PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: [Dr. Michael P. Gillespie] Course No. WS512 (2 Didactic Units; .5 Lab Units; 2.5 Units) Phone: [917.324.8546] Course Title: Anatomy 2 Email: [] [Winter 2011] COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course exposes the student to the location, structure, and function(s) of the body’s major organ systems including the: musculoskeletal system, integumentary system, respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system, endocrine system, nervous system, urinary system, reproductive system, lymphatic system as well as human embryonic development. PURPOSE OF THE COURSE: This course presents the anatomy of the body’s major organ systems, including the Musculoskeletal System, Endocrine System, Circulatory System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Integumentary System, Urinary System, Reproductive System, and Embryonic development. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES FOR THE STUDENT: The student will: 1. Know the location and understand the structure and function of the organ systems listed above. 2. Be able to, in a general manner, locate the major organs of the body. 3. Be able to, in a specific manner, locate certain anatomical landmarks required for hands on therapies and point locations. REQUIRED TEXT: Principles of Anatomy & Physiology , Tortora & Derrickson, 12th edition, J. Wiley & Sons Inc. Pub. COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND EVALUATION: Attendance (75% required) P/F Weekly Quizzes 1/3 Midterm Exam 1/3 Final Exam 1/3 A = 94-100 C+ = 7 7-79 A- = 90-93 C = 70-76 B+ = 87-89 B = 84-86 B- = 80-83 F = 69 or lower I = Incomplete *Late arrival for class or after breaks will be counted as 15 minutes (minimum) non-attendance. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped from the overall point totals. THERE ARE NO MAKE UPS FOR QUIZZES. AUTHORIZATION FOR INCOMPLETE GRADE: Any student seeking authorization for an “I” must first present a written petition to the Academic Dean. It is the responsibility of the student to bring pertinent information to the instructor and the Dean and to reach an agreement on the means by which the remaining course requirements will be satisfied. An incomplete shall not be assigned when the only way a student can make up the work would be to attend a major portion of the course when the class is next offered. An ”I” may not be assigned when the student’s GPA is less that 70%. A student receiving an “I” must make up the specified deficiency and receive a grade by the end of the second week of the next semester, or the “I” automatically becomes an “F” on the first day of the third week of the term and the course must be retaken at normal tuition rates. There are no extensions to this policy. It is the student’s responsibility to ascertain that the instructor has delivered the final grade change to the administration before the third week of the term begins. PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: [Dr. Michael P. Gillespie] Course No. WS512 (2 Didactic Units; .5 Lab Units; 2.5 Units) Phone: [917.324.8546] Course Title: Anatomy 2 Email: [] [Winter 2011] METHODS OF PRESENTATION: Problem based methods will be predominantly employed, supplemented by possible lectures, including, but not limited to, slide and overhead presentations. LEVELS OF COMPREHENSION REQUIRED: Detailed comprehension of the information presented. APPLICATION: This class is the basis for hands-on therapies and point location applied in subsequent classes. PREREQUISITE: Anatomy 1 GRADING STANDARDS: The faculty of Pacific College has adopted the following description of letter grades to supplement the numerical descriptions in the catalog: A means an outstanding achievement. The student has met more than 90% of the course objectives. An A grade is only available for the highest, exemplary accomplishments. B means average performance. Student has met at least 80% of the course objectives. The student may need some remedial work in order to fully meet the course objectives. Because all course objectives are important in this curriculum, some remediation, either by focused independent study or tutorial, is recommended before proceeding to advanced courses. C is below average and is awarded for marginally satisfactory performance. Student may proceed in courses for which the course is a prerequisite but remediation is strongly recommended. C should be considered a warning grade. It is the college’s observation that C students are at risk of failure on comprehensive and state licenser exams. Pluses and minuses, with the exception of A+ and C-, may now be used to differentiate between letter grades and are calculated in student GPAs. A+ is not used because the college is on a 4.0 standard with A equal to 4.0. An A is reserved for the highest standards of accomplishment. C- is not used because C is the minimum passing grade in the program, therefore, less than a C indicates a failure to achieve a passing grade and should be awarded an F. Notes: PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: [Dr. Michael P. Gillespie] Course No. WS512 (2 Didactic Units; .5 Lab Units; 2.5 Units) Phone: [917.324.8546] Course Title: Anatomy 2 Email: [] [Winter 2011] COURSE OUTLINE: CLASS TOPIC 1 Introduction Chemical Level of Organization Cellular Level of Organization Tissue Level of Organization Overview of Systems of the Body READING ASSIGNMENTs Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 2 Quiz 1 (Levels of Body Organization / System Functions) Integumentary System Chapter 5 3 Quiz 2 (Integumentary System) Nervous System Overview Chapters 12-17 Quiz 3 (Nervous System) Endocrine System Overview Chapter 18 Quiz 4 (Endocrine System) Cardiovascular System: The Blood Cardiovascular System: The Heart Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Quiz 5 (Blood & Heart) CV System: Blood Vessels & Hemodynamics Lymphatic System Chapter 21 Chapter 22 4 5 6 7 Quiz 6 (Blood Vessels Lymphatic Vessels) Review for Midterm 8 MIDTERM EXAM 9 Respiratory System Chapter 23 10 Quiz 7 (Respiratory System) Digestive System Chapter 24 PACIFIC COLLEGE OF ORIENTAL MEDICINE Instructor: [Dr. Michael P. Gillespie] Course No. WS512 (2 Didactic Units; .5 Lab Units; 2.5 Units) Phone: [917.324.8546] Course Title: Anatomy 2 Email: [] [Winter 2011] 11 Quiz 8 (Digestive System) Urinary System Chapter 26 12 Quiz 9 (Urinary System) Reproductive System 13 Quiz 10 (Reproductive System) Review for Final Exam 14 FINAL EXAM (Not Cumulative) Chapter 28