English III Standard Period 6 AUGUST 8/31 – Meet and greet

English III Standard
Period 6
8/31 – Meet and greet
9/6 – Syllabus, norms (language and breaks, etc), netbook expectations, finish meet and greet.
9/7 - Skill Wednesday: vocab journals (first 4 words in lesson 1), hot words, SAT question of the day!
9/9 – article with note-taking sheet, DOL, source pre-test, finish article for homework
9/13 – DOL quiz, discuss article and note taking sheet – extra credit for active reading, college and
career clusters on board, begin intro to project
9/15 – DOL, KWL, Intro to project, calendar, make folders for project organization
9/20 – Mrs. Denecker presentation, notes, begin KWL
9/21 – Quiz over Mrs. Denecker's presentation, finish KWL, begin career questions (use class
pathfinder). Reminder: bring charged net book on Friday for Mrs. Caner, pop quiz – Boolean
9/23 – Review of project, begin career questions – must have chosen career by Wed! Papers passed
back – reminder to come and see me when you miss class, many students missing work with zeros.
DOL sentences – quiz next week.
9/27 – DOL quiz, KWL grade tomorrow!
9/28 – 9/28 – KWL check-in and grade, continue with career questions, review primary source, pass
back papers – grades given for: KWL, career graphic organizer, print-out of career information.
9/30 – Mrs. Caner's presentation on PSAT and Bridges
10/4 - grades close for: KWL, career graphic organizer, print-out of career info, review of college
requirements, bridges interest profiler, list of schools that match criteria. Reminder of field trip
10/5 – Field Trip cancelled: Proust Questionnaire, Salem Field Trip info.
10/7 – Salem Field Trip Info, Finish Proust Questionnaire
Substitute: 10/11 – Work day for project, goal: complete college graphic organizer
10/12 – PSAT testing
10/14 – Citation review and resources
10/18 – Outline as a class, works cited as a class, time to write
10/19 – time to write
10/21 – time to write
10/25 – Junior Project DUE!!
10/26 – Skill Wed – DOL and journal entry “Have you ever been blamed for something you did not
10/27 – Crucible Activity, pass out books, notes on Crucible
11/1 – Character list for The Crucible, DOL Quiz, The Crucible open note quiz.
11/2 – Skill Wed (sentence completion)
11/9 - Finish sentence completion example, use handouts, do some as a class (practice test next week)
11/11 – No class. Veteran's Day
11/15 – Silent read up to when Rev. Hale enters, Act I reading guide passed out, listen to the rest of the
Act, take notes, work on reading guide questions.
11/16 – DOL prep for quiz 5. Next skill wed must be continuation of sentence completion...
11/18 – Listen to the rest of Act I and take notes, begin Act II with notes (left off as Hale enters) DOL
Quiz 5 on Tuesday after break!!!
11/29 – DOL Quiz 5 review, continue with Act II (stopped when Cheever enters), watch some of
movie, sub on Friday...
11/30 – Skill Wed – DOL Quiz 5
12/2 – Substitute: Continue to watch The Crucible
12/6 – Review movie, finish reading Act III, complete Act III quotes in partners and complete writing
assignment as a group – pass in at end of class for a grade, continue with movie and Act IV on Friday.
12/16 – re-do Quiz 5, review for Crucible test, final text to be on Tuesday!
12/20 – The Crucible final exam, iflurtz if time
12/21 – SAT Writing prompt with peer scoring, iflurtz if time
1/3 - Pass back Crucible tests (check to make sure all students have taken the test!) Reminder about
grades, update on midterm assessments, work with SAT writing prompts
1-4 - Skill Wednesday: Writing Focus: Thesis Statements. Prompts 1-4 left to do.
1/6 – Finish Thesis work. HW: Finish prompt 3 and 4 for homework. Midterm will be an essay.
1/10 – Graded homework, notes on thesis, mind-mapping, write second draft as a class. HW: Write 3
1/11 – Reviewed expectations for manilla folders and writing journals, extra copies given of handouts,
homework checked and graded, third draft began (finished first paragraph only).
Midterm Week
Substitute: 1/23-1/25 – Writing Editorials!
1/27 – Loose Ends: Outline for Q3 (topic, debate, research, write), rough drafts of editorials due!
2/31 – Peer edit editorials, notes on expository essays, google docs
2/1 – Expository Essays
2/3 – Edit Expository essays for conciseness, take notes on conciseness
2/7 – Continue to edit for conciseness, worksheet on conciseness...
2/28 – Winter's Bone books, read first 15 pages on Winter's Bone, finish last few pages for homework.
Next class: open note quiz, esquire article and questions. (Make-up work for BO and CC)
3/2 – Continue reading WB, take notes – open note quiz for second half of class.
3/5 – Ozark sheriff article, notes on cultural context, PSA adds, continue to read to page 44, notes on
3/13 – Read to page 69, took notes. Vocab review in groups.
3/14 - Student Services presentation on college readiness.
3/16 – Vocab review with Jeopardy game.
3/20 – Notes and reading in Winter's Bone up to page 99
3/21 – open note quiz, study for vocab quiz on Friday. Permission slips!
3/23 – All late work due!!! Vocab quiz. Reading questions given out (do any three of each section of
3/28 – word roots BI, due at end of class! Pass back papers.
4/3 – Continue to read and take notes (page 114), second half of period to catch up on 4th Quarter work
(BI vocab, WB study questions)
4/4 – Skill Wed: BENE word root, SAT primer?
4/6 – Continue to read and take notes (assign a student as note-taker) – read up until 136.
4/10 – Review last chapter with notes on board, read to page 162 – last note: Ree offers to sell timber to
4/11 – BIO word roots – if time, make flashcards
4/13 – Continue to read with notes...Finished the book!
4/24 – Review for Winter's Bone test (to be held on Tuesday, May 1st). Permission slips given out.
4/25 – Winter's Bone movie!
4/27 – Finish movie – review for test...
5/1 – Review period – similarities and differences between novel and film, quizlet site: STUDY DAY,
work with SAT primer...
5/2 – Any more questions about SAT's? Study for Vocab test (next Friday) using Quizlet.
5/4 - Winter's Bone Final Test, when finished use quizlet to review for next vocab test: Bene, Bio, Bi
5/8 – Mr. Lawrence to cover class...KWL, Dear America, Wordfind,
5/9 – summer reading, grades closing, continue Dear America, remind about vocab test!
5/11 – Vocab test, more time to finish word find, finish Dear America
5/15 – Mini slideshows on Vietnam War
5/16 – Vocab: Chron, wordfind
5/18 – Slideshows presented, books passed out, carry list worksheet during reading
5/22 – Finish Chapter 1, turn in worksheet, groups to create an image of a soldier and turn in at end of
5/23 – Vocab: Cred, word puzzle
5/25 – Most class out for SAT day – work day for everyone else
5/29 – make up work day, final exam exemptions
5/30 – article about Tim O'Brien, read next chapter, heads up on Cred, Chron, Circum vocab test on
6/1 – Vocab test, continue to read with questions
6/5 – Review for final exam
6/6 – Class evaluations
Looking forward:
Final exams!