2 Reflex-impellent sphere

Reflex-impellent sphere
1. Name the reflex, that does not associate with superficial:
1. Corneal
2. Pharyngeal
*3. Achilles
4. Palatal
5. Conjunctival
2. Name cutaneous reflexes:
1. Knee
2. Pharyngeal
3. Conjunctival
*4. Belly
5. Achilles
3. Name deep periosteal reflexes:
*1. Superciliary
2. Elbow flexor
3. Achilles
4. Knee
5. Elbow extensor
4. Name deep tendon reflexes:
*1. Knee
2. Cremaster
3. Corneal
4. Superciliary
5. Mandibular
5. Name reflex, that does not associate with reflexes of oral automatism (subcortical):
1. Trunk
2. Distance-oral
3. Reflex of Marinescu-Radovici
4. Nasolabial
*5. Mandibular
6. Name pathological reflex of feet, flexoral group:
*1. Rossolimo
2. Babiski
3. Oppenheim
4. Schaefer
5. Gordon
7. Name pathological reflex of feet, extensorial group:
1. Hofmann
*2. Babiski
3. Rossolimo
4. Joukowski
5. Bechterev
8. Name, which convolution of the brain does the central neuron lead to.:
*1. Precentral
2. Retrocentral
3. Top parietal
4. Bottom parietal
5. Supramarginal
9. Indicate, in what area of cortex are movements of legs present:
*1. In top precentral convolution of the brain
2. In bottom precentral convolution of the brain
3. In back part of bottom frontal convolution of the brain
4. In top retrocentral convolution of the brain
5. In back part of first temporal convolution
10. Indicate, in what area of cortex movements of hand are presented:
1. It is Precentral in top convolutions of the brain
*2. In middle part precentral convolution of the brain
3. In bottom precentral convolution of the brain
4. In middle part retroctntral convolution of the brain
5. In bottom retroctntral convolution of the brain
11. Indicate, from what area of cortex begins the cortico-nuclear way:
1. Top two thirds precentral convolution of the brain
*2. Bottom precentral convolution of the brain
3. Back part of frontal convolution of the brain
4. Back part of first temporal convolution
5. Bottom retrocentral convolution of the brain
12. Indicate, in what area inside the capsule are located the fibers of corticospinal way:
1. In front hip
2. In back part of front hip
*3. In front two thirds of back hip
4. In back third of back hip
5. In knee of internal capsule
13. Indicate, on what level does the main pyramidal way make a cross
1. On level of mesencephalon
2. In pons varolii
3. On level of Oblongata
*4. On border of medulla oblongata and spinal cord
5. In forward white soldering of spinal cord
14. Indicate, in what area of spinal cord are fibres of basic pyramidal route are placed:
1. In posterior horns of spinal cord
2. In anterior white soldering
3. In anterior cords
4. In posterior cords
*5. In lateral cords
15. Indicate,where the fibres of cortico-spinal way end:
1. In posterior horns of spinal cord
*2. In anterior horns of spinal cord
3. In lateral corns of spinal cord
4. In motor nucleus of cranial nerves
5. In intervertebral nodules
16. Indicate, where the fibers of cortico-nuclear way end:
1. In anterior horns of spinal cord
2. In posterior horns of spinal cord
3. In lateral horns of spinal cord
*4. In motor nucleus of cranial nerve
5. In sensitive nucleus of cranial nerve
17. Name, what formations are responsible for peripheral movements of neurons for mimic,
mastication, tongue, larynx.:
*1. Nuclei of V, V, •, X, •Џ pairs of cranial nerves from them axons
2. Nuclei of ˜, 1v, V1 pairs of cranial nerves
3. Nucleus XI of pair
4. Cells of ventricornus
5. Cells of Posterior spinal horns
18. Name signs which should not be present at central paralysis:
*1. Hyporeflexion
2. Hypertension of muscles
3. Presence of pathologic reflexes
4. Foot clonus
5. Hyperreflection of tendons and periosteal of reflexes
19. Name attributes of peripheral paralysis:
1. Increase of reflexes
*2. Absence of reflexes (areflexium)
3. Double-muscling condition
4. Muscular hypertension
5. Pathologic reflexes
Indicate, what is hemiplagia:
1.Paralysis of an extremity
2. Paralysis of lower extremities
*3. Paralysis of extremities on one side
4. Paralysis of upper extremities
5. Paralysis of all extremities
21. Indicate, what is paraplagia:
1. Paralysis of hand
2. Paralysis of leg
3. Paralysis of extremities on one side
*4. Paralysis of either upper or lower extremities
5. Paralysis of three extremities
22. Indicate, what is monoplagia:
*1. Paralysis of an extremity
2. Paralysis of hands
3. Paralysis of legs
4. Paralysis of extremities on one side
5. Paralysis of all extremities
23. Name sign of typical lesion on Precentral convolutions of the brain:
1. Hemiparesis on party of center
*2. Monoparesis from opposite side
3. Hemiparesis from opposite side
4. Monoparesis on party of center
5. Infringement of sensitivity behind hemitype
24. Name symptoms of lesions on superior Precentral convolutions of the brain:
*1. Central monoplegium of leg
2. Spastic hemiplegium
3. Spastic upper paraplegia
4. Central paresis of muscles of expression
5. Central monoplegium of hand
25. Indicate symptoms of cross lesion of spinal cord above cervical intumescence:
1. Peripheral paresis of hands, central ? feet
2. Peripheral paresis of legs
*3. Central quadriplegic
4. Monoplegium of hand or leg
5. Peripheral quadriplegic
26. Indicate syndrome of cross lesion of spinal cord on level of cervical intumescence:
1. Peripheral quadriplegic
2. Central quadriplegic
*3. Peripheral paralysis of hands and central feet
4. Central paralysis of legs
5. Peripheral lower paraplegia
27. Indicate attributes of cross lesion of spinal cord in upper-chest area:
1. Top peripheral paraplegia
2. Top spastic paraplegia
3. Bottom peripheral paraplegia
*4. Bottom spastic paraplegia
5. Quadriplegic
28. Indicate attribute, that is not characteristic for lesion of cells on the anterior horn of spinal chord:
1. Muscle atrophy
2. Fibrillation
*3. Central paralysis of muscles
4. Peripheral paralysis of muscles of appropriate segments
5. Hypotonia of muscles
29. Indicate attribute, which will not be present at lesion of Half diameter of spinal cord on level Th4
1. Central plegia of right leg
*2. Peripheral plegia of right leg
3. Anesthesia of painful and temperature sensitivity from level Th6 at the left
4. Decrease of articulate-muscular sensitivity on right leg
5. Absence of superficial sensation in zone of segment Th4
What motor syndrome will be present if there is a lesion of spinal cord on level of lumbar thickening:
*1. Peripheral paralysis of legs
2. Bottom central paraplegia
3. Quadriplegic
4. Hemiplegium
5. Syndrome (pose) Vernice-Mann
31. Indicate, on the level of what nervous formations are unconditioned reflexes locked:
1. Cerebral cortex
2. Basal ganglia
3. Cerebellum
*4. Segmentary device of spinal cord and brain trunk
5. Limbic system
32. Indicate place of formation of conditioned reflexes:
*1. Cerebral cortex
2. Basal ganglia
3. Segmentary device of spinal cord and brain trunk
4. Limbic system
5. Cerebellum
33. Indicate, what ways of reflex ring provide contractile tone:
1. Pyramidal system
2. Cerebellum
*3. Gamma-neurons of anterior horn
4. Extrapyramidal system
5. Limbic system
34. Indicate, in what area of cortex trunk movement is presented.
1. In inferior Precentral convolutions of the brain
2. In middle part precentral convolution of the brain
*3. In superior Precentral convolutions of the brain
4. In posterior part of top frontal convolution of the brain
5. In middle part retrocentral convolution of the brain
35. Indicate, in what area of cortex movements of person are presented:
*1. In inferior Precentral convolutions of the brain
2. In inferior retrocentral convolution of the brains
3. In superior precentral convolution of the brain
4. In amiddle part precentral convolution of the brain
5. In posterior part of broca's convolution
36. Indicate, the area of intra-capsule fibers where cortical-nuclear way are placed:
1. In back third of posterior hip
2. In back third of anterior hip
3. In front two thirds of posterior hip
4. In forward third of anterior hip
*5. In knee of internal capsule
37. Indicate, in what area of spinal cord fibres which are not crossed in the pyramidal way are placed:
1. In posterior cords
2. In lateral cords
*3. In anerior cords
4. In posterior horns of spinal cord
5. In anterior white soldering
38. Increase of tendon reflexes frequently is parameter of damage:
1. Cerebellum
*2. Lateral cords of spinal cord
3. Peripheral nerves
4. Muscles
5. Anterior horns of spinal cord
39. Indicate syndrome, that is characteristic for lesion of brain trunk:
1. Parkinson syndrome
2. Pseudobulbar syndrome
3. Peripheral paresis of hands
*4. Alternating paralysis
5. Syndrome of Brown-Sechar
40. Peripheral tetraparesis of mainly distal parts with muscle atrophy and areflexium.
lesion of what formations of nervous system cause similar symptoms :
1. Anterior horns of spinal cordon the level ‘5
-Mh2 from both sides
2. Anterior horns of spinal cordon level Th4-Mh5
3. Anterior horns of spinal cord and lateral pyramidal ways on the level ‘2
*4. At plural lesion of trunks of peripheral nerves
5. Spinal cord in site of bottom parts of horse tail
41. Patient has central paralysis of right leg and infringement of exteroceptive sensation from level Th8
behind conduction type at the left.
Indicate localization of lesion:
1. Spinal cord on level Th6 at the left
*2. On the level Th6 on spinal cord
3. Spinal cord on level Th8 at the left
4. On the level Th8 put spinal cord
5. On the level Th4 put spinal cord
42.Patient presents with weakness of wrist and feet, paresthesia in them. Indicate localization of lesion:
1. Ventral roots
2. Dorsal roots
3. Anterooms of horn of spinal cord
*4. Peripheral nerves in distal parts of extremities
5. Front central convolution of the brain
43. Due to traumas, patient cannot unbended wrist and fingers of right hand. Indicate, what nerve is
1. Cubital
2. Femoral
3. Peroneal
4. Median
*5. Beam
44. Patient has damaged anterior horns of spinal cord on level of cervical intumescence.
What syndrome will arise at patient:
1. Central quadriplegic
2. Top spastic paraplegia
*3. Top peripheral paraplegia
4. Pelvic dissonances
5. Lower paraplegia
45. Patient complains of absence of movement in both legs. In neurological status:
Tendon reflexes are abscent, atony and muscle atrophy, fascicular twitchings.
Sensitivity is not mentioned.
Where is lesion located:
1. Peripheral nerves
2. Ventral roots
*3. Anterior horn of lumbar enlargement
4. Anterior horn of cervical intumescence
5. Lateral cords of spinal cord
46.Patient has areflexium on hands and legs.They are united with infringement of all kinds of sensitivity
such as type "glove" and "socks ". What nervous structures are infringed:
*1. Peripheral nerves
2. Ventral roots
3. Dorsal roots
4. Anterior horn of spinal cord
5. Lateral cords of spinal cord
47. Patient, due to disease of spinal cord, tetraparesis with disappearance of tendon reflexes on hands,
atony and muscle atrophy developed; High tendon reflexes and high muscular tone in legs. Determine
level of lesion:
1. Lumbar thickening of spinal cord
2. Dorsal spinal cord
*3. Cervical thickening of spinal cord
4. Top cervical cord
5. Brainstem
48. Patient has spastic left-hand hemiplegium which is accompanied by infringement of all kinds of
sensitivity on same half of body. Where is lesion located:
1. Semi lesion of spinal cord from left-hand side
2. Brainstem body
3. Brainstem at the left
*4. Internal capsule on the right
5. Internal capsule at the left
49. Patient has languid paresis of right hand,spastic right leg. Infringement of deep sensation on the
right side, and superficial on Left.
Indicate, where lesion is located:
1. Cervical intumescence from left-hand side
*2. Cervical intumescence on the right side
3. Brainstem at the left
4. Brainstem body
5. Internal capsule at the left
50. In woman 39 years old, weakness of legs appeared,change in gait. In neurological status:
Force of muscles of legs lowered to 3 points, tone of muscles of legs high; Reflexes of legs are high;
Pathological foot reflexes are revealed. Determine pathological syndrome:
1. Bottom central paraplegia
*2. Bottom central paraparesis
3. Bottom peripheral paraparesis
4. Bottom peripheral paraplegia
5. Central tetraparesis
51. Man 43 y/o complains on weakness in legs.
In neurologic status: Bottom central paraparesis, all abdominal reflexes are absent.
What structures of nervous system suffered:
1. Peripheral nerves
2. Anterooms of horn of spinal cord on level Th7-Th8
*3. Lateral cords of spinal cord on level Th6 - Th7
4. Lateral cords of spinal cord on level Th9 - Th10
5. Back horn of spinal cord on level Th7-Th8
52.Bboy, 7 years,sick with infantile cerebral paralysis, pathological foot reflexes of extensor type are
present. What pathologic reflexes are revealed:
*1. Babiski
2. Rossolimo
3. Њ ryneбЄг-Radovich
4. Bechterev
5. Joukowski
53. Man, 48 years old, weakness in arms gradually developed. In neurological status:
Decrease of force of arm muscles to 3 points. Hypotrophy, hypotonia of arm muscles;
Fibrillations in shoulder muscles. Tendon reflexes are lowered on hands, normal on legs Determine
pathological syndrome:
1. Top central paraplegia
2. Top central paraparesis
3. Top peripheral paraplegia
*4. Top peripheral paraparesis
5. Peripheral tetraparesis
54 Man, 46 years old, revealed upper peripheral paraparesis, fibrillations in shoulder muscles.
What structures of nervous system suffered:
1. Peripheral nerves
*2. Anterior horn of spinal cord on the level ‘4 -Th1
3. Anterior horn of spinal cord on level Th2-Th7
4. Posterior horn of spinal cord on the level ‘4 -Th1
5. Posterior horn of spinal cord on level Th2-Th7
55. Man, 20 years, complains after Car accident on weakness of right extremities.
In neurological status: Force in right extremities is lowered to 3 points; Reflexes on hands and legs high;
Abdominal reflexes are on the right are abscent. Positive flexor pathologic reflexes. Name the
1. Right-hand hemiplegium
*2. Right-hand hemiparesis
3. Right-hand peripheral hemiparesis
4. Combined tetraparesis
5. Central tetraparesis
56. Man 27 years old after brain trauma were determined pathological foot signs of flexor type. What
reflexes are found at patient:
1. Babiski
2. Oppenheim
3. Marinescu-Radovici
4. Strumpell
*5. Rossolimo
57. 14 year old boy after a failed dive into water developed weakness of hands and legs.
In neurological status: Cranial nerve with no pathologies. Force in hands and legs is lowered to 3 points;
Muscular tone is high. Reflexes on hands and legs high, belly reflexes are absent; pathological foot
reflexes are present on both sides. Name pathological syndrome:
1. Peripheral tetraparesis
*2. Central tetraparesis
3. Combined tetraparesis
4. Peripheral quadriplegic
5. Central quadriplegic
58. Young man 18 years old after sharp spinal trauma weakness in hands and legs developed.
In neurological status: Cranial nerve with no pathology. Force in hands and legs is lowered to 3 points;
Muscular tone high. Reflexes on hands and legs high; Abdominal reflexes are absent;
From both parties pathological foot reflexes are caused. What structures of nervous system suffered:
*1. Spinal cord on the level ‘2 -‘4
2. Spinal cord on the level ‘4 -‘7
3. Cortex
4. Internal capsule
5. Cerebellum
59. In woman 37 years old gradually developed weakness of right and numbness of left leg
In neurological status: Decrease of force of muscles of right leg to 3 points; High tendon reflexes on right
leg; Babinski's sign, decrease of deep sensitivity of body from level Th10, decrease of exteroceptive
sensation at the left from Th12. Pathological center is located where:
*1. Half spinal cord on level Th10
2. Half spinal cord at the left on level of Th10
3. Weigh spinal cord on level Th12
4. Half spinal cord at the left on level of Th12
5. Weigh spinal cord on level Th10
60. Patient has lower central paraparesis, abdominal reflexes are absent.Where is the lesion located?:
1. Lateral trunks of spinal cord on the level ‘1 -‘4 From both sides
2. Internal capsule
*3. Lateral trunks of spinal cord on level Th5-Mh6 from both sides
4. Medulla Oblongata
5. Cross lesion of spinal cord on level of segments of L1-L5
61. Patient has upper peripheral paraparesis,fibrillar and fascicular twitchings in muscles of upper
extremities are noticed. Movements in legs are present. Where is the center of lesion:
1. Cross lesion of spinal cord on the level ‘1 -‘4
2. Cross lesion of spinal cord on the level ‘5 -Mh2
3. Lateral shafts on the level ‘1 -‘4 Segments
*4. Anterooms of horn on the level ‘5 -Mh2 segments
5. Lateral shafts on the level ‘5 -Th2
62. Patient has lower central paraparesis. Lower abdominal reflexes are absent. Where is lesion located:
1. Peripheral nerves of lower extremities
2. Spinal cord on level Th5-Mh6
3. Anterior horn of spinal cord on the level ‘5 -Mh2
*4. Spinal cord on level Th10
5. Pyramidal routes in lateral shafts on level of cervical intumescence.
63. Patient has central paraparesis of mainly distal parts (heel and shin). Where is the center of lesion
1. Internal capsule
2. Brainstem
3. Site of overlap of pyramidal routes
*4. Paracentral segments and internal parts of anterior central convolutions
5. Spinal cord on level L1-L5
64. A patient has unilateral anesthesia, hemiplegium,and hemianopsium are determined. Where is the
center of lesion located:
1. Postcentral convolution of the brain
2. Half segment of spinal cord on the level ‘4
*3. Internal capsule
4. Visual hump
5. Medial loop
65. Patient has hemiparesis with prevailing lesion of left hand (at the left faciobrachial variant). Where is
the center of lesion:
1. Cerebral peduncle
2. Internal capsule on the right
*3. Anterior central convolution (average and bottom parts on the right)
4. Anterior central convolution (superiors on the right)
5. Spinal cord at the left on the level ‘1 -‘4
66. Patient after hemorrhagic insult-typical illness of Vernice-Mann with phenomena of left-sided
hemiplegium developed. Haemorrhage took place where:
1. Brainstem
*2. Internal capsule on the right
3. Internal capsule at the left
4. Anterior central convolution on the right
5. Visual hump
67. Patient has right-sided central hemiplegium, right hand is bent and close to trunk, right leg is
straightened and creates a semicircle while walking, central paresis of tongue and bottom part of face.
Where is the center of lesion at patient:
1. Pyramidal way (lateral) on the level ‘1 -‘4
2. Pons varoliion level of nucleus VII of nerve at the left
3. In site of overlap of pyramidal route
*4. Internal capsule at the left
5. Anterior central convolution in zone of innervation of face and tongue at the left
68. A patients force of muscles is lowered in right foot , impossibility to bend his foot backwards, in
walking - steppage (right foot trails along the floor, patient bends right leg in walking in coxofemoral and
knee joints, lifts legs more powerfully than usual). Achilles reflex on the right is abscent. Indicate level of
1. Medial parts Left Precentral convolutions of the brain
*2. Fibular nerve on the right
3. Lateral pyramidal route on level L1-L2
4. Lumbar thickening of spinal cord
5. Internal capsule at the left
69. Patient has peripheral paralysis of right hands with fibrillar and fascicular twitchings of muscles,
central paralysis of right leg. Abdominal reflexes on the right are absent. Lesion located where:
1. Lateral pyramidal way on the right on level of top cervical segments ‘1 -‘4
2. Left cerebral peduncle
3. Anterior horn of spinal cord and frontal rootlets of brain On level of segments ‘5 -Th2
*4. Anterior horn of spinal cord and lateral pyramidal way on the right on Level of segments ‘5 -Th2
5. Anterior horn of spinal cord and lateral pyramidal way on the right on Level of segments of Th3Th10