended Reading:
Writing Workshop The Essential Guide
By: Ralph Fletcher and JoAnn Portalupi, ISBN# 0325003629
Teaching the Youngest Writer
By: Marcia Freeman, ISBN# 0929895266
6+1 Traits of Writing, Grade 3 and Up
By: Ruth Culham, ISBN# 0439280339
A Writer’s Notebook
By: Ralph Fletcher, ISBN# 0380784300
Best Practice
By: Steven Zemelman, Harvey Daniels, Arthur Hyde
Blowing Away the State Writing Assessment
By: Jane Bell Kiester, ISBN# 0929895363
General Overview: You will learn about the materials and methods employed in an elementary school language arts program. The
major topics of the course include: writing, grammar, listening, spelling, handwriting, lesson planning, academic standards, and
INTASC Standards and NBPTS Standards: This course will require that all students complete 1 artifact and reflection on an
assignment from class and 1 artifact and reflection on an activity in the educational setting. Both assignments will be included in the
weekly syllabus and will be evaluated using the designated rubric. Each reflection will count in the evaluation of the course.
Course Requirements:
1. Attendance - Attendance is important at all class sessions. Students will receive 1 point for each class attended.
2. Genre Study - Students will create an 8-10 -day genre study. Students will present their genre studies to the class providing a paper
copy for the instructor as well as classmates. Presentations should include 8-10 mini-lessons tied directly to the Indiana Academic
Standards, a rubric, and writing samples to be used for this genre study. Students may also include an assessment piece such as a quiz,
prompt writing, or final project. (An example will be shared for descriptive writing.) Students may work individually or as a group on
this project. Some class time will be given to complete these projects. (25 points)
3. Student writing. Each student will write during the class period. Each student writing will be worth 5 points. Students will select
one paper to take to final form - (revise, edit, and publish.) The final form piece will be worth 12 points and will be scored using a 6
Trait Rubric.
4. Mini-Lessons – A variety of mini-lessons will be assigned throughout the course. Each mini lesson will be worth 5 points each.
5. INTASC artifact and reflection - 5 points - Students will do a reflection piece on the genre study project.
6. NBPTS artifact and reflection - 5 points - Students will utilize one of the mini-lessons in an educational setting and will do a
reflection response on the mini-lesson. (The educational settings will vary for each student.)
Assignment due dates are expected to be adhered to by all students.
Grading Scale:
90-100% - A
80-89% - B
70-79% - C
60-69% - D
59% or below - F
Course Policies: The instructor will adhere to all IPFW policies pertaining to attendance, make-up work, cheating/plagiarism as well
as withdraw, and incompletes. Students are expected to be familiar with these policies.
Cell Phones: Please turn off sound during class.
Students with Disabilities: If you have or develop a disability that may impair your ability to perform any assignment or activity in
this course, please notify the instructor. For further assistance you may want to direct questions to the Director of Services for
Students with Disabilities at 481-6657.
Writing Center: Save time and write better papers for any class through free individual consultation in the Writing Center, Kettler
G19. Bring assignments, questions, ideas, and a draft (if you have one). Consultants can help you get started, write more clearly,
revise, edit, and cite sources responsibly. Come as you begin a paper and as you revise. Drop-ins are welcome, but to ensure
appointments, sign up on TutorTrac at www.ipfw.edu/casa/wc. Questions? Call 481-5740.
Career Services: Kettler 109, (260) 481-0689
Assistance with the following areas is provided for IPFW students and alumni: academic major and career choices; career
assessments; full-time, part-time, internship, and work-study employment opportunities posted on our JobZone job database; job- and
internship-search strategies; resume and cover letter creation; and graduate school and interview preparation. Additional information
and a comprehensive list of our services is available on our web site at www.ipfw.edu/career.
Additional Notes:
Instructor reserves the right to alter the syllabus as needed to meet the needs of our unique class.
Course Calendar: *No class on Monday 9/6 and Monday 10/11 due to
scheduled calendar breaks.
Topics and activities
Readings (what you should
read before coming to class
on this date)
Assignments/Due Dates
1. 8/23/10
*Freeman chapters 1 and 2
*Culham chapters 1-5
*Indiana Academic
Standards – Language Arts
Good Writers . . .
Introduction to the 6 Traits
and Writer’s Workshop
In-class writing activity (5
points) 30 second
2. 8/30/10
Indiana Academic
Freeman, chapter 1 and 2
Culham, chapters 1-5
Mini-Lessons (6 Traits)
Indiana Academic
Standards - Language Arts
3. 9/13/10
6 Mini Lessons – one for
each trait, due Monday,
September 20. (We will
practice more mini lessons
on September 13)
Culham, chapters 6-8
Freeman, chapters 3,4,6-8
In-Class Writing – A-Z (5
Freeman, chapters 3, 4, 6-8
The Writing Process
Culham, chapters 6-8
Mini-lessons due next
Discuss NBPTS reflection
on one of the mini-lessons
(to be done in an
educational setting – due
on 11/15/10)
In-Class Writing – Exit
Slips (5 points)
Freeman, chapter 13
Culham, review rubrics
ISTEP rubric
4. 9/20/10
Mini-Lessons due today
Assessing writing
5. 9/27/10
In-Class Writing –
assessment practice (5
*spelling, punctuation,
parts of speech, usage
Freeman, chapter 13
Culham rubrics
ISTEP rubrics
Angelillo, chapters 1-9
Reading: Angelillo,
chapters 1-9
IDOE website, Learning
Connections, Curriculum
In-Class Writing – I
Believe . . . (5 points)
6. 10/4/10
In-Class Writing – Graphic
Organizer (5 points)
7. 10/18/10
Developmental Stages of
In-Class Writing – (5
IDOE website, Learning
Connections, Curriculum
Mini Lesson utilizing
technology to be presented
to class next week.
8. 10/25/10
Mini Lesson presentations
Freeman, chapters 9-12
Prompt writing (formal inclass writing, 5 points)
9. 11/1/10
Freeman, chapters 9-12
Genre Studies
Genre study with INTASC
reflection, due 11/29/10
Review Freeman, chapters
6 and 7
In-Class Writing –(5
10. 11/08/10
Publishing – assign final
form piece
Revising/Editing – 20
ways (in-class writing, 5
Freeman, chapters 6 and 7
*NBPTS reflections due
Final form piece due
Genre Study due 11/29/10
11. 11/15/10
Group Work Time
12. 11/22/10
Content Area Mini Lesson
due 11/29/10
Writing Across the
In-Class Writing – content
area mini-lesson idea (5
13. 11/29/10
Group Work Time
Genre Study presentations
In-Class Writing – peer
reviews (5 points)
14. 12/6/10
Final Form Piece due
Content Area Mini
Lessons due today.
Genre Study Presentations
and INTASC Reflections
due today.
Answering Essay
Questions (in-class
writing, 5 points)
15. 12/13/10
All materials will be given
back on this date.
About Your Instructor
1982-1986 Ball State University, BS Degree Elementary Education
1988-1992 IPFW, MS Degree in Education
2002 IPFW, Administrator’s License
2006- Grade 3 or 4 Teacher, Bluffton –Harrison Elementary
After 7 years as an administrator, I was compelled to return to the
classroom where I could put into practice the knowledge and
experiences from the past 20 years.
2006- Educational Consultant, Smekens Education
Consulting with school districts in literacy training especially
in 6-Trait writing and in research-based reading practices.
Assistant Principal, Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School;
Duties included that of student affairs and curriculum. Responsibilities included overseeing textbook adoption K-6, revising report cards,
developing kindergarten screening tool, facilitating NWEA and ISTEP testing. I was active in all aspects of the school including student
management documentation, obtaining substitute teachers, planning study trips, planning and organizing in-services, staff development,
well as a multitude of day-to-day tasks.
1986-1999 Teacher, Bluffton-Harrison Elementary School
Grade 3 Teacher for 13 years, Grade 4 Teacher for 2 years, and a Grade 2 Teacher for 1 year. In
addition to teaching, I have coached at the high school level for eight
years and supervised four aspiring student teachers. Duties of the
elementary teacher include all curriculum areas, as well as classroom management, and a variety of other tasks.
District 3 Assistant Principal of the Year 2002-2003
IPFW School Administration Award 2003
Wells County Public Library Board Member and Officer 1998-2006
Newspaper in Education Advisory Committee for Indiana 2000-2006
PL221/NCA Steering Committee Member 2001-2004
NCA visitation team member 2003
Education Consultant and workshop presenter
Attendance at a variety of workshops including C.L.A.S.S., Four Blocks, SASI, Curriculum Mapping, Technology, Special
Education, Mentoring beginning teachers
Dr. Bennett’s Professional Cabinet, Summer 2010 to create statewide Language Arts Curriculum Map