Hyde School Unit Plan Course: Freshmen English, Mary Moore Year: 2012-2013, Fall Lesson Topics (WHAT) # Intro. To Novel 1 Thurs 10-4 2 Fri 10-5 Novel Work 3 Mon 10-8 Novel Work 1 FFW presentation prep Readings and Resources Required Unit: Fantasy: Wizard of Earthsea, The Alchemyst Number Of Days: ~21 Learning Objectives and/or Tasks to be Completed Wof E Discussion ques packet Powerpoint: Fantasy Wizard of Earthsea (W of E) and The Alchemyst; Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel (ALCH) BOOKS OBJ: Learn about the fantasy genre! Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. W of E Ch 1 discussion ques WS ALCH Ch 1-3 disc ques Reading response (RR) forms (3 per student) Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. INDEX CARDS OBJ: Connect them of A Hero’s Journey to fantasy books and evaluate comprehension of materials read. DO NOW: On DELs, write a summary of what you read in class so far: Include: names of characters introduced, setting, plot so far- write reactions and predictions on other column. Go over Powerpoint: Fantasy - take notes on DELs Hand out disc question packets Discuss: review discussion questions before reading – answering while reading or underline answers as you see them! Begin reading books DO NOW: Who is the hero of your book? What do you predict will happen on their “hero’s journey?” W of E: Go over discussion ques ALCH: Answer disc ques together Hand out & go over reading response forms Each group reads aloud: W of E: Ch 2 ALCH: Ch 4 OBJ: Students will learn to prepare a presentation DO NOW: Who is the protagonist(s) of your book? Explain. Antagonist? Explain. Teacher helps choose presentations for FFW: 1-2 do Principles, 1-class captain, 2-Outsiders plot, 1-2-hero’s journey: Outsider, 2-plots of Fantasy books Write an outline for the one you have chosen, share with class and get feedback.. revise practice Final presentation due Class 5 (Thurs.) Evaluation/Homework Using QUACKS: W of E: Finish reading Ch 1, HON: Answer W of E questions, Ch 1 ALCH: Read Ch 1-3 Due Class 4 (Tuesday) W of E: Read Ch 2 HON: Answer W of E questions, Ch 2 Do RR form for Ch 2-do 4 of them ALCH: Read Ch 4-6 & fill out RR form – 2 per chapter Due Class 4 (Tuesday) W of E: Read Ch 2 HON: Answer W of E questions, Ch 2 Do RR form for Ch 2-do 4 of them ALCH: Read Ch 4-6 & fill out reading response form – 2 per chapter Due Class 5 (Thursday) Presentations 4 Tues 10-9 Novel work FFW presentation prep 5 Thurs 10-11 FFW presentation prep Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. 6 Tues 10-16 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. W of E Ch 2 disc ques ALCH Ch 4-6 disc ques Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. W of E Ch 2 disc ques ALCH Ch 4-6 disc qu. W of E Ch 1&2 QUIZ ALCH Ch 4-6 QUIZ OBJ: Students will evaluate comprehension of materials read. OBJ: Students will give a self-prepared presentation DO NOW: practice your presentation with your neighbor Each student gives presentation & receives feedback. Revise presentation and give again at end of class OR Read aloud in 2 groups from books- or silently if many are revising OBJ: Students will begin to formulate their fantasy project DO NOW: Study 5 min for quiz, W of E: Ch 1-2 ALCH: Ch 1-6 Give quizzes Hand out projects, review Discuss brainstorming sheet, they begin those Creative Fantasy Proj Brainstorming sheet for Fantasy project. 7 Thurs 10-18 2 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. DELs W of E Ch 3 disc ques .Reading response forms DO NOW: Share one of your reading responses with the class & then turn in. Wof E: Go over ch 2 discussion questions ALCH: Do ch 4-6 discussion questions together. ALL: Revise/practice presentations OBJ: Students will begin to formulate their fantasy project and evaluate comprehension of materials read. DO NOW: Trade brainstorming sheets with peer, get feedback and make changes if needed Several students share their ideas with class. On DELs: Summarize Ch 3 Wof E OR Ch 7-9 of ALCH. Write a response or ques and a prediction ALCH: read aloud ch 10 W of E: go over ch 3 disc questions Revise/practice presentations for FFW W of E: Study Ch 1 & 2 disc. questions for Ch 1 & 2 quiz next class. Begin reading Ch 3 W of E ALCH: Study Ch 4-6 disc. questions for Ch 4-6 quiz next class. Begin reading Ch 7-9 ALCH Brainstorming sheet for fantasy project W of E Finish reading Ch 3 W of E HON: Do Ch 3 disc ques ALCH: Finish reading Ch 7-9 ALCH Due Class 9-(Monday) W of E Read Ch 4 W of E Write 4 reading responses HON: Do Ch 4 disc ques ALCH: Read Ch 10-12 Write 6 reading responses 8 Fri 10-19 Novel Work I AM GONE Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. DELs W of E Ch 4 disc ques .Reading response forms OBJ: Students will evaluate comprehension of materials read and work on fantasy projects. DO NOW: Finish this sentence: The name of the world I will be creating a map for is:________________. Describe the map for this world (Hint: Is it a world with islands and water? Just one giant parcel of land with lakes and a sea? All water with characters living on floating homes and boats <like Waterworld>? The world is all air with people and creatures living on floating things and fly around themselves?) Due Class 9-(Monday) W of E Read Ch 4 W of E Write 4 reading responses HON: Do Ch 4 disc ques ALCH: Read Ch 10-12 ALCH Write 6 reading responses Work on Maps Read aloud from books Work on Maps & homework due Monday 9 Mon 10-22 Novel Work 10 Tues 10-23 Novel Work 11 Thurs. 10-25 Novel Work 3 Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Creative Fantasy Project: MAPS W of E: Vocab #1 WSheet Take Home tests ch 3 &4 COMP LAB OBJ: Students will learn new vocab words, work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read. OBJ: Students will learn new vocab words, work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read. Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst… Honors & Warnings. Creative Fantasy Project: MAPS W of E: Vocab #1 WSheet Take Home tests ch 3,4 Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Fantasy Project: MAPS W of E: Ch 5 take home quiz Vocab #1 test ALCH: Ch15-17 take-home quiz DO NOW: Share reading responses in the 2 groups. Turn in. ALL: Go over MAPS assignment for fantasy project – due Class 12 (Friday) W of E Assign take home tests ch 3 & 4 Hand out Vocab sheet 1, review how to do, work on in computer lab. (due Thursday) ALCH: Read aloud ch 13 DO NOW Class principles (honors and warnings?) ALCH: Work on Maps W of E: Go over words, correct and keep to study for test tomorrow. Work on Maps OBJ: Students will work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read and vocab learned. W of E-study vocab for 5 min then take vocab test Check ch 3 & 4 take home tests together. Explain Ch 5 take home quiz-due next class ALCH: Go over take home quiz- assign chapters OR assign RR forms (due class 13) Mon ALL: Work on maps –DUE NEXT CLASS W of E Do take home test, ch 3 & 4due Class 11 (Thurs) Finish vocab Work on Maps ALCH: Read Ch 13-14 ALCH Work on Maps W of E Finish take home test, ch 3 & 4-due next class Study vocab for quiz Begin reading ch 5 W of E ALCH: Finish reading Ch 13-14 ALL: Work on Maps W of E Finish reading Ch 5 Finish ch 5 take home quiz ALCH: Begin reading Ch 15-17, complete Ch 15-17 Quiz DUE Class 13 Mon ALL: Maps (due next class) 12 Fri 10-26 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Fantasy Project: MAPS W of E: Ch 5 take home quiz ALCH: Ch15-17 take-home quiz or reading response WS (RR) OBJ: Students will work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read DO NOW: Each student present maps to class & turn in. W of E: Students trade their test questions from ch 5, students answer them with their name on top. Test maker checks them, go over & turn in. Begin reading aloud Ch 6 ALCH: Read silently and work on take home quiz Ch 1517 W of E Read Ch 6 W of E HON: Do Ch 6 disc ques ALCH: Finish reading Ch 15-17, complete Ch 15-17 Quiz 13 Mon 10-29 14 Tues 10-30 4 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Ch 6 disc. Questions Creative Fantasy Project Worksheet POWERPOINT: Char sketch Char Sketch worksheet (WS) Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. NO CLASS COMP LAB OBJ: Students will work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read DO NOW: If you were the main character in a fantasy story, what would your powers be? WofE Go over Ch 6 discussion questions together ALCH: Students trade their test questions from ch 15-17,, students answer them with their name on top. Test maker checks them, go over & turn in. OR Read your reading responses to each other! ALL Powerpoint then discuss char sketch para for Creative Fantasy Project. Hand out Char sketch wsheet-work on in class Use worksheet to write char sketch paper paperDraft #1 will be due in 4 classes OBJ: Students will work on fantasy projects DO NOW- Trade char sketch Wsheets for peer review Begin writing papers – go to COMP LAB ALL: DUE next class: Finish Char sketch WS Due Class 15 Thursday W of E - Read Ch 7 ALCH - Read Ch 18-20 Due Class 17 Monday Char sketch paper Draft #1 W of E - Read Ch 7 ALCH - Read Ch 18-20 Due Class 17 (Monday) Char sketch paragraph, Draft #1 15 Thurs 11-1 Novel Work The Alchemyst…. Worksheet with descriptions of Book club jobs Ch 7 disc. Questions Ch 7 Take home quiz COMP LAB 16 Novel Work Fri 11-2 I AM GONE 17: Wizard of Earthsea Novel Work Mon 11-5 Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Worksheet with descriptions of Book club jobs COMP LAB Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. 18 Tues 11-6 5 Novel Work Worksheet with descriptions of Book club jobs COMP LAB Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Ch 8 & 9 discussion ques Ch 8 quiz Vocab #2 COMP LAB OBJ: Students learn how evaluate materials read through “book clubs.” Due class 17: (Mon) Char sketch paragraph, DO NOW: Each group divides up jobs for book Draft #1 club (class 17-Monday) Jobs for Ch 8 or Ch 21-23: W of E – Read Ch 8 and do BOOK Summarizer(1/2 page min) Vocab enricher(5 wds) CLUB job Luminary:(W o f E 3 quotes for RR, ALCH: 1 quote Complete Ch 7 Take home per chap on RR) Connector & Evaluator: Make a quiz connection from an event in the chapter(s) to a ALCH – personal experience and then evaluate the book club Read Ch 21-23 and do members’ work at the end of book club. BOOK CLUB job W o f E Go over Ch 7 discussion questions together ALCH: Write chapter summaries on a DEL together, write a reaction and prediction! If time: Go to Comp Lab & work on Char sketches OBJ: Students learn how evaluate materials read through W of E - Read Ch 8 and do “book clubs.” BOOK CLUB job Read and work on BOOK CLUB assignments! (see ALCH - Read Ch 21-23 and do above) BOOK CLUB job Work on Char Sketches - COMP LAB ALL: Char sketch paragraph, Draft #1 OBJ: Students practice reading aloud and learn how evaluate materials read through “book clubs.” Peer edit drafts of Char sketch, then give back. Final drafts due Class 18 (Tues) BOOK CLUBS! (see above) Begin reading aloud: W of E: Ch 9 ALCH: ch 24 or go to COMP LAB OBJ: Students will work on fantasy projects and evaluate comprehension of materials read Turn in Char sketches WofE Go over Ch 8 & 9 discussion questions together Complete Vocab #2 –if time COMP LAB ALCH: Read silently Ch 26-29 ALL: FINAL drafts of Char Sketch due next class W of E - Read Ch 9 ALCH - Read Ch 24-25 W of E - Take home tests: ch 8 Finish vocab #2 ALCH - Read Ch 26-29 19 Thurs 11-7 20 Fri 11-8 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea OBJ: Students will understand how to create a plot outline and evaluate comprehension of materials read W of E Ch 10 discussion ques W of E Ch 8 quiz Creative Fantasy Project Worksheet Plot Outline Sheets DO NOW: W of E Turn in Ch 8 & 9 quizzes Review together and then give Vocab #2 quiz ALCH: Do a DEL on Ch 26-29 – summary/predictions on left and reactions on right. Hand out Plot outline WSheets go over how to complete one - do one on board of a fairy tale They will do one for their fantasy project. (Look at Creative Fantasy Project for details) Collect plot outline WS -hand out again next class The Alchemyst…. Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. Wof E Ch 9& 10 quiz Plot outline sheets Creative Fantasy Project Worksheet W of E Read Ch 10 Do ch 10 discussion questions Start writing Ch 1 of your fantasy book or your fantasy short story (Due at exam) ALCH: DUE Class 21 (Mon) Read rest of book OBJ: Students will understand how to create a plot outline and understand themes and plot of W of E and ALCH ALL: Work on Plot outline Hand out Plot outline sheets. sheets for your fantasy They work on one for their novel – this will be completed story (due at exam) during the final exam. W of E Students fill out: characters, setting rising action Do ch 9 10 take home quiz I review their copy, they take for homework to finish this is due at exam W of E – see homework ALCH: READ rest of book Start writing Ch 1 of your fantasy book or your fantasy short story (Due at exam) ALCH: 21 Mon 11-11 6 Novel Work Wizard of Earthsea The Alchemyst…. EXAM study guide OBJ: Students will prepare for final exam. Turn in Ch 10 Take home quiz (W of E) Review what will be on exam: ALL: Study Outsiders tests Plot outlines for their fantasy stories/books are due at exam, W of E: Ch1-10 tests ALCH: all notes, questions, tests and DELs on The Alchemyst Finish reading The Alchemyst Review study sheet for EXAM & study! Finish Plot outline sheets for your fantasy story (due at exam) W of E only Write Ch 1 of your fantasy book or your fantasy short story (Due at exam)