Name: K. Drobac Woodland Hills High School Content Area: French

Name: K. Drobac
Woodland Hills High School
Lesson Plans
Date: April 13, 2012
Content Area: French 1
Length of Unit: 25 days
Edline was updated this week: YES
My class website was updated this week: YES
Lesson Topic (Standard/Anchor): Greetings,
introductions, and farewells; Class commands and
objects, colors, prepositions, numbers, time, days of
the week, months of the year; weather; Describing
oneself and others. Describing what they and others
do and don’t do, like and dislike; Holiday
Stage I – Desired Results
Big Ideas:
Interpersonal Communication
Standards: 12.1.1.S1.B, 12.1.1.S1.C, 12.2.1.S1.B,
12.2.1.S1.C, 12.2.1.S1.D, 12.2.1.S1.F, 12.5.1.S1.A,
12.5.1.S1.B, 12.5.1.S1.C
Anchor(s): R11.A.2 (Proposed PA Standards for FL
Anchor(s): R8.A.2, M8.D.1
Student Objectives (Competencies/Outcomes):
Students will be able to:
Greet each other and introduce themselves in
the target language (TL)
Take leave of each other in the TL
Discern between formal and informal
Essential Questions:
How does one become a successful
student of French?
•How do you use a French-English,
English French Dictionary?
•How do you greet and take leave of
someone in the TL?
•How do you introduce yourself to
someone in the TL?
Understanding Goals (Concepts):
Vocabulary about people, places, everyday
objects in areas such as family, school,
•Greetings with appropriate gestures
•Expressions of preferences, politeness,
•Social interactions, practices, and
perspectives Students know...Social
relationships for peer age groups
 Authentic but highly visual materials
that address subject matter from
other courses (e.g., Earth Day
materials in the target language, food
 Bonjour, Salut
 Titles (Monsieur, Madame,
Mademoiselle, and their
 Je m’appelle…, Comment t’appellestu?/Comment vous appelez-vous?;
Il/Elle s'appelle…
 Au revoir, Ciao
 Colors and prepositions
Identify common classroom objects
Perform specific actions in response to basic
class commands and use specific classroom
phrases to satisfy basic classroom needs
(sharpening a pencil, for example)
Recite the French alphabet and associated
sounds and basic words with proper
Speak and write common vocabulary, phrases
and structures during activities with the
teacher, classmates and family
Name everyday objects
Identify nouns as masculine or feminine and
use the correct articles with them
Describe their physical appearance and
personality traits using various adjectives and
the verb être in its affirmative and negative
Describe what they and others do and don’t
do using a variety of –ER and -IR verbs
Discuss their classes and how they feel about
Describe what they and others like and dislike
Discuss French winter holiday celebrations
Describe their families, homes, and pets
Tell what they and others have and don’t
•How do you interact appropriately
with a native French speaker?
What is the difference between
formal and informal register in
Indefinite articles (un, une, and des)
Definite articles (le, la, l’, les)
Days of the week
Months of the year
Adjectives describing people and
The verb être and the negative
expression ne…pas
Assorted regular –ER, -IR and -RE
verbs denoting the regular activities
of typical adolescents and/or the
theme of the current unit
Likes and dislikes vocabulary
(personalized, based on students’
Restaurant- and café-related food
and drink vocabulary
Vocabulary and verbs pertaining to
grocery shopping
The irregular verbs, pouvoir, devoir,
and vouloir
The verbs acheter and vendre
The partitive article
Adverbs of quantity
Vocabulary pertaining to air and
train travel
The irregular verb mettre
The demonstrative adjectives and
the adjectives quel and tout
Nouns and adjectives in –al and -en
Describe people and things using irregular
adjectives before and after the noun
Discuss and describe various French holiday
customs and compare them to our own.
Describe houses and furniture
Discuss housing and French family life
Order at a café or restaurant
Describe typical café food
Tell where they or others are going and how
they are getting there
Discuss shopping for food in France and
compare to U.S.
Identify foods and the shops where they are
Identify shopkeepers
Tell what they and others can, must and want
to do
Express the notion of “some” and “any”
Express quantities
Ask how much something costs
Describe someone’s actions using regular –RE
Stage II – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s): Response to questions (verbally and on
Formative Assessment(s): Graphic organizers, thumbs-up, exit
whiteboard); TPR; Hold up correct response cards; Tell how many tickets, open-ended questions, think-pair-share, response
of something they see; Tell what day of the week it is; State the
cards, summarizing main ideas, brief in-class writing prompt,
date; demonstrate the meanings of a group of regular –ER, –IR,
pre-assessment, portfolios, warm-ups
and -RE verbs through a game of Charades or Pictionary; Describe
their typical activities; Supermarket Ad project; Class discussion;
Categorize various vocabulary items as being quelque chose à
manger or quelque chose à boire; Shopping dialogue; Realia
activities pertaining to shopping fro food; Options Board Project for
the unit; The Row Game; Cultural Readings; Shopping dialogues;
Ch. 6 video.
Stage III – Learning Plan
Materials & Resources: LCD projector; computer with internet
access; DVD player; activity response sheets; textbooks; Larousse
French-English, English-French dictionaries; writing utensils;
notebooks; coloring implements and drawing paper
Scaffolding: Graphic organizers, guided notes, build vocabulary,
build on prior knowledge, chunking, provide visual support,
teacher prompting, KWL, highlighting, grouping students by
interest, provide feedback throughout the process, make
connections to prior knowledge whenever possible.
Active Engagements: Note-taking, graphic organizers, summarizing,
higher-level thinking skills, cooperative education, partnering,
whole-class response, think-pair-share, compare-contrast, random
Content Area Reading: Shopping for food in France
Instructional Procedures*: (Include Mini-Lessons)
 Administer and review
warm-up activity.
 Review the vocabulary
pertaining to air travel
and conjugation and
meaning of regular –IR
 Review irregular –IR
verbs in context.
 Have students analyze
the examples and
formulate a rule
regarding formation
(note similarities and
 Direct students to
complete a practice
activity involving
 Administer and review
warm-up activity.
 Review the vocabulary
and conjugation and
meaning of regular
and irregular –IR
 Present students with
a series of pictures
and direct them to
work in groups to
write a story about air
travel based on those
 Post the stories on the
 Have them read their
stories to the class.
 Administer and review
warm-up activity.
 Review the vocabulary
pertaining to air travel
and conjugation and
meaning of regular and
irregular –IR verbs.
 As a class, have
students contribute
sentences (in French)
to a story about air
travel in response to
written prompts.
 Record all sentences on
the computer and
project on the screen.
(Or, use an OHP if one
is available.)
 Administer and review
warm-up activity.
 Review the vocabulary
pertaining to air travel
and conjugation and
meaning of regular and
irregular –IR verbs.
 Have students work in
pairs to respond (in
French) to a series of
written prompts about
situations in which they
might find themselves
at an airport.
 Complete one item for
the students, one with
the students and then
have the students work
 Administer and review
warm-up activity.
 Review the vocabulary
pertaining to air travel
and conjugation and
meaning of regular and
irregular –IR verbs.
 Introduce a series on
realia activities
pertaining to air travel.
 Direct students to
interact with the realia
and respond to a series
of questions about
 Monitor and assist
students as they
complete the task.
irregular –IR verbs.
 Direct students to
complete an activity on
irregular –IR verbs.
 Have the class peer
edit each group’s
 Direct students to
study all vocabulary
and verbs from the
on their own.
 Monitor and assist
students as they
complete the task.
 Direct students to
study all vocabulary
and verbs from the
 Direct students to
study all vocabulary
and verbs from the
* Include Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction, Meta-cognition, Modeling, & Scaffolding
 None