Chapter 9 Study Guide

NAME ________________________
HANDOUT # _____
sovereignty: governmental authority
evolution of federal union: note table, p. 180
Articles of Confederation vs. Constitution: note table, p. 182
The Spirit of Laws by Montesquieu: essay advocating separation of powers among branches of a
direct democracy: government which makes decisions by popular vote
republic: government which has elected representative who make its decisions
some principal aspects of revolutionary change
how did the American Revolution compare with the French and Russian Revolutions?
the end of primogeniture?
some church disestablishment?
the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom? [note Jefferson’s role]
some abolition of slavery?
the idea of “republican motherhood”?
how were American state constitutions a change from British precedent?
the principal features of the new state constitutions?
changes in landholding?
some economic setbacks from independence?
political problems in America?
government under the Second Continental Congress (1775-1781)
the general authority of the Second Continental Congress?
actions undertaken by the Second Continental Congress?
actions by state governments during the Second Continental Congress era? [pp. 168, 171]
why did state land claims cause a delay in approval of the Articles of Confederation?
what eventually happened to the state land claims?
government under the Articles of Confederation (1781-1788]
an executive branch?
a federal judiciary?
approval of important measures?
approval of amendments to the Articles?
Congress and commerce?
Congress and tax collection?
the general authority of Congress? [note the incident with the Pennsylvania militia in 1783]
two successful land laws from the Articles Government
[note the location of the Old Northwest, map and text, p. 174]
the Land Ordinance of 1785? [note the surveying provisions in particular]
the Northwest Ordinance of 1787? [note provisions about government and slavery]
foreign relations problems during the Articles period
trade with the British West Indies?
issues with Britain’s forts in the Northwest? [note map, p. 175 as well as text]
Spain and the Mississippi?
territorial and Indian issues involving Spain in the American Southwest? [again note map and text, p. 175]
issues involving France?
issues involving in North Africa? [note the location of the Barbary States, map p. 220]
problems at home during the Articles period
Congress’s money problems?
state taxes [duties]?
the cause of Shays’s Rebellion in Massachusetts? its impact?
two meetings for change: the Annapolis Convention and the Philadelphia [Constitutional] Convention
the purpose of the Annapolis Convention (1786)? what did it accomplish?
the original purpose of the Philadelphia Convention (1787)? its eventual purpose? [p. 179]
[back to p. 178] selection of delegates? conditions for the daily meetings?
leading members of the delegates? common characteristics and ideas?
decisions at the Constitutional Convention
representation in Congress
Virginia’s large state plan?
New Jersey’s small state plan?
the Great Compromise (or Connecticut plan)?
Presidential powers?
the Electoral College Compromise?
the 3/5 compromise?
the slave trade compromise?
safeguards against the “mob”?
republican principles?
ratification of the Constitution?
how was ratification to be achieved?
the anti-federalist opposition to the Constitution: members? specific reasons for opposition? [pp. 182-183]
the federalist supporters of the Constitution? [note map, p.184]
why did four small states ratify early?
the means of persuasion in Massachusetts?
factors behind Virginia’s decision?
The Federalist papers and New York: their authors? their ideas?
ratification in Rhode Island and North Carolina?
the use of checks and balances?