Technical Design Portfolio Whole System Design Suite Taking a whole system approach to achieving sustainable design outcomes Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A July 2007 This Course was developed under a grant from the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources as part of the 2005/06 Environmental Education Grants Program. (The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth does not accept the responsibility for any information or advice contained herein.) TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Appendix 6A Calculating the total energy balance Symbol nomenclature Symbol Description Unit A Pipe cross sectional area m2 D Pipe diameter m f Friction factor g Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/s2 h Head loss KL Loss coefficient L Pipe length m p Pressure Pa P Power W Q Volumetric flow rate m3/s R Universal gas constant 8.314 kJ/kmolK Re Reynolds number T Temperature K V Average velocity m/s z Height m α Kinetic energy coefficient γ Specific weight kN/m3 ε Equivalent roughness mm μ Dynamic viscosity Ns/m2 ν Kinematic viscosity m2/s ρ Density kg/m3 Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 m Page 2 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Calculating the total energy balance There are 4 kinds of energy changes associated with fluid flow through a pipe and pump system: 1. Pressure, kinetic energy and potential energy changes 2. Friction losses 3. Component losses 4. Pumping gains 1. Energy balance of a steady, inviscid (zero viscosity), incompressible flow in a frictionless pipe system (an ideal system) is governed by the Bernoulli equation, which indicates that the sum of the pressure, kinetic energy, and potential energy changes is constant along a streamline. The equation is given in terms of heads: p/ρg + αV2/2g + z = constant along a streamline For uniform velocity profiles α = 1. For non-uniform velocity profiles α > 1. 2. Friction head loss for a fully developed, steady, incompressible flow in a single pipe is given by the Darcy-Weisbach equation: hF = f (L/D)(V2/2g) The total friction head loss through all pipes in a pipe system is the sum of the individual friction losses. Calculating the friction factor, f, depends on the type of flow. The Reynolds number is used to distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow: Re = ρVD/μ Reynolds number Type of fluid flow Re < 2100 Laminar 2100 < Re < 4000 Transitional Re > 4000 Turbulent If the flow is laminar the friction factor is given by: f = 64/Re If the flow is turbulent the friction factor is a function of Re and the ratio ε/D, where ε is the equivalent roughness. Table 6A.1 gives values of ε for various types of pipe. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 3 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Table 6A.1: Equivalent Roughness for New Pipes Pipe Equivalent roughness, ε Feet Millimetres Rivited steel 0.003 – 0.03 0.9 - 9.0 Concrete 0.001 – 0.01 0.3 – 3.0 Wood stave 0.0006 – 0.003 0.18 – 0.9 Cast iron 0.00085 0.26 Galvanised iron 0.0005 0.15 Commercial steel or wrought iron 0.00015 0.045 Drawn tubing 0.000005 0.0015 Plastic, glass 0.0 (smooth) 0.0 (smooth) Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998), p4921 1 Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edn, Wiley & Sons, New York, p492. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 4 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Figure 6A.1. The Moody Chart: Friction Factor as a function of Reynolds number and relative roughness for round pipes – the Moody Chart shows the relationship between f, Re and ε/D Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p4932 2 Ibid, p493. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 5 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Alternatively, the Colebrook formula is valid for the non-laminar range of the Moody chart: 1/√f = –2log10 [(ε/D)/3.7 + 2.51/(Re√f)] 3. Component head losses refer to losses associated with flow though components such as pipe contractions, expansions, bends, joins and valves. The component head loss through a single component is given by: hC = KLV2/2g The total head loss through all components in the system is the sum of the individual component losses. The loss coefficient, KL, depends on the type of component. At a pipe contraction - where the upstream pipe cross sectional area, A1, is larger than the downstream pipe cross sectional area, A2 - KL is given by Figure 6A.2 for a rounded inlet edge and Figure 6A.3 for a sudden contraction. Figure 6A.2. Entrance loss coefficient as a function of rounding the inlet edge Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p4993 Figure 6A.3: Loss coefficient for a sudden contraction 3 Ibid, p499. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 6 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p5004 Figure 6A.4 gives KL for various entrance conditions, where A1 is assumed to be infinite. Figure 6A.4. Entrance flow conditions and loss coefficient. (a) Re-entrant, KL = 0.8, (b) sharpedged, KL = 0.5, (c) slightly rounded, KL = 0.2, (d) well-rounded, KL = 0.04. Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p4985 At a sudden pipe expansion, where the upstream pipe cross sectional area, A1, is smaller than the downstream pipe cross sectional area, A2, KL is given by Figure 6A5. Figure 6A.5: Loss coefficient for a sudden expansion Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p5006 Alternatively, KL for a sudden expansion can be calculated using: KL = (1- A1/A2) 2 Figure 6A.6 gives KL for various exit conditions, where A2 is assumed to be infinite. 4 Ibid, p500. Ibid, p498. 6 Ibid, p500. 5 Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 7 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Figure 6A.6: Exit flow conditions and loss coefficient. (a) Re-entrant, KL = 1.0, (b) sharp-edged, KL = 1.0, (c) slightly rounded, KL = 1.0 (d) well-rounded, KL = 1.0. Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p4997 Table 6A.2 gives KL for flows through other types of components. 7 Ibid, p499. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 8 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Table 6A.2: Loss Coefficients for Pipe Components Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p5058 8 Ibid, p505. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 9 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A 4. Pumping gains refer to energy from a pump. The pumping head gain for a single pump of power P pumping a fluid at average velocity V through a pipe of cross sectional area A is: hP = P/ρgAV The total pumping gain over all pumps in the system is the sum of the individual gains. Total energy balance in terms of heads for a pipes and pumps system is given by combining the 4 sources of energy changes between point 1 and point 2 on a streamline: p1/ρg + α1V12/2g + z1 + Σ hPi = p2/ρg + α2V22/2g + z2 + Σ hFi + Σ hCi or p1/ρg + α1V12/2g + z1 + Σ Pi/ρgAiVi = p2/ρg + α2V22/2g + z2 + Σ fi (Li/Di)(Vi2/2g) + Σ KLiVi2/2g Other useful equations γ = ρg ν = μ/ρ p = ρgh Q = AV For a circular pipe: A = ΠD2/4 Comparing pipe 1 with diameter D1 and pipe 2 with diameter D2: hF1/hF2 = (D2/D1)5 For a perfect gas: Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 p = ρRT Page 10 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Useful resources Table 6A.3: Physical Properties of Water (SI Units). Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p. 8539 9 Ibid, p853. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 11 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Table 6A.4: Physical Properties of Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure (SI Units) Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998) p. 85510 10 Ibid, p855. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 12 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Table 6A.5: Conversion Factors from BG and EE Units to SI Units Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998)11 11 Ibid. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 13 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A Table 6A.6: Conversion Factors from SI Units to BG and EE Units Source: Munson, B.R., Young, D.F. and Okiishi, T.H. (1998)12 12 Ibid. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 14 of 15 TDP ESSP Technical Design Portfolio: Whole System Design Suite Worked Example 1 – Appendix 6A References Munson, B., Young, D. and Okiishi, T. (1998) Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics, 3rd edn, Wiley & Sons, New York. Prepared by The Natural Edge Project 2007 Page 15 of 15