CV Prof.Dr. Mehmet Erdas

SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
Name, Surname
Contact data
Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing. Mehmet Erdas
Home Phone: +493031953798
Work Phone: +491789035440
Mailing Address: Holländerstr.41, 13407 Berlin, Germany
Professional Qualification
Prof. Dr. Dipl. Ing. Mehmet Erdas is working since 1982 in ITSAP BW as being a specialist on IT-SAP_ORACLE Trainings
and BI consulting bootcamps in Hungary-Budapest, Vienna
Austria, Walldorf, Stuttgart and Berlin-Germany on relational
data bases, optimization of very large scale energy and water
supply telecommunications systems. Prof.Erdas is working since
2001 on Business Datawarehousing,Solution Consultant SAP
NetWeaver`04-Business Intelligence as a certified SAP
Consultant by companies WBS Training in Berlin, Cap Gemini –
Shell LNG Scenario Management and Optimization project in
Den Haag, Best-Blu Consulting with Energy in Salzgitter.
Prof.Erdas joined last SAP Education courses TBW10, TBW20,
TBW41, TBW42, and TBW45 in Walldorf-Germany and he has
been certified as Business Intelligence Consultant with hands-on
experience in more than two life-cycle Projects including the
requirements definition and business blueprint, data modeling
and analysis, implementation, back-end and front-end SAP
Tools, BEx Analyzer ,WAD, Reporting, Collaboration, Portal
Integration, ESOA, BI Web Services definition and new
applications development for ESA EDW.
Prof Erdas prepared SAP presentations on SOA, BW3.5,
Performance Optimization and Tuning, Network Security and
Lock mechanisms.
Prof.Erdas is a member of DAAD –German Academic
Exchange Commission and IEEE-International Electrical and
Electronics Engineers Association.
Prof.Erdas has
Over 25 year`s IT experience
Fluent in German and English , Turkish as Mother
Has since 20001 SAP BW BI exposure
Last Project was Best -Blu SAP Consulting with Energy
Experience in many full life cycles and SAP BI 7.0
Training, Great addition of skils to anyone`s SAP BI 7.0 Project
Training Team
Hands-On Project
BPM-Business Process Management of ARIS of IDS Sheer,
Scenario Management by Shell_Cap Gemini LNG Global
Planing-Den Haag Holland. Building of Info Objects, DSO,
InfoCubes and Extraction of Basis Planning Data from Excel
Sheets in csv Format, Orbiter-Optimizer and Scenario
Management using Integrated Planning BI-IP Module.
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
Prof.Erdas offered the courses TBW10, TBW20, TBW41,
TBW42, TBW45 and Delta Trainings.
WBS SAP Training Services all of SAP BW3.5 Back End und
Frond End using Exercises offered by SAP Education on line
training in Stuttgart, Star Schema, Info Cubes, PSA, IDocs,
Delta Management, DSO, ABAP DDIC, User-Exits, Field
Extensions, ETL from Source Systems,InfoProviders, Query
Design, Access Rights, Reporting,Re-Dimensioning of Key
Figures, Performance Tuning and Optimization, Indexing,
Partitioning , Clustering,Aggregates.
Best-Blu Consulting with Energy, BI-IP IS-U Introduction, SAP
BI Competence Center, Sales Support, SOA, ESR, tariff-pricing
and sales statistics data, ETL, Query Design and Web
Reporting, Portal Integration,Performance Optimization using
Access Rights and right data selection methods, teaching the
courses TBW10, TBW20, TBW41, TBW42, TBW45, AWB
ABAP Workbench, DDIC,Loading Scheduling Monitoring, QA
Test and Production.
Prof.Erdas is a senior SAP BI Consultant, fluent in both English
and German, teaching all SAP Courses on the basis of online
SAP Education Documentation, Logical System connection of
Short List of Competences of Prof.Erdas:
 SAP Product Strategy as of 2010, Business Objects as
 NetWeaver04 as the main core for deriving new web
 Product and Project Milestones, Analysis design
Modelling Implementation Development, QA Test
Production Operations, IT-Database-BI Strategy,
Requirements Definition
 Technological Know-How, ABAP Workbench, SPO,
SBIW, SE38, SE11 Business Process Optimization-and
Reengineering, Design.
 Business Warehousing Architecture,BW-Basissystem,
Business Content, Metadaten-Rep.
 BI
InfoProvider, Sourcesystems, Data Quality, Monitoring,
Scheduling and Performance Tuning, Status Tracking
 Extraktion und Staging, ETL, PSA und DTP, Definition
von Loading.
 BW-Design und Implementation, Partitionierung,
Indexing, Aggregate,Process chains.
 Information Lifecycle management, real time data
processing, input ready queries.SAP BW SEM BPS 3.5
BI 7.0 Certified Solution Consultant SAP BI IP 7.0
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
Scenario Management, Performance Optimization
Tuning, SAP® BI, SAP® BW-BPS , SEM BPS ITProjektmanagement
Professional SAP Trainer BI 7.0 TBW10, TBW20,
TBW41, TBW42, TBW45.
Business Content, Metadaten Repository, SAP-und
Non-SAP Quellsysteme und
ETL –Tools, ABAP
Dictionary, Domänen, Datenelemente, Tabellen, BWObjekte, Info Objekte, InfoSets, Info Cubes, DSO, PSA,
Data Quality und Performance Tuning; Aggregate,
Indexing, Partitioning, Clustering, BI Accelarator
BW-Basics, Design, Process Chains, SystemIntegration, Web-Service Interfaces, Datamarts und
Open-Hub Destinations, Datamarts Layer
ILM-Information Lifecycle Management, Archiving,
Delete, Restore, BW-Statistics
BW Reporting Queries über BEx Web Designer Web
Business Objects, Crystal Reports
Project Experience
Maerz 2009- heute
April 2008- Feb.2009
Verfassen eines SAP ERP BW BI SOA BOBJ Buch in Turkish.
Best-Blu Consulting with Energy Senior SAP BW BI- IP
TBW45 BI –IP TBW10, TBW20, TBW41, TBW42
BW-BI 7.0 Introduction by Eprimo Electricitysupply-Discounter
of RWE
 Sales Support Project- Acquisition, Offer-Bid tendesr
Document for BBC, EverQ Sun Energy Supplier
 Planning Infrastructure BW3.5 , Migration to SAP BI,7.0
SAP NetWeaver2004s- BI7.0- Integrated Planning,
using BC –MDM-MDR- XI- Adapters UDC UDI und DB
Connect, Extraction,
Staging, Transformation und
Loading of planning data.
 Customizing and Execution of Planning Functions
 Inpur Ready Planning Queries, BEX Query Designers
and WAD Web Application Designer, Locking
 Integration of STS-Status Tracking Systems
Monitoring of Planning processes.
Global long-term LNG Planning for Shell-in Holland Den
Mai 2007- April 2008
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
Haag for Cap Gemini Consulting N.V.
 Requirements definition and Analysis
 Scenario Management using SAP BW BI 7.0, Non-SAP
Data Source, Integrated Planing/ Simulation using Excel
csv.Templates Datasources, Orbiter as Optimizer for
Planing data. Define InfoObjects, DSOs, Info Cubes,
Aggregates; Reporting tricks BBS, Querydesigner, and
Web Analyzer. Project Training on TBW10, TBW20,
TBW41, TBW42, TBW45.
 Shell Global LNG Planing-Raw data refining, identifying
master data and key figures, attributes, dimensions,
building objects of BI.
 Datamodelling, Info Objects, DSO, Info Cube, Hierarchy
Text Attributes, Dimensioning of Key figures, Line Item
Dimensions Defn.
 Non -SAP Sourcesystems-Loading, csv Flat Files.
 Quality Assurance and Test
 Reporting (BEx und Web)
Januar 2007 – April 2007
SAP BW 3.5 BW BPS BI NetWeaver2004s Training and
Certiciation as Solution Consultant by WBS Training-Berlin
 On-line hands-on Training via SAP Stuttgart Centre,
 SAP Documentation, SAP Web AS
 ABAP User Exits Screen Selection Web Dynpro
 SAP BW 305 Reporting
 SAP BW310 -TBW10 Basic Concepts and Architecture
 SAP BW 330 Datamodelling
 SAPBW340 -350 TBW 41-42 Deltamanagement und ETL
, Datamarts
 SAP BW370 BPS –TBW45 Business Planning and
 NetWeaver2004s BEx Web Reporting, Admin, Access
 Datasources XML, Flatfiles, DB Connect, UDI, SAP XI
 ETL hands-on cases and exercises with all four data
source types.
 Preparation of different Exercises in Groups.
Feb.2005 – Januar 2007
Conception und Implementation of SAP BW Systems in
Energy(IS-U), Water, Traffic Admin and Construction
Migration einer Oracle -Datenbank über DB Connect
Analyse, Konzeption and Modellierung für SAP BW
Einführung, Prozess, People NetWeaver Integration;
Customizing, Roles definition,Access rights definition,, SAP
BW 3.5 Net Weaver
 Project management
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
Coordinating the ABAP Development
Datamodelling and Documentation
Access Rights Limitations and Locking Concept
Definition of Project Roles
Business Content (CO, ISU)Activation Drag and Drop
Connecting external Datasources (Flatfile, DBConnect)
Reporting (BEx, Web)Query Analysis
Internationale Projects e-Gov. e-MBA.
Requirements defn., KPIs, BSCs, Benchmarking, Risk
Assessment, Controlling and Project management
EU- e-Procurement,
e-bidding and tendering, e-learning, e-public Purchasing
März 2003– Feb. 2005
Analysis, Conception and Implementation of SAP BW 3.5
(Stadtverwaltung) City of Istanbul
Decision Support System DSS for Public Private Projects
 Project Management
 Datamodelling and Documentation
 Flatfile Extraction Transform Loading
 Reporting (Bex, Web)and Query Design
 Web Enterprise Portal
 SAP R/3 BW ABAP AWB Basis Admin. BW
Nov. 2001 – Jan. 2003
SAP IS-U Senior Berater für Programmierung, Budgetierung,
Planung, IT- Technologien Standardisierung, PPBS,
Anforderungsdefinition für SAP R/3 MM, FI/CO, HR Modulen,
SEM, IS-U Training for Oil &Gas Company
 Project Planning and Program Management
 Coordination of IT-Strategy, Facilities Planning, Projects
 DW BI Introduction , Customization and Roll-out ,
 Security Back Ups, Network Data Base Management ,
SAP BW Reporting Analysis, ModelOLTP, OLAP,BW/BI,
 Datenaufbereitung, Datenbeschaffung,
 Unternehmensstrategie, Kunden, Produkte/Projekte,
 Technological Know-How, IT-Strategy, BPM.
 Business Warehousing Architecture,BW-Basissystem,
Business Content, Metadaten-Rep.
 Das BW-Datenmodell ,DataSources, Data Quality and
Performance Tuning
 Analytical Engine, physical and virtual InfoProvider,
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
März 1999 –Okt. 2001
Infopackages, Scheduling, Monitoring, Status-Tracking
Extraction und Staging, ETL, PSA und DTP
BW-Design und Implementation, Partitioning, Indexing,
Aggregation, Process Chain
Information Lifecycle management, real time decision
relevant data selection
Implementation of KPIs , BSC- Balanced Scored Cards,
ITIL, CATT, Back- and Front End Project-Roles.
Präsentation and Roll Out., PPBS , SAP R/3 MM FI CO
HR Modules, SEM, IS-U SAP ERP Training.
Customization, datasources, InfoSources, ETL –Proces
Chains, Variables Wizard, DSS, KPIs, Balanced Score
Cards, Key Figures Master data, Attribute, Dimensionierung,
Transformation Update Rules, ABAP Routines, MIS.
Middleware, Web Portal Entwicklung, SAP BW Implementation
für technische PLM-Product Line Management by SIEMENS,
UMTS Netzplanungs- und Optimierungstool basiert auf
Excel, DSS, Dokumentation, Reporting, Systems
Engineering, Technische Vertriebsunterstützung,
Acquisition, Einführung neue OEMs Neue Produkt and
Technologie Platform, Neue Features Definition, Projekt
Koordination Middleware OEM Customization,
Schnittstellen Integration, Jump-Start Up von WAP
Servers, Content Management, Location Based Services.
Product Line Management/System Engineering für
Netzplanung und Optimierung für GPRS_WAP_UMTS
Firewall, Mobile Radius, RAS-Server, WAP-Gateway,
Provisioning Server
Standards für IP/Internet, IETF,W3C, RFCs , 3GPP
Mobility and LDS
Short-Cut Solution für Location Based Services via GGSN
Personalisierung von Rollen und Benutzerprofile, BW and AAA-Brokerage for Mobil WAP-Portal
Temporary IP-Address as Primary Key for Bandwith and
AAA services
Migration 2G - 3G, call-flows, DENPB-Directory Enabled
Policy based networks
Antwortzeiten von Endgeräte mit ORACLE, MySQL DBVerbindungsaufbau OCI
Future proof end –to-end network planning - optimization,
queuing models
All-IP networks, H.323 and SIP for Multimedia Comm.,
Mobile-IP, Ipv6
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
März 1998 – Feb.1999
Oracle Principal Consultant, Boot - Camps Training in
Budapest, ERP Manager, RDBMS, PL/SQL
Jan. 1995 – Feb.1998
IPsec, PKI, Kerberos, Security Policy, VPN and
Tunnelling Protocols
Diffserv, QoS, Konfiguration of FR/ATM Backbone mit
K1297 Packet flow path follow-up, Systems Integration
mit OEM Produkte
Seabridge 36140 and Newbridge 36170, 36190 EWSD
Tests and Konfig. Handbuch
SAP Training SEM
Designer2000, Developer2000, Forms 3.2, SQL+,
ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning and Coordination of
CRM, Project- Acquisition, Sales support
Reengineering - Business Processes
DB Migration – Oracle DB Version 7.4.3 auf Oracle DB
Version 8.0.5 und 8i und IBM-AIX.
Oracle Principal Resource Planning manager in Austria.
Technical Sales Support by Customers , Analyse,
conception, Modelling Implementation of ERP Oracle
Projectes of on-Site Projects by Customers, Project
documentation, Checklists, Deliverables, Oracle
Financials, und Manufacturing Packages for
Customer projects
FH St. Poelten, Webster Universität in Wien, Univ.
Salzburg, Univ. Istanbul
Professor für Management Information und Relational Data
Base Management Systems
 Department Head EDV Telecomm. RDBMS
 MBA -Master of Business Administration Program
 EDV- Telecommunications Network Management
 Client-server systems, Database security and back-up
 Telecommunications Project Management
 Queuing Theory and Probability Distributions, Teletraffic.
 Computer Models for Systems Planning and Optimisation,
ER-Models of Chen.
 Network Planning Methodology, Dynamic Programming
 Discrete Event Simulation
 System Architecture, Functional Consultant
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SAP BI 7.0 Senior Consultant and Trainer
Competence Profile
April 1992– Dezember
Project Manager, responsable for 70 People in 5 Teams.
Bank Automation/ Project Manager, Consultant SCD Vienna
Short Overview
Bank Automation- Software Entwicklung Projekt auf NCR
Windows NT Plattform
Systems Analysis and Follow-Up
NEM-Network Engagement Methodology for Software
Integration and Test
Identification of Critical Test Cases, SW- test
Bank Automation Software Entwicklung für BS Windows
NT and NCR Hardware Basis
SWIFT SWAP Funktionalitäten Übernahme und
Project Management, Budget, Time Costs, MS-Project
and Excel Calculations.
Customer: Utilities
Conceptual , Price Policy, Software IS-U
Load and Learning Curfe Fittings, Demand adjustment Policy
Voltage Regulation, Load Flow Studies, Power generation.
Customer: Computer Centre of City of Vienna, MD-ADV
IBM DB/2, SAP R/2-R/3-Branchen-Software
Inhouse SAP System Administration, FI CO HR SD MM
Concept , Development, Implementation
Production Development, QA Test
Techn. , Tools, Methoden
Oil and Gas
Telecomm., Mobile
Public Services
SAP BW BI- IP (Data Warehousing, BW Datamodeling,
Data Staging. Reporting)
Datawarehousing Project Lifecycle Toolkit
MS Project, MS Visio
ABAP (SAP Conversion Routines, User Exits)
Oracle DB, Designer, Forms Developer
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