Professional Insurance Education, Inc. 3/7/16 1 Business Auto, Garage, Truckers and Motor Carrier Forms and Endorsements By John Eubank, CPCU, ARM Professional Insurance Education, Inc. This information is based on an Explanatory Memorandum and other materials issued by Insurance Services Office, Inc. (© ISO 2009) and includes the language of those documents with the permission of the author. I’ve modified the explanations slightly for readability. PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE – From The ISO Filing The ISO revision is subject to the following rule of application: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming: These changes are applicable to all policies written on or after June 1, 2010. Florida, Louisiana and Maryland: These changes are applicable to all policies effective on or after June 1, 2010. California, Colorado, Guam, Minnesota, South Carolina, Texas and US Virgin Islands: ISO does not establish an effective date for Commercial Auto forms revisions in these jurisdictions. Each insurer that elects to utilize this revision is responsible for determining its own effective date. ISO is revising the following forms: ♦ CA DS 03 03 06 - Business Auto Declarations ♦ CA DS 09 03 06 - Garage Declarations ♦ CA DS 15 10 01 - Business Auto Physical Damage Declarations ♦ CA DS 21 03 06 - Motor Carrier Declarations ♦ CA 00 01 03 06 - Business Auto Coverage Form ♦ CA 00 05 03 06 - Garage Coverage Form ♦ CA 00 10 03 06 - Business Auto Physical Damage Coverage Form ♦ CA 00 20 03 06 - Motor Carrier Coverage Form There will also be numerous revisions to endorsements, most are editorial and not reviewed in this report. Professional Insurance Education, Inc. 3/7/16 2 New Forms ISO is introducing: ♦ CA 04 42 03 10 - Exclusion Of Federal Employees Using Autos In Government Business ♦ CA 04 44 03 10 - Waiver Of Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us (Waiver Of Subrogation) ♦ CA 04 45 03 10 - Golf Carts And Low-Speed Vehicles ♦ CA 23 97 03 10 - Amphibious Vehicles ♦ CA 23 98 03 10 - Trailer Interchange Coverage Withdrawn Forms ISO is withdrawing: ♦ CA DS 14 03 06 - Truckers Declarations ♦ CA 00 12 03 06 - Truckers Coverage Form The following is a brief summary of the major changes. 1. Fellow Employee - In light of the potential precedential impact of a court decision in Missouri, as well as courts outside of Missouri, ISO is revising the Fellow Employee Exclusion to reinforce underwriting intent that consequential injury claims for damages brought by family members of employees injured by fellow employees are not intended be covered. 2. Under the Physical Damage Coverage Section of CA 00 01 - Business Auto Coverage Form, CA 00 05 - Garage Coverage Form, CA 00 10 - Business Auto Physical Damage Coverage Form and CA 00 20 - Motor Carrier Coverage Form, coverage is being extended for all electronic equipment that is permanently installed and that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals and which is powered solely from the vehicle's electrical system. By addressing all such permanently installed electronic equipment, these policies will expressly cover equipment beyond that which reproduces sound. This coverage is similarly extended to electronic equipment that is removable from a housing unit, which is permanently installed in or upon a covered auto. For electronic equipment that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals which is permanently installed in or upon housings, openings or other locations of a covered auto other than those normally used by the auto manufacturer for the installation of such equipment, coverage will be provided up to a limit of $1,000. However, this limit may be increased by attaching optional endorsement CA 99 60. In recognition of the proposed changes to these policies, optional endorsement CA 99 60 is revised to instruct that the electronic equipment sublimit is in addition to the each accident limit shown in the schedule of CA 99 60. The title of Professional Insurance Education, Inc. 3/7/16 3 this endorsement is also revised to Audio, Visual And Data Electronic Equipment Coverage Added Limits. Additionally, the $250 deductible has been removed from the schedule of CA 99 60, as the Physical Damage Coverage deductible that applies to each covered auto, if any, will now apply to losses to AVD equipment. Similar revisions are made to Loss Payable Clause - Audio, Visual And Data Electronic Equipment Endorsement CA 99 61 and newly titled Audio, Visual And Data Electronic Equipment Coverage - Fire, Police And Emergency Vehicles Endorsement CA 20 02 to track the revisions introduced in the underlying policies, as mentioned above. 3. Wear and tear exclusion - To reinforce the purpose of the policy language and to track the corresponding Personal Auto Policy exclusion, ISO has revised the "Wear and Tear" exclusion by adding “…due and confined to…” 4. New Subrogation Endorsement – ISO is introducing optional multistate endorsement CA 04 44 - Waiver Of Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us (Waiver Of Subrogation), which amends the Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us condition to provide that such condition does not apply to the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only to the extent that subrogation is waived prior to the accident or the loss under a contract with that person or organization. 5. Trailer Interchange Endorsement - As opposed to a common carrier (commonly referred to as a trucker), a private carrier is typically one who hauls its own goods (usually on its own trucks and trailers) and generally is not in the business of transporting goods or merchandise for hire by others. A trailer interchange generally is when two truckers agree to take responsibility for one another's trailer while the trailer is in their possession, usually for a prescribed period of time. In response to the growing practice of private carriers interchanging trailers, ISO has developed a new endorsement, CA 23 98 03 10 - Trailer Interchange Coverage, for private carriers insured under the Business Auto Coverage Form. This endorsement provides comprehensive, specified causes of loss and collision coverage. In addition, limited coverage options for fire and fire and theft (similar to that in CA 23 13 - Trailer Interchange Fire and Fire and Theft Coverages) have been included. CA 23 13 has been revised to eliminate the reference to the Business Auto Coverage Form. 6. Golf Cart Endorsement – ISO is introducing Golf Carts and Low Speed Vehicles endorsement CA 04 45 to address the golf cart and low speed vehicle exposure for those vehicles that are not subject to Financial Responsibility requirements. No endorsement is necessary for vehicles subject to Financial Responsibility requirements, as such vehicles fall within the definition of an "auto" in the ISO Commercial Auto Coverage Forms. Similar to Mobile Equipment Endorsement CA 20 15, the new endorsement provides that any vehicles described in the schedule are considered to be covered "autos" for those coverages for which a premium is shown. The schedule allows Liability, Auto Professional Insurance Education, Inc. 3/7/16 4 Medical Payments, Personal Injury Protection and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverages to be provided. The Schedule in this endorsement does not include physical damage coverage as Rule 73. Golf Carts and Low Speed Vehicles instructs that physical damage coverages are insured only on a stated amount basis via Stated Amount Insurance endorsement CA 99 28. Consistent with our approach in other endorsements, we have shaded the area where an insurer would indicate the number of vehicles for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists Coverage to avoid any potential stacking of limits in those jurisdictions where stacking is not currently contemplated by the applicable Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage endorsements and related rating. 7. Since the introduction of ISO's Truckers Coverage Form (TCF) CA 00 12, the TCF has served the needs of the common and contract carriers, especially for truckers subject to operating rights granted by a public authority such as the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) and its rules and regulations. The introduction of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 generally allowed carriers to establish their own rates, eliminated many restrictions on commodities that could be carried, and expanded the routes that motor carriers could use and the geographic regions they could serve. In response to these emerging changes, ISO introduced the Motor Carrier Coverage Form (MCCF) CA 00 20 in 1993. This Coverage Form encapsulated many provisions of the TCF as well as those of the Business Auto Coverage Form CA 00 01. A notable difference between the MCCF and the TCF is the use of the terms "motor carrier" and "trucker", respectively. "Motor Carrier" is defined, in the MCCF, as a person or organization providing transportation by auto in the furtherance of a commercial enterprise. "Trucker" is defined, in the TCF, as a person or organization engaged in the business of transporting property by auto for hire. As a result, under the MCCF, a carrier may insure its transportation of either his/her own property or a third-party's property. In contrast, the same carrier insured under the TCF may only insure property transported on a for-hire basis. In light of the expanded scope of eligible risks under the MCCF and because the MCCF generally does not have some of the restrictions provided under the TCF (such as the requirement that an insured's trucking activity be conducted pursuant to operating rights granted by a public authority), ISO is withdrawing the Truckers Coverage Form CA 00 12. In order to provide sufficient lead-time for carriers to convert to the Motor Carrier Coverage Form CA 00 20, ISO will continue, in the near term, to maintain and provide updates to ISO's endorsements that, in part, modify the TCF until a future announcement is made.