New Jersey Biology Competency Test Administration Schedule May 15th and 16th, 2012 On May 15th and May 16th all students enrolled in Biology I, Lab Biology I, or Enriched Lab Biology I this year (fall or spring semester) are required to take the New Jersey Biology Competency Test (NJBCT). All students being tested are expected to arrive at school by 7:10 AM, report directly to their testing room and begin testing promptly at 7:20 AM. May 15th and 16th Schedule (Delayed Opening for students not enrolled in a Biology course this year. Students not testing should report to their bus stops 2 hours and 40 minutes later than their normal time) Testing 7:20 AM – 10:00 AM Students not testing will report to the following areas if they arrive to school prior to the completion of testing: Grade 9 – report to the Hopkins cafeteria Grades 10/11 – report to the cafeteria in the main building Grade 12 – report to the Main Gym The schedule for the remainder of the day will be as follows: Period 1 10:05 – 10:40 (35 minutes) Period 2 10:45 – 11:25 (40 minutes) Period 3/4 11:30 – 12:20 (50 minutes) 3 11:30 – 11:53 (23 minutes) 4 11:57 – 12:20 (23 minutes) Period 5/6 12:25 – 1:15 (50 minutes) 5 12:25 – 12:48 (23 minutes) 6 12:52 - 1:15 (23 minutes) Period 7 1:20 – 2:00 (40 minutes) Please see the other side for more information on the NJBCT administration on May 15th and 16th.