Youth Mission Statement An assembly of energetic youth, growing deeper in our relationships with God and others, through faith while in our community SPY News Youth Gathering Update We had 55 people at the Gathering and collected 95 pairs of socks, 4 gloves, 3 toboggans for Manna House, and $24 to go to Mid-South Food Bank. I think everyone had a lot of fun at the event. I can’t wait until the next one (May 17th – Messy Games…weather permitting) This Week Sunday School Our movie study will begin this week with “Son of God” We will also work on setting up the logo’s that have been submitted Wednesday Church Night (Dinner & Studies) March 4th – Youth host the dinner (potato/salad night) see below for more info 5:30 for Dinner 6:30 – 7:30 for studies Sr. High meeting in Room 2 – Continue a study Romans Jr High meeting in Youth Lounge - 1st John, 2nd John & 3rd John Lent will begin on February 18th with an Ash Wednesday Service after the meal (youth will attend with congregation). In the following weeks we will work through our Lenten Program “Destination Easter” Youth Fellowship Sweetheart Dinner youth need to arrive at 3pm to start setting up and will need to stay to help clean up afterwards (last seating is at 6:00, so I would guess 7:30 at the latest) What to wear: waiters need to wear dark pants and a nice shirt (we will have aprons) There are still plenty of jobs not yet signed up for so we will need to get those spots filled when everyone arrives (if you signed up for a particular time then arrive at that time) February News Birthdays this month: 13th Logan Shaw & 22nd Ryan Knight Fundraiser - Church Logo Window Clings The deadline for designs is February 8th. We will put designs on display in the narthex (and/or fellowship hall) for congregations members to vote with $ on their favorite design. Voting on the designs will take place from Feb 15th – Mar 8th then we will sell the winning designs as soon as possible. The Season of Lent February 18th – April 5th During Wednesday Night and Sunday Nights, we will be focusing on the coming of Easter, through studies, games, fundraisers and projects. It is a time when we can grow closer together and to God. While I would encourage you to honor this time by giving something up for Lent you could instead add something like intentional acts of kindness or even addition devotion or prayer times that help you remember what Christ has done for US through his death and Resurrection. Coming Soon March 4th- Youth will host Wednesday Night Dinner – A Potato/Salad Night There is a sign-up sheet outside the Youth Lounge for youth to bring toppings for the dinner. Will need youth to arrive ASAP (close to 4:30/5pm) to help set up tables and get ready to serve. Winter Jam – March 22nd If you are interested in attending this concert there is a sign-up sheet under the poster on the youth bulletin board (outside the youth lounge) and another one on the church bulletin board outside the church office. This concert is at the FedEx Forum and starts at 6pm. (we would need to leave a lot earlier than that) I don’t know when it ends but believe would be a later night for most. However if we get enough interest we will go there for Youth Fellowship. 30 Hour Famine 2015 Dates are April 24-25 For our famine this year, you must raise a minimum of $75.00 in order to attend the famine lock-in at St. Paul. You may also use some of our fundraisers to put money Student Guides have come in. if you are planning to attend the Famine Weekend, you will need to pick one of these up to help you in raising money for World Vision. It has lots of information and receipts for those who you recruit to donate to this cause. towards this mission project. Our Famine Lock-in will begin Friday afternoon and go through Saturday Evening. We will be asking for Adult Volunteers to help with the Lock-in and a host or hosts to provide a meal at the end of the fast (6pm Saturday Evening). to join our group effort and to set up an individual page to raise funds online Youth Annual Conference – May 29-31 in Jackson, TN This is the first youth annual conference in a very long while. More information about this event will follow but I hope that we are able to get a group together to attend this event. It will be fun and inspirational and it will help our young people become more involved in the workings and leadership of the United Methodist Church on a conference level. Check out our Website. If you are ever looking for more information, forms that are needed or even a youth calendar of events, you can go to I keep this as up-to-date as possible. There is also a link to “Signup Genius” where adult can signup to volunteer to help with our Youth Programs. AA U UN NIIQ QU UEE FFAAM MIILLYY O OFF FFRRIIEEN NDDSS;; W WIITTN NEESSSSEESS O OFF GGO ODD''SS LLO OVVEE CCO OM MIIN NGG TTO OGGEETTHHEERR TTO O BBEE LLIIVVIIN NGG EEXXAAM MPPLLEESS O OFF BBEEIIN NGG AA LLIIGGHHTT BBYY W WO ORRSSHHIIPPIIN NGG GGO ODD,, SSEERRVVIIN NGG O OTTHHEERRSS,, AAN NDD FFO OLLLLO OW WIIN NGG CCHHIIRRSSTT''SS TTEEAACCHHIIN NGGSS Typical Weekly Schedule Sunday Jr. & Sr. High Sunday School @ 10:00am (Youth Lounge) Youth Fellowship @ 4:00 – 6:00 pm (Youth Lounge) Youth Music – 3rd Sundays@ Woodwinds 4:00- 4:45 and Group 2 5:15 – 6:00 (Sanctuary) Meal & Game Night 2nd Sundays @ 4:00 – 7:00 pm (Fellowship Hall & Y. Lounge) Special Events Schedule Feb 11 Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb 21 Mar 6-8 Mar 8 Mar 22 Mar 29 Apr 2 Apr 4 Apr 5 Confirmation Orientation – meet in sanctuary conference room Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser Ash Wednesday - beginning of Lenten Study (we will attend service) Begin EGGED Fundraiser UMW Mission Focus Day Confirmation Retreat @ Wesley Foundation Dinner Game Night (Birthday Bash) $2 for meal Winter Jam - $10 at the door Youth Host Coffee Fellowship Youth Hosted Seder Meal 5:30 – Maundy Thursday Service to follow @ 7pm Egg Hunt – Youth help hide eggs (1pm – 4 pm) Easter – No Youth Fellowship Youth Group Contacts Shannon Pryor, Youth Pastor – ~463-6885 Will Dougan, Youth Music - ~ 496-8021 Gary Goldsmith, Youth Music – ~ 867-7255