Word document

/* factorial.c
This shows how factorial can be computed, both non-recursively as
well as recursively.
Recursion is used here to compute the answer using return values.
Sample run:
[bert] ~/demos/functions> factorial
Please enter a value for factorial computation: 4
Non-recursive answer is: 24
Please enter a value for recursive factorial computation: 5
Factorial of 5 is: 120
[bert] ~/demos/functions>
#include <stdio.h>
long factorial( long n)
if( n == 0)
return 1;
return ( n * factorial( n-1));
// recursive call
int i, number;
int answer = 1;
//Non-recursively find factorial of a non-zero number
// that isn't *too* large
printf("Please enter a value for factorial computation: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
for (i=number; i>1; i--)
answer = answer * i;
printf("Non-recursive answer is: %d \n", answer);
// Now do it recursively
printf("Please enter a value for recursive factorial computation: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
printf("Factorial of %d is: %d\n", number, factorial( number) );
/* reverseDigits.c
This shows how input digits can be displayed in reverse order,
both non-recursively as well as recursively.
Recursion is used here to display the answer a piece at a time
on the way *into* the recursion. This is called "head" recursion.
Sample run:
[bert] ~/demos/functions> reverseDigits
Non-recursively print a number's digits in reverse order.
E.g. for 2468: 8642
Recursively print a number's digits in reverse order.
E.g. for 1357: 7531
#include <iostream.h>
void printReverse( int number)
while (number > 0) {
cout<< number % 10;
number /= 10;
cout<< endl;
void recursivePrintReverse(int number)
cout << number % 10;
number= number / 10;
if (number)
recursivePrintReverse( number);
cout << '\n';
cout<<"Non-recursively print a number\'s digits in reverse order.
cout<< " E.g. for 2468: ";
printReverse( 2468);
cout<< "Recursively print a number\'s digits in reverse order. \n";
cout<< " E.g. for 1357: ";
recursivePrintReverse( 1357);
Recursively reverse input text. It is not possible
to do this non-recursively for variable sized input
without storing it temporarily in some data structure
such as an array.
Recursion is used here to display the answer a piece at
a time on the way back *out* of the recursion, which is
called "tail" recursion.
Sample run:
[bert] ~/demos/functions> reverseText
Enter the text to be reversed, followed by a dollar ($) sign:This is
Cool stuff! $
[bert] ~/demos/functions>
#include <iostream.h>
void reverse()
char c;
cin >> c;
// Note this skips white space
if (c != '$') {
cout << c;
int main()
cout<< "Enter the text to be reversed, ";
cout<< "followed by a dollar ($) sign:";
cout<< endl;
Illustrate various recursive functions. Functions F1, F2,
and F3 taken from Adams, et. al. "C++: An Introduction to
Computing," Prentice Hall, 1995.
#include <iostream.h>
int F1(int num1, int num2)
if (num1 > num2)
return 0;
else if (num2 == (num1 + 1) )
return 1;
return F1( num1 + 1, num2 - 1) + 2;
double F2( double x, unsigned n)
if (n == 0)
return 0;
return x + F2( x, n-1);
unsigned F3( int n)
if (n < 0)
return F3(-n);
else if (n < 10)
return n;
return F3( n / 10);
double F4( double x, int n)
if (n == 0)
return 1.0;
// anchor case
else if (n >0)
return F4( x, n - 1) * x;
// inductive step
else {
cerr << "\n Negative exponent *** exiting *** \n";
return -1.0;
int main()
"Call sample function using F1( 1, 5)\n";
F1( 1, 5);
"\n Call sample function using F1( 8, 3)\n";
F1( 8, 3);
cout<< "\n Call sample function using F2( 2, 4)\n";
cout<< F2( 2, 4);
cout<< "\n This implemented multiplication\n";
cout<< "\n Call sample function using F3( 256)\n";
cout<< F3( 256);
cout<< "\n This gives first digit of input\n";
cout<< "\n Call sample function using F4( 2, 5)\n";
cout<< F4( 2, 5);
cout<< "\n This gives exponentiation.\n" << endl;
Results of run:
[bert] ~/demos/functions> recursionExamples
Call sample function using F1( 1, 5)
Call sample function using F1( 8, 3)
Call sample function using F2( 2, 4)
This implemented multiplication
Call sample function using F3( 256)
This gives first digit of input
Call sample function using F4( 2, 5)
This gives exponentiation.